The most beautiful river in the world. Caño Cristales - the most beautiful river on Earth The most colorful river in the world

Each of us, studying geography, learned a lot about the most famous rivers peace. Looking at the photos of some of them, you just want to go on a trip to enjoy the sound of fast waters. We offer you a list of the most beautiful rivers in the world, which you need to see at least once in your life.


This river was discovered by the Spanish conquistadors in 1542. She was named so because of the meeting with the tribe of Amazon women and in honor of their courage. For centuries, scientists have searched for the mouth of this beautiful river. How many times the expeditions found new sources, later recognized as erroneous. Only in 1996, thanks to space technology, the true mouth of the Amazon was found - the small Apacheta stream, located in the Andes at an altitude of 5,170 meters above sea level. In addition to the status of the most beautiful river, the Amazon is also famous for its length - 7,100 kilometers. At the mouth, the depth of the river is about 100 meters.

The greatest Amazon river passes through countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil. In the forests of the river grows a large number of trees - more than 4,000 species, flowers and shrubs. There is very interesting plants like chocolate, cinchona, mahogany, hevea and papaya. The river itself was chosen by more than 2,500 thousand species of fish. This number is explained by the fact that the tributaries of the river begin in different areas and bring their inhabitants with them.

This beautiful river, the photo of which can be seen below, flows into national park Colombia Serrania de la Macarena. Its name translates as "crystal stream". And it's true: the waters of Caño Cristales are the cleanest, you can easily see the mosses and colorful algae growing at the bottom. There are practically no impurities, no minerals, no salts in the water, so there are no fish here either. But various types of algae grow, for example, Macarenia clavígera paints the river bright red.

The channel of Caño Cristales resembles a rainbow and has a large number of round natural wells where tourists can bathe. The riot of colors here can be seen only in the dry season - from June to November - this is the best time to visit the river. Visitors are advised to choose light, light-colored clothing and comfortable, closed shoes for a comfortable climb up the rock ledges. Be sure to bring a swimsuit, hat, Sunglasses and a flashlight.


This beautiful river, like the previous one, is located in a national park, but already in Chile - Los Alerces. Many rafting enthusiasts come here from all over the world. The flow of the river is very fast, which is why the Chilean government wanted to build a hydroelectric power plant. But environmental organizations worried that the dam might interfere with the free flow of the river. Argentina had already built one hydroelectric power plant in 1976 to power the aluminum smelter at Putro Madryn.

Due to the abundance of minerals in the waters, Futaleufu has a gorgeous green color, with some areas taking on a bright turquoise hue. Many extreme lovers come to beautiful places on the Futaleufu River. It offers several levels of difficulty for the descent. It's amazing that all this is created by nature. You can stop in a small town of the same name above the river.


The next river on our list is the largest in Central Siberia. It is interesting that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin came up with his pseudonym precisely thanks to this beautiful river. Lena is the best major river in the world in the permafrost zone, which is quite fragile and subject to disturbance. The waters of the river are very clean and untouched by man. There is not a single dam, power plant or any other structures. The river itself is quite calm. Research by scientists from Alaska has determined that global warming has a very bad effect on the river. Over the past 40 years, the temperature has risen by 4 degrees. Severe floods destroy the coast, and the islands move downstream at a speed of 27 meters per year.


This beautiful river flows in Africa, flowing into Indian Ocean. The main attraction of Zambezi is a large number of cascades and waterfalls, one of them is the famous Victoria Falls. Many rafters come here for extreme descent.

The river was first discovered by David Livingston in 1851. He was heading towards Victoria in the company of 300 local warriors. Only two were able to approach the waterfall itself, calling the explorer "a mad Englishman." In 1959, a large artificial lake Kariba was created here.


The Chinese believe that the most beautiful river in the world is located on the territory of their state. Many endangered species of animals live in the waters of this river. For example, Korean sturgeons and Chinese alligators. Once upon a time, river dolphins also lived here, which, unfortunately, are now completely extinct. In the 19th century, the Yangtze was called the "Blue River" by European sources, which does not fit her at all. muddy waters. Many Chinese call it Chang Jiang - "Long River", Da Jiang - "Great River" or simply "Jiang". A walk along the river will help you feel the whole atmosphere of the country's past. The Yangtze is considered the birthplace of the South Chinese civilization, which is confirmed by many archaeological finds dating back about 27 thousand years.

