1 what is a small homeland. What is a small homeland. Such a different homeland

Class hour "My small Motherland"

September 1, 2014

Teacher Korytina T.I.

For Russia, the village is a particle,
And for us it is the parental home.
And we're glad we can be proud
Small Motherland where we live”.

Subject :

My small home.

Goals :

clarify the concepts of "Motherland", "small motherland",to expand the knowledge of children about their native village, its past, the history of its formation.

Tasks :

To form feelings of patriotism, love for the native land, education of students as citizens of their homeland, who know and respect their roots;

To promote the development of cognitive interests, interest in the history of their native land, their country;

To develop speech, creative abilities of children, the ability to coherently and emotionally present the material;

To instill the skills of exploratory research work;

Express your emotions and feelings through songs, dances and poems.

Equipment : computer, projector, models of monuments, genealogy, musical accompaniment, balls, dictionaries.

Formed UUD :

Regulatory :

Ability to define and formulate the purpose of the lesson.


Contribute to the development of interest in art, form aesthetic feelings, form the motivational basis for educational activities, i.e. children's desire to learn more about their region.


The ability to process the information received, compare objects, make comparisons, build a statement orally, develop observation skills, form the ability to find information in dictionaries.


Control their actions in collective work, take the initiative, listen and engage in dialogue, formulate their own opinion and position.

Lesson progress:

1. Motivation for learning activities.

Let's smile at each other and the guests. May today's lesson bring us the joy of fellowship.

Teacher: I am glad to see you all rested, tanned, cheerful, grown up and matured.

Today, all the children of our vast Russia were called by a bursting school bell. The school has opened its doors to students, ahead of the next academic year. May it be successful for us.

Dear Guys! Do you remember what country we live in? What is the name of the capital of our country?

We live in a huge country called Russia. You are Russians! Russia is the largest country in the world. The borders of Russia pass both by land and by sea.

It spread freely from the icy deserts of the Far North to the warm seas of the Black and Azov in the south.

There are high mountains in Russia, full-flowing rivers, deep clean lakes, they are called the blue eyes of Russia.

Dense forests and endless steppes with yellow ears of ripe wheat. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny clearings with bright hats of fly agaric, swampy swamps and large green plains.


How big is my land
How wide are the spaces!
Lakes, rivers and fields
Forests and steppe and mountains!
Spread my country
North to South
When spring is in one side,
In another - snow and blizzard
And the train through my country
To the border from the border
Not less than ten days
And it will barely fit.

We can rightfully be proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its talented gifted people.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Competition "Relatives" is held.
Envelopes with letters are distributed, it is proposed to collect a word from these letters. The words are posted on the board.

Read these words carefully. What question would you ask?

Let's explain the lexical meanings of these words. Can we say they are related?

PARENTS are the father and mother to whom children are born.
RELATIVES - relatives.
PEDIGREE - a list of generations of the same genus. People are proud of their pedigree, study it
MOTHERLAND is both the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.
PEOPLE - a nation, the inhabitants of a country.

Which word do you think is the most important?

So, the key word is Motherland.

Who guessed what the conversation will be about at our first class hour?

The topic is coded here. Read: "M-Y M-L-Y R-D-N-"

What is Motherland?

Open dictionaries and check the meaning of this word.(children read the definition).

(Motherland is the place where a person was born, where his relatives live; this is the side that is native to him; this is the country in which he lives.)

Guys, what do you associate the word "Motherland" with? What comes to mind when you hear this word? (children's statements)

But each of us has our own small homeland - this is your own mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games. Such simple human values. They belong to each of us. It is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.

Remember how the song sings "Where does the Motherland begin? .." (phonogram)

Let's reveal the meaning of each word of the topic of our class hour.

My - here are my friends, my house, my parents, relatives, street, school, etc.

Malaya - a small part of such a huge country.

Motherland - people close to my heart live here.

The student reads the poem "Small Motherland"

Small Motherland -
An island of earth.
Currant under the window
The cherries have blossomed.
curly apple tree,
And under it is a bench -
Affectionate little
My motherland!

You were born in Volgograd and live in r.p. Settlement. This is your small homeland. And I would like to know what you know about your small Motherland?

How many of you know why our village is called that?

Who were the first settlers? In what year was the village formed? What historical monuments are located on the territory of the village Gorodishche? Maybe some of you know the origin of your surname and your name, which your family can be proud of.

