Presentation on the theme "reserved places of Kuzbass". Specially protected natural areas of the Kemerovo region Presentation on the theme of reserves of Kuzbass

Reserve Kuznetsk Alatau
The Kuznetsk Alatau Reserve is located in the central part of the mountain range of the same name, in the Tisulsky and Novokuznetsky districts of the Kemerovo region. The reserve was founded in 1989, its area is 412.9 thousand hectares, 253 thousand hectares are forests, 15 thousand hectares are meadows, 1.6 thousand hectares are reservoirs. The relief of the territory is mountainous, smoothed, the tops of the mountains have a domed shape. The highest mountain peaks of the Kuznetsk Alatau are Bolshaya Tserkovnaya (1449 m above sea level), Chemodan (1357 m), Krestovaya (1549 m), Kanym (1871 m). The springs are located on the territory of the reserve. largest tributaries Ob - rivers Tom and Chulym. The climate is continental, with hot dry summers and cold winters. Average annual temperature 4.9 °С, average July temperature 21.1 °С (maximum 40 °С), average January temperature -10.8 °С (minimum up to -40 °С), average annual rainfall 385 mm. Most of the Kuznetsk Alatau reserve is covered with mountain taiga forests of fir, spruce and cedar pine Siberian, replaced on the eastern slopes by pine and larch forests. The vegetation cover includes altitudinal belts from steppe and forest-steppe to black taiga, alpine meadows and high tundra. A lot of rare plants: radiola rosea (golden root), leuzea safflower (maral root), lady's slipper and endemic species. Maral, elk, roe deer, sable are common in the reserve, musk deer is found. The wild reindeer constantly lives and migrates within the Kuznetsk Alatau. Of the rare birds, there are black storks, golden eagles; a total of 103 species of nesting birds have been recorded.

Shor National Park
Shorsky National Park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region. Territory length national park from north to south 110 km, from east to west 90 km. The administration of the national park is located in the city of Tashtagol (652990, Kemerovo region, Tashtagol, Sadovaya st. 8).

The relief of the territory of the national park is a complex mountain system strongly dissected by river valleys. Average Height above sea level 500-800 m, some peaks reach 1600-1800 m. The climate is sharply continental and harsh, due to the location of the park almost in the center of the Asian mainland. high ridges, enclosing Mountain Shoria from the west with the Salair Ridge, from the south - by the Altai mountain system and from the east by the ridges of the Kuznetsk Alatau and the Western Sayan, create a kind of climatic regime. average temperature January? 20-22 degrees. From, July - + 17-18 degrees. C. In the mountains with height, average temperatures drop sharply. The average annual precipitation is 900 mm, in the mountains on the windward slopes up to 1500-1800 mm. Snow lasts for more than six months, from October to April. The depth of the snow cover reaches 200-250 cm, in the depressions of the middle mountains - more than 400 cm. Winds of the southern and south-western direction prevail.

The territory of the national park is dissected by a network of rivers and streams. Home waterway is the Mras-Su River, which flows through the main massif of the park from north to south and divides its territory into approximately two equal parts. Water regime- typical for mountain rivers. The main sources of food for rivers and streams are precipitation and ground water.

There are many commercial and hunting species in the theriofauna of the national park: hare, squirrel, sable, American mink, Siberian weasel, otter, wolverine, fox, wolf, lynx, elk. In addition to the listed species, there are the Siberian mole, chipmunk, water vole, muskrat, common hamster, ermine, weasel, steppe polecat, badger, Brown bear, wild reindeer, musk deer, roe deer, deer. Among the representatives of the avifauna, many are the object of hunting: the common mallard, shoveler, pintail, gray duck, cracked teal, whistle teal, red-headed pochard, capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse, quail, corncrake, woodcock, snipe, great snipe, garchnep, etc. From rare species birds in the park there are black stork, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey. Grayling, lenok, taimen are found in the rivers

educational hour Kemerovo region is located in the southern part Western Siberia. On the territory of the region there is a state natural reserve "Kuznetsk Alatau".

It was established in 1989 and is located in the highest part of the Kuznetsky Alatau ridge on the territory of Tisulsky, Novokuznetsky and Mezhdurechensky districts.
Kuznetsk Alatau (from the Turkic language "motley mountains") is a highland in the south of Western Siberia, about 300 km long, the highest height is 2211 m.
The purpose of the creation of the reserve is the protection of slightly disturbed forest ecosystems, as well as the protection of the reindeer population.

The place on the banks of the Kiya in the Chebulinsky district of the Kemerovo region is the only "cemetery of dinosaurs" in our country.
In the vicinity of the village of Shestako-vo on the right bank of the river, a huge number of bones of animals that inhabited the earth more than 130 mln years ago are hidden underground.

Here was found the skeleton of a dinosaur, which was named "Psittacosaurus sibirikus". This is a small two-meter dinosaur with unusual shape head and beak like a parrot.
Fifty million years ago, the climate of Siberia was much warmer, and the vegetation was very different from the modern one.
Instead of taiga, there were thermophilic forests of beech, alder, linden, maple, oak and walnut.
Deciduous forests were noisy even where the tundra now stretches.
The remnant of this in the south of the Kuznetsk Basin is "Lime Island" - a patch of lindens preserved among the world of coniferous vegetation alien to them.

The first people appeared on the territory of the Kemerovo region
400 thousand years ago. They could make from natural material
(stone, bone, wood) tools. The inhabitants of the Stone Age hunted, fished, gathered fruits and roots.

A real ancient stone treasure was found near the village of Kuzedeevo.
At that time, the nature of Kuzbass was completely different. Here lived: Siberian woolly rhinos, cave bears, mammoths. The remains of mammoths are often found in the Belovsky, Guryevsky and Prokopevsky regions.
These animals were huge: the weight of a mammoth could reach six tons!


cave bear

woolly rhinoceros

Five thousand years ago, people who lived in our region began to make the first metal products (copper, bronze), mastered the technique of smelting.
Traces of ancient metallurgy were found by archaeologists on Lake Tanai (Promyshlennovsky district).

