Strange sounds from the sky around the world. Strange deafening sounds are heard all over the world. New phenomenon? Not really

Military exercises, earthquakes, or something more terrible - witnesses from all over the Earth talk about deafening sounds, reminiscent of either the roar of a powerful engine, or thunder great strength. "360" tried to figure out where the mysterious noise came from, which is sometimes not only heard, but also felt.

Sound for no reason

A mysterious buzz in the air disturbs people from the most different countries peace. Social media users write about inexplicable sounds that seem to come from nowhere. Sometimes they are not only heard, but also felt - a palpable trembling passes through the windows and shakes the buildings. This year alone, 64 cases of "sound eruptions" were recorded, according to The Sun. Deafening pops without a visible source were heard by residents of the USA, Australia, Great Britain, the Middle East and Finland.

In some cases, noise sources have been identified - powerful sound waves can be created by a meteorite “burning through” the Earth’s atmosphere or a combat aircraft accelerating to supersonic speed, but most of the incidents have remained unsolved.

Back in May, the night rest of the inhabitants of the small Welsh town of Abergavenny was disturbed by strange pops, and one of the women who heard the sound almost died from heart attack, wrote the local newspaper Abergavenny Chronicle.

I almost had a heart attack. At first I thought it was fireworks or a shotgun blast. But no, the sounds were even louder. Maybe like a tank taking off at full speed. My husband said that these are mini meteorites falling to the ground - have you ever heard such nonsense?

- a resident of Abergavenny.

The sounds in Wales still have not found an explanation - military pilots have not flown over the city, an object from space, according to local government services, has also not flown.

Loudest thing in the world

On November 14, the story of the mysterious cotton repeated itself first in US state Idaho, and the next day on the other side of the country - in Alabama.

A particularly powerful noise disturbed the inhabitants of Alabama. It was so strong that some houses shook, in other places the windows shook from the sonic boom, the Metro newspaper reports. Around 21:00 local time, to the police small town Lakewood received reports of a loud explosion. Patrol went to the scene, but found no trace of the incident.

Government departments acknowledged the fact of cotton, but could not give an exact answer as to what caused it. A nearby US Air Force base reported no night flights, and satellite surveillance found no evidence of an explosion or fire.

As noted by the local office of the US National Weather Service, their sensors did not show even a small earthquake in the area. “We don’t have an answer, we can only guess with you,” the agency added on its Twitter, suggesting again that everything should be attributed to a supersonic aircraft or a meteorite.

The latest "sound attack" in the United States happened on Monday night in Colorado. Some of the eyewitnesses considered what they heard as a test of the new secret weapon or the coming of aliens, CBS reports. This time, one of the local departments responsible for oil and gas production in the region put forward a working theory: that the cotton happened due to an incident with an empty oil storage tank - due to pressure overload, the hatch was torn off, which could lead to loud noise.

The creak of the earth

At the end of September, anomalous noises invaded the lives of the inhabitants of Slovakia, wrote " TVNZ". It was as if a thousand-voice brass band was playing in the sky or “Jericho trumpets” were singing, the journalist of the publication Vladimir Lagovsky described the strange phenomenon. According to him, he personally observed a similar anomaly in Russia.

Yes, I've heard it a few times myself. In the suburbs, in the country. Heard different things. It sounded like a huge jet engine was suddenly turned on at full power. It was as if some gigantic reservoir had burst, from which compressed air. It seemed that somewhere nearby a pile of stones was being thrown out of the body. There was nothing like it in the area.

- Vladimir Lagovsky.

Experts, including specialists from the NASA space agency, are trying to pinpoint the cause of the "sound attacks". Possible explanations include controlled explosions, unusual weather conditions like an electrical storm or a lightning squall, large meteorites high in the atmosphere. All theories are not yet supported by any evidence. The most popular versions are some kind of super-powerful aircraft or vibrations of the earth's surface.

But there have been no tremors capable of causing such a sound recently. Aleksey Zavyalov, head of the Laboratory of Continental Seismicity and Seismic Hazard Forecast at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, confirmed this to the 360 ​​website. The seismologist is inclined to the version that not very adequate people can hear such sounds. Mass auditory hallucinations have indeed taken place in history, although in this case there is no reason to doubt the mental health of eyewitnesses.

