What are rockets. Peaceful use of missiles. Types of Russian missiles

Russian word"rocket" comes from the German word for "rocket". And this german word- diminutive of the Italian word "rocca", which means "spindle". That is, "rocket" means "small spindle", "spindle". This is due, of course, to the shape of the rocket: it looks like a spindle - long, streamlined, with a sharp nose. But now not many children have seen a real spindle, but everyone knows what a rocket looks like. Now, probably, you need to do this: “Children! Do you know what a spindle looks like? Like a little rocket!"

Rockets were invented a long time ago. They were invented in China many hundreds of years ago. The Chinese used them to make fireworks. They kept the structure of the rockets a secret for a long time, they liked to surprise strangers. But some of these surprised strangers turned out to be very inquisitive people. Soon, many countries learned how to make fireworks and celebrate solemn days with festive fireworks.

For a long time, rockets served only for holidays. But then they began to be used in the war. There was a rocket weapon. This is very formidable weapon. Modern missiles can accurately hit a target thousands of kilometers away.

And in the 20th century, a school teacher of physics Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky(probably the most famous physics teacher!) came up with a new profession for rockets. He dreamed of how a man would fly into space. Unfortunately, Tsiolkovsky died before the first ships went into space, but he is still called the father of astronautics.

Why is it so difficult to fly into space? The problem is that there is no air. There is a void, it is called a vacuum. Therefore, neither planes, nor helicopters, nor balloons can be used there. Airplanes and helicopters rely on air during takeoff. Balloon rises into the sky because it is light and the air pushes it up. But a rocket doesn't need air to take off. What is the force that lifts the rocket?

This force is called reactive. The jet engine is very simple. It has a special chamber in which fuel burns. When burned, it turns into hot gas. And from this chamber there is only one way out - the nozzle, it is directed back, in the direction opposite to the movement. The incandescent gas is cramped in a small chamber, and it escapes through the nozzle with great speed. In an effort to get out as soon as possible, he terrible force bounces off the rocket. And since nothing holds the rocket, it flies where the gas pushes it: forward. Whether there is air around, whether there is no air - it does not matter at all for the flight. What lifts her up, she creates herself. Only the gas needs to be vigorously repelled from the rocket so that the force of its shocks is enough to lift it. After all, modern launch vehicles can weigh three thousand tons! It's a lot? So many! A truck, for example, weighs only five tons.

In order to move forward, you need to start from something. That from which the rocket will be repelled, it takes with it. That is why rockets can fly in airless outer space.

The shape of the rocket (like a spindle) is connected only with the fact that it has to fly through the air on its way to space. The air makes it difficult to fly fast. Its molecules hit the body and slow down the flight. In order to reduce air resistance, the shape of the rocket is made smooth and streamlined.

So, which of our readers wants to become an astronaut?

Classes and types of rocket weapons

One of the characteristic features of the development of nuclear missile weapons is the huge variety of classes, types, and especially models of launch vehicles. Sometimes, when comparing certain samples, it is difficult to even imagine that they belong to missile weapons.

In a number of countries of the world, combat missiles are divided into classes according to where they are launched from and where the target is located. According to these features, four main classes are distinguished: "earth - earth", "earth - air", "air - earth" and "air - air". Moreover, the word "land" refers to the location launchers on land, on water and underwater. The same applies to target placement. If their location is denoted by the word "land", then they can be on land, on water and under water. The word "air" suggests the location of launchers on board aircraft.

Some experts subdivide combat missiles into significantly more groups, trying to cover all possible locations of launchers and targets. At the same time, the word "land" already means only the location of installations on land. Under the word "water" - the location of launchers and targets above and below water. With this classification, nine groups are obtained: "earth - earth", "earth - water", "water - earth", "water - water", "earth - air", "water - air", "air - earth", " air - water", "air - air".