Metal melting

bronze ingot

Lake Tanay

The most interesting monuments of our region of the Bronze Age are petroglyphs - rock paintings of ancient people.
Ancient people loved to depict animals, hunting scenes, and often painted the sun.
All pisanitsy are located along the banks of the Tom.
The largest is the world famous 60 km from Kemerovo.
More than two and a half thousand years ago, the age of iron begins.
Weapons and tools began to be made mainly from it, since iron ores are more common than copper ones.
The skill and craftsmanship of people has grown significantly, because getting iron, making iron products is quite difficult.

In the V-VI centuries AD. Turks began to penetrate into the Kuznetsk land - nomads from the neighboring Altai.
They had a strong influence on the tribes living here. Teleuts, Tomsk Tatars are the direct descendants of the Turks. The Shors are an indigenous people who adopted the language and customs of the nomads.
The Teleuts are one of the most prosperous Turkic families in the past. Their camps stretched from Altai far to the north. They were the first of the peoples of our region who voluntarily accepted Russian citizenship. Now they live in Novokuznetsk and Belovsky districts.

The Shors lived in the mountain taiga, along the rivers Kondoma, Mras-Su and their tributaries. They were skilled hunters and fishermen.
The Russians called them "blacksmiths" - for their ability to melt iron and make weapons from it.
From them came the name of our region - the Kuznetsk land.
The annexation of Siberia to Russia actively began in the 16th century.
Russian servicemen began to move deep into Siberia and set up fortified fortresses to protect new lands.
The first prison that arose in our region was called "Kuznetsky".

The place was chosen very well: the merger of two big rivers, around vast fields for arable land and for livestock, near the forest for hunting, a lot of fish in the rivers.
Ostrog was set up on the land of the Shors to protect them from raids by hostile tribes and to collect tribute from the new subjects of the Russian Tsar.
Kuznetsk prison for a long time remained an important fortress of Russia.
Tsar Peter I ordered to search for and extract ores, therefore, miners began to visit Siberia more and more often.
During his trip to the Kuznetsk Territory, the explorer Mikhailo Volkov saw a "burnt mountain". It was a coal fire.

This discovery came in handy, in Russia the metallurgical industry was actively developing, which required more and more fuel.
Over time, it became clear that the Kuznetsk Territory had huge reserves of coal and iron, gold and silver, that metallurgical plants and mines needed to be built here.
In the future, this began to be actively carried out. In 1816, a metallurgical plant began to operate in the city of Guryevsk, and in 1883, the first mine was put into operation in Kolchugino (now the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky).

Our region in its history was included in different regions and territories: in the Tobolsk province, the Tomsk province, the Siberian Territory, Novosibirsk region.
And finally, in 1943, the Kemerovo region was formed.
And the Kuznetsk Territory was first called Kuzbass by the scientist Pyotr Chikhachev.
In 1842, he explored it, discovered that this area has huge reserves of coal and named it "Kuznetsk Coal Basin" or "Kuzbass" for short.
From July to August 2008, Kuzbass residents took part in a regional competition in which they chose unique symbols of their native land. 10 characters have been selected.

Historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve "Tomskayapisanitsa"

The rock with drawings of ancient people was discovered in the 16th century and for hundreds of years attracted the attention of researchers.
museum complex open air consists of open screening geological, mineralogical materials.

An exhibition on the paleontology of the earth was launched.

Museum-Reserve "Krasnaya Gorka"

The unique museum-reserve is located on the right bank of the Tom in the territory of the former Kemerovo mine.
This is the only nature reserve in Kuzbass located within the city limits.

At present, industrial, civil and administrative buildings have been preserved here, which tell about the history of the city of Kemerovo.

"Kuznetsk fortress" - a monument of history and architecture federal significance

The construction of the Kuznetsk fortress began in 1800 and was completed in 1820. The fortress was part of the fortification system and was intended to protect the Russian border from neighboring China. The total area of ​​the fortress is 2.5 hectares.

Sculptural composition "Saint Barbara"

The Holy Great Martyr Barbara has been honored in Russia since ancient times.
People call her an ambulance and intercessor. She is considered the patroness of miners.
Mothers and wives pray for Varvara's intercession, in difficult times the miners themselves turn to her for help.
In 2007, a sculpture of St. Barbara was installed on the historical territory of the Krasnaya Gorka Museum-Reserve.
Sculptors M.O.Lushnikov, .P.Mokrousov and architects G.V.Gaifulin, E.M.Ivanova embodied the image of the Saint in bronze, observing all the canons.

Monument "Mine pile driver" (Anzhero-Sudzhensk)

The main element of the monument is a metal pyramid imitating a mine headframe.
The monument was designed CEO LLC "ZHEU No. 1 Severny" S.A. Shabarov, made by the employees of the association at own funds and installed by the Miner's Day in 2007 on the territory of the Northern microdistrict of Anzhero-Sudzhensk.

Kuzbass State Technical University

It was organized on the basis of the Kemerovo Mining and Construction College in 1950.
In 1965 it was transformed into the Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute.
In 1993, the Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute became known as the Kuzbass State Technical University.

Over the years of its existence, the university has grown into a major educational and scientific center, has become one of the leading universities in Western Siberia, and is recognized in Russia and abroad.
The university provides training in 37 specialties.

Monument "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass" (Kemerovo)

The monument, a gift from the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, was erected in 2003.
The total height of the composition is 12 m, weight is 5 tons.
The monument is a bronze torso of a miner, mounted on a three-meter pedestal of black granite.
In his hands, the miner holds a flaming coal, symbolizing a warm heart.
At the base of the monument there are pieces of coal, embodied in stylized human faces.

Monument to Mikhailo Volkov

The monument to the discoverer of Kuznetsk coal, Mikhailo Volkov, was erected on the square named after him in Central region Kemerovo.
At the opening of the monument on August 23, 1968, they said that the city had two godfathers - coal and mine explorer Mikhailo Volkov.
The monument was donated by the sculptor G. Baranov.

In 1721, on the banks of the Tom River, Mikhailo Volkov discovered a layer of coal in the "burnt mountain" (now the Rudnichny district of Kemerovo).

