Permits for the delivery of prepared food. Ready-made business plan for food delivery service from cafes and restaurants

Recently I received two letters almost identical in content. One is from a resident of a rural area, the other is from a native city dweller. The first one complained that in big city opening your own business, even a small one, is much easier than in the countryside. The second one said exactly the opposite - that organizing your own business closer to the village would be easier than ever. I replied to both that it was not a matter of geographical location aspiring entrepreneur, not in his social status, and especially not in the initial capital, but in their desire to change something in their lives. The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said: “Whoever wants, looks for an opportunity, whoever doesn’t want, looks for a reason.” I wish all my readers to find the first, and forget about the second forever.

The business idea that I propose for consideration today is intended exclusively for implementation in urban environments. This is lunch delivery to the office. How many office workers do you think work in cities with a population of, say, 100 thousand people? Of course, there are no official statistics on this issue, but if you rummage around on the Internet, you can find figures of 4-6 thousand, depending on the city.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:10,000 - 300,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 100,000 people
Industry situation:the market for service offerings is saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 1/5
Payback: from 1 month to 1 year

Work is work, and lunch is on schedule

Several thousand people who spend 8-9 hours at the workplace, leaving for needs and lunch breaks. Not every office has a kitchen for employees; many are shy about taking food for themselves from home. Why! Fiddling around with jars, containers, etc. in front of colleagues. not everyone will. Also, have you ever heard the saying, “Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you how you live”? Tell. How would you feel eating a chicken leg with pasta when your colleague at the table next to you is eating shrimp in batter, or deer kidneys in white wine? Right! I would feel uncomfortable too.

And the prices in nearby cafes are usually such that it is easier to endure lunch until the evening than to leave a very significant “piece” of your salary on your stomach every day.

Maybe this is why, or maybe for some other reasons, services for delivering lunches to the office are in great demand in cities. It’s tasty, filling, and reasonably priced. In addition, employees often order the same thing for themselves, so it will be difficult to “fall” in the eyes of their colleagues by eating the same thing. In general, I hope that you have already “ripened” to the idea that ready-made food for delivery is a great business idea worth trying to bring it to life. Moreover, it belongs to the category of projects with small initial capital.

Cooking or buying?

There are two options for running such a business. The first is cooking your own food to order. This is more troublesome and involves much higher costs than the next way of doing things. In fact, this option can be attributed to opening your own cafe. I have already written about some types of this business (cafe on wheels, children's cafe, internet cafe).

The second option is to purchase and deliver dishes from inexpensive cafes. Ideal for those who want to open their own business but are short on funds. In this situation, you can even try to enter into an agreement with the cafe owner for a price discount in exchange for daily purchases at his establishment. But you can still sell on your own behalf.

We create an assortment

Of course, one pie and a glass of tea won’t fill you up all day, but I suggest you start with this:

  • Tea, coffee, juices, mineral water
  • Pies and other baked goods, pizza. By the way, you can read about the latest culinary “fashion” - pizza in cups, and how to organize such a business.

Once you understand what this business is, you can create a more extensive and “substantial” assortment menu, consisting of first, second, and third courses.

What you need to open a business

Let's look at organizing the technical part of our own production of various dishes, since all that is needed for delivery is transport (even a bicycle).

  • Firstly, you will need room for cooking food. This means that it must meet all the required SES criteria.
  • Secondly, your kitchen should have everything you need inventory, starting with dishes and ending microwave ovens and electric stoves.
  • For food delivery it is better to have your own automobile. As I already wrote, it could even be a bicycle, which, by the way, is a very useful means of transportation in traffic jams, but a car, in my opinion, would still be preferable.

We register your business

Unlike the pie vendors on the street, you still have to formalize your business. You will work with a lot of people, and sooner or later rumors about your trade will still reach the “right” ears. Therefore, registering an individual entrepreneur will be the most the best option– you feel calmer, and there is more trust from customers.

A few words about the staff

There will be just a few words, because there is nothing special to describe here. All your employees working in the kitchen must be professionals in their field, have health certificates, and proof of their qualifications.

In addition to cooks, couriers will be required to deliver orders. It is advisable that the courier has driver license, and combined the position of driver and order delivery person.