The sound of the aircraft is usually smooth, most often it is clear where it comes from, besides, such noise is familiar to most people, sound engineer David Kazaryan dismissed the “supersonic theory” in an interview with 360.

“All flying objects have their own specific sound, some decibels, more than which it cannot be. We hear them everywhere, everywhere, always,” the specialist explained. In his opinion, anomalous noises may be of natural origin.

Mysterious sounds are caused by processes in the bowels and oceans of the Earth, Alexander Semenov, president of the Ecology of the Unknown Association, told 360.

“There is a change in the structure of the Earth. Roughly speaking, she starts to creak. This is especially noticeable in geologically stressed points like the craters of ancient volcanoes. When the Earth begins to emit such a sound, this phenomenon is very powerful, someone may mistake it for a trumpet voice from the sky - because the sound comes from different directions. Probably, these are the harbingers of some catastrophes. - sums up Semenov.

people shared an article

Since the summer of 2011, in different parts light recorded unusual low-frequency sounds. They were almost immediately dubbed the "Sounds of the Apocalypse". Messages about them come from Britain, the USA, Russia, Australia and many other countries. The site posted the opinion of the scientist Elchin Khalilov, who tried to understand the nature of these sounds.

According to him, records with them were analyzed, which revealed that most of the spectrum is in the infrasonic range, which the human ear cannot hear. And the fact that we still hear is only a small part of the real power of anomalous sounds. The modulation of these low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range from 20 to 100 Hz is carried out using ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. Geophysicists call them acoustic-gravity waves, the formation of which occurs in upper atmosphere, at the boundary between the atmosphere and the ionosphere. These waves can be caused by many reasons: volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, storms, etc. However, scientists also note that the scale of the current sounds in terms of area coverage and power is much higher than is usually observed in the waves caused by these phenomena.

What then could be causing the strange buzzing in the sky?

Only very large-scale energy processes could cause such powerful manifestations of acoustic-gravity waves. They include powerful flares on the Sun that generated huge energy fluxes reaching the Earth's atmosphere, causing destabilization in the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper layers atmosphere. It turns out that the effect of powerful solar flares, namely the impact of light waves, particle flows and bursts electromagnetic radiation became the main reason for the emergence of acoustic-gravity waves that appeared after an increase in solar activity.

If we take into account the burst of solar activity, it becomes clear that the probability of its impact on the process of generating an unusual rumble in the sky has significantly increased. It is worth noting the fact that since the beginning of 2011 a constant increase in solar activity has been recorded, the increase in its amplitude exceeded the forecasts of a number of scientific institutions for 2010 and 2011. But at the same time, the observed increase in solar activity is fully consistent with the forecast. International Committee GEOCHANGE published in the Committee's June 2010 report. It also notes that if the growth rate of solar activity continues, then by the end of 2012 its amplitude will reach the peak of the 23-year solar cycle, exceeding the average for the past 23 years by 1.7 times.

Also among possible causes The origin of these sounds is one that lies in the core of the Earth. It lies in the fact that the drift of the northern magnetic pole land, which has already increased more than 5 times between 1998 and 2003, and in this moment fixed at this level, intensifying the energy processes taking place in the core, since the magnetic core of our planet is formed both by external and internal processes. On November 15, 2011, many of the ATROPATENA geophysical stations, engaged in tracking three-dimensional variations of the planet's gravitational field, almost at the same time noted the emergence of a powerful gravitational impulse. The stations are located in Istanbul, Baku, Kyiv, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, despite the fact that the distances between them reach up to 10 thousand kilometers. This phenomenon is possible only if the cause of all these emanations is located in the core of the Earth. Such a powerful release of energy from the planet's core at the end of 2011 became a kind of signal that indicates the transition of the Earth's internal energy into an active phase.

