Tunguska (river): description. Lower Tunguska River G Tunguska

Lower Tunguska is located in Siberia, on the territory Irkutsk region and in the Krasnoyarsk region of Russia. Flows into the Yenisei River. The area of ​​the river basin is 473 thousand km2, it is the second largest right tributary. The length of the river is 2989 km. In terms of total annual water volume, it ranks 11th among Russian rivers.

The river is fed by melting snow and summer rains. In winter the river is low. It is one of the rivers with the highest amplitude of water level fluctuations.

Current of the Lower Tunguska River

There are two main sections along the river floodplain:

The upper course begins from the source of the river in the Central Siberian Plateau and ends near the village of Preobrazhenskoye. In shallow sections of the channel, the current speed is 0.4-0.6 m/s, while in deep sections the current speed is low. On the banks of the river there are slopes of sand and clay deposits, the river bed is in a wide valley.

The lower reaches begin just below Preobrazhenskoe village in the valley with rocky shores. It is here that the current speed increases to 3-5 m/s due to the release of crystalline rocks. The emergence of crystalline rocks contributes to the formation of rapids, which are sufficient in those parts of the river. This area is also characterized by long lake-type extensions of more than 20 km.

On the banks you can find “kurumniks”, screes and “towpaths”. At the very end - in the lower reaches, there are steep rocky formations along the banks; the current speed here is lower and amounts to 1-1.5 m/s. Along the river you can often find whirlpools.


The main tributaries of the Lower Tunguska River on right:

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The Kochechum River is the largest tributary of the Lower Tunguska, which begins on the southern edge of the Putorana Plateau. The length of Kochechum is 733 km, the basin area is 96,400 thousand km2.

Bolshaya Erema;


The amount of precipitation per year is about 380 mm. When the air temperature is +30 degrees, it is quite possible to run into snow hail and find areas with ice on the banks. Winter temperatures in these parts can reach -60 degrees.

The Lower Tunguska River is located mainly in deciduous, pine-deciduous and coniferous forest belts.

The name of the river comes from the pioneers in honor of the Tungus tribe, now Evenks, who lived in these territories. The river was named “Lower” because of the flow of the Yenisei. The river, accordingly, is located after the Middle and Upper.

Shipping, rafting

Heavy vessels practically do not sail along the river due to rapids and whirlpools; the standard route is only from Turukhansk to Tura. And only during the spring flood and in some years. At the end of summer or early autumn with heavy precipitation.

You can raft along the entire river, but for rafting you usually choose the tributaries of the Lower Tunguska. In the rafting route list, Nizhnyaya Tunguska is the final point, or the place where you stop for a walk.


The river is home to burbot, pike, lenok, grayling, sorog, dace, perch, ide, taimen, and roach. Fishing remains one of the tourist and main goals - in the local waters you can catch fish weighing 8-12 kg.
The banks are full of currants, lingonberries, cranberries and blueberries. There are bird cherry and rowan trees.
In the forests, especially in Lately, lives a large number of bears that came from the depths of Taiga. Those rafting are warned to be careful and not come face to face with elk.
The area is home to many species of birds: wagtails, partridges, owls, wood grouse and golden eagles.


This area is famous for its rocky cliffs, the height of which reaches 10 m. Most of the attractions are associated with various rocks, rifts and mountains on the banks of the Lower Tunguska River.

Attractions include the Bad Cape Rock, Northern Stone Mountain, Spartacus Roll, Hayuli Catch Rock.

For photography enthusiasts, this area is an excellent source of beautiful photographs of nature, animals and birds.

There is a local history museum on the territory of Turukhansk, where you can get acquainted with the nature and life of the northerners, and learn the history of the existence of the village.

Above the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River, in the Srednyaya (Podkamennaya) Tunguska River, there is a world famous landmark fallen meteorite, the power of which is commensurate with the most powerful exploded atomic bomb. Fun fact: due to the fall of the meteorite, all the trees were destroyed over 2000 km2, but at the epicenter the trees remained in place.

Cities and towns near the river

There are no cities in this area; along the river there are only two villages: the village of Tura and the village of Turukhansk.
The village of Tura began its life on August 3, 1927. Until 2011, Tura would have been an urban-type settlement; now it is just a village. In 2014, the population size was 5,562 people, most of whom are Russians and Evenks. On the territory of the village there is a hospital, schools and kindergartens, and two technical schools have been built. The geographical center of Russia is located 366 km from the village.

The village of Turukhansk began its existence in 1662 on the left bank of the Turukhansk River as a settlement, which became a village in 1917. According to 2010 data, 4,662 people live in the village; an airport and a river port have been built on the territory. Most of the people living there are Russians, Germans and Kets.

At the end of 1930, exile camps were created near Turukhansk, and many Germans were forced to live in settlements nearby after liberation, including in Turukhansk.


Three settled on the territory of Turukhansk construction companies, water treatment enterprises Igarsky sawmill and transshipment plant and PA Municipal Economy. There is a representative office of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and a cash settlement center. Agricultural activities (livestock farming and fishing) are also carried out.

The construction of the Evenki hydroelectric power station is planned in Nizhnyaya Tunguska, although the residents of Turukhansk may be in danger, because if construction does take place, severe flooding of the village is possible.

A large Siberian river artery, which flows into the huge Yenisei, and before that flowing through the territory of the Central Siberian Plateau, next to the plateau bearing the strange name Putorana, is the high-water Lower Tunguska River.