A large number of bridges were built across the river by the Chinese. One of them - Sutunsky - the world's longest cable-stayed bridge. Its length is about 8 kilometers.


This is the most valuable river for Russia. At one time, the Greek scientist Ptolemy called her Ra. Even the coast of Africa then heard rumors about the Volga. Later, in the Middle Ages, it was called Itil. One version says that modern name the river received thanks to the ancient Mari name Volgydo - translated as “bright”. Another argues that the basis was the Finno-Ugric word "Volkea" with a similar translation. The most truthful is the statement about the origin of the name of the river from the Proto-Slavic word "vologa", that is, moisture.

Volga is the longest river in Europe with the largest delta. But because of the reservoirs, the length of the river has decreased by as much as 160 kilometers. All the surrounding cities are provided with electricity only thanks to hydroelectric power plants built on the Volga. Pelicans and flamingos live on the river, which you can see with your own eyes if you try hard.

There are no natural attractions in the vast territory of the Russian state, surprising in its size. Some of the gambling wanderers explore the secrets of the dense coniferous forests. Others cannot imagine their life without many days of rest on clear lakes rich in fish. Still others go on exciting river cruises.

The beauty of Russian rivers, like no other monuments of nature, largely depends on how diverse the landscapes surrounding them are. It is also important that Russians have much more choice than many other nations. But still there are several rivers, the beauty of which is well known to both compatriots and foreign guests.


Passionate fans of rafting will like the 221-kilometer Chirka-Kem, a Russian river located in the northern part of the taiga Karelia. It will delight lovers of active pastime with an abundance of rapids, which in winter period turn into waterfalls. The river surprises with its “character” – sometimes it is calm and slow, sometimes it is suddenly stormy and fast.


Not every traveler will have the courage to go to harsh Yakutia to get acquainted with the natural landscapes on the banks of the 1726-kilometer Indigirka. Gold miners once rushed to these parts, to the deserted forest-tundra and taiga forests. Now those who are not afraid of severity want to get here arctic desert or the dismal tundra. On this river, in Oymyakon, a tiny village, there is a pole of cold.


No major river in Russia has so many cities and other settlements located on its banks, like the 3530-kilometer Volga, one of which is several reservoirs passing into each other. There are as many as four metropolitan areas, each with a population of more than a million inhabitants. Their sights and picturesque landscapes attract fans of river cruises here.


Thanks to the novel created by the brilliant M. Sholokhov, many travelers are well aware of the peculiarities of the Don. The 1870-kilometer river of Russia really calmly and slowly carries its waters through the spacious European plains. Participants of cruises from the hospitable Rostov-on-Don to the Russian capital have long appreciated the modest beauty of the forest-steppe landscapes encountered along the way.


Originating in the deserted Northern Urals, the 1809-kilometer Pechora flows for quite a long time like a fast mountain river. But then, closer to the forest-tundra, its waters slow down. It impresses with an abundance of various fish and the beauty of landscapes. It is impossible not to admire the high green hills and slender rocks reflected in its smooth surface. The swans that often come here also become an ornament of the river.


Considered one of the most powerful and full-flowing rivers, the 3487-kilometer Yenisei is constantly exposed to human impact. This is evidenced by several hydroelectric power plants built in different years, and other industrial facilities. The recalcitrant river of Russia is especially beautiful during the spring ice drift, when for almost a month solid blocks move along its bed, emitting a roar that frightens the arriving foreigners. Yenisei is one of.


Passionate fishermen have long known about the diversity of fish living in the waters of the 2824-kilometer Amur. There are 108 varieties of river "inhabitants". Some sections of this border river of Russia - primarily those located above Khabarovsk - are more like lakes. The Amur becomes especially full-flowing during the spring floods.


Numerous bridges in Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Surgut and other West Siberian cities make the 3,650-kilometer Ob one of the most beautiful rivers in Russia. Thanks to the taiga plains located near its shores, this area takes on a look worthy of paintings by painters. The Gulf of Ob seems to tourists like the sea, surprising with the colors of colorful sunsets and sunrises reflected in the water.