In addition to the types of missiles mentioned above, foreign press very often three more classes are mentioned: "earth - space", "space - earth", "space - space". In this case, we are talking about rockets taking off from the earth into space, capable of launching from space to earth and flying in space between space objects. An analogy for first-class rockets can be those that were delivered into space by the Vostok spacecraft. The second and third classes of missiles are also feasible. It is known that our interplanetary stations were delivered to the Moon and sent to Mars by rockets launched from the mother rocket in space. With the same success, a rocket from a mother rocket can deliver cargo not to the Moon or Mars, but to Earth. Then the class "space - earth" will turn out.

In the Soviet press, missiles are sometimes classified according to their belonging to ground forces, Navy, aviation or air defense. The result is such a division of missiles: ground, sea ​​battle, aviation, anti-aircraft. In turn, aircraft are subdivided into guided projectiles for air strikes against ground targets, for air combat, and aircraft torpedoes.

The dividing line between missiles can also pass in terms of range. Range is one of those qualities that characterizes weapons most clearly. Missiles can be intercontinental, that is, capable of covering distances separating the most distant continents, such as Europe and America. Intercontinental missiles can hit enemy targets at a distance of more than 10,000 km. There are continental missiles, that is, those that can cover distances within one continent. These missiles are designed to destroy military facilities located behind enemy lines at ranges of up to several thousand kilometers.

Of course, there are missiles of relatively short range. Some of them have a range of several tens of kilometers. But all of them are considered as the main means of destruction on the battlefield.

The closest thing to military affairs is the division of missiles according to their combat mission. Missiles are divided into three types: strategic, operational-tactical and tactical. Strategic missiles are designed to destroy the most militarily important enemy centers hidden by him in the deepest rear. Operational-tactical missiles - mass weapon army, in particular the ground forces.

Operational-tactical missiles have a range of up to many hundreds of kilometers. This type is divided into short-range missiles, designed to hit targets located at a distance of several tens of kilometers, and long-range missiles, designed to hit targets located at a distance of several hundred kilometers.

Between the missiles there are differences also in the features of their design.

Ballistic Missiles - Primary fighting force . It is known that the nature of the rocket flight depends on the device and type of engine. According to these features, ballistic, cruise missiles and projectiles are distinguished. Ballistic missiles occupy a leading position: they have high tactical and technical characteristics.

Ballistic missiles have an elongated cylindrical body with a pointed warhead. The head part is intended to hit targets. Inside it is placed either a nuclear or conventional explosive. The body of the rocket can simultaneously serve as the walls of the tanks for fuel components. The case provides several compartments, one of which houses the control equipment. The body basically determines the passive weight of the rocket, that is, its weight without fuel. The higher this weight, the more difficult it is to get a long range. Therefore, they try to reduce the weight of the case in every possible way.

The engine is located in the tail section. These rockets are launched vertically upwards, reach a certain height, at which devices are triggered, reducing their angle of inclination to the horizon. When the power plant stops working, the rocket, under the action of inertia, flies along a ballistic curve, that is, along the trajectory of a freely thrown body.

For clarity, a ballistic missile can be compared to an artillery shell. The initial, or, as we have called it, the active part of its trajectory, when the engines are running, can be compared with a giant invisible gun barrel that tells the projectile the direction and range of flight. During this period, the missile's speed (on which the range depends) and the angle of inclination (on which the course depends) can be directed automatic system management.

After the fuel burns out in the rocket, the warhead in the uncontrolled passive section of the trajectory, like any freely thrown body, is affected by the forces of gravity. At the final stage of the flight, the warhead enters the dense layers of the atmosphere, slows down the flight and falls on the target. When entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, the head part is strongly heated; so that it does not collapse, special measures are taken.

To increase the flight range, the rocket may have several engines that operate alternately and are automatically reset. Together, they accelerate the last stage of the rocket to such a speed that it covers the required distance. The press reported that a multi-stage rocket reaches a height of more than a thousand kilometers and covers a distance of 8-10 thousand km in about 30 minutes.

