How to do damage yourself - what is needed, what consequences can there be. Simple but effective ways to spoil things

How to damage a person

From this article you will learn about how to damage per person.
This section already contains several similar articles related to the method of causing damage and methods of protection from malicious influence.
In order not to be unfounded, I want to start this article with a letter that I received in my email inbox.
Galina Polikarpovna from the city of Naberezhnye Chelny writes that she had never before dared to think that terrible damage could be caused by borrowing a symbolic amount.
One day, purely by chance, the woman noticed that the neighbor who had returned the debt brought a banknote with the same serial number. At first, Galina Polikarpovna did not pay due attention to this coincidence, but soon her husband became seriously ill and she suspected her neighbor of doing something wrong.
I contacted by telephone a familiar village healer, who believes that one of the most common methods of causing damage is the involvement of banknotes in an occult ritual, which, after their magical processing, are returned to the creditor.
In this article we will talk about how to damage a person and touch on some methods of protection against witchcraft.

1). A method of causing damage using the energy of a cemetery. Most often, an ill-wisher causes damage on his own by burying a photograph of the victim in a grave with the same name. At the same time, a special conspiracy is pronounced, addressed to dark forces. For this reason, you should not forget that photography is your energetic shell, which has a close connection with the person himself. A photograph showing off in in social networks, can become a tool for causing damage. Be careful and don’t give your photographs to just anyone.
2). Using grave soil to cause terrible damage. In this case, the earth taken from the cemetery has the so-called “dead force”, which is capable of “taking along” a living person. Never take anything from a cemetery. You can do damage purely by accident by uttering words of indignation over any object and passing it on, not on purpose, to a future victim.
3). A method of causing damage through an occult lining. This is the easiest and free way to annoy the offender. In this case, you may find small foreign objects under the rug on the threshold of the apartment. As a rule, these are pins, hairpins, a bunch of garbage, small coins, needles and other little things. The lining should never be taken with bare hands. To get rid of the lining, you need to carefully take the foreign object with gloved hands and say the words: “This is not treasure, this is lining. He who sent it took away.” Take the damage to a deserted place and build a small fire over it. But this does not save you from contacting an experienced healer. Only with his help or in the firm confidence that you can get rid of the damage done on your own should you perform a magical ritual.
If you live in rural areas and you suspect that someone has cast a spell or evil eye on you, take a good look at the pillows, closet and attic. There is a possibility that the damage was caused using chicken eggs or regular trash.
4). There are often cases when they cast a “wind spell” or pronounce magic phrases at your back. In this case, there is a chance to “catch someone’s illness in the wind” or become a victim of malicious intent.
5). Experienced occultists who inflict damage on order, after some time must “drop” it on a “random traveler.” Damage sent to an ill-wisher often returns back to the original source. So that the sorcerer does not have to work it off, he uses methods of transferring damage to another person. You are walking along the road, and the sorcerer, disguised as a blind passerby, asks you to pick up some object lying under his feet. If you naively agree, you become the owner of terrible damage. Better impoliteness and safety net than the risk of becoming a victim of vile deception.
6). And, finally, a method of causing damage, of which Galina Polikarpovna became an unwitting victim. To send damage, an ill-wisher just needs to ask you for a loan for a symbolic amount, Matchbox, a pack of salt, knives, combs, combs or other items. They are talked into and brought back. Such an item begins to participate in the closed energy exchange of your home and reproduces the program that was prepared. You begin to get sick, mope and conflict with others. To avoid damage to your personal item, if it is returned, you need to have time to say magic phrases before your hands touch it: “I take the item, there is no damage in it.”

From this article you learned that how to spoil a person.
This is not a complete list of the ways in which you can harm your neighbor using occult techniques. A lost cross found by someone is nothing more than a ransom for someone’s sins or an “occult release” of damage to an unlucky person.
I don’t practice magic, but I use free consultations from a familiar village healer, still convincing everyone that no damage is scary for a decent and kind person.

A negative impact on a person carried out through a special ritual is called damage. Even the name itself already speaks of something bad and scares many people. And this is not surprising. After all, the negative program embedded in the ritual has a two-way effect: it blocks beneficial energy and replaces it with negative energy.

