Lexical theme "berries and mushrooms" for the senior group. Lexical theme mushrooms, berries, forest Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

forest, glade, edge, stump, moss, basket, basket, mushroom picker, bush, mushroom, boletus, boletus, boletus, fly agaric, butterdish, russula, chanterelle, honey agarics, camelina, milk mushroom, wave, toadstool, leg, hat, mycelium, thicket, swamp, berry, strawberry, currant, gooseberry, raspberry, wild strawberry, blueberry, cranberry, cranberry, blackberry, mountain ash, cloudberry, compote, jam, syrup, marinade, pickle, jam, jelly, salad.

^ Verb Dictionary:

grow, collect, cook, boil, fry, cut, dry, salt, marinate, stand, hide, blush, grow, get lost, aukat.

^ Feature Dictionary:

mushroom (rain, summer, glade, year), loose (mushroom), friendly (honey mushrooms), soaked, boiled, dried, fried, salted, pickled, white, red, red, small, old, edible, inedible, poisonous, sweet , sour, fragrant, fragrant, garden, forest, raspberry, gooseberry, lingonberry, strawberry, cranberry, wormy.

^ Adverb Dictionary:

near, far, close, delicious
Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

  • Didactic exercise "Continue the sentence"(activation, vocabulary enrichment, reinforcement case endings nouns in indirect cases, the correct use of simple prepositions. Example:
We went to the forest for mushrooms, butterflies ... (chanterelles, volnushki, etc.).

There are many waves growing in the forest, ...

Mushrooms grow in the forest (in a thicket, on the edge, around stumps and trees, in moss, in grass ...).

^ Mushrooms can be picked, cut ... (put in a basket, peel, cut, dry ...).

  • Didactic exercise "Explain a word": boletus, boletus, boletus, mossiness mushroom, fly agaric, camelina, volnushka, blueberries.

  • Didactic game"What jam?"(correct use of relative adjectives: cranberry, currant and etc.)

  • ^ Didactic game "Berry" (use of nouns with a diminutive meaning: raspberry, mountain ash, strawberry, cranberry and etc.)

Development of coherent speech

^ Learn a tongue twister: Stumps again have five mushrooms.

Retell questions:

Where does the berry grow

Sour cranberries grow in the swamp. You can collect it in the spring, when the snow melts. Whoever has not seen how cranberries grow can walk on it and not see it. Blueberries are growing - you see them6 next to the berry leaf. And so many of them. That the place is turning blue. Blueberry grows in a bush. Bone is also found in remote places - a red berry with a brush, a sour berry. The only berry we have is cranberries, invisible from above.

O. Krupenchuk

1. How does cranberry grow?

2. What other berries grow in the forest?

3.How do they grow?

4. Which berry is invisible from above?
Development of general motor skills

Mobile game (coordination of speech with movement) "Where have you been?"

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms":


boletus, boletus, boletus, fly agaric, chanterelle, russula, mushroom, leg, hat, forest, glade,

moss, stump, basket, butterdish, honey agaric, flywheel, milk mushroom, camelina, wave, toadstool, mycelium, thicket,

onion, mushroom picker, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, cloudberries, cranberries,

strawberries, compote, jam.


grow, stand, hide, blush, grow, cook, collect, cook, cut, dry, salt,

marinate, get lost, get lost.


white, red, red, small, old, edible, inedible, wormy, mushroom (rain, summer,

glade, year), raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, cranberry, cranberry, cloudberry, strawberry.


near, far, close.

Finger gymnastics


Here is the basket - so the basket!

It has gooseberries

It has raspberries

And wild strawberries

AND garden strawberry,

There are lingonberries and blueberries!

Come and visit us!

Berries that we find in it,

Nothing is healthier and tastier!

WITH . Vasiliev

(feign surprise) raise your arms to the sides.)

(Bend fingers, starting big, at the same time

on the right and left hands.)