Chapel of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

September 15, 1993 His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' solemnly consecrated the foundation stone of the chapel
icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow", which was created on the initiative of the Administration of the Kemerovo region as a monument in honor of the tragically lost Kuzbass miners.

"Kolchugin mine" (Leninsk-Kuznetsky)

The first mention of the settlement Kolchugino in the lists of villages dates back to 1763.
The village was located at the very bed of thick coal seams. And already in 1883, the first mine "Success" was opened here, which laid the foundation for the development of the Kolchuginsky mine.
Since the beginning of the 90s of the 19th century, the Kolchugin mine has become the coal-mining capital of the region.

Reserves are plots of land or water that are protected by the state and withdrawn from economic use.
Reserves are formed in order to preserve the flora and fauna characteristic of the area. The reserves are strictly guarded, unauthorized visits are prohibited.
First in Russia state reserve appeared in 1916. Now there are 204 specially protected territories in our country.
Nature in the Kemerovo region is very rich - this is the taiga, where rare relict forests are found; alpine meadows, steppe and forest-steppe; cedar and spruce forests; lots of lakes and rivers.

But every year the state of nature is getting worse. More and more people intervene in her life. The diversity of animal species is declining, forests are disappearing, rivers are drying up, lakes are swamping. The earth could become uninhabitable for humans if no action is taken.
There is only one way out - to save nature. This can be done with the help of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, natural memorial places.

The Kemerovo region is located in the southeast of Western Siberia and is located almost at an equal distance from the western and eastern borders of Russia.
Natural resources area, its flora and fauna are huge and varied. But a person does not always value, mercilessly uses and cares little about the preservation of these riches.

Therefore, there was a need to organize reserves and reserves in the Kuzbass.
On the territory of the Kemerovo region there are: the reserve of federal significance "Kuznetsk Alatau", the national park "Shorsky", the historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve "Tomskayapisanitsa" and 14 nature reserves.

"Kuznetsk Alatau"

Kuznetsk Alatau is a mountain system, the eastern spur Altai mountains. It consists of mountain ranges with elongated peaks - tyskyls. These tyskyls rise above the border of the forests.

"Alatau" in translation from the Turkic language means "Motley Mountains". This name accurately reflects the first impression of the bright colors of the Kuznetsk Alatau.

The Kuznetsk Alatau State Nature Reserve was established on December 27, 1989 in the central part of the mountain range of the same name, on the territory of the Tisulsky, Mezhdurechensky and Novokuznetsky districts of the Kemerovo region.
The terrain is mountainous. Most of the area is occupied by forests. There are alpine meadows and reservoirs.

In the reserve there are sources of the largest tributaries of the Ob - the rivers Tom and Chulym.

Most of the Kuznetsk Alatau nature reserve is covered with mountainous taiga forests from fir, spruce and Siberian cedar pine.

IN deciduous forests meadowsweet, yellow acacia, bird cherry, cotoneaster chokeberry and wild rose are found.
IN fir forests many glades. They grow: high wrestler, Siberian skerda, various-leaved calamus, nettle, high honeysuckle.
Downy birch, willow, currant, shrubby alder and mountain ash grow along the valleys of taiga rivers.

In "Kuznetsky Alatau" you can see about three hundred species of birds, two hundred and nine of them nest in the reserve.
There are 41 species of little-studied and rare birds in the reserve, the number of which is gradually decreasing.
Typical settled inhabitants of the taiga are capercaillie, nutcracker, jay, kuksha, nuthatch and others.

The fish fauna of the reserve consists of 13 species. Siberian grayling and taimen live in mountain rivers.
In slowly flowing waters - pike, perch and burbot.
In the spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau, there are 5 species of amphibians, but only two species have been recorded on the territory of the reserve - the common toad and the moored frog. Of the 6 species of reptiles in the Kemerovo region, only two have been found so far within the reserve - the viviparous lizard and the common viper.

moor frog

The mammalian fauna of the Kuznetsk Alatau includes 65 species. Most are inhabitants of the taiga. This is a badger, a tiny shrew, an otter, an Altai mole, a chipmunk, a red-gray vole and others.
Brown bear, fox, wolf and elk are also widely represented in the forests of the reserve.
A feature of the Kuznetsk Alatau can be considered an exceptional snow cover in terms of height for the region, reaching an average of 3-5 meters across the territory of the reserve, and up to 10-15 meters in intermountain depressions.
The protection regime of the reserve allows to effectively protect non-nomadic animals, such as sable, and preserve migratory animals, such as reindeer.
Illegal hunting most seriously affects nomadic species of animals - roe deer, elk, deer.

Kuznetsk Alatau is a beautiful and unique place!
White snowfields lie next to flowering meadows, the blue sky is reflected in the mirrors of the lakes, and snow-white clouds creep so low that they often cling to the sharp gray peaks of the rocks.
The animal and plant world is amazingly rich and diverse. And how you want to keep it intact and clean, because human activity sometimes causes irreparable damage to nature.
For this purpose, the reserve "Kuznetsk Alatau" was created in the Kemerovo region. Here, endangered plants and animals have finally found protection for themselves!

national park

The Shorsky National Park was organized in 1990 on the basis of the Decree of the Soviet Government of December 27, 1989.
The park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region on the territory of the Tashtagol district.
The length of the territory of the national park from north to south is 110 km, from east to west 90 km.

The park was created with the aim of preserving the unique areas of growth of cedar, black taiga in Gornaya Shoriya, as well as preserving cultural heritage indigenous Shor ethnicity.

