The best mushroom places in Sochi. Review of mushroom places in Sochi Krasnaya Polyana mushrooms

What mushrooms grow in Sochi, and how to collect them?

Nowadays you rarely find a secluded place in the forests of the resort. People spare no effort or time and set out early in the morning to search for mushroom places, ahead of each other.

The path of development of mushrooms at the birth of the world on Earth diverged from plants and animals; they have a separate kingdom in nature. With their mystery, mushrooms attract thousands of people to the forest. And the mushroom fever is so exciting that specialists have to be brought in to search for the missing.

It’s not always possible for 2-3 people to get lost alone, including children. Help was provided to 32 Sochi residents and resort guests. And this is only by the forces of YURPSotryad.


To help those who get lost, signs for directions to the city and telephone numbers for rescuers have been installed in the most mushroom-filled places. Without a navigator or an experienced guide, it is very easy to get lost in the forests of Sochi, and it is also quite dangerous here.

- The wonderful Sochi forests provide an opportunity not only to eat, but also to exercise.

Despite all the difficulties of the path, few mushroom pickers manage to avoid the temptation to visit this fertile land. The climate of Sochi is a separate miracle of nature!

Sochi forests amazing m A place for mushroom pickers thanks to its diversity. This is caused by several factors. Firstly - warm climate, secondly - humid and an abundance of vegetation. All this together contributes to the fact that only 60 species are edible. Not only are they edible, but also delicious.


On the advice of our fellow traveler, we went to the northern slope of Mount Akhun through the Agur Gorge. And immediately - mushroom luck!

Five minutes later - a dry and inedible-looking mushroom is on the way. As it turned out - a delicacy.

Horn-shaped funnelwort, or black chanterelle. Looks like a Caucasian drinking horn, or musical instrument. Very tasty with onions and in a frying pan. But it cannot be boiled, otherwise it turns into paper. And, most importantly, a godsend for those who return from the forest with an empty basket.

In Europe, chanterelles are considered the strongest cure for cancer. They help remove radionuclides from the body.

And... finally! Our main trophies are winter mushrooms.

In half a day good weather It is possible to remove up to 20 kilograms of such mushrooms from one clearing or log. Honey mushrooms are the “golden fund” of the Sochi forest. Our basket was full within half an hour.

It would seem, what more could a successful mushroom picker wish for? And suddenly another gastronomic delight is on the way! Umbrella mushroom.

- There is only a hat. Cut into 2-4 parts, roll in flour, egg, fry for 3 minutes on each side and your guests will not understand - is this a chicken chop or a turkey? There are no words for unification!

But the miracles don’t end there either. Resembling corals in appearance, these mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible - Deer horns. Their mushroom pickers pass by. After all, there are more delicious specimens.

For example, the liverwort is a lover of oak and chestnut tree trunks.

- When you cut it, it also has the same marble structure. Reminds me of beef liver.

Natalia’s courage is shared not only by mushroom pickers, but also by gourmets who choose tasty and healthy products.

Nutritional value per 100 g:
34 kcal
1.7 g fat
1.1 g carbohydrates
3.5 g protein
90 g water

Riboflavin, Hertzedine alkaloid, glycogen, Phosphates, potassium salts, minerals.

The calorie content of porcini mushrooms, for example, is 34 kcal.

The composition contains many useful substances. Riboflavin is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as general health body, hair and nail growth. The mushroom is good for hearts.

Doctors do not support mushroom pickers not only because of the risk of toadstool poisoning. Pediatricians generally prohibit feeding mushrooms to children under 12 years of age.

Why? The protein is located in a cellulose shell. It is not absorbed by the body at all. This is the food that deer and moose eat in the forest. Yes! But people have already adapted to this. But the enzymes are not yet developed, so they are poorly digested.


Despite doctors' advice, people EAT mushrooms. They collect and sell local crops. Honey mushrooms - 200 rubles per kilo.

But there are none in stores or restaurants. Champignon is the most popular mushroom in the resort's catering.

Champignons are one of the most common and accessible mushrooms, easy to prepare. There are many recipes. They are known throughout Europe and the Caucasus.


