How to open a pharmacy and draw up a detailed business plan: our advice. Business plan for opening a pharmacy

Opening a pharmacy today is a responsible and risky business. And this is due to great competition in this business segment. All-knowing statistics give an example that today in cities with a population of over 500 thousand people, one pharmacy serves only 2,500 residents, whereas ten years ago this figure was 8-10 thousand. Nevertheless, it can be argued that the development of the business segment under consideration is proceeding by leaps and bounds: the population is getting sick more and more seriously, the rise in prices for medicines is noticeably faster than inflation, and people have become more concerned about their health and strive to keep themselves in good shape.

A pharmacy business plan for an average Russian city with a population of 500 thousand people begins with a description of the social significance of opening an establishment. Serving up to 200 people a day and employing three pharmacists, the pharmacy plays an important role in maintaining and promoting public health. And given the wide range of dietary supplements and prophylactic agents - also prevention healthy image life.

No less interesting is an example of the rationale and benefits of opening an establishment for an entrepreneur: the pharmacy’s business plan declares serving 170 clients per day, the average cost of a check will be 360 ​​rubles. At the same time, up to 70% of pharmacy products have an expiration date of within 2 years, which means there are no losses due to the write-off of expired drugs.

Location and price issue

Considering the fullness modern market similar establishments, the lion's share of success will be determined by the location of the future establishment. Experts do not recommend buying a ready-made pharmacy business; it is much more productive to approach the issue creatively and open an establishment from scratch within walking distance from shopping center, stops public transport or medical institution. Most likely, on average Russian city Such places today will already be “captured” by competitors, but it makes sense to try to rent a suitable premises, even at a slightly inflated price.

The costs of opening a pharmacy, including design and decoration in a corporate style, hiring experienced pharmacists, beautiful retail equipment and advertising support, in our case will amount to 1.5-1.7 million rubles. However, if in the business plan the pharmacy is positioned as an example of a socially significant facility, there is a high probability of receiving a subsidy from the state for its opening.

Price policy

When planning a pharmacy business, it is very important to prescribe the pricing policy of the establishment - in some cases, only this allows you to gain the upper hand in the competition. An example of an unsuccessful pricing policy is inflating prices in the hope of “recouping” your investment as quickly as possible. On the contrary, setting markups of 10-20% on medicines and 20-30% on dietary supplements and related products will make it possible to attract additional buyers.

No less important point in obtaining a competitive advantage is the search for a competent pharmacy consultant and reliable suppliers. If the chain of intermediaries between drug manufacturers and you is not too long, and advertising campaign will be quite thoughtful, even with a low price markup, it is possible to achieve “net” income within the time frame indicated in the table:

Term 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year
Income, thousand rubles 38-40 43-45 50-60 80-100


Only a good knowledge of the relevant areas of legislation and the specifics of the pharmacy industry can ensure such dynamics. The most appropriate form of pharmacy organization today is a mini-market: the client moves around the sales floor as if in a self-service store, and the pharmacist-consultant helps him choose the right product. There are still few pharmacies of this format, but it is in great demand. The example of a business plan we are considering assumes that the pharmacy owners obtain permission to sell not only medicines, but also cosmetics, dietary supplements, products for children, medical equipment, and sports nutrition.

Please note that not all types of pharmacies are allowed to sell prescription drugs. Therefore, before you start processing documents and hiring personnel, you need to decide on the form of the pharmacy establishment, and then submit to the relevant authorities an example of a list of drugs that will be offered for sale.

After the premises have been selected and made ready for work, it is worth starting the process of licensing the pharmacy. Practice shows that this stage is the longest in the paperwork process: for a beginning entrepreneur, passing local, Moscow, and then federal licensing commissions, obtaining permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire inspection can take from two months to six months. This point cannot be specified in a business plan, since it is subjective. The remaining activities will take no more than a month.

Nuances of choosing a room

In addition to the advantageous location, the business plan states that to open a pharmacy mini-market, you need a premises with an area of ​​at least 50 square meters. m., divided into several zones: sales area, consulting and cash desk, medicine storage and staff rest. It should be bright, well ventilated and have two entrances.

Half of your success will come from the location of the pharmacy, another 25% - experts say - from the professionalism of the employees, approximately 15% can be attributed to the subjective factor of competition. As for advertising and pricing policies, it all depends on you.


As shown above, the literacy of employees, their work experience, as well as the ability to do one common thing can provide you with a good portion of the profit. This means that it is necessary to provide people with such working conditions so that they have the desire to sell more and better for you. Please note that it makes sense to outsource the vacancy of a cleaner.

A driver vacancy is needed for cases where you plan to work with home-delivered medication orders. In some cases, it is advisable to hire a security guard or sales floor controller with a salary of 12,000 rubles.

Components of successful business

The first and main component is the constant expansion of the assortment (in the example of a pharmacy, it includes 210 positions of medicines and 214 positions of other goods). Moreover, it is important to offer not only expensive medicines, but also affordable ones Russian analogues. Don't ignore the discount system for regular customers.

The second point specified in the business plan is optimizing the employees’ workplace and updating the software. You should not spare money on air conditioning systems, air ventilation, couches and other amenities for clients.

Expenses and income

The main part of the cost structure will be the rental fee for the premises. It makes sense to conclude a relatively long-term lease agreement (about 5-6 years), because the company will only pay for itself in at least 2 years. The costs of purchasing equipment (refrigerators, shelving, medical scales, cash registers, etc.) can be reduced by approximately half if you purchase them used. u.

The break-even point is determined at approximately 36,000 rubles per day. Net profit with proper business development will increase from 2-3 to 10-15 thousand rubles per day by the beginning of 2 years of work.

Conclusion: entering the pharmacy business is not cheap and this is not a job for the lazy. However, the time, effort and money spent are more than compensated by a steadily growing income, and the investment pays off in 2 - 2.5 years.

  • Project Description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Description of products and services
        • Marketing plan
  • Production plan
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  • How much money do you need to start a business?
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  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open?
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We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for opening a pharmacy within walking distance. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining credit resources from a bank, state support or attracting private investment.