An offended, disappointed person, in a fit of emotion, often wonders how to damage a person. And not everyone understands the power of such a ritual and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and choosing a ritual, it is best to once again weigh the pros and cons of this ritual, because its consequences can affect all participants, and not just the victim.

Damage to death is considered the most powerful effect and, naturally, the most dangerous. This ritual involves the death of the person at whom the ritual is directed. However, you cannot do damage thoughtlessly, so as not to cause harm to yourself. Damage should be done with a cool head, so you don’t get confused in the ritual important words and actions.

Methods of negative magical influence

In most cases, a person interested in the question of how to spoil death, impose a curse, or maybe even put the evil eye on a person, dreams of one thing - revenge. Moral injury, physical injuries, financial troubles - revenge is dictated by rather strong emotions, it is very difficult to fight them.

However, it should be remembered that damage must be carried out either by a professional magician, a person familiar with the esoteric sphere. Errors and inaccuracies in the ritual can contribute to the opposite result. And sometimes a ritual performed correctly is accompanied by side effects and the consequences manifested by the performer.

The most common methods of inducing negativity on a person:

  1. Curse and damage from the photo.
    A fairly popular and very affordable way is to use photography. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the photograph, if taken no earlier than a year before the ritual, is a strong link between the performer of the ritual and the victim. It is not difficult to damage a photograph and, depending on your intentions, the effect is on various areas human life.
  2. Using genetic material.
    Among magicians, it is considered great luck to possess the genetic material of a person. In this case, managing the owner of hair and nails becomes a simple process. Using human body particles to induce a negative effect is an option that is highly effective. In addition, the curse can also be made using the hair and nails of the victim.
  3. Using needles, nails and other piercing objects.
    Damage can be carried out using piercing objects. A conspiracy is read on these items. Usually final stage ritual - driving or threading a charmed nail or needle into the victim's door frame, burying it in a place where a person usually walks.
  4. Using water.
    Casting a spell on an unwanted person often involves the use of water. The water you will need is not ordinary. Most often, water is used after washing the deceased, as well as swamp liquid. The use of this composition is also used when a curse is made.
  5. Using cemetery items.
    Earth from the cemetery, elements of the grave and other similar attributes can be used by those wishing to cause damage or impose a curse.
  6. Damage to the figure.
    This ritual is similar to voodoo damage. A figurine identifying the victim will be required. Its creation, depending on the ritual, involves the use of photography and/or human genetic material.

Types of negative impact on humans

Black envy and hatred are strong feelings. And, if a person in love, in order to achieve a goal and bind his beloved, makes a love spell, then hatred and envy can push a person to perform a spell of death, loneliness.

Depending on the area where a person’s troubles should begin to occur, black influence is divided into several types:

  1. Damage to death.
    The most terrible and powerful impact. Ends in death. However, it is dangerous not only for the “corrupted” person, but also for the person performing the ritual. Performing this ritual may also become a black seal on the performer.
  2. Negative health effects.
    If a person does not wish death to another, but only big problems with health, then in this case this ritual is done. Although it is believed that such exposure can also lead to fatal outcome.
  3. Damage to relationships.
    This ritual allows you to destroy even the most strong families. Often this influence is done by a mistress with one single goal - to achieve a man and take him away from the family. Black damage to a rival is most often done by a wife whose husband another woman wants to take away.
  4. Damage to loneliness.
    This ritual is usually done out of revenge against an abandoned lover.
  5. Damage to business.
    This influence is exerted on business competitors, on more successful partners, whose success can harm a person in the field of work.
  6. A ritual for good luck.
    A ritual is done out of envy, to destroy a happy coincidence of circumstances for a certain person.
  7. Negative impact on money.
    Damage is done both to business and simply to failures in the financial sector. Losses, thefts and other economic troubles will become constant companions in a person’s life.

The most common types of negative impacts on humans are discussed above. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic due to the possible consequences.

Damage is a negative external influence that is caused by ill-wishers. Not everyone believes in magic, but no one wants to encounter a harmful energy program. Therefore, even skeptics are often interested in how damage is caused and how serious its consequences can be.

A targeted negative message can be directed at a person different ways. The easiest way to damage it is from a photo. This is a very strong impact, which is very difficult to get rid of. In most cases, damage from photos can only be removed by professional magicians.

