This summer, Yaroslavl residents are waiting for an unprecedented harvest of mushrooms. Mushroom places in the Yaroslavl region. Are there mushrooms in the Yaroslavl region? Mushroom places along the Yaroslavl road

IN Yaroslavl region go mushrooms. Satisfied summer residents post photos of the first boletus and boletus found this year on social networks. And toadstools of all stripes and nesting dolls crawl out of the grass even in city yards.

Since mid-June, the second wave of mushroom growth has begun. They are called spikelets, as they grow just at the time when cereal crops begin to ear. This wave will last until the end of June, - said Yaroslavl mycologist Olga Lazareva.

If you want to eat the first summer mushrooms, take baskets into the forest - there is still a week for this. According to experts, mushrooms with a spongy hat - boletus, boletus and white mushrooms - are growing especially well now.

In general, mycologists distinguish four fungal waves in our band associated with the onset weather conditions favorable for fungal growth. The first wave falls on the end of April - the first half of May. During this period, morels and lines grow. Then comes the second wave - those same spikelets. The third wave of mushroom growth occurs at the end of July and August. At this time, the variety of mushrooms is greater than in the first two waves: lamellar ones are added to white and boletus mushrooms - russula, milk mushrooms and others. And the fourth wave usually happens in autumn - from the second half of September to mid-October. During this period, there are fewer mushrooms, mostly autumn mushrooms and rows come across. Between the waves, the myceliums rest, but the mushrooms still come across, although, of course, there are fewer of them than at the peaks.

The weather can make its own adjustments to the classical scheme of mushroom growth periods - to push back or bring closer the onset of the next growth wave. And sometimes because adverse conditions the peak becomes indistinct.

Mushrooms love humid and not too hot weather - up to 20 degrees Celsius, - Olga Lazareva explained. - Completely stop growing at minus 4 degrees. And if, on the contrary, it is too hot, and there is still no rain, then the mycelium dries up and also ceases to bear fruit.

Therefore, whether we expect a rich mushroom harvest this year will largely depend on the weather. I am glad that there are prerequisites for a mushroom summer. For example, period greatest growth in porcini mushrooms occurs every 2-3 years. Considering that there were few mushrooms last summer, this year there is hope for a good harvest.


When is the best time to go mushroom hunting?

Experts advise to go on a quiet hunt on the second or fourth day after the rain. It is during this period that mushrooms grow best. If you go early, you might not find anything yet. And later - the mushrooms may not get to you, but to the larvae of flies, beetles and mosquitoeswho love to lay their eggs in good mushrooms.


In what forests to look for mushrooms

Mycologist Olga Lazareva:

You should not count on catching mushrooms in forests where there are many windbreaks or trees growing too often. Also, mushrooms do not like tall grass. They grow best in sparse forests and on the edges.


mushroom places Yaroslavl region:

Rybinsk direction - Tikhmenevo, Marchachevo, Shestikhino, Omlyakovo, Kobostovo.

Favorite direction - Ermakovo, Sloboda, Zakobyakino (almost all forests).

Rostov direction - station "Reka", Silnitsy, Petrovskoye, platform 187 km,

Nekouz direction - Dubrova, Ostrogi, Vereteya

Tutaevskoe direction - Mitinskoe, Mikhailovskoe.

Danilovskoe direction - Putyatino, Mikhaltsevo, Kozlovo, Dogadtsevo.

Bolsheselskoye direction - Meshkovo, Afanasovo, Mikhaltsevo, Varegovo

Gavrilov-Yamskoye direction - Strokovo, Lakhost, Kotovo

Kostroma direction - Lyutovo (from the railway to the right).

The south of the European part of Russia, namely the Yaroslavl region, is very rich in the variety of mushrooms growing here. Many of their species are listed in the Red Book (steppe morel, fly agaric champignon, brown-red umbrella). Naturally, the local population is interested in the main question - where and how to find mushroom places in the Yaroslavl region.

silent hunting

"Silent hunting" is a gathering wild mushrooms which makes this type of active and healthy recreation incredibly popular with local residents, but visiting guests also like to join this leisure.