Because the ballistic missiles rise to a thousand-kilometer height, they move almost in an airless space. But it is known that the flight of, for example, an aircraft in the atmosphere is affected by its interaction with the surrounding air. In a vacuum, any apparatus will move just as accurately as celestial bodies. This means that such a flight can be calculated very accurately. This creates opportunities for unmistakable ballistic missile hits on a relatively small site.

Ballistic missiles come in two classes: ground-to-ground and air-to-ground.

The flight path of a cruise missile is different from that of a ballistic missile. Having gained altitude, the rocket begins to plan towards the target. Unlike ballistic missiles, these missiles have bearing surfaces (wings), and a rocket or air-jet engine (using oxygen from the air as an oxidizer). Cruise missiles are widely used in anti-aircraft systems and in the armament of fighter-interceptors.

Projectile aircraft are similar in design and engine type to aircraft. Their trajectory is low, and the engine runs throughout the flight. When approaching the target, the projectile dives sharply at it. Relatively not high speed such a carrier facilitates its interception by conventional air defense systems.

To conclude this overview existing classes and types of missiles, it should be noted that the US aggressive circles are placing their main stake on the rapid development of the most powerful types of nuclear missile weapons, apparently hoping to gain military advantages over the USSR. However, such hopes of the imperialists are absolutely unrealizable. Our nuclear missile weapons are being developed in full accordance with the task of reliably protecting the interests of the Motherland. In the competition imposed on us by the aggressive forces for the quality and quantity of the produced nuclear missile weapons, we not only do not yield to those who threaten us with war, but in many respects surpass them. A powerful nuclear missile weapon in the hands of the Soviet Armed Forces is a reliable guarantee of peace and security not only for our country, but for the entire socialist camp, for all mankind.

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Russia's missiles are a guarantee of our country's security and a formidable peacekeeping weapon. Let's talk about the classification of missile weapons, about missile weapons the Russian army, the use of existing and development of new super-modern missiles.

Intercontinental ballistic missile system "Topol"

Russian missile classification

Combat missiles are unmanned aerial vehicles that deliver to the target damaging means jet flight.

There are five classes of missiles:

  • earth-earth;
  • earth-air;
  • air-ground;
  • air-to-air;
  • air-surface.

In turn, allocate Various types ground-to-ground missiles:

  • along the flight path - ballistic and cruise;
  • by destination - tactical, operational-tactical and strategic;
  • by distance.

All missile weapons according to their intended purpose are divided into anti-tank, anti-aircraft, anti-ship, anti-submarine (to destroy submarines), anti-radar and anti-space.


Russian ground-to-ground missiles are launched from missile systems(RK), located in mines, on the ground or on ships, and are designed to destroy surface, ground and buried targets.

Launches of such missiles are possible both from fixed structures and from mobile self-propelled or towed installations.

Formerly in service missile troops consisted mainly of unguided rockets (NURS). New ground-to-ground missiles are created and produced as controlled, equipped with equipment that regulates their flight and ensures the achievement of the goal.


Anti-aircraft missile system S-400

The surface-to-air class combines anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAMs) designed to destroy air targets, mainly combat and transport aviation enemy.

According to the method of launch and control, four types of missiles are distinguished:

  • radio command;
  • induced by radio beam;
  • homing;
  • combined.

Also, surface-to-air missiles differ in aerodynamic features, range, height and speed of air "targets".

An illustrative example of Russian missiles - anti-aircraft complexes with medium and long range, appearing in the scandal with the planned supply to Turkey, which caused strong objections from the United States.

Air to ground

Air-to-ground - missile means of destroying ground and buried targets, which are in service with bomber and attack aircraft. According to their purpose and range, they are classified similarly to ground-to-ground missiles. According to the types of targets, anti-tank air-to-ground missiles are additionally distinguished for strikes against enemy armored vehicles and anti-radar missiles for disabling radar stations (RLS).

Air to air

Air-to-air missiles are weapons of Russian fighter aircraft designed to destroy manned and unmanned enemy aircraft (LA).