(Make an inviting gesture - hand movement


(Alternately rhythmically hit the fist and the palm of the palm .)

Coordination of speech with the movement “We are going to the autumn forest"

Objectives: to teach to coordinate speech with movement, to develop creative imagination, consolidate in speech

nouns - names of mushrooms, develop fine motor skills.

We go to autumn forest.

And the forest is full of wonders!

It rained yesterday in the forest -

This is very good.

We will look for mushrooms

And collect in a basket.

Here sit the butterflies,

On the stump - mushrooms,

And in the moss - chanterelles,

Friendly sisters.

"Boletus, gruzdok,

Get in the box!

Well, and you, fly agaric,

Decorate the autumn forest.

I. Mikheeva

(March in place.)

(Raise hands to parties are "surprised".)

(Shake hands both hands.)

(Clap hands.)

(Put palm to forehead, look at one, then the other way.)

(Bring hands together in front of you- "basket".)

(Bend one by one finger on both hands

simultaneously for each the name of the mushroom

(Make alluring hand movements.)

(Threaten with index finger right hand.)


Objectives: to develop general speech skills: clarity of diction, correct pronunciation, correct

Game progress. The teacher offers the children a competition: who pronounce the tongue twister faster and more correctly.

The stumps again have five mushrooms.


Purpose: to develop general speech skills, to work on intonation expressiveness of speech.

Did we go with you?

We walked.

Did you find a boletus?


Did I give it to you?


Did you take it?

I took it.

So where is he?




Did we go with you?

We walked.


Game "Who's Lost?"

Goals: develop auditory attention.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Imagine that you and I went to the forest, someone got lost and shouted “Ay!”.

One of the children turns his back on the others. Children in turn say "Aw!" with different

Game "In the forest"

Objectives: to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children in lexical topic"Mushrooms".

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to listen to the story and supplement it. Can be put in front

children pictures with picture of mushrooms.

Autumn has come. You go into the forest and gasp. Trees in they stand in golden dress, they make their way through the branches

solar rays. Look around and you will understand - it is not in vain that they say that autumn forest gifts

rich. Here, under the aspen, red hats flash. It's friendly family. And under the birch slender (...)

stand. You go further into forest and you will see red hats in the moss. Move the moss apart with your hands, and there

sisters - (...) hid. And what are these mushrooms? are they sitting on a stump? Experienced mushroom picker

understand what it is (...). But the one who is the most lucky in the depths of the forest forest important mushroom

will find - (...).

I. Mikheeva, S. Chesheva

A game "What jam? What compote?

Objectives: to develop the grammatical structure of speech (education relative adjectives, agreement

adjectives with nouns).

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to answer questions from the girl Katya. Need to follow up

correctness use of endings ( raspberry jam, crimson compote).

Autumn is harvest time. Katya and her grandmother decided stock up on sweet jam for the winter and

fragrant compote. Early in the morning they went to the forest for berries. The path lay ahead not close.

Grandmother, - asked Katya. - If we are raspberries let's collect, what compote will turn out? (...) And jam

which? (...)

What if we find blueberries, ”Katya continued to think.

What compote will turn out? (...) And what kind of jam? (...)

Well, what if we get lingonberries? What kind of compote will we cook? (...) And what kind of jam? (...)

My favorite cranberry jam. Guess what? (...)

And I love cloudberry compote. Guess which one? (...)

So quietly approached the grandmother with her granddaughter to the glade ke, on which, apparently, there were strawberries.

Which compote cook grandmother? (...) And what kind of jam? (...)

S. Chesheva

Game "Extra Berry"

Objectives: to teach to recognize familiar berries, to fix names berries and reinforce the concepts of "forest" and

"garden berries"; train in determining the presence of a sound [a] in a word and its places in it

(beginning, middle, end), develop visual attention.

Game progress. The teacher puts pictures in front of the children with the image of berries (for example: cranberries,

blueberry, strawberry) asks to name the berries and say which berry is superfluous. caregiver asks every child

explain your choice.