Northern Dvina

Once upon a time, in the villages located in the vicinity of Arkhangelsk, they talked a lot about the meandering river - that was the name of the Northern Dvina due to the fact that it changed its course. Now this 744-kilometer river slowly flows through the vast Arkhangelsk region, originating near Veliky Ustyug. Many recreation centers have been built on its long banks for lovers of fishing, river rafting and for those who cannot imagine a vacation without picking berries in dense taiga forests.


This one is beautiful deep river Russia originates about 15 km from the picturesque Baikal. Its delta is equal in area to the territory of the Moscow region. Flowing through the vast northeastern Siberia, the 4,400-kilometer-long river slowly carries its waters past deserted taiga forests, abandoned villages, green meadows and silent tundra covered with undersized shrubs. Travelers climb into these places for the sake of the Lena Pillars - 100-meter vertical cliffs that stretch for about 40 km along the coast. No less interesting are the tukulans, which are unexpected for this region - bright brown sand dunes on the shore not far from the place where the fast Buotama, a relatively small tributary, flows into the Lena.

How less people interfere with the natural processes occurring in nature, the more beautiful landscapes and landscapes surrounding cities and villages. This also applies to several rivers in Russia, which are fortunate in that they are located in remote and deserted regions of vast Siberia. Consequently, the majority of visiting guests who appreciate pristine nature, which has been spared by civilization so far!

Jan 9, 2015

On our amazing planet there are many unique and magically beautiful natural objects. One of the most important are the arteries of the Earth - rivers, large and small. They flow over the entire surface, both in the north and in the south, in the east and west - everywhere there are truly amazing, sinking into the soul and heart of the landscape created around them. website brings to your attention the 15 most beautiful rivers in the world.

1. Amazon

View of the Amazon River, South America / Photo:

The Amazon is not only the most beautiful river in the world, but also, perhaps, one of the most majestic. In general, it is rightfully considered the most aquiferous on the entire planet. It is formed from several sources at once: the Marañon, Apachet and Ucayali rivers (South America). To date, it is the Amazon that is included in the list of seven natural wonders peace.

2. Canyo Cristales

Caño Cristales River, Colombia / Photo: IMAGENES DE COLOMBIA

This river may well get honorary title"the most beautiful". It flows through the territory of Colombia, and is one of those objects that you must see when visiting this country. It is not for nothing that this river is called “rainbow”, because it is in its bed that you can simultaneously observe overflows of several colors at once: blue, red, yellow, green and even black, and this is due to the multi-colored algae that grow in Caño Cristales.

3. Futaleufu

Futaleufu river, South America/ Photo:

The Futaleufu River adorns the territory of Argentina and Chile with its majestic course. It originates from the Andes, and flows into the picturesque Lake Yelcho. It is admired by millions of tourists from all over the world, not just staying on the shores, but also making various rafting trips. Most of all, the color of the waters of this river is striking: it is pale turquoise. This is due, firstly, to the crystal clean water, which is given by melting glaciers, and secondly, with bottom sediments.

4. Lena

Lena Pillars, Lena River, Yakutia / Photo: Anton Denisov, Mark Redkin

Perhaps, this is not only the most beautiful river in Siberia, but also one of the most full-flowing. It was from her name that the pseudonym of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, known in history as Lenin, originated. By itself, the river is very calm. Throughout its length you can find one-of-a-kind natural complexes that simply cannot be seen elsewhere. For example, ice. It will impress with its splendor, formed in the harsh conditions of a cold climate and permafrost. All over the world, Lena is the tenth longest and eighth most full-flowing.

5. Zambezi

Victoria Falls, Zambezi River, Africa / Photo: Gurbir Singh Brar

The most beautiful rivers are scattered all over the world, and you can find them literally in every corner of our planet. The Zambezi flows through Africa and is the fourth largest in the entire continent. Taking its source in Zambia, it passes several African states, and then flows into the Indian Ocean. A chain of cascades and waterfalls is the main attraction of this river, including the famous Victoria Falls.

