Own business: Production of disposable tableware. How to start a production of disposable plastic tableware

Who among us has not been to a picnic? Beginning with early spring All people strive to spend more time in nature. Plastic dishes become indispensable for such trips. It is light, comfortable and accessible to everyone. Its sales volumes are growing every year. Steadily growing demand makes production plastic dishes cost-effective and promising business.

  • How much money do you need to start a manufacturing business? disposable tableware
  • What equipment to choose for making disposable tableware
  • Disposable tableware production technology
  • How much money do you need to start producing plastic tableware?
  • How to choose equipment for the production of plastic tableware
  • Plastic tableware production technology

The demand for these products in Russia has some seasonality. In summer and spring it is higher, but in winter stable sales will be ensured by agreements with lunch delivery companies, catering companies, snack bars and owners of vending machines. With competently established work with wholesale buyers, for an income of winter months no need to worry.

How much money do you need to start a business producing disposable tableware?

To start in this niche you will need at least 500 thousand dollars. The amount is quite large, so investors or bank loans are usually attracted. If you buy not new equipment, you can invest up to 200 thousand dollars. In general, the price of devices in Russia largely depends on the brand and manufacturer.

What equipment to choose for making disposable tableware

The most well-known manufacturers lines are German and American enterprises. Prices for these brands are high and vary depending on the power. For a novice businessman in Russia, we can recommend equipment from Taiwan or Korea for the production of disposable tableware. It also has different power levels. The production line consists of the following components:

1 Injection molding machine. It works with materials such as polystyrene and polypropylene.
3 Extruder. It produces sheets of plastic from granular material, ready for further molding. Typically a roll has a diameter of 800 mm and a weight of about 200 kg. The thickness of the plastic, its color and width are set by the operator. Moreover, the overall dimensions are usually cut off after the material has hardened, after exiting the extruder. This waste goes to recycling for further production. The thickness of the plastic is directly related to the quality and technological capabilities of producing finished disposable tableware. The thicker the canvas, the deeper the drawing can be done at the next stage. For example, to make a glass 155 mm high, the material must be rolled to a thickness of 1.1 mm. For smaller disposable tableware, you can use plastic with a parameter of 0.6 mm. The quality, further purpose and cost of the product depend on all these dimensions.
4 Molding machines. In them, under the influence of temperature, the dishes themselves are made. Bobbins of plastic are installed on them. The material is heated and fed into the mold. Here it not only stretches, it must form and cool. The molding machine also removes unnecessary elements of the product. The finished dishes are blown out of the mold and accumulated on a special rack.

Disposable tableware production technology

The technology is called the pneumatic forming method. The raw materials for production are translucent granules, 4 mm in size. They add waste from their own production, which was generated in previous cycles. They are finely crushed and mixed with fresh granules. Typically the content percentage is about 30, but in practice technologists often develop their own standards. They depend on:

Sometimes products are made entirely from recycled materials. The equipment allows this. Plastic utensils can be transparent or colored. The dye in the composition should be no more than 1-2% of the total volume.

The last stage of the technology is quality control and packaging of disposable tableware. The equipment usually works smoothly and without failures, but it happens that “slips” occur. Such products are removed and sent for recycling.

According to experts in Russia, approximately the same amount will be needed to furnish the premises, pay staff salaries, and pay overhead costs. The full payback of the business will not occur earlier than in 2-3 years. When planning a business, you need to consider the possibility of expanding it. As we said earlier, the demand for disposable tableware products is growing every year.

Thermoforming line.

Manufacturers of disposable tableware in any country, including Russia, are mini-factories. You can look for premises for them in the industrial zones of the city. On the outskirts, renting space will be cheaper, which will reduce costs finished products. In addition to the main workshop where the equipment will be located, it is necessary to provide storage facilities, an office for administration and living quarters for workers.

