Inanimate phenomena in December. Synopsis of the GCD "Winter phenomena in inanimate nature." Natural phenomena

Welcome to winter. Inanimate nature in winter.

To give a concept of winter natural phenomena, based on the direct life experience of students: snow cover on the ground, ice on water bodies, snowfall, blizzard, frost, thaw, ice; learn to see beauty winter nature.



Subject: Welcome to winter. Inanimate nature in winter.

Lesson objectives:

To give a concept of winter natural phenomena, based on the direct life experience of students: snow cover on the ground, ice on water bodies, snowfall, blizzard, frost, thaw, ice; learn to see the beauty of winter nature.

Predicted results:

Educational materials:illustrations with views of winter nature; posters "Winter"; electronic media for the educational and methodological kit "The World Around" A.A. Pleshakov for grade 2, slides for demonstration on PowerPoint.

During the classes:

I. Motivation of educational activity

Guys, today we will go to visit one of the seasons of the year.

Listen to an excerpt from a poem by Samuil Marshak and say what time of the year it says.

Snow on the roof, on the porch.

The sun is in the blue sky.

There are stoves in our house.

Smoke rises into the sky.

The poem is about winter.

Today we will go on a visit to winter and find out what changes occur in inanimate nature in winter.

II. Knowledge update

Repetition of the material covered

Let's first repeat what we call wildlife, and something inanimate nature.

electronic media

The game "Set the correspondence" (according to the electronic medium for the educational and methodological set "The World Around" A.A. Pleshakov for grade 2)

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

Slide 1 "Winter"

Consider the picture. What season is shown in the picture?


In the second picture?


How has nature changed with the onset of winter?

Everything around became white, rivers and lakes are covered with ice, the soil is frozen.

The days got shorter and the nights got longer.

What makes everything white in nature?


What snow?

The snow is white and fluffy.

Guys, snow is a winter phenomenon of nature.

(a snow sign is posted on the board)

Let's listen to I. Surikov's poem "Winter"


White snow, fluffy, spinning in the air

And quietly falls to the ground.

And in the morning the field turned white with snow,

Like a veil, everything dressed him.

How is it snowing? What is he doing in the air?

Snow swirls, falls from the sky to the ground.

This natural phenomenon is called snowfall..(Snowfall sign is attached to the board)

Let's see amazing phenomenon nature - snowfall.

electronic media

Children watch the snowfall on an electronic medium for the educational and methodological kit "The World Around" A.A. Pleshakov for grade 2)

In a strong wind, the snow swirls, rushes through the air and on the ground. At houses, at fences, at trees there are snowdrifts.

Slide 2 "Snowstorm"

This natural phenomenon is called a blizzard.

(a sign with the word blizzard is posted on the board)

Now guess the riddle and find out what snow consists of.

What kind of stars through
On a coat and on a scarf,
All through - cut,
And you take it - water in your hand.(Snowflake.)

That's right, it's snowflakes. Snow is made up of small snowflakes.

Snowflakes are frozen water vapor that forms in the air and falls to the ground.

(a sentence is posted on the board: “Snowflakes are frozen water vapor that forms in the air and falls to the ground.”

Slide 3 "crystallization of water"

Consider different pictures of snowflakes.

Slides 4,5,6,7 "Snowflakes"

(The teacher shows slides and pictures of snowflakes and hangs them on the board.)

Snowflakes are different and very beautiful. Some even have their own names.

They may have the following names:







Guess the names of the snowflakes. (Annex 1)

(Children correlate cards with the names of snowflakes with images of snowflakes)

Work in a notebook. S. 51.

Guys. Open your notebooks on p.51., indicate with arrows what the snowflakes are called.


To the music of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Snowflakes"

- Draw my text with an action.
You are snowflakes. The wind whirls around you, it either throws you up, then lowers you back to the ground. During the day you shine from the sun, and at night, when a blizzard is circling, you want to dance snow waltz.
- Thank you, have a seat.

Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

What is the weather like in winter?


In frosty weather, the snow is loose, dry. But sometimes it gets warm, the snow melts. Puddles appear. And this natural phenomenon is called a thaw.

(a card with the word thaw is posted on the board)

slide 8 "thaw"

- Look at the screen. In winter, when the thaw, the snow melts, icicles appear.

Now listen to the poem and you will find out what happens to the melted water during the thaw. (the student reads a poem by N. Nekrasov)

Snow flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In cold glass

What did the puddles turn into? (into glass i.e. into ice)

Guys look at the screen. The water that appeared during the thaw and the melted snow then freeze and become like glass. So the streets are icy.