An increase in the intensity of energy processes in the earth's core can begin the modulation of the geomagnetic field, which through the circuit physical processes flowing in the ionosphere, launches acoustic-gravity waves in the audible range, which take the form of an eerie low-frequency sound heard by people in many parts of the world. Although acoustic-gravity waves have an understandable geophysical nature, they show that an increase in the activity of the Sun and the geodynamic activity of the planet is expected. Without a doubt, the processes in the kernel are in charge internal energy Earth, so the end of 2012 may be marked by strong earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions. The peak of all this activity will be in 2013-2014.

American journalist Linda Moulton Howe told the world about the mysterious sounds that are periodically heard from heaven in the most various points planets. They are similar to the sound of a trumpet or a horn, but in order to publish them, extremely large musical instruments would be required that would not escape the eye of eyewitnesses.

However, the sources of this mysterious and, to many, frightening sound have never been observed by anyone. What is it: the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse, unidentified flying objects, the jokes of a fabulous troubadour, or just a masterful hoax? (website)

eyewitness accounts

The American, as expected, could not find the exact answer. The woman studied a lot of evidence of a strange sound, starting in 2010 and ending with the current one. Over the past five years, invisible colossal bugles have been blown in Norway, Costa Rica, America, Scotland, Israel, Romania, Ukraine and many other countries of the planet. Any sequence in the case of this phenomenon is completely absent, or at least it seems so at first glance. Linda Moulton Howe visited and interviewed many eyewitnesses of the anomaly.

In January 2010, real estate agent Cindy Smith, who lives in the US state of Tennessee, was driving to work and suddenly heard a loud rumble from the sky, which literally made the windows in her car shake. The woman stopped abruptly and clutched her ears. “The sound was so loud that it seemed to me as if both eardrums were about to burst. It was very scary,” she told the journalist. According to Smith, the buzz lasted for about thirty seconds, then abruptly stopped. The woman got out of the car and began to look at the sky, but everything looked completely ordinary, as if nothing had happened.

In November 2012, Morten Johansen, a resident of the Norwegian city of Ulsteinvik, was resting with his sons in the evening near his house. IN certain moment a sound that sounded like a bugler came from above to the man and boys. Johansen says: “At first it seemed to me that the war had begun. Frightened, I quickly ran into the house with the children, but I immediately noticed that this sound was not like fighter jet engines or exploding bombs. It really was some kind of huge wind instrument that trumpeted straight from the sky. You know, like in Christian mythology.” The next day, Morten asked the neighbors if they had heard something similar, and they confirmed that they had.

Last summer, a similar anomaly was observed in the village of Soldatskoe, Mykolaiv region of Ukraine. Inhabitants locality They were very puzzled and at first somewhat frightened when they heard loud sounds from heaven. Nevertheless, according to the Ukrainians, the sounds from above were musical and melodic, so everyone soon calmed down. “We were more interested in what it is. We even called the local scientists and asked them, but they, apparently, were too far from the place where the trumpet of the heavenly voice was heard, and could not help us in any way, ”said Sergey Pritulyak, a resident of the village, with Linda.

Attempts to explain

Moulton Howe also did not fail to tell in her work about some scientific theories trying to explain why this is happening. For example, Azerbaijani geophysicist Elchin Khalilov suggests that strange sounds, similar to the hum of a trumpet or horn, are caused by acoustic gravitational waves provoked by strong solar flares and plasma energy emissions from our luminary. However, NASA physicist David Hathaway believes that solar activity is unlikely to be the cause of such a phenomenon.

The American journalist managed to collect more than a dozen theories. For example, the British ufologist Neil Carolyn is convinced that the intergalactic ships of aliens visiting our planet are to blame. The specialist believes that the sounds are indeed somewhat similar to the horn, but in fact they are not emitted by some invisible musical instrument large dimensions, but flying saucers.

Another scientist, Leo Templeman from Florida, suggests that the source of unusual sounds is a secret acoustic weapon being developed by the US military. As you know, after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the US government announced that, if necessary, it would fight terrorists in the Middle East with the help of directed sound waves. However, this theory was immediately ridiculed by journalists who expose the hoax of the tragedy of 2001, which itself staged this "terrorist act" in order to unleash a war in Arab countries.