The question of how to damage a photograph interests many. This is due to the fact that it is quite simple magical ritual you can solve a variety of your own problems. For example, you can remove an opponent from your path for a short time by sending a low-power negative, or induce a strong impact that can lead to the death of the enemy.

Damage from a photo creates a strong negative energy program. A clot of negative energy penetrates the victim’s biofield and destroys it, leading to various consequences.

With the help of a photo, damage is most often caused:

    For relationships; For family; For health; For death.

Features of damage using photos

Damage from a photo involves carrying out the most various actions. That is, a photograph of the enemy is always used in a certain ritual of black magic. True, some magicians claim that a person with strong energy and great hatred for the enemy can cause damage from a photo with his gaze. This means that you just need to carefully look at the photo of the enemy and mentally wish him all the worst. This could be the answer to the question, how to damage a photograph?

But still, many are interested in how to damage a photo using the photo in special rituals. One of the most common rituals is a ritual that involves cooking photographs of the enemy, in the process of which a negative message is sent to poor health and malaise. To carry out magical actions you will need several photos of your enemy. But at the same time, it is enough to have one original, and all other photographs can be reproduced using a scanner and printer.

A ritual involving cooking a photo of an enemy is carried out during the waning moon. The ritual can be repeated at this time several times in a row to enhance its effectiveness. At midnight you need to throw the photo into boiling water and read special magic words during the process.

Damage from a photo can be enhanced with the following conspiracy:

“I command with magical words the body of the Servant of God (name of the victim) to burn strongly, and his blood to boil, to emanate pain afterwards, and to find no peace forever and ever from this moment on. Magic words cannot be changed! The only way!"

The plot must be repeated as many times as the number of photographs taken. They change as the photo dissolves in boiling water.

There are more strong ritual, which involves cooking photos. Distinctive feature This ritual is that it consists of several separate magical actions. This eliminates failure. That is, if one of the methods does not work, then the other will definitely be successful. Moreover, each impact can cause significant damage to the victim.

To do this, you need to first prepare the following attributes:

    Old sewing needles;Black pepper;Salt;Photograph of the person being damaged;Pot of boiling water.

After boiling a pot of water, you need to stand in front of the boiling liquid and take it into left hand a little pepper, and on the right - a little salt.

Seasonings should be thrown into boiling water at the same time and the following words should be spoken:

“Salt to you, my enemy (person’s name), on your tongue, and pepper in your eyes.”

At this moment, you need to visualize the image of the enemy, and then, after adding spices, you need to put a photograph of the victim into boiling water.

Imagine that boiling water is burning the body of your enemy and say:

“As this water boils, so soon your life will boil.”

During this process, you should say the following:

“I direct needles into your heart and head. Pain and torment! It’s ordered!”

All ingredients must simmer for some time. At this time, you need to wish your enemy failures and bad luck in life in any form. After this, the pan should be taken outside and the liquid should be splashed at the roots of an old completely dried tree. The pan must also be thrown outside.

The ritual, in which a photograph is thrown into boiling water, is often used by jilted wives to take revenge on their rival. This ritual is simple, but it always backfires, so you need to prepare for the fact that after the ritual your health will worsen for several days.

All that is needed for such an impact is to boil water in a saucepan and throw in a photograph of your rival.

“Your photograph melts in boiling water, and with it your destiny is forever separated. Retribution for what has been done is coming. No happiness for you, no joy."

After this, you need to pour the needles into the boiling liquid and then say:

“Each needle will respond with pain in your body. In the tongue, in the eyes and in the heart. So it will be.”

Such a mixture should simmer for some time, and at that time you should clearly imagine how the life of the one who broke up your family is collapsing.

A ritual is also often used that allows you to send negativity to an enemy, causing him acute discomfort.

To do this, you need to prepare the following attributes:

    A fresh photo of the enemy; A new silk piece of fabric; An aspen rod.

Before the ritual, you need to soak the aspen rod in cold water for 12 nights, and during the day it should be dried in the open air. On the thirteenth day, the ritual itself should be performed. It consists of wrapping a photo of a person in a red rag and throwing it angrily on the floor. After this, he must be beaten forcefully with an aspen rod and the magic words read.