By range there are:

  • small - to hit a target visually detected by the pilot;
  • medium - to hit a target at a distance of up to 100 kilometers;
  • large - for launching at a distance of more than 100 km.

Guidance systems for launching air-to-air missiles are used radio command (in the USSR K-5 missiles), active and semi-active radar (ARLS - in R-37, R-77 and PRLS - in R-27), infrared (in R-60 missiles and R-73).

R-27 air-to-air missile


Non-air-to-surface missiles are anti-ship weapons.

It is characterized by:

  • relatively large mass;
  • high-explosive type of damaging agent;
  • radar guidance.

See below for details on Russia's modern anti-ship missiles.

Types of Russian missiles

Intercontinental ballistic missiles

By type of deployment, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are divided into launched:

  • from mine launchers (silos) - RS-18, PC-20;
  • from mobile launchers based on a wheeled chassis - "Poplar";
  • from railway devices - RT-23UTTH "Molodets";
  • from the sea / ocean floor - "Skif";
  • from submarines - "Mace".

Intercontinental ballistic missile RS-20

The silos used today perfectly protect against damaging factors nuclear explosion and pretty well camouflage preparations for launch. Other methods of deploying missiles guarantee high mobility and, accordingly, are more difficult to detect, but limit the army and navy in terms of the dimensions and mass of ICBMs.

High precision cruise missiles

Five of the most dangerous domestically produced cruise missiles:

  1. Family "Caliber". Mostly they strike at the manpower and infrastructure of the "opposition" militants and outright terrorists in Syria. The development, which started in the 1980s on the basis of the strategic nuclear 3M10 and anti-ship Alfa, was completed in 1993. In NATO they are codified as Sizzler. The range of impact on marine targets is up to 350 km, on coastal targets - up to 2600;
  2. Kh-101 air-to-ground strategic missile (variation with a nuclear warhead - Kh-102). Designed in Design Bureau Raduga by 2013. It was also used in Syria for the above purposes. It is mainly included in the armament of the Tu-22 and Tu-160 bombers. The exact parameters of the X-101 are hidden from the public, but according to unofficial information, its maximum range is about 9 thousand km;
  3. Anti-ship P-270 "Mosquito" (NATO coded as SS-N-22 Sunburn). Created in the 1970s in the USSR. It can sink any ships with a displacement of up to 20 thousand tons. Range - up to 120 km along a low-altitude trajectory and 250 km along a high-altitude trajectory. To overcome the air defense system (ABM) makes a "snake" maneuver;
  4. Strategic aviation X-55, air-to-ground class - for Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers. It moves at subsonic speeds, skirting the landscape below, which makes it very difficult to intercept. The power of the explosion is more than 20 times greater than that of the notorious Little Boy dropped by the Americans in 1945 on Hiroshima;
  5. - a long-range anti-ship missile, to defeat large ship and ship-air groupings of the enemy. It strikes objects at a distance of up to 550 km. The P-700 devices are armed, among others, with the heavy cruiser-aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

Start anti-ship missile P-700 "Granite"

anti-ship missiles

In addition to the aforementioned cruise anti-ship missiles, the Kh-35 missile, together with the Uran missile launcher, created in 1995 by the Zvezda-Arrow state company, should be noted.

The X-35 is capable of sinking ships with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons. Due to its compact dimensions and low weight, it is used as a weapon for ships of any class, including corvettes and boats, as well as weapons for various aircraft, including helicopters and light fighters. For launches of the Kh-35, coastal missile systems "Bal" were created.

The structure of the Kh-35 is two-stage, including a launch booster, a sustainer engine, and an active radar homing system. The range reaches 260 kilometers. The striking part is high-explosive, weighing 145 kg.

Aviation missiles of Russia

A particularly formidable treasure Russian Air Force- a modernized variation of the R-37M "Strela". This air-to-air guided missile is the world's No. 1 in terms of range.

In NATO, it is codified as AA-13 "Arrow".