(The teacher hangs a card with the word icy on the board)

Slide 9 "Ice"

At this time, pedestrians and car drivers should be especially careful.

In winter, what appears on the windows, what did you notice?

Various patterns appear.

Look at the screen. Here are some beautiful patterns appearing on the windows.

Slides 10,11,12,13 "Hoarfrost, frost"

This natural phenomenon is called frost. Patterns appear from frost (hyraa) not only on the windows, but also on the trees.

(The teacher hangs a card on the board with the word frost, frost)

There is always transparent water vapor in the air. Warm air vapors settle on cold glasses and turn into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. This is how ice patterns appear on the windows.

When there is frost, everything around becomes surprisingly beautiful.

It becomes especially beautiful in the park, in the forest.

Listen to M. Lesna-Raunio II's poem about this natural phenomenon.

Who draws so skillfully

What a miracle dreamers

ice drawing sad:

Rivers, groves and lakes?

Who applied the complex ornament

On the window of any apartment?

It's all the same artist.

These are all his paintings.

What is the name of the artist?


creative work

Imagine that you are frost. There are sheets on the desks, take a blue pencil and draw your patterns on the glass.

An exhibition of works is arranged.

Working with the textbook. S.130-131 (children read the text)

I V. Reflection of educational activity.

(Based on what they worked on in the lesson and the text of the textbook, children answer questions, guess riddles, and solve a crossword puzzle)


What changes in inanimate nature occur with the advent of winter.? What precipitation falls in winter? What is happening to the earth?

What happens to the water bodies.

What natural phenomena occur in winter in inanimate nature?

2. Riddles

Remembering what we talked about in the lesson, you can solve riddles:

The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world.


What kind of stars are see-through on a coat and on a scarf,
All through, cut, and take it - water in your hand?


It does not burn in fire, nor does it sink in water.


  1. Crossword
  1. What is snow made of? (snowflakes)
  2. What draws ice patterns on the river? (frost)
  3. What is the name of warm days in winter? (thaw)
  4. First month of winter. (January)


Observe changes in inanimate nature

MBOU " Medium comprehensive school№2 Kyzyl»

Development of a lesson on the world around us for grade 2

under the program of A.A. Pleshakov "The world around"

Lesson topic: “Visiting winter. winter phenomena in inanimate nature"

The lesson was composed by the teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 2, Kyzyla Mongush Sayana Alekseevna

Kyzyl 2011

Annotation of the lesson on the world around for grade 2

Lesson objectives:

To give a concept of winter natural phenomena, based on the direct life experience of students: snow cover on the ground, ice on water bodies, snowfall, blizzard, frost, thaw, ice; learn to see the beauty of winter nature.

Predicted results:

Children will learn about winter changes in animate and inanimate nature, will learn to talk about their observations in nature native land. generalize and systematize children's observations of winter natural phenomena; observe the shape of snowflakes (preparation for learning about the crystallization of freezing water).

Educational materials:illustrations with views of winter nature; posters "Winter"; electronic media for the educational and methodological kit "The World Around" A.A. Pleshakov for grade 2, slides for demonstration using the PowerPoint program; images of snowflakes and cards with their names; each student has a blank sheet of A-4 and a blue pencil on the table.

Lesson structure:

There are four stages in the lesson:

  1. Motivation for learning activities

II. Knowledge update

Development of a game plan, teaching children to answer the questions; activation of affectionate nouns; consolidation of knowledge about winter phenomena; call positive emotions; development of creative fantasy and imagination; upbringing careful attitude to nature.



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Slides captions:

Winter phenomena in inanimate nature. Prepared by educators MBDOU " Kindergarten general developing species No. 118 "Voronezh: Mizenko I. N. Yavorskaya S. A For the elder preschool age. Material: 1.L.G. Gorkova, A. V. Kochegarina, L. A. Obukhova "Scenarios for classes in environmental education preschoolers "/ middle, senior, preparatory group/ M.: VAKO, 2005.-240 p. / Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate. 2. Yandex.Pictures 3. Wikipedia

Look closely at the snowman, what is he like? sad or happy? - Describe the sad snowman. - Why is he so sad?

Snowman's story: A crow flew in, sat right on his shoulder, pecked and said that he was not tasty. Why did the crow say that? What is a snowman made of? -What is snow? -What are snowflakes? - So our snowman is beautiful? But the snowman is not happy again, because the crow did not like the taste of it. Snow - shape precipitation made up of small ice crystals

Look at the snow, look at it. -What is he? Why is snow sticky?

At what temperature can snow be sticky? What is snow like at freezing temperatures? -What will happen with snow, if you bring it into the room?