In this case, the damage from the photo is enhanced by the following conspiracy:

“Behind the high, distant mountains there is an endless sea with iron waves. In the middle of it stands a tall stone pillar reaching up to the sky. On a powerful pillar there is a man made of wood, who addresses the whole world with words. He orders the iron waves of the sea, stones from the mountains, trees from the thicket of the forest to fall on the Servant of God (name of the victim) and torment, cut, stab him (her) and cause severe damage. The locks are strong - owl sculpting. Let it be so!"

Rituals with photos held in a cemetery are considered very effective. But it should be remembered that they are dangerous black rituals that can harm the performer.

The ritual described below is simple and can be performed by anyone. The peculiarity of such damage is that the performer calls upon his aid the forces of the dark world, which will take away the victim’s strength and, consequently, harm his physical health. It should be remembered that such negative program almost impossible to remove. This is due to the fact that the state of health will deteriorate gradually, and a person is unlikely to suspect that he has become a victim of an energy attack. Therefore, you should use this method only after thinking it over, because you will still have to pay for it.

The ritual is carried out late at night between 17-19 lunar days. You need to come to the cemetery at this time, taking with you ten coins of various denominations. There you need to go to one of the graves, in which lies a dead man, who during his life bore a name that coincides with the name of the victim. A photo of the victim should be carefully buried directly on the grave so that it is completely covered with grave soil. It is important to do this in such a way that virtually no traces of the action are left.

During the process, the following words should be spoken:

“I’ll bury the photograph, I’ll bury it, I’ll bring great misfortune on you, my enemy will bring (person’s name), I’ll take away your health forever. At the same time, I will deprive you of a happy life. Only grief and illness will surround you. Words are strong, nothing else is given.”

After the ceremony, you should leave the cemetery very quickly without looking back. You need to resist this, even if you hear strange noises or voices calling to you. At the first intersection you encounter on the way, you need to throw 10 coins over your left shoulder.

As you do this, say the words:


There are more complex ritual in a cemetery, which can only be carried out by a person with naturally strong energy. Damage caused in this way begins to work very quickly. It destroys human health very quickly and can be fatal in a short time.

You need to come to the cemetery at any time and find any grave there with a cross on it. It is important that there are no witnesses to the magical performance, so it is better to perform the ritual in the evening. The photograph of the victim should be pinned face down and upside down to the cross using three nails.

Come to the cemetery, find any grave there with a cross on it. Turn the image with the right side facing the cross and nail it upside down using three new nails. Then you need to walk around the grave three times in a counterclockwise direction.

After the last circle, you need to stop at the feet of the deceased and say the following spell:

“Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross; three nails were used for this. Christ suffered and suffered greatly, and on the third day he gave his soul to God. I want to punish my sworn enemy (name of person). I am attaching a photograph of him to the grave cross. Be tormented, my enemy (person’s name), and suffer, and in time give your soul to God. I command the grave cross to drag the soul of my enemy into the damp earth. I close it there with dungeon keys. Amen.”

You need to repeat this spell three times. In this case, you should then very quickly leave the cemetery without looking back. You can't talk to anyone on the road.

Photo damage methods are very accessible and effective. But before you become interested in information on how to damage a photo, you need to understand that the negative message should be fulfilled only in extreme cases, so as not to repent later. It should be understood that you will have to pay for any negative message, even if in this way you seek to protect yourself.

The consequences of damage to a photograph for the victim can be very diverse. They depend entirely on the strength of the impact and the natural energetic security of the person who is being attacked by energy.

With any type of damage, metabolic disturbance occurs vital energy. That is, in other words, at the energy level, a person stops receiving vital positive energy from the outside, as a result of which his well-being sharply worsens.

The consequences of damage to photographs are expressed, in addition, by others general symptoms, namely:

    Complete bad luck, troubles and failures, which have the general name “black streak”. Frequent conflicts and quarrels in the family and with the immediate environment. Loss of interest and affection for loved ones.

If damage is not diagnosed in time, then the above symptoms worsen and expand, affecting all areas human life. Against this background, apathy and depression often develop. The victim’s psyche is so shaken that he has suicidal thoughts. And when certain circumstances a person can commit suicide without even realizing that such an act is associated with a negative energy program imposed on him by the enemy.