Since all plastic utensils will come into contact with food in the future, they must be safe for humans. It is mainly used for cold products. But if thick-walled polystyrene is used for production, it will be suitable for heating in microwave ovens. The equipment allows us to produce products from polypropylene. This material is thicker and can be used more than once to store food. Containers for refrigerators are made from it. The equipment has many possibilities. It is important for a businessman in Russia to decide on the type of product even before opening a workshop. It is better to choose dishes that are not produced in the region. You can make your products special in shape and color so that they are recognizable among consumers.

How much money do you need to start producing plastic tableware?

In this area of ​​business, the main investments will go to renting premises and purchasing expensive equipment.

The purchase of equipment occurs in several stages: purchase, delivery to production, installation and configuration. Next, you need to train the staff in the necessary skills.

Basic equipment worth purchasing:

  • molds (5 - 7 pieces) from 1 to 1.5 million rubles;
  • extruder – about 1 million rubles;
  • compressor - approximately 600 thousand rubles;
  • thermoforming machine (2 - 3 pieces) - from 1.3 to 1.6 million rubles.

Additional costs will be spent on purchasing office equipment and organizing transportation (300 - 400 thousand rubles). Plus the salary of production workers (workers, cleaners, loaders, director, accountant) is about 600 thousand rubles.

Bottom line: this area of ​​business requires large initial investments. To start this business you need 5–6 million rubles.

How to choose equipment for the production of plastic tableware

Necessary equipment supplied to several countries at once. The cheapest ones are produced in South Korea and China – its main priority is cost. More expensive, but an order of magnitude better quality, they are manufactured in Europe (Germany and France) - they have high quality products. The most prestigious is brought from the USA - its price is slightly higher than that of its analogues, but the quality and power indicators are excellent. The cost of a set of equipment ranges from 5 to 50 million rubles. The main question that stands when choosing equipment is financial opportunities.

Plastic tableware production technology

The technology for making plastic utensils is almost completely automatic. The necessary devices are supplied with raw materials in the form of granules or rolls of paper (depending on the product being manufactured). The automated production system then passes the materials through several processing steps. For plastic or paper tableware, they differ significantly, but the manufacturing process is completely controlled by a pre-configured control system. At the output of the conveyor, a finished, already packaged product is obtained, which remains only to be sold.

The choice of equipment for the production of disposable tableware should be approached responsibly, because demand and profit will depend on the quality of the product.

Raw materials for disposable tableware

Material used in the manufacture of containers

Initially, disposable tableware was paper. Nowadays, laminated cardboard with a density of 130–280 g/m2 is chosen for its production. Lamination is performed in a layer of 10–20 microns. Such containers are suitable for advertising or creating branded tableware. For example, in a chain of coffee shops it is important to use cups with the name of the establishment and its slogan.

Until recently, Finnish paper was the favorite. Now gaining momentum domestic production quality cardboard.

In the production of plastic utensils, they are used as raw materials. different types polymers, depending on the required characteristics of finished products and production capacity. For the full cycle, granulated polystyrene is used, which in appearance resembles foam spheres. For a shortened production cycle, polystyrene or polypropylene film is used.

is an amorphous polymer thermoplastic mass made from benzene and ethylene using polymerization. The material has a fairly high gas permeability, which is why it is often used in the production of cups for fermented milk products. The disadvantage of polystyrene is fragility.

– partially crystallized polymer with thermoplastic properties. It is made from propylene by joining molecules together to form large molecules. This material is not as fragile, and its production is cheaper than polystyrene. The disadvantages of polypropylene are its complexity, which requires strict adherence to temperature, and the inability to store the polymer at subzero temperatures, which makes the raw material brittle.

Main advantages of disposable tableware

The undoubted advantages of disposable products are:

  • Safety. Plastic products are made from flexible materials that cannot be injured or even broken.
  • Hygiene. In catering establishments, the use of disposable tableware ensures the cleanliness of food containers.
  • Saving. There is no need to waste time and money (detergents, water and heating it) on washing dishes.
  • Convenience. Indispensable in establishments selling takeaway food and drinks.

