American climate control system. HAARP - psychotronic and climate weapons. But what really? Competent comments about HAARP

In English, the acronym HAARP roughly translates to “High Frequency Active Northern Lights Research Program” - simple and harmless. People are studying a natural phenomenon of remarkable beauty. There’s just one thing that’s not clear: how can one become so interested in this wonderful, but, at first glance, economically useless phenomenon as to pay tens of billions of dollars for research (and additionally for secrecy)?

Krasnoyarsk secret

But to answer this question, we need to go back to the end of the 20th century. Then the USSR, in response to the American SDI program, began to create a network of powerful locators capable, according to the creators’ plans, of paralyzing the on-board electronics of intercontinental missiles and leading them off course. The Krasnoyarsk locator was the first to be built, but during its operation two unpleasant things became clear: firstly, the locator turned out to be capable of targeting only single targets (though more than effectively), and secondly, after a minute of its operation, the ozone layer in the “impact” area became so dense that it did not allow the actual radar beam to pass through.

There was one more point that it was not customary to talk about: the field created by the locator had a rather strange effect on the psyche of people - those who fell under the ozone layer “densified” by the locator had a desire to run away, hide - in general, it caused, to put it mildly, unpleasant emotions.

The program in the USSR was closed, although a network of similar systems along the country’s borders would have negated the first two problems. (The third, as already mentioned, was kept silent.) The locator could also be used for peaceful purposes, for example, to “patch” ozone holes, destroy space debris, fuel near-Earth satellites, but... In negotiations on arms reduction, the United States especially insisted on dismantling Krasnoyarsk locator and achieved their goal.

And just a few years after the unique system in the USSR was destroyed, America immediately began to build its own, almost similar system, supposedly to study... the northern lights.

People who think that the northern lights are just multi-colored flashes reflected by ice in the sky and nothing more are deeply mistaken. In fact, these are quite complex processes of interaction of cosmic (in particular, solar) rays with our earth's ionosphere, causing amazing effects.

But the American military, hiding behind a program with such a peaceful and beautiful name, had no intention of spending money on studying these effects. Their essence was clear to American researchers before, and the work of Soviet scientists with the Krasnoyarsk radar only confirmed the following: based on experiments with the ionosphere, it is possible to create an unusually powerful and practically invulnerable weapon.

Tesla's student

Where did such a destructive idea originally come from? Back in the middle of the 20th century, a certain Bernard Estlund, a student of Nikola Tesla, prepared scientific basis for the HARP program. In 1985, he published a work entitled “Method and mechanism for changing the region of the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth” and received a patent for it.
This project implied the global release of an immense amount (on the order of gigawatts) of energy into the outer spheres of the Earth. But the consequences of such an impact on our planet and on all forms of life were not considered in any way in Östlund’s work.

A few years later, Estlund lost his patent due to financial problems. And the Pentagon, based on his developments, in 1992 began building a powerful radar station in Alaska at the Gakkona military training ground.

Soon the first HARP installation was ready. 15 kilometers north of Dakon (Alaska), on an area of ​​about 13 hectares, 180 antennas, each 25 meters high, capable of delivering power up to 3600 kW, rose into the sky. Antennas aimed at the zenith make it possible to focus pulses of short-wave radiation on individual sections of the ionosphere and heat them to form high-temperature plasma.

After some time, a similar system (only three times more powerful) appeared in Norway, and a third one is being built on the island of Greenland. Once it is completed, the entire Northern Hemisphere will be caught in a giant “net.”

The Federation of American Scientists website claims that this is just scientific work. Allegedly, the stations were created to study the properties of the ionosphere in order to better use communication systems. True, on the same website it is written in fine print that these “scientific” experiments are financed by the US Air Force and the special department of the US Navy. And the finances are considerable: $25 billion was spent on the Alaskan station alone.

When journalists inquired about the actual meaning of these “ scientific research» y former owner patent, he explained that “the antenna structure in Alaska is in reality a huge beam weapon capable of destroying not only all communications networks, but also missiles, airplanes, satellites and much more. Additionally, it has the potential to cause climate disasters around the world, or at least in some regions, and deadly cosmic radiation, from which there is no protection, in strictly defined places, all through the irresponsibility of military and government officials.”

So much for “studying the northern lights” - everything turned out to be simpler and, unfortunately, more sinister.

Wake up in the matrix

HARP installations are already operating, although not at full capacity - the military themselves are afraid of their creation. However, “experiments” are apparently already being carried out. Many scientists believe that most of the cataclysms that have shaken the world in recent years are a consequence of these unnatural “experiments.” There is an extraordinary drought in Europe, numerous tsunamis that have claimed thousands of lives, earthquakes in the most unexpected places, and much, much more.

“Controlled fields” created by high-frequency bases in Alaska and Norway currently more than cover the entire territory former USSR. This means that the operators of these bases, by pressing a couple of buttons, can easily disrupt the radio communication system over vast areas of our country, nullify satellite navigation, confuse long-range air defense radars and disable the on-board electronics of military and civilian ships and aircraft.

Let's not forget about the so-called side effects. Yuri Perunov - radio engineer, leading Soviet and Russian specialist in the field of studying the interaction of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation with the near-Earth environment - in one of his interviews he stated the following: “Further work on the HARP program will give the Americans a real and immediate opportunity to get their hands on not only geophysical and climatic, but also psychotronic weapons. To put it bluntly, people will wake up one morning and not even be able to understand that their thoughts, desires, tastes, their choice of food and clothing, mood and political views are determined by the operator of a HARP-type installation. “I have reason to believe that it was the proximity to the creation of psychotronic weapons that was one of the main reasons why all the results of research on HARP were classified in 1997.” Until the end of the eighties, Yuri Perunov intensively explored precisely the area that HARP today monopolizes. But funding for our work in this area was stopped.

In the northern United States, 400 km from Anchorage, at the Gakhona military base, there is an unusual object. A huge area of ​​the territory is planted with a forest of 25-meter antennas. This is HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). The base is surrounded by barbed wire, the perimeter is guarded by armed Marine patrols, and the airspace above the research facility is closed to all types of civilian and military aircraft. After the events of September 11, 2001, air defense systems were also installed around HAARP.