An example of drawing up a business plan for opening a pharmacy within walking distance in a residential area of ​​the city.

Project Description

General information:

  • City population: 250 thousand people;
  • Total area: 85m2, retail area: 65m2;
  • Object location: bus stop in a residential area of ​​the city;
  • Type of ownership: owned building, leased land;
  • Trade format: counter type trade;
  • Opening hours: 9:00 - 19:00;
  • Number of jobs: 5 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds— 857 thousand rubles; borrowed funds (bank loan) - 2 million rubles.

The main indicators of project effectiveness, according to business plan calculations, are:

  • Monthly profit = 116,579 rubles;
  • Profitability = 16.0%;
  • Payback = 25 months.

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form will be limited liability company(LLC) with one founder. For trade in medical goods, the OKVED code 52.31 “Retail trade in pharmaceutical goods” has been established.

Which tax system to choose for this business

As tax systems A single tax on imputed income (UTII) will be applied. The tax amount is calculated using the formula: 15% * (1800 (basic yield) * sq.m)*k1*k2. The k2 coefficient for retail trade in medical goods in the Ulyanovsk region is 0.6; k1 - deflator coefficient in 2013 is 1.569. The planned retail area of ​​the pharmacy store is 65 m2. As a result of the calculations made, the tax amount will be 16,521.57 rubles per month.

Location of the retail outlet: a bus stop in a residential area of ​​the city. The operating hours are planned to be from 9:00 to 19:00.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  • The limited liability company has been registered with the Federal Tax Service;
  • The location of the facility has been agreed upon with KUMI. A package of documents has been collected for renting a municipal land plot with an area of ​​105 m2. The estimated lease term is 5 years with registration in Rosreestr. The rental cost is 80 thousand rubles per year. In the future, it is possible to acquire ownership of a land plot;
  • A preliminary agreement has been concluded for the supply and installation of a modular building for a future pharmacy.

Description of products and services

The pharmacy plans to sell high-quality medicines and herbs, dietary supplements, hygiene products, as well as medical devices. The average markup on pharmacy products will be 30%.

Our organization will provide the following services:

  1. Sale medicines;
  2. Certificate of availability of medications, as well as methods of their use;
  3. Dispensing medications on a preferential prescription basis to certain categories of patients at the expense of preventive institutions;
  4. Accepting orders for the delivery of special medications.

Buyers will be served by highly qualified personnel, all sellers will be required to have pharmaceutical education.

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Marketing plan

In our city there are many small pharmacies, kiosks and chain stores. That is, there is quite tough competition in the market. At the same time, it is worth highlighting two main competitors of our outlet. Let us characterize their strengths and weaknesses:

To promote the market and increase store traffic, the following activities are planned:

  • Advertising in the media;
  • Carrying out promotions, creating a flexible system of discounts;
  • Creation of a website to provide feedback with clients.

The main clients will be women aged 20 years and older, with average and lower average income.

The retail outlet will be located in a fairly accessible location, in close proximity to the bus stop. Average traffic is about 10 thousand people per day. It is expected that about 2% of them will visit our store. It turns out that the average attendance will be about 200 people per day.

Next, we will determine potential revenue. Average bill in pharmacies like ours is approximately 180 rubles. With an average attendance of 200 people daily revenue will be equal to 36,000 rubles. Monthly revenue will average 1,080,000 rubles.

In essence, these are the expected revenue indicators for a pharmacy when it reaches its planned sales level. These indicators will be achieved at the end of 2 quarters of work, when all promotional activities have been carried out, a qualified team has been selected and an established customer base has been formed.

In the first quarter of work, the average revenue per day will be about 14 thousand rubles, in the second - 28 thousand rubles per day. By the third quarter, the pharmacy will reach its planned revenue levels - 36 thousand rubles per day.

The planned annual revenue with such sales volumes will be 10,260,000 rubles.

Production plan

The choice of a modular building is due to the following advantages:

  • high construction speed;
  • Full readiness for operation and compliance with all SanPin standards;
  • no complex foundations, level ground or use of screw foundations are required;
  • quick payback and profitability of the business;
  • possibility of relocation of the object;
  • solid appearance.

The premises must comply with all SES requirements and fire safety standards. The walls and ceilings will be finished with materials that can be wet cleaned and disinfectants can be used. The premises (85 m2), in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health, will be divided into:

  1. Production area (65m2), which includes shopping room, goods reception premises, goods storage premises;
  2. Administrative and utility area (15 m2), which includes a staff room, an administrator’s and accountant’s place, a dressing room;
  3. Sanitary premises (5m2), which includes a storage area for equipment and a restroom.

What equipment to choose for organizing a pharmacy

1. Sales area:

  • prescription cabinets,
  • walls,
  • checkout counters,
  • open display showcases,
  • closed display cases,
  • tables for customers,
  • banquettes.

2. Utility room:

  • material cabinets,
  • wardrobes for clothes,
  • racks,
  • administrator and accountant desk,
  • dining tables,
  • wall cabinets.

Planned staffing of the organization: Increased requirements will be placed on future pharmacy staff:

  1. Good knowledge of medications. Higher pharmaceutical education;
  2. Ability to communicate with clients;
  3. Experience in selling similar products.

Work with suppliers, outsourcing

  1. Delivery of pharmaceutical products is planned to be carried out by large interregional distributors through regional representative offices;
  2. In accordance with the rules and regulations of SanPin, an agreement will be concluded for the export of solid household waste and garbage from the territory of the pharmacy;
  3. To ensure safety working capital it is planned to conclude an agreement for revenue collection and cash management services;
  4. A “panic button” will be installed in the store as a security system and an agreement will be concluded with a security company.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To open a pharmacy, an investment of 2.86 million rubles will be required. Of these, own funds amount to 860 thousand rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) 2.0 million rubles.