How to find clients and make them regular customers

How to attract clients? You can start with banal walks around office buildings when it’s approaching lunchtime and offering your products. And what?! No wonder they say “the feet feed the wolf”! Buyers need to talk about it. That if they like the dishes prepared, they can place an order over the phone. And leave your contact information.

Try to apply a few simple tips in your work that will allow you to succeed in this business:

  • Always deliver orders during! Lunch time is limited, and spending it waiting for delivery is a failure for your business.
  • Make a website, through which you can accept orders. This way you will significantly expand your circle of clients.
  • Periodically carry out various promotions, practical jokes. Make discounts for regular customers.
  • Food, in addition to quality and taste, must also be warmed up.

It is, of course, impossible to take into account all the nuances of business in one short article. But all this should be reflected in a business plan, which you must draw up before launching your business. You can find out how to write a business plan here -

Despite the fact that the ready-made food delivery market today is quite competitive, finding your customers in this business niche is quite possible.

In order for a food delivery business to be profitable, it is more profitable to specialize in the full cycle of operation of your enterprise, that is, to organize all services, from preparing dishes to delivering food to the client.

At the initial stage of business development, you can get by with your own kitchen; you will need a person who knows how to cook well, plus several couriers for delivery.

An investment of $5,000 is sufficient to set up a ready-to-eat meal delivery business. This amount should be enough to purchase products, a minimum set of equipment, wages personnel.

Companies that have been delivering lunch for several years and are actively developing their business, as a rule, already have operators on their staff who take calls, an administrative apparatus, high-tech equipment and invest significant funds in promoting the service.

However, in any case, to develop this business you need to be prepared for growth. And remember that the company's main capital is its clients.

As a rule, the basis of the range of food delivery companies is semi-finished products that are purchased from wholesale manufacturers.

According to statistics, lunch delivery services in the range of 100-150 rubles are in high demand. This line of activity brings ready-to-eat food delivery companies up to 80% of their profits.

The presence of a client base is an indicator of a professional approach to organizing and running such a business.

I have a canteen in Novosibirsk, I would be glad if I had someone distributing food and looking for clients

Everything is fine, but what about the full legalization of business, because in an apartment this means underground

You don't necessarily need $5,000 to start a food delivery business. we opened at minimum investment less than 1000 rub. It’s easy to find a restaurant canteen and negotiate, but the main question that arises is how to find a client!? If interested, take a look at our website

Do I have the right to supply lunches to markets prepared in my own kitchen?

Make do with your own kitchen!?!? Tough. Damn "advisers"!

Why, I wonder, is delivery so expensive for 100 rubles?) Lunch is delivered in a time machine from 2001?

Hello. Tell me how to organize mass acceptance of orders for lunch delivery? Thank you.

Let's say a business can be organized, but how to keep these lunches hot? weeks there are special thermoses that are so big? otherwise you won't get anywhere

Here is a lawyer’s explanation about peddling (delivery of sushi and pizza), which shows that delivery of food from restaurants is not legal, hence the lack of delivery in restaurants and cafes. Please provide clarification on what basis (article of law, etc.) I can deliver food from restaurants and cafes, thank you. "Passage trade - retail trade carried out outside a stationary retail network through direct contact between the seller and the buyer in organizations, in transport, at home or on the street. This type of trade includes trade from hands, trays, baskets and hand carts; On 10/04/2012, changes were made to the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods. According to these rules, beer cannot now be sold as a peddle." RULES FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN TYPES OF GOODS dated January 19, 1998 N 55, as amended on October 4, 2012." "4. When carrying out retail trade at the buyer’s location outside of stationary places of trade: at home, at the place of work and school, in transport, on the street and in other places (hereinafter referred to as peddling trade), the sale of food products (with the exception of ice cream) is not allowed , soft drinks, confectionery and bakery products in the packaging of the product manufacturer), medicines, products made of precious metals and precious stones, weapons and ammunition, copies of audiovisual works and phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases." The ban does not apply to ice cream, soft drinks, confectionery and bakery products in the packaging of the goods manufacturer. Sushi is also not included in the list of goods permitted for peddling. You can continue to sell pizza. Pizza production facilities must meet sanitary requirements. The premises must be suitable for pizza production. Pizza production must comply with Rospotrebnadzor standards for enterprises producing bakery products."

just yesterday I started this business lunches in offices, cool idea

In my city, a girl opened sushi to order. At first, they actually did it in their kitchen (her husband is a sushi master))). because It’s a small town, we all know it, and we know that it’s not g.. but they put it there, and they posted photos with food, their kitchen, equipment, and a video of the cooking process. we even know which store they buy everything from. they delivered it themselves. communication was via contact, cell phone and skype. then they expanded and rented space. are thriving. so don't judge without thinking.