The territory of the Shorsky National Park is the place of residence of a small indigenous Turkic-speaking group - the mountain Shor people.
The Shors live mainly in the south of the Kemerovo region, along the banks of the rivers Tom, Mrassu, Kondoma.
Their number is about 15 thousand people.
Until the 18th century, the Shors were known for their ability to mine and smelt iron ore,
The traditional occupations of the Shors were also hunting, farming, harvesting wild-growing edible plants, fishing and beekeeping.
The Shors also knew how to make pottery, process wood and leather, and weave material.
Ancient legends and tales of Mountain Shoria are part of the national culture of the Shors. For centuries they kept their epic, retold it to each other.
Legends teach that you can’t do evil, you can’t take revenge, envy; They teach that good always triumphs over evil. We must live in harmony with nature, take care of our loved ones and the fragile world that surrounds us.
Since ancient times, the Shors have felt unity with wildlife, endowed everything that surrounded them with a soul: mountains, rivers, wind, plants, animals.
Here is one of the legends that tells about the origin of the main rivers of Gornaya Shoria and Kuzbass.
There was a hunter named Tom in Gornaya Shoria. And there was a beautiful girl, the daughter of a rich bai. Her name was Marsu. The guy fell in love with Mrassu and wanted to marry her. But the rich father opposed: he did not want such a groom for his daughter. Bai sent a hunter to where streams and rivers originate, and made it a river.
Mrassu grieved and wept so much that she herself turned into a river and flowed to her beloved.
On the way, a rough rock blocked her path. Mrassu's chest was crushed by a rock, and she fell into the river. Until now, huge stones lie in the river, forming rapids. Mrassu rushes swiftly and furiously through the taiga and the rapids to where it forever merges with Tomyu.

woodlands The mid-mountainous part of Shoria is almost not affected by economic activity and is preserved in its original form.

Currently, more than 60 rare and endangered species of plants listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Kemerovo region have been identified in the territory of the national park. The leading plants of the national park are cedar, Siberian fir, aspen.

6 species of birds are also listed in the Red Book: black stork, gray heron, needle-tailed swift, golden eagle, peregrine falcon.
About 60 species of mammals live in the park. Among them are muskrat, weasel, hare, squirrel, musk deer.

There are many natural monuments on the territory of the national park. One of them is the Saga waterfall.
Waterfall "Saga" occupies 30,000 square meters. m, located on the Sholbychak stream (left bank of the Mrassu), 300 m from the Mrassu River.
An eighteen-meter waterfall falls in several cascades into a small icy lake.
At the waterfall there is a small grotto, turning into a cave with a very narrow entrance.

"Royal Gates" - picturesque rocks on the right bank of the river Mrassu. The rocks have a height of 100 meters and drop steeply into the water.
They are composed of marbled limestones. The color of the rocks changes depending on the weather and lighting. In sunny, clear weather, the rocks are light - white with a pinkish tint. In cloudy weather, they become gloomy gray with a purple tint.

Mountain Shoria is a beautiful corner of Kuzbass nature! Strong, original and talented Shor people have been living here for a long time. But now he and nature need help and protection.
For this, the Shorsky State Natural National Park was created.

caregiver : Now tell me what you learned new ...... (ANSWERS)

Website materials used: , history, culture of Kuzbass)

Egorova Neonila Fedorovna - teacher of geography, Egorova Svetlana Yuryevna - educator, GSUVOU KSOSH them. E.G. Felde, Kemerovo region, p. Verkhotomsk.

Form: correspondence trip to the fascinating places of his native land.

Epigraph:“Spreading proudly blue expanses,

You bloom like May

handsome region, Kuznetsk region.

Target: education of love and respect for the small Motherland, development of cognitive interest in the unique beauty and diversity of the nature of the native land. Creation of emotional situations that affect the feelings of the child, familiarization with the ecological culture of the region.

Equipment: map of Kuzbass, marks of reserves, computer presentation.

Presenter 1: Today we will take a trip to unique places Kemerovo region. You will learn about the protected areas of our region: nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, national park. I would like you guys to feel how dear these territories are to our people and why they are protected.

As you already know, all our lands, bowels, waters, and forests have been declared public property by law and are under state protection. The forms of protection are varied, but the goal is the same - to reliably protect this or that natural complex from possible destruction, to preserve it for future generations.

If the state declares a site a protected area, this means that it plays a huge role as a reserve of clean air, water, as a habitat for the most valuable species of animals or plants. This means that in the future, perhaps, its value will be so great that it cannot be repaid by any other riches.

Lead 2. According to the degree of severity of the reserve regime, the following protected areas are distinguished: nature reserves, biosphere reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, landscape parks, cultural natural sites.

Lead 1. Reserve- this is the most important form of special strict protection of nature. What is a reserve?

Imagine a research institute. We go along a long corridor. Our attention is drawn to a sign with the inscription: "Hush! There is an experience!”. There is a problem being solved behind the door of the laboratory.

Exactly the same warning sign is a full house with the inscription "Border of the reserve", or "Caution! Protected area.

The reserve is also a laboratory, only in wildlife. On the lands of the reserve, any construction, deforestation, hunting, fishing, tourism, picking mushrooms, berries, grazing, plowing fields is prohibited, that is, within the boundaries of the protected area, only scientific environmental activities are carried out, no interference - “it preserves the beauty of the earth, pristine corner of nature. "Chur Zapovedna" is not for nothing that he called his book about nature reserves famous writer and environmentalist Oleg Volkov. The creation of nature reserves is the most effective measure to preserve the gene pool of living organisms on our planet.

In the 70s of the 20th century, biosphere reserves began to be created, the purpose of which was to preserve the reference areas of the biosphere. There are scientific work in the field of nature management and protection environment. Today in Russia there are 99 nature reserves, 18 of them are biospheric, including our Kuznetsk Alatau, which we will talk about later.

Presenter 2. Reserves. There are many of them in our country and they are diverse. Only in our Kemerovo region there are more than 22 of them. “Order” is a very old Russian word and means a ban on something. "Ordered" means "do not touch or do it wisely." Unlike reserves, reserves are formed only for a while, to solve some problem; scientific work is not carried out here and the protection regime is less strict. In reserves economic activity allowed only to the extent that it does not disturb peace and does not harm protected objects.

Presenter 1. National parks- these are territories that have a special ecological, historical and aesthetic value. They are used for scientific, cultural, educational purposes, for regulated tourism. There are 31 national parks in Russia, including our Gorno-Shorsky of Russian importance.

Presenter 1. Monuments of nature- these are separate unique natural objects (waterfalls, caves, rocks, geysers, centuries-old trees) that have scientific, historical, cultural and aesthetic significance. One should not confuse a natural monument with wildlife sanctuaries. A natural monument is, first of all, an object itself (a tree, a cave), and a reserve is a corner of the earth. Our region has a huge number of natural monuments. We will meet some of them today.