But the main charm of Sochi is that edible mushrooms They grow not only in the forest, but right under the windows!

Recently the bushes were cut down here and at the first rays of sunshine mushrooms grew at the entrance.

And right on Kurortny Prospekt a young family of mushrooms made their way. This can only happen in Sochi!

Vera Dryapak, Hranush Manukyan

For tourists and residents of Sochi who are crazy about “ quiet hunt", there are two important news - traditionally: good and bad. Good news– a huge number of mushrooms grow in this area, more than 600 species of cap mushrooms alone. For example, in the Moscow region there are 10 times fewer of them. There are also mushrooms that are not found anywhere else except in the Caucasus. For example, a very unusual mushroom-flower. Even when specifically hunting for him, few people manage to find him. After all, this mushroom can suddenly appear in one place and then no longer grow there. And then meet again in another.

And, if the first news is more interesting to scientists, then the second concerns all lovers of hat hunting. So, the bad news is that when compared with the Moscow region, the ratio of edible and inedible mushrooms in Sochi it is shifted towards the latter. But this does not bother real mushroom pickers; they will always be able to distinguish honey fungus from false honey fungus. And if not, then they will find a more experienced friend who will advise.

When is the best time to pick mushrooms in Sochi?

The height of the mushroom season here falls in October, and sometimes in November (depending on the weather). First, lovers of “quiet hunting” go for porcini mushrooms, a little later – for chanterelles and blackberries, and only then – for honey mushrooms, which prefer cooler times. Mushroom pickers go into the forest with the largest basket, of course, after the rain.

Where to collect?

Agur Gorge area

The river provides the necessary moisture, the dense forest provides shade. Just an ideal microclimate for mushrooms, which can be found in abundance here.

How to get there?

From the Center of Sochi - by buses: 2 and 122, from the Adler region - by buses: 125 and 105 - to the Sputnik stop.

Plastunka village area

Near the Georgian village there are real treasures for lovers of “silent hunting” - clearings where mushrooms grow in abundance.

How to get there?

By bus number 102 from the city bus station to the final stop “s. Plastunka."

Vorontsovka village area

Not far from the Bolshaya Khosta River you can find clearings that mushroom pickers love - and not without reason.

How to get there?

By bus No. 127 (Khosta - Kalinovoe Lake) - to the final stop.

With. Krasnaya Polyana - vdp. Brothers - Achishkho

Mount Achishkho is a fairly popular and frequently visited place. In summer there are quite a lot of vacationers here. Paid horseback riding to the waterfall is available. Once upon a time there was a weather station on the Achishkho ridge. Now there is practically nothing left of it. I read that Mount Achishkho is the wettest place in Russia (precipitation seems to be frequent), but I’m not sure about this.
I wanted to climb to the top for a long time. During our winter hike to Achishkho, we were not able to climb to the top, because... was very deep and loose snow. On a spring hike to Mount Bolshaya Chura, before going to Krasnaya Polyana, we walked very close to the peak, but still did not visit it. And finally, on this autumn hike, I climbed to the top. We were very lucky with the weather, so there were quite a few beautiful pictures left.
My friend is an always busy person, but he loves mountains very much. And these two reasons led to the fact that after my friend’s work day ended, we went to Krasnaya Polyana at 8 pm. Fortunately, he had a car. We arrived in Krasnaya Polyana around 21:30. By the time we got ready, another half hour had passed. Around 10 pm we set off. In the dark, with flashlights. Around 11 at night we passed the Achishkho Shelter. After 12 at night we climbed to the main pass (the highest point of our night movement). At 2 o'clock in the morning we approached the Brothers waterfalls. This was the first time for me to move around “in the night” for so long. I wanted to sleep, so I quickly set up the tent and fell asleep.
In the morning it was very beautiful around. The weather is beautiful. From the waterfall beautiful view to Mount Chugush. We had problems with firewood - we didn’t take a burner, and there weren’t any dry sticks in the low forest. Either the tourists burned everything, or it’s such a forest that there are no dry sticks left. Anyway, we somehow scraped together some twigs and prepared breakfast. An unusually beautiful view in autumn - bright red, yellow, orange colors foliage.
After breakfast we hid our backpacks and went to the top. On the way we saw people collecting hallucinogenic mushrooms. As far as I understand, there are small fungi that grow only in the fall, in the alpine zone, near flooded places. And so, in order to get “stupefied” by these mushrooms, young people are ready to go to the mountains. I nicknamed these guys “mushroom eaters.”
The climb is not difficult, there is a well-worn path. The first snow began to appear above. We climbed to the top. Very beautiful view. We admired it and went down to the west to a small lake. Then we traversed in the opposite direction, crossed the ridge and went down to the waterfall, to the old place of spending the night. We took our backpacks and went to the ruins of the weather station. There were other people's tents near the lake next to the weather station, we went down lower and stopped for a second night.
In the morning the weather began to deteriorate. It even began to rain during the descent. At about 10 am we left for Krasnaya Polyana and arrived in Sochi at lunchtime.
The hike left the sea positive emotions. I was especially pleased with the weather on the day of the ascent. There were so many interesting pictures that we even had to reduce the number of those that were worthy of appearing on this page.

