Falyaris variety description. Falyaris, or reed dvukistnik: methods of cultivation. Falaris propagation by dividing the bush

The herbaceous perennial plant The reed cane has other names: falyaris; reed canary grass; variegated sedge; silk weed.

This cereal is loved by many gardeners, not only for its unusually decorative appearance. Although, it is really impossible to find the same plant with long variegated leaves.
Falyaris is indeed a unique plant. Its leaves remain elegant from early spring to late autumn. And most importantly, this cereal easily tolerates the severe frosts of our latitudes and hot periods of summer, is able to grow in any type of soil, in the shade and in the sun.
In adulthood, falyaris can reach a meter or more. If necessary, you can cut the bush. Pruning won't hurt him.
Falyaris is also used in dry bouquets.

Another advantage is its resistance to diseases and pests.

The only negative that you need to pay attention to when choosing a landing site is the aggressiveness of the falaris. Its root system quickly spreads and is capable of ruining nearby growing plants.

In addition to the rhizome, spikelets with seeds are dangerous for clogging garden areas. It is advisable to cut them off in time, especially since they are not of great decorative interest.

Planting falaris is not particularly difficult, since the vitality of the plant is very high. It is enough to dig out part of the bush, plant it in a hole and water it, and this cereal will definitely take root. Rather, you need to worry about its excessive growth and ability to quickly fill other areas of the garden. Therefore, it is advisable to protect the seedlings of the two-source plant with slate plates (dig into the ground by 30 cm), at least in the direction where it is not desirable for it to grow.

It is necessary to water the dvukovistnik regularly, although it easily withstands drought. The density of the color of the leaves and the height of the bush depend on the water.

Reed falyaris for the winter should be cut almost to the root. It is enough to leave only low stumps at the base.
The falaris bush can be cut, forming its shape and height. Moreover, the haircut will stimulate the growth of foliage and new shoots.

Dvukistochnik is a forest cereal, it is not necessary to fertilize and feed with mineral fertilizers. You can fertilize only if necessary to increase the yield of seeds (at the end of summer).

Falyaris is very aggressive, and is able to displace cultivated plants, but there are weeds that can grow inside the bush. When they appear, be sure to remove them in a timely manner.

Reproduction of a two-source is possible in 2 ways

It is necessary to propagate the two-source only by dividing the rhizome, especially since this cereal grows very quickly.
You can sow the seeds, but keep in mind that only varietal plants have white stripes along the leaves. Species cereals that do not have these decorative features grow from seeds.
Seeds are soaked overnight in warm water before sowing. Sow on the ground, and then sprinkle with a small layer of earth. Water the seeds regularly.

Video falaris in the midst of its growth, early summer.

Video of an elimus in the middle of summer, at the height of its growth.

How to buy seedlings of falyaris (two-source cane)

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Canary tee (two-source), another name, falyaris is a plant of amazing beauty. He is very fond of landscape designers for unpretentiousness, and the ability to grow in various conditions. It is not uncommon to find him near the pond. The plant draws the eye to its appearance, its leaves have a perfect linear shape, green with light stripes. In fact, the dvuhkistochnik is not a flower, and even grass is an ornamental cereal. In height can reach up to 120 centimeters.

The plant is considered a perennial, and prefers well-drained soil. Grows quickly enough to dense thickets. Therefore, growing it at home requires proper care. It can be planted both in open ground and in containers, exposing them near the house.

Landing and care rules

The main advantage of falaris is that even novice gardeners who do not have much experience can plant it. The plant can easily rot hot summers, harsh winters and rainy autumns. Everything you need to know about breeding falaris:

  • The plant is quite aggressive, actively growing, and if the species is chosen incorrectly, it can greatly clog the site. Before planting, it is recommended to study the varieties, and decide which one is suitable.
  • The reed canary is rapidly growing, in order to suspend the process, containers are used for disembarkation. To plant a plant in open ground, you need to install wide metal plates to restrain growth.
  • Young plants do not need moisture as much as adults. It is from moisture that the brightness of the leaves and the speed of growth depend.
  • If you want to make a falaris border, you will need to constantly trim it.
  • The soil is recommended to choose loose.
  • In hot weather, the plant feels great in a sunny place, or in a slightly shaded one. In the rainy and cloudy period, the colors are brighter and more saturated.

