Open a pharmacy from scratch without a pharmaceutical education. What is the pharmacy business. Obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion

Pharmacies, like grocery stores, are unlikely to ever lose their relevance. Health and the problems of its absence are a circumstance that at least once in a lifetime was familiar to each of us, so the need for medicines always exists. Against the backdrop of high demand in Russia, there is no less high competition. But with the availability of capital and a competent development strategy, it is quite realistic to open a pharmacy from scratch.

What does it take to open a pharmacy?

Even at the start, you need to clearly define the format of the institution, in which direction development is planned. All pharmacies are divided into:

  • territorial - the pharmacy is focused on local residents of the area in which it is located;
  • hospital - located on the territory of a medical institution or near it, focused on patients;
  • family - the range consists of the most popular and frequently requested medicines and medical products for the family;
  • premium - located in business districts, elite areas, on the territory of shopping centers, include medicines, family goods, premium pharmaceutical brands in the assortment.

Like any field, the typology of pharmacy organizations is constantly evolving. In addition to traditional ones (with a closed display case), open-access establishments are gaining popularity, which allow each visitor to choose the necessary drug, read its instructions.

Also, new types of pharmacies include pharmaceutical markets (or pharmacy supermarkets), online pharmacies with home delivery. According to experts, it is these areas that will develop in Russia in the coming decades.

Pharmacy business: where to start?

The next important aspect that needs to be decided even before opening from scratch is the choice of location. It is no secret that a pharmacy, like any retail outlet, should be located in busy places - in the middle of residential areas, near transport stops, markets, shops, places for recreation.

At the time of planning, it is necessary to conduct a deep analysis, market segmentation and determine trends in its development. It is necessary to study the local pharmacy market and potential buyers, taking into account the employment of a niche, search advantageous positions in some particular direction.

Pay attention to the existing pharmacies in the area of ​​interest with an established customer base. It is necessary to take into account the behavior of customers, assortment. This will provide an opportunity to identify the target audience and understand what is missing in the current market.

When choosing a location, it is necessary to find the optimal ratio of a good busy location and the cost of rent. Find out how much it costs to rent a room of interest in different places, choose the option that suits you best. The rental fee must be compared with the total cost of opening a pharmacy from scratch.

Advice: often entrepreneurs open a pharmacy from scratch on the territory of hospitals and clinics. In this case, you can build on specialization - if it is, for example, a dermatological or dental center, offer products in this particular direction.

What documents are needed to open a pharmacy?

Opening a pharmacy from scratch is much more difficult than providing one. To conduct activities, a large package of permits is needed, so its preparation is a laborious process. Pharmacy business is going through the stage of compulsory licensing. In order to obtain a license, you need:

  1. an application for a license, which specifies the name and choice of organizational form, the address of the future institution, a listing of the work that is planned to be done;
  2. copies of constituent documents for legal entities;
  3. certificate of tax registration;
  4. confirmation of payment of the license fee;
  5. specialist certificate, which indicates vocational training leader;
  6. a lease agreement or ownership of the premises in which it is planned to open a pharmacy from scratch;
  7. documents confirming the receipt of higher specialized education by employees;
  8. a copy of the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the premises with the established requirements.

To open from scratch, you need to obtain permission from the fire inspection, which will draw a conclusion according to the following documents provided:

  • certificate of completion of the company registration stage;
  • documents that confirm the presence of a fire alarm and fire protection equipment;
  • fire safety declaration;
  • confirmation of measurements of insulation resistance of electrical wires.

Also, to open a pharmacy from scratch, you need to obtain permission to conduct activities in the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological station. To do this, prepare the following papers:

  • an application for a permit from the SES;
  • passport of the founder of the business;
  • identification code;
  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • extract from the USRIP or USRLE;
  • a lease agreement or ownership of real estate in which it is planned to open an institution from scratch;
  • explication;
  • BTI planning;
  • contract for disinfection, disposal of fluorescent lamps and laundry;
  • sanitary books of employees;
  • the results of measuring the microclimate of the room and the level of its illumination.

As you can see, the package of documents is large, it will take months to collect it. Many entrepreneurs entrust the function of preparing permits to specialized organizations that will advise on issues of interest and, for example, provide information on how.

How to open a pharmacy: step by step instructions

To open a pharmacy from scratch, you need to complete a series of organizational processes. Registering a business and implementing this idea is much more difficult than. Therefore, be patient. After choosing the premises and completing the documentation, you need to go directly to the preparation.

Pharmacy Automation

Today, any business cannot do without automated devices - from to a hypermarket. Opening a pharmacy from scratch is no exception, moreover, in this business it is especially important because of the wide range of medicines, different manufacturers and the availability of analogues with different names.

Exist special programs, which help to quickly find the necessary drug, show its cost, quickly update the assortment and help to highlight items that are expiring.

Advice: automation of the workplace will increase the speed and quality of customer service, which will affect the turnover and image of the organization.

To automate the pharmacy business, you need:

  • buy computer and server equipment, components;
  • select the program for which work is planned (for example, 1C Pharmacy, Likis, Morion, ANR Pharmacy Program);
  • purchase cash registers (cash register, barcode scanners, terminal);
  • connect equipment to the network, devices to software products;
  • implement programs.

The introduction of automation is necessary to minimize the human factor. Even the most skilled and professional pharmacist cannot keep thousands of drug names in his head for quality customer service. Many are interested in how much special accounting programs cost. Their price depends on the degree of complexity, functionality and varies between 1.5-4 thousand rubles per month.

Assortment policy and merchandising

How to open a pharmacy from scratch: how much does it cost?

The pharmacy business is a profitable and cost-effective area, but at the same time very costly. How much money do you need to have to open a pharmacy from scratch? Consider the current prices in Russia today:

Name Price
Registration of licenses, permits 30-50 thousand rubles
Purchase of commercial equipment, inventory 120-250 thousand rubles
Automation (software + implementation) 22-30 thousand rubles
Computer and cash technologies, equipment (computer, receipt printer, cash register, barcode scanners, terminal) 60-80 thousand rubles
Purchase of the first batch of goods 500-900 thousand rubles
Outdoor advertising 20-30 thousand rubles
Marketing activities when opening a pharmacy from 6 thousand rubles
Renting the premises, if it is not owned by the owner from 40 thousand rubles
Other expenses (household appliances, communications, etc.) 10 thousand rubles

The total cost of opening a pharmacy from scratch is 800-1100 thousand rubles. It is possible to reach the break-even point in one and a half to three years. In the first 6-8 months, it is recommended to invest in business promotion.

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The pharmacy business is one of the most popular today. In terms of relevance, it stands along with the sale of food products. Demand for medicines and related products continues to grow. This is due to poor ecology, a large proportion of harmful substances in food, lack of physical activity due to increased business activity and closer attention to one's health. As practice shows, the average check in a pharmacy is quite comparable to the average check from a supermarket.

In contact with

Here we will consider an article on how to open a pharmacy, what you need for this, how much it costs to open and an example of a business plan for this business.

The pharmacy business is growing every year and is gaining more and more momentum. People continue to get sick as before, the cost of foreign and domestic medicines increases, people take care of their health and use prophylactic drugs, all kinds of advertising campaigns. The average pharmacy checks contain quite impressive sums, medicines have, on average, two years of expiration date. These factors influence the fact that pharmacies can be called a profitable business.

The modern market is widely filled with pharmacies, but if you approach it constructively, you can open a pharmacy from scratch near a shopping center, metro stations, medical institutions and other buildings of mass congestion. Take care of the design of the room, beautiful glass showcases, professional employees, and do not forget about feasible advertising, signs, name and reasonable prices.

Business plan - ready-made example

We present you a free ready-made example of a pharmacy business plan that will help you get started. The price range for opening this business varies within 20 thousand dollars - a pharmacy and 1 million dollars. - network of pharmacies.

Very often the price is too high, the seller wants to recoup all his investments and receive income. A profitable purchase comes down to finding a reliable consultant who knows this business. When buying a pharmacy, you must first of all choose a favorable location so that there are effective connections with suppliers. Also important is the renovation of the premises, advertising, staff. As you can see, buying a good business resource is quite difficult. Might be easier to organize pharmacy business from scratch? This will also be quite problematic if you do not own all the pitfalls of this case, and you also need knowledge in the field of taxation, registration issues, and so on.

If you properly organize your pharmacy business and plan, then the estimated income will be 3000-15000 dollars per month.

How to open from scratch

So, consider the information on how to open a pharmacy from scratch.

Planning for future activities

For profitable activities, you need to have a good understanding of the specifics of the pharmacy business. So, there are pharmacy kiosks, points, ordinary, pharmacies in the form of mini-markets or a network. There are also distinctions in the assortment, for example, it is possible to sell only medicines, it is possible to sell medical and children's cosmetics, healthy eating, products for diagnostics and more. By law, only pharmacies and points are allowed to sell prescription drugs, so you need to initially decide on the form of the institution and the range of drugs. And also, a working pharmacist must be experienced in pharmacy activities.

Opening a pharmacy in the shortest possible time

The choice of premises, repairs, equipment, staff - these components depend on you and, if desired, everything can be organized in a month. But the longest period in the beginning of activity is obtaining a license for a pharmacy. The chain is long and tiring: the local licensing commission, Moscow, federal, plus the conclusions of the SES and firefighters. It can take about two months to receive all notifications, permits and licenses, and for an inexperienced person up to six months.

Favorable location is the key to success

As already mentioned, for a large attendance of customers, it is necessary to choose the location of the pharmacy successfully, i.e. place large cluster of people. These can be metro stations, large housing estates, shopping and medical centers, bus stops, and so on.

Please note that the success of this case depends 50% on the location of the pharmacy, 30% on the employees of your institution, 10% on competition, the rest - advertising and pricing - on you or the head of the pharmacy.


It is impossible to have good money without a well-coordinated team. Everyone should have one goal. You need to create favorable conditions for work from a pharmacist to a cleaner. Let people go to work in a pharmacy with pleasure. Organize corporate parties, bonuses, employees should have good pay. Compared to 2001, the salary of pharmacists increased by 80%. Personnel must have appropriate education, work experience is desirable.

A wide range of

Constantly expand the range of products offered in the pharmacy you have opened. Let you have foreign and proven domestic counterparts on the shelves. Also enter cosmetics, healthy and baby food, mineral water, herbal teas and more.