(Children share information, tell interesting facts from the history of the village)

Our native village Gorodishche is located in the Volga and Don rivers, northwest of Volgograd. It is divided into two parts by the river Wet Mechetka. According to legend, here at the beginning of the second half of the 16th century, the Tatar Khan Mamai settled down with his hordes. After the unsuccessful assault on Tsaritsyn, Emelyan Pugachev retreated to Mechetka.

In the distant past, the interfluve between the Volga and the Don was the outskirts of Russia and was called the Wild Field.

The village of Gorodishche was settled in 1827. Initially, the part called Uvarovka was settled (according to the settlers of the village of Uvarovka, Tambov province), then families from the village of Gorodishche, Tambov province, moved, hence the name Gorodishche. Then came immigrants from the village of Kerochi, Kursk province, Little Russians from the village of Sudzhi.

Today our village is 183 years old.

From archival materials there is information that in the Root beam of Gorodische there was an icon of the Great Martyr Paraskeva that appeared to the first inhabitants of the village. Shortly after the apparition, the icon was transferred to Tsaritsyn, but from there “miraculously” went to its old place. A chapel was built on the site of the appearance of the icon. In honor of the icon, the ninth Friday after Easter (the day the icon appears) is celebrated to this day. On this day, believers take water from a spring, it is believed that it has miraculous powers and cures diseases. The spring in this gully has survived to this day.

Gorodishchensky district was formed on March 18, 1935. Before the Great Patriotic War, the economy of the region became large. In the area there were: 1 printing house, 2 silicate brick factories, an artel named after. 2nd Five-Year Plan in Erzovka, repair shops, there were 28 cooperative trading points, 12 incomplete secondary schools, 24 hospitals, 6 outpatient clinics, 6 medical assistants' stations, 2 cinemas, 11 reading clubs, 11 libraries.

During the dashing years of the war, in 1942-1943, our region became one of the bridgeheads of the Battle of Stalingrad. On its territory there were the most fierce battles. It was our Mesopotamia that became the arena for the battle of the fighters of the Don Front under the command of K.K. Rokossovsky and the army of Paulus.

You must know the names of the heroes who performed feats

Nikolai Serdyukov closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker during the liberation of the village of Novy Rogachik.

NurseGulya Koroleva led the attack during the liberation of height 56.8 near the Panshino farm.

Tank crewLieutenant Naumov , burned alive, but did not surrender to the enemy near the Rassoshka farm.

PilotNicholas Abramishvili , who repeated the feat of Nikolai Gastello and sent his burning plane into a cluster of German equipment.

Mikhail Passar - the sniper destroyed over 250 fascists. He died heroically in battle.

Gorodishchensky district was occupied by the German invaders. On the occupied territory, the Nazis created 13 concentration camps, in which they found people to die.

In the Gorodishchensky district, 46 monuments and obelisks, 133 memorial signs, a memorial cemetery near the Rassoshka farm, where Soviet and German soldiers are buried, and the "Soldier's Field" near Gorodishche immortalized the feat of the dead soldiers.

The war destroyed the peaceful life of the townspeople and destroyed everything that was in the village. Rehabilitated the villageZhogoleva Taisiya Semyonovna , she managed to organize everyone for the improvement of the village.

A bridge was built across the Mechetka, the building of a secondary school was built, the director of which wasShapovalova Galina Semyonovna . A hospital was built, led byNikolay Timofeevich Kasimtsev .

Poultry farms were well known. DirectorsYuri Nikolaevich Frolov AndMikhail Ivanovich Strygin . The state farm did not lag behind them. 62-Army, DirectorNikolai Nikolaevich Chebotkov .

Now the regional center Gorodishche is a modern urban-type settlement with a well-developed infrastructure.

The population is 21593 people.

The village has its own emblem and flag. This is how they look.

This is how the old flag of Gorodishche looked like.

This is the emblem and flag of the Gorodishchensky district. Author Koval.

And this is the symbolism of the Gorodishchensky urban settlement. Author L.I. Mamontov.

Outcome. Reflection.

Our class has come to an end.

Russia, motherland, small motherland. Painfully dear, close words.

Life will scatter you all over the Earth. But wherever you are, your native land, the place where you were born and raised, will always be in your memory. You will experience an irresistible desire to get to your native land, wander along familiar streets, meet friends.


They say all paths lead to home

They say he started.

A man like no one, in any way

Longed for him and missed him.