The total area occupied by the HAARP project is about 25 hectares, of which about 14 hectares are occupied by antennas. IN total There are about 180 antennas with a height of 20 meters. HAARP is not that easy to get to - the helicopter is the main means of transporting US Navy and US Airforce scientists to their work sites.

This installation was built jointly by the US Navy and Air Force to explore the possibilities combat use disturbances in the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth. Scientific journals claim that with the help of “HAARP” it is possible to cause artificial northern lights, jam over-the-horizon radar stations for early detection of ballistic missile launches, communicate with submarines in the ocean and even detect the enemy’s underground secret complexes. HAARP radio emissions can penetrate underground and diagnose hidden bunkers and tunnels, burn out electronics, and disable space satellites. In addition, specialists working at HAARP are trying to create technologies for influencing the atmosphere that will make it possible to change the weather to the point of triggering natural disasters: heavy rains, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes.

The Federation of American Scientists website claims that this is just scientific work. Allegedly, the stations were created to study the properties of the ionosphere in order to better use communication systems. True, on the same website it is written in fine print that these “scientific” experiments are financed by the US Air Force and the special department of the US Navy. And the finances are considerable: $25 billion was spent on the Alaskan station alone.

When journalists asked the former patent owner about the actual significance of this “scientific research,” he explained that “the antenna structure in Alaska is in reality a huge beam weapon capable of destroying not only all communications networks, but also missiles, airplanes, satellites and much more. Additionally, it has the potential to cause climate disasters around the world, or at least in some regions, and deadly cosmic radiation, from which there is no protection, in strictly defined places, all through the irresponsibility of military and government officials.”

You can use this creation for example for purposes such as:

Generation of ultra-low frequency waves for communication with submarines underwater.

Tracking geophysical probes to identify and describe natural ionospheric processes in order to develop methods for their control or modification.

Obtaining ionospheric lenses for focusing large amounts of high-frequency energy, which makes it possible to “turn on” ionospheric processes

Acceleration of electrons and implementation of emission in the IR and other optical ranges, which can be used to control the processes of radio wave propagation.

Obtaining geomagnetic fields with oriented ionization to control the processes of reflection/propagation of radio waves.

Using indirect heating to influence radio propagation processes to enhance potential military applications of enhanced ionospheric technology.

HARP installations are already operating, although not at full capacity - the military themselves are afraid of their creation. However, “experiments” are apparently already being carried out. Many scientists believe that most of the cataclysms that have shaken the world in recent years are a consequence of these unnatural “experiments.” There is an extraordinary drought in Europe, numerous tsunamis that have claimed thousands of lives, earthquakes in the most unexpected places, and much, much more.

“Controlled fields” created by high-frequency bases in Alaska and Norway currently more than cover the entire territory of the former USSR. This means that the operators of these bases, by pressing a couple of buttons, can easily disrupt the radio communication system over vast areas of our country, nullify satellite navigation, confuse long-range air defense radars and disable the on-board electronics of military and civilian ships and aircraft.

Let's not forget about the so-called side effects. Yuri Perunov, a radio engineer, a leading Soviet and Russian specialist in the field of studying the interaction of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation with the near-Earth environment, stated the following in one of his interviews: “Further work on the HARP program will give Americans a real and immediate opportunity to get their hands on not only geophysical and climatic, but also psychotronic weapons. To put it bluntly, people will wake up one morning and not even be able to understand that their thoughts, desires, tastes, their choice of food and clothing, mood and political views are determined by the operator of a HARP-type installation. “I have reason to believe that it was the proximity to the creation of psychotronic weapons that was one of the main reasons why all the results of research on HARP were classified in 1997.” Until the end of the eighties, Yuri Perunov intensively explored precisely the area that HARP today monopolizes. But funding for our work in this area was stopped.

American meteorologists are not the only ones accusing their neighbors of the planet of using climate weapons. Rumors about dubious experiments with weather in the USA and the USSR have more than once become the cause of political scandals. After the famous flood of 2002, similar scandals swept across Europe - then parliamentarians accused the “American military” of undermining the EU economy.

Russian politicians have not remained aloof from this “hot” topic. The first officials to start searching for climate weapons were State Duma deputies from the LDPR and Communist Party factions. In 2002, the Defense Committee brought up for discussion the issue of the harmful effects on the climate of experiments on the influence of the Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. The object of the deputies' research was the American HAARP system.

“The catastrophic flood in Germany, France and the Czech Republic, the tornadoes off the coast of Italy, where there have never been tornadoes, are nothing more than the disastrous consequences of the Americans testing geophysical weapons,” said State Duma deputy of the third convocation Tatyana Astrakhankina. — The weapon has already been created and tested in low-power modes. The installation will soon be completed and its capacity will increase several times.”

Deputies vigorously discussed the use of "HAARP", as a result of which in 2002 they prepared appeals to President Vladimir Putin, as well as to the UN, demanding the creation of a common international commission to investigate the experiments carried out in Alaska. Then the scandalous appeal was signed by 90 people's representatives.

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), the curiosity of many conspiracy theorists, has shut down. HAARP program manager Dr. James Keeney at Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico told ARRL that the Alaska Ionospheric Research Facility has been closed since early May.

“The facility is currently closed,” he said. “It's about money. We don't have them." Keeney said there was no one at the site, the roads into the site were closed, and the buildings had been cut off from power and sealed off. The HAARP website through the University of Alaska is no longer accessible - Keeney says the program can't afford to pay for the maintenance. “Everything is set to safe mode,” he says, adding that everything will remain that way for at least the next 4-6 weeks.

HAARP told the world it would be shut down two years ago if it wasn't passed as part of the FY 2015 budget, but, Keeney says, "nobody paid attention."

The only bright spot on the horizon for HAARP at present is the hope that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected to complete some of its research there in the fall or winter. DARPA allocated about $8.8 million in its fiscal year 2014 budget to conduct research into “the physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric substorms, fire, lightning, and geophysical phenomena.”

Funded jointly by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility.

As things stand now, HAARP belongs to air force, but if no agency is willing to take care of HAARP, the unique facility, Keeney says, will be dismantled. He says bulldozing the structures would be cheaper than removing 180 antenna elements.

What is this conspiracy theory about HAARP floating around the internet? And I’ll tell you this now.