Are there mushrooms in the Yaroslavl region? Residents of cities and surrounding villages answer that they have, and in large quantities. They spend a lot of their time on "silent hunting", which allows them to harvest from 10 to 30 kg per year per person. Picking berries is no less popular, but quantitatively it is much inferior to mushrooms.

Ashukinskaya station

You should cross the rails and move into the thick of the forest. According to the local population, there is a variety of aspen mushrooms. With empty baskets, certainly none of these places will return. A halt can be made on the banks of the Vyazi River. The water in it is crystal clear, so you can swim. Then you need to follow the route to the villages of Martyankovo, Novovoronino.

Sofrino station

You should move in the direction of 3-4 kilometers to the west in the direction of the village of Mitropolie.

Zelenogradskaya station

The route should be chosen towards the village of Darino west of the platform 2 kilometers away.

Sokolskaya station

You can get from the Schelkovskaya metro station by bus number 349 to the final stop Schelkovo-7. Then you can catch a passing car and go in a southwesterly direction. After driving a little, you need to get out and move in the same direction along the forest. This route can also be made from the Yaroslavsky railway station. Take the train to the village of Monino or Fryazevo to Sokolskaya. The trip will take 40 minutes. Then by minibus or bus to the village of Krasnoznamensky, then walk 2 kilometers north to

Pushkino station

This area is recognized as the most environmentally friendly area of ​​the Moscow region. These lands are full of forest areas. locals assure that mushrooms are here a large number of, especially russula and chanterelles. It all depends on perseverance and desire.

Station "Pravda"

You can pick mushrooms on both sides of the railway for 1-2 kilometers. To the west - towards the village of Stepankovo, to the east - to the village of Nazarovo.

Given the territorial location of the region, it is necessary to be very careful, since false, poisonous mushrooms grow in the south in greater numbers than in the northern part of the country. Collect forest delicacies - very an exciting activity, but it is better if an experienced person in this matter helps you for the first steps in the “silent hunt”.

Dangerous Instances

Very often, when harvesting in this region, poisonous ones are found, how do they differ from edible ones?

Most dangerous mushrooms Yaroslavl region - pale grebes. Their distinctive feature is the ring under the cap and the thicker base of the leg. Any part of the pale grebe contains toxins. The most dangerous are amanitin, falloin, phalloidin, these substances are not affected by heat treatment and are well preserved when dried.

Memo for lovers of "silent hunting"

How often inexperienced people, neglecting the simplest rules for collecting and processing mushrooms, pay a high price for it, sometimes with their lives.

When looking for mushrooms in the forest, it is necessary to strictly observe the precautions when picking them. It has been noticed that experienced gatherers approach this issue much more responsibly and behave more carefully than beginners.

Basic collection rules

The main rules of "silent hunting" are in the observance of the three main "never":

    Never pick false mushrooms that you do not know or doubt about them.

    Never collect old overripe specimens, they accumulate environmental toxins.

    Never pick mushrooms near highways, railways, in the vicinity of polluting factories.

Undoubtedly, it is a pleasure for the local population to pick mushrooms in the Yaroslavl region. 2014 pleased with an excellent harvest of mushrooms. Residents of the region should now think about their conservation.

Gribnikov is often compared to sappers who cannot be wrong. But they have an even greater responsibility - they risk not only their own, but the health and lives of their loved ones.

Is it true . 1-2 km from the railway on both sides. To the east - in the direction of the village of Nazarevo. To the west - towards the village of Stepankovo.

Zelenogradskaya. 2 km west of the platform in the direction of the village of Darino

Sofrino. 3-4 km west of the platform towards the village of Voronino

Ashukinskaya. 4-5 km west of the railway in the direction of the villages of Voronino, Martyankovo.

Kalistovo. 3-4 km west of the platform in the forests near the villages of Golygino, Artemovo. To the east - towards the village of Golygino and along the banks of the Vori River.

Abramtsevo. 4-5 km west of the platform near the villages of Zhuchki, Akhtyrka.

Semkhoz. On both sides of the railroad. To the south - in the direction of the villages of Vysokovo, Morozov, to the west - in the direction of the village of Shapilovo.