The first Russians who entered these lands called three rivers Tunguska: Podkamennaya, Nizhnyaya and Verkhnyaya - after the Tungus tribe who lived in these places. We will tell you about Lower Tunguska.

The Lower Tunguska River is about 3 thousand km long, in the upper reaches it approaches the Lena and in one place they are separated by only 30 kilometers, but the obstacle in the form of a hill prevents them from connecting. In the end, having gathered the power of large tributaries, the Lower Tunguska gives up its waters near the city of Turukhansk.

Lower Tunguska on the map

Tributaries of the Lower Tunguska

  • Kochechum;
  • Yambukan;
  • Northern;
  • Tutonchana;
  • Eika;
  • Vivi;
  • Taimura;
  • Nidym;
  • Erema;
  • Nepa;
  • Ilimpea;
  • Teteya;
  • Uchami.

Along the course, the Lower Tunguska is divided into two sections, namely, from the source to the village of Preobrazhenskoye - the upper one; and the lower one - from the village to the mouth.

Due to the harsh climate, difficult navigation and rugged terrain, there is little settlements, the largest are Turukhansk and Tura.

Until the last village, the river is navigable during high water, which is difficult at other times due to many rapids, however, rafting is possible along the entire length of the river.

Lower Tunguska is used not only as a source of drinking and household water supply, but is also attractive for fishing enthusiasts.

History of the Lower Tunguska River

History of colonization by Russians Western Siberia was reflected in the names that Lower Tunguska bore in different periods stories. IN different times it was also called Trinity Tunguska, Mangazeya Tunguska and Monastic Tunguska.

Lower Tunguska appeared on the pages of the novel “The Gloomy River” after 1911, when its author was here with an expedition. The name of the river is fictitious and may have been borrowed from a Siberian song.

Namely, the banks of the Lower Tunguska and the river itself are described in the popular novel Gloomy River, which was later filmed and a film of the same name was released on the screens of the country.

True, the film itself was shot at the Sverdlovsk Film Studio in a completely different place, namely on the banks of the river, which during filming became the “Gloomy River”, and in other places.

Today in the village Erbogachen, which in the “Gloomy River” is called Erbokhomokhlya, is a museum of local history.

Have fun traveling along the Siberian rivers!

Posted Fri, 01/04/2016 - 07:33 by Cap

People rarely walk along Nizhnyaya Tunguska. They often float along tributaries. For the most part, the river is used as the final section of a route along its tributaries or as an addition to hiking trails in the area of ​​its basin. They flow into the Lower Tunguska major tributaries Tutonchana, Vivi, Kochechum, Severnaya, Erachimo, etc., each of which can be visited independently.

The current of the Lower Tunguska in this section is 5 - 7 km/hour. The river flows along picturesque banks.

During the first 100 km of rafting there are several easy transitions. Sometimes there are single stones in the riverbed. At the 130th km from the mouth of Nimde there is a large rapid about 1 km long. Here the river narrows (its width is about 100 m), and the flow speed increases significantly. In the middle of the river there is a drainage from a huge rock slab.

When approaching the threshold, you will have to go around a ridge of underwater rocks, which begins at the right bank and then runs across the channel. There are also pitfalls on the left. At the threshold the shaft is higher than 1 m. The main passage is on the right bank. The swell on the threshold floods small ships: you need to be careful and move away from the swell. On the right bank below the threshold there is a weather station.

Lower Tunguska is a river in Siberia, in the Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk region of Russia, the right tributary of the Yenisei. It flows along the Central Siberian Plateau south of the Putorana Plateau. The river is navigable in high water up to the village of Tura. At the mouth there is the Turukhansk pier. The second largest right tributary of the Yenisei, flowing into it near the city of Turukhansk. Freeze-up from October to May. Spring flood in upper reaches rivers in May/June, in the lower reaches - in May/July.

According to the nature of the flow, the structure of the valley and banks, the river can be divided into two sections: the upper section - from the source to the village. Preobrazhenskoye (Preobrazhenka); the lower one is from this village to the mouth.

In the upper part, 580 km long, the river bed lies in a wide valley, the gentle slopes of which are composed of clay-sandy deposits. In this part of its course, the Lower Tunguska comes close to the river. Lena near the city of Kirensk; here the two rivers are separated by a distance of 15–20 km. Current speeds on the rifts are 0.4-0.6 m/s, and on the stretches they are low.

Below p. Preobrazhensky Lower Tunguska flows in a narrow and deep valley with high, often rocky banks. The channel is characterized by numerous lake-like extensions, sometimes reaching a length of 20 km or more.

In the riverbed, in places where crystalline rocks emerge, there are numerous rapids. The most significant of them are “Sakko”, “Vivinsky”, “Uchamsky” and “Bolshoi” (Oron), where the current speed reaches 3-5 m/s. Below the rapids, the river depth reaches 60-100 m.
Often on the slopes of the valley one can observe kurums or screes of large stones, up to 0.5-1.5 m in diameter. Such screes sometimes protrude far into the riverbed and are called “corgi”, and the quiet backwater that forms behind these spits is called “kurya” "

Along the shore there is a strip of “towpath” made of stones with a diameter of 10-40 cm. In some places the stones lie so densely and are so polished on top that they form a kind of pavement. In the very lower reaches, below the confluence of the river. Northern, the river flows among steep limestone cliffs that drop steeply into the water; The current speed here is 1-1.5 m/s.
In the bed of the Lower Tunguska, whirlpools form in places (locally known as “korchagi”). They arise in places where a rocky cliff juts deep into the river bed from one bank. The stream, hitting it, sharply deviates to the opposite bank. Below the cliffs in such places, the river forms whirlpools with funnels up to 100 m deep. Korchagi are especially dangerous for navigation in the spring during the flood period, when the water rises high above the low-water level.