New physical principles, as a rule, are known and described in textbooks, but this “novelty” itself is due to the primacy of the use of “effects”, “properties” or “regularities” in new types of equipment or materials for military purposes (biological, chemical, psychotronic, informational, geophysical, etc.).

The road to HAARP

The study of the ionosphere began with a few astonished radio listeners. In 1933, a resident of the Dutch city of Eindhoven tried to catch a radio station located in Beromünster (Switzerland). Suddenly he heard two stations. The second signal - from a powerful transmitter in Luxembourg - had never before broadcast on this frequency, its wave was at the other end of the scale; and yet in this case the signal was superimposed on the Swiss station.

The Luxembourg effect, as it was later called, did not remain a mystery for long. A Danish scientist named Tellegen found that cross-modulation of radio signals was the result of wave interaction caused by the nonlinearity of the physical characteristics of the ionosphere.

Later, other researchers found that high-power radio waves changed the temperature of a section of the ionosphere and the concentration of charged particles in it, which affected another signal passing through the changed section. Experiments with the interaction of beams of radio waves took more than 30 years. In the end, the conclusion was made: powerful directed radiation causes instability in the ionosphere. Since then, the main tool of scientists has become a transmitter with an antenna array, called a heating stand (hereinafter the term used in domestic science is used as the equivalent of the English “ionospheric heater”).

In 1966, Penn State University, a pioneer in this field of science, built a 500-kilowatt heating facility with an effective radiant power of 14 kW near the university campus. In 1983, the transmitter and antenna array were moved from Colorado to Alaska, to an area 40 km east of Fairbanks.

Radio physicists were at the origins of the creation of modern geophysical weapons. This is the American HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) system. Distinctive feature a new geophysical weapon is the use of the near-Earth environment as a component and object of destructive influence on opponents.

The first tests of the new American radiophysical and geophysical weapons under the HAARP program show its great capabilities. The system, which increases its power, makes it possible to block radio communications, disable on-board electronic equipment of rockets, aircraft and space satellites, cause large-scale accidents in electrical networks and oil and gas pipelines, negatively affect the mental state and physical well-being of people, etc. The main disadvantage is that , that such weapons cannot be classified as high-precision. At the same time, the use by the military and intelligence services of the complex planetary features of the structure of the Earth and its electromagnetic fields makes it possible to reach weapons mass destruction.

An interesting fact is that the first powerful radiophysical installations in the United States for influencing the high layers of the atmosphere, heating it and focusing “death rays” on certain geographic areas are being built in such a way that the first three installations will create a closed loop covering our country. One station is located in Alaska, the other two are being deployed in Greenland and Norway.

The physical principles of radiophysical weapons were substantiated by the brilliant physicist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the twentieth century. This scientist developed methods of transmission electrical energy through the natural environment at any distance. Further refinement of the theory and conducting experiments confirmed the possibility of creating “death rays” propagating through the atmosphere or the earth’s surface, focusing it in the desired area of ​​the globe.

IN THE USA this project in the 60s it was called HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). The fundamental works of N. Tesla in the USA were hidden from the scientific world and the public for many years in order to hide the origins of secret developments called “Star Wars”, SDI, etc. Here is a quote from an article in the New York Times dated September 22, 1940. : “Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors, who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July 10, told the author that he was ready to bring to the attention of the United States government the secret of “influence at a distance,” with which, as he said, it was possible to melt airplanes and cars at a distance of 400 km, thus building an invisible Great Wall of China around the country.”

In the early 60s, new principles for the use of atmospheric electricity by physicist W. Richmond, on the initiative of military experts from the US government, were classified as secret.

Already the first tests showed the possibility of initiating many natural disasters on the planet. In 1998, the first American Harp installation was put into operation in Alaska (near Anchorage).

According to experts, the power of this weapon is many times greater than that of an atomic bomb.

In general philosophical terms, the course of the history of civilization is clearly moving towards a new world order under the control of a world government. The latest achievements of scientific and technological progress (technology, radiophysics, engineering genetics, etc.), some of which are deeply secret, make it possible to achieve the goals of political and economic globalization by force, with the participation of the military and intelligence services. The leader in this geopolitical process is the United States, where Nikola Tesla worked for many years, and whose work had a military orientation and was quickly classified.

Back in 1900, Tesla applied for a patent for a device for “transmitting electricity in a natural environment” (US patent issued in 1905 No. 787.412). In 1940, Tesla announced the creation of “death rays.”

In 1958, the Earth's radiation belts, filled with charged particles trapped in the magnetic field of a rotating planet, were discovered.

In 1961, the idea arose of creating artificial ion clouds and then inducing resonance in cosmic plasma with antenna electromagnetic beams.

In 1966, Gordon J. MacDonald publishes a concept for military applications of weather engineering.

1974 - targeted experiments with electromagnetic broadcasting were carried out under the new American HAARP program - Plattville (Colorado), Arecibo (Puerto Rico) and Armidale (Australia, New South Wales).

1975 – work on microwave technology and the creation of psychotronic weapons intensifies.

1980 - Bernard J. Eastlund, a specialist in the development of HAARP, receives a patent “Method and apparatus for changing layers of the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere and/or magnetosphere” and then patents a number of other discoveries and inventions.

1980 - The US Department of Defense begins construction of the GWEN network (a network for creating waves in earth's surface in emergency situations) capable of transmitting extremely low frequency waves for defense purposes.

1985 – outstanding American physicist Bernard J. Eastlund applies for a patent for the invention “Method and technique for influencing a portion of the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere” (the first of the author’s three basic patents).

1994 - a large military contractor, E-Systems, acquires the rights to use Eastlund's patents and begins work on a military contract to build the world's largest ionospheric heating stand, the Harp, in Alaska. In 1995, the contract was transferred to the largest US military corporation, Raytheon.

1995 - Congress approves the budget to begin operating HAARP. Large-scale HAARP tests are beginning to aim concentrated beams of energy at various areas of the globe.

1998 – Commissioning of HAARP (information about activities is classified). ()

The secrecy of the information received is intended to reduce protests from the world community and various environmental movements. The essence of the military technology developed by the Americans is as follows. Above the ozone layer is the fragile ionosphere, a layer of gas enriched with electrical particles called ions. This ionosphere can be heated by powerful HAARP antennas. Further, it is possible to create artificial ion clouds, similar in shape to optical lenses. These lenses can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at specific geographic locations. According to several sources, studies of the military, medical, environmental and other consequences of HAARP are being conducted by the Air Force and Navy without the participation of the US Environmental Protection Agency environment (ERA). However, this is dubious information, since all federal ministries and departments take part in various defense and security activities. national security USA under cover of the Official Secrets Act.