Presenter 2. Museums - reserves- such a phrase at first glance seems strange. These two words seem to contradict each other - the museum is designed to host visitors, and the more the better, while the reserve, on the contrary, is closed to the public. Nevertheless, museums - reserves exist - these are complexes of historical and architectural buildings. They are inseparable from the surrounding parks, that is, a museum with a whole natural complex. For example: "Solovki Islands", "Written Rocks" in the Kemerovo region.

(Music "That birch, then mountain ash").

Presenter 1. The world in which we live is beautiful and great, and in this world there is a sweet corner where you were born, where you live and study, your roots are here, the planet begins here for you, life itself begins here. It's yours small motherland, whose name is Kuzbass!

Lead 2. They say: Gray Ural, Sunny Crimea, Pearl Sevan ...

But how to call our Kuzbass, what to compare it with, what epithet to choose? Let's try to go on a distance travel to some unique places in our native land.

(Music screensaver).

Student: historical reference. As of March 22, 2011, there are officially 18 specially protected areas in the region: (on the map) the Kuznetsk Alatau State Nature Reserve, the Shorsky State Natural Park, 13 zoological reserves, the Celestial Teeth special stairway, 24 natural monuments with a total area of ​​1 million 388 thousand 664 hectares or 14.2% of the territory of the entire region.

Presenter 1. If you know the highest point of the Kemerovo region "Upper Tooth" and say in which mountains it is located, then you will know (or maybe you know) the name biosphere reserve, where the realm of sable, reindeer, elk, morality, where there are severe restrictions on aviation: jet aircraft do not have the right to overcome the sound barrier over its territory, all flights must be carried out at a considerable height so as not to disturb the peace of the inhabitants of the reserve. The area of ​​the reserve is more than 400 thousand square meters. kV. km, it is located near Mount Tserkovnaya in the Kuznetsk Alatau and is called (what?) -

22 species of rare, endangered plants, 27 species of medicinal plants grow in the reserve, including pink radiola (golden root), safflower-like leuzea (maral root), and lady's slipper. 100 species of mammals are protected: deer, elk, roe deer, sable, and musk deer. The wild reindeer constantly lives and migrates within the Kuznetsk Alatau. The bird fauna is represented by more than one hundred and fifty species: 25 of them are rare and endangered, such as the black stork, golden eagle.

Music saver.

Lead 2. There are wonderful poems by one of the Kuzbass poets about mountain Shoria, let's listen.

Reader. O Shoria, you are my quiet joy and my pain,

I love you both in a bitter and in a happy moment,

And I believe, the secret is ancient, eternal yours.

Stored where the land is majestically quiet.

Host 2. And we are going to the south of the Kemerovo region, to the mountain Shoria to get acquainted with the most important natural monument - Shorsky National Park. The nature of the park is amazing: its mountain rivers are clean and transparent, the environment of the mountains is uniquely beautiful, beautiful taiga flowers, trees, herbs. They say about him: "Here tourists relax and preserve nature." The park was established by the Decree of the Union of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 386 of December 27, 1989. The area of ​​the national park is 338 thousand 345 hectares.

Student. Shorsky National Park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region. The length of the territory of the national park from north to south is 110 km, from east to west 90 km.

The terrain is complex and mountainous. The average height above sea level is 500-800 m, individual peaks reach 1600-1800 m. The high ridges that enclose Mountain Shoria from the west with the Salair Ridge, from the south with the Altai mountain system and from the east with the ridges of the Kuznetsk Alatau and the Western Sayan Mountains, create a kind of microclimate. Snow lasts for more than six months, from October to April. Winds from the south and south-west direction prevail.

On the territory of the national park are fast and stormy mountain rivers. One of which is the Mras-Su River, which strikes with its beauty and is a tributary main river Kuzbass - the Tom River. The fauna of the national park is rich, there are many commercial and hunting species: hare, squirrel, sable, American mink, Siberian weasel, otter, wolverine, fox, wolf, lynx, elk. In addition to these species, there are the Siberian mole, chipmunk, water vole, muskrat, common hamster, ermine, weasel, steppe polecat, badger, brown bear, wild reindeer, musk deer, roe deer, deer. Of the rare species of birds in the park, there are black stork, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey. Grayling, lenok, taimen are found in the rivers .

(Music screensaver).

Lead 1. The hike continues. We are "Royal" at the "gate". These royal gates are also a natural monument. These rocks are picturesque, they contain magnetic ore, this monument is located in the lower reaches of the Mrassu River, on the road to Kabarza.

Lead 2. Eat interesting riddle. Where in Kuzbass is a haystack smaller than a haystack? Of course, you may not know that a shock is a mountain. atGavrilovskiy Bor, its height is 557m.

In the old days they said: “It is dangerous to touch the Kopna hill.” God forbid you disturb the aquifer - the village will be flooded, flooded with water! And how much gold is there! It's all underwater.

The legend says. The god Ilios did a good job here. He poured golden life-giving rays on the earth, gave her eternal metal. And adits, gold mines appeared, passions flared up! Gold killed people, and itself went under water. They say “Gavrilovsky forest is good!

There is also an invitation right there: “Come to the “mop” - come in peace, take care of antiquity, take care of nature.

Presenter1. Our hike continues. We are near the city of Spassk - the "golden capital" of the oldest Kuznetsk large mine on earth. A majestic picture opens before us - Spassky "palaces". This is a granite family of rocks, a natural monument.

The rocks are strict, gloomy, impregnable, unique. Spassky palaces - good school for tourists, beginner climbers.

(A film about linden - a Siberian woman).

Lead 2. There is a saying among the people: Whoever looks ahead 50 years, a poplar is planted there. And who on 200 - plant a linden. How is this to be understood? Yes, that's how you understand what you need to know about linden.

Student. In the taiga of Mountain Shoria, you can find a tree that is quite unusual for our forests - the Siberian linden. And if you walk a few hours from Mundybash along the old road towards Kuzedeev, you can get into a mysterious and very ancient kingdom called "Linden Island".