The most mushroom route

From the platform 43 km to the west stretched deciduous forests. You can go along the highway or forest paths. Then from the village of Mitropolie along the banks of the river Vyazi. It will lead to the ancient village of Eldigino. Further, the route will lead to the southeast to the villages of Darino and Matyushino. From here, the forest road after 3 km will lead to the Zelenogradskaya platform. The length of the route is about 16 km.

Gorky direction

Here, mushroom routes, compared to other directions, start at a farther distance from Moscow.

Fryazino. 3 km south of the station behind the village of Vsevolodovo.

Platform 61 km. On both sides of the railroad. To the north - 2 km from the platform towards the village of Subbotino. To the south - 5-6 km near the villages of Vlasovo, Semenovo.

Kazan direction

Grigorovo, Gzhel. 4-5 km north of the railway in the vicinity of the villages of Minino and Konyashino.

Platform 64 km. On both sides of the railroad. To the north of the platform - 4-5 km from the village of Kolomino. To the south - 5-6 km from the platform, south of the village of Turygino.

Shevlyagino. To the north of the platform, 2 km towards the villages of Averkovo, Shabanovo.

Platform 73 km., Antsiferovo platform, Platform 82 km. 1-2 km from the railway with south side in the direction of the villages of Astashkovo, Sobolevo and along the right bank of the Nerskaya River.

Ryazan direction

Bronnitsy. North-east of the station, 5-6 km from the villages of Biserovo, Plaskinino.

Platform 63 km. North-east, 3-4 km from the railway.

Faustovo, Vinogradovo. North of the railway, 3-4 km.

Sands. North-east, 5-6 km from the station near the villages of Berdniki, Novoselki.

Konev Bor. Eastern railway in the direction of the villages of Sheluhino, Klimovka.

Good day, dear mushroom pickers!

What is this time? Our second trip for mushrooms this season happened. It was the very end of September 2017 in the yard. The weather did not let us down, it was dry and the road to mushroom meadow was almost slush-free. Looking ahead, I will say, oddly enough, but white mushrooms went. There were no boletus and boletus at all, except for a couple of three old people.

According to the reviews of familiar mushroom pickers, their trips to the forest for whites were not crowned with success. By and large, I myself did not count on a large catch. In fact, everything turned out not so bad. In a little over three hours, whole baskets were collected.

How can I get to

The total distance from Yaroslavl, namely from Yakovlevsky Bor beyond the Volga to the destination, is exactly 74 km. Of these, 61 km on a good asphalt road and 12-13 km on a dirt road.

You can see the entire route on the map below. Red line - asphalt, brown - primer.

Map of mushroom places and routes

After the exit from the "highway" to the left, there will be a broken asphalt road. We go on it. We pass the village of Ponizovka. There will be a fork soon. Here to the left. Sandy-clay primer begins. The only problem on it is small holes. You won't go fast. You can only accelerate in small areas.

We keep going straight ahead. You need to get to the turn to the right. There will be a new road, it will go into the forest. For reference: tree trunks can be stacked nearby. Us here. Further depending on the weather. If it was raining, then in this area, a little further, there will be puddles and mud. You can get stuck in a car. You need at least an SUV. If it is relatively dry, then it is possible on a puzoterke. I drove on Largus.

If you decide to go or go on foot, then after about 300 meters there will be another fork. Here you can leave the car and go into the forest on foot, or go further along any branch. There is a steep climb to the right and then evenly, to the left - exactly, but there may be puddles and slush.

For orientation, I advise you to first look at the area on a satellite map.

What forest?

The forest is different. In some places mixed - birch, aspen, in some places coniferous - spruce. There are spruce plantations, of course there are only Christmas trees. Actually white mushrooms live here.


At first there were no mushrooms. But then, after looking more closely, and poking around on the grass, such beauties began to appear.

Here is the white trio. The third lurked in the background.

Someone grew up in an embrace with a bump.

Someone has grown together. And the third took cover under a yellow leaf.

In one clearing, a dozen good fellows fell into the basket at once.

Annoyingly, most of the mushrooms ended up with rotten legs, even young ones. They had to be cut on the spot. The caps were mostly intact, without wormholes. There are always a lot of people who want to eat mushrooms.

Video from mushroom forest


Thus silent hunting V Once again succeeded. There are white ones. For those who have not yet been in the forest, I think it is worth walking through their mushroom places. And suddenly lucky!