This fact is known. When, during an experiment, 350 thousand copper arrows 1-2 cm long were thrown into the ionosphere in 1961, an earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale occurred in Alaska. At the same time, in Chile, a significant part of the coastline slid into the ocean.

At the end of the 80s, 360 towers 24 meters high were actively being built in northern Alaska, with the help of which the US military would emit powerful beams of energy of various frequencies into the ionosphere. It is planned to create a network of regional HAARP centers.

All this will allow the formation of plasmoids for military purposes (localized areas of highly ionized gas). This semblance of ball lightning can be controlled by moving the focus of the antennas using a coherent laser beam.

A number of patents related to this project can be cited:

5.068.669 “System for transmitting energy using radiation”;

5.041.834 “Artificial ionospheric screen formed by a plasma layer”;

4.999.637 “Creation of artificial ionization areas above the earth’s surface”;

4.973.928 “Atomic-scale explosions not accompanied by the release of radioactive materials.”

During experiments in the USA, it was discovered that free energy or the energy of physical vacuum. These artificial formations can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at specific geographic locations. Thus, radiophysical HAARP is a new powerful geophysical weapon.

Atmospheric geophysical weapons are divided into three main types: meteorological (rains, hurricanes, etc.), ozone (direct damage to living organisms by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun) and climatic (decrease in agricultural productivity of a military or geopolitical enemy).

The beginning of scientific experiments for military purposes begins to be discussed among world scientists, especially geophysicists and biologists. It is significant that European scientists have recorded the possibility of carrying out secret radiophysical sabotage (droughts, rainstorms, hurricanes) against the countries of the European Union. On February 5, 1998, the European Union Commission on Security and Disarmament held special hearings on the Harp project, in which a number of State Duma deputies took part, as well as one of the main opponents of this project in the United States - scientist and politician from Alaska N. Begich, whose book, co-authored with Canadian journalist J. Manning, was translated and published in Russia (Begich N., Manning D. HAARP Program. Weapons of Armageddon (translated from English) M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007, 384 pp.).

The time gap between the 2nd English edition and this Russian edition was 5 years. However, the data presented by the authors allows us to very fully and scientifically assess the prospects of the American military system geophysical and psychotronic weapons.

Today, a new surge of interest in this classified information in biological and environmental issues around the world and in Russia is fully justified. There are also various alternatives when developing “defensive” or “offensive” measures.

Everything that happened in December 2004 in Indian Ocean, are the results of local tests of US radiophysical and geographic superweapons under the HAARP program (high-frequency active auroral research program). For short, our program is called HARP. Independent military expert Bobylov (more than 16 years of work in secret defense research institutes and design bureaus of the former USSR) is confident that there was no tsunami in the Indian Ocean. A distinctive feature of the new weapon is the use of the near-Earth environment as a component and object of destructive influence. HARP allows you to block radio communications, disable on-board electronic equipment of aircraft, rockets, space satellites, cause accidents in electrical networks, oil and gas pipelines, and also negatively affect the mental state of people. Military expert Bobylov writes about this in his book “Genetic Bomb. Secret scenarios of bioterrorism." “In my book,” continues Yuri Aleksandrovich, “I consider an extremely pessimistic scenario of an unfolding secret radiophysical and biological war, as a result of which the Earth’s population could be reduced to 1–1.5 billion people by 2025.”

But what is this same HARP? Let's go back to the beginning of the last century. In 1905, the brilliant Austrian scientist Nikolai Tesla invented a method for transmitting electricity through the natural environment to almost any distance. Then, by other scientists, it was refined several times, and as a result, the so-called “death ray” was obtained. More precisely, a fundamentally new power transmission system, with the ability to focus it at any point globe. The essence of the developed military technology is as follows: above the ozone layer is the ionosphere, a gas layer enriched with electrical particles called ions. This ionosphere can be heated by powerful HARP antennas, after which artificial ion clouds can be created, similar in shape to optical lenses. These lenses can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at a given location. geographical point. In Alaska, a special station was built under the HARP program in 1995. 48 antennas, each 24 m high, were erected on an area of ​​15 hectares. With their help, a concentrated beam of waves heats up a section of the ionosphere. As a result, a plasmoid is formed. And with the help of a controlled plasmoid, you can influence the weather - cause tropical downpours, awaken hurricanes, earthquakes, and raise a tsunami.

Energy circuit

At the beginning of 2003, the Americans openly announced the testing of a certain “gun” in Alaska. It is with this circumstance that many experts associate the subsequent natural disasters in Southern and Central Europe, Russia, and the Indian Ocean. The developers of the HARP project warned: as a result of the experiment, it is possible by-effect due to the fact that an immense amount of energy with gigantic power will be released into the outer spheres of the Earth. High-frequency emitters built under the HARP program already exist in three places on the planet: in Norway (Tromso), in Alaska ( military base Gakhona) and in Greenland. After the Greenland emitter was put into operation, the geophysical weapon created a kind of closed energy circuit. – Considering the growth military threat on the part of the United States,” Yuri Bobylov continues his story, “the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2002 attempted to analyze the situation with the involvement of experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Ministry of Defense. But the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the State Duma, Alexander Kotenkov, demanded that the issue be dropped so as not to cause panic among the Russian population. The question was removed.

Very strange tsunamis

In 2002, the first deputy commander of the Russian Space Forces, General Vladimir Popovkin, in his letter to the State Duma, indicated that “if the top layer atmosphere could have catastrophic consequences of a planetary nature.” He was supported by Valery Stasenko, a specialist in active influences in the atmosphere of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring: “Disturbances in the ionosphere and magnetosphere affect the climate. By influencing them artificially with the help of powerful installations, it is possible to change the weather, including globally.” The result of the debate was a letter to the UN demanding the creation of an international commission to investigate experiments conducted with the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth. The head of the Japanese Center for the Study of Storms, Hiroko Tino, sees a lot of strange things in the December 2004 events in the Indian Ocean. The fact is that the disaster occurred exactly one year and one hour after the earthquake in Iran on December 26, 2003, which claimed the lives of 41 thousand people. It was a kind of sign. Then the disaster came to Europe: dozens of hurricanes, storms and rains were brought with it by Cyclone Erwin, which swept from Dublin to St. Petersburg on January 7–10, 2005. Later natural disasters came to the USA: floods in Utah, unprecedented snowfalls in Colorado. The reasons for this are the earth tremors that caused the tsunami, changed the tilt of the earth's axis and accelerated the planet's rotation by three microseconds. Tino, like Yuri Bobylov, is inclined to assume that all consequences in the form of natural disasters are the result of the activities of HARP.