Reed falyaris tolerates frost well, so you don’t need to take any action for the winter, no care is required.

Another advantage for which gardeners love the plant is its high resistance to diseases and pests.

Canaries should be pruned regularly. At least every season, reduce the height of the plant by 20 centimeters. In this case, its turf will be dense and thick, it will lay down a beautiful carpet with lush and bright sheets.

At the end of the garden season, faliaris is cut at the root. If large plantations have been grown, it can simply be mowed with a scythe.

Interesting fact! The plant got its name because of its purpose. Birds, including canaries, feed on its seeds.


2 methods of reproduction are popular among gardeners:

  • Vegetative.
  • Seminal.

Before sowing seeds, they are soaked in water for 24 hours. In this case, the germination process will be much faster. The seed is planted in a small container without burying, but only slightly crushed with earth, 2.5-3 centimeters. The soil must be well moistened. After the planting procedure, everything is carefully sprayed with a spray bottle. The containers are brought into a warm room, about 21-23°C. If the temperature is higher, seedlings will appear faster.

The vegetative method is also easy to use. You can reproduce:

  • With the help of a cutting cut at the base of the shoot.
  • Particles of the root system with nodules.
  • The division of the bush.

The root system of the falaris is arranged in such a way that it contains many nodes from which roots are formed. Only then do young shoots sprout. The same growth system can be observed in the wheatgrass.

Roots for propagation can be very small, but you should not worry, with proper care they will quickly take root and grow. They are planted in containers with fertile soil and placed in a sunny place (a window sill is suitable on the south side). In the spring, the first shoots will appear.

It is advisable to install a tray under the boxes so that the flowing water remains under the plant. Do not allow the soil to dry out, provide constant moderate watering.

Falyaris reed near the pond

The plant grows well near the pond, we can say that this is one of his favorite places. Small bushes are planted in pots with fertile soil, pebbles can be laid out on top. The containers are placed directly into the pond. The distance between water and soil should be about 7-10 centimeters. In such an atmosphere, faliaris develops very quickly.

In the first year after planting, the plant does not grow up so fast, but as a shrub it develops well.

The entire garden season does not require care for falyaris. But it harmonizes perfectly with sedge, nymphs, the red canary looks great next to it.

So that with gusts of wind the pot with the plant does not drive like a boat, and does not tilt, it is recommended to overlay it with large pebbles. Thus, he will gain stability.

In water, the root system of falyaris develops very well, lets out a long "beard". This fact makes it easy to propagate the plant.

If it is not possible to keep a reed spring in the winter in a pond, it is transferred to a garden pit. For planting in a pond next year, it is recommended to increase the planting capacity.

plant in design

Many lovers of landscape design use a double source in the design of a garden, a pond. It looks great with other perennials, and complements any composition.

It should be remembered that the falaris is an aggressive plant, its root system is actively growing, and this will destroy not only weeds, but also flowers planted nearby. To prevent this from happening, the growth of the root system should be limited. You can dig in special restrictive grids, or simply plant the plant in an old bucket and transfer it to the desired place with it.

Reed canaries can be planted in places where other plants simply will not grow, for example, a narrow strip near the gate, the edge of a reservoir, etc. It is very convenient for them to decorate alpine slides.

Florists use canary leaves as an addition to bouquets. It will harmoniously look with any flowers, complementing them with its bright greenery and beautiful shape. Pre-dried sheets can also be used in the compositions. The herbarium will be great. Some even create paintings from dry leaves of the plant.


By and large, the plant does not need fertilizer. Top dressing is applied only when they want to increase the number of seeds.

In order for the “harvest” to be good, mineral fertilizers will be required. Also, you need to know not only what needs to be done, but also when.

In the spring, top dressing is applied before tillering begins, during this period the plant needs useful substances.