I want to open a delivery service for different cuisines. Is the cooking kitchen itself on the second floor of a garage 70 km2 real?

Not a single health station will allow you to cook food at home or on the second floor of a garage. It is very difficult here to find premises suitable for this business. I have been searching for three months already. The premises must be located in a separate building and many others. There is a lot of information on the Internet, and everything is very difficult if you cook it yourself.

About a separate building - nonsense clean water. In addition, the sanitary service turns a blind eye to such “truths” as ceiling heights of at least 3 meters. 70m2 is an excellent area for placing a kitchen, but there are still many points that need to be taken into account. Go to the consumer safety department and find out everything there)

I also thought of such a thing, but first I’m thinking of trying to deliver (delivery) food from our cafes and restaurants. Place an order from a client for yourself in the same cafes, restaurants, etc. and deliver it yourself. And there the cook can rent a room for tricky dishes, well, in general, criticize ...

Let's Order.rf is an online service for ordering and delivering ready-made dishes from restaurants and cafes that do not have their own delivery service.

The main goal of the project is to provide high-quality and fast service by ordering food from restaurants and cafes anywhere in the city.

The company Let's Order.rf provides exclusively intermediary services between catering establishments and clients. That is, launching a project does not imply the creation of production.

The high pace of life, as well as an irregular schedule, forces the average city resident to reduce the time spent on eating. This is the main reason for the rapid growth in demand for food delivery services. Moreover, an hour of working time often costs much more than lunch or dinner delivery services.

Currently, food delivery is the fastest growing segment of the restaurant business. According to statistics from the current Delivery Club service, as well as data from the analytical agency RBC.Research:

  • 150 thousand orders for home delivery are placed daily by Russians;
  • 76.6% of Russians have used the home delivery service at least once;
  • 59% of Russians order food at home via the Internet;
  • $1.5 billion is the volume of the Russian ready-to-eat food delivery market.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the demand market for ready-made food delivery is growing at a rapid pace. This leads to a demand that remains unsatisfied in both the quantity and quality of services provided. The current situation creates objective external prerequisites for creating a business such as a delivery service.

Internal prerequisites for the implementation of the project are a low level of investment in the project, absence of commercial risks, ease of organization and doing business.

Since the delivery service works with many establishments in the city, the client has the opportunity to order dishes from several restaurants at the same time.

The main advantages of starting a business using the “Let’s Order” company model are:

  • Uniqueness. Such unified services exist only in large cities with high levels of demand;
  • Low competition. The service has dozens of cuisines and thousands of dishes to suit every taste;
  • Absence of market and financial risks. Even in a crisis situation, people do not refuse ready-made food;
  • Ease of doing business. All business processes are debugged and registered.

Investments in the project - 354,900 thousand rubles.

The payback period of the project is 4 months.

Profit after tax starting from the 4th month of work is 130,312 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the sales market

The target audience

Since the company provides a huge selection of dishes from various restaurants and cafes in the city, the audience of the project is very wide.

The target audience can be represented in the form of several categories:

Men of working age from 23 to 45 years. They order lunch and dinner because they don’t have enough time to cook their own food. Order frequency - from 3 to 7 times a week.

Women of working age from 23 to 35 years. Mostly unmarried. They order lunch and dinner, since they prefer to devote most of their time to work and meeting with friends. Order frequency - from 2 to 5 times a week.

Companies ordering corporate lunch. Order frequency - 5 times a week.

Families with/without children who want to treat themselves to something new this weekend. Order frequency - from 1 to 3 times a week.

Schoolchildren and students having a party. Order frequency - 1 time per week.

Share of total number orders, which falls on each category of consumer, is displayed in the form of a diagram.