"Spinach" against the partisans

American specialists began their games with the weather a very long time ago. Soon after the end of World War II, research began to be carried out in the United States to study processes in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: “Skyfire” (lightning formation), “Prime Argus” (causing earthquakes), “Stormfury” (controlling hurricanes and tsunamis). The results of this work have not been reported anywhere. However, it is known that in 1961, it was in the USA that an experiment was carried out to throw more than 350 thousand two-centimeter copper needles into the upper layers of the atmosphere, which dramatically changed the thermal balance of the atmosphere. As a result, an earthquake occurred in Alaska, and part of the coast of Chile fell into the Pacific Ocean.

During the Vietnam War (1965–1973), the Americans used silver iodide dispersed in rain clouds. The operation was codenamed Project Popeye. Over five years, £12 million was spent on cloud seeding to artificially stimulate heavy rainfall to destroy enemy crops. The so-called Ho Chi Minh Trail was also washed out. Along this route, the South Vietnamese partisans were supplied with weapons and equipment. During Operation Spinach, rainfall levels in the affected area increased by a third: the climate weapon worked successfully!

It was the United States that was the first to try to extinguish hurricanes (in the mid-60s). In 1962–1983 Experiments on hurricane management were conducted in the United States as part of Project Furious Storm. The impetus for this was the data obtained by scientists that one hurricane contains as much energy as produced by all the power plants in the world combined. One of the successful experiments was carried out in 1969 off the coast of Haiti. Local residents saw a huge white cloud from which huge rings radiated. Meteorologists showered the typhoon with silver iodide and managed to turn it away from Haiti. In recent years, research of a different kind has been carried out: tens of thousands of gallons of vegetable oil are poured into the sea. Scientists have suggested that hurricanes gain strength due to heat generated at the surface of the sea. If the surface of the sea is covered with an extensive film of oil, the strength of the hurricane will decrease due to the cooling of the water. This means that in this way you can change the direction of the hurricane.

By 1977, Americans were spending $2.8 million annually on weather research. Partly as a response to Project Spinach, the UN passed a resolution in 1977 that prohibited any hostile use of environmental modification technologies. This led to the emergence of a corresponding treaty, ratified by the United States in 1978 (meaning the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modifications). The United States believes that the USSR did not remain aloof from experiments with weather: “The Russians have their own “weather control” system, it is called “Woodpecker,” they wrote in the 80s. many American newspapers. – It is associated with the emission of low-frequency waves that can cause disturbances in the atmosphere and change the direction of jet air currents. For example, the long drought in California in the 1980s was caused by moist air flows being blocked for many weeks.”

Where did the Woodpecker come from?

Indeed, the USSR also experimented with climate. In the 70s, at the Institute of Thermal Processes (now the Keldysh Research Center) they tried to influence the Earth’s atmosphere through the magnetosphere. From the Arctic region, from one of the submarines, it was planned to launch a rocket with a plasma source with a power of up to one and a half megawatts (but the launch did not take place). “Weather” experiments were also carried out by the 40th Institute Navy: at an abandoned test site near Vyborg, installations for simulating the influence of an electromagnetic pulse on radio waves are rusting.

Are we no longer interested in typhoons?

The USSR, together with Cuba and Vietnam, began studying typhoons in the early 80s. And they were conducted around the most mysterious part - the “eye” of the typhoon. Production aircraft Il-18 and An-12 were used, converted into meteorological laboratories. Electronic computers were installed in these laboratories to obtain information in real time. Scientists were looking for those “painful” points of the typhoon, by acting on which it would be possible to reduce or increase its power, destroy or change its trajectory using special reagents that could cause or, conversely, prevent immediate precipitation. Scientists even then found out that by dispersing these substances from an airplane into the “eye” of a typhoon, its rear or front part, it is possible, by creating a difference in pressure and temperature, to make it walk “in a circle” or stand still. The only problem was that it was necessary to take into account many constantly changing factors every second. And it was necessary to have a huge amount of reagents. At the same time, a network of radar stations was created in Cuba and Vietnam, interesting data was obtained, including on the structure of the typhoon, which made it possible to begin modeling various methods of influence. Theoretical work was carried out to study the possibility of influencing cyclones in temperate latitudes and the weather in this region. But in the early 90s. work on active influences on the weather in Russia practically ceased to be funded and was curtailed. So today we have nothing special to brag about. The “eye” of the typhoon is no longer of interest to us.

Secret work continues

So, in 1977, within the framework of the UN, the Convention on the Prohibition of “Environmental Warfare” was concluded. (Convention on the prohibition of military or other hostile use of means of influencing the natural environment - artificially stimulating earthquakes, melting polar ice and climate change.) But, according to experts, secret work on the creation of “absolute” weapons of mass destruction (WMD) continues. Recently, a group of American researchers working on the HARP project conducted an experiment to create artificial northern lights. More precisely, according to its modification, since the real northern lights were used as a screen on which the researchers drew their pictures. Using a 1 MW high-frequency radio emission generator and a set of radio antennas placed at a sufficient distance large area, scientists staged a small light show in the sky. Despite the fact that the mechanism for creating a man-made glow is not yet entirely clear even to the researchers themselves, the project participants believe that sooner or later the technology they are developing can be used to illuminate cities at night and, of course, to display advertising. Or for something more significant.

Meanwhile, the USA...