On a note! Don't forget to remove the weeds near the spring. They prevent the root system from developing normally, absorb useful components from the soil, and are also carriers of diseases and pests. And you must admit that the falyaris will lose its beautiful appearance and will not be able to decorate the area if weeds grow around.

A perennial cereal plant, falyaris or dvukistnik, is a real decoration of city parks and gardens. This unpretentious plant with decorative, variegated foliage is valued by many flower growers.

Falyaris flowers are not highly decorative and are almost inconspicuous. Although the spike-shaped peduncles themselves look quite attractive. Falyaris is a tall, flexible and fast growing plant that easily adapts to different conditions and soils.

The photo of the falaris shows how unique, beautiful and rather unusual this plant is. Adult specimens can reach 1 m in height.

Falyaris species

Double spring reed Elegantissima

Falyaris reed Luteopicta

It is a perennial herb with green leaves edged with yellow stripes. It blooms in dense and large spike-shaped inflorescences. Plant height varies from 80 to 120 cm.

It is a versatile plant that thrives in any well-drained soil. Yellow-bordered falyaris grows rapidly, creating dense thickets. Therefore, he requires a restriction in growth.

This groundcover is intended for growing in containers and near water bodies.

Falaris Tricolor

An ornamental deciduous herbaceous plant, reaching 1 m in height. Like other varieties, the leaves of a light green color have white longitudinal stripes. The peak of decorativeness of this species falls on the cold season, when a pink tint appears on the leaves. By the way, it can be preserved in the summer.

Falyaris Tricolor blooms for two months, starting in early July and ending in late August. It is a winter-hardy species that grows well in sunny places with little shading. Handles pruning well. It prefers to grow in moist, damp soil, although it belongs to the group of drought-resistant plants. This species looks beautiful in the cut and near ponds.

Canary dvuhkistochnik or silk grass

This is a spectacular annual plant, reaching 50-100 cm in height. The area of ​​​​growth is the Mediterranean. This name was given to the canary due to its purpose. Its seeds are food for birds, including canaries. Stems are tall, erect.

Large panicle inflorescences consist of small awnless spikelets. The cone-shaped flowers bloom in mid-summer. This variety propagates by seeds. Its description includes: high frost resistance, resistance to drought and diseases.

Falyaris shoot-bearing or "Snow Pink"

Magnificent newly bred perennial hybrid. It differs from the previous varieties in the color of the leaves of a greenish-blue color with pronounced white stripes. The length of the leaves is 50-60 cm.

This plant looks spectacular near water bodies, on alpine slides, curbs and in a swimming pool combined with a pond.

Planting and caring for falyaris in the open field

Growing this grass is not difficult, even for a beginner grower. After all, this is a plant that easily tolerates flooding, drought and severe frosts.

  • In favorable growing conditions, falyaris is an aggressive plant that begins to actively develop and clog the site. Therefore, less aggressive species are planted to decorate small garden plots.
  • To stop the rapid growth, falaris is planted in special containers. If planting in open ground is planned, then the place of growth must be limited with the help of wide metal plates.
  • Cultivation of falyaris is carried out by the seed method. Seeds are planted superficially in plastic and shallow containers with well-moistened soil. To speed up the germination process, the seeds are soaked in water for a day before sowing.
  • From above, the crops are sprinkled with a 3-centimeter layer of earth, sprayed from a spray bottle and placed in a warm room with a temperature of 21-23 degrees. At higher temperatures, seedlings will sprout faster.
  • Young plants are not as demanding in moisture as adults. The amount of moisture will depend on the brightness of the color of the leaves and their growth.

In combination with other inhabitants of the reservoirs - sedge, nymphs, arrowhead, the lush plant falaris looks impressive and very beautiful. Falyaris care is very simple, all it needs is periodic watering and removal of weeds.

Falyaris belongs to perennial plants of the cereal family. Often it can be seen in city parks. It also has other names: reed canary or dvukistochnik. It is planted in flower beds and used to create landscape design around the reservoir. It does not require special care or a certain type of soil.