If the damage is directed at a man, then he may periodically experience attacks of severe aggression, which are completely inexplicable and arise without any reason. Also, a negative program can provoke the development of alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as cause other harmful addictions. Strong negative impacts are usually passed down from generation to generation, with descendants of the same sex as the victim suffering.

Most negative programs that are not removed in a timely manner can lead to death. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of an energy attack, a diagnosis should be made using special magical methods. If concerns are confirmed, it is necessary to urgently take measures to remove damage.

To avoid damage to the photograph, and, consequently, the consequences of negative impact, you should store your photographs in an inaccessible place and do not give them to unfamiliar people.

Sending corruption is a sinful act. It never goes unpunished for the performer. Immediately after the ceremony, it is necessary to take care of magical protection, which will minimize the reverse negativity. But in any case, you should be prepared that your health will deteriorate for some time. But especially great dangers await the performer if the damage is detected in a timely manner by the victim and subsequently successfully removed. In this case, the negative program returns and continues to work. This leads to an endless streak of bad luck and failure in the performer’s life, as well as a significant deterioration in health. Very often, returned damage from a photo leads to death. And if the negative program was not fulfilled during life, then it is passed on to subsequent generations. And, despite the fact that over time it weakens, the descendants will have to endure a lot of troubles because of the sins of one of their ancestors. All those who plan to fulfill the message of the negative should understand that the consequences of damage to the photograph will certainly affect them too. It is written in the book of life that evil does not go unpunished. The stronger the negative message, the more powerful the rollback. And if you do not take competent protective actions, you can suffer from backward wave negativity is no less than the victim. In addition, you should know that if the victim was able to cope with the negative on her own or the negative impact was removed by a professional magician. The kickback will be very powerful for the performer or customer and its consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Do you want to take revenge on your offender? Or maybe you are very jealous of your friend’s success in her personal life? I am not going to delve into the reasons for your anger and conduct a psychological analysis of your attitude towards life. I will offer you effective way, which will help get rid of the destructive feelings of hatred and envy towards a specific person.

I propose to do some damage. Yes, this is witchcraft. Yes, this is black magic for which you will be held responsible. But, if this helps you get rid of your competitor or allows you to build your own life the way you dream, then why not use this method.

Methods of causing damage

Exist different ways to damage a person. This variety makes it possible to influence an object regardless of the distance between you or the ability to enter its home. I will tell you about the most effective methods that I myself have repeatedly used in my practice.

Damage based on photographs

What is photography? Yes, this is a way to preserve a variety of moments from a person’s life. But, in fact, the photograph is not just a memorable image - it captures a piece of the energy of the people who are captured on it. Therefore, magicians willingly work with photos, casting or removing witchcraft. The energy stored in the snapshot helps them access energy field object and then carry out the necessary manipulations with it.

The most common way to damage a person using his photograph is to bury it (the photograph) on a grave of the same name. In this case, you should leave the deceased a payment of a few coins and quickly return home, maintaining silence the entire way.

Rituals using earth from a cemetery are most often carried out when they want not just to take revenge or spoil the life of an enemy, but to bring him to the grave or force him to suffer from a long-term and fatal illness.

But if you are afraid of the dead or you were unable to find a suitable grave, then I can recommend a few simple rituals.

Block the victim's chakras

The most in a simple way to independently damage a person is to block the energy exchange between his chakras. By doing this, you will cause problems for the victim not only with health, but also with the environment.

To perform the ritual, prepare:

  • recent photo of the victim in full height;
  • long wax candle;
  • a piece of natural fabric;
  • 7 pins with colored heads (purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red).

Now sit down at the table, take a candle and attach a photo of the victim to it. Next, you should pin the photo to the candle to create a straight vertical line and match the color of the pin and the chakra. It should be like this:

  • stick a purple pin into the top of the head;
  • Inject a blue pin into the area between the eyebrows;
  • a blue pin should be inserted into the throat area;
  • Inject a green pin into the thoracic area;
  • Inject a yellow pin into the solar plexus area;
  • Inject an orange pin into the abdominal area, just below the navel;
  • stick a red pin into the groin area.

Now light a candle and mentally imagine how with each dropped pin your enemy will have all sorts of troubles in life. When the last pin falls out, put out the candle, collect all the remains of the ritual and wrap it in the prepared cloth. Find a dry tree and bury this bundle under it, saying:

Howthe dead does not bear fruit, so you will not know joy. Ordered!