The US Army is openly beginning to develop plasma weapons. The new mobile “MIRAGE plasma gun” will disable enemy communications and navigation systems within a radius of tens of kilometers. The device is capable of changing the state of the ionosphere - the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere, which is used as a “reflector” for transmitting radio signals over long distances. A plasmoid generated in a special microwave oven will be launched by a rocket to an altitude of 60–100 km and disrupt the natural distribution of charged particles. According to military experts, this method can get rid of several problems at once. Firstly, the “extra” plasma will create a barrier to enemy radars, which normal conditions Thanks to the ionosphere, they can see aircraft over the horizon. Secondly, the “plasma shield” will prevent contact with satellites whose signals pass through the atmosphere. This will create difficulties with orientation on the ground if GPS receivers are used for it. The design is a small van that can be easily transported to the site of military operations.

What awaits us all next? In Russia, programs for active influences on the weather have been curtailed. We reacted sluggishly to the news that we found ourselves in a kind of energy circuit between Norway, Greenland and Alaska. The generation of ultra-low frequency signals is today the main task of the HARP program. In 1995, the facility consisted of 48 antennas and transmitters with a power of 960 kilowatts. Today there are already 180 antennas at the facility, and the power of emitted energy reaches 3.6 megawatts. This is enough to create an anti-missile shield and to “calm” a tornado.

Tractor with milkmaid in the sky

In our country, the frequency of mysterious natural phenomena has doubled over the past 15 years. Hurricane winds, tropical downpours and tornadoes came even to Siberia - a phenomenon that was previously considered absolutely impossible in our climate, not to mention winter thaws and frosts in July. In July 1994, in the village of Kochki in the Novosibirsk region, a tornado lifted into the air a tractor with a tractor driver and a milkmaid. On May 29, 2002, in the Kemerovo region, a tornado destroyed the village of Kalinovka. Two people were killed and 20 were injured. Before this, such natural phenomena neither in Novosibirsk nor in Kemerovo regions was not observed. A huge hail, the size of a pigeon's egg, fell this year in 2006 in the populated area of ​​Gagino in the Nizhny Novgorod region. 400 houses completely lost their roofs. And in general, in June 2006 alone, 13 tornadoes and hurricanes hit Russia. They walked through Azov, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod (they hit 68 settlements region), then moved to Bashkiria and Dagestan. The destruction was enormous."

For a more complete understanding of this problem, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the new translated book by Begich and Manning, “The HAARP Program. Weapons of Armageddon" ().

The authors highlight the significant difficulties in creating such a system, condemning the progress of weapons and military equipment. The first three installations with a radiation power of directed radio waves of about 1 billion W have already been built in Alaska, Greenland and Norway. They create a closed loop for a large-scale impact on the near-Earth environment, focused primarily on Russia, as well as the PRC and the European Union.

The use of the first stage of the “three-point” military system will allow: disrupting the sea and air navigation of aircraft and missiles; stop radio communications and radar; disable on-board electronic equipment of space satellites; provoke the occurrence of large-scale accidents in power grids; cause typhoons, storms, droughts, tornadoes and floods and, finally, purposefully influence the psyche of people. Further, the Pentagon will cover most of the planet with such installations, which will demonstrate the power of US military thought.

The sophisticated military reader, of course, cannot fully accept all the arguments of the American pacifists.

However, the US military itself notes the “dual” purpose of the system. Thus, developing a system of geophysical influence on high-altitude layers of the atmosphere (up to 50 km) can lead to the elimination of the concept of “multi-month drought.” As a result, it is possible to cause regular rainfall over the Sahara Desert in North Africa.

One can recognize the undoubted danger of the secret scientific experiments launched by the Americans. In this regard, the European Union, Russia, and China have the right to insist on holding special international negotiations to limit the power of “scientific” radio emissions.

The creators of the HAARP system themselves admit that in addition to thermal and electromagnetic effects on the Earth’s atmosphere and its ionosphere in order to control the weather or initiate destructive natural disasters, it is also possible to influence the brain and nervous system a person and changes in his psyche and behavior.

Targeted psychophysical influence can cause a person to have inhibited reactions, uncertainty, fear, anger, loss of the sense of self-preservation, inability to control one’s own actions, evaluate and analyze complex life situations, navigate time and space, etc. All this can be used for local and mass impacts.

Psychotronic weapons refer to “non-lethal” (“non-lethal”) weapons, which are increasingly becoming important both for military operations and for special operations to influence the behavior of small or large groups of the population.

There is a good aphorism - “Military genius and villainy are not only compatible, but also do not exist without each other.”

source - Yuri Nikolaevich BOBYLOV – Candidate of Economic Sciences, expert on science and technology policy

Well, I can’t help but remind you about other conspiracy theories: or here. And of course The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Zbigniew Brzezinski, being a professor at Columbia University, wrote in one of his books that in order to manage the psychology of people, the results of ongoing research on the human brain are needed: “Political strategists would like to use the results of research on the human brain and behavior.”

Geophysicist Gordon MacDonald, an expert on military technology, wrote that electronic shocks, which are artificially generated and delivered at a certain frequency, can lead to strong vibrations that can create quite high energy levels over certain areas...

Thus, it is possible to develop a system that would greatly impede the brain activity of large masses of the population in selected areas for large periods of time: “With the help of artificially created electronic waves, it is possible to influence the neurons of the brain of people in certain regions, and thus direct the crowd . Such technologies will most likely be implemented over the coming decades,” the scientist noted. And he was right...

There is a facility in Alaska called HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). Officially, the purpose of this station is associated with the study of the properties and behavior of the ionosphere. This idea was first put forward by the American scientist of Serbian origin Nikola Tesla. Tesla believed that humans have the power to control the atmosphere.

HAARP is an important project overseen by the Pentagon and developed for the US Army. HAARP - a transmitter installed in the center of Alaska, is a set of antennas capable of generating and sending high-frequency radio signals (10 MHz) into the ionosphere. The antennas are controllable and can focus radio emissions anywhere on the globe. Currently, HAARP has a so-called “effective radiated power” (ERP) capacity of 4.7 gigawatts.

HAARP is also called a climate weapon. Many note that most often the United States tests these climate weapons in Russia. The station has been officially in use since 1997. It is operated by the US Armed Forces and Navy, and is also managed by specialists from the University of Alaska.

The HAARP station is located in Alaska, 250 km northeast of Anchorage. In appearance, this is a huge field of 14 hectares, studded like a pincushion with 180 antennas and 360 radio transmitters. All “needles” are 22 meters high.