For example:

An extra strawberry, because it is a garden berry, and all the rest are forest.

The child determines whether there is a sound [a] in the name of the berry and in what part of the word it is.

Words: cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, currant, blueberry, gooseberry.

Game "Make a diagram"

Objectives: to consolidate the skill of analyzing sentences into words.

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to listen sentences, count the number of words and

draw diagrams. Reminds that in sentences there may be "small words" are prepositions.

For example:

The autumn forest is rich in gifts.

There are a lot of strawberries in the forest clearing. Under spruce branch boletus hid. On sour cranberries ripened in the swamp.

Game "Collect mushrooms"

Goals: improve phonemic processes, teach select words for a given sound.

Game progress. The teacher places a box in front of the children. written on it with the letter "n" and offers

children to put in it only those mushrooms (models, pictures) in the name of which there is a sound[n].

Words: honey agarics, butterdish, boletus, wave.


Goals: develop auditory attention, auditory memory, teach connected monologue

(interpretation of the riddle).

Game progress. The teacher guesses a riddle, the children guess. One of the guys explains its meaning.

The rest are complementary. Then all together learn any riddle.

I greet you with a brown hat.

I modest fungus without any embellishment.

Under white birch I found shelter.

Tell me children, what is my name?


In the autumn forest in September

IN boring rainy day

A mushroom has grown in all its glory,

Important, proud.

Under the aspen is his house,

He has a red hat on.

This mushroom is familiar to many.

What shall we call it?


Red hat, polka dots on the hat,

Short skirt with white legs.

A beautiful fungus, but it will not deceive you,

Who knows about him - he will not be touched.

Everyone has known for a long time

That a mushroom is filled with poison ... (fly agaric).

Text to retell

Mitka got so many mushrooms that it was impossible for him to convey home. He piled them in the forest. At the dawn of Mitka

I went to get some mushrooms.

The mushrooms were taken away, and he began to cry. His mother said to him:

Why are you crying? Or our cakes were eaten by cats?

Then Mitka felt funny, he rubbed a tear down his face and laughed.

L. Tolstoy


Why did Mitya leave the mushrooms in the forest?

What happened in the morning?

What did mom say?

Text to retell


Sanka and his younger sister Varya are walking out of the forest. scored strawberries, carried in boxes.

My grandmother looked and laughed:

What are you, Sanya ... Little Varya scored more than you!

Still would! Sanya answers. She doesn't need to bend over and got more.

Again Sanka and Varya are walking out of the forest, dragging baskets of mushrooms. oils.

What are you, Sanya, - says the grandmother. - Little something gained more.

Still would! Sanya answers. - She's closer to the ground, that's it scored.

For the third time, Varya and Sanka go to the forest. raspberries gather. And I went with them.

And suddenly I see how Sanka imperceptibly from Varya pours her berries in a box. Varya will turn away, and he will take


Let's go back. Varya has more berries, Sanka has fewer.

Grandma meets.

What are you - says - Sanya ... Raspberry something high is growing! It’s easier for you to reach, and Varya gained more!

Still would! Sanya answers. - Varya is well done with us,

Varya is our worker. Don't chase after her.

According to E. Shim


What did Sanka and Varya carry in boxes?

What did grandma say?

What did Sanka say?

What did Sanya and Varya gather in the forest for the second and third time?

What did Sanka say to his grandmother each time?

Why do you think Sanka added berries to Varya?

Lexical topic: Forest. Mushrooms and wild berries.

1. Review illustrations with your child mushrooms.

Talk about what grows in the forest berries and mushrooms. Berries grow on bushes or on twigs, mushrooms grow under trees, in moss, in grass.

Repeat general words « mushrooms» , « berries» ;

Let the child remember and talk about what mushrooms and berries we call inedible.