Physical education We are snowflakes, we are fluffs, we dance day and night. We are snowflakes, ballerinas, we are not averse to spinning. Let's all stand together now, it turns out snow. A breeze came up and all the snow was gone.

Can you eat snow? What will be the water if you melt the snow? -What color is the water? -If she smells, tastes? Why did the crow call the snowman not tasty?

Compare snowmen, how cheerful, how sad. Why did you decide so?

Winter phenomena in inanimate nature: Blizzard - snow transport by wind in the surface layer of air Snowfall - snow falling from clouds Snowstorm - wind transport of snow above the ground (=blizzard)

Winter phenomena in inanimate nature: Icing - a layer of dense vitreous ice Snowstorm - steppe snowstorm Thaw - temporary Hoarfrost - a thin layer of snow melting in winter, ice crystals in early spring formed from atmospheric water vapor

Nature and weather are constantly changing. snowing, then rain, then the sun bakes, then clouds find. All these are called natural phenomena or phenomena of nature. Natural phenomena are changes that occur in nature regardless of the will of man. Many natural phenomena are associated with the change of seasons (seasons), so they are called seasonal. For each season, and we have 4 of them - this is spring, summer, autumn, winter, their natural and weather conditions. Nature is usually divided into living (these are animals and plants) and non-living. Therefore, phenomena are also divided into phenomena of living nature and phenomena of inanimate nature. Of course, these phenomena intersect, but some of them are especially characteristic of a particular season.

In the spring, after a long winter, the sun warms up more and more, ice begins to drift on the river, thawed patches appear on the ground, buds swell, and the first green grass grows. The day is getting longer and the night is getting shorter. It is getting warmer. Migratory birds begin their journey to the regions where they will raise their chicks.

What natural phenomena occur in spring?

Snowmelt. As more heat comes from the Sun, the snow begins to melt. The air around is filled with the murmur of streams, which can provoke the onset of floods - a clear sign of spring.

thawed patches. They appear wherever the snow cover was thinner and where more sun fell on it. It is the appearance of thawed patches that indicates that winter has given up its rights, and spring has begun. The first greenery quickly breaks through the thawed patches; on them you can find the first spring flowers - snowdrops. Snow will lie in crevices and depressions for a long time, but on the hills and in the fields it melts quickly, exposing the land islands to the warm sun.

Frost. It was warm and suddenly it froze - frost appeared on the branches and wires. These are frozen crystals of moisture.

Ice drift. In spring it becomes warmer, the ice crust on rivers and lakes begins to crack, and gradually the ice melts. Moreover, there is more water in the reservoirs, it carries the ice floes downstream - this is an ice drift.

High water. Streams of melted snow flow from everywhere to the rivers, they fill the reservoirs, the water overflows the banks.

Thermal winds. The sun gradually warms the earth, and at night it begins to give off this heat, winds are formed. While they are still weak and unstable, but the warmer it gets around, the more they move air masses. Such winds are called thermal, they are typical for the spring season.

Rain. The first spring rain is cold, but not as cold as snow 🙂

Storm. At the end of May, the first thunderstorm can thunder. Not as strong yet, but bright. Thunderstorms are discharges of electricity in the atmosphere. Thunderstorms often occur when warm air is displaced and lifted by cold fronts.

Grad. This is a drop from a cloud of ice balls. Hail can range in size from a tiny pea to chicken egg, then it can even break through the glass of the car!

These are all examples of inanimate phenomena.

Flowering is a spring phenomenon of wildlife. The first buds on the trees appear in late April - early May. The grass has already broken through its green stems, and the trees are getting ready to put on green clothes. The leaves will bloom quickly and suddenly, and the first flowers are about to bloom, exposing their centers to awakened insects. Summer will come soon.

More about spring, spring natural phenomena and weather signs >>

In summer, the grass turns green, flowers bloom, leaves turn green on the trees, you can swim in the river. The sun warms well, it can be very hot. In summer, the longest day and the most short night in a year. Berries and fruits ripen, the harvest ripens.

In summer, there are natural phenomena, such as:

Rain. In the air, water vapor is supercooled, forming clouds consisting of millions of small ice crystals. Low temperature in the air, below zero degrees, leads to the growth of crystals and to the weighting of frozen drops, which melt in the lower part of the cloud and fall in the form of raindrops to the surface of the earth. In summer, the rain is usually warm, it helps to water the forests and fields. Often summer rain accompanied by a thunderstorm. If at the same time it's raining and the sun is shining, they say it's "Mushroom Rain". Such rain happens when the cloud is small and does not cover the sun.