Required equipment and its functions

For the full production cycle of disposable plastic tableware, several types of equipment are required:

  • extruder – necessary for producing polystyrene sheets;
  • thermoforming machine – creates the required shape;
  • compressor;
  • crusher - a device for grinding recyclable materials or industrial waste;
  • packing table;
  • granulator.

Extruder is a machine in which polystyrene or polypropylene granules are melted. The molten mass is stirred with a screw to a homogeneous consistency. The semi-liquid material is passed through rollers and exits through a slot-shaped opening in ready-made sheets. The following points are important in high-quality models:

  • Wear-resistant steel is used for the screw;
  • large ratio of length and diameter of the screw;
  • precision balancing of shafts and auger;
  • uniform thickness of the resulting film.

Thermoforming machine heats a sheet of plastic and makes indentations of the required shape in it. For the production of forks and spoons, a different principle is used - molten polystyrene or polypropylene is poured into the prepared form. The finished products are quickly cooled, literally in a few seconds, and proceed to the packaging line.

Crusher or crusher Designed for shredding plastic film residues after stamping. The crushed plastic is sent to a granulator, where it is converted back into plastic balls.

On the packing table With low production capacity, dishes are sometimes packed by hand. But it is more efficient to use a special machine for counting finished products and their subsequent packaging.

If you have financial capabilities, the owner can purchase not individual devices, but a ready-made automated line.

Equipment for the production of tableware in an incomplete cycle includes only thermoforming machines and a packaging line.

Devices for making paper cups

Making paper products for food requires different equipment.

The most important apparatus is the molding machine. The main difference between the models is the method of joining the glass seam - thermal or ultrasonic. For small production, a thermoforming machine is suitable, which creates a seam by heating using electricity. Such equipment is relatively inexpensive and easy to operate. The machine's energy consumption is 5–7 kW, with a production capacity of about 40 pieces per minute.

Modern models of paper cup molding machines have a variety of additional functions that improve the quality of the finished product and the productivity of the line:

  • Swiss Leister system for connecting the bottom to the sides;
  • pneumatic stacker of cups into tubes;
  • PLC control system;
  • a defect detection system that sorts out damaged products.

It is important to provide for the manufacture of lids. To produce them you will need a separate machine.

The highest quality is Japanese technology. Used equipment can cost almost 2 times less. But it is necessary to compare the risks of machine failure and the cost of their maintenance.

Nuances of choosing equipment

When deciding to invest in creating a production of disposable cutlery, you need to consider several points.

All disposable tableware must be certified

Planned production capacity of the enterprise. Based on it, the choice of premises, equipment, personnel selection, estimated costs for materials and resources, including utilities, and planned profit are made.

Workshop size. It is imperative to control these parameters so that the selected equipment fits in the room. It is important to remember about auxiliary premises (staff bathroom).

Technical characteristics of selected machines. They must match the productivity of the workshop. An important point is energy consumption and ease of maintenance and repair of devices.

The conditions and price of equipment supply are also important.

Features of the production of plastic and paper tableware

The production of disposable tableware is a multi-stage process. But its features will differ from the type of raw materials used.

The production of plastic tableware in the full cycle occurs in stages:

  1. Selected polystyrene foam balls are sent into an extruder, in which, when heated, they become a liquid with the consistency of sour cream. The auger mixes the raw materials into a homogeneous mass.
  2. This mass passes through the rollers into a narrow opening. The thickness of the plastic sheet can be adjusted by the distance between the extruder rolls. Some models have the ability to produce multilayer film.
  3. Utensils of the required shape are produced from the film using thermoforming equipment.
  4. Finished products are sent to the packaging line.
  5. Waste sheets, after cutting out tableware blanks from them, are sent to the crusher. From the crushed plastic in the granulator, balls are produced, which are returned to the production cycle.

All devices are quite simple. More modern modifications have full automation of processes with the possibility of minimal operator intervention. The equipment for this is both foreign and domestic. The choice usually depends on price and delivery conditions.

Paper dishes

Making disposable tableware from paper requires completely different equipment, which domestic factories do not yet produce.