Falyaris is a plant from the grass family.

plant description

Decorative elongated leaves with white and yellow stripes are of great interest to gardeners. However, the flowers of the cane falaris do not attract much attention, and therefore it is used in garden and park design solely because of its beautiful leaves.

The name canary originates from the distant past, when the seeds of this plant were used as food for poultry, as well as canaries.

It is interesting to know that the following crops belong to the cereal family:

  • rye;
  • wheat;
  • sorghum;
  • maned barley;
  • triticale;
  • millet;
  • ground reed;
  • timothy grass;
  • wheatgrass;
  • bison;
  • chumiza;
  • awnless fire;
  • fescue.

This is an incomplete list of crops related to cereals.

It is noteworthy that the variegated falyaris can reach a height of about 2 meters. In addition, it has a creeping rhizome, sharp leaves and panicle-shaped inflorescences. The plant reproduces with the help of roots. Falyaris is grown for food, as well as for decorative purposes. As a horticultural crop, variegated plant species are widely used. Flowering occurs from mid-July to early September. Many species of canaries, of which there are more than 25, grow both in the steppe zone and high in the mountains. They grow wild along the banks of water bodies.

This plant is unpretentious, any soil is suitable for it. Canary grass grows in Europe, America and Asia.

Falyaris is unpretentious, grows on any soil

Falyaris species

In the wild, there are about sixteen varieties of falaris. These include phalaris amethystine, phalaris angusta, phalaris aquatic, phalaris arundinacea, phalaris brachystachys, phalaris californica, etc.

The most popular species among gardeners are reed and Canarian falaris.

Varieties of this plant, most popular for landscape design:

  • Feesey;
  • Luteopicta;
  • picta;
  • tricolor.

Reed falyaris - the most popular type of falyaris among gardeners

It is worth considering these four types in more detail..

  1. The Feesey variety has one distinctive feature - green leaves with elongated white stripes. Used in landscape design. It is difficult to tolerate high temperatures, so the best time for its flowering is the off-season.
  2. Luteopicta is distinguished by the presence of yellow stripes. In hot weather, these stripes turn green, and the leaves become more faded.
  3. Picta is the oldest ornamental species among cereal crops. Its green leaves have cream stripes.
  4. Tricolor - its name is due to the fact that in the cold season its leaves acquire a pink tint.

These varieties of falaris are of interest as ornamental plants.

Reproduction features

The most commonly used propagation methods are seed and vegetative. If you want to propagate falyaris, you need to know that 3-5 years after germination, it does not keep its former shape. In view of this, it would be best to transplant it. The bush is divided into equal parts and transplanted in early autumn, so that the canary plant has time to gain strength in preparation for winter. Immediately before transplanting, fertilizers must be applied to the soil.

This plant should be planted at a depth of 10-15 cm to allow the rhizomes to develop. It is best to collect seeds when the plant reaches the age of 3-4 years.

A less popular propagation method is cuttings, because it involves planting a plant in fertilized soil with drainage.

The most popular way to propagate falyaris is by seed.

In a similar way, the canary grass is propagated from May to July. In addition, faliaris also propagates by seeds and rhizomes.

In the spring (April-May), when the soil is well warmed up, seeds can be sown. To prepare the soil for this procedure, it is necessary to loosen it and make holes. If there are stones or clay soil in this area, then the soil must be fertilized before sowing.

Before sowing the seeds, they should be germinated. For this purpose, they are placed in a wet napkin. The soil in which the seeds will be sown must also be moist. Mostly nesting is used. The distance between the holes is 20-25 cm, which provides enough space for the plants. They begin to sprout in 10-15 days. If the soil is prone to drying out, then additional watering is necessary.

In the process of growth, faliaris is unpretentious in care.

Reproduction by dividing the bush requires preliminary preparation of the soil. To do this, it is necessary to loosen the soil and set limits for the growth of the root system, since falyaris is a rather aggressive plant. Its rhizome grows very quickly, occupying neighboring territories. To prevent this, the plant must be planted in an old bucket or iron circle, immersed in the soil to a depth of 20-30 centimeters. It is necessary to plant the bush itself no deeper than 15 centimeters.