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful and the Merciful

Sura 74 (Al-Mudessir). Verses 8-10:

“When the trumpet sounds, that day will be difficult, not easy for those who do not believe”

I will tell you about the error in the translation of this verse, but a little later ...

Only recently it became known that our solar system approaches the Black Hole (Nakur) which is located at the center of the Milky Way every 5126 years.

And this terrible sound comes out of the Black Hole thanks to the rarefied gases that propagate the sound. And as you get closer. The volume will increase. And the Maya were the first to know and compiled a calendar, since Zulkarnein helped them in this, whom Allah endowed with Knowledge and Power. The meaning of the name "Zulkarnein":

"Zul" - Owner, "Kar" - Time, "Nein" -2

Sura 18 (El-Kehf) verse 86: “When he (Zulkarnein) arrived where the sun was setting, he found that it was setting in a muddy (black) source…”

This means that Zulkarnein saw something dull black (Black Hole) next to which the sun passes.

As our Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun, so the Sun, approaching the Black Hole (Nakur), ends its circular cycle and begins a new one. And this is called a full solar year (Nakurny Year).

Now about the wrong translation

Ayat 8 in Sura 74 (Mudessir): “When the trumpet sounds…”

In fact, in Arabic this verse does not use the word "Trumpet", here is the verse in Arabic Sura 74 verse 8: "Feiza Nukyre fin Nakur and." Allah uses the words "Sur" to use the word "Pipes" in Arabic in the Qur'an. As we can see in this verse it is written "Nakur" and not "Sur" (Trumpet). Let's write the correct translation: Sura 74. Ayat 8-10: “When the sound comes from Nakur, that day will become a hard day, not easy for the unbelievers”

Let's explain to you what "Nukyr" and "Nakur" mean in Arabic:

1) Nukyr - means Stretching like (trunk) or the beak of a bird acquiring a spiral shape.

2) Nakur - a) Suction, absorbing Great power

b) Publishing (deafening terrible) sound.

Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi was salam) said: “one of the signs of the Mahdi will be the Sound from the sky that people living in both the West and the East will hear” (Sign of the expected Mahdi Ibni-Hajer-i-Mekki-Heytemi, p. 53)

In your opinion, what sound and what Nakur mean? Black hole?

In fact, when a Black Hole forms, it pierces or, let's say, twists the space around itself, forming a funnel (similar to a trunk), the length of which can reach up to several million light years. What enters it will never come out again, except for a terrifying, powerful sound with charged particles (gases) that come out due to strong turbulence.

The word Nakur in Sura 74 has the meaning of Black Hole milky way:

1. Stretching like a trunk, forming a funnel,


b) Emitting (LOUD) sounds

It was the sound of Nakur (the Black Hole of the Milky Way) that Allah mentioned in Sura 74 (Mudessir), and not the sound of the Horn (Sura), because Nakur emits sound through SUCTION (AIR), and Sur (Horn) - like Nakur has the shape of a pipe, a funnel, but makes a sound by means of BLOWING (AIR).

As we approach the Black Hole, flares will occur more and more often on the Sun, and tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes will become more active on the Earth, and all electric. devices will fail. All these sounds, solar flares, tsunamis, earthquakes… will stop after our solar system moves away from the Black Hole (Nakura). And a new (Nakurny) year will begin, or let's call - new era according to the Mayan calendar. If this sound that is heard all over the World were the sound of Sura (Horn), as some say, then now we were not with you.

So, all these unusual sounds that you heard from the sky or heard in the video indicate that we are approaching a black Hole (Nakur). Which proves that we entered Ahirzaman ( Lately). And it is a sign of the exit of the Mahdi and the approach of the Hour (the End). And before this event, almost all the other prophecies of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi was salam) came true. Of the 100-300 signs of the Hour (the End), 6 remained:

Exit Mahdi a.s.;

Departure of Masih Dajjal;

The Coming of Isa a.s.;

Exit of Yajuj and Majuj;

Spread of smoke (dukhan);

And the sunrise from the West.

And after these great signs, Israfil a.s will blow on the Horn (Sur) and the End will come. May Allah help us!!!

(This information is taken from the video clip:, Very interesting video video clip, Interesting Facts, you can view ... and listen to these - Sounds)

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