River hydrology
In terms of annual flow, the Lower Tunguska ranks eleventh among the rivers of Russia. The average annual water flow at the mouth is 3680 m³/s, which corresponds to an annual flow of 116 km³ per year.

The minimum flow rate was observed in 1967 and was 2861 m³/s, the maximum was 4690 m³/s in 1974 or, respectively, for the river mouth ~3093 m³/s and ~5070 m³/s. The river is fed by melting snow and summer rains.

IN winter time the river is low-water, since its basin is located in the permafrost region and it receives very poor ground nutrition. Observed over 52 years, the minimum average monthly flow was 27.8 m³/s in March 1969 - an unusually dry winter - while the maximum monthly flow reached 31.5 thousand m³/s (June 1959).[

Below is a diagram of the average water content of the Lower Tunguska in m³/s by month, obtained based on 52 years of observations from the Bolshoy Porog monitoring station.

The summer-spring flood accounts for 73% of the river's annual flow. The amplitude of water level fluctuations is very large and is the largest observed on the main rivers of Russia. In narrowed areas, powerful ice jams are observed, in which the level rises 30-35 m above the low water level. Spring ice drift on Nizhnyaya Tunguska is stormy; traces of its action on the coast are visible in polished rocks, uprooted trees, etc. On some days, the spring flood reaches 74-112 thousand m³/s and provides up to 50-70% of the flood volume of water in the lower Yenisei.

The main tributaries of the Lower Tunguska: on the right - Eyka, Kochechum, Yambukan, Vivi, Tutonchana, Erachimo, Severnaya; on the left - Nepa, Bolshaya Erema, Teteya, Ilimpeya, Nidym, Taimura, Uchami. The main tributary of the Lower Tunguska is the river. Kochechum with an average annual water flow at the mouth of 600 m³/s and a basin area of ​​about 100 thousand km².

Navigation on the river is fraught with difficulties due to the large number of rapids and whirlpools. Navigation of heavy-duty vessels is possible during the spring flood period and in some years, in the presence of abundant atmospheric precipitation, a period of short-term navigation is possible in late summer - early autumn. The Great Rapids (Oron), 128–130 km from the mouth, is especially dangerous for navigation.

In 1927, the first steamship passed through the Great Rapids; this marked the beginning of navigation on the Lower Tunguska from the city of Turukhansk to the village. Tours. As of 2009, the shipping area of ​​the Yenisei Shipping Company includes the village of Kislokan, 1155 km from the mouth. Rafting is possible along the entire length of the river.

In 1911, research was carried out and a project was developed to connect the Lena and Nizhnyaya Tunguska rivers in the area of ​​Kirensk. Near this city, both rivers are 15 km apart, but the Lena flows at an altitude of 245.3 m above sea level, and the Lower Tunguska - at an altitude of 329.7 m and is a non-navigable river here. At the beginning of the 20th century, the construction of the canal was considered inappropriate due to its complexity and high cost.

Interesting Facts
The history of colonization of the north of Western Siberia and the region of the river mouth by Russians starting from the 16th-17th centuries was reflected in the various names that the river bore in different historical periods. For some time the river was called Trinity Tunguskaya, Monastyrskaya Tunguskaya and Mangazeyskaya Tunguskaya.
In literature, Lower Tunguska is described in the novel by V. Ya. Shishkov “Ugryum River”. The fictitious name of the river Ugryum-reka could have been borrowed by the author from a Siberian song. In the village of Erbogachen on the river, which in the novel was called Erbokhomokhlya, there is a local history museum named after. V. Ya. Shishkova. The author took part in an expedition to Lower Tunguska in 1911.
Existing sources indicate water flow at the mouth of the tributary of the river. Northern equal to 300 m³/s. Taking into account the fact that the hydrographic point “Big Threshold” on the river. The Lower Tunguska is located higher from the confluence of the Northern Tunguska (62 km), which means that average consumption water at the mouth of the Lower Tunguska - equal to 3680 m³/s - is significantly underestimated. If the water flow at a distance of ~120 km from the confluence of the Yenisei River. The Lower Tunguska is 3404 m³/s, then the value for the mouth in this case should be 3700-3900 m³/s.

The issue of constructing the Evenki hydroelectric power station in Nizhnyaya Tunguska is currently being discussed, which, if the project is implemented, will become the largest hydroelectric power station in Russia.

Turukhansk is a village that has lost its city status, the administrative center of the Turukhansky district Krasnoyarsk Territory Russia. Administrative center Turukhansky rural settlement. There is an airport and a river port.
Initially, the settlement of Turukhansk appeared in the 17th century at the confluence of the Turukhan River with the Yenisei, on its left bank. Zimovye (later the city of Novaya Mangazeya) was part of the trade route along Turukhan, which was mainly used for the fur trade.