Used as a weapon:

  • heavy Su-27 fighters;
  • super-maneuverable Su-35 fighters;
  • MiG-31BM interceptor fighters.

The unique properties of the R-37M are dynamic instability and the highest maneuverability. They allow it, bypassing all enemy anti-missile systems, to hit a flying target that has approached the fighter by 300 kilometers or less.

According to a number of military experts, the R-37M and a similar Chinese PL-15 are capable of easily shooting down American air tankers serving to ensure non-stop flights of their strategic bombers, as well as reconnaissance, control and electronic warfare(EW). Victories in today's wars are simply impossible without the listed auxiliary aircraft, while the effectiveness of the latest air-to-air missiles of Russia and China deprives the United States of an advantage in the air.

A super-new domestic air-to-surface weapon is the X-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic missile, designed to destroy ground and sea targets. According to reputable media, the Kinzhal missile system is an aircraft modification of the Iskander family. The range of a device with a 500-kg warhead is determined by the properties of the bomber and ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers.

MiG-31 aircraft with Kh-47M2 "Dagger" missile

New developments of Russian missiles

Today, the Russian army is being re-equipped with new missiles:

  • RS-24 "Yars", which are gradually replacing the RS-18 and RS-20 ICBMs (as their service life ends);
  • RS-26 "Rubezh" - high-precision ICBMs;
  • RS-28 "Sarmat" - heavy ICBM, effectively bypasses American funds missile defense, especially due to launches through the South Pole;
  • Kh-50 - a new operational-tactical air-to-ground missile, virtually invisible to air defense systems;
  • S-500 "Prometheus" - the latest air defense and missile defense system.

The latest Zircon-S rocket launcher is also being developed with a next-generation strategic hypersonic missile.

In addition, in the light of the appearance of hypersonic air-to-surface missiles X-47M2 ("Daggers"), experts predict the successful completion of the development hypersonic weapons air-to-air.

Where are different types of missiles used?

Missile means of warfare are designed for the use of:

  • in the underwater, air and space environment;
  • for various purposes - ground, surface, buried, underwater, air;
  • at tactical (up to 300 km), operational-tactical (300-1000 km), medium (1001-5500 km) and long (over 5500 km) ranges.

Most a prime example the use of missiles in real combat conditions by Russian military personnel - military operation Russia in Syria, including the drawing by the aviation group of the Russian Aerospace Forces missile strikes on objects of anti-government forces.

If you have something to add from yourself or have questions, we are waiting for your comments.

The most mobile rocket launcher: ICBM "Topol-M" mobile and silo-based

Country Russia
First run: 1994
START code: RS-12M
Number of steps: 3
Length (with MS): 22.5 m
Launch weight: 46.5 t
Cast weight: 1.2 t
Range: 11000 km
MS type: monoblock, nuclear
Fuel type: solid

Nitrogen tetroxide usually acts as an oxidizing agent for heptyl. Heptyl rockets were devoid of many of the shortcomings of oxygen rockets, and so far the main part nuclear missile arsenal Russia is made up of ICBMs with liquid-propellant rocket engines on high-boiling components. The first American ICBMs (Atlas and Titan) also operated liquid fuels, but back in the 1960s of the last century, US designers began to radically switch to solid propellant engines. The fact is that high-boiling fuel is by no means an ideal alternative to kerosene with oxygen. Heptyl is four times more toxic than hydrocyanic acid, that is, each rocket launch is accompanied by the release of extremely harmful substances into the atmosphere. The consequences of an accident with a fueled missile will also be sad, especially if it happens, say, on a submarine. Liquid rockets, compared to solid rockets, also differ in more difficult conditions operation, more low level combat readiness and safety, shorter fuel storage life. Ever since the Minutemen I and Polaris A-1 missiles (and this is the beginning of the 1960s), the Americans have completely switched to solid-fuel designs. And in this matter, our country had to run after it. The first Soviet ICBM on solid propellant elements was developed in the Royal Design Bureau-1 (now RSC Energia), which gave military theme Yangel and Chelomey, who were considered apologists for liquid rockets. Tests of the RT-2 began in Kapustin Yar and Plesetsk in 1966, and in 1968 the missile entered service.