The man was born here.

And from here he will go forward,

Wherever he lives,

His native home will call him again.

And sometimes it's impossible to return

We go where half our lives have passed.

The house is far away, and the years are rushing,

But only there we are light and warm.

My friend! What could be nicer
Priceless native land?
There the sun seems brighter
There is a happier golden spring,
Cooler light breeze
The flowers are more fragrant, the hills are greener there
There the stream murmurs sweeter,
There the nightingale sings louder.

Every self-respecting person should know the history of their country, kind and region.

Feel proud of the people who glorified the country. Be proud that you are citizens of such a wonderful country. You are Russians!

(children from letters collect the slogan "We are Russians!")

Russian birch is a symbol of Russia, a symbol of the Motherland. Birch is sung in poetry and prose, in music and painting.

In the meadow, on the hill,

Under the window, among the fields

White birch -

Symbol of my Motherland.

(I have sheets of paper on the table on which you must write the words of an appeal to the Motherland. Attach the leaves to the branches.)


About the motherland - I say quietly:

After all, there is no need to shout about great love.

She is my joy and reward, I will say about her - I will make prayers:

"Be forever in prosperity and glory,

Give strength to you, Almighty, to keep the world,

Give us strength to live without philosophizing craftily

And before you do not drop yourself!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan

Municipal state educational institution "Gymnasium No. 3"

Republican competition of junior research projects

schoolchildren "Primrose"



Parents are dear to us, children are dear, close relatives are dear, but all ideas about love connected to something in one word "Fatherland".

Askhabova Aminat Batyrovna,

student 4 "d" class MKOU "Gymnasium No. 3".

Head: Alfira Srazhdinovna Amitova

Khasayurt, 2017


    The problem and its relevance.

    Goals and objectives.

    Theoretical study.

    Collection of information.

    Questioning, blitz survey.


    List of sources used.


Everyone values ​​their homeland and believes that there is no more beautiful place in the world, so I chose the theme of my work: “My small homeland”,

the purpose of which is to tell about the beauty of the village of Kalininaul in order to instill love and respect for it.

Goals and objectives.

2. Assess the knowledge of classmates about their hometown.

3. Draw the children's attention to the history of their native land.

Research methods:

1. Collection of information.

2. Questioning.

Information sources:

Internet, articles of Kazbek newspapers.

Regardless of whether children studied at school or not, patriotic education has existed at all times. And the problem of patriotic education of the younger generation has always been and is one of the most urgent. The main task of patriotic education is the formation of a spiritually and physically healthy person who connects his fate with the future of his native land and country, is able to defend his homeland.

What does it mean to be a patriot? It means to love the land, to respect the ancestors, folk traditions. What does the word motherland mean? This can be understood in different ways. First of all, this is my home, where I was born, where my parents, my brothers and sister, my friends live…

What could be nicer
Priceless native land?
There the sun seems brighter
There is a happier golden spring,
Cool light breeze
The flowers are more fragrant, the hills are greener there,
There, the stream murmurs sweeter ....

(N. Languages)

Popular wisdom says: without knowing the past, you will not understand the present. Many of us do not know the genealogy of our family and do not remember anyone in our family beyond the third generation. They forget the name and patronymic of their grandparents. We have a poor idea of ​​the life of our ancestors and even the native village in which we were born and live. ( Annex 1)

For several years now we have been living in the city of Khasavyurt, but my dad always tells us how important it is to remember and know the history of our ancestors and our land.

And I decided to go to his native village Kalininaul, because the story begins from the source. (Annex 2)Together with my family, I went on an excursion to the library to get acquainted with the literature on this topic.(library in Kalininaul village) where they helped me find the information I needed. I took photographs of the sights of the village and the nature of our native land with my dad, besides, we have a picture of the village hanging at home. (Annex 3)With the help of my parents, I searched for material on the Internet and various other sources. Interviewed members of her family about the history and sights, about the production of her Little Motherland. I also visited the honored teacher of history Aliev Asadula Musaevich, who told a lot of interesting things on this topic. Asadula Musaevich worked at the Kalininaul secondary school No. 1 from 1966 to 2014, his wife worked at the same school for 40 years as a philologist. (Appendix 4)