Subsequently, Turukhansk fell into decay, was deprived of the status of a city and its name was transferred to the village of Monastyrskoye, modern Turukhansk, which is located approximately 35 km to the southeast, on the other bank of the Yenisei. Old Turukhansk is now called Staroturuhansk (65°54′55″ N 87°34′30″ E (G) (O)). After the October Revolution of 1917, there was a tendency to increase the population of the village of Monastyrskoye at the confluence of the Lower Tunguska River with the Yenisei, on its right bank. The village was renamed Turukhansk.

Since the late 1930s, the Soviet government created special camps for exiles in the Turukhansk region. Until 1956, released prisoners had restrictions on their rights and settled in remote settlements, including Turukhansk.
According to the census, in 1989 the population of Turukhansk reached 8.9 thousand inhabitants, but after the collapse of the USSR, people began to move to more climatically favorable areas of the country, including in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Early 19th century
There are two churches in the city: the stone one, the Transfiguration of the Lord (built by Matvey Fedorovich Khoroshev, illuminated in 1829) and the wooden one of Peter and Paul. State-owned houses: a bread store, a salt barn, a wine cellar and a powder cellar. The city is governed by a Separate Assessor, here are also the Salt Bailiff and a hundred Cossacks of the Yenisei Cossack Regiment under the control of one Hundred Officer.
There are 52 philistine houses, inhabited by burghers: 124 males, 107 females, peasants: 19 males, 16 females. Houses, as a rule, are small, most of them are heated and have no yards. Some have baths and premises for livestock. Agriculture is not developed. Men spend most of the year away from the city, hunting and fishing. The basis of winter food is fish and prepared wild birds.
Mail from Yeniseisk to Turukhansk and back was delivered once a month on the 5th. Mail delivery was carried out in the summer by boats, and in the winter - on sledges, which were moved by people, deer or dogs.

1897 1989 2002 2010
212 ↗8900 ↘4849 ↘4662

Turukhansk is located 1,474 km north of Krasnoyarsk, at the confluence of the Lower Tunguska with the Yenisei, 120 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle. The village is located on the right bank of the Yenisei River, geographically it belongs to the western part of Eastern Siberia and to the western foothills of the Central Siberian Plateau.
Turukhansk is located in the taiga zone with a sharply continental subarctic climate. Average temperatures in July are 16.5 °C, in January - −25.4 °C, and there can be frosts down to −57 °C. On average, about 598 mm of precipitation falls per year.

Average annual negative temperature and low winter temperatures cause the widespread distribution of permafrost, the thickness of which in this area reaches 50-200 m.
During the spring flood, the water level in the Yenisei can rise to 11 m above normal, which is largely due to floods in the Lower Tunguska.
Along the Yenisei from Krasnoyarsk or Yeniseisk during the navigation period (navigation in the upper reaches of the Yenisei from approximately May 25 to September 25, depending on the temperature, plus or minus 10 days), ships run to Dudinka with a stop in Turukhansk.
Place of exile
At various times the following were exiled to Turukhansk:
Decembrist Lisovsky, Nikolai Fedorovich (1828-1844)
Solts, Aron Alexandrovich (— 1917)
Martov, Yuliy Osipovich (1896)
Sverdlov, Yakov Mikhailovich (1913-1917)
Voino-Yasenetsky, Valentin Feliksovich (St. Luke) (1923-1925)
Joseph Stalin (Dzhugashvili) served his exile in the Turukhansk region before the revolution.
Joasaph (Udalov) (1926-1929)
Kramarov, Viktor Savelyevich (father of Kramarov Savely Viktorovich) (1950-1951)
Efron, Ariadna Sergeevna (daughter of Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergei Efron) (1949-1955)
and others.

Rafting length - 240 km
Duration - 7 - 8 days
Seasonality - July - August
Difficulty category - II
Only people rarely walk along Lower Tunguska. For the most part, the river is used as the final section of a route along its tributaries or as an addition to hiking trails in the area of ​​its basin. Large tributaries Tutonchana, Vivi, Kochechum, Severnaya, Erachimo and others flow into the Lower Tunguska, and independent travel is made along each of them.
You can sail along the Lower Tunguska starting from Tura, where planes fly from Krasnoyarsk: this is a long, easy route along the powerful taiga river. During your trip, you can fish in the tributaries and admire the majestic landscapes.
The lower reaches of the river can be an interesting addition, for example, to a walking route along the southern part of Western Putorana with a length of up to 300 km: the Erachimo River valley - the Kholokit River valley - Lake Oneka - the Nimde River valley - the mouth of the Nimde River. From the mouth of Nimde you can raft on any tourist boat, depending on the capabilities of the group.
The current of the Lower Tunguska in this section is 5 - 7 km/hour. The river flows along picturesque banks. During the first 100 km of rafting there are several easy transitions. Sometimes there are single stones in the riverbed. At the 130th km from the mouth of Nimde there is a large rapid about 1 km long. Here the river narrows (its width is about 100 m), and the flow speed increases significantly. In the middle of the river there is a drainage from a huge rock slab. When approaching the threshold, you will have to go around a ridge of underwater rocks, which begins at the right bank and then runs across the channel. There are also pitfalls on the left. At the threshold the shaft is higher than 1 m. The main passage is on the right bank. The swell on the threshold floods small ships: you need to be careful and move away from the swell. On the right bank below the threshold there is a weather station.
Other obstacles should be noted: the Gerasimovo roll, 200 - 300 m below the mouth of the Erachimo (passage on the left side of the channel: there are many stones on the right); the "Cheeks" threshold is 10 - 12 km below the weather station (the river is compressed by high rocks); The “oblique” threshold is 85 km from the weather station (here, at the narrowing of the river, a ridge of underwater stones stretches on the right, and a ridge of surface boulders juts into the river on the left; the threshold is overcome closer to the right bank). Before the confluence of the right tributary - the Northern - there are several simple riffles. Further up to Turukhansk there are only separate “clamps” to the rocks.
The journey ends in Turukhansk, from where you can get there by boat or by air to Krasnoyarsk.