The most promising Russian: Yars RS-24

Country Russia
First run: 2007
Number of steps: 3
Length (with MS): 13 m
Starting weight: no data
Thrown weight: no data
Range: 11000
MS type: MIRV, 3–4 warheads of 150–300 Kt each
Fuel type: solid

The new rocket, the first launch of which took place only three years ago, unlike the Topol-M, has multiple warheads. It became possible to return to such a design after Russia withdrew from the START-1 treaty that banned MIRVs. It is believed that the new ICBM will gradually replace the multi-charge modifications UR-100 and R-36M in the Strategic Missile Forces and, along with the Topol-M, will form a new, updated core of strategic missiles being reduced under the START-III treaty. nuclear forces Russia.

The heaviest: R-36M "Satan"

Country: USSR
First run: 1970
START code: RS-20
Number of steps: 2
Length (with MS): 34.6 m
Launch weight: 211 t
Cast weight: 7.3 t
Range: 11,200–16,000 km
MS type: 1 x 25 Mt, 1 x 8 Mt or 8 x 1 Mt
Fuel type: solid

“Korolev works for TASS, and Yangel works for us,” the military involved in the missile theme joked half a century ago. The meaning of the joke is simple - Korolev's oxygen rockets were declared unsuitable as ICBMs and sent to storm space, and military leadership instead of the royal P-9, it relied on heavy ICBMs with engines running on high-boiling fuel components. The first Soviet heavy heptyl-based ICBM was the R-16, developed at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk) under the leadership of M.K. Yangel. The successors of this line were the R-36 missiles, and then the R-36M in several modifications. The latter received the NATO designation SS-18 Satan ("Satan"). Currently, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces are armed with two modifications of this missile - R-36M UTTKh and R-36M2 "Voevoda". The latter is designed to defeat all types of targets protected modern means ABM, in any conditions of combat use, including with multiple nuclear impact on the positional area. Also, on the basis of the R-36M, a commercial space carrier "Dnepr" was created.

Longest Range: Trident II D5 SLBM

Country: USA
First run: 1987
Number of steps: 3
Length (with MS): 13.41 m
Starting weight: 58 t
Cast weight: 2.8 t
Range: 11300 km
MS type: 8x475 Kt or 14x100Kt
Fuel type: solid

The submarine-based ballistic missile Trident II D5 has very little in common with its predecessor (Trident D4). It is one of the newest and most technologically advanced intercontinental ballistic missiles. Trident II D5s are installed on US Ohio-class submarines and British Vanguards and are currently the only sea-launched nuclear ballistic missile in US service. The design actively used composite materials, which greatly facilitated the body of the rocket. High firing accuracy, confirmed by 134 tests, allows this SLBM to be considered as a first strike. Moreover, there are plans to equip the missile with a non-nuclear warhead for a so-called immediate global strike (Prompt Global Strike). As part of this concept, the US government hopes to be able to deliver a precision conventional strike anywhere in the world within an hour. True, the use of ballistic missiles for such purposes is in question because of the risk of starting a nuclear missile conflict.

The very first combat: V-2 ("V-two")

Country: Germany
First launch: 1942
Number of steps: 1
Length (with MS): 14 m
Starting weight: 13 t
Cast weight: 1 t
Range: 320 km
Fuel type: 75% ethyl alcohol

The pioneering creation of the Nazi engineer Wernher von Braun does not particularly need to be introduced - his "weapon of retaliation" (Vergeltungswaffe-2) is well known, in particular, for the fact that, fortunately for the allies, it turned out to be extremely ineffective. Each V-2 fired across London killed an average of less than two people. But the German developments have become an excellent base for the Soviet and American rocket and space programs. Both the USSR and the USA began their journey to the stars by copying the V-2.