A typical production scheme includes:

  • supplying sheets of cardboard for the walls of cups;
  • rolling paper into cylinders;
  • forming sides;
  • cutting out and attaching bottoms.

There are multifunctional machines for making different types disposable cutlery items. But you will still need some additions: printers for creating exclusive tableware, moldings that serve as a matrix for paper products. Blanks for forming sides are required in different sizes.

The image and inscriptions are applied to paper on initial stage before forming blanks.

The seams of paper cups are treated ultrasonic or thermally. The soldering performed by the ultrasonic method is stronger and can occur continuously with high productivity. A seam made by thermal method is less expensive.

Whatever business you decide to start, you should always thoroughly research the desired project. Not a single business has been completed without a competent and accurate business plan. What is unique about the production of disposable tableware? Because these products are, first of all, in demand. Every day thousands of people use it when traveling, on vacation, in nature, on holidays. This business will never go out of fashion, which means it will always generate a stable income.

Investments in business

Get ready for the fact that such a business will require very, very substantial financial investments. On the other hand, when you get into profit, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much money you can earn.

Of course, you can’t do without paperwork. It is difficult to announce the amount for the full package, because each city has its own prices. On average it is about 25-30 thousand. Get ready for the fact that, most likely, the city authorities will oblige you to create your business outside the city limits. This is logical - the workshop where disposable tableware will be produced must be quite impressive in size.

In addition to documents, of course, you will also need premises. There are several options - either buy the plant and re-equip it for yourself, or build a new one, or lease it. In any case, the investment is quite serious. The room must be big size(at least 500 squares) so that all the necessary elements can be placed in it. This includes a warehouse where finished products will be stored until they are sold on the market.

Own business: Production of disposable tableware

The largest expense item is equipment for the production of disposable products. There are options here: either buy a new factory one, or buy a used one. The second option is cheaper, but there is no guarantee that it will not “stand up” tightly during the process. Buying a new one is not a cheap pleasure. Starting price – 40 thousand dollars. It is difficult to name the final amount. The best country producing this equipment is Germany. But the workhorses of Korea have also proven themselves well. The price issue varies, you need to check directly with the manufacturer.

Equipment includes:

  1. extruder (where the product is produced from raw materials),
  2. machines that give shape (one machine – one type of finished product).

That's why it's worth spending serious money - you need several cars. After all, if you produce only 200 ml cups, for example, then your business will pay off for quite a long time.

In addition to all of the above, you should also take care of purchasing raw materials for production. Plastic tableware is made from two types of material - polystyrene or polypropylene. In Russia there are only 4 companies that sell this raw material. By the way, there is a raw material, so to speak, of the second grade - processed granulate. That is, processed waste, from which raw materials were ultimately obtained. Such material costs an order of magnitude cheaper, and in the process of producing tableware it is no different from first-class raw materials. The cost of consumables must be obtained from the manufacturers.

So, the business plan will include, by expense item:

  1. documentation,
  2. room,
  3. equipment,
  4. consumables.

The production of disposable tableware can cost a significant amount - from 300 thousand dollars. But this is only the starting stage; then, of course, it will be much easier.

Payback, income, profitability

At a good pace of work, your project can pay for itself within a couple of years. When calculating what kind of production you will have (either cutlery, or cups, plates and other utensils), pay attention to the fact that 200 ml cups are in constant demand, while half-liter glasses are in demand for the most part only in summer period. Plates are also popular either in spring-summer-autumn, or throughout the year if you find regular buyers for them. Plastic cutlery is most often in demand all year round, because it is used almost everywhere.

Your company can generate a substantial income - from 15 thousand US dollars per month. And this is net profit (after deducting all taxes, monthly expenses, wages employees and other things). The amount is pretty good. In addition, if among your customers there are regular and wholesale customers, then the income received may be greater. It is also possible to enter the world market by supplying its products to different countries. Disposable tableware is in demand anywhere globe. Why not take the chance?

The profitability of the enterprise can reach 60%. This is a very good result.