The bed of the Lower Tunguska is replete with rapids (locally called shivers) and rapids.
In many places the river cuts through outcrops of solid crystalline rocks (traps). Where the channel passes among high, steep banks, traps made up of weathered outcrops form characteristic columnar units (pillars) and stone screes are observed, sometimes extending far into the river bed. Such screes are called corgi.

Bull of Turin
(left bank of the Lower Tunguska).
On the right is the mouth of Kochechum
Upon exiting the mountains onto the plain, the river is approached in places from one bank or the other by spurs of mountain heights that drop steeply to the water's edge. Such rocky cliffs, approaching the river from one bank, are locally called bulls.
According to the nature of the flow, the structure of the valley and banks, the river can be divided into two sections:
1) upper - from the source to the village. Preobrazhenskoe and
2) lower - from the named village to the mouth.
In the upper section, about 580 km long, the river mostly flows along the bottom of a wide valley, the gentle slopes of which are composed of clay-sandy deposits. In this part of its course, the Lower Tunguska comes close to the river. Lena; here both rivers are separated by a distance of 15-20 km. Current speeds on the rifts are 0.4-0.6 m/sec, and on the reaches they are low.

Below p. Preobrazhensky Lower Tunguska flows in a narrow and deep valley with high, often rocky banks. In the riverbed, in places where crystalline rocks come out, there are numerous rapids.
Often on the slopes of the valley one can observe screes of large stones, up to 0.5-1.5 m in diameter. Such screes sometimes protrude far into the riverbed and are called corgi, and the quiet backwater that forms behind these spits is called kurya. Along the shore there is a strip of “scourge” made of stones with a diameter of 10-40 cm. In some places the stones lie so densely and are so polished on top that they form an “alluvial pavement”.
(In the old days, strapmen pulled limkas with loads on a whip upstream).
According to the dictionary of V.I. Dahl's use of the words becheva, towline (see below figure from A.A. Sokolov's work "Hydrography of the USSR") is incorrect; the words should be pronounced and written correctly: BECHEVA, BECHEVANIK.

In the very lower reaches, below the confluence of the river. Northern, the river flows among steep limestone cliffs that drop steeply into the water; The current speed here is 1-1.5 m/sec.
Powerful whirlpools (locally known as korchagi) form in places in the bed of the Lower Tunguska. They arise in places where a rocky cliff juts deep into the river bed from one bank.
The stream, hitting it, sharply deviates to the opposite bank. Below the cliff a whirlpool is formed, where the river creates a funnel sometimes up to 60-100 m deep.
Such, for example, is the korchaga in the area of ​​Ulovnoy Kamen (Hayuli catch), 398 km from the mouth. The depth of the fairway in 1964 in this place was more than 36 meters. Korchagi are especially dangerous for navigation in the spring during the flood period, when the water rises high above the low-water level.
The depth of the whirlpool (korchaga) formed by a similar rock on the left bank of the river. Vivi, 4 km from its mouth, reaches more than 90 m, approx. AK.
The average annual water flow of the Lower Tunguska is 3600 m3/sec. The river is fed by water from melting snow and summer rains. In winter, the river has low water, since its basin is located in the permafrost region and it receives very poor ground nutrition. The amplitude of water level fluctuations is very large and is the largest ever observed on rivers in the USSR.
In narrowed places (in the cheeks) powerful ice jams are observed, in which the level rises 30-35 m above the low water level.
The spring ice drift on Nizhnyaya Tunguska is proceeding rapidly. Traces of its action on the banks are visible in polished rocks, uprooted trees, etc.
Navigation on the river is fraught with difficulties due to the large number of rapids and whirlpools. The Big Rapid (128-130 km from the mouth) and the korchaga near the city of Turukhansk are especially dangerous for navigation.
According to data from water gauges, the amplitude of fluctuations in the water level in the river (between maximum navigation and minimum navigation) gradually increases towards the mouth of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska and reaches 31.8 m at the Bolshoy Porog.

In 1927, the first steamship passed through the Great Rapids; this marked the beginning of navigation on the Lower Tunguska from the city of Turukhansk to the village of Tura.
Rafting is possible along the entire length of the river.
In 1911, research was carried out and a project for connecting pp was developed. Lena and Lower Tunguska in the area of ​​Kirensk. Due to the complexity and high cost, the construction of the canal was considered inappropriate.

Explanation of the table:
The local names used by the residents of Tura are given in brackets (for example, the First Pillars rocks, the Militseiskie rocks, the Meteorite camp, etc.), and the new values ​​of the distances on the kilometer posts installed along the banks of the river are also indicated in brackets, for example, p.g. T. Tura 864 km (866 km).
The distance values ​​were replaced due to the publication of a new, more accurate location (Map of the Lower Tunguska River from the village of Kislokan to the mouth, 1976). It was made based on materials from hydrographic work carried out in 1970-1974. riverbed survey parties of the Yenisei technical section.