Monthly expenses under the plan are:

Total fixed expenses per month will be 188,500 rubles. The cost structure is as follows:

Main fixed costs point of sale are the costs of paying wages to employees - 44% of total expenses. In second place in the structure of expenses is the payment of insurance premiums to extra-budgetary funds - 13% of the total expenses of the pharmacy.

The break-even point for sales with an average trade margin of 30% will be 816,833 thousand rubles per month.

The pharmacy business is a good start for an entrepreneur, because the demand for medicines has always been and will always exist. Health is the last thing people will save on, and this despite the fact that profits in this business do not depend on the market situation, climate change, or other factors.

However, there are also disadvantages, one of which is considerable competition. Many people know about the benefits of opening a pharmacy, and you will have to work hard to take a worthy position among them. A high-quality business plan is the best foundation for any new business.

How to open a pharmacy: business plan

First of all, you must be as clear as possible about what your future enterprise will be like and what exactly you want to achieve. Despite the apparent demand for this area, a pharmacy is still not a grocery store or a boutique.

Many people perceive a pharmacy to be on the same level as a hospital, and only go there if absolutely necessary. With an ill-conceived concept, your business is simply risks not paying off.

First, you need to decide what type of outlet your outlet will belong to. There are four options:

  • Pharmacy kiosk;
  • Small pharmacy;
  • Standard pharmacy;
  • Minimarket.

See the next article.

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Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Let's say standard pharmacies and points It is officially allowed to dispense medications prescribed by doctors with virtually no restrictions. Thus, the assortment at points of this type will be as wide as possible, which is extremely beneficial for you, as a seller.
  • On the other side, pharmacy kiosk will cost much less in terms of start-up investment,
  • A minimarket involves network expansion, which will also work to your advantage.

Your pharmacy may offer a standard range of medications, or it may specialize in a certain area.

Let's say not bad idea: focus on health-improving cosmetics made from natural ingredients.

Or you can choose as business card products for babies: food, vitamins, useful drugs.

Detailed information will help you make a choice. market and competitor research. Collate all the data, identify what your city is missing and where you could be a pioneer. But at the same time, remember that the wider the assortment, the more profitable it is for you: it is necessary that every buyer finds from you exactly what he was looking for.

When exploring the market, try to note those drugs that are in demand and purchase them in large quantities. It doesn’t matter that this is no longer fashionable and there are many other alternatives - need to focus on demand.

Pharmacy location

As sad as it may sound, more than half of your business's success depends on location. No matter how beautiful the pharmacy is, no matter how wide its range, it will not attract attention in the labyrinths of a residential area.

That is why it is important not to give in to the temptation to save money, but rent a room in the center, no matter how expensive it may be.

Remember, the place should be crowded: it could be a bus stop, a popular avenue or another area large cluster to the people. In addition, it is worth considering such a factor as the proximity of competitors - this must be avoided.

Probably the only situation when opening a pharmacy in a remote place will not fail is complete lack of competition.

This state of affairs is typical for new areas, where new buildings are just being moved in and there is no infrastructure yet. In this case, it makes sense to hurry and occupy a niche - but be careful and carefully carry out all the calculations.

Premises requirements

Ideally, of course, the room should be large - this will allow you to allocate space for:

  • warehouse,
  • boss's office
  • kitchens, etc.

But in practice, especially with expensive rent, this is unlikely, and to begin with it is better to limit yourself to a small area. The minimum for a small pharmacy is 60 sq. m.

The most convenient are rectangular-shaped premises, but, again, it is difficult to find one - most often former apartments on the ground floors are offered for rent, the shapes of which can be very bizarre. However, the “rectangle” effect can also be created through shop windows.

Do not forget that the room should comply with sanitary standards. The state imposes much more requirements on pharmacies than on any other stores.

When drawing up a lease agreement, keep in mind that a pharmacy business can pay for itself in 2 or 3 years. Therefore, it is more profitable immediately conclude a contract for at least 5 years. Of course, if you're lucky and things go well, one year may be enough, but it's always better to be on the safe side.

Repairs and furnishings

Don't underestimate the role of renovations when opening a pharmacy. Visitors’ requirements for a place related to health issues will be higher than for stores of other types. It is very important that the pharmacy makes a favorable and serious impression.

But, at the same time, as practice shows, people tend to treat pharmacies with fear and disdain: they say, there are so many sick people there. Important as much as possible smooth out unpleasant associations and make your pharmacy a place where it will be comfortable to be. Everything around should remind the buyer that the pharmacy is not a terrible enemy, but an ally, primarily designed to prevent trouble.

About the staff

There are special schools that train pharmacists - ideally your employees must have this qualification. At the same time, it is now difficult to find a good pharmacist who meets all your criteria - there are not many of them.

It might be worth considering the option candidates with medical education, which you will train along the way. After all, in any case, a lot depends specifically on your product range and your customer service policy. After a while, you will receive a professional whose knowledge is in no way inferior to a college graduate.

The role of staff is largely depends on the type of pharmacy, chosen by you: say, a sales assistant in a mini-market requires much more enthusiasm when communicating with customers than in a pharmacy kiosk.

But it is imperative to ensure that the information is presented correctly and all the buyer’s requests are satisfied. In a place like a pharmacy, the client especially needs help and support from knowledgeable people.

Good sales can only be achieved with a team that understands the importance of the tasks. But don’t forget about decent wages for sellers – people should be interested work for you.

Features of a business plan for opening a pharmacy in a village

As a rule, small villages rarely have their own pharmacies: points are located in regional centers. Considering the number of elderly people living in villages and constantly in need of medicine, this is not very convenient.

Therefore, the decision to open a sales point in the countryside definitely makes sense. But it must be taken into account that the sales volume will still be incomparable with the city. It makes more sense to open a small pharmacy kiosk, which has everything you need in its assortment.

In other cases, your business will take too long to pay off, if it pays off at all. You need to open a kiosk in the most crowded place possible - in rural areas this is most often a bazaar, market or bus station. In the latter case, you are betting that residents of nearby small villages will also be able to visit your pharmacy.

Example of a business plan for opening a pharmacy

So, what investments will be required when opening a pharmacy:

  • Purchasing a license.

note what if you don't have medical education, you will not be able to obtain a license to sell drugs.