According to the results of marketing research, the total volume of the public catering market in city N with a population of 1 million people is 17.4 million rubles. for 2015. The revenue potential of a delivery service in city N ranges from 12 million rubles. up to 20 million rubles in year.

It is worth noting that the revenue potential depends on the dynamics of demand for the services of restaurants and cafes, as well as on changes in the city’s population and per capita income.

The advantage of running this type of business is the lack of seasonality in sales.

Competitor analysis

Competitors for the company "DaivoZakam.rf" are similar delivery services operating in the catering industry. In many cities, such a business is not developed at all, and there are no competitors. But even in the conditions of current competition, the company “DavaiZakam.rf” is distinguished by unique offers that allow it to quickly occupy a leading position in the market:

  • three detailed systems of cooperation with restaurants and cafes;
  • convenient website with delivery cost calculations and personal account;
  • bonus program for working with clients;
  • possibility of cashless payment;
  • mobile application for Android and iOS;
  • specially developed CRM;
  • excellent level of service.

In addition, the market capacity of this type of service is so large that it suggests the presence of demand even with existing competitors.

The service has dozens of cuisines and thousands of dishes to suit every taste. This is a unique service, because... The food suppliers are restaurants and cafes in the city, of which there are many times more than individual delivery services.

SWOT analysis

Project strengths

Vulnerabilities of the project

  • Unique characteristics of the service (order from different establishments);
  • Huge selection of dishes (from 100 - 300 restaurants and cafes);
  • High quality of services provided (our own staff of couriers and call center);
  • Convenient website and mobile application;
  • Bonus program for working with clients
  • Delivery costs vary depending on the distance of the establishment to the client;
  • Possibility of delivery delays large quantities orders.

Opportunities and prospects

External threats

  • Expansion of the branch network throughout the country;
  • Organization of additional services (flowers, goods, etc.);
  • Attracting corporate clients (lunches at the office);
  • Great importance of potential market capacity.
  • None.

4. Sales and marketing

When entering the market, Let's Order.rf uses the strategy of an innovator. The company has a first mover advantage and strives to maintain a leading competitive position as it develops. The main objective of the strategy is to provide quality services and pay close attention to quality control. It is strategically important for the company to have the resources to quickly expand as its sales market grows. For this purpose, reserve funds are created.

Current Marketing

Cooperation with catering establishments

Sales plan

The sales plan is focused on the number of orders per day. The average check is 1000 rubles. The delivery price varies from 150 to 300 rubles depending on the distance of the client. A one-time order from two restaurants is accompanied by an addition of 150 rubles. to the delivery amount. On average, delivery costs 225 rubles per client. The following is a sales plan for the first 5 months of the organization’s operation with a minimum staff of employees, which includes two couriers.

When forming a sales plan, it is assumed that the maximum number of orders per day for one courier is 15.

5. Production plan

Starting a business organizing ready-made food delivery services consists of several sequential steps.


The first thing you have to do when starting your business is registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The majority of Let's Order.rf franchisees operate as individual entrepreneurs. The chosen taxation system is simplified tax system 6% (income).

Website creation

The website of the company "Let's Order.rf" includes the ability to create a personal account for each client, place an online order, participate in a bonus program, as well as calculate the cost of delivery depending on the client's location. Website setup is included in the company's franchise package. Content is uploaded to the site as contracts are concluded with restaurants and cafes.

Searching for clients from restaurants and cafes

At this stage, you, as a business owner, have a lot of hard work ahead of you. The volume of demand that you can satisfy depends on how many establishments in the city become your partners. First of all, it is necessary to collect a database of all cafes and restaurants in the city in which the online service is being created. Then arrange a personal meeting with the managers of the establishments to describe all the benefits of your cooperation and conclude an agreement. You can begin the next stage when at least 10 establishments in the city have become your partners.

Office rental

A room with an area of ​​10 - 15 sq.m. is suitable. in any part of the city. You will need to place a table, chair, and computer in the room.


At the initial stage, the staff will require 4 couriers and 2 dispatchers. 2 couriers and 1 dispatcher work simultaneously per shift. The courier is hired with his own car.