In this regard, discrepancies arose in the distances to the settlements of Nizhnyaya and Podkamennaya Tungusok, which were taken from the website of the Yenisei Shipping Company - here Kislokan is located at a distance of 1155 km, and in this table at 1152 km.
In general, the discrepancies amounted to 3-2 km, but the distances between points remained the same, and in order to calculate them (for example, for a trip), the accuracy indicated in the table will be sufficient.
name of the place Nizhnyaya Tunguska
from the mouth (km)
Bad Cape rock
R. Northern (right tributary)
Northern stone
Oblique threshold
Shivera Oblique Threshold
formed by rocky shoals extending from both banks, narrowing the shipping channel and forming a fast current. At high levels the shallows are flooded
Spartacus roll
Rocky shallows extend up to 250 m into the river from the right and left banks. The entire river bed is replete with stones. The smallest depth on individual stones reaches 2.1 m.
The riffle is surrounded by two pairs of gates.
catch Cheeks
are characterized by the presence of strong whirlpools, covering the river from the right to the left bank for more than 2/3 of its width. The fastest current is on the right bank
Gerasimovsky roll
from the mouth of the river Erachimo, down from the right bank, a drying rocky shoal extends along which an underwater stone ridge extends into the river bed, extending to the ship's passage.
There are also coastal stones along the left bank
Below the Great Threshold (1926)
Big threshold
formed by rocky ledges extending into the river from the right bank by 210 m, from the left by 180 m, and narrowing the shipping passage to 80-100 m. The current in the rapids at high levels reaches 18-19 km/h
Kamenny roll
In the upper part of the riffle, near the right and left banks, there are separate stones that go out into the riverbed. At the bottom and at the exit from the riffle, the right bank has a rocky outcrop
shivera Noginskaya
formed by ridges of underwater rocks extending from the right and left banks. The coastal ridge crosses the shipping channel. The smallest depth on the ridge at the design level is 2.6 m.

With. Noginsk
Noginsky mine (on the left bank).
The village was closed in 2005
In 1982, ~30 km southeast of Noginsk, beyond the administrative border of the EAO, an underground nuclear explosion was carried out
R. Kochumdek (right tributary)
Mount Ulovnaya (on the left bank).
catch of Hayuli
Below the mountain a large whirlpool (korchaga) is formed with a current from right to left.
In 1964, the depth of the river in the fairway here was 36 m. (see diagram of the formation of the korchaga above)
R. Detykte (left tributary)
With. Tutonchany (on the right bank)
R. Tutonchana (right tributary)
Kamenny Boets tract (left bank)
R. Chikty (left tributary)
R. Korbunchana (right tributary)
R. Chiskova (right tributary)
Shivera Chiskovskaya. In the lower part of the rift, stones are found in the ship's passage. The minimum depth at the design level is 2.2 m. The stones are fenced with three milestones.
Sentinel Islands
With. Uchami (on the right bank)
Hektama Island
threshold Uchamsky
during low water periods it is furnished with three white and two red milestones
Shivera Uchamskaya
From the left bank to the middle of the river there are separate stones, the depth of which at the design level is 2.2 m.
R. Kataramba (left tributary)
An underground nuclear explosion was carried out against the mouth of the river on the right bank of the Lower Tunguska in 1981
Iryakta Island
Gagari Island
Korablik Island
R. Taimura (left tributary)
R. Vivi (right tributary)
(here at the mouth in 1926 there was a Vivi trading post)

Vivinsky threshold
a narrow shipping channel is formed by a protrusion protruding into the river from the left bank against the lower part of Zayachiy Island (702-704.3 km). Below the ledge are two rocky islands that are flooded at high water levels. On the right, the ship's passage squeezes a rocky middle located at the mouth of Zayachiy Island. Below there are single stones.
R. Exa (right tributary)
Exa rock (on the right bank)
Oneksky roll
The pebble flooded middle presses the ship's passage to the left bank, from which pebble lining and individual stones narrow it to 100-120 m. Towards the mouth of the middle in the river bed there are also individual stones.
R. Yambukan
Crane Islands
Babkino village (on the right bank).
Employees of the Shpat expedition (No. 20) lived in this former village. Spar was mined on the opposite bank of the Lower Tunguska 795
Suslov rocks (on the right bank)
Chaya4chny Island
R. Ganalchik (left tributary)
roll N. Ergatinsky
A stony corga extends from the right bank, with a continuation under water into the river to the ship channel up to 200 m. Below the left bank, a stony corga also extends far into the river. The shipping channel is narrowed.
In the area of ​​the rapids on the left bank of the Lower Tunguska, two underground nuclear explosion(1977 and 1979). The mines are located at a distance of ~300 m from each other.
There are special signs
camp (“Meteorite”) (on the left bank). Here in the late 80s of the twentieth century (one kilometer from the explosion sites) there was a children's health camp that used a residential complex in which people who were preparing nuclear tests previously lived
Ergaty Island (Veal)
With. Nidym (on the right bank)
Shivera Nidymskaya
formed by the left bank island of Nidymsky (840.3-843.1) and from the right bank by korgoy with individual stones extending into the river up to 150 m. The ship's passage is near the island.
R. Delingde (right tributary) (First Delinda)
R. Hektama (left tributary, just above the mouth - lake)
R. Arkhip-Balagan (Second Delinda) (right tributary)
Pebble Island
R. Delimekit (right tributary)