In this case, you will have to hire a pharmacist first. Obtaining a license from a law firm costs around 50-60 thousand rubles;

  • Renting premises.
    If you are staying in the center, you should focus on prices from 70 thousand rubles and above;
  • Repair of the premises - from 60 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of a batch of goods - 50-100 thousand rubles;
  • Refrigeration equipment – ​​30 thousand rubles;
  • Cash desks – 50-150 thousand rubles depending on quantity;
  • Computers and software – 200 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising – from 50 thousand rubles.

Taking into account other minor expenses, starting investment amount for a small pharmacy approximately equal to 500-600 thousand rubles.

For an example of compiling a pharmacy development model, see the video:

Opening a pharmacy is in many ways easier than, say, a clothing store - both technically and in terms of investment. But you must remember that by getting involved in the medical field, you take on much greater responsibility.

Choose a pharmacy business if you really confident in competence and professionalism your team.

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pharmacy business investment competitor

1. General information

2. Goals and objectives of the business plan

3. Summary of the business plan

4. Marketing plan

5. Marketing strategy

6. Market analysis

7. Spending plan

8. Organizational plan

9. Sales plan

10. Financial plan

11. Types of risks


1. General information

Name of the business plan:

Pharmacy "Siberian Health"

Name, address and telephone number of the founder, indicating the share in the authorized capital:

Svyazhina Yulia Sergeevna, Langepas, share in the authorized capital 100%.

Last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the organization (individual entrepreneur), telephone:

Svyazhina Yulia Sergeevna.

The essence of the business plan:

Organization of provision of quality medicines to the population of Langepas.

Direction of investment:

1. Purchase of premises

2. Purchase of equipment

3. Purchase of necessary medications

2 . Goals and objectives of the business plan

Pharmacy in the format of a mini-market "Siberian Health".

Pharmacy goals:

1. Organize production;

2. Achieve maximum profit and repay loan funds ahead of schedule;

3. Complete the payback of the project in 3 years, then receive a net profit;

4. Increase sales volume by expanding the range;

5. Earn a reputation as a reliable supplier of medicines and gain the trust of customers;

6. Ensure the availability of the most complete medical supply (drugs, devices, etc.) for patients diabetes mellitus;


1. Get investments;

2. Find a suitable premises in the central part of the city for rent;

3. Registration of a license for medicines to open a pharmacy;

4. Purchase the necessary equipment;

5. Staffing;

6. Preparation of documents with resource supply organizations.

3 . Business Plan Summary

This document is a business plan for the Siberian Health Pharmacy. This document was developed for organizing the sale of medicines in the city of Langepas, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

The pharmacy business is a tempting business for a future entrepreneur: the need for medicines is no weaker than for food or water, but the medicines themselves take up little space, so a pharmacy requires significantly less retail space than a regular store. Small in size, medicines cost no less, and often much more, than any product in a regular grocery store, so selling medicines is a very profitable business. Features of the pharmacy business include licensing and strict adherence to the requirements of the Ministry of Health and other standards.

The proposed plan for creating a pharmacy describes the purpose and objectives, ways to achieve the goals, and also contains the main financial indicators of its proposed activities.

The goal of the Siberian Health Pharmacy is to make a profit through rapid growth in sales, high quality service and low production costs.

The key to the success of the Pharmacy is proper marketing, teamwork of employees, high quality service and competitive prices.

All organizational measures will be carried out from September to December 2011, the opening of the Pharmacy is planned for January-February 2012.

An indicative financial analysis of the activities of the proposed enterprise confirms favorable forecasts. The main factors contributing to the company's success are high demand, extensive staff experience and competitive prices.

All financial calculations are made in accordance with international standards for the calculation of business plans.

This project is designed for 3 years. To implement the business plan, investments in the amount of 6,105 thousand rubles are required, of which 1,105 thousand are personal funds, 5,000 thousand are taken on credit at 12% per annum for 3 years.

An indicative financial analysis of the Pharmacy's activities confirms favorable forecasts. The main factors contributing to success are high demand, extensive staff experience and competitive prices.

4 . Marketing plan

Target: meet the needs of the population for high-quality medical products, as well as provide the necessary medications to patients with diabetes.

Market Description:

1. Minimum plan: Pharmacy "Siberian Health" Langepas

2. Maximum plan: Chain of pharmacies "Siberian Health" in Langepas.

1. Analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state and development of pharmaceutical business markets.

2. Development of pricing policy.

3. Study of service needs and mechanisms for satisfying them.

Additional services provided to buyers of medical drugs (difference from competitors):

1. The existence of an individual order system for rare, unavailable medications.

2. Providing quality medicines for people with diabetes. pharmacy business service medicine

3. The Pharmacy will provide online consultations (on-site in case of emergency) by an endocrinologist and diagnostic therapist.

5 . Marketing strategy

The Pharmacy's marketing strategy in the first three years is aimed at gaining a stable market position and maintaining competitiveness.

The selling price of the products will be 5% lower than that of competitors. Potential buyers of products are divided into 2 groups (market segments). Segment A - people with diabetes, Segment B - people purchasing other medications, depending on their needs.

Based on marketing research, it was determined that the physical sales volumes for these segments are: Segment A - 38%, Segment B - 62%. The population suffering from this disease will be provided with a professional examination, as well as the necessary treatment.

In the future, it is planned to open a network of pharmacies, providing services of a similar nature in remote parts of the city.

6 . Market analysis

Market conditions are the current economic situation, including the relationship between supply and demand, price movements and inventory, order portfolio by industry, and others economic indicators. In other words, market conditions are a specific situation that has developed in the market at a given moment, or a limited period of time, as well as a set of conditions that determine this situation.

The main goal of studying market conditions is to establish the extent to which the activities of industry and trade affect the state of the market, its development in the near future and what measures should be taken to better satisfy the population's demand for goods and to more rationally use the capabilities available to the production enterprise. The results of the study of the situation are intended for making operational decisions on the management of production and sales of goods.