6. Yangtze

View of the Yangtze River, Eurasia / Photo:

But the Chinese could argue that the most beautiful river in the world is located on the territory of their state and, perhaps, they would be right. After all, the Yangtze is not only surprisingly beautiful, but also truly unique: it is she who is the longest and deepest in all of Eurasia, and in the world - the third in terms of the same characteristics. In addition, endangered animals such as Chinese alligators and Korean sturgeons still live in its waters. Once upon a time, river dolphins also lived in it, but now they have completely died out. Separates the North and South of China, which is of great political importance.

7. Volga

Volga River, Russia / Photo: Tristan Shu Landscapes

This river is perhaps the most famous in Russia. And, of course, one of the largest. It is believed that it takes its source in the Tver region, and this place is revered as a saint, so they even put a small chapel there. Full-flowing, powerful and wide, the Volga has long been a symbol of Russia and has been sung in many works. In Europe, this particular river is considered the largest, and not for nothing. On the banks of the Volga there are 4 millionaire cities: Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara.

8. Hudson

View of the Hudson River, USA / Photo: Roseann Wang

Originating in the great Adirondacks, the Hudson River flows through the United States, forming the most beautiful landscapes. She got her name after the first explorer who studied this river back in 1609, Henry Hudson. The Hudson is also notable for being the geographical and political boundary between two American states- New York and New Jersey. In the United States, it rightfully bears the title of the most popular in the tourism industry.

9 Missouri

View of the Missouri River, USA / Photo: Jason Perius

If we talk about the United States, then another one flows on the territory of the country. famous river- Missouri. It is recognized as the largest in the States and is called the main water source. This is all indisputable, but there is another attraction that makes Missouri famous all over the world. This is a natural “heart”, in other words, another river, forming a heart shape and flowing into the Missouri in North Dakota. A lot of tourists come to the USA just to admire this natural declaration of love.

10. Mekong

Mekong River, Asia / Photo: Andi Mezger

If the name of this river is translated into Russian, then it will be “Mother of the Ganges”. The Mekong is very winding and large, it flows through China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. It not only attracts a huge flow of tourists who want to admire this bewitching water miracle, but is also rightfully considered the most important waterway several countries. It is on the Mekong that you can still see water markets and even villages that have almost disappeared from the face of the earth.

11. Danube

View of the Danube river, Europe

Talking about the most beautiful rivers in the world, one cannot help but recall the Danube - a water source recognized as the second largest in all of Europe. This river is not in vain called "international". After all, one way or another, but it affects almost all European states: Germany, Austria, then Hungary, Slovakia. Serbia and Croatia, as well as Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.

12. Rhine

View of the river Rhine, Germany / Photo:

Perhaps every tourist who has visited Germany must have seen the Rhine - the river, which is a symbol of this European state. In general, this water source is considered one of the main in Europe. It feeds not only Germany, but also Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Liechtenstein. The source of the Rhine is located in the Alps, at an altitude of almost 2.5 thousand km. Flowing through Europe, the river forms a valley of amazing beauty, which has long attracted tourists. The Rhine feeds mainly on melt water glaciers, which is why the water in it is clear, clean and cold. From the Celtic language, the name is translated into Russian simply: "flow".

13. Seine

View of the river Seine, Paris, France / Photo: Evgenij Lem

The river on which Paris stands. The river, significant in the history of this state and one of the most important in all of Europe. It is the most important transport artery of France. The most famous cities of the country are located on the banks of the river: Paris, Le Havre, Rouen and Poissy The level of pollution of the waters of the Seine industrial waste in the middle of the last century, it reached a critical point, but the French caught on in time, and now the situation has improved significantly. The main water source of Paris is also pride European capital. After all, it is from the Seine that views not only of wonderful natural landscapes, but also of the main attractions of the capital.

14. Nile

View of the Nile River, Cairo, Egypt / Photo: Lucie Debelkova

The most famous, great, full-flowing river of Egypt, which has been known since ancient times, is, of course, the Nile. He was always revered, treated reverently and tried to propitiate. Generally, this great river flows throughout almost all of Africa, and therefore it is very for a long time was considered the longest on our planet. However, today this status belongs to the Amazon.