My Little Motherland is located in the Kazbekovsky district of Dagestan. ( Appendix 5) This is the village of Kalininaul, which is one of the largest settlements in the region. It is located on the right bank of the Aktash River (white stones), at the confluence of the Salasu River (warm water), opposite the village of Leninaul, 18 km south of Khasavyurt, on the border with the Chechen Republic. The nearest settlements are: in the north - the village of Leninaul, in the south - the village of Almak, in the west - the villages of Gilany and Zandak (Chechnya), in the east - the village of Dylym (regional center). The villages, Leninaul and Kalininaul, are interconnected by a bridge across the Aktash River. ( Appendix 6) The nature of Kalininaul fascinates with its beauty. Here you can see with your own eyes the confluence of the Aktash and Salasu rivers. ( Appendix 7) Every summer we go to swim in the Salasu River, they say that this is healing water. (Appendix 8) Nearby is Mount Gebek-Kala - the mountain peak of the Kazbekovsky district of Dagestan. The height above sea level is 971 meters. ( Appendix 9) There are forests all around, rich in various vegetation: wild rose, medlar, dogwood, wild apples and pears. Wild boars, foxes, wolves, deer, squirrels, hares, etc. are found in the forests.

Forests! Rivers! Meadows! There is nothing more beautiful in the whole wide world! I would never trade this wealth and beauty for anything. My family and I often relax in nature, every season we go to admire its beauties. ( Annex 10)

From history: On November 22, 1928, a new project for zoning the republic was adopted. According to it, from the former Kazbekovsky section of the Khasavyurt district, the Kazbek sub-canton (subordinate to the Khasavyurt canton) was formed with a center in the village of Khubar. 06/3/1929 Subcanton renamed subdistrict. And on December 25, 1930, the Kazbekovsky district was formed with the center - the village of Dylym. The Kazbek district is named after Soltan - Said Kazbekov, who was the chairman of the Defense Council and who put a lot of effort and work into the establishment of Soviet power in Dagestan. ( Annex 11)

In 1944, my ancestors moved from the village of Almak to Kalininaul, which eventually became their home.

My village is famous not only for the beauty and richness of nature, but also for its courageous people. For many years, our ancestors have proved and continue to prove their devotion to their homeland not in words, but in deeds. ( Application12) It would seem that the memory of real heroes remained on the pages of books about the Great Patriotic War, about the Afghan war, but in peacetime there are heroes. One of the heroes is Gayirkhanov Magomed-Kazim Magomed-Kamilovich, who was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia. ( Annex 13) Secondary school No. 1 in the village of Kalininaul is named after the hero. My father also told me about the events of 1999, when in the early morning armed gangs from Chechnya entered the village of Almak, at the call of the Almak people, all the inhabitants of Kalininaul and Leninaul rose, fought back with the support of the Russian armed forces and defended the freedom of the Almak land and the integrity of Dagestan. During the fighting, volunteers from the village were wounded, one died - Gasankhanov Rajab Gairbekovich. Many combatants were awarded orders of courage and medals. As they say, heroes are not born, but made. Thanks to such courageous people, my small homeland is flourishing. ( Annex 14)

The village has a secondary school No. 1 named after Gayirkhanov (which I mentioned above), an elementary school No. 2, (Annex 15) local history museum, which is known throughout the region and even in the republic. The museum has a room of military glory. ( Appendix 16) Asadula Musaevich put a lot of work and effort into the formation of the museum, but he says that this is the merit of the villagers, who did not remain indifferent. There is a library, an administration house, a house of culture ( Appendix 17), post office, kindergarten "Romashka". ( Appendix 18), an outpatient clinic, several pharmacies. There are several mosques in Kalininaul, one of which was built in 1904. ( Appendix 19)

In Kalininaul there are car repair shops, car washes, computer service centers, their own carpentry workshops, where not only windows and doors are made, but also high-quality furniture, a woodworking shop. A bakery that provides bread to shops, and there are several of them (there are even two large grocery stores). Kalininaul is connected with Khasavyurt and with the district center - Dyly suburban bus route (Gazelle buses run). ( Appendix 20) About two years ago, the Orchid banquet hall was built, where weddings are played not only by residents of Kalininaul, but also by residents of the entire region. ( Appendix 21) And, of course, wireless internet. At the entrance to the village there is a place of small ziyarat, located on the place where Tashev Khanji (one of the naibs of Imam Shamil) had a rest. ( Appendix 22) Last year roads were asphalted, road signs and markings appeared, trees were planted. ( Appendix 23) The villagers are engaged in cattle breeding, gardening, growing different fruits: apples, pears, plums, apricots, cherries. In the fields - wheat and corn, in the gardens - potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc. There are many talented and hard-working people in the village who are skilled in various professions: doctors, teachers, skilled craftsmen. I want my homeland to flourish and we are proud of it.