HAARP can be compared to a colossal microwave, capable of emitting energy to a certain area with a power one thousand times greater than that of the sun. Facts prove that from the day HAARP was launched, sharp climate changes and abnormal atmospheric conditions began to be observed in different parts of the Earth: where snowfalls were common, heatwave, and where the climate had always been hot, it suddenly snowed.

According to one of the curators of this project, John Heckscher, HAARP is a powerful antenna that is used to control processes in the ionosphere; more precisely, it is an “ionosphere heater.” Some American scientists oppose HAARP. In their opinion, HAARP is a force capable of ruling the entire world. Of course, this can lead to great disasters.

One such anti-project expert with close knowledge of HAARP, geophysicist Gordon MacDonald, says the facility can do the following:

1) Change the climate

2) Lead to the melting of glaciers, changing their structure

3) Penetrate the Earth's ozone layer

4) Cause powerful earthquakes

5) Control the ocean waves

6) Influence people’s brains by influencing certain energy points in the world

7) Cause a thermonuclear explosion without radiation

In addition, by influencing the ionosphere over a certain area of ​​the Earth’s surface using HAARP, it is possible to completely “cut off” the area from outside world, knocking out all of its communications systems.

Controlling the Human Brain

According to research by Dr. Nick Begich and Jean Maning, documents belonging to the US Air Force contain evidence that secret experiments were carried out using HAARP to manipulate the human brain. He cited facts confirming the influence of such radiation on people’s health and their psychology in his articles and famous political scientist Zbigniew Brzezhinski, and the famous geophysicist and conflict specialist Gordon MacDonald - in their book written back in 1966.

In an article written in 1970, Brzezinski openly makes it clear that in the future, technology will create a society that can be easily controlled. And that this mass of people will be controlled by certain forces.

What opportunities did the HAARP system give the United States?

Thanks to this system, the United States possesses not only powerful climate weapons, but also weapons that allow them to control and manipulate the consciousness and mood of the masses. Besides. The States have improved their own communications system and learned to disable the communications systems of any other country in the world.

For the public, information about the HAARP system, which is being administered by military circles, is prohibited. Since 2010-2011 in the USA, any attempts to prepare even a small report about this project are punishable by law.

US Congressional documents dating back to 1996 noted that the HAARP system was being tested to control the world using signals sent into the ionosphere. In 1996, Congress allocated $15 million for this project.

It should be noted that HAARP can interfere with the operation of aircraft, whether military or civilian, and unmanned aerial vehicles. And over time, experts have improved this “skill” of HAARP. Former US President George Bush, having once announced the “creation of a new world,” apparently meant that HAARP and other similar global weapons would help the country in this.

At the beginning of 2011, there was a massive bird death in many countries - in Switzerland, the USA, Sweden, Canada, Italy, China, Japan, Russia... Birds of different orders and families died in whole flocks in different climatic zones. The secret one came under suspicion American station HAARP in Alaska, where experiments allegedly serve trigger for natural disasters (devastating floods, incredible heat, earthquakes, fogs over airfields, devastating hurricanes, tornadoes and storms, snowfalls, prolonged droughts and “freezing rains”). Since ancient times, mass bird pestilence has caused horror in humans. In ancient Rome, the death of birds allowed the priests to predict the fall of Carthage. Ecclesiastes says that the death of the birds will precede the appearance of the Antichrist. Modern man has freed himself from such superstitions, but cats scratch at my soul. Moreover, no clear explanation has been offered for the terrible pestilence.

Three facts are known about Alaska. Firstly, Russia sold it to America cheaply. Secondly, the governor of Alaska was beauty queen Sarah Palin, who almost became the first female American vice president. And thirdly, a mysterious HAARP station, like Hogwarts Castle, is located in Alaska, which is guarded day and night by Marines and where, according to rumors, climate and geophysical weapons are being developed. It was the third circumstance that made Alaska truly famous, because from now on it appears in scandalous conspiracy theories as main reason natural Disasters.

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is an American research project to study auroras. At 60 sq. km, a field of 360 antennas 22 meters high was built, which emit high-frequency radio waves with a power of 1.7 billion watts, which is a million times higher than solar radiation in this range. HAARP also has a radar with a diameter of 20 meters. Laser locators, magnetometers, and computers process signals and control the electromagnetic field. HAARP is the most powerful tool for influencing the ionosphere, where plasma clots are formed, so-called plasmoids, which can be moved in the ionosphere of the Northern Hemisphere. Artificial plasmoids are a million times more powerful than the northern lights. Antenna fields in Norway in Tromsø and on the cruiser Wisconsin make it possible to direct the synchronous reflection of three beams from the Earth's ionosphere to the desired point. By the way, the United States has been building an even more powerful complex for several years in Greenland.

By official version, civil experiments are being conducted at the test site. In 1977, the United States signed the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Means of Coercion. natural environment" However, there are experts who believe that America has dressed the wolf in sheep's clothing. Moreover, not a single country has ionosphere monitoring stations. The Alaskan base is surrounded by barbed wire and patrolled. Marine Corps. There are Patriot missile launchers all around. The airspace is closed to all civil and military aircraft. However, the secrecy regime and solid financial participation in the Pentagon’s experiments do not yet indicate that weapons are being developed at the station. Air defense systems were installed at the base after September 11, 2001.

It cannot be ruled out that the reason for our incessant complaints about the climate and other misfortunes lies in the area of ​​neurasthenia. Director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Lev Zeleny, believes that the current time, when the Sun can be compared in age to a “Balzac lady,” is the most comfortable for humans. It has never occurred to anyone to compare the statistics of natural disasters across different eras. And this is unlikely to be possible due to the lack of reliable documents. But speculation can be convincing...

Some experts believe that after 1997, when the HAARP station began operating, there have been noticeably more natural disasters on the planet. It got even worse after the spring of 2006, when HAARP was finally completed and turned on at full power. The frantic Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez blamed HAARP for a series of devastating earthquakes.

Climate bomb and flying saucer

So, NAARP was built to study the ionosphere and northern lights, to study tomography of the earth’s interior thousands of meters deep - to search for deposits of raw materials, as well as to localize underground objects, including enemy ones; up to the detection of submarines in the ocean. On the other hand, HAARP can establish communications with its own submarines, which is still difficult. Another challenge is new air and missile defense systems that are capable of detecting the launch of ballistic missiles and disabling other people’s space satellites.