Elimination of a rival

This ritual can be used against a rival in any area of ​​life. But, most often they turn to him if they want to eliminate a competitor from a love triangle.

Before you begin the ritual itself, do a little preparation that will increase the effectiveness of the ritual.

  • Determine when the waxing phase of the moon begins. Since you are going to introduce an alien negative program into your rival’s energy, this is the time that will allow it to gain a foothold and grow in the victim’s biofield.
  • Prepare several photos of the victim. Take only recent portrait photographs where your opponent is photographed alone. It is best if they are done no earlier than a month before the ritual.
  • To obtain the maximum result of this ritual, the entire procedure should be repeated throughout the entire period of the moon's growth. Therefore, stock up on several copies of the selected photo.

Now you can do some magic. Take a very ordinary saucepan, fill it with water and put it on the fire. As soon as the water boils, place a photograph of the victim in it and say the following spell:

The body of the servant of God (the name of her rival) will henceforth burn, her blood will boil in her veins, and then completely flow out, she will never find peace. May what has been said come true. Amen

After these words, boil the photo card for another 5 minutes. If the thermal treatment did not destroy the photo, you can remove it from the water and dry it until next time. Pour the water itself into the toilet or trash.

“Give” damage

The following method is suitable if your appearance in the victim’s house does not arouse suspicion. It's about about causing damage through the lining. Such witchcraft has great power and is difficult to remove without specialized assistance. Having come into contact with physical body victims, the enchanted object gains access to the victim’s biofield and activates its negative impact.

The pad can be hidden in a secluded place in the victim's house. But in this case, you will have to wait a very long time for the desired result.

If you want the damage to take effect immediately, then present the enchanted item as a gift for a significant event or as a win in some quiz. In this case, the victim will immediately activate the damage and very soon you will get what you want.

Quarrel lovers

If you want to quarrel a couple in love, then use a charmed soft toy. For the ritual you will need:

  • a tuft of black dog hair;
  • a tuft of black cat/cat fur;
  • the victim's hair (remove it from clothing or comb);
  • the napkin the victim used.

All these items need to be rolled into a very tight ball, saying the following words:

A black cat wandered around the city on a dark night and entered the courtyard of the Servant of God (s). And after that she also brought a black dog there with her. They scratched and mucked up the entire yard, barked and trampled to the ground. The keeper of the courtyard was expelled. Just as there is no peace between a dog and a cat, there will be no harmony in that family. Everyone will swear and curse, and they will not want to understand each other. (names of people) will never make peace and will remain enemies forever. Outlining vicious circle, they will suffer day and night

Rip it up carefully soft toy, put the charmed ball into it and sew everything back up.

I hope you don’t need to draw your attention to the fact that the threads must match the color of the factory ones.

At first glance, everything seems very simple. All that remains is to give the toy to the victim and gloatingly watch as her relationship collapses. But it is from this moment that the most difficult thing begins: you cannot store the lining at home or outside it, and you can give it as a gift no earlier than the next day after the ceremony.

What to do? Build a mirror chamber for the toy: place it between two mirrors, the reflective surface of which is directed towards the lining. Place this structure between the window frames.

Protect yourself from kickback

Lining is a great way to inflict black magic on the victim. But using this method of revenge, you take a great risk: sooner or later, the enchanted things are victims of witchcraft and they undergo cleansing rituals. For you, this threatens a strong rollback.

To prevent the enchanted toy from returning to you all the bad things that you wished on the victim, perform a protective ritual.

Use the mirrors between which the toy was kept for the ritual. They need to be folded with the reflective surfaces facing inward. Now go to the store and buy the best sweets for the funeral. With all this stuff, go to the cemetery, where you need to find an abandoned grave without a sign. Bury folded mirrors on it and ask the deceased to protect you from the return of negativity (say the request in free form). As a thank you, leave a note and return home immediately. Throughout the entire journey, you must remain calm and ignore all extraneous sounds, even if you hear your own name or a pitiful request for help.

Precautionary measures

In addition to the above rituals, you can use the rituals with a needle, which I described in the article “ ” or others folk ways. But I advise you to think carefully about the consequences first.