2. Invite the child to talk about mushroom according to the picture-scheme

For example: It's a fox. Chanterelle - edible mushroom. Chanterelle grows in the forest, in the grass under the birches. Chanterelle yellow, fragrant. The chanterelle has a round hat and a thin leg.

3. Invite the child to talk about wild berry according to the picture-scheme.

For example: It's blueberries. It grows in the forest on low bushes under the trees. Blueberries are small, round, black, soft, sweet. You can make blueberry compote, blueberry jam, blueberry pie from blueberries.

4. Play a ball game "Happy Chef".

You name a dish made from berries, and throw the ball to the child; the child names the same dish, using an adjective, and returns the ball to you.

Raspberry jam. - Raspberry jam.

Strawberry jam. - Strawberry jam.

Blueberry jam. - Blueberry jam.

Cowberry jam. - Cowberry jam.

Strawberry compote. - Strawberry compote.

Blueberry compote. - Blueberry compote.

Cowberry compote. - Cowberry compote.

Strawberry jam. - Strawberry jam.

Cowberry jam. - Cowberry jam.

Blackberry jam. - Blackberry jam.

Cranberry puree. - Cranberry puree.

5. Invite the child to listen and then learn the poem by O. Vysotskaya « Fungus» .


We'll go to the woods

We we will find a fungus

In a fancy hat

Light chocolate.

You don't hide fungus,

Under the sheet of your side!

The boys need you

By evening for dinner.

Related publications:

GCD in the senior group on life safety "Edible mushrooms and berries, poisonous mushrooms and plants" Goal: To prepare the child for a safe life in environment- natural, in conditions kindergarten and families; reinforce children's knowledge of

Recommendations for parents on the lexical topic "Wintering Birds" Theme of the week: "Winter Birds" Play with your child the following games: 1. "One - many" (education plural) Adult says:.

Dear parents! In the period from 09/12/16 to 09/30/16, the theme of our classes is "Autumn". The purpose of the topic: to form elementary ideas about autumn.

Recommendations of a speech therapist teacher for parents on the lexical topic "Insects and Spiders" in a group preparatory to school Lexical topic: "Insects and spiders" 1. Consider pictures of insects and spiders with your child and remind him how they differ (you can.

Recommendations of a speech therapist teacher for parents on the lexical topic "Pisces" in the preparatory group for school Lexical theme: "Pisces" 1. "Guess the riddles" He is like a huge house, But calm, modest. He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea - So he lives in the world ....

Recommendations of a speech therapist teacher for parents of the senior group of compensatory orientation on the lexical topic "Autumn" Lexical theme “Autumn. Signs of autumn” 1. Answer the questions: - What season is it now? - name autumn months. - What's the weather like.

(Senior group of compensating orientation)

Program tasks:

1. Introduce the formation of the number six and the number 6.

2. Develop orientation in space.

3. Active. dictionary: “to learn to name numerals in order, to correctly correlate numerals with objects”, “to name the position of an object -“ next to ”,“ sideways ”.

4. Consolidation of ideas about time (yesterday, today, tomorrow), the skill of comparing objects in size.

5. To form the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

Educational area: « cognitive development"(FEMP).

Integration educational areas Keywords: social and communicative development, cognitive, speech.

Cognitive development: to activate the thinking of children, to put them in front of the need to find a solution on their own, using the available knowledge.

Social and communicative development: to encourage children to activities through the organization problem situations, gaming moments, search questions.

Speech development: develop the ability to express their thoughts consistently, to delve into the essence of the information received.

Physical development: to form a conscious need for physical activity.

Logic of educational activity

The activities of the educator Activity


Expected Result
1 Guys, what time of year is it? By what signs do we learn about the onset of autumn?

Flying, raindrops are flying

You won't leave the gate.

Along the wet path

Raw fog creeps in.