R. Potap (Potapovka) (right tributary)
manual Uchupchunan (right tributary)
R. Kochechum (right tributary)
p.g.t. Tura. IN low water on the Lower Tunguska (500 meters above the mouth of the Kochechum) there is a pebble middle with separately protruding stones. The running channel is on the left bank.
864 (866)
Bushmarine Island (~800 m)
868 (870)
R. Kiramki (left tributary)
(at the mouth until 1995 there was a settlement of the expedition "Spat" (No. 20), which mined Icelandic spar
roll Sukhorechensky (Osipovsky)
Sukhorechenskaya rock (on the left bank)
Barricade rocks (first pillars)
(On the left coast)
Shivera Turka, rock (on the right bank)
R. Turka (left tributary)
Yastrebok cliff (on the left bank)
R. N. Kochechumo (right tributary)

R.V. Kochechumo (right tributary)
R. Muldaul (left tributary)
Scallop rock (on the left bank)
Guskonda Island (with lake)
R. Kananda (right tributary)
Lonely cliff (on the left bank)
R. N. Kislokan (left tributary)
Cherepovy cliff (on the right bank)
Zalivnoy Island
Kislokan Island
R. V. Kislokan (left tributary)
With. Kislokan
1152 (1155)


Team Nomads
NIZHNYAYA TUNGUSKA, Yandex: Dictionary of modern geographical names
Surface water resources of the USSR: Hydrological knowledge. T. 16. Angaro-Yenisei region. Vol. 1. Yenisei / Ed. G. S. Karabaeva. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1967. - 823 p.
Sokolov Chapter 23. Eastern Siberia// Hydrography of the USSR. — 1954.
Big Soviet Encyclopedia// B. A. Vvedensky II. — Moscow: PGK im. Molotov, 08/13/1956. - T. 43. - P. 392-393.


On Far East In Russia, among its many rivers, stretching across endless expanses rich in natural gifts, there is a surprisingly clean and beautiful river Tunguska. Is she left

It is along this line that the border between Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, respectively located on the left and right banks.

General information

It's amazing in these beautiful lands Podkamennaya Tunguska is a river that represents one of the small pearls in the beautiful necklace of numerous natural attractions of Siberia.

The Tungus, who have lived since ancient times in the vast territory of Eastern Siberia, began to be called Evenks in 1931. And the fact that along the banks of the Yenisei from the very Arctic Ocean the Tungus lived for centuries before the border with China, which is proven by the fact that there are many rivers here with the name Tunguska. There are seven of them in total.

And there are 4 more rivers, the names of which contain adjectives characterizing them: r. Podkamennaya Tunguska, the Upper Tunguska river and two Lower ones (one of them represents the old name of the Angara river). There are more in southern zone natural region called Tunguska. also has the same name - “Podkamennaya Tunguska”. The name “Tunguska” is quite popular.

River characteristics

The length of the river is 86 kilometers, the basin area is 30.2 thousand square km. The average daily water consumption is 408 m³. The banks are very swampy, making access to the river very difficult.

Freeze-up occurs here from November to April.

Source and mouth of the river

The Tunguska, flowing through the Lower Amur Lowland, is formed by the confluence of two rivers: Kur and Urmi. From the sources of the Urmi River, the length of the Tunguska is 544 kilometers, and from the sources of the Kur River - 434 kilometers.

A fairly extensive floodplain is formed by the river, on which there are about 2 thousand lakes, making up total area about 80 sq. kilometers


And the Urmi bring the bulk of water to Tunguska. It is predominantly fed by rain. Within the river catchment area in winter there is usually not much precipitation and spring floods are insignificant.

The bulk of floods occur during the period summer monsoons. At 37 kilometers from the mouth, the highest water consumption is 5100 m³ per day, the lowest is 7.3 m³ per day, and the average annual water consumption is 380 cubic meters. m. per day.

Lower Tunguska River

Width of the river Nizhnyaya Tunguska near the village of Tura reaches 390 meters. The Kochechum River, when it flows into it, splits into two branches with a width of 340 and 380 meters, respectively. A large island appeared between them. Just below the confluence of these two rivers, the width of the Lower Tunguska reaches 520 meters.

This river is very rich in fish. In total, about two dozen species are found here. The most numerous of them are taimen, perch, whitefish, grayling, peled, pike and roach. The fish here are very large; for example, you can catch pike weighing about 12 kilograms and taimen weighing more than 10 kilograms.

The nature of the river flow

The Tunguska (river) is a fast, powerful and deep body of water. Its sandy and gravelly cliffs alternate with rocky shores. The river bottom is rocky, covered with coarse sand and gravel. The water in it and in its tributaries is clean with a gray-greenish tint.

The thickness of the ice in January reaches one meter, and freeze-up begins in early October. When ice drifts, starting in May, huge jams of ice blocks appear on the river, resulting in flooding of the floodplain and the territory of some villages.

A tributary of the Lower Tunguska is a river with a very interesting and cute name Eika. There are several more tributaries with no less interesting names: Nepa, Northern, Ilimpeya, Teteya, Uchami, Vivi and many others. etc.

Tura and its inhabitants

The dense forests of the northern taiga surround a village called Tura. Roads leading to it are accessible only to off-road vehicles. From other cities and regions you can only get here by helicopter or plane from Krasnoyarsk and some cities in the region. You can get to the village by motor boat or speedboat from the Yenisei, going up the water to Nizhnyaya Tunguska.