Damaging is very dangerous occupation. By using even the simplest ritual, you risk not only your life and well-being, but also the well-being of your descendants.

There is a risk that the victim of witchcraft will understand the cause of the troubles happening to her and turn to a specialist for a solution. After undergoing a purification ritual, the victim will send back all your evil and add an additional portion of negativity to it.

To prevent this, you can use one of these methods:

  • get rid of the very idea of ​​​​punishing the enemy and stop envying other people's successes;
  • use the services of a specialist if the first method is not suitable for you.

It is an experienced and qualified magician, psychic or bioenergetics specialist who will be able to correctly prepare and conduct the necessary ritual. At the same time, he will take care of protective measures against kickback.

If you feel the need to cast a spell on someone, I advise you to find an experienced specialist in the field of magic and human bioenergy.

You can contact me and I will offer you the best solution to your problem.

I look forward to your inquiries at the coordinates indicated on the website.

You may believe it, you may not believe it, but magic exists! Every person has encountered the consequences of someone else's energy interference - damage, evil eyes, pads, haircuts, love spells. How to damage a person, what the results will be, whether it is possible to eliminate the consequences and much more - this is what is important to know if for some reason there is a need to negatively impact someone’s life.

Damage is intentional or unconscious energy harm, inflicted by one person on another. This can be done using various systems magic, accordingly, various attributes will be used.

The evil eye is a milder effect that comes through the eyes, but multiple evil eyes will have a moderately severe damage effect.

In principle, anything can be spoiled, so there are many types of damage:

  • for health;
  • to suffering;
  • to loneliness;
  • to death;
  • for well-being;
  • on property, etc.

Hover Result

If a person has been damaged, then first of all his physical condition will worsen. There will be a feeling of discomfort general weakness, chronic diseases will worsen. The person will feel instability, which will affect his psychological state.

At the same time, various troubles will begin at home, at work, in financial matters, and in personal life. The problems will be stronger in the area to which the damage is directed. If you are healthy, then, naturally, illnesses will have a stronger manifestation, and various troubles at home and at work will remain less critical. If it is aimed at financial well-being, then the malaise will be mild, and the loss of money will be huge, even to the point of ruin.

There are also generational curses that can be traced by gender. For example, boys in a family are haunted by the same disease, which has been passed on for more than one generation. Or girls of one kind are doomed to loneliness, and no matter how they try to arrange their personal life, it’s all in vain.

It is difficult to recognize skillfully caused damage, and almost impossible for an ignorant person. This is a lump of black energy that penetrates the human biofield and destroys it slowly but surely.

Preparing for work

If you decide to kill someone, then before doing this, you need to familiarize yourself with the general set of rules in magic, so as not to harm yourself and your family. The first rule is “if you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the swamp,” yes, it’s a swamp, because magic does not forgive mistakes.

Whatever system of work you choose, be it a cemetery, cathedral witchcraft, incantations or volts, you must definitely familiarize yourself with what exactly you will be dealing with, and only then can you start casting damage. In order for the work to be as successful as possible, it will not hurt to read the information, which is abundant on the Internet.

Before starting work, you need to protect yourself and weaken the enemy. Beginners in magic will not be able to install complex protection, so they are recommended to at least make a reflective one. Reflective protection can be energy (cocoon, cap) and installed using any objects (mirror).

Weakening the enemy and removing his defenses will help get a better result. The most common method is a candle for the repose of the soul of a living person in a church. “Sorokoust” for repose will be more effective, but problems may arise here, because in the church they clarify the date of death of a person, but you will not be able to answer this question.

Anyone who has already been interested in how to hex a person has probably heard about kickbacks. Rollback is returning what you sent. According to the laws of nature, nothing appears from nowhere and nothing disappears into nowhere. Damaging is a negative action, so if a person you have spoiled recognizes someone else’s influence on themselves and turns to a specialist to get rid of it, then everything you have done will fly back to you. Very few magicians send messages to infinity; as a rule, they send them back to the customer.

In order to soften the return blow, protection is needed.

Options for influencing the enemy

Almost all people have enemies. Sometimes it happens that damage is the only way to take revenge on the offender. Unlike a curse, it is better to spoil with a cool head, having already thought through the causes and consequences many times. First, study your enemy well and strike where he is most dear. If a person loves money, make him poor, he wants big family- lonely, value their health most of all - sick.