September is traditionally considered the peak of the mushroom season, but in Sochi the maximum accumulation of mushrooms is most often delayed until October, and in in some cases and by November. The most popular mushrooms in Greater Sochi: white mushrooms, chanterelles, blackberries, honey mushrooms - are collected in huge quantities to then go to the kitchen or to city shelves. In order not to spend a lot of money on fresh forest products, it is best to collect them yourself.

All you need to do is make up your mind and go on a hike, guided by simple rules: almost all mushrooms live in the forest, large accumulations of mushrooms are easiest to find at 200 - 400 meters above sea level, we avoid unknown mushrooms, raw mushrooms We don’t try, we don’t cut off the wormy, flabby and overripe ones, we don’t pull out the mycelium. Almost done. All that remains is to take with you a knife, a wicker basket, comfortable waterproof shoes and a review of the most mushroom places in Sochi according to SCAPP.

Agur Gorge area

The dense, thorny forest and the Agura River create an excellent microclimate for the development of large arrays of mushrooms that just beg to be added to the basket. The main thing is, don’t forget any buckets, boxes, briefcases, bags - if you put mushrooms in this “baggage”, you will bring home puree soup.

Plastunka village area

Near the most Georgian settlement of Sochi (more than half of the residents) there is mushroom forests, which are maximally saturated after the autumn rains. This autumn has already managed to get us pretty wet, so the hunt for edible caps in Plastunka is open.

Vorontsovka village area

Vorontsovka is geographically located on the Bolshaya Khosta River, and, in addition to the well-known caves, attracts attention with its mushroom deposits. The main thing is not to be fooled by quantity, especially if you are a beginner mushroom picker. If this is your first “catch,” show it to an experienced mushroom picker so that he can confirm that what you have collected can really be consumed.

Galitsyno village area

If you believe the official data, no more than 900 people live here, so we won’t be able to cope with all the mushrooms, we think, and we pack baskets in our “tarantassos”. If this is your first time in Galitsyno or in any other unfamiliar place, do not forget to first study the area using Yandex or Google maps, check the charge on your phone and navigate the terrain.

Zmeykovsky waterfalls area

Near the “tourism duty point” in Sochi, mushrooms are doing well. Now is the active season for porcini mushrooms, a little later chanterelles and blackberries will pop up, and at the end autumn season honey mushrooms will ripen. During mushroom ecstasy, we try to think about the future, so forest floor do not dig, so as not to damage the delicate mycelium. To compensate for the gifts of nature, we sprinkle the deprived leg with soil and it will be possible to return next season for a new harvest.

Other popular places

Mount Uspenka, Baranovka district, Progress village area, forested areas near the village of Sergei-Pole, the mountain village of Medoveevka, the area of ​​​​the “goat mountain” Achishkho and the incredibly popular Mount Akhun.

Important. All the places in our review are well known to avid mushroom pickers (who, however, know the places better), so their main rule should not be neglected: “Whoever has time, eats it.” So we wake up early, get ready and go mushroom hunting. And smaller

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