The monument of nature is located in the south of the Kemerovo region in the basin of the right tributaries of the Kondoma river, the Maly Tesh river and the Bolshoy Tesh river. ( Show on map). Siberian linden - its range consists of separate sections - "islands". The largest site is Kuzedeevsky Lime Island. The occupied area is 11,030 ha.

The island turned 100 years old, Kuzbass residents cherish the lime island like the apple of their eye. They did not let them dig the land of the island, they did not allow mining there. coal, became a wall to protect the linden - Siberian. The people said: pine - cedar - feeds, linden - shoes, millions of Russian peasants put on linden bast shoes. Bast shoes wore out quickly, they were required for 1 year - 1 person - 40 pairs. For one pair of bast shoes, it is necessary to tear off the bark of 3 young limes. Here they killed the linden. Now they are saving. This honey medicine and freshness and beauty!

Lead 2. So that's where the saying "Peel off like sticky" comes from.

Lead 1. This is also suitable for humans. The Kuzedeevsky Lime Island Reserve is a unique relic Siberian linden grove that has been preserved here since the preglacial era.

Sergei Dmitrievich Tiviakov about "Lime Island".

Lead 2. Our journey continues.

Student. In the Mariinsky district, on the left bank of the Kiya river, there is a reserve Chumaisk - Irkutyanovsky(P render on the map). Its lakes are rich in carp, and the river is rich in fish, the forests are rich in animals. It is difficult to get into the reserve along the river! You can fly into the Bandit's Threshold. You can fall into the "Dead Pit", you can get lost among the hundred-meter cliffs of the "White Stone Reach", you can end up in a caral cave. And in the caves, “chandeliers” burn multi-colored, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, icicles hang from the ceiling - stalactites, from below - white stalagmites like marble columns, and between them - bottomless lakes with cold water, deep grottoes, but wide cracks. Here is the mountain "Giant" and the family of stones "Father and Son", and the ledge "lonely" and many nameless rocks. Here, according to the law, sable and beaver are protected. And in the Chumay Museum there is a document about the Chumay uprising of the peasants.

Lead 1. Near the Chumaysko-Irkutyanovsky reserve, there is another protected area - the Barzassky reserve - beaver and elk. Quite near the Mariinsky tract, along which the prisoners went to hard labor.

The age-old taiga is noisy here, and the cedars are giants,

and dark coniferous firs rustle among the birches

are protected by law and people are worshipped,

for kindness, attention - they say thank you.

Lead 2. Our route passes along the right bank of the Tom River. And we find ourselves in an open-air museum. This region is the most curious in Kuzbass. How did it come about? This surprised, surprises and will continue to surprise the historians of Russia and Kuzbass.

Lead 1. The most remarkable monument, truly a masterpiece of world art, is Tomsk pisanitsa. And it is located near the village of Kolmogorovo in the Yashkinsky district. (Show on the map). Imagine rocks on which ancient people wrote in an unusual way. And they wrote with drawings, from which we learn how they lived, what animals roamed there, how they hunted with an ax and a spear, how they got food so as not to die of hunger. These rocks are called "written". The scientists of the Kemerovo University not only copied the drawings, but also interpreted the artistic conception of the ancient man.

Lead 1. Tomsk pisanitsa is a unique natural complex that allows you to educate on your own history.

(Music screensaver).

Lead 1. So our journey has ended through some amazing, unique places of Kuzbass, with unusually beautiful spaces, innumerable gifts of nature, about which we are now showing great concern and which need careful treatment and protection. Well, we'll go back to our school.

Consolidation. So guys, what topic did we have today?

What protected areas were discussed today?

How many protected areas are there in Kuzbass? (18).

Give examples. As of March 22, 2011, there are officially 18 specially protected areas in the region: (on the map) the Kuznetsk Alatau State Nature Reserve, the Shorsky State Natural Park, 13 zoological reserves, the Celestial Teeth special stairway, 24 natural monuments with a total area of ​​1 million 388 thousand 664 hectares or 14.2% of the territory of the entire region.

What tasks are performed in the organization of protected areas?

(preservation of living organisms, environmental protection, prevention of the development of destructive processes).

So how to call our Kuzbass, what to compare it with, what epithet to choose?

Reader. Spreading proudly blue expanses,

You bloom like May

My native land, the mighty son of Siberia,

handsome region, Kuznetsk region.

Teacher. Guys, you just heard wonderful words about the wealth, beauty, power of our region. And here is not only concern for people, but also concern for the preservation of nature for themselves and other generations.

Information sources

  1. Solovyov, L.I. Geography of the Kemerovo region. Nature [Text]: textbook, manual / L.I. Solovyov.- Kemerovo: Skif-Kuzbass, 2006.
  2. http// Website "Shor National Park".

3. http//www.kuz-alatau. ru/ "Kuznetsk Alatau".

I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a beetle and it died in my palm.

And then I realized that you can touch beauty only with your heart.

Pavol Hviezdoslav, Slovak poet and humanist

2016, Mariinsk

The reserve was founded in 1989.

Unique in the Kuznetsk Alatau for the inland regions of the northern hemisphere is the existence of small forms of glaciers at unusually low absolute altitudes– 1200-1500 m a.s.l. mind. Glaciers have not been found in any of the inland regions of the northern hemisphere at similar latitudes. On the territory of the reserve there are 32 glaciers 6.79 sq. km. Of these, the largest in Kuzbass is the Glacier of the expedition members with an area of ​​0.3 sq. km. Located in the vicinity of the Sredny Kanym mountain.

Lake Srednetersinskoe

Most deep lake Kuzbass. Its depth is 60 meters.

Lake Fish

The largest mountain-glacial lake in the region, its length is 1000 m, width is 500 meters. From this lake originates the river Upper Ters, one of the most beautiful rivers reserve. In the lake by

the lake form of grayling lives permanently.

Mount Bolshoi Kanym, height 1872 m a.s.l. mind.

Mount Suitcase

The Kiya River originates in the area of ​​the Chemodan char on the eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Alatau, the second source is on the Medvezhiy char mountain.