We went home with full baskets. The road to Yaroslavl took an hour and a half.

It is worth noting the absence of moose lice, which terribly spoil any hike in the forest. This fall, they almost did not come across.

Mushrooms in October

We went last time this year for mushrooms. There were only whites. Corned beef was not found. Expected a little more. Here is the final catch:

That's all. Happy mushroom hunting everyone!

In the Yaroslavl region, the mushroom season is in full swing ..

An experienced mushroom picker tells about where it is better to look for mushrooms. “When the summer is wet, mushrooms should be looked for in dry places, in sunny clearings, away from trees,” says mushroom picker Margarita Gurieva. “In hot, dry times, they, on the contrary, grow in the shade of trees, in thick grass.”

Noble white mushrooms grow in pine forests, however, they can also be found in birch forests. White mushrooms grow all summer, until mid-September.

A novice mushroom picker should familiarize himself with simple rules before going to the forest.

  1. Before going out into the forest, warn your relatives, let them know where you are going. Remember, you should not go into the forest alone.
  2. It is recommended to have a charged mobile phone, arrow wrist watch, navigator (compass), matches, knife, flashlight, drinking water, Food.
  3. Dress brightly - in camouflage you may not be found even from three meters, red, red, yellow, white jackets are preferable, it is good to stick reflective strips or drawings.

Where not to collect mushrooms:
- near cemeteries, warehouses of chemical fertilizers, along the edges of plantings of agricultural fields.

“If you are in doubt whether you found an edible mushroom, don’t take it,” warns Margarita Guryeva. - Do not take worm mushrooms they can become poisonous. If you accidentally got into the basket poisonous mushroom, you will have to throw away the entire harvest.

Need to know poisonous twin mushrooms: White mushroom often confused with the inedible bile and satanic mushrooms. Distinguish gall fungus possible by the color of the cut. In a real porcini mushroom, the cut will be white, and the false bile porcini mushroom will turn pink on the cut.

Autumn honey agaric is often confused with sulfur-yellow and brick-red mushrooms. The “saving” ring on the leg helps to distinguish them. edible mushroom. Real chanterelles are easy to confuse with false ones, in which white juice stands out from the fractures.

birch blossomed - it's time to go for morels and lines;
bird cherry blossoms - it means that in the forest collect the first boletus;
lilacs are blooming - look at the champignons in the clearings;
spikelets of rye appeared - to white mushrooms.

If you get lost in the forest, use the advice of the Ministry of Emergencies:

  1. If possible, immediately contact the specialists of the Unified Rescue Service by calling 112 or 01 (the call is free).
  2. Do not panic, stop, look around, listen and go out to the sounds and noise: a working tractor (heard from three to four kilometers), a dog barking (two to three kilometers), a passing train (up to ten kilometers). Look around. Bell towers and towers, for example, are visible for 15 kilometers. In the absence of suitable landmarks, it is best to "get out on the water" and move downstream. The stream will definitely lead to the river, the river - to the people. If there are no landmarks, try to climb the most tall tree and navigate the area.
  3. If you know for sure that they will be looking for you, stay where you are, build a fire, call for help - it is easy to find a person by smoke and voice. Serve sound signals you can hit a stick on the trees, the sound from them diverges far through the forest.
  4. If you are looking for a road yourself, try not to wind, navigate by the sun, it’s good if you managed to get to the power line, railway, a gas pipeline, a river - walking along these objects, you will always come out to people, even if not where you expected.
  5. If you are going to spend the night, make a bed of spruce branches, it is advisable to keep the fire up all night - for this, throw a couple of thick branches there.
  6. If your relative is lost, call rescuers immediately. Often, independent searches lead only to trampling down the traces by which it was possible to find a person.
  7. If you are trying, for example, to shout or “buzz” (car signal) to a lost person, wait for him in one place for a long time. Running out of the forest quickly is rather difficult.

Recipe. Chanterelles baked in the oven with vegetables
Grease a baking sheet with melted butter and spread the ingredients on it in layers. First, put the potatoes, put onions and lightly fried chanterelles on it, then circles of tomatoes. Pour all over with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. We put spices to taste. The dish is baked in the oven for about 40-45 minutes.

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