Heat. In summer, the rays of the Sun fall on the Earth more vertically and heat its surface more intensively. And at night, the earth's surface gives off heat to the atmosphere. Therefore, in summer it is hot during the day and sometimes even at night.

Rainbow. Occurs in the atmosphere high humidity, often after a rain or a downpour with a thunderstorm. Rainbow - optical phenomenon nature, for the observer appears as a multi-colored arc. When the sun's rays are refracted in water droplets, optical distortion occurs, consisting in the deviation different colors, White color breaks down into a spectrum of colors in the form of a multi-colored rainbow.

Flowering begins in spring and continues all summer.

In autumn, you no longer run outside in a T-shirt and shorts. It's getting colder, the leaves are turning yellow, falling off, flying away migratory birds, insects disappear from sight.

Autumn is characterized by such natural phenomena:

Leaf fall. As plants and trees go through their year-round cycle, they shed their leaves in autumn, exposing their bark and branches, in preparation for hibernation. Why does a tree get rid of leaves? So that the fallen snow does not break the branches. Even before the leaf fall, the leaves of the trees dry, turn yellow or redden and, gradually, the wind throws the leaves to the ground, forming a leaf fall. This is an autumn phenomenon of wildlife.

fogs. The earth and water are still heated during the day, but in the evening it is already getting colder, fog appears. At high humidity, for example, after rain or during a damp, cool season, the cooled air turns into small droplets of water hovering above the ground - this is fog.

Dew. These are droplets of water from the air that have fallen in the morning on the grass and leaves. During the night, the air cools down, the water vapor that is in the air comes into contact with the surface of the earth, grass, tree leaves and settles in the form of water droplets. On cold nights, dew drops freeze, causing it to turn into frost.

Shower. It's heavy, torrential rain.

Wind. This is the movement of air currents. In autumn and winter the wind is especially cold.

As in spring, there is frost in autumn. This means that there is a slight frost outside - frost.

Fog, dew, downpour, wind, frost, frost - autumn phenomena inanimate nature.

In winter it snows and it gets cold. Rivers and lakes are frozen over. In winter, the longest nights and the most short days, it gets dark early. The sun hardly heats up.

Thus, the phenomena of inanimate nature characteristic of winter are:

Snowfall is the fall of snow.

Blizzard. It's snowfall with wind. Being outdoors in a snowstorm is dangerous, it increases the risk of hypothermia. A strong blizzard can even knock you down.

Freezing is the formation of a crust of ice on the surface of the water. The ice will last all winter until spring, until the snow melts and the spring ice drifts.

Another natural phenomenon - clouds - happens at any time of the year. Clouds are water droplets that have collected in the atmosphere. Water, evaporating on the ground, turns into steam, then, together with warm air currents, rises above the ground. So water is transported over long distances, the water cycle is ensured in nature.

Read more about winter and winter natural phenomena >>

Unusual natural phenomena

There are also very rare unusual phenomena nature, such as northern lights, ball lightning, tornadoes and even fish rain. One way or another, such examples of the manifestation of inanimate natural forces cause both surprise and, at times, alarm, because many of them can harm a person.

Now you know a lot about natural phenomena and you can accurately find those characteristic of a particular season 🙂

The materials have been prepared for a lesson on the subject of the World around us in grade 2, the Perspective and School of Russia (Pleshakov) programs, but will be useful to any primary school teacher, and parents of preschoolers and younger students in home schooling.

Examples of winter phenomena in inanimate nature Examples of winter phenomena in wildlife
  • Snow is a type of winter precipitation in the form of crystals or flakes.
  • Snowfall - heavy snowfall in winter.
  • A snowstorm is a strong blowing snowstorm that occurs mainly in flat, treeless areas.
  • A blizzard is a snow storm with strong winds.
  • A snowstorm is a winter phenomenon in inanimate nature, when strong wind raises a cloud of dry snow, and impairs visibility at low temperatures.
  • Buran - a blizzard in the steppe area, in open places.
  • A blizzard is the transfer of previously fallen and (or) falling snow by the wind.
  • Black ice is the formation of a thin layer of ice on the surface of the earth as a result of a cold snap after a thaw or rain.
  • Icing - the formation of a layer of ice on the surface of the earth, trees, wires and other objects that form after freezing of raindrops, drizzle;
  • Icicles - icing with a drain of liquid in the form of a cone pointed downwards.
  • Frosty patterns are, in fact, frost that forms on the ground and on tree branches, on windows.