I also consider my native Dagestan to be my pride: the birthplace of the great Imam Shamil, Gamzat Tsadasa, the world-famous poet Rasul Gamzatov, Faza Aliyeva and many other great figures.

My parental home, the village of my ancestors, the city where I live, Dagestan, which is part of a great state. Russia is my great Motherland, my pride, my future. Only in the Motherland the sun not only shines, but also warms the soul. Water not only refreshes, but also saves from thirst. The earth not only feeds, but also gives strength for the future life.

And finally, I want to say: “No matter how much they write about the Motherland, about love for the Fatherland, everything will be small!”. Interest in the native land will never disappear. All the same, there will be something new that will replenish our history, nature and soul. And this applies not only to my homeland, it is typical for every land, whether it is a desert or a fertile plain. And we are one of the creators of our land. To enjoy your land, everything must be done with love! ( Appendix 24)

A survey conducted among fellow villagers showed that the guys love their small homeland, know their village and think about its future.

The survey involved 23 peers.

Questionnaire questions:

    Do you love your village?

    Do you miss your native village, leaving it?

    What is your favorite place in Kalininaul?

    What would you change in your village?

    What streets of your native village do you know?

The results obtained indicate that:

1. They love their native village - 23 people, miss the village, leaving it - 22 people.

2. Favorite places are: DKR-8 people, Victory Square-7 people,

monuments -3 people, river -5 people,

    When asked what they would like to change in the village, the children answered as follows:

nothing, and so everything is fine - 6 people, a lot of new attractions - 5 people, an animal shelter - 2 people, so that there is no garbage - 3 people, so that everything becomes cheaper - 2 people, exotic desires - 5 people.

    Children know the streets of their village:

st. Tiled -21 people,

st. Rodnikovaya -19 people,

st. Isa Surkhaev -16 people,

st. Magomedkazim Gayirkhanov -9 people,

dead end of Lermontov -9 people


Love to motherlandis in the heart of each of us. Someone just feels sharper and deeper. Others in the cycle of everyday life do not think about it. Each of us has a secret place in which we were born and raised. From such small motherlands, a single and mighty Fatherland has been formed, our common home filled with human destinies. Once in every little heart, love for the Motherland awakens, which reveals the true meaning of patriotism and selfless devotion to the native land.

Grow you, expand, prettier and prosper, dear Kalininaul!


    Internet resources. Wikipedia.

    Kazbek newspaper "Bulletin", "Chapar".

    Aliyev A. M. Local history; Kaliniaul, 2001

Each person has a Motherland - this is the place where he was born and raised. Motherland, like parents, cannot be chosen - it is given once and for all at birth. We learn what a homeland is and how important love for it is.

Definition of homeland

The word "motherland" comes from the ancient word "kind". It refers to a group of people who are united by blood relationship. Each person is a distant descendant of some ancient family.

Motherland unites people who live in the same territory, speak the same language, have the same passports, and celebrate public holidays together. If necessary, people stand up to defend their homeland.

Our Motherland, our Fatherland is Russia. It is called Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived and worked in it from time immemorial. Very often, the Motherland is compared with a mother, and this is not surprising, because she feeds and waters us, carefully raises us, protecting and protecting us. There are many beautiful and interesting countries in the world, but for each person, his native country will be the best. Each person also has a small homeland - his native village or city in which he was born and raised.

Russia is the largest state in the world. It occupies a huge area and has water and land borders with 18 countries. The length of Russia is so great that while on one side of it people are just about to go to work, on the other they are already going to bed.

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

Rice. 1. Russia on the map.

Russia is inhabited by many peoples: Russians, Tatars, Buryats, Udmurts, Yakuts, Chechens, Dargins, Nenets, Ossetians and others. The capital of our country is the city of Moscow.

During the reign of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg was the capital of the Russian state. This city is famous for its beautiful palaces, drawbridges and white nights.

State symbols of Russia

Each state has its own symbols that distinguish it from other countries. All of them are unique and inimitable.

  • Coat of arms of Russia

In translation, the word "coat of arms" means "inheritance." This is the official symbol of the state, its identification mark. Coats of arms are decorated with seals, documents, coins, flags.