Technology, features

Consumable raw materials for the finished product appear in the form of granules. It is them, under the influence high temperature, are converted into raw materials ready for production. Then the molten granules are passed under a press, resulting in a sheet from which at the next stage the dishes (cups, plates, as well as forks, spoons, knives) will be squeezed out. Final stage– cutting out finished elements from a sheet. On the one hand, the process is not too complicated, on the other, it requires close attention. That is why only those whose competence is beyond doubt should work at the enterprise.

In Europe, dishes made from environmentally friendly material (laminated cardboard) are in great demand. There are no such production facilities in Russia, because they are too costly and unprofitable. Although, of course, we also have European models of cookware on sale here.

Pros and cons of production

Of course, the biggest disadvantage is the global investment in the business at the initial stage. Not everyone can pull off such a business. That is why there are many companies where plastic tableware is produced in only one form. Such companies are not so expensive, but also not so profitable in the end.

The advantages include: quick payback (a couple of years for such a scale is not a long time at all), stable profits (products are always in demand), good profitability.

Whether you take up the matter or not is your choice. It is important to think through all aspects before you start investing.

Your company can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC; for a small plant it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur. Suitable code OKVED— 22.29 — “Production of other plastic products.” Pay attention to the regulatory requirements for the product being manufactured: in particular, to GOST R 50962-96, which regulates the production of plastic products for household purposes.


A mini plant for the production of disposable tableware occupies about 100 square meters. Of these, 70 sq. m – industrial workshop, 15 sq. m - warehouse, the remaining 15 - utility rooms and a bathroom.

Mandatory requirements for industrial premises:

  • Ceiling height from 3-4 meters;
  • Tiled or concrete floor;
  • Three-phase electrical network;
  • Ventilation, sewerage, water supply;
  • Wall decoration with fire-resistant materials.

Rent of the building will require approximately $750-800 per month, cosmetic repairs – about $2000.

Disposable tableware production technology

There are two main methods: casting and molding. Molding is necessary to obtain thick-walled containers: dense plates, wine glasses, shot glasses, glasses, etc. For the usual method, the molding method is suitable, the equipment for it is cheaper, and the cost of production is lower.

The production of disposable plastic tableware includes the following steps:

  1. The raw material is fed into the extruder, where it melts and mixes under high temperature. Standard color is white. If colored containers are produced, then colored polystyrene granules are added at this stage;
  2. The resulting mixture is passed through a screw press, turning into a plastic sheet 1-2 mm thick. An important condition is the uniform thickness of the product. This is achieved by carefully adjusting the shafts, turning the mass into a solid web (you need to monitor the temperature of the mass and the beating frequency of the shafts). When working with polystyrene, it is easier to achieve uniform thickness than with polypropylene. Therefore, productivity on polypropylene drops by 20%, and the consumption of raw materials increases by the same amount;
  3. The finished sheet, heated in the oven, is sent to a thermoforming machine (also known as a vacuum forming machine). At this stage, blanks are made: the canvas passes through certain molds (depending on the type of finished product - plate, cup, fork, etc.). Using a press, blanks of the desired shape are squeezed out of the film;
  4. In a trimmer, a die-cutting press cuts out extruded blanks from a common web. With the help of special devices (depending on the type of product), the final processing of the product takes place: for example, bending the upper edge of the cups;
  5. Packaging of finished products.

The remaining plastic film after cutting out the finished products can be used in the next work cycle. This is a truly waste-free process.

Equipment for the production of disposable tableware

It is made from granules that first need to be melted (full production cycle) or from finished film, which is purchased in rolls (incomplete cycle). Let's consider a set of machines for organizing a full cycle:

  • Extruder for producing plastic sheet from granulate;
  • Granulator and crusher;
  • Thermoforming machine (punching presses);
  • Press forms;
  • Packing machine.

On average, a line for disposable tableware costs 5-20 thousand dollars. European machines are the most expensive, so many entrepreneurs choose options from Chinese, Taiwanese, and domestic brands.

Let's consider the most profitable options lines in terms of price and performance.