  • Freeze - a natural phenomenon when a continuous ice cover is established on rivers, lakes and other bodies of water;
  • Clouds are accumulations of water droplets and ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere, visible in the sky with the naked eye.
  • Ice - as a natural phenomenon - is the process of transition of water into a solid state.
  • Frost is a phenomenon when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius.
  • Hoarfrost is a snow-white fluffy coating that grows on tree branches, wires in calm frosty weather, mainly during fog, appearing with the first sharp cold snaps.
  • Thaw - warm weather in winter with melting snow and ice.
  • The hibernation of a bear is a period of slowing down of life processes and metabolism in homoiothermic animals during periods of low food availability.
  • hibernation of hedgehogs - due to lack of nutrition in winter period hedgehogs hibernate.
  • The color change of a hare from gray to white is the mechanism by which hares adapt to changing environments.
  • The squirrel's color change from red to bluish-gray is the mechanism by which squirrels adapt to changing environments.
  • Bullfinches, tits arrive
  • People dressed in winter clothes
Names of spring phenomena in inanimate nature Names of spring phenomena in wildlife
  • Ice drift - the movement of ice downstream during the melting of rivers.
  • Snowmelt is a natural phenomenon when snow begins to melt.
  • Thawed patches - a phenomenon early spring, when areas that have thawed from snow appear, most often around trees.
  • High water - a phase that repeats annually at the same time water regime rivers with a characteristic rise in water level.
  • Thermal winds are common name for winds associated with the temperature difference that occurs between cold spring night and relatively warm sunny days.
  • The first thunderstorm atmospheric phenomenon when electrical discharges occur between the cloud and the earth's surface - lightning, which is accompanied by thunder.
  • Snow melting
  • The murmur of streams
  • Drops - falling from roofs, from trees of melting snow in drops, as well as these drops themselves.
  • Flowering of early flowering plants (bushes, trees, flowers)
  • The appearance of insects
  • Arrival of migratory birds
  • Sap flow in plants - that is, the movement of water and minerals dissolved in it from the root system to the aerial part.
  • bud break
  • Emergence of a flower from a bud
  • Foliage Appearance
  • Birdsong
  • Birth of baby animals
  • Bears and hedgehogs wake up after hibernation
  • Shedding in animals - changing the winter coat to thorns
Summer natural phenomena in inanimate nature Summer natural phenomena in wildlife
  • A thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon when electrical discharges occur between a cloud and the earth's surface - lightning, which is accompanied by thunder.
  • Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere that can usually occur during a thunderstorm, manifested by a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder.
  • Zarnitsa - instantaneous flashes of light on the horizon during a distant thunderstorm. This phenomenon is observed, as a rule, in the dark. Thunder peals are not heard due to the distance, but flashes of lightning are visible, the light of which is reflected from cumulonimbus clouds (mainly their tops). The phenomenon among the people was timed to coincide with the end of summer, the beginning of the harvest, and is sometimes called bakers.
  • Thunder is a sound phenomenon in the atmosphere that accompanies lightning strikes.
  • Hail is a type of rainfall consisting of pieces of ice.
  • Rainbow is one of the most beautiful phenomena of nature, resulting from refraction sunlight in water droplets suspended in the air.
  • A downpour is heavy (torrential) rain.
  • Heat is a state of the atmosphere characterized by hot air heated by the sun's rays.
  • Dew - small drops of moisture that settle on plants or soil when the morning coolness sets in.
  • Summer warm rains
  • The grass is green
  • Flowers are blooming
  • Mushrooms and berries grow in the forest
Autumn phenomena in inanimate nature Autumn phenomena in wildlife
  • Wind is a stream of air moving parallel to the earth's surface.
  • Fog is a cloud that has descended to the surface of the earth.
  • Rain is one of the types of atmospheric precipitation falling from clouds in the form of liquid droplets, the diameter of which varies from 0.5 to 5-7 mm.
  • Slush is liquid mud formed from rain and sleet in wet weather.
  • Hoarfrost is a thin layer of ice that covers the surface of the earth and other objects on it at sub-zero temperatures.
  • Frost - light frost in the range of 1 to 3 degrees Celsius.
  • Autumn ice drift - the movement of ice on rivers and lakes under the influence of current or wind at the beginning of the freezing of water bodies.
  • Leaf fall is the process of falling leaves from trees.
  • Flight of birds to the south

Unusual natural phenomena

What natural phenomena still exist? In addition to the seasonal natural phenomena described above, there are several more that are not associated with any time of the year.