Mount Chemodan, height - 1357 m a.s.l. mind. Remains of the most ancient relief of the Kuznetsk Alatau ridge. At the foot of the mountain there is a raised moss bog, on the slopes there are thickets of radiola rosea and leuzea soflora-like, here there are summer stations of reindeer, roe deer, deer. Rare species of birds nest - peregrine falcon, saker falcon.

Krestovsky swamps

Located at the foot of Mount Motley (1347 m above sea level)

Raised bogs with typical vegetation. Ungulates concentrate here during spring-autumn migrations.

The park was organized in 1990. The Shorsky National Park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region on the territory of the Tashtagol administrative district. The length of the territory of the national park from north to south is 110 km, from east to west 90 km. On the territory of Mountain Shoria there are 25 natural monuments (geological, water, botanical, complex), of which 6 are the most accessible and visited:

Waterfall "Saga"

- a unique hydrological monument of nature on the territory of the Shor National Park. Saga Waterfall - located in a small canyon 200 meters from the left bank of the Mras-Su River. From a height of 15 meters, the Sholbychak stream falls, breaking on stones, and a lake with a small grotto calms down. There are many rare and medicinal herbs in the canyon.

"Kizas caves"

- a geological monument of nature on the territory of the Shor State Natural National Park. Limestone outcrop on the right bank of the Mrassu River, above the mouth of the Kizas River. Length - about 200 m.

Cave "Hope"

- a geological monument of nature on the territory of the Shorsky National Park. Nadezhda Cave is located 2.5 km below the mouth of the Kizas River, on the right turn. Length - about 200m.

"Monument to a Soldier"

- a geological monument of nature is located on the territory of the Shorsky National Park.

Rock "Drinking Elephant"

- a geological monument of nature on the territory of the Shorsky National Park. It is located on the left bank of the river Mrassu.

Vaucluse "Kabuk"

- hydrological monument of nature. Vaucluse is a large spring fed by karst groundwater.

The Museum-Reserve "Tomskaya Pisanitsa" today is a dynamically developing modern multidisciplinary cultural complex that successfully combines museum specifics. For 20 years, almost from scratch, it has turned into a real museum of the XXI century and is rightfully the pride of Kuzbass.

The rock on which the drawings of ancient people have been preserved

Ancient sanctuary.

View of the river Tom.

Other unusual exhibits of the reserve.

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature,

With scaffolding pulling hands

Against the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the year,

Open for us in the heat and chill.

Come in here, be a sensitive heart,

Don't desecrate his shrines.

A. Smirnov

We are immensely rich

In our thickets and groves

So many feathers

You're just wondering.

And, of course, anxious

That sometimes we are godless

We don't keep what we have

We do not spare, we do not regret

No answer for anything.

Like the smallest

Us on this planet

It remains to live and rule.

Not the owners like

So we destroy our good.

We are proud of nature

And we love our country.


1. Atlas of the Kemerovo region.

2. Kovrigina, the world of Kuzbass and its protection: [Text] /,. - Kemerovo, 1995. - 111s.

3. Solovyov, Kemerovo region. Nature [Text] / . – Kemerovo: Kuzbass”; , 2006. - 384 p.

4. Solovyov, notebook for the region: creative tasks on the geography of the native land for students of grades 6-10 of educational institutions of the Kemerovo region [Text] /. - Kemerovo, 2003. - 184 p.

Electronic resources

1. http://ecokem. en

2. http://krasivye-mesta. en

3. http://shpilenok.

4.http://subscribe. en

5. http://trasa. en

Reserve Kuznetsk Alatau

The Kuznetsk Alatau Reserve is located in the central part of the mountain range of the same name, in the Tisulsky and Novokuznetsky districts of the Kemerovo region. The reserve was founded in 1989, its area is 412.9 thousand hectares, 253 thousand hectares are forests, 15 thousand hectares are meadows, 1.6 thousand hectares are reservoirs. The relief of the territory is mountainous, smoothed, the tops of the mountains have a domed shape. The highest mountain peaks of the Kuznetsk Alatau are Bolshaya Tserkovnaya (1449 m above sea level), Chemodan (1357 m), Krestovaya (1549 m), Kanym (1871 m). On the territory of the reserve there are sources of the largest tributaries of the Ob - the rivers Tom and Chulym. The climate is continental, with hot dry summers and cold winters. The average annual temperature is 4.9 °С, the average July temperature is 21.1 °С (maximum 40 °С), the average January temperature is -10.8 °С (minimum up to -40 °С), the average annual precipitation is 385 mm. Most of the Kuznetsk Alatau reserve is covered with mountain taiga forests of fir, spruce and Siberian cedar pine, which are replaced on the eastern slopes by pine and larch forests. The vegetation cover includes altitudinal belts from steppe and forest-steppe to black taiga, alpine meadows and high mountain tundra. There are many rare plants: pink radiola (golden root), safflower-like leuzea (maral root), lady's slipper and endemic species. Maral, elk, roe deer, sable are common in the reserve, musk deer is found. The wild reindeer constantly lives and migrates within the Kuznetsk Alatau. Of the rare birds, there are black storks, golden eagles; a total of 103 species of nesting birds have been recorded.

Shor National Park

Shorsky National Park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region. The length of the territory of the national park from north to south is 110 km, from east to west 90 km. The administration of the national park is located in the city of Tashtagol (652990, Kemerovo region, Tashtagol, Sadovaya st. 8).

The relief of the territory of the national park is a complex mountain system strongly dissected by river valleys. The average height above sea level is 500-800 m, some peaks reach 1600-1800 m. It is sharply continental and severe, which is due to the location of the park almost in the center of the Asian mainland. The high ridges that enclose Mountain Shoria from the west with the Salair Ridge, from the south - by the Altai mountain system and from the east by the ridges of the Kuznetsk Alatau and the Western Sayan Mountains, create a peculiar climatic regime. The average January temperature? 20-22 degrees. From, July - + 17-18 degrees. C. In the mountains with height, average temperatures drop sharply. The average annual precipitation is 900 mm, in the mountains on the windward slopes up to 1500-1800 mm. Snow lasts for more than six months, from October to April. The depth of the snow cover reaches 200-250 cm, in the depressions of the middle mountains - more than 400 cm. Winds of the southern and south-western direction prevail.