Longkou Deyi Machinery Co.,Ltd. (China). When producing 500 cups/hour or 350 plates/hour, the price will be about $5,000 excluding molds (another about $2,000).

Arc Automation (Israel): from 1000 units/hour, cost – from $10,000.

Japan Steel Works (Japan): from 2500 units/hour, price – from $17-18,000.

Capuletti (Europe): from 2000 units/hour, cost - about 15-20 thousand dollars for a full cycle line.

"Rostekhno" (Russia): 1000-6000 units/hour at a price of 10-24 thousand dollars.

A good way to save money and get good equipment - find used machines from European brands. For example, a line from Dalaker (Germany) with a set of molds and a productivity of about 2 million units of cookware per month is offered on the secondary market for 15-17 thousand dollars.

In our calculations, we will focus on the option with medium-performance equipment in the price range of 10-11 thousand dollars. You will produce approximately 500 thousand cups, 250 thousand plates and 600 thousand forks and spoons per month.

Raw materials for the production of disposable tableware

The best option is to use polypropylene or polystyrene granules. In this case, a ton of consumables costs approximately $300, while a ton of plastic film costs about $700. You can buy raw materials at Russian companies: “TIS”, “Germatrti” (including colored granules), “RosEcoPlast”, “EuroPlast”, “Vista”, “Plast-plus”.

To produce 1.3 million units of goods per month, 7-8 tons of polystyrene granulate ($2200) will be needed.


To work two shifts, you need to hire a manager, a technologist, four workers, a cleaner, and two loaders. Accounting is outsourced. Monthly salary fund – $4000. Workers definitely need health certificates.

Costs and profits

To start producing disposable tableware you will need to invest approximately $20,000 in the business. This includes the costs of registering an enterprise, renting a building for a workshop (for three months in advance) and its repair, purchasing and setting up equipment, and purchasing raw materials (12 tons).

Monthly expenses (rent, consumables, salaries, utilities) will be $7,000. The plant's revenue is around $10,000, net profit is $3,000.

Disposable tableware as a business is a profitable business. Opening a small workshop requires a significant investment, but it pays off in less than a year.

The production of disposable tableware is a promising and profitable line of business for an entrepreneur who is not afraid of a high barrier to entry into the market. Along with significant capital investments, you must be prepared to overcome a number of risks. The main one is the lack of a large number of highly qualified technologists and open information about the nuances production process. In addition, the environmental movement is becoming increasingly popular in our country. This means that it is necessary to build your activities taking into account the fact that sooner or later the enterprise will have to be reformatted to produce a biodegradable product.

In anticipation of the start

There are many types of disposable tableware. Conventionally, products can be divided into several large groups: plastic, paper, wood and so-called eco-friendly. The latter category includes both tableware made from biodegradable plastic and recent developments where cups and plates are made from a variety of raw materials such as cereals (edible tableware), cane, corn starch, leaves, bamboo, etc.

Before launching a project, an entrepreneur must clearly indicate what type of product he will produce. Universal lines on this moment does not exist, and starting an enterprise with a large number installations for products from different materials will require huge investments. Another difficulty is to obtain an effective technology for the production of disposable tableware. Find detailed information V open access It’s not easy, but qualified technologists are worth their weight in gold. Therefore, the easiest way to establish the process is to train personnel from the equipment manufacturer.

Next, you should conclude agreements with suppliers of raw materials. There are not many of them on the territory of the Russian Federation, so you can consider options for cooperation with foreign partners. In any case, it is not advisable to focus on only one manufacturer, because a supply failure can cause downtime for a new enterprise.

Having decided on the above questions, you can begin searching for equipment and developing project documentation. As already mentioned, the financial barrier to entry into the market is quite high. Thus, only the purchase of a minimum set of equipment for the production of disposable plastic tableware will require about 12 million rubles. Having a well-developed business plan in hand, it makes sense to start working using investors’ funds.

Basic risks

Potential clients are in no hurry to enter into preliminary agreements with a new manufacturer and are ready to consider proposals only if they have the required volume of finished products and a package of documents confirming the goods’ compliance with GOST and SanPiN requirements.