Starting a business

This step is extremely important for checking the sequence of actions for servicing the client. The manager must monitor whether the team is working smoothly and at what stage delays in order fulfillment occur. Here, strict adherence to job descriptions is monitored.

Service delivery process

6. Organizational structure

At the launch stage, you can get by with a minimum number of personnel:

  1. Manager;
  2. Dispatcher - 2 people;
  3. Courier - 4 people.

The manager's responsibilities include:

  • Conclusion of contracts;
  • Working with the website - laying out menus, monitoring and ensuring smooth operation of the website, processing feedback through monitoring customer reviews, website promotion;
  • Managing finances, issuing wages;
  • Forming a development strategy, searching for business expansion opportunities, searching for new partners.

Salary - 40,000 rubles.

The responsibilities of the dispatcher include:

  • Processing orders from the website and communicating with clients;
  • Coordinating the work of couriers;
  • Transferring the order to the restaurant/cafe manager;
  • Elimination of conflict situations with clients.

The dispatcher works alone on a shift. Work schedule: two working days / two days off. Salary - 15,000 rubles. KPI for the dispatcher - revenue 35,000 rubles/shift. Upon achievement, the bonus is 2,000 rubles. at the end of the month.

In this material:

Delivery of lunches to the office, the business plan of which depends on the initial capabilities of the entrepreneur, is characterized by high profitability. You can start with 15 thousand or several million rubles. It depends on the scale of the project, but both options are possible.

Where to start and who are the potential clients?

A business delivering lunches to the office should not be started in small towns. The exception is those places where new enterprises have appeared or old ones exist, but there is no canteen for staff; they have difficulty eating food during their lunch break. But keep in mind that in small populated areas The wage level is low and few people will want to pay for lunch. The rest, out of old habit, will carry home-made food with them to work.

The main clients for such projects are in major cities with a population of 1 million people or more. These are the personnel of medium and large enterprises. Don’t let it bother you that there is a canteen on the territory of the plant, factory, or industrial complex. Not all staff attend it, not everyone likes the dishes offered, so such employees will be glad to have an alternative in the form of lunch delivery to the office.

But before investing in the development of the project, purchasing expensive equipment, you can suggest trial options. In military affairs, this method is called reconnaissance in force. Create a lunch menu and offer it to potential clients. If a series of orders follows that significantly exceed the number of the trial batch of lunches, it makes sense to invest in the project. But if even the trial batch is sold out with difficulty, in this case it makes sense to stop at the volume of the trial batch and focus on promoting the project.

Financial calculations

The profit from one lunch is 50% of the check amount. Half is enough to cover the cost of purchasing products to prepare a portion, plastic dishes and delivery. The average cost of one lunch is 180 rubles. It turns out that the enterprise’s income from one serving is 90 rubles. When ordering 20 lunches per day for 22 working days per month, the enterprise’s profit will be 39,600 rubles.

This markup leaves room for the entrepreneur to maneuver. It can reduce the cost of one meal if 5 or more people order at the same time. In addition, you can introduce a monthly subscription, according to which the client will receive lunches every day for a month not at 180, but at 150 rubles.

For the client this is a saving of 660 rubles, and for the project this is a regular client on whom they earn 1320 rubles. Already with fifty such regular customers they can make a monthly profit of 66 thousand rubles. At the same time, earnings have already been planned for the month in advance; they can be increased. But you can also reduce it if you start providing clients with low-quality or tasteless lunches. They can refuse and demand their money back, so there is no need to save on a cook or food.

If the business has begun to generate stable profits, having 40-60 regular customers, it makes sense to expand, attract new customers and expand production.

Then the time comes to invest in premises and equipment.

How to start a project?

Once it has become clear that you will have orders for lunch from 20-30 clients, and maybe you will get more in the first weeks, start organizing production. Even if the entrepreneur good cook, it is not recommended for him to stand near the stove. Hire another professional.

There is an option when wives or mothers are involved in preparing dinners. This can be done for the first time, but for permanent work it is not recommended to involve family and friends. This is a business, and the client will not wait until they are in the mood or stop having a headache, and in this case it is very difficult to get them to work. WITH employee easier and simpler.

No special equipment is needed. It includes:

  • stove with oven;
  • a set of frying pans;
  • set of pans;
  • electric meat grinder;
  • kitchen knives (2-3 pcs.);
  • grater;
  • cutting board;
  • blender;
  • baking dishes;
  • thermal bag.