Computer equipment and other for the pharmacy business

For fast and high-quality customer service in your pharmacy, you need to optimize the workplace with computer programs. Thanks to which, you can quickly track the order, its availability, apply discount programs, see the release of funds for new purchases, and so on.

Do not forget about refrigerators, appropriate furniture, air conditioners and other amenities for customers.

The price of the question - how much does it cost to open?

If you rent a pharmacy, the lion's share of the costs will be rent, the next item will be the cost of equipment. When renting, be sure to draw up a lease agreement for at least 4-5 years, because the payback of the project is 2-3 years.

Break-even activity is sales at the level of 20-25 thousand rubles a day, the rest is your profit. With success in business, the monthly turnover should be one million rubles.

A pharmacy with the repair of the premises will cost approximately 45-50 thousand dollars.

  • Rent - from 5000 dollars
  • Repair - 20000
  • Trade and cash equipment - 12000
  • Refrigeration equipment - 1000
  • Software support - 3000
  • Additional costs - 3000
  • Permits - 5500
  • Outdoor signs and other - 3000

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy? Total: 52,500 US dollars.

Also, you can order recruitment services and business consulting.

How to open a pharmacy. Step-by-step instruction


In this article, you can step by step learn how to open a pharmacy on your own and consider the option of how to open a pharmacy franchise with starting capital from 1,500,000 rubles.

Pharmaceutical retail business quite profitable in Russia: medicines, medicines, as well as health and beauty products are always in demand. Nevertheless, it is not so easy to open your own pharmacy or pharmacy, you need to figure out how to open a pharmacy from scratch, study the features of the drug assortment, the state of the pharmaceutical market and the demand for the most popular drugs, find pharmaceutical suppliers with competitive prices, organize advertising well pharmacies in the place of its organization. Therefore, for young businessmen and entrepreneurs the best option opening a pharmacy will work on a franchise, this method has a lot of significant advantages.

Features of the "pharmacy" business

  • This industry is in close contact with the state, which in this case plays the role of a “carrot and stick”: on the one hand, it imposes legislative requirements compared to other industries, on the other hand, it allocates funds from the budget for the development of the industry
  • The pharmacy industry is characterized by stable high demand (subject to good location pharmacy itself)
  • Pharmacies have special requirements for staff, goods and pricing from the state and regulatory authorities
  • In this industry, there is practically no "status" consumption (or conspicuous consumption) of most goods (drugs and medical equipment), this does not apply to cosmetics
  • There is quite a lot of competition in the pharmacy niche, but it can be overcome with the proper formation of the assortment matrix and price positioning

Estimated costs. Payback

Opening a turnkey pharmacy with goods can range from 1,500,000 rubles to infinity.

A Brief Overview of Pharmacy Franchises

Among the leaders in this area:

1.Sovetskaya Apteka is a developed federal pharmacy chain of the format "at home" in the economy price category. Proximity to densely populated areas, a wide range of medicines and related pharmaceutical products, affordable low prices, a flexible system of discounts, the availability of bonus programs, a system for booking and ordering medicines through the website www.sites and professional pharmacists are the main reasons for the popularity of the network among the population. To date, more than 215 branches are already operating in 58 regions of Russia, both in million-plus cities and in the countryside. The franchise offers favorable conditions for cooperation: assistance in the purchase of goods at wholesale prices from manufacturers, discounts on medicines, bookkeeping. If you want to open a franchise pharmacy, this is the most attractive and profitable option.

RUB 1,500,000

2. "Rigla" offers advanced development technologies and long-term prospects, guarantees the supply of medicines at reduced prices. The network operates in 49 regions of the country and is popular.

The cost of opening a pharmacy franchise from 2 500 000 rub

3. "Evalar" is a network of private pharmacies that offers a wide selection of its own drugs based on medicinal herbs. Standard franchising conditions include advertising support, staff training, legal and financial advice.

The cost of opening a pharmacy franchise from 1 000 000 rub

4. Apteka 36.6 is one of the largest chains in Russia. The franchise includes marketing support, assistance in the formation of the assortment, organization of purchases, and training for staff.

The cost of opening a pharmacy on a frantite from 2 500 000 rub

Approximately at the very minimum, the main expenses will be:

If you are going to open a premium pharmacy, you can safely multiply all costs by two or three times.

How soon will your investment pay off after opening a pharmacy?

Pharmacies are considered to be the fastest paying back of pharmacy organizations (read more about the types below) where all the main (in demand) medicines are always available. If you choose a good place, a pharmacy can pay off in six months or a year.

A “classic” pharmacy pays off longer: in general, it has more requirements, even partial fulfillment of which requires financial investments. With a convenient location and a competent pricing and assortment policy, the pharmacy will pay off in about a year and a half (this is an average figure, location in a crowded mall can speed up the process at times).


Regulatory documents governing pharmacy commercial activities

Basic steps. We open our pharmacy

  • Determine the type of pharmacy (pharmacy or pharmacy)
  • We are registering a legal entity (registration of LLC or JSC)
  • Getting registered with the tax office
  • We select the premises taking into account the maximum traffic (pedestrian and car)
  • We purchase the necessary commercial and medical equipment
  • Installing the software
  • Obtaining a license and relevant permits
  • Recruiting staff (pharmacy manager and pharmacists)
  • We form an assortment matrix
  • We buy "products" of sale and form a pricing policy
  • We open a pharmacy and promote our business

What pharmacy are you planning to open?

By the nature of their activities, commercial pharmacy organizations can be divided into:

Pharmacies There are production and finished dosage forms

Pharmacy points There are also production and finished dosage forms

It is also worth mentioning another type of pharmacy organizations - pharmacies of remote sales. We are talking about pharmacies (Internet pharmacy) that take customers' orders by phone or via the Internet and then form orders for dispensing in pharmacies.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the types of pharmacy organizations" # 553 dated July 27, 2010, pharmacy organizations are divided into types:

Pharmacy (with open or closed display):

  • Pharmacy of finished dosage forms
  • production pharmacy
  • production pharmacy with the right to manufacture aseptic medicines

Pharmacy (with open or closed display):


Pharmacies carry out the following functions:


  • Advising customers on the use and storage of medicines and medical devices
  • Informing employees of medical institutions, social security, etc. about available medicines and products, new products, etc.

Manufacturing of medicines and blanks

  • Manufacture of medicines and preparations according to the prescriptions of doctors and the requirements/applications of healthcare institutions
  • Intra-pharmacy procurement and packaging of medicines and products, herbal raw materials (in accordance with the approved regulations) with subsequent sale


  • Sale of finished medicines and preparations (including homeopathic ones) without prescriptions and according to prescriptions of doctors, as well as according to the requirements / requests of medical institutions
  • Sale of medicines at discounts, as well as free of charge to certain groups of the population - in case of conclusion of contracts with health authorities, medical institutions, insurance companies (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation)
  • Realization of factory medicinal plant raw materials
  • Sale of disinfectants, as well as items and personal hygiene products
  • Sale of medical products (medical equipment, items for the care of the sick and children, diagnostic tools, etc.)
  • Sale of optics and optics care products
  • Realization of mineral waters, products of medical, dietary and baby food
  • Realization of cosmetic products
  • Release of goods through a rental point
  • First aid


The pharmacy also sells ready-made medicines with and without prescriptions, with the exception of psychotropic, narcotic, poisonous and potent drugs, it is also possible to dispense medicines free of charge or at a discount, it is also possible to manufacture medicines and their packaging with subsequent sale.

The main difference between a point and a pharmacy:

It is forbidden to sell psychotropic, narcotic, poisonous and potent drugs, it will not be possible to arrange a rental point for medical equipment and rehabilitation equipment

How to open a pharmacy

  • Registration
  • Payback period
  • Taxation
  • OKVED codes
  • Licensing

Registration Payback period Taxation OKVED codes Licensing

Pharmacy registration

The only special “point” when registering a pharmacy organization is that you must receive from the local government a “Decision to open a new pharmacy institution” (in other words, a “License”).

If we are talking about opening a legal entity, then a person who does not have a special education can also do this. However, he is obliged to hire a manager who has a diploma in pharmacist or pharmacist.

Legal Features

A franchise means that you acquire the right to use in your business a trademark, service marks, trade secrets and other exclusive rights belonging to the copyright holder. The user bases his business on business reputation copyright owner and undertakes to comply with its requirements. The rights and obligations of the parties when acquiring a franchise are regulated by the Commercial Concession (Subconcession) Agreement. Essentially, you get step by step instructions about how to start your own pharmacy business from scratch.

Please note: some unscrupulous entrepreneurs operate without a registered trademark. It should be borne in mind that in this case they do not bear any responsibility for their actions, and the service agreement is not a franchise agreement.

List of required documents

To open a pharmacy or pharmacy without medical care, you must register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) if you have a pharmaceutical education and work experience as a pharmacist for more than 5 years, or open an LLC, which does not require you to have a pharmaceutical education to run a pharmacy business. Along with the Commercial Concession Agreement, a number of documents are required:

  • Pharmaceutical license giving the right to sell medicines. You can get it at the licensing department of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation at the place where the pharmacy was opened. As a rule, if you intend to open a franchise pharmacy, the copyright holder offers his assistance in obtaining a turnkey pharmaceutical license in 60 days;
  • after you have found a premises for a pharmacy and entered into a lease for a certain period, you will need permits from supervisory services: fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station. All documents must be executed correctly, the franchisor can also help you with this;
  • you will need documents confirming work experience and length of service, as well as the qualifications of staff. A pharmacist must have a specialized education, be able to answer customer questions and provide competent professional advice on the availability of drugs in a pharmacy.

Payback period

There are no special requirements for registering a pharmacy organization as a legal entity. Individual entrepreneurs (IEs), if they have a pharmaceutical education, and legal entities (LLC, JSC) registered with the tax authorities in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to engage in pharmaceutical activities.

The only special “point” when registering a pharmacy organization is that you must receive from the local government a “Decision to open a new pharmacy” (in other words, a “License”).

What else should be considered if you decide to open a pharmacy? If we are talking about individual entrepreneurs, to work in the pharmaceutical field, you must have higher education and real work experience of at least 3 years (specialty) or secondary education (pharmaceutical) and work experience of at least 5 years.

talking in simple terms, an individual entrepreneur who intends to register a pharmacy organization in his own name must have a diploma of a pharmacist or pharmacist.