15. Congo

View of the Congo River, Africa / Photo:

But this river, which also flows through Africa (and mainly through the republic of the same name), is just the second longest and largest in the world. And for good reason. The Congo is not only very beautiful and majestic, but also nourishes many states, transferring more than 500 thousand cubic meters of water every second. In addition, it is this African river considered the deepest in the world. But she is famous not only for this. A very bloodthirsty fish lives in the waters of the Congo, even worse than the dangerous piranha. It's called the Congo monster.

Text: Maria Nikitina

Russia is a country rich in unique natural places, including beautiful lakes, each of which is amazing in its own way. In this article we will talk about the most useful, active and romantic getaway on the lakes of Russia. About the majority beautiful places our country, we did not even hear and did not know.


One of the most the most beautiful places of our vast country is Lake Baikal, located in the southeast of Russia and resembling a crescent moon in shape. Baikal is the deepest and one of the largest lakes in the world, the water in it is clean and transparent, the salt content in it is minimal. Surrounded by mountains and hills, the area of ​​the lake is unique - many species of animals and plants can be seen only here.



IN Astrakhan region located it unique lake, which, thanks to mineral salts, sulphide mud and natural clays, has medicinal properties, the effect of which is comparable to the benefits of treatment at the Dead Sea. The air in this area, containing bromine and phytoncides, is also very good for health.

For the first time, Lake Baskunchak as a place where “they break salt as pure as ice” was mentioned in 1627 in the “Book of the Big Drawing”, the first geographical description Russia. Today, Baskunchak salt makes up four-fifths of all Russian salt and is considered one of the best in the world. Most of the surface of the lake is so solid that you can walk on it. And you can swim in the lake without fear of drowning. After all, the water in the lake is 90% saturated with salt and pushes the body to the surface.

photo: Vladimir Surkov


Another beautiful lake in Russia located on Kola Peninsula Murmansk region, surrounded by mountains - Seydozero. Seid in Sami means "sacred".

At the end of the last century, in the area of ​​the sacred lake for the Sami, the remains of an ancient highly developed civilization were discovered, which the ancient authors called Hyperborean (it is believed that it died as a result of a global cataclysm). Traces of ancient buildings were found here, including observatories, the remains of giant runic inscriptions on coastal rocks and fortifications. Traces of some buildings give grounds to assume that they were destroyed pyramids.

There are also numerous sacred stones - seids, which are often found on the territory of Karelia and are associated with the cult of the dead, adopted in traditional Sami beliefs. And on one of the rocks, a 70-meter petroglyph depicting a giant, nicknamed Kuyvo, is clearly visible.



This is one of the deepest karst lakes in the world. This is the kind of place that everyone should visit in the Caucasus. There is no fish in the lake, but it is located in one of the most picturesque and beautiful places in Kabardino-Balkaria - the Cherek Gorge.

Chirek-Kol, that is what the Blue Lake is called, is a karst aquifer with sheer walls about 130 meters wide and more than 230 meters long. Depths are simply amazing: from 180 to 260 meters. A river flows out of this unique natural monument, with a water temperature of about 9 degrees. At the same time, the temperature does not change all year round!

The transparency of the water is 30-50 meters and in no way depends on weather conditions. That's what it does Blue Lake very attractive for diving. The lake has not been explored to the end and there is an assumption that at the explored depth of 2559 meters there is an inflection, and not the bottom. If so, then Blue Lake will become the deepest water source on the planet.

The Balkars living here call the reservoir for the specific smell of Chirik-Kel, which means Odorous Lake. The smell of sulfur is especially strong near the river flowing from the lake. Curiously, 77 million liters of water flow out of Chirik-Kel every day (that is, 0.9 cubic meters per second!), Not a single river flows into the Blue Lake itself, and the water level in it does not change. It is believed that lake water comes from cracks at the bottom of a karst funnel or powerful underground sources. Scientifically, this is called pressure ascending artesian waters.

Lower Blue Lake in summer, Alex Svirkin


The extraordinary beauty of Lotus Lake is located near the city of Volgograd in the Volga-Akhtuba Bay. Representing an unforgettable sight, the lake attracts not only residents of the region, but also tourists from all over the country. It fills the soul with romance, attracting loving hearts, and simply connoisseurs of the beauty of our mother nature.

