Nagiyev and Kovalenko. “Love of all life”: all the women who managed to curb Dmitry Nagiyev. Romance with a famous actress

He was remembered by the audience in the image of a brutal physical education teacher from the series of the same name and an eccentric ensign Zadov from "Caution, Modern!". Recently it became known that he will play Ostap Bender in the new film adaptation of “12 Chairs” by Pyotr Zelenov (editing director of “Legend No. 17” and “Moving Up”). Despite the star's frequent appearance on the screen, in the same "Voice", he does not like to share the details of his personal life. To an eccentric showman for a long time managed to create the impression that he was in search of his “one.” When asked by journalists about his personal life, he stated that it is enough to look at his passport, which is “virginly clean.” However, rarely does a celebrity manage to completely hide his personal life, and Nagiyev is no exception.

First love

Nagiyev’s first love almost ended in tragedy: a classmate chose someone else over him. Being very young, he could not stand it and attempted suicide. Dmitry's mother managed to call an ambulance, and he was saved. After treatment in a psychoneurological dispensary, he was discharged home.

secret wife

There are rumors that it was Nagiyev’s first wife who made him a sexy man, because in his youth he did not look brutal. The first time he married the famous radio presenter, writer Alice Sher (real name - Alla Shchelishcheva). However, only close relatives knew about their marriage. The secret was kept for almost 18 years. Why the woman lived in this situation for so many years remains a mystery. However, the couple has a common son, Kirill, who later also became an actor. Perhaps it was he who maintained the star marriage. The fact is that Honored Artist of Russia, host of the “Let's Get Married” program Larisa Guzeeva also drew attention to Dmitry. They met while he was studying at the institute. Alla found out about their affair when her husband was in the hospital with facial paralysis. It was Guzeeva who brought him to the clinic. The wife wanted to leave Nagiyev, but when she learned about the pregnancy, she changed her mind.

While married, the actor complained that he was looking for a soul mate, but no one saw him with his wife. After divorce ex-wife wrote the book "I was Nagiyev's wife" and "How to never get married. Bad advice from the ex-wife of Dmitry Nagiyev." Alla admitted that she lived the most miserable and happiest years with Nagiyev. According to her memoirs, he was loving, but had abusive tendencies and cheated. And she loved him and forgave him. But sooner or later everything ends, even patience loving wife- she left him.

Breaking Bad

After scandalous divorce Nagiyev went to great lengths: he was credited with a civil marriage with actress Natalya Kovalenko, who was his administrator. She assures that she has a son, Mark, from the showman, who is very similar to dad.


Then there was an affair with the singer and actress Irina Temnicheva, a colleague on the TV series “Kitchen”, who allegedly left the artist for the founder and producer of the group “Arina and Razmer project” Viktor Bondaryuk. There were also rumors that he secretly married a girl from acting family, and that the couple had a son.

At one time, the Internet correspondence between the artist and Olga Buzova, leaked by someone, was circulating on the Internet. Then the public decided that they had a relationship. However, Nagiyev explained to fans that he only supported his colleague in a friendly manner during a difficult period for her.

Settled down?

Four years ago, media representatives reported that Nagiyev lived in one of the cottage villages near Moscow together with a certain Anna Spektr. The actor's neighbors told reporters that he really has younger son, which looks like him. They say that Anna and the showman have a seven-year-old daughter...

A couple of years ago, in an interview with Antenna-Telesem magazine, Nagiyev said that he did a lot of things wrong. According to him, now he is trying to find time to communicate with loved ones in a busy schedule.

Dmitry Nagiyev is a creative and mysterious person. He happily fuels the image of an avid bachelor with various rumors about numerous affairs with the first beauties of show business. He is always surrounded by crowds of fans, and ladies of all ages and incomes compete for his attention, not only from high society. But is Nagiyev as single as he wants to appear?

The news that the first bachelor had been hopelessly married for a long time became a sensation for his fans. Moreover, he has been married for several years now, and he also has an adult son. Who is she, secret companion life of an artist? Why did he divorce his first wife and who did he marry next?