If you purchase everything separately, you need to spend up to 25 thousand rubles. It is not necessary to buy imported equipment; a domestic manufacturer will do just fine. But if you start in your own kitchen, then most of what you need is already there, and a few thousand rubles will be enough to buy the missing pans, knives or pots.

When preparing lunches, be sure to purchase high-quality and fresh ingredients. You can save money if you purchase not in supermarkets, but in markets. But in this case, be sure to request appropriate documents from sellers that confirm the proper quality of the products.

In addition to groceries, you need to buy napkins, plastic dishes and special containers for food. It will cost 60 thousand rubles to purchase food and utensils for 50 daily servings per month. The salary of the cook who will cook the first half of the day is 20 thousand rubles. Another 15-20 thousand rubles. need to spend on delivery via courier. Can be hired special service, which will charge up to 1 thousand rubles per hour of work per day, you can do it yourself or hire your own courier for this money.

It turns out that the monthly cost of preparing lunches and delivering them for 50 regular customers is 95-100 thousand rubles. Income from the sale is 180×50×22=198 thousand rubles. Net profit before taxes will be 98 thousand rubles. But if the cost to regular customers is lower, then 150×50×22=165 thousand rubles, the net profit will be 65 thousand rubles.

It is recommended that one cook cook for every 20-25 servings. Accordingly, the project will need another cook, which will reduce profits by 10-15 thousand rubles. taking into account the redistribution of payroll. With such a workload, one cook can be paid no more than 15 thousand rubles.

And try to pleasantly surprise your customers by providing them with some kind of dessert from home recipes. Its cost will not exceed 10 rubles, but it will attract regular customers forever.

Order a business plan

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With the advent of Western trends on the domestic market of goods and services in the mid-90s of the last century, new types of services began to appear in Russia. The most daring entrepreneurs of those times enthusiastically tried to introduce European and. One of the most successful projects that worked and began to actively develop is food delivery as a business.

Today, the service for the delivery of finished products is being improved and supplemented with new types of services. Many people in big and small cities, immersed in a series of worries and without the time and opportunity to cook their own food, order food every day for delivery to their home or office. So why not take advantage of the current trend and benefit from it? We invite you to consider the idea of ​​a food delivery business and find out what it will take to implement it.

Food delivery business: highlights

Food products belong to the category of goods that under no circumstances will leave the market and will not become less in demand. At the same time, the rapid pace modern life in cities leads to the fact that people spend less and less time at home, and not everyone wants to spend their free hours on cooking. This makes the idea for a food delivery business relevant and promising. Even small enterprises providing such services have room to grow: today catering is gaining momentum - a type of activity that involves on-site catering at banquets, buffets, parties and other events.

But you should still start small - organize the delivery of ready-made meals to your home or office in a particular area or city (if it is small). At the pre-opening stage, it is recommended to conduct a thorough analysis of the competitive environment, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the companies with which you will have to compete, and draw up detailed business plan(read about what it should be).

A food delivery business can exist either independently or be part of a larger and widespread project. For example, you can not only purchase ready-made dishes from cafes and restaurants and then deliver them to customers, but also directly prepare them. Organizing a full cycle requires more time, effort and money at the start, but the profit can be several times higher. To make a choice in favor of one option or another, evaluate your financial opportunities, existing experience and material resources. Having made a decision, you can begin to implement the idea.

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Where to begin

From the very beginning, it is necessary to think through a plan for market introduction. Your task is not to become a gray mass, to stand out from your competitors. This can be facilitated by:

  • creating your own website and mobile application;
  • use of a loyalty program (discount cards, discounts, promotions, bonuses, etc.);
  • development of corporate identity, beautiful packaging design;
  • wide range of dishes;
  • providing more complete information about the product (for example, the energy value of the product).

There are many ways you can promote food delivery on the Internet. To do this, you need to create a high-quality website that has a convenient navigation system, containing “delicious texts”, large and appetizing photographs of products. When the service is ready, you can start advertising campaign. The most effective ways promotion is contextual advertising search engines and promotion in in social networks.