As for competition, you will have to deal with a pool of domestic and foreign companies, most of which have strong positions in the market, have certain experience and, importantly, customer trust. For example, Chinese manufacturers, thanks to their huge volumes, are able to offer very attractive price offers.

Another conditional difficulty is the seasonal demand for products. Expanding the range will help maintain balance.

Main consumers of disposable tableware

Among the wholesale buyers that a manufacturer of disposable tableware needs to target:

  • , canteens, pizzerias and other catering establishments;
  • seasonal takeaway food stalls;
  • food delivery services;
  • markets of various formats, catering companies with their own culinary production;
  • agencies for organizing picnics and outdoor holidays;
  • enterprises engaged in the sale of vegetables and fruits.

As you can see, the list of opportunities for selling products is quite wide. An entrepreneur just needs to create a profitable offer and convey information about it to as many partners as possible.

Types of disposable tableware

To comprehensively satisfy consumer demand, the manufacturer’s assortment must include disposable tableware for drinks, soups, main courses, snacks, packaging of various products, as well as salad bowls, cutlery, straws, plastic lids for takeaway drink glasses and stir sticks.

Several types of raw materials can be used to manufacture products: plastic, including its degradable variety, special paper, wood. In addition, dishes made from natural materials.

Disposable plastic tableware

Plastic utensils have a number of advantages. It is convenient, hygienic, practical, and very inexpensive. The versatility of the material allows us to produce a wide range of products - plates, cups, cutlery, straws, stir sticks of various colors, shapes and sizes. If necessary, you can apply a logo or a bright design.

Equipment for the production of plastic tableware

A standard disposable tableware production line contains:

  • thermoforming machine;
  • extruder;
  • mold;
  • compressor.

The minimum cost of a set of equipment is about 3 million rubles. costs for the first batch of raw materials - from 100 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing technology + Video

Two types of plastic are used to produce tableware:

  • foam propylene (durable, plastic, resistant to heat, utensils made from it can be used for hot dishes and drinks, designated PP with the number 5);
  • polystyrene (products cannot withstand heat, food cannot be stored in them, designated PS with the number 6).

The raw materials for the production of plastic tableware are granular polymers that look like balls of. The price per ton of granules ranges from 45-100 thousand rubles, which depends on the brand, diameter and other characteristics.

This raw material is used by full-cycle enterprises where granules are melted and film is made from which plastic tableware is produced. In an incomplete cycle, the manufacturer uses finished film costing 100-190 thousand rubles. per ton.

Full cycle The production of disposable tableware includes the following stages:

  • Melting granules. White or if we're talking about For the production of colored dishes, multi-colored balls are placed in an extruder, where the raw material is heated to the melting point with constant stirring by a screw press.
  • Film making. Having reached the desired consistency, the mass is fed to a press, through which a plastic sheet 2 mm thick is obtained.
  • Shaping products. The film enters the thermoforming unit, is heated to a plastic state and drawn into molds.
  • Cutting out elements. The whole web with the formed dishes is moved to the trimmer, where the individual elements are separated from the whole web. Plastic pieces are sent for recycling.
  • Next, the dishes are sorted and fed to the conveyor, where they are modified - logos are applied, edges are folded, etc.
  • Package. The machine selects the required number of products and places them in film.

A similar method is used to produce tableware from biodegradable plastic.

Video how to do it:

Disposable tableware made of bioplastic

Disposable tableware made from biodegradable plastic is positioned as “green”, but the material, although to a lesser extent than its biostable counterpart, still pollutes environment, since decomposition releases methane and carbon dioxide. However, supporters of an eco-friendly lifestyle welcome this decision on the principle of choosing the “lesser evil” and are happy to use the product.

Main competitors

Among the giants of the disposable tableware market, the following companies can be noted: U2B, My Dishes, GORNOV GROUP, Plastic-Step, Mysteria, Papperskopp Rus, Huhtamaki, Trial Market, PapStar, The Paper Cup Company.

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