The lake is not distinguished by its outstanding size. The lotus bloom period is from August to early September, and if you want to enjoy the blooming of beautiful flowers, it is better to come to the lake during this period.

∗ Lotus is one of the most ancient flowers on earth - they existed already in Cretaceous, more than 100 million years ago. Their fossils are found in North America, and on Far East and even in the Arctic.



One of the most beautiful lakes in Russia, or rather, a whole system of clean freshwater lakes, which are interconnected by narrow channels. Geographically, these lakes are located in the Tver region, near the border Novgorod region. This area is very picturesque. The water surface of the lake is surrounded by a spruce-pine forest. Imagine what a pleasant aroma of pine needles is in the air!

It is impossible to say unequivocally what the name of the lake means - Seliger. According to one version, this name is literally translated from the ancient Mongolian language as "Moon on Earth". This is what Seliger looks like in winter. By the way, in winter time When most of the lake is covered with ice, tourism on Seliger does not stop at all. Popular winter activities are ice fishing, skiing, sledding and skating, horseback riding and hiking, picnics in nature, and after - steaming in a hot bath.

Another version of the origin of the name Seliger is associated with the Finnish language. According to this version, the translation of the word "seliger" is listed as "clear lake". Both of these versions have the right to life and each characterize the lake in its own way.



... It can be called the most romantic of all those listed. This is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Far East. Very beautiful rocky terrain and forests, as well as the intriguing name of the lake, make Jack London Lake especially attractive.

Old-timers say that the lake got its name thanks to an unusual find made by the “discoverers”. When the lake was discovered, on the shore, the researchers found Jack London's book "Martin Eden".

However, there is another version of the origin of such a name near the lake. Many geologists loved the works of Jack London. Yu. A. Bilibin, leader of the first geological expedition to the Kolyma, which discovered gold here, expressed the idea to name one of geographical objects in the North East in the name of London. In 1932, the geologist P. I. Skornyakov, who worked in the area of ​​​​one of the most picturesque lakes in the Northeast, gave him the name of Jack London.



Located between the Republic of Karelia and Leningrad region, Lake Ladoga is the largest in Europe. 32 rivers flow into it. The views here are amazing and picturesque - pine shores, shallows and dunes, green islands and granite cliffs adorn Lake Ladoga.

Lake Ladoga is the third largest in Russia after the Caspian and Baikal. Once it was called "Nevo" (from the Finnish "bog, bog"), and the name "Ladoga" and "Ladoga" appeared later. By different sources it is translated from Finnish and Old Norse means "wavy", " lower river" or " open water". Scientists believe that at first it was the Ladoga (Ladozhka) River that received the name of the lower one, followed by the city, and the last - the lake.



The second largest lake after Ladoga, but no less beautiful - Lake Onega rich in unique sights and ancient monuments. The Russian sailing championship is also held annually on the lake.

The main attraction of the lake is the island of Kizhi with the eponymous State Historical, Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve. On its territory there are 89 monuments of wooden architecture of the XV-XX centuries.


photo: Sergey Ershov

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To reach the Caño Cristales, one of the most unusual rivers of our world, you must overcome steep mountains, canoe, cross the jungle, walk through the savannah and even put your life in danger: coca is grown in this area, and the territory is controlled by guerrillas.

But the one who still gets here will not regret the efforts spent: rough waters co rocky mountains rush forward at great speed, creating multi-tiered waterfalls, whirlpools, funnels. This river is multi-colored and differs from other colored rivers of the world in that the water in it is not just one yellow, red or Green colour, but contains five colors of the rainbow at once.

And what is most remarkable, nature itself gave such an amazing color to the water (and not the emissions of any chemical and harmful plant). Therefore, it is not for nothing that the locals have long called it the River of Five Flowers.

On geographical map the world Canyo Cristales (Crystal River) can be found at the following coordinates: 02°11′31″ s. sh. 73°53′25″ W e. It is located in the center of Colombia, on the territory of the Meta department and originates from south side the Macarena mountain range, and then smoothly passes to the east.