It is noteworthy that the roots take root perfectly in almost any soil. To propagate a plant in a similar way, you should dig a bush along with the roots and divide it into separate parts, each of which is planted in a prepared and watered hole. Using this method, it is good to propagate falyaris in the off-season.

Falyaris does not require special care and growing conditions

Subtleties of care

With proper care, this plant will be able to please its owners for many years with the beauty of its shapes and colors. At the very beginning, it should not be fed. The first year, the falyaris puts all its strength into the development of roots, and therefore the aerial part of the plant only slightly increases in size. To make the bush look thicker and lush, you can trim the leaves to give it the desired shape.

At the end of the winter period, the leaves should be cut. It will be useful to know that the canary grass does not require special conditions for wintering.

The plant is quite resistant to drought, but it still needs watering. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves may fade. To avoid this, it is necessary to water the falyaris with plenty of water 1 time in 5 days. In the hot summer period, it is watered regularly every 2-3 days to avoid drying out of the soil. It should also not be forgotten that only adult specimens are drought-resistant.

Good conditions for the growth of canaries are moist soils along the banks of water bodies. Nevertheless, moisture stagnation has a negative effect on the plant: putrefactive processes in the root system may begin, and its growth may also slow down. To avoid such consequences, a drainage system should be organized. In addition, it is also practiced to plant falaris on a sloping area so that excess moisture drains and does not harm the roots.

This plant adapts to various types of soil and does not require top dressing. With stony or clay soil, compost fertilizers should still be applied in a ratio of 50-80 g / m². It is not recommended to increase this proportion, as this can cause increased growth of rhizomes and a decrease in stem resistance.

When growing falaris for seeds for birds, it must be fed with mineral fertilizers. They are introduced at the beginning of autumn, when the vegetative period is already completed and the seeds have ripened.

If faliaris is grown for seeds, it must be fed with fertilizers.

The plant is very popular due to the fact that it has green leaves all year round. Pruning should be done every year in March, just before the onset of the vegetative period.

If the bush is an annual, then it is cut to create a lush and thick shape.

Considering that the roots of the plant spread to neighboring territories very quickly, the bush must be limited when planting. You can also build a fence using slate or garden tape.

Application in landscape design

The plant can acquire bushy forms and is used to create living fences. In addition, the canary grass prefers moist soils, and therefore it is actively used to create landscape design of artificial reservoirs.

Falyaris can be planted in open ground, as well as in containers, with which you can decorate gazebos and paths. It is rational to use it in a flower bed to create an accent, for example, in the center of a composition in which various types of plants may be present.

You need to know that inflorescences can reach a length of about 2 meters, so the plant should be planted in the center of the composition or on the sides of the flower bed. Canary reed is a great option for creating an alpine slide.

Difficulties in growing

This perennial, like its other relatives, from winter to spring is prone to damping due to the thaw. Melted snow freezes at night, creating a crust of ice, under which moisture and elevated temperatures are concentrated. In this process, the plant begins to breathe heavily and actively consume nutrients, in connection with which it begins to weaken and be subject to fungal infections.

You can determine the presence of the disease in the spring by sluggish leaves and gray bloom. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to create proper drainage in the root zone. After all, stagnant water can lead to various diseases.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid contamination of the soil, then it is necessary to carry out its liming. This procedure will help prevent the development of the disease.

Diseases and pests

Despite the resistance of falaris to pests and diseases, growing for several years in a row in the same place, the plant can become vulnerable to common diseases of cereal crops, as well as be affected by wireworms, meadow moths and other insects.

Diseases can be prevented by observing agrotechnical measures, for example, crop rotation. In this case, row crops or black fallow should be the predecessors of this plant.

Canaries are prone to the following diseases: powdery mildew, various types of smut and mold, spotting, rust, rot, tobacco mosaic, helminthosporiosis, etc. All these diseases have their own characteristic features that can be distinguished visually.