Geographical boundaries of the sales market - Langepas, Khanty-Mansky Autonomous Okrug- Yugra.

Annual production volumes were projected based on forecasts of market capacity (annual customer demand for a given product).

Having analyzed the market situation in Langepas, you can see that the niche of the pharmacy business in this city is not completely filled:

1) There is no 24-hour pharmacy;

2) There is no pharmacy specializing in medications for diabetics (the number of people with this disease is growing every year).

It should be noted that the entire population is in need of medicines. In addition, the city is equated to the regions of the Far North; the majority of the population are working people, which means the people are solvent. In addition, in Langepas, 40% are children who get sick quite often.

Over the past 5 years, there have been no openings of new pharmacies.

7 . Spending Plan

Article title

Amount, thousand rubles

Purchasing premises

Room renovation

Retail store equipment

Refrigeration equipment

Cash register equipment

Medicine licenses

Org. technique

Communal expenses. Electricity

Purchase of medicines

other expenses


8 . Organizational plan

The Director is responsible for the work of the Pharmacy and manages all management activities.

The accountant will conduct daily calculations: how much was sold, how much was left, what is in greater demand, etc.

3 pharmacists will be hired. The work schedule is 24 hours a day, every other 2 days. General monitoring of the condition of medications will be carried out by 2 pharmacists.

Also, a technician is needed to keep the room clean.

The Pharmacy will provide professional medical services by an endocrinologist and diagnostician.

The structure of this organization is reflected in Appendix 1.

9 . Sales plan

On average, a person spends 300 rubles when going to a pharmacy. In the first year, it is planned that 30 clients will come in daily. Thus, in a week - 210 people, in a year - 10,080 people. Expected revenue is 3,024,000 rubles.

In the second year, an increase in customers per day is expected by 5 people, that is, 35 customers. Per week - 245, per year - 11,760. Revenue will be 4,704,000 rubles.

In the third year, the increase in services will be increased - 500 rubles. The number of customers will also increase - 40. Per week - 280 people, per year - 13,440. Expected revenue - 6,720,000 rubles.

10 . Financial plan

Opening a pharmacy requires large investments of funds. The table shows the financial justification for the investment.

From this table it is clear that 5,000,000 rubles are required. In the first year it will be possible to return 1,000,000, but the company will incur a loss.

In the second year, 2,000,000 loan funds will be deposited. The company's losses will be reduced.

In the third year, the Pharmacy will begin to generate income. The loan will be repaid in full.

11 . Types of risks

During the risk analysis, it was revealed that many factors influence work efficiency.

Possible risks

Impact on expected profit

Measures to reduce the impact of risks

1. Economic risks are associated with instability of demand, price reductions by competitors

Decrease in income

Constant work with clients, expansion of the range of goods, a system of discounts, the highest quality of goods.

2. Production risks

Declining profitability

High organization of work, work around the clock without interruptions

3. Financial risks

Decrease in income

Development of investment and financial policy, getting into the zone of profitable operation

In connection with the listed risk opportunities, the management of Siberian Health has developed a number of measures to minimize risks.

1. if additional financing is necessary, the conditions for providing a loan have been agreed upon with a bank that has a stable position.

2. all settlement transactions have reserve funds.

3. taking fire safety measures.


Staff of the Pharmacy "Siberian Health"

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    Planning of enterprise activities, goals and objectives, types of planning. Development, structure of a business plan, its goals and scope of application. Market analysis, competitor assessment and marketing strategy. Production, organizational and financial plan.

    abstract, added 01/23/2011

    Legal basis for organizing and registering a pharmacy, assessing the relevance of this business. Investigation of the business climate in Ukraine, analysis of the market, residents and residents. The procedure and stages of developing a pharmacy business plan, assessing competitiveness.

    course work, added 11/26/2011

    Development of a business plan for the web studio "SiteCreation". Characteristics and development strategy of the studio, its products and services. Analysis of sales markets and competitors. Production, organizational, investment, financial plans. Project performance indicators.

    course work, added 04/30/2016

    Development of a business plan for a project to open a confectionery shop for the production of custom cakes. Enterprise development strategy, analysis of product markets. Characteristics of competitors, assessment of the quality of services provided. Project production plan.

    business plan, added 05/08/2012

    Organizational management structure. Market and competitor analysis. Planning the implementation of services for the delivery of porous and hollow bricks construction companies transport organization LLC "Transport Company KIT" Assessing the profitability of the service.

    course work, added 10/13/2014

    The concept and objectives of a business plan, its content and structure. Analysis of the property status of the enterprise, assessment of its financial stability and solvency. Planning the production of the valve body product, calculating costs and profit from sales.

    thesis, added 07/04/2012

    Methodology and procedure for developing a business plan using the example of the enterprise Orlis LLC, IP Voinovich; knitting studio, salon store: structure, goals and objectives. Characteristics of goods and services, assessment of the sales market and competitors; financial plan and risk analysis.

    course work, added 10/21/2011

    Development of a business plan for travel agency"Delhi Tour": goals and main objectives, characteristics of activities, organizational and legal form of the enterprise. Assessment of sales markets, competitive advantages; marketing plan; potential risks.

What sanitary standards and rules does the pharmacy comply with, and what must be observed?
Is a license required to open a pharmacy?
How much money do you need to open a pharmacy, how much does it cost?

Location, where to open a pharmacy - premises and its rent, how to choose premises?
Pharmacy equipment and equipment
Staff for pharmacy business

Sales of products

Financial plan:
Investments (calculations for opening, equipment, personnel, purchase of goods, taxes)
Payback, is it profitable to open a pharmacy?

Option to open a pharmacy as a franchise, pros and cons, investment, payback

Prospects for the development of pharmacy business:
1) Opening your own laboratory for the production of tablets and medicines
2) opening a veterinary department in a pharmacy
3) opening a small pharmacy in rural areas

Opening a pharmacy business requires awareness of this area. Today there are many pharmacies, as well as grocery stores.
Therefore, in order to stand out somehow, you need to have good advertising. But, at the same time, this business will never lose its relevance. Because there is always a demand for medicines, as well as for food.