The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is an image of a double-headed golden eagle on a red square shield. The wings of the eagle are raised up, its heads are crowned with small crowns, and above them is one large crown - these are symbols of the independence of our state.

In the right paw the eagle holds a scepter - a symbol of the law, and in its left paw - a power - a symbol of the unification of the Russian people.

On the chest of the eagle on a red shield is a rider piercing a defeated dragon with a spear.

Rice. 2. Emblem of Russia

The national flag is an important identification of each state, its symbol. It performs the same function as the coat of arms - together they complement each other. With the help of the flag, you can immediately find out which state it is. That is why the flag, which can be distinguished from a long distance, is set on large objects: ships, structures, territories.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular canvas consisting of three stripes of the same width. White is placed on top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom.

It does not matter which shade will be chosen on the flag: light blue or dark red. The main thing is that the three colors - white, blue and red - are clearly visible. But more importantly, the colors should be in the right order. If, by inattention, the Russian flag is set upside down, the white stripe will be at the bottom, and the red one at the top. This is a very gross mistake, a manifestation of disrespect for the country.

Rice. 3. Flag of Russia.

  • Russian anthem

The national anthem is a solemn song, a piece of music, which is one of the symbols of the state. The anthem performs the same function as the coat of arms and the flag - it distinguishes the country from other states.

The music for the anthem of the Russian Federation was written by the composer A.V. Aleksandrov, and the words - by S.V. Mikhalkov. The anthem can sound both with words and without them - any performance will be considered correct.

The hymn sounds on the most important, solemn occasions. But it can also be performed when such a need arises, when you want to emphasize belonging to your country.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic "What is the Motherland?" according to the program of the 1st class of the world around us, we learned what the Motherland is and what significance it has for every person. We also found out what a small homeland is. We learned which state symbols belong to Russia. This topic is very important not only for first graders, but also for children of other ages.

Topic quiz

Report Evaluation

Average rating: 4.5. Total ratings received: 91.

Project for junior schoolchildren "My small homeland"

Radchenkova Tamara Ivanovna, primary school teacher, MKOU Kuibyshevskaya secondary school, Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region
This material will help the primary school teacher in organizing work on the project, in conducting class hours on the topic of local history.
Objective of the project:
introduce students to a new type of work - a project;
to teach to extract and systematize the information received, to present it;
to expand the knowledge of children about their small homeland;
to cultivate a sense of pride in their small homeland, a sense of belonging to the history and fate of Russia;
involve parents in the work on the project, contribute to the rallying of the children's team and the parent community, the formation of a sense of empathy for the common cause.
study the nature of the native land
find out the features of the development of the history of the native land
learn about the famous people of the small homeland
find historical monuments and sights of your small homeland
collect material (illustrations, photographs, texts, etc.)
arrange the collected material in the form of a presentation
learn to cooperate with classmates and parents.

In the process of working on the project "My small homeland", students' ideas about their small homeland are being expanded, and children are nurtured to love their native land. These are the first steps for first graders to create projects. Our class is small, so we combined all the material collected by children and parents into one common collective project. With the help of parents, photographs were printed, material was collected from the archives of the village. It was nice to see how the work on the creation of the project went: the children shared their impressions of what they had learned with great interest. The guys made prepared reports, illustrated them with visual photographic materials, talked about the history of the farm, proudly and lovingly presented the sights: the school, the obelisk, our very beautiful nature.
The defense of the projects took place in the assembly hall of the school. It was attended by the parents of the students. Everyone experienced the feeling of excitement: the children, the parents, and the teacher.
On the defense of projects, the guys were very worried. All project participants showed activity, received an emotional charge from the work done. The material for the project was collected in accordance with the requirements and deserves high praise.
The initial experience of the students is interesting and relevant. Through the use of active forms of education in elementary school, the formation of key competencies is traced in it: educational and cognitive, value-semantic, communicative, informational.
Using search, research activities, students expanded their knowledge about their native land, learned to extract information, present it.
The project material was presented in the form of a presentation. I posted the material collected by the children and their parents in the form of a script.

My small home

Homeland is the place where you were born, where you took your first steps, went to school, found true and faithful friends. And this is also the place where a person became a Human, learned to distinguish bad from good, do good, love, where he heard the first kind words and songs...

Meadows and fields -
native, green
Our land.
The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you ever go out
To the fork in the road.
And I realized that it
expanse of fields -
Particle of the great
My fatherland.