Tura is the capital of Evenkia. Tourists often stop there when heading north, where the Putora Plateau, which interests everyone, is located, as well as the place where the famous Tunguska meteorite fell.

Tunguska is a river favored by numerous rafting tourists. Best period For such an extreme type of holiday, the month of August is considered here. Moreover, all travelers enjoy fishing along the way, which is a great pleasure in these places.

Life in the village of Tura largely depends on the rivers flowing nearby. Nizhnyaya Tunguska carries many cargoes for residents of local coastal villages and towns. Residents of the region’s settlements also move along the river.
The most popular pastime among the residents of Tura is fishing and picking berries in summer time. They prepare fish both for themselves and for sale.

There are no any industrial enterprises, which, as a rule, discharge industrial wastewater, which explains the presence of a huge amount of fish in the river, and large ones at that.

Economic importance

The Tunguska is a river that is navigable along almost its entire length. Large volumes of timber used to be rafted along its waters until the 1990s.

There are no road bridges across Tunguska, but there is a railway bridge along the line - “Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Volochaevka-2”.

Tunguska, as noted above, is very rich in fish. In autumn, chum salmon go there to spawn.


Not only are the waters of the river rich in living creatures, but the vegetation along the banks is also no less diverse and magnificent. Along the entire length of the river, the banks are overgrown with untrodden dense forests of coniferous trees. Pines, larches, spruces and Siberian cedars. You can also find alder with birch, as well as rowan with bird cherry. The region is rich in a variety of delicious and healthy berry: black and red currants, lingonberries, cranberries, cloudberries and blueberries.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is the Lower Tunguska that is called the famous Gloomy River: this is how it was called by the writer in his famous novel of the same name.

Many exotic countries and regions of the planet attract the attention of traveling people. But truly unexplored lands still lie within the borders of our country.

The idea for this expedition arose while considering geographical map vast Siberian expanses. As well as many other expeditions conducted earlier. This time, the vast territory of the Central Siberian Plateau, lying between the two great Siberian rivers - the Lena and the Yenisei, seemed attractive. In an area that can accommodate some very large European states, there are practically no roads, and the population density is perhaps the lowest on the planet. But all Central Siberia covered by a dense network of rivers. This led to the decision to cross the plateau, taking advantage of this advantage. The route along Lower Tunguska looks especially logical. To be fair, it should be said that our ancestors, Russian explorers, used rivers to develop new lands. And it was precisely along the Lower Tunguska that the explorer Pyanda and his team first reached the Lena, moving upstream from the Yenisei.

In my case, moving upstream made no sense. But it made sense to move downstream from the Lena to the Yenisei. Therefore, in the summer of 1997, the author of this story went by train from Moscow to Lena to the railway station. Lena station in the city of Ust-Kut, located on the banks of this Siberian river, carrying female name. By the way, the name comes from the Evenki word - Elyuene, which means Big River. The Russians have already changed this in their own way.

Then we had to use river transport to get from the Osetrovo pier in Ust-Kut to Kirensk, a small town located at the confluence of the Kirenga and the Lena. Here the pier is on the right bank, and the city is on the left. Therefore, you need to take the ferry. There is a road from Kirensk to Nizhnyaya Tunguska, but it is very bad and is not served by any regular transport. Only a rare ride can help out. I was lucky on the right bank, i.e. a car was discovered going just to Podvoloshino - a village located on the banks of the Lower Tunguska, from where it was supposed to begin the journey along the treasured river.

It’s probably worth introducing this river a little. As soon as people hear its name, the question about the Tunguska meteorite immediately arises. They will be disappointed. The place where the meteorite fell (or something else) is located near Podkamennaya Tunguska. We are talking about Lower Tunguska. And this is a completely different river, although it is also a right tributary of the Yenisei, but is located north of its sister. The length of the Lower Tunguska is about three thousand kilometers and in its upper reaches it comes very close to the Lena riverbed. But a small elevation does not allow connecting with this great river. In the Kirensk region, the distance between the rivers is only about thirty kilometers. Further, the Tunguska only moves away from the Lena, flows first to the north, then to the northwest-west, and as a result, having covered an enormous distance, collecting water from numerous tributaries, it flows into the Yenisei where the city of Turukhansk stands. A little downstream from Kirensk on the banks of the Lena there is the village of Chechuisk, from where in the old days a portage was carried out to the village of Podvoloshino, on the Lower Tunguska. It was called the Chechuysky portage. And now there is a road here, but a very bad one. By the way, the Lower Tunguska is nothing more than a prototype of the Gloomy River. These are the places described in famous novel Shishkova. This novel was later filmed.

So, on the evening of June 11, we managed to get to the bank of the distant Ugryum River. And on June 12, a light (15 kg) frame-inflatable kayak was assembled. The combination of one and two is a good date for beginnings. This day turned out to be the beginning great trip in the wild taiga river. The question probably arises: why one? It’s just that all potential companions, for various valid reasons, were unable to participate. But it didn't seem enough good reason, so that the initiator himself stays at home.

It is difficult to describe the strong sensations and experiences that arose in the first days of the journey. Behind you are the usual attributes of civilization, its comfort. And ahead is the unknown, the boundless taiga and the river stretching into infinity. The main thing, it turned out, was to overcome a certain internal psychological threshold, beyond which a different, but still full-fledged life was revealed. After some time, I managed to get into the role of a wandering hermit so much that meeting people even began to seem unnecessary.

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