Who can open a pharmacy, what education is needed? Is it possible to open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education?

According to state legislation, the owner of a pharmacy, as well as the staff, is required to have a pharmaceutical education. A diploma is confirmation of completion of higher or secondary specialized education. Additionally, the manager must have relevant continuous work experience as a pharmacist for at least 3 years. In the case of secondary specialized education, such experience must be at least 5 years. In addition, you must have a specialist certificate. These rules are provided for by licensing requirements for those who wish to start a pharmacy business.

But there is another option. You can open an enterprise for a third party to manage a pharmacy. For example, establish an LLC and hire a person with a pharmaceutical education to serve as director of the company.

Sanitary norms and rules for pharmacies.

In the process of carrying out pharmaceutical activities, all pharmacies and pharmacy points must be guided by the relevant sanitary standards and rules. Failure to comply with these requirements is punishable by law. Responsibility for compliance with the following standards rests directly with the head of the organization.

There are sanitary requirements for the design and placement of pharmacies, requirements for equipment and decoration of premises, requirements for the improvement of premises, as well as for cleaning and hygiene of the organization’s employees.

Sanitary requirements for the design and placement of pharmacies provide for the following points:

The pharmacy can be located either in a separate building or on the first floors of residential buildings;
- it is mandatory to have two entrances: separately for visitors and separately - a service entrance for unloading and loading operations;
- availability of a platform for vehicle access;
- the presence of several zones in the room: for customer service, staff workplaces, a room for storing and unpacking medical supplies, an area for storing medications that require special conditions, a restroom with a mandatory washbasin, a utility room where staff belongings can be stored or meals can be taken.

Sanitary requirements for equipment and decoration of the premises:

The finishing of the floor covering should provide for the possibility of frequent wet cleaning using disinfectants;
- if the shop windows or windows of the room are located on the sunny side, then special protective devices (awnings or blinds) must be provided;
- vents or window openings that are necessary to ventilate the room must be equipped with special nets to prevent the entry of dust, dirt or insects;
- a prerequisite is the presence of special bactericidal lamps to carry out regular disinfection of the premises.

Requirements for the improvement of the premises include the following aspects:

Mandatory central heating;
- it is preferable to equip the room with special, smooth-walled radiators, which are the easiest to carry out the cleaning process;
- the possibility of ventilating premises in summer, winter and spring-autumn using vents or window openings;
- during the heating season, the air temperature should not be less than 18 °C;
- the presence of artificial lighting in the pharmacy is mandatory;
- when organizing lighting, preference is given to incandescent fluorescent lamps;
- it is necessary to have a water supply in the room with cold and hot water supply;
- the presence of sewers to remove water runoff, and garbage containers to remove solid waste;
- solid waste must be removed at least twice a day.

Sanitary requirements for cleaning and hygiene of employees include:

The premises must be wet cleaned daily using special disinfectants;
- once a month, wet cleaning of windows, vents and window openings should be carried out using soap or disinfectants;
- during the thaw period and during the warm period, wet cleaning of windows outside the premises is carried out;
- at least once a week, wet cleaning of cabinets and shelves where medications are stored is carried out;
- sinks and lavatories must be disinfected daily using separate cleaning equipment (special markings must be provided to distinguish them);
- premises workers must wash their hands before starting work, have special clothing (robe, cap, gloves if necessary and a protective gauze bandage on the face). It is prohibited to leave the pharmacy in overalls;
- there should be no foreign objects at the employee’s workplace, as well as in the pockets of work clothes;
- each employee of the organization must have a special book in which data on the results of a medical examination must be regularly entered. This document gives the right to work in an organization of a similar direction;
- workers who have diseases that do not allow them to work in the pharmacy sector should be sent for treatment. And only after confirmation of their recovery is permission to work resumed.

What documents are needed to open a pharmacy?

To open a pharmacy, you must contact the sanitary-epidemiological service and provide the following list of documents:
- document confirming identity and identification code;
- statement;
- original and photocopy of the “Certificate of registration as a legal entity or individual»;
- Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
- a document that confirms the right to ownership of the premises that will be intended for the pharmacy;
- BTI plan;
- contract for disinfection, washing of linen and the possibility of destruction fluorescent lamps;
- a document confirming the possibility of conducting an inspection of workers;
- medical records of employees;
- production control plan;
- data with measurements of the room microclimate.

By submitting the above documents, you must receive in return a sanitary passport giving the opportunity to open a new pharmacy, as well as a special permit to locate the facility economic activity.

The next step is to contact the fire department to obtain a special permit.

To do this, you must provide the following list of documents:

Documents that confirm the availability of funds for fire safety;
- certificate of state registration;
- fire safety declaration;
- a document with prescribed measurements of the insulation resistance of electrical wires;
- pharmaceutical license.

Is a license required to open a pharmacy?

To conduct pharmaceutical activities, it is mandatory to open a license. This procedure takes about a month on average. The following documents are required:

Certificate of registration of the enterprise;
- statement;
- extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
- document confirming registration in tax service;
- receipt of paid tax fee;
- certificate of specialist of the head of the organization;
- document confirming ownership;
- work books personnel;
- a document confirming the right to use the equipment;
- permits obtained from the SES and fire service;
- characteristics and plan diagram of the economic activity object.

How much money is needed to open a pharmacy?

The answer to this question depends on several aspects. First of all, the chosen type of pharmacy plays a role. There are several of these: a pharmacy, a store or kiosk, a manufacturing pharmacy, a pharmacy of prepared drugs. Additionally, it is worth assessing the size of the organization and its location.

The funds that will go into starting a business will be spent on the following: purchasing display cases, cabinets, shelving, medicines, safes, furniture, refrigeration equipment, computers, software, renting premises, processing all necessary documents and marketing activities.