The territory of the national park is dissected by a network of rivers and streams. The main water artery is the Mras-Su River, which flows through the main body of the park from north to south and divides its territory into approximately two equal parts. The water regime is typical for mountain rivers. The main sources of food for rivers and streams are precipitation and groundwater.

There are many commercial and hunting species in the theriofauna of the national park: hare, squirrel, sable, American mink, Siberian weasel, otter, wolverine, fox, wolf, lynx, elk. In addition to these species, there are the Siberian mole, chipmunk, water vole, muskrat, common hamster, ermine, weasel, steppe polecat, badger, brown bear, wild reindeer, musk deer, roe deer, deer. Among the representatives of the avifauna, many are the object of hunting: the common mallard, shoveler, pintail, gray duck, cracked teal, whistle teal, red-headed pochard, capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse, quail, corncrake, woodcock, snipe, great snipe, garchnep, etc. From rare species of birds in the park there are black stork, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey. Grayling, lenok, taimen are found in the rivers

Specially Protected Natural Territories of Federal Importance

Currently, there are three specially protected natural areas of federal significance in the Kemerovo region:

State Nature Reserve "Kuznetsk Alatau";

Shorsky National Park;

natural monument "Lime Island".

State natural reserves carry out:

protection of natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected areas in their natural state natural complexes and objects;

organization and conduct of scientific research, including the maintenance of the Chronicle of Nature;

environmental monitoring within the framework of the national environmental monitoring system natural environment. Contribute to the environmental education of the population, the training of scientific personnel and specialists in the field of environmental protection.

State zoological reserves of regional significance

As of December 31, 2007, there are 12 regional zoological reserves with a total area of ​​474,962 ha in the region.

Since the establishment of state reserves, the number of some animal species has increased significantly (beaver, sable). In addition, the number of wild ungulates (elk, roe deer) has stabilized.

In order to more effectively protect animals, increase and stabilize their numbers in the reserves, elk and roe deer are fed, and the number of predators is regulated. In winter, the question of the mineral nutrition of animals is especially acute. Mineral feeding of animals is carried out by arranging salt licks on the territory of reserves.

Most of the raptors located in the reserves are subject to protection, and some of them need to be restored. Thus, specially protected birds of prey include osprey, white-tailed eagle (on migration), eagle owl, all kinds of owls and falcons.

A special category of predators is represented by dogs (some of which have become feral) that enter the territory of wildlife sanctuaries from settlements and holiday villages.

During the nesting and brooding period, dogs cause significant harm to the populations of many species of protected animals, destroying the clutches of birds, their chicks, as well as young mammals. In order to combat stray dogs, their widespread and constant capture is carried out.

From large predators bear, badger, lynx and fox live in the reserves. The number of lynx and fox has been steadily low in recent years. The wolf, in the event of its appearance in the territories of reserves, is subject to complete destruction.

Hunting for all kinds of game animals is prohibited on the territory of the reserves.


Salairsky reserve created as a species for the protection and reproduction of elk. Area 35449 ha. The territory of the reserve is located in the foothills of the Salair Ridge. The main watercourses are the rivers Istok, Chebura, Kasma. Forest areas are represented mainly by fir-aspen taiga, significant areas are occupied by secondary forests - birch-aspen low forests in overgrown clearings and burnt areas. Insignificant areas of open forest-steppe areas are used for agriculture. The center of the reserve - with. Zhuravlevo Promyshlenny district.

The flora of the reserve includes 682 species of higher vascular plants and 36 species of bryophytes.

The vertebrate fauna of the Salair Reserve includes 241 species. Invertebrates on the territory of the reserve, as well as in the Kemerovo region as a whole, have been studied fragmentarily, only in separate systematic groups. In this regard, evaluate total invertebrate species is not possible. Therefore, only rare species of insects included in the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region (2000) were studied on the territory of the reserve.

Among plants and animals, a significant number of species have a diverse economic and conservation value. 27 plant species and 37 animal species are listed in the Red Book of the Kemerovo region (2000).

Substantial part species diversity connected with the water area of ​​the Tanaev Pond (Zhuravlevskoye reservoir on the Istok River).

Many aquatic and semi-aquatic animals enter the territory of the reserve for a short time and irregularly (birds: waders, sandpipers, waterfowl) or are found at the very border of the protected area.

State natural zoological reserve "Pisaniy"

The reserve is located in the northwestern part of the region, in the forest-steppe part of the Yashkinsky and Kemerovo regions on the right bank of the river. Tom in the lower part of the Pisana river basin, on an area of ​​29415.5 ha. The center of the reserve is located in the village. Pacha of the Yashkinsky district. The relief of the reserve is a hilly plain, heavily dissected by ravines. Among the massifs of aspen-birch forests there are pine and cedar forests. The "Pisaniy" reserve is complex. In the reserve, a protective regime has been established for elk, roe deer, otter, black grouse, hazel grouse, ordinary column, hare, squirrel, fox, mink and lynx.

Complex botanical and zoological research conducted on the territory of the state zoological reserve "Pisaniy" in 2006, as well as the analysis scientific literature, departmental materials, collections and observations showed that the flora and fauna of the studied area is very unequal in terms of the concentration of rare species. The largest number of rare species was noted along the Tom River and in the vicinity of the Tomsk Pisanitsa Museum-Reserve.

The zoological reserve "Pisaniy" was created to protect the elk, but did not fulfill its task. Moose migration across the Tom River has dropped to a minimum. According to the Office federal service according to veterinary and phytosanitary supervision in the Kemerovo region (2000), the number of elk in its territory varies between 20-45 heads, and in recent years it has a tendency to decrease. Large hunting species are also protected in the reserve: roe deer (12-22 heads) and bear (4-6 heads).

Vegetable world The reserve includes 615 species of higher vascular plants.

Animal world The reserve includes 258 species of vertebrates. At the same time, a significant part of the birds, including the vast majority of waterfowl, waders, and gulls, are found only along the banks of the river. Tom on a flight in the spring and autumn time of the year.

The Red Data Book of the Kemerovo region (2000) includes 20 plant species and 34 animal species occurring in the territory of the Pisany reserve.

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