A tax is a mandatory, individually gratuitous payment collected from organizations and individuals in the form of alienation of property belonging to them, economic management or operational management Money for the purpose of financial support for the activities of the state and (or) municipalities.

The provisions of articles 8 and 333.16 and subparagraph 36 of paragraph 1 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code Russian Federation according to its constitutional and legal meaning in the system of the current legal regulation mean that the state fee is the only and sufficient payment for the commission of legally significant actions by a state body, to which the issuance of documents, including driver's licenses, is equated (Definition Constitutional Court RF dated March 1, 2007 N 326-O-P).

A pharmacy organization (pharmacy) is both a retail trade enterprise and an enterprise providing services to the population (for example, rental services for medical devices), and a manufacturing enterprise (a manufacturing pharmacy that manufactures drugs according to doctor's prescriptions).

The main regulatory documents that determine the specifics of accounting and taxation of pharmacies:

- Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 27, 2010 N 553n "On approval of types of pharmacy organizations"

— Federal Law No. 99-FZ dated 04.05.2011 “On Licensing “Certain Types of Activities”

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2011 N 1081 Moscow "On licensing pharmaceutical activities"

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 865 "On state regulation of prices for medicines included in the list of Vital and Essential Drugs"

— Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2003 No. 80 “On Approval of the Industry Standard “Rules for the Dispensing (Sale) of Medicinal Products in Pharmacy Organizations. Basic provisions. OST 91500.05.0007-2003"

Based on Article 4 of Law N 61-FZ, a pharmacy organization is understood as an organization, a structural unit medical organization retailers of medicinal products, storage, manufacture and distribution of medicinal products for medical use in accordance with the requirements of Law N 61-FZ.

At the same time, in pursuance of Law N 61-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 27, 2010 N 553n "On approval of types of pharmacy organizations" (hereinafter - Order N 553n) approved the following types of pharmacy organizations: pharmacy (finished dosage forms, production, production with the right to manufacture aseptic drugs), a pharmacy, a pharmacy kiosk. Thus, in order to determine pharmacy organizations that have the right to apply in the period from September 1, 2010 to January 1, 2011, the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income should be guided by the provisions of Law N 61-FZ and Order N 553n.

Article 17. General conditions for establishing taxes and fees

1. A tax is considered established only if the taxpayers and elements of taxation are determined, namely:

object of taxation;

the tax base;

taxable period;

tax rate;

the procedure for calculating the tax;

procedure and terms of tax payment.

Article 18. Special tax regimes

1. Special tax regimes are established by this Code and applied in the cases and in the manner provided for by this Code and other legislative acts on taxes and fees.

Special tax regimes may provide for a special procedure for determining the elements of taxation, as well as exemption from the obligation to pay certain taxes and fees provided for in Articles 13-15 of this Code.

2. Special tax regimes include:

2) simplified taxation system;

3) the system of taxation in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities

Mode element UTII USNO
Tax payers 1. Taxpayers are organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the territory of a municipal district, city district, federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, where a single tax has been introduced, entrepreneurial activities subject to a single tax. Art. 346.28, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012) (Consultant Plus} Taxpayers are organizations and individual entrepreneurs who have switched to a simplified taxation system and apply it in the manner prescribed by Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Consultant Plus}
Income Not standardized The organization has the right to switch to the simplified taxation system, if, following the results of nine months of the year in which the organization submits a notification on the transition to the simplified taxation system, the income determined in accordance with Article 248 of this Code did not exceed 45 million rubles. Art. 346.12, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012) (Consultant Plus}
Number of employees Cannot be applied by organizations and individual entrepreneurs whose average number of employees for the tax (reporting) period, determined in the manner established by the federal body executive power authorized in the field of statistics, exceeds 100 people; Cannot be applied by organizations and individual entrepreneurs whose average number of employees for the tax (reporting) period, determined in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized in the field of statistics, exceeds 100 people; Art. 346.12, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012) (Consultant Plus}
Sales floor area No more than 150 sq.m. Not standardized
Object of taxation 1. The object of taxation for the application of the single tax is the imputed income of the taxpayer. Consultant Plus} The object of taxation are recognized: income; income less expenses. 2. The choice of the object of taxation is carried out by the taxpayer himself, except for the case provided for by paragraph 3 of this article. The object of taxation can be changed by the taxpayer annually. The object of taxation may be changed from the beginning of the tax period if the taxpayer notifies the tax authority of this before December 31 of the year preceding the year in which the taxpayer proposes to change the object of taxation. During the tax period, the taxpayer cannot change the object of taxation. Art. 346.14, “Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)” dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012) (Consultant Plus}
The tax base The tax base for calculating the amount of a single tax is the value of imputed income, calculated as the product of the base profitability for a certain type of entrepreneurial activity, calculated for the tax period, and the value of a physical indicator characterizing this type of activity. Art. 346.29, “Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)” dated 08/05/2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 10/02/2012) (Consultant Plus} Article 346.18. Tax base 1. If the object of taxation is the income of an organization or an individual entrepreneur, the tax base shall be the monetary value of the income of an organization or an individual entrepreneur. 2. If the object of taxation is the income of an organization or an individual entrepreneur, reduced by the amount of expenses, the tax base is the monetary value of income, reduced by the amount of expenses. Art. 346.18, “Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)” dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012) (ConsultantPlus)
Taxable period Article 346.30. Tax period A quarter is recognized as a tax period for a single tax. Art. 346.30, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 08/05/2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 10/02/2012) (Consultant Plus} Article 346.19. Taxable period. Reporting period 1. A calendar year is recognized as a tax period. 2. The first quarter, six months and nine months of a calendar year are recognized as reporting periods. Art. 346.19, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part two)" dated 08/05/2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 10/02/2012) (Consultant Plus}
tax rate Article 346.31. Tax rate The single tax rate is set at 15 percent of imputed income. Art. 346.31, “Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)” dated 08/05/2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 10/02/2012) (Consultant Plus} Article 346.20. Tax rates 1. If the object of taxation is income, the tax rate is set at 6 percent. 2. If the object of taxation is income reduced by the amount of expenses, the tax rate is set at 15 percent. The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may establish differentiated tax rates ranging from 5 to 15 percent, depending on the categories of taxpayers. (as amended by Federal Law No. 224-FZ of November 26, 2008) Art. 346.20, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012)
Tax calculation procedure The tax base for UTII is imputed income (IA), which is calculated according to the formula: IA \u003d BD * FI * K1 * K2 The calculation of UTII in 2012 is made according to the formula: UTII = UTII * NS NS - a tax rate equal to 15%. The calculated amount of tax can be reduced, but not more than 50% for the amount of: - paid insurance premiums for pension, social (disability, maternity, accident), medical insurance for the period; - the amount of paid benefits for temporary disability; - for the amount of fixed insurance premiums paid by the individual entrepreneur for himself. DB - basic profitability - conditional income per month, which is set for each type of activity. The value of the basic profitability is approved per unit of a physical indicator that characterizes the type of activity. FI is a physical indicator in units that depend on the type of activity, for example, the number of vehicles, area (in sq. M), employee, etc. K1 - correction factor - deflator coefficient, set for each year by the Ministry of Economic Development. For 2012 it is 1.4942. K2 - correction factor - takes into account the peculiarities of doing business. Its size is set by local representative bodies. Article 346.21. Procedure for Calculating and Paying Tax 1. Tax is calculated as a percentage of the tax base corresponding to the tax rate. Consultant Plus} 3. Taxpayers who have chosen income as an object of taxation, based on the results of each reporting period, calculate the amount of the advance tax payment based on the tax rate and actually received income, calculated on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period to the end of the first quarter, six months, nine months, respectively, from taking into account the previously calculated amounts of advance tax payments. Art. 346.21, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part two)" dated 08/05/2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 10/02/2012) (Consultant Plus} 4. Taxpayers who have chosen income reduced by the amount of expenses as an object of taxation, at the end of each reporting period, calculate the amount of the advance tax payment based on the tax rate and the income actually received, reduced by the amount of expenses, calculated on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period to the end of the first quarter, six months, nine months, respectively, taking into account the previously calculated amounts of advance tax payments. (As amended by Federal Law No. 101-FZ of 21.07.2005) 5. Previously calculated amounts of advance tax payments are counted when calculating the amounts of advance tax payments for the reporting period and the amount of tax for the tax period.
Procedure and terms of tax payment Article 346.32. The procedure and terms for payment of the single tax 1. The payment of the single tax shall be made by the taxpayer following the results of the tax period no later than the 25th day of the first month of the next tax period. 2. The amount of the single tax calculated for the tax period shall be reduced by taxpayers by the amount of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, compulsory medical insurance, compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases paid (within the calculated amounts) for the same period of time in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation when taxpayers pay remuneration to employees employed in those areas of the taxpayer's activities for which a single tax is paid, as well as for the amount of insurance premiums in the form of fixed payments paid individual entrepreneurs for their insurance, and for the amount of temporary disability benefits paid to employees. At the same time, the amount of the single tax cannot be reduced by more than 50 percent. (as amended by Federal Laws No. 101-FZ of 21.07.2005, No. 155-FZ of 22.07.2008, No. 213-FZ of 24.07.2009) th day of the first month of the next tax period. Art. 346.32, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012) 7. The tax payable at the end of the tax period shall not be paid late established for filing a tax return for the relevant tax period by paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 346.23 of this Code. (As amended by Federal Laws No. 101-FZ of 21.07.2005, No. 155-FZ of 22.07.2008) Advance tax payments are paid no later than the 25th day of the first month following the expired reporting period. Art. 346.21, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012)
tax return Taxpaying organizations upon the expiration of the tax period submit a tax declaration to the tax authorities at their location. (As amended by Federal Law No. 155-FZ of 22.07.2008) Tax returns for the tax period are submitted by taxpayers-organizations no later than March 31 of the year following the expired tax period. Art. 346.23, "Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 02.10.2012)


Elements of taxation for value added tax (VAT) are established by Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Pharmacy organizations, with the exception of organizations that have the right to exemption from taxpayer obligations in accordance with Article 145 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation or have switched to the USNO or UTII, are payers of value added tax.