“90 percent of the talk about climate weapons is outright “Panama,” Vladimir Fortov, academician-secretary of the largest department of energy and mechanical engineering in the Russian Academy of Sciences, told Izvestia. “I haven’t seen a single convincing evidence of the existence of climate weapons, although I looked for it. It's like talking about UFOs. The ionosphere is very labile and subject to various influences, but there is no evidence that man created such systems. Today we can talk about climate weapons with the same confidence as saying that David hit Goliath in the forehead not with a stone, but with an armor-piercing shell. But ground-based systems have been developed that can destroy any equipment with a strong electromagnetic pulse. Russia has such systems in a ground version. It is unknown whether such an effect can be achieved from space.

“Birds are dying from chemicals,” says Academician Vitaly Adushkin, director of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. — HAARP, with whom we had contacts, is a very delicate and complex issue. The capabilities of the station need to be studied, much is in the fog. Communication with submarines on long waves using this technology is real and effective. The destruction of space satellites using a localized impulse and heating of the ionosphere is also possible. The possibility of influencing objects from space cannot be denied, and this technology is being actively developed. Another thing is climate weapons. Russia uses special equipment to record ionospheric pulses from the HAARP station. There is no reason to talk about the development of climate weapons.

— Climate and geophysical weapons? - Director of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Kuznetsov is not surprised by Izvestia’s question. — Thought is working in this direction, the search for mechanisms of influence is underway. HAARP cannot be suspected of anything serious - the power is too low, the dimensions are limited. To talk about climate weapons today, you need to have a wild imagination. But HAARP is the first step in studying the possibilities of geophysical influence on earth processes. Russia must under no circumstances fall behind. Geomagnetic factors pose a real danger to energy infrastructure, especially for powerful power plants, long power lines, oil and gas pipelines, and nuclear power plants.

Laser rain from space

How can magnetic signals from space affect earthly well-being? In principle, it is possible to force plasmoids pumped with energy to release it in a given area, as a result of which the “laser rain” effect will be achieved. An avalanche of tiny lasers will simultaneously send an energy pulse to enemy strategic targets, cause paralysis, and disable electrical and electronic equipment. Fantastic? But natural magnetic storms, even without any provocation, lead to the generation of induced currents in the power system, destruction of transformers, shutdown of power lines, and disruption of the anti-corrosion protection of pipelines. This serious problem. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, at a meeting of the Council of General and Chief Designers in the field of high-tech sectors of the economy in December 2009, set the task of reaching a fundamentally new level of security in the energy sector. In the US, the Electromagnetic Grid Protection Program is seen as critical to national security. the federal law is already in Congress. This legislation is supported by the National Academy of Sciences and all agencies responsible for national security and grid security.

So, geophysical impact on the earth's infrastructure from space is technically possible. An example is the US war in Iraq, when radio communication systems were suppressed from space. Reliable facts There is no geophysical impact on more complex terrestrial objects. There are no facts, but the theoretical possibility - someday in time - is not denied. As for the targeted impact of ionospheric plasmoids on the weather, creating zones of high pressure and temperature that will lead to calculated natural disasters, serious experts treat such scenarios with great skepticism.

“There are scenarios under which the entire energy sector of the USA, Europe and Russia could be put out of action,” continues academician Vladimir Fortov. “The problem is aggravated by the fact that our electrical networks are physically and morally outdated. If they are not updated, severe accidents will increase without any outside influence. No HAARP is needed. It is necessary to create “smart networks” and local generators that have the ability to compensate for losses in power grids. As for the most vulnerable Moscow, it must be divided into several independent electrical clusters.

— In the USSR measuring points magnetic field was more than in the USA,” says Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Gvishiani from the Institute of Earth Physics. - Now you can rely on the testimony of only five points. But a center for monitoring magnetic changes is already being created, which is necessary for national security. The next step is the creation of regional centers, as in the USA, where a network of 14 points operates.

The landfill is overgrown with weeds

In 2002, a group of communist deputies wrote a letter to the UN, demanding that a limit be put on the “criminal” activities of the HAARP station to create new weapons. The communists were firmly convinced that the experiments in Alaska led to floods in some areas and tornadoes in others. The accusations were written with pitchforks on the water, and competent communist deputies like academician Zhores Alferov did not sign the letter. There was no reaction to the cidula from the inert UN...

And finally, another important question. Why didn’t our country, which is a pioneer in the study of the Arctic, atmosphere and space, acquire its own HAARP station? It turns out I got it! In 1981, in deep forests 150 km from the closed city of Gorky, the Sura facility was built at the training ground of the Institute of Radiophysics. The area of ​​the facility is 9 hectares, the height of the antennas is 20 meters, like in Alaska. In the first years, the facility was funded by the Ministry of Defense, but the source has long since dried up. The station, overgrown with weeds, operates only 100 hours a year, funding is 8 thousand times less than that of HAARP. The general picture for all Russian science. And the deputies should throw their strength at this front, and not write invective. If the situation does not change, then a much greater danger will lie not in the experiments at the HAARP test site, but in the fact that we will no longer be able to understand what the adversaries are doing in Alaska. Then we will definitely become defenseless.

So why do natural disasters and cataclysms occur? Nature spoils us, but we cannot understand it and, due to eternal human nature, we suspect those who have come closer to this understanding than others.

The severity of natural disasters

2011 - massive and mysterious death of birds across the planet;

2010 - earthquake in Haiti, where more than 200 thousand people died, eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland, aircraft collapse in Europe, African heat in Russia, “freezing rains” and again aircraft collapse;

2009 - heat and Forest fires in southern Europe;

2008 - earthquake in China, killing almost 100 thousand people, cyclone Nargis and humanitarian disaster in Myanmar;

2005 - the most destructive hurricane in US history, Hurricane Katrina, which claimed 2 thousand lives. The strongest earthquake on record in South Asia occurred in Pakistan, killing more than 100 thousand people;

2004 - the most destructive earthquake in history off the coast of Indonesia caused a tsunami, a tidal wave claimed 300 thousand lives;

2003 - Hurricane Isabel, the deadliest and most destructive hurricane in the Atlantic, claimed several thousand lives and caused enormous destruction in many countries, including the largest American cities;

1999 - earthquake in Turkey, killing 20,000 people;

1997-1998 - Hurricane El Niño caused record damage of $20 billion.

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