The river of five colors connects with Atlantic Ocean in the following way:

  • The Caño Cristales River is a tributary of the Losada;
  • Losada flows into the navigable Guayabero River, which flows through the territory of Venezuela and Colombia;
  • The Guayabero merges with the Orinoco, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Characteristics of the Rainbow River

The most iridescent river in our world is not very large: its length is about a hundred kilometers, its width is less than twenty, it is also not deep (although you can swim along it on a small boat).

The bottom of Canyo Cristales is completely strewn with natural pools. round shape, in appearance resembling wells (moyas).

They were formed with the help of small stones and pieces of rocks: getting into a small cavity of the river bottom, where a constant whirlpool was formed due to the fast flow of water, the pebble begins to rotate with water at a frantic speed, hewing a rocky depression and increasing the size of the well.

There are many waterfalls on the Columbia Crystal River and even a stepped cascade called "Staircase", behind the wall of flowing water of which there are stone grottoes. The rocks along which it flows are also remarkable: on some of them you can see well-preserved rock paintings of Indians who lived in this area many centuries ago.

Amazing waters of the river

Caño Cristales is located in the tropics, so the climate here is hot and dry, temperatures of + 30 ° C are not uncommon, and therefore the water here is extremely warm and pleasant. And also - very pure, one might even say - distilled. Drinking it is not recommended, but you can take a dip (there is even a belief that those who swim in the waters of the Columbia Rainbow River will find harmony in the soul, body and understand what true peace is).

This water is not only clean, but also surprisingly transparent - it flows through rocky terrain, so the rocky bottom has no sand, no silt, no dirt, and therefore it can be seen to the smallest detail.

True, there is nothing else to look at here except for growing algae: no one lives in this river - neither the mountainous terrain with numerous waterfalls and cascades, nor too sterile water, which contains almost no minerals that contributed to normal development, helps living creatures develop normally. to the normal development of organisms.

The colorful waters of the river

Impure and transparent water brought to the Columbia River world fame: First of all, Caño Cristales is known for the fact that during the dry season, which in Colombia lasts from June to November, when there is practically no rain here, its transparent, quite ordinary-looking waters change their color and become multi-colored.

This happens for one simple reason - at this time algae bloom, which, in combination with each other, natural relief and weather conditions create it amazing phenomenon nature.

The blue color of the Colombian sky is reflected in the water in a variety of shades and tones, green and yellow colors give the river bottom, which is also covered in some places with algae and mosses in green, black and yellow tones.

The red color and its shades (especially saturated tones can be observed in spring, here it lasts from September to November), which prevail in the waters of Caño Cristales, are obtained thanks to the endemic algae Macarenia clavigera, a genus from the Podostemaceae family, a little-studied tropical herbaceous aquatic plants.

Plants of this family bloom only when the water level drops in the river: algae receive the right amount of light, which favorably affects their growth and makes it possible to bloom as luxuriantly as possible. For the same reason, when the rainy season begins, the water in the river rises and the color of the plants becomes less noticeable.

The subostems live only in waters that are characterized by high speed currents (usually mountain rivers or waterfalls). Many species of this family usually have a very limited range - sometimes their distribution is limited to one river or even one waterfall.

Algae, abundantly covering the bottom, thanks to absolutely clear water containing almost no impurities, when the water level drops, they are perfectly visible even being at the very bottom of the reservoir.

Since the surface along which the river flows is dotted with numerous recesses of natural origin, forming waterfalls, cascades, whirlpools, the appearance of flowing water is also unstable: colors are constantly mixed with each other, thereby creating amazing view rainbow patterns.

When is the best time to go to a wonderful place

P You can visit Caño Cristales only at certain times of the year, when the river blooms - from July to November. At other times, all travel here is prohibited - and not a single conductor of Colombia will agree to lead a tourist to the river: the rules are strict, and the fine is rather big.

Especially since national park, to which the River of Five Colors belongs, is part of world heritage UNESCO: cougars, deer, anteaters, more than 500 species of birds, a huge number of reptiles live here, fifty species of orchids and many other plants that are characteristic only for this territory grow here.

All this is extremely valuable and unique, and therefore UNESCO representatives are extremely vigilant in ensuring that nothing harms a river or park in any way.

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