  • A flood is a short-term sudden rise in the water level in a river. This sharp rise may be due to heavy rains, melting a large number snow, the discharge of an impressive volume of water from the reservoir, the descent of glaciers.
  • Northern lights - glow upper layers atmospheres of planets with a magnetosphere due to their interaction with charged particles of the solar wind.
  • Ball lightning is a rare natural phenomenon that looks like a luminous and floating formation in the air.
  • a mirage is an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere: the refraction of light streams at the boundary between layers of air that are sharply different in density and temperature.
  • "Shooting star" - an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when meteoroids enter the Earth's atmosphere
  • Hurricane - extremely fast and strong, often of great destructive power and considerable duration of air movement
  • A tornado is an ascending whirlwind of extremely rapidly rotating air in the form of a funnel of great destructive power, in which moisture, sand and other suspensions are present.
  • High and low tides are changes in the water level of the sea elements and the oceans.
  • Tsunamis are long and high waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire water column in the ocean or other body of water.
  • Earthquake - are tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface. The most dangerous of them arise due to tectonic displacements and gaps in earth's crust or the top of the Earth's mantle
  • Tornado - atmospheric vortex, arising in a cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) cloud and spreading down, often to the very surface of the earth, in the form of a cloud sleeve or trunk with a diameter of tens and hundreds of meters
  • A volcanic eruption is the process by which a volcano ejects earth's surface red-hot debris, ash, an outpouring of magma, which, having poured onto the surface, becomes lava.
  • Floods - flooding of the earth with water, which is a natural disaster.

Weather phenomena of inanimate nature in winter.

Examples of weather changes: temperature drop, frost, snowfall, blizzard, blizzard, black ice, thaw.

Seasonal phenomena of nature.

All changes in nature associated with the change of seasons - seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) are called seasonal natural phenomena.

Examples of winter phenomena in inanimate nature.

Example: ice formed on the water, snow covered the ground, the sun does not heat, icicles and ice appeared.

Turning water into ice is seasonal phenomenon in inanimate nature.

Observable natural phenomena in inanimate nature occurring around us:

Frost covers rivers and lakes with ice. Draws funny patterns on the windows. Bites nose and cheeks.

· Snowflakes are falling from the sky. Snow covers the ground with a white blanket.

· Blizzards and blizzards cover the roads.

· The sun is low above the earth and weakly warms.

It is cold outside, the days are short and the nights are long.

· Comes New Year. The city is dressed in elegant garlands.

· During the thaw, the snow melts and freezes, forming ice on the roads.

Large icicles grow on the roofs.

What phenomena of wildlife can be observed in winter. Grade 2

To the textbook: "The world around 2nd grade"

For example: bears hibernate, trees shed their leaves, people dressed in winter clothes, children went outside with sleds.

In winter, trees stand without leaves - this phenomenon is called seasonal.

Examples of changes that occur in winter in wildlife that we observe:

· Vegetable world, Wildlife, Resting In Winter.

· The bear sleeps in its lair and sucks its paw.

· Trees and grasses sleep in the meadows, covered with a warm blanket - snow.

Animals are cold in winter, they wear beautiful and fluffy fur coats.

Hares change clothes - they change their gray coat to white.

People wear warm clothes: hats, fur coats, felt boots and mittens.

· Children go sledding, skating, making a snowman and playing snowballs.

· On New Year's Eve, children decorate the Christmas tree with toys and have fun.

· The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus come to the holiday.

· In winter, from the forest, birds fly to our feeders - tits and bullfinches.

· Birds and animals, in winter, starve. People feed them.

Natural phenomena, spring, in inanimate nature.

Examples: snow and ice have melted, the sun is shining brighter, the air has become warmer.

Spring seasonal phenomenon - ice came down from the rivers.

What phenomena, in inanimate nature, can be observed on a walk, in the spring:

  • In spring, the sun shines brighter and rises higher in the sky.
  • The air temperature got warmer. Rain instead of snow.
  • Snow is melting, streams are running, ice is coming off rivers and lakes.
  • Ice slides are melting, icicles are dripping from the roofs.
  • Puddles and spring mud appear on the roads.

What spring phenomena in wildlife?

Example: leaves grow on trees, starlings flew in from the south, flowers bloomed, grass grew.

A seasonal phenomenon in the spring - bird cherry blossoms.

Purpose: To stimulate children's curiosity, the desire to study the phenomenon of nature deeper (properties of snow), to support the manifestation of children's interest in experimentation, research.