We were born in a farm, which is located in the Petropavlovsk region and is part of the Voronezh region. This is how it looks on the map of the Voronezh region.

The Voronezh Region was created on June 13, 1934. It is the largest region of the Central Federal District. In addition, our region is one of the largest agricultural and industrial centers in Russia.

The Voronezh region has its own official symbols that reflect the identity and traditions of our region.

And these are the state symbols of our Petropavlovsk region - which say that our region is engaged in the cultivation of crops, gives the country bread.

Villages, like people, have their own stories and biographies. Our small farm is almost
deserted, but for most people it is still a small Motherland.
And today we will make a journey into the history of the birth and development of our
small homeland.

In the land where the nightingales, without stopping,
Bring out their trills under the moon
Boils from bird cherry in spring
Indychiy - my native farm
Three hundred years ago (and this is a lot)
My native village was born.
Three hundred years in a row, three centuries have passed,
Gone into history, intertwined with history.

Our farm has been mentioned in official records since 1725, but life here began earlier. In the 15th century, there was a Wild Field here, but even then there was the Murom Way, along which travelers traveled from north to south. Our farm began existence with several yards from runaway Kursk serfs. They built wooden huts with a small window, which were heated in black. There was a lot of game in the forest, in the Tolucheevka River there was an abundance of fish, a lot of beavers. This allowed them to feed their families. The river and water meadows contributed to the breeding of poultry and livestock. The river also protected from outsiders, so the village gradually grew.

The villagers grew and supplied a large number of poultry products (turkeys and geese). There were 7 poultry slaughterhouses. Poultry meat, fluff were sent even abroad. In England and France, both products and down from our small farm were highly valued. The name Indychiy is also connected with this. There were not many arable lands.
Soviet power was established in 1919.
Here hunger with poverty
Rampant in the twenties.
Into the civil war
Here the blood of the ancestors was shed.
And in my first collective farm
Peasants marched in the thirties,
Meeting novelty with apprehension, enmity

On May 19, 1925, the Indychansky village council was formed. In 1927, on March 21, the Zarya agricultural artel was organized. Miroshnikov A.M. was her authorized representative. Artel received allotments of land, a tractor, and united the inventory of individual farmers. The first members numbered 28 people, including children. In 1928, a post camp was formed, a school with one teacher. Together with the whole country, the farm survived the collectivization and expulsions of the 1930s.
The life of collective farmers gradually improved, people looked to the future with confidence, made plans, raised children.
But the villagers did not enjoy a peaceful life for long. Again, weeping was heard in the village huts. The Second World War has begun.
Our Indychy is a small part of the country. How to calculate military losses for him? Our village did not experience the occupation, but the fighting went on side by side. The female population was employed in digging trenches in the front line. All men's work on the collective farm fell on the shoulders of women, the elderly and children. 200 people went to war with the Nazis, 136 of them did not return from the battlefield.
In the center of the village there is an obelisk with the Eternal Flame of memory of those who did not return from the war.

We have terrible bloody years
Never forget.
Glorious feat of heroes
Their grandchildren will honor.

After the war, all the hardships of life were shouldered by women and children, returning front-line soldiers. Thanks to their efforts and hard work, the collective farm grew larger. The construction of the necessary economic facilities has begun

In 1968 a new school was opened where we now study.

Our classroom. The classroom is decorated with a corner "Russia is my Motherland!"
At the end of the seventies, under the leadership of Viktor Ivanovich Menyailenko, modern premises were built with full mechanization of all processes: mechanical milking, milk pipeline, water supply, cleaning of the premises. For a great contribution to the development of the economy Menyailenko V.I. was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor

From 1981 to 2003, the Zarya collective farm was headed by Ovsyannikov Mikhail Petrovich. He began his work with the enlargement of the construction team, which began to build houses for collective farmers on the shares of the farm and developers. Green Street appeared in the farm, consisting of eighteen new houses.
The farm was one of the best in the area. Farm workers cultivated more than 3.5 thousand hectares of land.

There were 40 machines and tractors, 12 new combines in the machine and tractor fleet. Powerful first "Kirovtsy" in our area were purchased by our collective farm

Two central streets, entrances to the farms were asphalted in 1982. A new modern bridge across the Tolucheevka River was built in 1984.