The object of taxation for industrial pharmacies and pharmacies operating under sales contracts are operations for the sale of goods - medicines, medical devices and other goods allowed for sale through pharmacy chains.

For pharmacies providing services (commission trade services, medical device rental services) - operations for the sale of services.

The tax base is defined as:

- the cost of goods sold based on prices determined in accordance with Article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account excises (Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

- revenue from the sale of services (commission - for pharmacies operating under a commission agreement).

For taxation purposes, the VAT tax base includes advance payments on account of future deliveries of goods at settlement rates of 10/110 and 18/118 (for example, an advance payment for goods by healthcare facilities) (Article 162 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The moment of determining the tax base is fixed in accounting policy enterprises (Article 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In pharmacies, as for retailers, the moment of shipment coincides with the moment of payment, therefore, most often, in the accounting policy, pharmacy enterprises approve for VAT tax purposes the date when the obligation to pay tax arises as the goods (services) are shipped.

Tax rates:

At a rate of 10% in accordance with subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the following is subject to tax:

— sale of medicinal products, including medicinal substances, including in-pharmacy production;

— sale of medical products;

– sale of baby and dietary food products, goods for children, such as toys, diapers.

Codes of types of products taxed at a rate of 10%, in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Products, as well as the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

For food products and goods for children, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the codes by Decree No. 908 of December 31, 2004 "On approval of the lists of codes for types of food products and goods for children subject to value added tax at a tax rate of 10 percent" (as amended on March 23 .2005). For medicines and medical devices, in the absence of the relevant Decree of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation in its Letter of 28.01.2002 No VG-6-03 / 99, in order to apply the tax rate of 10%, proposes to be guided by the codes of the All-Russian classifier of products listed in the Letter of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 10.04.1996 No VZ-4-03 / 31n, 04-03-07 “On the procedure for exemption from value added tax of medical products”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 07.05.1996 No 1081.

Some groups of goods and services that are sold through the pharmacy chain are exempt from tax in accordance with Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, these are:

- the most important and vital medical equipment according to the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.01.2002 No. 19;

- prosthetic and orthopedic products, raw materials and materials for their manufacture and semi-finished products for them;

- technical means, including motor vehicles, materials that can be used exclusively for the prevention of disability or the rehabilitation of people with disabilities according to the List approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2000 No 998 (as amended on May 10, 2001);

- glasses (except for sunglasses), lenses and frames for glasses (except for sunglasses) according to the List approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2001 No 240;

- services of pharmaceutical organizations for the manufacture of medicines.

A few words about services for the manufacture of medicines (VAT is not assessed), the so-called tariffs for the manufacture of medicines. According to clause 1.4.3. Methodological recommendations for practitioners and scientists No 98/124 "On intradepartmental primary accounting of medicines and other medical goods in organizations of a retail pharmaceutical (pharmacy) network of all organizational and legal forms located on the territory of the Russian Federation" (approved by the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation on May 14 .1998), the price of an intra-pharmacy drug consists of the pharmacy cost of medicinal ingredients, including distilled water, if it is included in the prescription, the cost of pharmacy utensils, the cost of auxiliary materials (corks, caps, labels, etc. .), as well as the tariff for the manufacture of medicines. The sale of such medicines manufactured in-house will be subject to VAT at a rate of 10%. In practice, it is most often impossible to allocate a separate tariff for the manufacture of a medicine and apply a benefit, because. in this case, it is not possible to ensure separate accounting for the sale of goods that are taxed at different rates. In clause 6.17.1. Guidelines for the application of Chapter 21 "Value Added Tax" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2000 No. BG-3-03 / 447 (as amended on September 17, 2002), explains the application of tariff benefits:

- “When exempting from taxation the services of pharmaceutical organizations for the manufacture of medicines, it should be borne in mind that these organizations must have a license, and they are provided on the basis of contracts with legal entities (in particular, with hospitals) for the manufacture (intra-pharmacy manufacture) of medicines from the customer's raw materials (clause 6.17.1 was introduced by the Order of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2002 No VG-3-03 / 491)”.

Operations for the sale of all other goods in pharmacies are subject to VAT at a rate of 18% (these are parapharmaceuticals, medical equipment not included in the List of vital and necessary equipment, repellents, biologically active additives, mineral water and other goods allowed for sale through the pharmacy network).

- When applying different tax rates, the tax base is established separately for each type of goods (works, services) (Article 153 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Warehouse computer programs used in pharmacies (for example, Apteka-2000, M-Apteka, etc.) provide separate accounting for the sale and receipt of goods.

- When calculating VAT to be paid to the budget, tax deductions should be taken into account.

Tax amounts presented to the taxpayer in respect of goods (works, services) are subject to deductions subject to the following 4 conditions:

— Goods must be credited, services rendered;

- Goods (services) must be paid for, and in the settlement documents VAT must be highlighted as a separate line;

— Goods (services) are purchased to carry out transactions that are recognized as objects of taxation in accordance with Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

- It is necessary to have correctly executed invoices issued by sellers of goods (services) with the allocation of the amount of VAT in them.

The tax period is set as a calendar month.

If monthly during a quarter the proceeds from the sale of goods (services), excluding VAT, do not exceed one million rubles, the tax period is set as a quarter (Article 163 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Tax is paid at the end of each tax period based on actual sales no later than the 20th day of the month following the expired tax period (Article 174 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the taxpayer is obliged to submit a tax declaration to the tax authority at the place of its registration.

OKVED codes

Main code:

OKVED code 52.31— Retail sale of pharmaceutical products
- production of medicines by pharmacies

Additional codes:

OKVED code 24.42.1— Production of medicines
This grouping includes:
- production of medicines (drugs) consisting of a mixture of two or more components for use in therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, not packaged or packaged in the form of dosage forms or in packages for retail sale
– production of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs (finished forms)
This grouping does not include:
- production of microorganism cultures, see 24.41
- production of toxins, see 24.41
- preparation of human and animal blood for use in therapeutic, prophylactic and diagnostic purposes, see OKVED code 24.41
- manufacture of soap containing small amounts of medicinal additives, see 24.51.3

OKVED code 51.18.1— Activity of agents specialized in the wholesale trade of pharmaceutical and medical products, perfumes and cosmetics, including soap
This grouping also includes:
– activities of agents in the wholesale trade of medical equipment and orthopedic products

OKVED code 51.46– Wholesale of pharmaceutical and medical products, medical equipment and orthopedic products

OKVED code 51.70- Other ratailing
This grouping includes:
- specialized wholesale trade not included in the previous groupings
- wholesale trade in goods of a universal range without any specific specialization

OKVED code 52.12— Other retail trade in non-specialized stores
This grouping includes:
- retail trade in a universal range of goods, in which food products, including drinks, and tobacco products do not predominate
— the operation of shops selling general goods, including clothing, furniture, household electrical goods, hardware, beauty products, jewelry, toys, sporting goods, books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

OKVED code 52.32— Retail sale of medical goods and orthopedic products
This grouping also includes:
- retail sale of medical equipment

OKVED code 52.33- Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumery goods


How to get a license to open a pharmacy?

To open a pharmacy in Russia, you need to obtain a license. Otherwise, the activities for the sale of medicines will be considered illegal. If you decide to open a franchise pharmacy, then many franchisees help beginners with obtaining a license and are willing to advise.

What is the procedure for obtaining a license to open a pharmacy?

To begin with, we note that the premises for the pharmacy must already be selected and bought or rented, since the license is issued specifically for a specific object. When all repairs are completed and legal requirements are met, an application for a license must be completed (a sample is issued by the Ministry of Health). Next, you pay the fee, submit an application, go through an audit, find out about the decision made and pick up the license itself. It sounds quite simple, but in fact, all these actions take several months.

Nuances of obtaining a license to open a pharmacy

There are several types of pharmacies in our country - a pharmacy, a point and a kiosk. The main difference between all of them is that some prescription drugs can only be sold in pharmacies, that is, you cannot buy, for example, a psychotropic drug prescribed by a doctor in a pharmacy kiosk. At the same time, in practice, pharmacy points and kiosks pay off faster, but according to the law, they cannot be opened before a pharmacy is established. That is, they become an addition to the already existing main point of sale of medicines. Licenses for each designated type of pharmacy are different.

It is also necessary to consider the location of medicines and the assortment. Drugs containing narcotic substances should be stored separately from others. Likewise, poisonous drugs. In the assortment of the pharmacy must be present drugs for first aid.

Requirements for a pharmacy

To obtain a license to open a pharmacy, you must find a premises that will meet all of the following requirements:

  1. Equipping the premises with refrigerators for storing medicines, as well as special furniture;
  2. The presence of a separate room in which all equipment for wet cleaning necessary for the floor and walls is stored;
  3. There are no protrusions or recesses at the joints of ceilings and walls;
  4. On the floor must be ceramic tiles;
  5. If there are hollow plasterboard partitions in the room, they must be removed, otherwise a license to open a pharmacy will not be issued;
  6. The materials used in the repair must be certified, this also applies to building materials;
  7. At the entrance - a quality shoe mat, which should be cleaned regularly (at least daily);
  8. It is necessary to regulate the level of natural light through the use of devices and fixtures that prevent direct sunlight from entering the room. Showcases are also equipped with protective equipment;
  9. Established requirements for temperature regime, as well as the level of humidity and exhaust - you need to take them into account;
  10. An entrance group for people with disabilities must be equipped;
  11. The minimum floor space is 18 sq. meters, and it should be located in a capital structure. An exception is a pharmacy in a medical or preventive complex - its area can start from 8 square meters. m.

What are the requirements for pharmacy staff?

  1. There is a strict ban on hiring foreign citizens, that is, only citizens of the Russian Federation can work in a pharmacy (this applies even to cleaning personnel);
  2. Pharmaceutical education for the manager is mandatory. If it is higher, then three years of experience is enough, if it is average, then five years of experience and a specialist certificate are required;
  3. All pharmacists must have certificates of accreditation;
  4. Each of the pharmacists must regularly improve their qualifications (at least once every five years);
  5. A health certificate is required.

Requirements for pharmacy equipment

To obtain a license to open a pharmacy, you must also choose the right equipment. The latter must be registered with the Ministry of Health. All equipment used must have certificates of conformity, and in addition, service contracts must be concluded in advance. If any of these points is not observed, the issuance of a license to open a pharmacy will most likely be refused. Documentation for the installed equipment and its maintenance will need to be provided during the on-site inspection (occurs after the application has been considered).