By the fallen pines

And fiery rowans

Autumn comes and sows

Fragrant mushrooms! (Ivan Demyanov "Raindrops are flying")

Listen. Creating a positive emotional background classes.
2 And now we are going to pick mushrooms in the forest. Yes, not in a simple forest, but in a geometric one.

The game "in the forest clearing"

Children complete the task, and then tell what trees grow in the clearing, what mushrooms can be found on it. Improving the ability to recognize and distinguish between flat geometric. figures, constructive skills. Fostering collaboration skills.
And now I will collect mushrooms, and you will count them.

(The teacher collects mushrooms placed out of sight of the children, pronouncing the word "mushroom" when each mushroom is found.

Then the teacher presents the collected mushrooms to the children. (5)

Children count by ear.

children count them and find out if they counted the words correctly.

Developing listening skills.
Look, guys, squirrels jumped to us for mushrooms.

How many whites? (5)

Will all the squirrels have enough mushrooms?

What can be said about the number of mushrooms and squirrels?

How can this be checked? (Using account and overlay methods and applications.)

Demonstration of interest in directly educational activities.
Another squirrel came running.

Are there more or less squirrels? (more)

How much? (for 1)

How many squirrels have become? (6)

How did we get the number 6?

What more? Less? ( put on the canvas numbers indicating the number of mushrooms and squirrels. And put an inequality sign between them: 5<6) Объяснить написание знака- уголок показывает на меньшее число).

Work in a notebook, writing signs. (p.5)

Will there be enough mushrooms now?

What should be done?

How did you get the number 6?

They express their assumptions, prove their point of view. Strengthening the ability to equalize the number of items by adding.

Formation of graphic skills.

Dynamic pause "In the clearing mighty oak"

In the clearing a mighty oak

The branches pull straight to the cloud.

(Stand on toes, sip - hands up.)

He is on the branches in the middle of the forest

He generously hung the acorns.

(Tilts left and right with raised arms.)

And below the mushrooms grow,

There are so many of them here today!

Don't be lazy and don't be shy

Look out for mushrooms!

One - a fungus and two - a fungus,

Put them in a container.

(Tilts forward, right, left.)

Here the frog jumped

She can't see much water here.

And the wah jumps briskly

Directly to the pond, not otherwise.

(Jumping from a semi-squatting position.)

Well, we'll go a little.

Let's raise our feet!

(Walking in place).

Like, frolic

And they fell on the mat.

Children perform movements according to the text Relieve stress.
3 Exercise "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" Carry out the task. Improving the ability to recognize and distinguish between flat geometers. figures.
Didactic exercise "Compare mushrooms".

Carpet work.

Carry out the task. Formation of the skill of comparing objects by eye. Improving the skill of laying out objects in ascending and descending order
5 And now we will pickle mushrooms for the winter.

Work in notebooks.

"Salt the mushrooms."

The children complete the tasks. Ability to navigate the task, accepting the task.
7 Reflection:

Offers to talk about completed tasks. Summarize what you have learned in this lesson.

They talk about the tasks completed, about what they learned in the lesson and what they learned. Demonstration of interest and desire to participate in educational games of mathematical content.
- additional material on the topic "Mushrooms".


boletus, boletus, boletus, fly agaric, chanterelle,russula, mushroom, leg, hat, forest, meadow,

moss, stump, basket, oiler, honey agaric, flywheel, breast, saffron milk cap,volnushka, toadstool, mycelium, thicket,

onion, mushroom picker,strawberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries,cranberries, cloudberries, cranberries,

strawberries, compote, jam.


grow, stand, hide, blush, grow, cook,collect, cook, cut, dry, salt,

marinate, get lost, get lost.


white, red, red, small, old, edible,inedible, wormy, mushroom (rain, summer,

glade, year), raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry,cranberry, cloudberry, strawberry.


near, far, close.

Finger gymnastics


Here is the basket - so the basket!

It has gooseberries

It has raspberries

And wild strawberries

And garden strawberries

There are lingonberries and blueberries!