For example, opening a pharmacy kiosk in a residential area of ​​the city can entail an amount of 10-12 thousand dollars. Opening the same pharmacy kiosk, only in the central part of the city, will cost about 17 thousand dollars. If we talk about a pharmacy store, then the amount will be much higher. For a residential area you will have to pay about 20-27 thousand dollars. A store in the center will cost from 30 thousand dollars and more, depending on the size of the premises.

Organization and arrangement of a pharmacy.

Location and premises.

After receiving all the necessary documents, you can begin choosing the location of the pharmacy. First of all, it is important to focus on its size, type and potential buyers. For example, if you want to open a small pharmacy with a standard range of products (essential medicines and the most popular drugs), then you should choose a residential area of ​​the city. It is better to choose a place close to a bus stop, grocery stores or in places where there are more crowds of people. If you have chosen elite and expensive products and are going to offer consumers exclusive and expensive drugs, then you need to choose the city center or its business district. When choosing any location for pharmaceutical activities, it is best to focus on the places where daily activities will take place. a large number of people: market, metro, transport stops and other similar areas.

You can rent premises either in a separate building or on the ground floors of residential premises. But for an elite pharmacy, it is still better to opt for a separate room in order to prepare a separate and comfortable entrance for visitors, as well as brand the room itself according to the style of the pharmacy.

When choosing the premises for a pharmacy, you must first focus on the square footage. For a medium-sized pharmacy there should be at least 80 sq. m. It is also necessary to focus on sanitary standards: the presence of heating, water supply, sewerage, electricity, air conditioning.

Repairs and equipment of the premises should be easy to clean regularly. Another positive point will be the presence of a fire and security system. At the same time, an important condition is that the pharmacy must be separate from the premises of any other organizations.

For normal operation of a pharmacy you will need a minimum amount of equipment. It includes:

Cash registers and special software;
- racks, display cases and counters for storing medical supplies;
- closed cabinets and refrigerators (for medicines that require special storage conditions);
- safes (if there is a need to store drugs with narcotic effects);
- computers, tables, chairs and other indoor furniture.

Only if you have all the above equipment you will receive a license to create a pharmacy business.


After purchasing the necessary equipment, you can begin recruiting personnel. The requirements for pharmacy employees are quite high. All pharmacy employees, with the exception of cleaners or security guards, must have a higher pharmaceutical education. Some workers require a certain amount of work experience. For example, the head of an organization must work as a pharmacist for at least 3 years. This rule also applies to his deputy. Additionally, once every 5 years, a procedure for improving the qualifications of all personnel must be carried out. Because modern drugs are improving every year, and people often come to the pharmacy not only to buy medicines, but also for advice. Therefore, it is important to retrain pharmacy workers.

The number of staff directly depends on the size of the pharmacy itself. If we take into account a medium-sized pharmacy, then for the normal operation of the enterprise you will need:

Manager and acting manager;
- receptor-controller (responsible for receiving the goods);
- analytical chemist (responsible for product quality);
- defector (responsible for storing the goods);
- assistant (does self-production drugs);
- pharmacist or handler (sells medicines).

If the pharmacy is small, then the staff may be smaller or one person may perform two positions.

Marketing and sales of goods.

To determine the most necessary names of commodity items, you should conduct monitoring and become familiar with the drugs that are in greatest demand. this period. Another profitable option for purchasing goods is direct cooperation with hospitals. In this case, you will provide the buyer with exactly the product that the doctor will prescribe for him. But such agreements require additional investments. To maximize profits, you can offer related products: cosmetics, baby food, accessories, orthopedic products and much more. At the same time, you can set absolutely any markup on such goods.

In order to somehow stand out, a small pharmacy needs to constantly pursue an active advertising policy. The main factors that attract buyers are advertising and flexible pricing policy. Of course, you can carry out active marketing activities and use all advertising tools: newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio, television. But not always such activities can attract a lot of buyers and bring the desired profit. Today there are enough pharmacy points and people often do not have a question about where to find a pharmacy. Therefore, sometimes it is better to use more simple steps. They won't cost you as much.

For example, if you decide to locate a pharmacy in a residential area. Then it is best to orient people with signs, signs that will be visible and can guide consumers. You can also reach your audience by handing out leaflets or through mailboxes. You can also distribute discount cards and set a small discount percentage, create a website for ease of use with the ability to order or reserve goods. Additionally, you can offer customers high service and good advice. All of the above actions will subsequently prove to be more effective and less costly.

Financial plan.

There are major costs that opening a new pharmacy will entail. It is on their basis that it is necessary to calculate the financial plan.

For a medium-sized pharmacy, you may need the following expenses:

Rent of premises for 2 months - from 1.5 to 5.5 thousand dollars;
- carrying out repair work (if necessary) - up to 3 thousand dollars;
- purchase of commercial equipment - up to 7 thousand dollars;
- purchase of refrigeration equipment - $400-700;
- purchase of cash registers - $150-300;
- optional equipment if necessary - about 1.5 thousand dollars;
- documentation and taxes - $150-400;
- advertising and outdoor signs - about 2 thousand dollars;
- other expenses - $600;
- wages of employees - from 700 to 1.2 thousand dollars monthly;
- procurement required product- from 10 thousand dollars and above.

To open a medium-sized pharmacy business, you may need between $27,000 and $31,000. Having invested such a sum of money, it is important to understand the profitability and possible risks of the business.

Profit from a pharmacy will depend on many factors: the location where you decide to locate the pharmacy, the size of the area or population, competition, as well as rent and pricing policy. According to experts, opening a pharmacy or pharmacy is quite profitable, even under conditions of high competition. For example, the turnover of a small pharmacy will be approximately $30 thousand. Taking into account monthly expenses, we get a net monthly profit of 3-5 thousand dollars. In this case, you can recoup the initial investment in 1 year. A large pharmacy can generate profits of $150,000 or more. But her monthly expenses are much higher. Therefore, with proper and competent organization of work, you will recoup the investment in six months, maximum a year.