How long does it take to get a license to open a pharmacy?

name exact time required to obtain a license is difficult. However, the law sets a maximum of 45 days. Before applying for a license, it is already necessary to purchase all the equipment, prepare the premises, hire qualified personnel, conclude service contracts, etc. In general, all formalities need to be settled. Therefore, the total term for opening a pharmacy can be about three months, in some cases it can stretch for six months. From the moment the pharmacy is registered, the certificate itself is issued within three days.

How long is a pharmacy license valid for?

Under the new rules, the issued license is perpetual. This law was introduced quite recently, before that the license was issued only for five years. However, reissuing a license will still be necessary if the pharmacy is reorganized, its name or legal address changes, as well as some passport data of the individual entrepreneur, including his place of residence.

Is it possible to open a pharmacy without obtaining a license?

By law, opening a pharmacy without a license is prohibited. If the owner nevertheless took this step, then both the owner and employees are responsible for conducting activities without a license. Such a business will be forcibly closed, in addition, if the owner has received licenses, but somehow violated the prescribed working conditions, the pharmacy may also be closed.

In case of gross violations, a fine of 4,000 to 8,000 rubles is imposed on the owner, another option is arrest for 90 days. For legal entities, the fine ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. The fine imposed on legal entities ranges from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, or arrest for 90 days is possible.

Premises for a pharmacy

Primary requirements

How to choose the right place to open a pharmacy

The significance of the place chosen for the pharmacy cannot be underestimated. From correctness this decision Ultimately, the success of the entire business depends. Therefore, in this article we will talk about what to look for when choosing a room if you decide to open a pharmacy.

Choosing a premises for opening a pharmacy - the main points that you should pay attention to:

Permeability and projected turnover. These two indicators are interconnected: the greater the throughput, the higher the expected turnover of goods in most cases;
Compliance with the format (a pharmacy and a pharmacy kiosk require different premises);
Premises converted to non-residential. Many potentially attractive premises may not be available for rent or purchase to open a pharmacy because they have not yet been converted to non-residential properties. If the premises were once an apartment - even if a grocery store has been in its place for almost a dozen years - it will be impossible to obtain a license to open a pharmacy here;
Area from 18 sq. meters. If a point of sale is planned in a medical dispensary, then the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is reduced to 8 square meters. meters.

How to evaluate the attractiveness of a particular place for opening a pharmacy?

Area with high traffic. This category includes facilities where the traffic exceeds 400 people per hour;
Areas with low traffic. Mostly these are sleeping areas, in which the main traffic occurs in the morning and evening. Experts cite a figure of 300 people per hour, starting from which the place can be considered as potentially profitable;
Trade complexes. They can be located in different areas - and with high traffic, and with a small one, this is not so important. Internal traffic is important, the popularity of the shopping center itself, because even if it is located outside the city, traffic in it can be created by specially arriving visitors from other areas.

Opening a pharmacy in a high traffic area

What is high traffic? This is a permeability of 400 people within an hour. Of course, this only applies to big cities. In addition, this traffic is most often created by residents of other areas, the share of locals may not exceed ten percent.

If we talk about the capital, then it is worth considering completely different figures. Traffic even of 500 people is extremely low for Moscow, however, for Chelyabinsk, for example, this is a good indicator.

Where to open a pharmacy to maximize traffic? It is the largest in the area of ​​stops and intersections, at exit points from the metro, as well as markets, large banks, and popular shopping centers.

Permeability needs to be calculated, for this you can hire a special employee who will provide honest data. It is important to evaluate the patency both in the morning and in the evening, as well as on weekends. Permeability is assessed from 9 am to 10 pm. Depending on the data obtained, it is also possible to determine the optimal working time of the pharmacy.

If it is not possible to accurately calculate traffic, then you can use a simplified scheme to open a pharmacy: count the number of people passing by during 20-minute periods of time. Be sure to take measurements from noon to one in the afternoon, as well as from 5 to 6 pm. The figure obtained in 20 minutes is multiplied by three. Calculations do not take children and declassed elements into account.

If you plan to open a pharmacy in another city, then it is rather difficult for the owner to assess the prospects of the place. To obtain objective indicators, panoramic photographs of the entire surrounding area and the entrance to the proposed point will be required. The ideal option is video surveillance on site. It is necessary to accurately assess the potential success of a place to open a pharmacy, since even in central areas there may be places with minimal, insufficient traffic.

Traffic quality when opening a pharmacy

Pedestrian flow can be different, for example, in some places the traffic is extremely high, while pharmacy attendance is unsatisfactory. What does this indicator depend on? From why, in principle, these people came to this place. Maybe they work in a nearby shopping center? Or are they walking along the boulevard? If they return home from work through this place, these are potential customers of the pharmacy. If they just change from one transport to another, then, most likely, these are not your customers.

The demographics of the stream are also of great importance. For example, traffic near universities is almost always very high, while young people do not make significant purchases - their average bill is insignificant. At the same time, traffic in the daytime can go off scale for 1000 people!

The ideal composition of the flow is women from 25 to 60 years old. The more this group is in traffic, the more promising the place for opening a pharmacy.

How much traffic will visit the pharmacy on average? About 6-8%. This indicator is only approximate and can be equal to 2% if the place is located, for example, at the subway exit, where 2000 people can pass in an hour.

Opening a pharmacy: important features of the design of the entrance group of the premises

The design of the facade of the pharmacy directly affects its attendance. So, the presence of a large number of steps is always a repulsive factor. Speaking in numbers, starting from the fourth step, each step reduces the number of visitors by 0.5-1%. Heavy, thick doors repel visitors, so the door should be transparent and easy to open.

Opening a pharmacy: the average check criterion

The location of the pharmacy directly affects the average check in it. Within the same city, the average check in pharmacies with the same traffic can differ significantly. On the central streets, the average check is usually higher than, for example, in a residential area.

How to determine the approximate size of the average check? According to other pharmacies located in the center. As a rule, the flow of customers here is approximately the same in terms of their solvency (we do not take into account pharmacies located in premium shopping malls). It should also be taken into account that, on average, only 9 out of 10 customers make a purchase, since some will come in just to find out the price, warm up, wait for transport, etc.

When choosing a place to open a pharmacy, also evaluate whether there is a serious competitor nearby. In any case, he opened his pharmacy earlier, already has loyal customers, so his presence will affect sales. Even if a competitor is 5 minutes away, you will receive only 80% of the profit that you would have if there were no competitors. This calculation is rough, for example, if you stand closer to a bus stop than a competitor, you “process” the flow well, you can practically ignore the presence of another pharmacy nearby.

Is it worth it to open a pharmacy in a residential area?

What is the coverage area of ​​one pharmacy? Usually defined within 450 meters. To open a pharmacy, you should not consider areas in which less than 2.5 thousand people live. Ideally, if there are high-rise buildings in the district.

What other points should be taken into account? The number of entrances to the area, if there are no more than two of them and there is a stop located next to a potential place for a pharmacy, is an ideal option. If there are cafes, markets, grocery stores nearby, placing a pharmacy in this place would be the right decision.

When choosing a premises for a pharmacy, it is worth considering dozens of other parameters - we have listed only a few important points. In addition, if you plan to open a franchise pharmacy, then each franchisee will have their own requirements for the premises, it is worth knowing them initially and choosing the premises in accordance with them.

Features of the organization of work

  • Equipment
  • Staff
  • Range
  • Price policy
  • Advertising

The list of necessary equipment for opening a pharmacy

What equipment is needed to open a pharmacy? To answer that question, it is necessary to know what the pharmacy format is. To summarize, all pharmacy equipment can be divided into two types. The first is a demo, which is necessary for the correct presentation of goods. The second type of equipment is specialized, the need for which is explained by the profile of the point of sale. It includes refrigerated cabinets, safes in which prescription drugs will be stored, laboratory equipment, cash registers, counters, etc.

Pharmacy kiosk equipment

A pharmacy kiosk is most often a small room (from eight square meters), which sells over-the-counter medicines.
Equipment for a pharmacy kiosk must necessarily include display cases and / or a cash register, closed racks and a refrigerated cabinet. The average market price of this equipment starts from 50 thousand rubles. It is worth considering that the amount is named when calculating one unit for each position. If, for example, two refrigerators are required, then the cost of the equipment will increase to about 70 thousand rubles (the average cost of a refrigerator for a pharmacy is 20,000 rubles).

Pharmacy Equipment

The minimum floor area for opening a pharmacy is 25 sq. meters, if we are talking about a point located in a hospital or health facility. If the pharmacy is located in an ordinary residential building, then the minimum area for it is 40 square meters. meters. In this case, it is necessary to organize a separate entrance, a fire alarm, a place for unloading medicines, etc.

What equipment will be required?

  1. To store medicines, refrigerators are needed that will maintain the temperature from 2 to 14 degrees (the cost is about 20,000 rubles);
  2. For medicines that do not need refrigeration, steel cabinets will be required (the price for one starts at about 5,000 rubles);
  3. Counters, as well as showcases (the average market price of a pharmacy showcase is 8,000 rubles) and island pyramids (the cost is from 13,000 rubles);
  4. For the equipment of the cash zone, a special rack is required (its cost starts from about 7,000 rubles);
  5. Furniture for staff - wardrobes, lockers, etc. Can be bought at a regular furniture store;
  6. A safe that will store prescription-only drugs. Required - with a mechanical or combination lock. The size of the safe can be any.

The cost of equipping a pharmacy will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. The larger it is, the more showcases, cabinets and other elements will be required.

Tip: it is better to place those goods in the windows, the sale of which is most profitable. Expensive drugs and medical equipment are optimally placed at the level of the buyer's eyes (the height from the floor is about one and a half meters).

Equipment for prescription and manufacturing pharmacies

If the pharmacy manufactures medicines, it should have separate rooms - this is a washing room, as well as a room for assistants and distillation. The latter is often combined with a sterilization room in which drugs are made that require intravenous administration. In addition, in this case, an aseptic block is also needed.

What equipment is needed?