Come and visit us!

Berries that we find in it,

Nothing is healthier and tastier!

WITH . Vasiliev

(feign surprise)raise your arms to the sides.)

(Bend fingers, startingbig, at the same time

on the right and left hands.)

(Make an invitinggesture - hand movement


(Alternately rhythmicallyhit the fist and the palm of the palm .)

Coordination of speech with the movement “We are going to the autumn forest"

Goals: learn to coordinate speech with movement, developcreative imagination, consolidate in speech

nouns -names of mushrooms, develop fine motor skills.

We are going to the autumn forest.

And the forest is full of wonders!

It rained yesterday in the forest-

This is very good.

We will look for mushrooms

And collect in a basket.

Here sit the butterflies,

On the stump - mushrooms,

And in the moss - chanterelles,

Friendly sisters.

"Boletus, gruzdok,

Get in the box!

Well, and you, fly agaric,

Decorate the autumn forest.

I. Mikheeva

(March in place.)

(Raise hands to parties are "surprised".)

(Shake hands both hands.)

(Clap hands.)

(Put palm toforehead, look at one,then the other way.)

(Bring hands together in front of you- "basket".)

(Bend one by onefinger on both hands

simultaneously for eachthe name of the mushroom

(Make alluring hand movements.)

(Threaten with indexright finger.)


Goals: develop general speech skills: clarity of diction,correct pronunciation, correct

Game progress. The teacher offers the children a competition: whopronounce the tongue twister faster and more correctly.

The stumps again have five mushrooms.


Goal: develop general speech skills, work onintonation expressiveness of speech.

- Did we go with you?

-Let's go.

- Did you find a boletus?


- Did I give it to you?


- Did you take it?

-I took it.

-So where is he?


- A boletus.


- Did we go with you?

- Went.


Game "Who's Lost?"

Goals: develop auditory attention.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Imagine that you and Iwent to the forest, someone got lost and shouts "Ay!".

One of the children turns his back to the steel. Children take turnssay "Aw!" with different

Game "In the forest"

Goals: activate and enrich children's vocabularylexical topic "Mushrooms".

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to listen to the storyand supplement it. You can put it in front of

childrenpicturespicture of mushrooms.

Autumn has come. You will go into the forest and gasp. Trees inthey stand in golden dress, they make their way through the branches

solar rays. Look around and understand - it’s not in vain that they say thatautumn forest gifts

rich. Here, under the aspen, red hats flash. It's friendlyfamily. And under the birch slender (...)

stand. You go further intoforest and you will see red hats in the moss. Move the moss apart with your hands, and there

sisters-(...) hid.are they sitting on a stump? Experienced mushroom picker

understand what it is (...). But the one who is the most lucky in the depths of the forest forest important mushroom

will find - (...).

I. Mikheeva, S. Chesheva

A game "What kind of brew? What compote?

Goals: develop the grammatical structure of speech (educationrelative adjectives, agreement

adjectives withnouns).

Hodigry. The teacher invites the children to answerquestions of the girl Katya. It is necessary to follow

correctness use of endings (raspberry jam, raspberry compote).

Autumn is the time of preparations. Katyas grandmother decidedstock up on winter with sweet jam and

fragrant compote.Early in the morning they went through the forest for years. not close.

Grandmother, - asked Katya. - If we have raspberrieslet's collect, what compote will turn out? (...) And jam

which? (...)

What if we find blueberries, ”Katya continued to think.

What compote will turn out? (...) And what kind of jam? (...)

Well, what if we get lingonberries? What kind of compote will we cook?(...) And what kind of jam? (...)

My favorite cranberry jam. Guess what? (...)

And I love cloudberry compote. Guess which one? (...)

So quietly approached the grandmother with her granddaughter to the gladeke, on which, apparently, there were strawberries.

Which compote cook grandmother? (...) And what kind of jam? (...)