First submarine intercontinental: R-29

Country: USSR
First launch: 1971
START code: RSM-40
Number of steps: 2
Length (with MS): 13 m
Launch weight: 33.3 t
Cast weight: 1.1 t
Range: 7800–9100 km
MS type: monoblock, 0.8–1 Mt
Fuel type: liquid (heptyl)

Rocket R-29, developed in the Design Bureau. Makeev, was placed on 18 Project 667B submarines, its R-29D modification was placed on four 667BD missile carriers. The creation of intercontinental-range SLBMs gave serious advantages to the Soviet Navy, as it became possible to keep submarines much further from the coast of a potential enemy.

The very first underwater launch: Polaris A-1

Country: USA
First run: 1960
steps: 2
Length (with MS): 8.53 m
Launch weight: 12.7 t
Cast weight: 0.5 t
Range: 2200 km
MS type: monoblock, 600 Kt
Fuel type: solid

The first attempts to launch missiles from submarines were made by the military and engineers of the Third Reich, but the real race for SLBMs began with the Cold War. despite the fact that the USSR was somewhat ahead of the United States with the beginning of the development of an underwater-launched ballistic missile, our designers were long pursued by failures. as a result, they were overtaken by the Americans with the polaris a-1 missile. On July 20, 1960, this missile was launched from the George Washington nuclear submarine from a depth of 20 m. The Soviet competitor is the R-21 missile designed by M.K. Yangel - made a successful start 40 days later.

The very first in the world: R-7

Country: USSR
First launch: 1957
Number of steps: 2
Length (with MS): 31.4 m
Launch weight: 88.44 tons
Cast weight: up to 5.4 t
Range: 8000 km
MS type: monoblock, nuclear, detachable
Fuel type: liquid (kerosene)

The legendary royal "seven" was born painfully, but was honored to become the world's first ICBM. True, very mediocre. The R-7 started only from an open, that is, a very vulnerable position, and most importantly - due to the use of oxygen as an oxidizing agent (it evaporated) - it could not be on combat duty in a refueled state for a long time. It took hours to prepare for the launch, which categorically did not suit the military, as did the low accuracy of the hit. On the other hand, the R-7 opened the way to space for mankind, and the Soyuz-U, the only carrier for manned launches today, is nothing more than a modification of the Seven.

Most ambitious: MX (LGM-118A) Peacekeeper

Country: USA
First launch: 1983
Number of steps: 3 (plus step
breeding warheads)
Length (with MS): 21.61 m
Launch weight: 88.44 tons
Cast weight: 2.1 t
Range: 9600 km
Warhead type: 10 nuclear warheads of 300 kt each
Type of fuel: solid (stages I–III), liquid (dilution stage)

The heavy ICBM "Peacemaker" (MX), created by American designers by the mid-1980s, was the embodiment of many interesting ideas and the latest technologies, such as the use of composite materials. Compared to the Minuteman III (of that time), the MX missile had a significantly higher hit accuracy, which increased the likelihood of hitting Soviet silo launchers. Particular attention was paid to the survivability of the missile under conditions of nuclear impact, the possibility of mobile railway basing was seriously studied, which forced the USSR to develop a similar RT-23 UTTKh complex.

Fastest: Minuteman LGM-30G

Country: USA
First run: 1966
Number of steps: 3
Length (with MS): 18.2 m
Launch weight: 35.4 t
Cast weight: 1.5 t
Range: 13000 km
MS Type: 3x300 Kt
Fuel type: solid

The Minuteman III light missiles are the only land-based ICBM currently in service with the United States. Despite the fact that the production of these missiles was discontinued three decades ago, these weapons are subject to modernization, including with the introduction of technical advances implemented in the MX missile. It is believed that the Minuteman III LGM-30G is the fastest or one of the fastest ICBMs in the world and can accelerate to 24,100 km / h in the terminal phase of flight.

Purpose and classification of missiles

General information about ballistic missiles

A ballistic missile is a type of missile weapon.