Our fellow villagers know how to work. In total, there are 16 order bearers in Indychie. These people are our pride.
Everything was done to facilitate the work of the villagers. Mikhail Petrovich made every effort to be among the first in the area to gasify the farm. In 1996, a high-pressure gas pipeline was laid.
In 2004, Aleksandr Ivanovich Semisinov, a former graduate of our school, who had previously worked as a chief engineer on the farm, became the head of Zarya LLC. Of course, a lot of things in the artel fell into decay in connection with the last years of reforms and restructuring. But the young specialist seeks to revive the farm. First of all, all efforts were directed towards the development of crop production, the purchase of new agricultural machinery, and the purchase of mineral fertilizers. In recent years, good grain harvests have been obtained.
And our countrymen know how not only to work conscientiously, but to have fun in their free time. Every year, according to tradition, the holiday "Seeing Shrovetide" is held.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Motherland, like parents, is not chosen. Poems and songs are written about her, films are made, monuments are erected and pictures are painted.

This concept is invested in children's heads from an early age in order to instill a patriotic spirit and educate worthy citizens of their country. Despite this, few people can clearly answer the question of what the Motherland is.

The origin and meaning of the concept of Motherland

In a lifetime, a person can change several places of residence: cities, regions and even countries.

If we proceed from the fact that the Motherland is a place, to which the soul is attached and where all the time pulls, then which of them can be called that? Where was he born? Or where he spent his last years? Or maybe this concept means the territory where the individual (?) lived most of his life?

The word "motherland" has the root "genus", meaning a community of people who are related by blood. In ancient times, the task of preserving the family was overvalued, since only in groups people could survive by getting food and defending themselves from enemies.

To remain alone meant to meet certain death. The modern world - quiet and comfortable - no longer carries so much danger, and yet the value of kinship has remained, albeit not so pronounced. We are all descendants of those ancient people.

We are united by a common territory, language, cultural and moral values. We have, we. We celebrate some public holidays and are ready to defend our country if necessary. Our Motherland is Russia.

Motherland also called Fatherland because this is the place where our fathers and grandfathers lived. It turns out that the Motherland and the Fatherland are mom and dad, in a broader sense, ancestors. This is the country where your parents lived, and where you were born, raised and brought up.

Small and big Motherland

Often they distinguish between a large and a small Motherland. In fact, the concepts are almost identical, they are simply used in a broad and narrow sense.

The Great Motherland is a broad concept meaning the native country, the state. In this case, Russia, Russian land.

Small Motherland also means a geographical location, but narrower, pinpoint. This is the city or town in which the individual was born. This is the house and street where he grew up with the neighbors. School and first teachers.

That is, if a person was born in one locality, and later moved to another, then we can say that he left his small homeland, but not the big one.

Staying in the same country, but in another city, people miss their land, because it was there that the happiest and brightest period of life passed - childhood. Therefore, many consider the Fatherland place where you were born miss it and dream of returning there.

What does love for one's country mean?

Ask any emigrant who has left for permanent residence in another state how he feels about the country he left. Each of them (there are, of course, exceptions) will tell about the longing associated with memories of the Motherland.

A person can change his geographic location, but nothing can change his past, remove feelings and emotions associated with it from consciousness. If not explicitly, then in the depths of his soul he will dream all his life that come back and look at home at least with one eye, walk through the places of your childhood and youth, inhale the “same” air.

So what is love to motherland in what way does it manifest itself?

  1. A paradox, you can not be, but at the same time have a strong attachment to her. This happens when a person is dissatisfied with internal politics and the actions of the authorities, but will never agree to leave his land. This is what love is;
  2. You can not respect the government and its laws, but if trouble comes, most of the inhabitants will rally to protect their homeland. This is also love;
  3. Motherland is loved and appreciated not for something, but just like that. They love the people who live here, the endless expanses of fields and forests, the seas and oceans, its history and culture.

Everyone chooses for himself what to love his country for, but there are practically no indifferent people. A person without a Motherland is like without a family: a lonely, nomadic wanderer who cannot find his refuge. He is not attached to anything and therefore has no deep meaning of existence.

Love for the motherland is not only pride, joy for the victories and accomplishments of one's people. It is also the bitterness of losses, mistakes and defeats. Only a mature person can understand this, endowing this concept with a more global essence.

"Motherland. Let them shout “Ugly woman!”, but we like her, the sleeping beauty,” Y. Shevchuk sang, metaphorically saying that everyone loves their country, whatever it may be.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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