The same as for the pharmacy - display cases, a safe for prescription drugs, refrigerators, furniture for staff, a cash register, and more. In addition, you will also need to buy all the necessary laboratory equipment. This includes dishes, scales, a pharmaceutical table with special sections, filtering devices, sterilization cabinets, etc. There are two types of sterilizers for pharmacies - steam or air, all the necessary tools and equipment can be bought from specialized manufacturers. The difference in price in this case can be very large and depends on the models, as well as the newness of the equipment.

To equip a pharmacy in which medicines will be produced, you will have to pay relatively a larger amount than to open a regular pharmacy. According to statistics, in this case, the cost of equipment for a pharmacy pays off within a period of one and a half to three years, subject to a competent promotion strategy.

A word of advice: pay close attention to the choice of pharmacy racks. In some cases, the load on the shelf can be twenty to thirty kilograms, so structures are needed that can withstand this weight.

So, the cost of equipment for a pharmacy varies greatly depending on the type of outlet. The biggest expense involves the opening of a pharmacy that will produce medicines. However, in the future, it is from this pharmacy point that you can extract the maximum profit. Remember that you can open a pharmacy kiosk only if you already have a functioning classic pharmacy.

How to choose the right staff for a pharmacy

According to statistics, in Russia there is one pharmacy for 3,000 people. Therefore, the demand for qualified employees to work in pharmacies is very high.

If speak about best prospects For pharmacists, university graduates tend to get jobs either in the largest chains or in Western companies that are ready to offer them the best conditions.

Headhunters in the pharmaceutical market often use the strategy of looking for fast learners rather than the most experienced. The demand for experienced professionals is already very high, and finding an employee who can quickly assimilate practical information is very promising. Especially if you put it in conjunction with an experienced specialist who is ready to teach. In addition, when applying this strategy, you can save a lot, since employees with little experience easily agree to relatively low salaries. To protect themselves and recoup the costs of training, the owners often sign an agreement with such candidates, according to which pharmacists are obliged to stay in this pharmacy for several years.

How are pharmacy staff selected?

There are two main ways to select employees in a pharmacy. The first is internal, that is, a specialist already working in the network is promoted. The second - external, means the search for a new employee who has not previously worked in this pharmacy or network. The advantage of the first method is that the employee has already taken root in the team, in addition, it is easier for him to start performing new duties. External selection allows access to the widest variety of personnel and, possibly, to find a unique specialist who will bring the pharmacy a large profit. At the same time, there is always a risk that the employee will not take root in the team.

If we talk about the moment of opening a pharmacy, then, of course, only external selection of specialists is used. In this case, the entrepreneur also has two options. The first is to contact recruitment agents. The second is to search for employees on your own. However, the realities of the Russian headhunting market of the pharmaceutical segment are such that cooperation with recruitment agencies effectively, and the cost of intermediary services can be very significant.

Pharmacy staff requirements

At its core, a pharmacist is a salesperson, but very high requirements are placed on his education. A pharmacist cannot be a person without an appropriate specialized education. In addition, in accordance with the law, pharmacists must undergo recertification every five years.

In the pharmacy industry, it is common practice to hire senior students, as they are more willing to agree to difficult conditions work, such as working the night shift.

If you are planning to hire a specialist with experience, then be sure to call his past jobs. Specify how the employee showed himself, whether there were any scandals with his participation and other unpleasant situations. Recommendations play a huge role in choosing an employee for a pharmacy, especially when it comes to managerial positions.

What questions to ask in an interview?

It is important to find those employees who will be more motivated than others to work for you. On the other hand, be prepared to interest potential key specialists with your offer. To understand how much work in a given pharmacy or chain is interesting for a person, be sure to ask the question of what exactly attracted him to a particular point? Also, ask about how the employee sees himself at different intervals.

Since the pharmacy employee has direct access to prescription drugs, it is important to clarify the reasons for leaving previous jobs, as well as to use the services of third-party organizations that are ready to check the candidate's reliability. The latter is not uncommon for pharmacy owners, as just one employee with a particular addiction or “vulnerable” personality trait can negatively affect the success of the entire business.

A common practice for pharmacies is a trial period for each of the employees. Often a microphone is worn on the pharmacist's uniform so that communication skills as well as sales ability can be assessed. You can send mystery shoppers to the employee to be able to assess the competence and patience of the pharmacist.

The peculiarity of the work of a pharmacist implies the need for regular checks of his health. He needs a medical book, regular examinations by a dermatovenereologist are mandatory, he must be tested for STDs, undergo a fluorography, and also every ten years - a diphtheria vaccination, as a result - the conclusion of a therapist about suitability for work in a pharmacy.

When opening a pharmacy, it is worth choosing the most successful candidates and, after the start of their work, conduct ongoing monitoring of activities. Employees whose shifts make the maximum sales are the most promising, it is worth investing in their subsequent training.

When should a pharmacist be fired?

There are a few main points that are not forgiven in the pharmacy industry. If a direct complaint has been received against an employee, it is worth carefully studying it. If the pharmacist is impatient, rude, or poorly versed in the assortment, he can damage the reputation of the entire pharmacy chain. A negative review on the Internet about a pharmacist can lead to a significant reduction in sales of a particular outlet. Therefore, each such situation should be considered separately. Sometimes an uneducated employee should be fired.

Another reason to look for a new employee in a pharmacy is the identified shortages. Write-offs of prescription or expensive drugs should be closely monitored. Therefore, unscheduled inventories should be carried out as often as possible. If they show a shortage of drugs, it means that there is an unreliable employee in the state.

Some drug manufacturers or distributors negotiate with local pharmacists to offer their products. Keep track of such situations, if the pharmacist agreed to such a deal - look for a new employee in his place.

Why do valuable professionals leave?

Imagine that you have found a really good specialist and have already opened your own pharmacy. However, at some point, this valuable employee warns you of his desire to quit. If we are talking about the initial stages of work, most often this situation arises due to difficulties with adaptation. Therefore, it is very important to create the right atmosphere within the team, for which it is necessary to initially determine the psychological compatibility of personnel. One difficult, unpleasant employee in personal communication can cause the dismissal of others, perhaps more valuable personnel. Therefore, in a pharmacy it is necessary to monitor not only the quality of customer service, but also the internal atmosphere in the team.

So, having decided to open a pharmacy, you will need to choose which specialists are preferable for you - already with extensive experience and relevant salary requirements, or young employees who need additional training. Having formed a good team with a pleasant atmosphere within the team, you will create a base for the pharmacy to quickly pay off all investments in itself and start making a profit!

How to build a pricing policy in a pharmacy

The turnover, the profit of the pharmacy, the interest of customers - all this depends on competent pricing. Typically, pharmaceutical establishments with above-average prices are less likely to succeed than those that offer their products at a fair price.

Modern approaches to pricing

Most often, in modern pharmacies, pricing is based on three models:

  1. Decentralized, in which price setting falls on the shoulders of managers. In simple terms, they have to determine the prices "by eye", guided solely by their own experience.
  2. Partially decentralized, differing from the previous one only in that a certain set of goods lends itself to pricing rules. And all other positions in this regard depend on the heads of pharmacies.
  3. Centralized, in which the rules for pricing are dictated by the management of the pharmacy chain for the entire range.

Determination of the final cost

An optimal pricing system takes into account three aspects:

  • competitiveness;
  • ensuring maximum profit;
  • high customer loyalty.

If we talk about the main factors that affect the final cost of medicines, then they primarily include premiums that arise on the way from the manufacturer to the pharmacy. And it looks something like this:

  1. Manufacturer's starting price.
  2. The cost of packaging, up to 25% of the starting price.
  3. Tax duties.
  4. Mark-up of one or more intermediaries.
  5. Other expenses already laid down in the pharmacy (rent of premises, wages, utilities, etc.).

In addition, when pricing, the exchange rate is taken into account (relevant for imported medicines) and the number of intermediaries. As a rule, pharmacy chains are able to afford to buy goods directly from manufacturers, while small organizations have to work with intermediaries, purchasing drugs at exorbitant prices.

How to create an effective pricing system

When medicines go directly to the pharmacy, other factors are already beginning to interfere in the formation of their cost: the type of buyers, the range, the level of competition and the category of the organization itself. Taking into account these features, an effective pricing system is created in several stages:

  1. The portrait of the average buyer is determined. To do this, research is conducted aimed at identifying the main characteristics of a client that generates income. The process takes into account the solvency of people, their requirements for service, gender, age, etc. It should be noted that for pharmacies located in residential areas, the issue of pricing is very acute, since the buyers are mostly the same. Therefore, for successful development, you need to adhere to the prices of competitors or set even lower prices for goods.
  2. The main competitors are established. At this stage, the pricing policy of other pharmacies is analyzed, groups of medicines are identified, which will become the basis for comparing markups. As a rule, for check-in pharmacies located in the city center, pharmaceutical organizations that are on the way of buyers act as competitors. And for sleeping areas - nearby pharmacies.
  3. The commodity core stands out. In this case, marker positions (the most popular) are identified, which form the core of the assortment. Simply put, a list of medicines is being created that brings the pharmacy the main income.
  4. The reaction of buyers to price changes is evaluated. After a competitive analysis, the direction of price movement is determined, taking into account the specifics of the organization itself. On initial stage it is recommended to gradually change the cost of goods in the range of 5-10%, and after assessing the reaction of buyers, you can move on to a surcharge of 3-5%.
  5. Actions are planned. In practice, loyalty programs are costly, and not all pharmacies can afford them. However, it is worth thinking about attracting buyers with the help of promotions, discount cards, but without prejudice to the organization itself.

Pricing Methods

Almost always, pricing methods depend on its goals. If increasing profits is at the forefront, then it is recommended to adopt the following methods:

  1. Pricing based on customer psychology.

When setting the price of medicines, it is necessary to take into account the price perception of buyers. Many experts advise sticking to odd numbers. For example, customers will perceive 9.99 rubles more loyally than 10 rubles. The difference is only one penny, but it plays a very big role.

  1. Pricing based on the prestige of the company.

Many people are willing to pay not only for a product, but also for the name of its manufacturer, if it is prestigious. So, for aspirin of a foreign company that is popular, you can make a higher mark-up, and buyers will perceive this as normal. However, one must have firm confidence in the worthy reputation of drugs in order to avoid unpleasant questions from customers.

  1. Competition based pricing.

This method is very simple, since it does not require tedious work with demand curves. In addition, it is considered the most optimal solution in an environment where buyers are extremely sensitive to price levels. When choosing this method, it is enough for a pharmaceutical organization to adhere to the prices of the closest competitors.