But even if the pharmacy’s payback period is slower, the opening of the pharmacy remains profitable business, given the growing demand for various medicines from year to year and the active development of this industry. Most often in the Russian Federation, the profitability of pharmacies fluctuates around 10%. Of course, this is not an impressive amount. But, if the development of the pharmacy is in your hands experienced businessman, then you can get a much better result. For example, it is pharmacy chains that provide the highest profits. Since they have good advertising, are located in many areas of the city, have an attractive discount system, as well as a low pricing policy.

Opening a pharmacy as a franchise.

Large pharmacy chains often offer businessmen to start their pharmaceutical business in partnership with them. For this purpose, a franchise agreement is used. This method cooperation remains one of the easiest ways to start your own business. The meaning of this agreement remains as follows: the opportunity to use already famous brand to create your own pharmacy. This agreement obliges you to plan your business in accordance with established rules. This is a certain size of the room, type of service, work schedule, features of the organization, and more. Taking into account the above points, we can highlight the positive and negative sides developing your own business under a franchise agreement.

Positives include the following:

Minimum costs for marketing activities;
- reduced risks of unsuccessful business;
- assistance in promotion;
- low pricing policy and competitive prices for medicines;
- reliable and trusted suppliers;
- advertised and recognizable products;
- training in basic business standards, trainings;
- assistance in obtaining a license to open a new pharmacy.

It is worth highlighting the negative aspects of running this business. First of all, it is important to note the high price of purchasing a franchise of a well-known brand. It is also important to note the restrictions on conducting various activities, which excludes the possibility of independent development. Additionally, you must independently look for premises in accordance with the requirements of the contract, as well as hire a specified number of personnel and agreed upon equipment.

It is important to note that each specific network can dictate its own rules and offer unique terms of cooperation. For them, as for you, development and profit making are important. But it is still possible to allocate an average investment for organizing a pharmaceutical franchise business on the following conditions:

Lump sum payment - from 1.5 thousand dollars;
- royalties - from 2 dollars;
- the size of the investment, taking into account the opening of one pharmacy on an area of ​​more than 80 square meters. m - 20-30 thousand dollars.

At the same time, franchising can provide following conditions: ensuring the supply of goods from leading distributors, staff training, organizing advertising activities for a new point, support at all stages of creation and development, as well as other points that may differ for each pharmacy chain.
According to experts, even taking into account the large initial investment, this business can pay for itself within a year. But this figure is influenced by many factors. Additionally, in the pharmacy franchise business, it is worth choosing the right staff. This is, first of all, not education and work experience, but the ability to find an approach to each buyer - communication data. Professionally organized customer consultation is the key to running a successful pharmaceutical business.

Prospects for the development of pharmacy business.

The pharmaceutical industry, like any other, can be developed to increase the profit of the enterprise and, accordingly, increase the interest of potential clients. When opening a new pharmacy, you can think about developing the following areas:

Opening of our own laboratory for the production of medicines;
- additional opening of a veterinary department;
- opening an additional pharmacy store in a sparsely populated area.

Opening of our own laboratory for the production of tablets and medicines.

Opening your own laboratory for the production of medicines is quite a promising direction. Not every pharmacy can offer such a range of services, especially if we talk about a sparsely populated area. It often happens that a consumer who wants to buy drugs of this type suffers in search of a point where they are produced.

Therefore, by opening your own laboratory, you can safely count on an additional flow of clients, and, accordingly, greater profits. Additionally, it is important to note that such medicines can provide great competition to advertised foreign analogues. Therefore, it is important to conduct an advertising campaign so that the consumer knows about the new opportunities of your pharmacy. Additionally, it is worth contacting hospitals and medical centers to talk about the new strategy for your business. And also, if possible, talk to doctors so that they recommend your pharmacy to people in need of such medications.

The only point is that it is important to calculate the entire cost of the equipment, which is better: purchase it or rent it. It is also important to take into account additional expenses for renting a special room, working personnel, equipment for storing medicines, and necessary equipment. Most often, this industry entails large expenses, but, according to experts, this offer remains quite profitable and cost-effective. Full payback, in case of correct and competent development of the direction, can pay for itself in a six-month period.

But, before you make the final decision to open your own laboratory for the production of medicines, it is important to monitor the market in order to know exactly which specific medicines may be in great demand. On average, this direction can increase revenue up to 30%.

Opening a veterinary department in a pharmacy.

The additional opening of a veterinary department can also lead to profit. According to the results of the survey, about 20% of residents of our state have pets, which are your target audience. This means that almost every fifth buyer has a pet and can buy the necessary medications for it. It is important to note that even during periods of crisis, people continue to take care of their pets. Therefore, the veterinary department can generate stable income over a long period of time, since any animal, just like a person, needs to be regularly maintained in health.

This department can be opened on the territory of the pharmacy. Since all the necessary equipment, as well as inventory for storing veterinary medicines, is already present, all that remains is to involve additional personnel in the work, as well as purchase additional racks and a display case. Accordingly, it will be necessary to purchase veterinary drugs. You can also contact your distributors for the supply of medicines for people on this issue. According to experts, all investments can be recouped in 1.5 years if the advertising campaign is properly organized.

Opening a small pharmacy in a rural area.

Opening a small pharmacy in a rural area can provide a stable income for quite a long period. First of all, it is worth highlighting the main positive and negative points. The advantage is that most often in rural areas there is no competition. Village residents have to go to the nearest regional center for medicine. If you open a pharmacy in a village, then all its residents, as well as, possibly, people living in neighboring villages will immediately contact you. Additionally, it can be noted that the pricing policy for medications will be dictated by your pharmacy, which allows you to set the maximum markup for the product. But it is worth noting a negative point - this is a narrow circle of potential buyers.

But the sale of essential medicines and the most popular drugs can bring significant profits. But this area can be developed a little by offering customers goods for children, cosmetics or household products. Investments in this business will not be as large as compared to opening a pharmacy in big city. But the payback period may be at least a year, due to lower turnover.

Business results.

The pharmacy business, even taking into account the slow payback period, is worth the effort and money invested in it. Because constantly stable and high demand for medical drugs is the basis for running a successful pharmaceutical business!

Video on how to open a pharmacy:

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