Rocket - an aircraft of variable mass, moving due to the rejection of high-speed hot gases created by a jet (rocket) engine and designed to launch a payload into a calculated trajectory or orbit.

Aircraft - a device for flights in the atmosphere or outer space.

The flight of a rocket in the initial section of the trajectory is characterized by:

Continuous ejection of active mass (fuel) and discrete ejection of passive mass (structural elements);

Continuously increasing speed and acceleration;

The impact on it of the forces of traction, control, aerodynamic, attraction and others.

ballistic it is customary to call missiles, the flight path of which, with the exception of the section traversed by a rocket with a running engine, is the trajectory of a freely thrown body, i.e. most of the flight the rocket makes on a ballistic trajectory, which means it is in uncontrolled motion, an illustration of the above is shown in Fig. 1.1-1.3.

The required speed and direction of flight are communicated to the ballistic missile in the active phase of the flight by the missile's flight control system. After turning off the engine, the rest of the journey warhead, which is the rocket payload, moves along a ballistic trajectory.

By area of ​​application ballistic missiles are divided into strategic and tactical . Various states and non-governmental experts use different classifications of missile ranges. Here is the classification adopted in the treaties on strategic offensive forces:

Short-range ballistic missiles (up to 1000 kilometers);

ballistic missiles medium range(from 1000 to 5500 kilometers);

Intercontinental (long-range) ballistic missiles (over 5500 kilometers).

Intercontinental missiles and medium-range missiles are often used as strategic missiles and equip nuclear warheads. Their advantage over aircraft is their short approach time (less than half an hour at an intercontinental range) and high speed of the warhead, which makes it very difficult to intercept them even with a modern missile defense system.

Ballistic missiles (BR) are designed to destroy objects at a long distance. As a rule, they are used to destroy large objects, large enemy groupings and carry a powerful combat charge.

A schematic representation of the main components of a ballistic missile - the design of the missile is shown in Fig. 2.1.

Most ballistic missiles are strategic guided intercontinental ballistic missiles and are designed to destroy objects located on remote continents; they are all multi-stage. Launch weight 100-150 tons, payload up to 3.2 tons. In the United States and here in Russia, intercontinental ballistic missiles were used as launch vehicles to put space objects into orbit.

For a further more complete understanding of the topic of the lesson, I will give the basic concepts and their definitions.

Rocket strategic purpose (RSN) - a missile designed to destroy strategic targets.

rocket stage - a part of a composite (multi-stage) rocket (or the entire composite rocket) operating in a certain area of ​​​​the territory.

Multistage rocket - functionally consists of a system of several sequentially operating single-stage rockets, each of which includes: the rocket part, the corresponding stage and the rest of the rocket mass, which is the conditional payload mass for it (rocket parts of subsequent cargo stages).

Rocket part - part of the stage, which, due to the reactive force, ensures the flight of the rocket in the area corresponding to this stage. The rocket part may include one or more rocket blocks.

rocket block - an autonomous part of the rocket, which generally includes a propulsion system, fuel compartments with a supply of fuel, actuators, equipment and on-board cable network of the control system, tail and transition compartments, elements of the stage separation system and a number of auxiliary systems and assemblies.

Combat stage (BS) - a missile component detachable in flight, including a warhead (or warheads), systems and devices that ensure the functioning of warheads, their breeding at given aiming points and overcoming enemy missile defenses.

Head part (MC) - an integral part of a missile, including a warhead or warheads, means and devices designed to ensure their intended use. (Simplified analogue of BS).

Warhead (BB) - detachable in flight, an integral part of the warhead, which includes combat equipment, systems and devices that ensure the use of warheads for their intended purpose.

Countermeasures missile defense(ABM) enemy - means that ensure the creation of deliberate interference with the enemy's missile defense system in order to increase the probability of its overcoming by the warhead warhead.

To understand how technically complex ballistic missiles are and to illustrate, the above concepts and definitions will help Fig.2.2 and Fig.2.3.

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