Refusal of unclaimed goods

Ideally, the balance of illiquid assets should not exceed 10-15% of the total amount of goods available. They need to be constantly monitored and a list of medicines that are bought out extremely rarely (for example, 1 unit per month) should be periodically compiled. After that, such drugs must be excluded from the assortment, since they negatively affect the profitability of the pharmaceutical organization. Of course, with this approach, you can lose some customers and slightly reduce the range, but such sacrifices will definitely justify themselves.

Conclusion: how to open a pharmacy? Or… Pharmacy Franchise?

Industry affiliation, high competition and lack of experience dictate very serious requirements for entrepreneurs to the question "How to open a profitable pharmacy?".

Open a pharmacy- a labor-intensive complex process that involves serious time and financial investments.

However, such a business pays off quickly enough and brings a stable income: medicines, as already mentioned at the very beginning, will always be bought.

If you are ready to open a pharmacy, but the prospect of spending a huge amount of time and effort does not seem too attractive, you may want to consider the option of a pharmacy franchise.

Pharmacy Franchise- the so-called symbiosis of big business and a start-up enterprise, which allows novice businessmen to invest their money in creating a guaranteed profitable and quickly payback business.

Franchise Benefits

The main advantages of such an organization of entrepreneurial activity are as follows:

1. The reputation of a popular pharmacy chain brand will help attract customers without spending much on advertising and business promotion - it's simple and profitable.

2. The risks of failures and bumps are reduced, as proven business solutions and modern retail sales technologies are used, work is carried out according to an open, well-established scheme and clear business processes.

3. No need to waste time searching for suppliers of a pharmacy range and selecting goods that are in demand - this will be done by the franchisor.

4. Training in key business processes and the implementation of an automation program in a pharmacy will help you understand all the intricacies and nuances when opening a pharmacy.

5. It is easier and faster to obtain a pharmaceutical license based on the support of the franchisor and his experience in opening pharmacies.

6. The payback period for a franchise pharmacy is from 6 to 12 months, with strict adherence to the rules and the recommendation of the franchisor.

Thus, by purchasing a pharmacy franchise, you get the right to use widely famous brand pharmacy chain, good business and image reputation, ready business plan on the development of the pharmacy business, recommendations on the design of the pharmacy sales area and the selection of a medicinal assortment, contacts of pharmaceutical suppliers-distributors. It will be necessary to independently find a suitable premises located on the first line of houses in a high traffic area for people with high foot and car traffic and complying with the requirements of the franchise agreement, purchase the necessary medical equipment, recruit professional pharmacists and pharmacists. You can open a franchise pharmacy both in a big city and in countryside, such as in a small village or village. Opening a pharmacy without investments and financial investments, unfortunately, will not work.

"Soviet Pharmacy": the best franchise offer for pharmacies

The main advantage of a pharmacy franchise is the relatively low cost of a startup and a quick return on investment. This is the best solution for those who decide how to open a pharmacy from scratch and have no idea how much it will cost to develop a pharmacy business.

The pharmacy chain offers high-quality and popular products at producer prices within the budget price segment. The average check is 500‒700 rubles. The network's annual turnover is 3,500,000,000 rubles. Collaboration provides a number of benefits:

  • . minimum payback periods - from 8 months to a year;
  • . purchases on favorable terms from wholesale prices of manufacturers and official distributors;
  • . a wide range of medicines and pharmaceuticals (more than 60,000 items), including ordering rare medicines;
  • . full support at all stages of doing business, good PR support when opening a franchise pharmacy;
  • . the possibility of opening an online pharmacy and booking medicines via the Internet with the further purchase of medicines at prices below market prices.

The minimum requirements for an entrepreneur are:

  • . the entrance fee is only 999 rubles;
  • . not required to have a pharmaceutical education;
  • . registration of a legal entity is required;
  • . investment amount of about 1,500,000 rubles;
  • . the minimum area of ​​the premises - from 30 square meters, location on the first floor, in a high traffic area.

Sovetskaya Apteka is the best solution for those who are going to start their own business and open a franchise pharmacy.

The business of selling medicines is one of the highly profitable areas of business activity and competes with the trade in alcoholic beverages and food products. Various medications are in high demand among all segments of the population. Poor ecology, low attention to the state of one's own health and other household factors contribute to the growth in demand for medical products. The cost of a pharmacy check can be several times higher than the average check of a regular outlet. In this article, we propose to consider how to open a pharmacy from scratch without a pharmaceutical education.

The demand for medicines and related products is steadily growing, which makes the pharmacy business one of the most promising

Is the pharmacy business profitable?

Before talking about the profitability of this business, it is necessary to consider a few subtleties and nuances. Points of sale of medicines are divided into three conditional categories:

  • Pharmacy;
  • kiosk selling medicines;
  • pharmacy.

Each of the above forms of pharmacy institutions has its own characteristics. Pharmacy points and kiosks have a number of restrictions in their activities. Such outlets do not have the right to sell prescription drugs, as well as narcotic substances. As practice shows, newcomers to this business should start by opening a pharmacy. Opening a large store can be expensive, but this step is a must. As practice shows, the payback rate of kiosks and pharmacy points is much higher in comparison with a general store. However, such points are only structural divisions that are created after the main department.

The rate of return on business depends on several factors. First of all, you should consider the location of the outlet and the level of competition in the selected area. In addition, you need to take into account the amount of rent for the rented premises and the purchase cost of drugs. According to experts, all investments in the pharmacy business pay off within ten months.

The height of profitability of this direction is about ten percent. Despite such a small value of this indicator, experts recommend not to abandon this business. Is it profitable to open a pharmacy in Russia? This question can be answered positively only if the entrepreneur aims to create his own network.

The constant demand for medicines and the volume flow of customers make this business one of the most promising today.

Opening your pharmacy: step by step instructions

The considered direction of entrepreneurial activity has many pitfalls. According to the rules established by the regulatory authorities, this business is available only to persons with a medical education. This means that pharmacists, salespeople and managers must have a diploma from a medical university or a secondary specialized educational institution. In order to obtain a license to distribute medicines, the head of the company must have certain experience in this area.

Based on all of the above, one can ask a completely logical question: how to open a pharmacy without a medical education? In this case, the entrepreneur will need to hire a specialist who meets the requirements of regulatory authorities as a manager. An appropriate agreement must be concluded with the manager, according to which he will assume obligations to manage the pharmacy business.

To start a pharmacy business, you need to know how it is organized


Step-by-step instructions for opening a pharmacy begin with registering with the tax office. At this stage, it is very important to choose the right legal form of the future enterprise. If you want to create a small outlet, it is best to get the status of an individual entrepreneur. If you want to open a point that will become a platform for creating an entire pharmacy network, it is better to choose the status of a legal entity.

Opening your LLC allows the entrepreneur to enter into large transactions with various counterparties. During the registration procedure, it is very important to choose the right OKVED codes. Beginners in this field are advised to choose those codes that allow them to engage in the retail sale of medicines, medical products and cosmetic products.

Obtaining the necessary permissions

In addition to registering with the tax office, the future pharmacy owner needs to obtain permits from the fire service, SES and Rospotrebnadzor. The list of required documentation includes: the company's internal charter, health books and photocopies of employees' diplomas confirming the required level of education. In addition to all of the above, a production control program should be developed.

Companies involved in the sale of pharmaceutical products must have a special license. This permit document is issued by the Ministry of Health. The cost of the state fee for obtaining a license is about six thousand rubles. It should be noted that there are private companies that provide assistance in obtaining all required documents. The cost of such services can reach more than fifty thousand rubles.

In order to obtain a license, it is necessary to provide the employees of the Ministry of Health with the following package of documents:

  1. Permits from the fire inspectorate and SES.
  2. Registration certificate.
  3. Real estate lease agreement and floor plan.
  4. Documents for the purchased equipment.
  5. Employee documents.
  6. Manager's Specialist Certificate.

Preparing the premises (choosing a location)

The choice of the location of the future point depends on the format of the business. For a full-fledged pharmacy store, you should choose places located near metro stations, educational institutions and busy roads. You should also think about the possibility of opening pharmacies in a residential area where there are no competitors. Small kiosks are more profitable to open near clinics, private medical centers and large retail outlets. As practice shows, visitors to small kiosks purchase the most popular drugs: remedies for headaches, coughs or runny noses.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2010 No. 553n on the types of pharmaceutical organizations identified 3 types of them: a pharmacy, a pharmacy and a pharmacy kiosk

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the regulatory authorities have established certain requirements for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet. To date, the minimum area of ​​a full-fledged store should be more than sixty square meters. To open a kiosk selling medicines, a room of fifteen square meters is enough. The cost of renting a room with an area of ​​sixty-five square meters is about thirty-five thousand per month. Carrying out repair work and preparing the premises for starting a business will cost an amount equal to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

Let's look at what you need to open a pharmacy? According to the established rules, rental property must be equipped with a wardrobe, a shower room and a bathroom. In addition to the trading floor, it is necessary to create several utility rooms where pharmacy workers will receive a new batch of goods and sort medicines. In addition, it will be necessary to create a zone for lunch and rest for employees. The selected premises must be equipped with security and fire alarms, as well as all necessary utilities. According to SES requirements, the floor of the trading floor must be insulated and covered with ceramic tiles or linoleum. It should also be noted that the materials used to cover walls and ceilings should be selected taking into account the constant cleaning with the use of disinfectants.

Necessary equipment

To open a small outlet, you will need to purchase several pieces of closed glass showcases and shelves for storing medicines. The cost of the counter and showcases from domestic manufacturers is about fifty thousand rubles. In addition, five cabinets will be required where medicines will be stored. The average cost of one cabinet is about six thousand rubles.

Each group of pharmaceuticals has its own storage requirements. Narcotic and psychotropic drugs should be stored in a special refrigerated safe with a high resistance class. The cost of such a safe varies from one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand, depending on the manufacturer. The same amount should be spent on the purchase of a freezer and refrigerators with glass doors.

In addition to specialized furniture, utility rooms will also need to be equipped. The price of one set of office furniture is about ten thousand rubles. To get started, you will need to purchase a good computer or laptop, cash registers, as well as a specialized program for electronic reporting. The total expense item for the purchase of equipment varies from one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand. Given all of the above, we can conclude that the equipment of a small pharmacy store will cost half a million rubles.