S. Chesheva

Game "Extra Berry"

Goals: learn to recognize familiar berries, fix namesberries and reinforce the concepts of "forest" and

"garden berries"; train in determining the presence of sound [a] in the word places in it

(beginning, middle, end), develop visual attention.

Game progress. The teacher puts pictures in front of the children withimage of a year (for example: cranberry,

blueberry, strawberry)asks to name the berries and say which berry is superfluous. caregiverasks every child

explain your choice.

For example:

An extra strawberry, because it is a garden berry, and all the rest are forest.

The child determines if the name of the berry has a sound [a] and inwhat part of the word it is.

Words: cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries,currant, blueberry, gooseberry.

Game "Make a diagram"

Goals: consolidate the skill of analyzing sentences into words.

Hodigry. The teacher invites the children to listensentences, count the number of words and

draw diagrams. Reminds that in sentences there may be "smallwords" are prepositions.

For example:

The autumn forest is rich in gifts.

There are a lot of strawberries in the forest clearing. Undera boletus hid behind a spruce branch. Onsour cranberries ripened in the swamp.

Game "Collect mushrooms"

Goals: improve phonemic processes, teachselect words for a given sound.

Hodigry. The teacher exposes my box in front of the childrenwritten on it with the letter "n" and offers

children to put in itonly those mushrooms (models, pictures) in the name of which there is a sound[n].

Words: honey agaric, butterdish, boletus, volnushka.


Goals: develop auditory attention, auditory memory, teachconnected monologue

(interpretation of the riddle).

Game progress. The teacher guesses a riddle, the children guess.One of the children explains its meaning.

The rest complement.Then all together learn any riddle.

I greet you with a brown hat.

I modest fungus without any embellishment.

Under white birch I found shelter.

Tell me children, what is my name?


In the autumn forest in September

IN boring rainy day

A mushroom has grown in all its glory,

Important, proud.

Under the aspen is his house,

He has a red hat on.

This mushroom is familiar to many.

What shall we call it?


Red hat, polka dots on the hat,

Short skirt with white legs.

A beautiful fungus, but it will not deceive you,

Who knows about him - he will not be touched.

Everyone has known for a long time

That a mushroom is filled with poison ... (fly agaric).

Text to retell

Mitka got so many mushrooms that it was impossible for him to conveyhome. He piled them in the forest. At the dawn of Mitka

I went to get some mushrooms.

The mushrooms were taken away, and he began to cry. His mother said to him:

Why are you crying? Or our cakes were eaten by cats?

Then Mitke became ridiculous, the sergeant major policeman laughed.

L. Tolstoy


Why did Mitya leave the mushrooms in the forest?

What happened in the morning?

What did mom say?

Text to retell


Sanka and his younger sister Varya are walking out of the forest. scoredstrawberries, carried in boxes.

My grandmother looked and laughed:

What are you, Sanya ... Little Varya scored more than you!

Still would! Sanya answers. She doesn't need to bend overand got more.

Again Sanka and Varya are walking out of the forest, dragging baskets of mushrooms. oils.

Well, Sanya, says the grandmother. scored more.

Still would! Sanya answers. - She's closer to the ground, that's it scored.

The third time they go to the forest Varya and Sanka. Raspberrygather. And I went with them.

And suddenly I see how Sanka imperceptibly from Varya pours herberries in a box. Varya will turn away, and he will take


We go back. Varya has more berries, Sanka has fewer.

Grandma meets.

Well , - says, - Sanya ... Raspberries are highis growing! It’s easier for you to reach, and Varya gained more!

Still would! Sanya answers. - Varya is well done with us,

Varya is our worker. Don't chase after her.

According to E. Shim


What did Sanka and Varya carry in boxes?

What did grandma say?

What did Sanka say?

What did Sanya and Varya gather in the forest for the second and third time?

What did Sanka say to his grandmother each time?

Why do you think Sanka added berries to Varya?

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