If the falyaris is not transplanted for a long time, it may undergo diseases.

An excellent way to deal with helminthosporiasis and rust is a drug called Vectra. The required dose of the active substance is calculated depending on the area of ​​the treated area. Since the amount of kg / ha is indicated on the package, the area is considered in meters and the dose required for the solution is calculated in grams.

The main pests include: mosquitoes, scoops, aphids, weevils, bedbugs, seed-eaters, fleas, wireworms, grains, etc. In the fight against them, specially selected insecticides are used, which are sprayed on plants.

Growing cane cane is easy enough even for an amateur gardener, as the plant can withstand high and low temperatures, arid and humid climates and many other natural phenomena. If you want to decorate your garden or flower bed, the shore of a reservoir or a terrace in the yard without much effort and expense, you can safely make a choice in favor of falaris. In addition, it can be grown as a standalone ornamental crop and as a complement to other perennial herbs.

Falaris "Picta"

Double reed source, or reed canary, Falaris reed, reed double source, zhurnnik (Phalaris arundinacea )

"Picta" variant, colorized, syn. "Elegantissima"

Popular names - dvukistnik, silk grass. "Falaris" is the ancient Greek name for one of the cereals.

Synonyms: Phalaroides arundinacea (L.) Rausch. = Digraphis arundinacea (L.) Trin. = Typhoides arundinacea (L.) Moench.

A species of monocotyledonous plants of the genus Canary (Phalaris) of the Cereal family (Poaceae). It was first described by the Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus in 1753.

Falaris "Picta"

Long-rhizome perennial grass 90-120 cm tall.

The leaves are green with longitudinal light cream stripes. Height up to 1.7-2 m.

One of the oldest and most widespread varieties of ornamental cereals. Zone 4

Leaves and stems do not droop even during severe frosts, although they lose their color. Spikelets are collected in dense spicate panicles up to 20 cm long. But the inflorescences are pruned because they are not decorative. Flowering continues from July to October.

Prefers moist or damp soil, but is drought tolerant. On fertile soils, variability is more pronounced, the plant becomes more spectacular, it is easier to endure the summer period.

Grows well in full sun in cool climates or partial shade in hot climates. Grows fast, weedy.

Winter-hardy without shelter. In winter, the grass usually lies on the ground, and in late autumn it is easy to remove it with a sharpened chopper, without fear of damaging young shoots. You can remove the old stems in the spring, but since the plant grows early, you have to cut the stems by hand.

In the garden, it can be used as an accent in a mixborder or as a groundcover.

In plantings, it goes well with other ornamental cereals, irises, phlox. Used for cutting in dry bouquets.

Usually recommended for planting near a reservoir, but can be grown in containers and reservoir soil at a depth of up to 15-20 cm from the water level, but the variability in this case will not be pronounced. At the same time, the plant looks decorative and does not require reinstallation for the winter.

It has a feature that you should pay attention to when choosing a landing site. Falyaris is an aggressor plant, that is, it grows very quickly, capturing the territory.

It is desirable to protect the landing site, for example, with strips of metal dug into the ground by 20 cm to prevent the spread of rhizomes. Weeding will also help fight overgrowth. You can grow falaris in containers.

Falyaris can be placed where nothing grows. On any personal plot there is a place for a canary plant, which, without any pretensions, will delight the owners with originality and simplicity.

The plant easily tolerates a haircut to a height of 20-40 cm.

Landing. WITH seeds that are pre-soaked for speedy germination. You can sow directly in the garden or in advance in early spring, in March-April, in plastic containers or pots, several pieces each. Planting depth 1-1.5 cm, distance not less than 2-3 cm between seedlings. Shoots are not long in coming. And after a few days they rise like a brush above the surface of the soil.

It remains only to moisten the soil before the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place. Planting holes are prepared in advance, fertilizing them with organic matter and thoroughly moisturizing. Transplanted by transshipment from the container to the ground. If there are too many seedlings in a pot, you can divide the curtain into two or more parts.

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