Do not take on complex rituals, because you will not be able to perform them correctly, and this is fraught with consequences for you. There are many simple and effective ways.

Spoilage by salt

One of the most reliable storehouses of information is salt. Take a new linen bag, pour a handful of salt into it, tie it and take it to where the victim walks. The bag should lie there for a day.

Take the bag and at home draw a face on it, imagining that this is your offender and write the name. Then read the spell over him, putting all the energy of your resentment into it: “as the salt dries, so do you dry (name).” The text of the conspiracy should be short, compose it yourself, this one is given as an example. Then place the bag out of reach warm place so that the salt dries, for example, on a cabinet or behind a radiator.

To your health from a photograph

Get a recent (no later than a year) photo of your enemy, preferably full-length, but waist-length will do. Take a wax candle, heat a needle on its flame and pierce places in the photograph with it, while pronouncing wishes for illness. The person will be sick in what you pierced with a needle, for example, legs, throat, stomach, and doctors will not be able to make a correct diagnosis.

After the ceremony, you need to get rid of the photo, and hide the rest of the candle and needle in a secret place.

To the fading of beauty

If you have a rival, you can spoil her beauty. Take a photo of a woman, preferably a photo of her face, and throw it into the mud. Any standing reservoirs that are nearby are suitable for this. How big photo will rot in the mud, the more the rival will get sick and lose her beauty.

Ritual for illness

The question of how to send a disease to a person is asked by many. If you do not have any knowledge of magic, then the easiest way would be to simply bury a photograph of a person in a cemetery. At the same time, he will not die, but he will be sick for a long time and severely. A photo is an energetic imprint of a person, and the necrotic field near the graves is so strong that, even if you don’t know how to do anything, destruction will still occur.

If you feel strong, you can perform a more serious ritual. To do this, you need to make a small coffin, install it on a pedestal, for example, cover a table with a shroud and place the coffin on it. Put a photo of the victim in it and read spells for certain diseases. Eat universal conspiracies, which force the victim’s energy to flow to the customer.

In order to deliver information to the victim, a guide is needed. One of the strongest conductors is salt. Before the ritual begins, put salt in the coffin, and then throw it on the person’s doorstep. As soon as he steps over it, an energy leak will immediately begin, and the victim will become very sick.

Ritual for death

If you have a photo of an enemy, then performing a ritual for the death of a person at home is not very difficult. Just think a hundred times before doing this. After all, it may happen that you change your mind or circumstances will turn out differently, and this person will become your family and friends. Without some experience and strength, you will not be able to fully eliminate the consequences of your act.

Considering that everything in the Universe is natural, one cannot take a life with impunity. Therefore, after such a ritual, be prepared to lose something very dear to you.

If you still decide, then a very effective ritual would be to place a photo of a person in the coffin of the deceased. To do this you need:

  • have a photo of the victim;
  • know the time and address where the funeral will take place;
  • be able to approach the coffin and quietly place a photo, preferably at the feet of the deceased.

As soon as the deceased receives the gift, he will immediately want to pull the victim towards him and will do this until she is next to him.

It is better not to perform other rituals that are associated with the cemetery yourself. Without knowing the rules of working in a graveyard, you risk dragging “guests” into your home and incurring the wrath of the Cemetery Owner.

Casting a curse

A curse differs from damage in that it requires emotional background cursing. The stronger the hatred towards the target, the stronger the curse will be. It is imperative to remember that, as a rule, curses are passed down through the family, so you should not perform such a ritual if you do not wish harm to your descendants.

There are curses:

  1. programmed
  2. non-programmable.

An experienced magician can inflict a programmed curse, but an amateur can do a non-programmable one.

How to place a curse on a person without getting hurt yourself? Based on the fact that a verbal spell carries colossal power, it is virtually impossible to defend against a backlash. If suddenly, in a fit of anger, you nevertheless uttered terrible words and realized how dangerous what you had done was, then you need to sincerely apologize to the person, specifying why exactly. In this case there will be no backlash.

Reaching out for help dark forces, remember: the consequences can be dire, so be aware of what you are doing and weigh the pros and cons.

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