Program content:

  1. To form elementary ideas about the change in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun; concept of snow and its properties (snow melts in warmth, snow is not transparent, snow is white, snow has no smell).
  2. Teach children to analyze, draw conclusions in the process of experimentation.
  3. Activate speech through words: crust, water vapor, snow groats, magnifying glass, experiment. To improve the ability of children to answer the questions posed by the content of the story
  4. To develop thinking, interest in winter natural phenomena, the desire to actively learn and act.
  5. To cultivate the desire to preserve and protect natural world to see its beauty.
  6. Wellness: a health-saving approach to educational activities.

preliminary work

  1. Examination of paintings on the winter theme
  2. Reading poems about winter, snowflakes.
  3. Observations of falling snow, snowflakes, playing with snow on walks.
  4. Drawing snowflakes.
  5. Cutting snowflakes from napkins.

Materials and equipment

Dem. - planet models (Sun and Earth); visual models of snowflakes with the designation of snow properties;

Sec. - disposable snow plates (on each table on a deep and flat plate), snow, magnifiers according to the number of children, half a cut apple on a napkin, a disposable spoon, three containers of water, circles of different colors, napkins and a towel.

Methodical methods: research method; problem statement and its resolution; modeling; reading fiction using the information-receptive method aimed at organizing the provision of perception of information memorization by children; musical accompaniment; imitation of movements; reflective method.

The course of directly educational activities

The teacher says: Guys, listen to the poem carefully and tell me if everything is correct in it.

"The days are getting shorter
The sun shines little.
Here comes the frost
And SPRING has arrived!

Educator: Guys, do you know why winter is coming?

caregiver (summarizes children's answers) You and I know that our Earth is a planet, and it rotates around its axis, just as our globe is turning now, and now imagine that it is the sun, so the earth also rotates around the sun, like this. Now let's P

Let's imagine that our planet is divided into four parts, | spring will definitely come on the first, summer on the second, autumn on the third, and winter on the fourth. The one, the barrels of the earth that she closest to the warm sun is heated most of all - it’s summer here, in winter, of course, the sun also shines, only for three winter months the sun is farthest from the earth, so it heats less. This makes the winter colder, the days shorter and the nights longer.

Teacher: What happens in winter? One of the signs of winter is snow falling from the sky. Educator: There is such a story by Vladimir Arkhangelsky

"Snowflakes are flying" . Do you want to listen to it?

Children's answers

Conversation with children on the content of the read story.

What kind of snowballs are we talking about?

What were the snowflakes like? ("Flower with six petals" , "Asterisk with six rays" )

Where have the scientists been? (in the clouds)

What did they see there? (they saw how snowflakes form)

What is a snowflake? (this is a frozen drop of water vapor)

How is crust formed? (hard crust on snow)

Who has a hard time moving around? Why?

And why does the hare rush along the crust like on a parquet?

Physical education "Winter sleep"

Quietly, quietly singing a fairy tale,
Swims in the twilight winter (running in circles on toes)
Covering with a warm blanket
Land and trees and houses.

Light snow swirls over the fields,
At midnight the stars fall from the sky.
Lowering furry eyelashes,
A dense forest slumbers in silence.

Golden owls sleep on Christmas trees
In the fabulous glow of the moon.
Snowdrifts sleep on the edge of the forest
Like big snow elephants.

Everything changes shape and color
Extinguish the windows of sleepy houses.
And, winter telling tales
Falls asleep slowly.

Educator: Want to learn more about snow. Introducing those that you are scientists - researchers. And who are scientists? Let's sit at the tables. We will find out what kind of snow and what are its properties. And our assistant will be a special device for research. Find it on your tables, what is this device called? (magnifier). What is a magnifying glass? (magnifying glass). What else do you see on the tables? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, in the morning I brought snow to the group, but what happened to the snow? (melted) Why? (a snowflake with the image of 1 property is attached to the board, a drop of water is drawn on the snowflake: the snow melts in warmth). How are we going to explore the snow now? Where can we get it? (we will ask you to bring a second caregiver using Magic word"Please"). Let's take a magnifying glass and carefully examine the melted snow. What do you see? (dirty water). Guys, why is the water dirty? (bring snow) Let's touch the snow, what does it feel like? (cold). Guys, I saw that some children eat snow. Are they doing the right thing? Why? Can you eat snow? (no, snow is cold and can be muddy).

Teacher: Let's do an experiment. Under your flat plates lie geometric figures, name them (circle, square). What color are they? Put one circle on an empty plate, we will put snow on top, and lower the other into the water. Where is cool visible, and where not? Why? (2 snowflakes are attached to the board: the snow is opaque - a closed eye is drawn)

Educator: Compare: what color is water and snow (snow is white, water is colorless) What else is white? (3 snowflakes are attached: white snow - cotton wool in the center of the snowflake).