Having developed the concept of the enterprise and determined the main marketing moves, begin preparing the material and legal base.

Documents for work

The amount of documents required to launch a food delivery service to the office and home will depend on whether you already have an operating catering establishment at this point: pizzeria, sushi bar, restaurant, etc. In this case, you just need to make changes to the state register of subjects entrepreneurial activity, writing a corresponding statement and indicating the code of the new type of activity.

In the latest edition of the species classifier OKVED activities 2016 you must select code 53.20.32 “Home food delivery activities.” If you are starting a business from scratch and are only going to do delivery, then you should also choose this code. If you are planning to organize a full production cycle enterprise, that is, prepare and deliver food yourself, you will need to select the appropriate code from group 56.10 “Restaurant activities and food delivery services.”

Having decided on the types of activities, you can begin to register the business. To provide courier services, registration as individual entrepreneur. This procedure is carried out in tax service based on the documents and application provided individual on registration of individual entrepreneurs. Based on its results, you will receive a Certificate, which will be the main document confirming the legality of your business activity.

To make non-cash payments to clients, you will need a bank account. Find out what they are and how to choose the right bank.

In addition, you will need personal medical records for each employee who will work with the preparation and delivery of food. If you deliver home-cooked products, the list of documents will be supplemented with papers confirming the compliance of the premises for storing and preparing food with current sanitary and fire safety standards. Such conclusions can be obtained from the local authority of Rospotrebnadzor and the regional branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, respectively.

By law, you are required to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of business activity in the prescribed manner. Read also,. Having sorted out the documents, we will find out what material and technical base will be needed to run a business.

Material resources and technical equipment

Since we initially considered two options for organizing a food delivery business, we’ll talk about each separately, since their need for production assets will be different.

What you need for a food delivery business

So, if you are doing delivery exclusively, you will need:

  • automobile. You can buy both new and used. It is advisable to choose a model in the middle price range, not too expensive to maintain and repair, and with low fuel consumption. When buying a used car, be sure to pay attention to the sanitary and technical condition;
  • delivery equipment – ​​bags with thermal protection;
  • consumables – packaging material, disposable tableware etc.;
  • laptop or computer with Internet access, communication equipment.

If you plan to start with small volumes, then you can do without an office. In this case, you can receive and process orders yourself at home, or hire an employee to work remotely.

This business format involves cooperation with catering organizations. Pay due attention to finding suitable establishments, evaluate the freshness and taste characteristics of the dishes offered and the breadth of assortment, and only then enter into the necessary contracts.

What is needed to organize a full-cycle enterprise

Another option is to organize a business in the production of ready-to-eat dishes with their subsequent delivery. To start such a project, you will need:

  • room for cooking - for starters, 30-40 square meters will be enough. m;
  • equipment for storing raw materials and semi-finished products - refrigerator and freezer;
  • work surfaces, kitchen tables;
  • gas or electric stove with oven;
  • microwave;
  • hood;
  • food processor;
  • dishes and equipment.

This list can be expanded or shortened depending on what you are going to offer to your clients. In addition to all this, you will also need a car, thermal bags and other equipment discussed in the previous chapter.

Personnel for work

With staff, everything is quite simple: at the stage of opening a business, it will be enough to hire 1-2 couriers with a driver’s license and experience in driving a car. For production you will need 1 cook and 1 auxiliary worker. You will also need a manager to carry out procurement and work with clients. You can perform the functions of the latter yourself for some time.

As the business grows, the need for additional staff may arise. As for couriers, consider hiring employees with their own cars as an option. This way you can save on buying a car by compensating the employee only for the cost of fuel and lubricants.

Important! If your food delivery service includes the possibility of paying for orders in cash, it is advisable to enter into liability agreements with couriers.

Food delivery as a business: profitable or not

It is quite difficult to withdraw the amount that needs to be invested in opening a food delivery service, because it all depends on the city in which the enterprise will operate, whether it will prepare food, etc.

As a rule, it takes up to 100,000 rubles to launch the delivery itself, not counting the purchase of a car. Current expenses in this case include the purchase of ready-made meals, fuel costs, salaries, taxes and advertising. The average markup is 30%. You can independently calculate how many clients need to be served per day, and what should be the average bill so that the business brings the desired profit.

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