To open a pharmacy, you must register a legal entity or individual entrepreneur

Personnel search

The size of the staff of a small pharmacy store should be at least four people. First of all, it is necessary to hire a manager who will also act as a pharmacist. The pharmacist is an important "element" in the work of the outlet for the sale of pharmaceuticals. This official is engaged in the formation of an assortment of goods and controls the work of other employees.

In addition to the pharmacist, the staff of the pharmacy store should include two sellers working in shifts. Without fail, you will need to hire a cleaner who will not only clean the floor, but also wash the walls with a disinfectant solution. If you want to save on this item, you can hire a separate person who will deal with bookkeeping. The transfer of accounting red tape to outsourcing companies can significantly save the initial budget. The size of the monthly salary fund should be about one hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

Range selection

Considering the question of how to open your own pharmacy, you should pay special attention to the issue of assortment formation. As practice shows, the assortment of a small pharmacy is more than several thousand items.. Each drug must be purchased in the amount of fifty packs.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, it is recommended to purchase related products. These products include baby diapers, medicated shampoos, cosmetic creams, bioactive supplements, various herbal tinctures and wet wipes. The cost of expenses for the formation of the assortment varies from one hundred and twenty to two hundred thousand rubles.

Projected profit taking into account costs (profitability)

Before the implementation of each commercial project, the entrepreneur should draw up a business plan. This document should contain information on the size of the initial investment, the payback period of the business, as well as a program for further development. The pharmacy business plan being developed should take into account the level of competition in the selected segment of market relations and other analytical information.

So how do you start a pharmacy business? Creation of a financial model of the future enterprise:

  1. Calculating the cost of registering a business- about a hundred thousand rubles.
  2. Calculation of the cost of renting real estate and carrying out repairs up to two hundred and fifty thousand.
  3. Acquisition of specialized equipment, office furniture, appliances and medicines themselves- from 1,500,000 rubles.

Medicinal products and preparations are a special product, the sale of which is subject to the conditions specified by law

Considering all the above costs, we can conclude that opening a small pharmacy will cost an amount equal to two million rubles. The average monthly expenses are about three hundred and fifty thousand. The amount of monthly revenue varies from four hundred to six hundred thousand rubles. The amount of net income is from one hundred to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles a month. average speed The return on investment is about one year. Having recouped the initial investment, it is necessary to direct the financial flow to expand the business.

Experts recommend that aspiring entrepreneurs open a pharmacy and several small points at the same time. Despite the increase in the cost item, this step significantly accelerates the payback period of the business. Following these recommendations allows you to increase the amount of monthly profit up to sixty thousand rubles from each kiosk.

You need to understand that not every entrepreneur has such an impressive amount. In the absence of the required amount of funds, you should consider the option of opening a pharmacy franchise. As practice shows, this step can significantly reduce the cost item, but entails a number of negative consequences, among which it is necessary to highlight the need to transfer part of the funds received to the franchise owners.

Own pharmacy: registration, what documents are required, requirements for premises and staff, how to obtain a pharmaceutical license without education, assortment policy.


Particular attention is paid to the subtleties associated with the registration of a pharmacy, organizational issues. Links to all related regulations are provided.

Registration procedures

— Organizational and legal form, OKVED codes

Both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC, OJSC or CJSC can open a pharmacy from scratch. In Art. 52 of the Federal Law "On the circulation of medicines" states that an individual entrepreneur who decides to register a pharmacy in his own name must have a diploma as a pharmacist or pharmacist. If we are talking about opening an LLC, OJSC or CJSC, then a person without a special pharmaceutical education can do this. However, he must hire a manager with a pharmacist diploma.

In parallel, you should choose the type of pharmacy. In the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development "On the approval of types of pharmacy organizations" its types are indicated as:

1. Directly pharmacy, which could be:

  • 1.1. production (implies drug manufacturing);
  • 1.2. Production, in which it is allowed manufacture aseptic drugs.
  • These types of pharmacies must be registered with the tax office with the OKVED code from the group 24.42.1 - Production of medicines.
  • 1.3. Finished dosage forms.

2. Pharmacy kiosk (shop)
3. Pharmacy

For them, such OKVED codes as:

  • 52.3 Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical products, cosmetics and perfumes
  • 52.31 Retail sale of pharmaceutical products
  • 52.32 Retail sale of medical and orthopedic products
  • 52.33 Retail sale of cosmetics and perfumes

A classic pharmacy, point and kiosk differ from each other, first of all, in the number and content of functions that are listed in the industry standard. Most of the functions can be implemented in a pharmacy, and the least - in a pharmacy pussy (store).

For example, the kiosk is not allowed to sell prescription drugs. In addition, there are more requirements for a classic pharmacy. Initially, it is necessary to open a pharmacy, and after that it is possible to organize kiosks and points, since they are its structural subdivision, but not as an independent link.

Room preparation

When all the registration documents are ready, it's time to move on to the selection, repair and equipment of the premises. Requirements for the premises of a pharmacy are given in the industry standard mentioned above.


In many ways, it will depend on the pharmacy business model. There is a so-called premium model, which is distinguished by the widest range, the availability of expensive goods, qualified consultants and high level service. The cost of opening it will be maximum. Premises should be selected in the central, business part of the city, where people come to buy all the necessary medicines, mostly expensive ones, relying on a wide range of central pharmacies.

There are also discount pharmacies, characterized by a narrow range, low prices and a minimum set of services. They should be placed in residential areas, near the subway and in other places where large flows of people pass daily. They focused on the urgent needs of citizens. Opening costs are usually relatively small.

Area and purpose of pharmacy premises

In order to open a pharmacy in accordance with regulatory requirements, the minimum total area must be 75 square meters. m, which will be located:

  • production rooms (60 m) - directly the trading floor, the room for receiving, unpacking the goods, the storage room;
  • manager's and accountant's room (13 m), closet and dressing room, staff quarters,
  • sanitary facilities (2 sq. m.), archive.

Repair and equipment for premises

For finishing ceilings and walls, it is necessary to use materials confirmed by hygienic certificates. Moreover, buy only those that are allowed to be subjected to wet cleaning using disinfectants.

Mandatory availability of sewerage, supply and exhaust ventilation, centralized systems of water and electricity, heating. All premises where medicines will be stored should be equipped with devices for recording temperature and humidity indicators. It will also be necessary to purchase lockers, racks, safes for storing narcotic and poisonous substances, refrigerators. Light and sound, security and fire protection are also required. signaling. Pharmacy premises must be combined into one block and isolated from other organizations. All equipment must be registered with the Ministry of Health, as specified in.

An example of a pharmacy organized in the form of a supermarket

Registration of a trading floor depending on the form of trade. A pharmacy can be closed (the goods are behind the counter) and open (working like a supermarket, when the goods are laid out on the shelves). An open one, in which the sales volume is usually 30% more, makes sense to organize if we are talking about significant traffic - from 10,000 people daily.

Personnel Requirements

The requirements for testing personnel are given in the industry standard.

Pharmacy manager registered as entity, must have:

  • higher pharmaceutical education(diploma of a pharmacist),
  • at least 3 years of experience in this field, as well as a certificate of a specialist.
  • An individual entrepreneur must have a diploma of a pharmacist (and 3 years of experience) or a pharmacist (and 5 years of experience).

The same applies to all employees working with the reception, dispensing, storage, manufacture, destruction of medicines. In addition, every 5 years they must take refresher courses.

Obtaining conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor

Consider documents for opening a pharmacy. The need for these conclusions is spelled out in the “regulation on licensing pharmaceuticals. activities »

To obtain conclusion from Rospotrebnazdor(SES) you need to provide this organization with the following documents:

  • Statement
  • Passport, power of attorney (if necessary)
  • TIN certificate.
  • Certificate of registration as a legal entity or physical. face and its copy.
  • Extract from USRN
  • Explication
  • BTI plan
  • Contracts for garbage collection, laundry, disinfection, destruction of fluorescent lamps
  • Contract for medical examination of employees.
  • Honey. employees' books with the necessary vaccinations
  • Measurements of the microclimate, illumination
  • PPK (production control plan)

It is also necessary get a health certificate for the opening of a new pharmacy and a permit for the location of the facility, which confirms the compliance of the premises with the type of activity.

Approximate list of documents upon receipt conclusions of the State Fire Supervision:

  • Constituent documents
  • Papers confirming the availability of fire protection equipment and fire alarms and their good condition
  • Fire Safety Declaration
  • Protocol for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wires

Obtaining a pharmaceutical license in Roszdravnadzor

Obtaining a license for a pharmacy is the most difficult stage, regulated by the Federal Law “On Licensing Department. activities" and "Regulations on licensing pharmaceuticals. activity." In terms of duration, it can take up to 45 days.

List of documents:

  • Statement
  • All copies of constituent documents
  • A copy of the supporting document on making an entry about the legal entity. person in the Unified State Register of jur. persons;
  • A copy of the certificate confirming registration with the tax office;
  • Confirming document confirming the payment of the license fee
  • Copy of the manager's specialist certificate
  • Lease agreement for premises or certificate confirming ownership
  • Copies of documents on the education of pharmacy employees, copies work books
  • Copies of supporting documents on the right to use the equipment
  • A copy of the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the Gospotrebnadzor and the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision
  • Plan-scheme, characteristics of the object of licensing

Copies of all documents must be notarized. You can submit them along with the originals.

Assortment and work optimization

Medicines will have to be purchased from several distributors. The wider the network of pharmacies, the greater the discounts and other privileges provided by suppliers. At the initial stage, opening from scratch, you can try to cooperate with lone pharmacies and create a purchasing cooperative to provide privileged supply conditions.

In addition to medicines, it is advisable to introduce cosmetics, hygiene products, diet food, nutritional supplements, etc. into the sale. This will increase profits. After all, for most of the drugs, the markup is limited by the state, and any prices can be set for related products.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of an electronic accounting system for goods, which contributes to the optimization of the pharmacy. You can purchase ready-made, standard modules from special software development firms, or you can place an order to develop a program according to your wishes. The main thing is to decide what functions should perform electronic system: ensure the creation of electronic orders to suppliers, produce economic analytics, track the expiration dates of goods, their balances, etc.

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