Educator: Guys, how do you know if the snow smells? (need to sniff). Let's smell the apple first, which apple? (fragrant, fragrant). And now the snow (snow has no smell) (4 snowflakes are attached: snow has no smell - a nose is drawn on the snowflake)

Educator: Well done! You showed me so many experiences, and now I want to show you one more experience. Look, I have three jars. Pour into one cold water (a child is invited to check the temperature of the water), (cold). In the second we pour warm, but how do we get warm water, which water should be poured first: hot or cold, why? (cold then hot). In the third jar I will pour hot. In three jars, I will lower the snow at the same time. For this I need an assistant. Where did the snow melt faster and where slower? Conclusions. (the warmer the water, the faster the snow melted, the speed of snow melting depends on the temperature of the water).

Educator: Guys, now let's remember what properties snow has? (at the end of each experiment, snowflakes with the properties of snow were attached to the board). Draws the attention of children to the fact that snow is frozen droplets of water vapor. We know that snow turns into water, I have two drops, one smiles, the other is sad, if you liked ours educational activities take a smiling drop, if not, a sad one.

Everything that surrounds us and that is not created by human hands is called nature. All the changes that we can observe in the world around us are natural phenomena. Consider what are the phenomena of nature, depending on the time of year.

Natural phenomena

As you know, nature is alive and inanimate. Let's get acquainted with examples of the phenomenon of wildlife.

All living creatures inhabiting our planet - man, animals, birds, insects, fish, all kinds of plants, bacteria and various microbes - belong to the world of wildlife.

In winter, nature seems to fall into a dream, and all living things prepare for this state:

  • Trees and bushes shed their leaves . This is because in winter it is very cold and there is little light, and ordinary leaves cannot grow in such conditions. But coniferous trees have leaves in the form of thin needles, which are not afraid of any frost. They fall off gradually, and new needles grow in their place.
  • In winter in conditions wildlife very little food . For this reason, some animals - bears, hedgehogs, chipmunks, badgers - hibernate in order to survive inclement weather. winter times. They dig warm, cozy burrows for themselves, and sleep there until spring arrives. Those animals that continue an active life in winter acquire a thick fur coat that does not allow them to freeze.

Rice. 1. Bear in the den

  • With the onset of the first cold weather, many birds go to warmer climes. to spend the winter there with great comfort. Only those species of birds that have learned to eat various feeds remain at home.

In winter, even those birds that live in the city have a very hard time. There are almost no insects, berries and grains too. To help your feathered friends wait for the gentle spring sun, you can make feeders and feed them in the cold season.

In spring, nature awakens, and plants are the first to react: buds bloom on the trees, new leaves appear, young green grass sprouts.

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Rice. 2. Spring forest

Animals are very happy with the long-awaited warmth. Now you can leave your lairs and minks, and return to active life. In spring, animals and birds have offspring, and their worries are added.

In summer and early autumn, nature pleases warm weather, an abundance of fruits, vegetables, berries. Animals raise their babies, teach them to get their own food, to defend themselves from enemies. In autumn, many animals stock up for the winter, preparing for the coming cold.

Phenomena of inanimate nature

Inanimate nature includes all celestial bodies, water, air, soil, minerals, stones.

In winter, natural phenomena are very severe. It's good when it snows softly, and the world turns into winter fairy tale. It is much worse when a fierce blizzard, blizzard or blizzard reigns on the street.

In the steppe open area a storm is terrible in its strength - a strong snowstorm, because of which it is difficult to see something even close. Once in the center of the storm, many travelers lost their orientation in space and froze.

Rice. 3. Snowstorm

In spring, nature throws off its snow chains:

  • Ice drift begins on the rivers - melting and movement of ice along the stream.
  • The snow is melting, the first thawed patches appear - small areas thawed snow.
  • Warm winds begin to blow, winter precipitation changes to rains and spring showers.
  • Daylight hours are getting longer and nights are getting shorter.

All summer phenomena of inanimate nature are directly related to warming. Dry, sultry weather sets in, with variable precipitation. Rains can start suddenly, with thunder and lightning. But in half an hour after a heavy downpour, the sun will again brightly shine in the sky.

And only in summer you can admire such a wonderful natural phenomenon as a rainbow!

With the onset of autumn, the daylight hours shorten again, the air temperature drops, and it often rains for a long time. In the morning, at the first frost, on the surface of the earth and objects, a thin layer of ice may appear - frost.

What have we learned?

In grade 2, the world around us studies such interesting topic like natural phenomena. We learned that nature can be animate and inanimate, and its phenomena largely depend on the time of year.

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