Nagiyev's first wife

The official first wife of the showman is Alla Anatolyevna Shchelishcheva. She is known to the public under the pseudonym Alice Sher.

An incredibly intelligent, purposeful, educated woman creative activity started at Lenconcert, became a radio presenter on Moderna. Later, she headed the Peter FM radio station as director. Alisa Sher was awarded in the category “Best Voice of Russia”.

Yes, she is one of those who will not sit at home waiting for a star husband, but is actively involved in herself and her career, while the married Nagiyev fueled interest in his person with numerous novels and stories about what is in active search your soulmate. Perhaps this was a deliberate move to protect his family from gossip. But in the end it led to divorce.

By the way, in his youth, Dmitry was not distinguished by brutality and charisma; it was his beloved Alla who suggested to her husband how to become sexy, fashionable, desirable and courageous in the eyes of all single women in the country.

The book “I was Nagiyev’s wife”

Alisa Sher, while married to Dima, wrote and published a book, which later became a hit, called “I Was Nagiyev’s Wife.” It was then that all the secrets of the pseudo-bachelor came to light. She openly said that, being in the status of the official wife of the idol of millions, she observed his numerous affairs on the side. As it became clear from the book, the popular radio host loved her husband very much, waited for him home every day, as befits a faithful and devoted wife, and forgave him everything.

But sooner or later the limit of patience comes, and Cher, tired of her husband’s antics, packed her things and left. She filed for divorce immediately after the publication of her bestseller. Thus ended the artist’s marriage of 18 years.

Alice later released her second book, How to Never Get Married.

Son of Nagiyev

At the age of 21, Dmitry became a father, his wife Alla almost independently decided to give birth to her son Cyril, despite difficult life circumstances. At that time, Dmitry with his wife and child lived in the apartment of his wife's parents. There was not enough money, I had to work hard, but Nagiyev did not forget to pay attention to his son, he was engaged in his upbringing and washed the diapers himself.

Today, adult Cyril is very close to his father, he tries to imitate him in many ways, including charisma and wit.

Common-law wife Natalya Kovalenko

After the first divorce, Nagiyev began to appear in the company of a new charming passion - personal administrator Natalya Kovalenko. According to journalists' publications, their whirlwind romance began even before the man's official divorce. The bachelor introduced his beloved to his friends as his bride, although in the end the wedding never took place. Dmitry and Natalya lived in civil marriage for 5 years, the woman surrounded him with care, created home comfort, fed deliciously and looked after his appearance.

But in the end they separated peacefully. The former couple still work together, and they are united only by business relations.

Novels with famous women

The showman is credited with many novels, many of which the actor does not comment on.

So, Nagiyev denies that he had an affair with actress Maria Gorban from the series, in which he also starred, - "Kitchen". He also does not remember the relationship with the co-host of the program “Voice.Children” Agatha Muceniece. There is also no personal official confirmation and a short-term romance with singer Zhanna Friske.

But the connection with Larisa Guzeeva, which began even with their acquaintance at the institute, turned out to be quite difficult for him to refute. Their first date (back in their youth) took place in the cafe of the House of Journalists.

Nagiyev was already married, and the wife found out about her husband's betrayal directly in the hospital, where he was urgently hospitalized with facial paralysis. The patient was delivered to the clinic by Larisa Guzeeva herself. At that moment, the offended Alice Sher firmly decided to divorce, but, having learned about her pregnancy, she forgave the traitor. And Dmitry, having repented, tried to atone for his guilt.

Nagiyev also had sympathy for actress Anna Samokhina. Their acquaintance took place in 1994 on a program hosted by a woman. After an interview with the showman, Anna invited Dmitry (then better known as a DJ) to record a joint music album. This led to frequent tours, work in clubs and a stormy romance. But, having stopped in time, Nagiyev returned to his family, and the project ended in nothing.

Another young (32 years old) actress from the TV series “Kitchen” was awarded the title of Nagiyev’s passion. Irina Temicheva herself fueled the rumors with candid photographs with the artist, which she often posted on Instagram. But she was married to a famous producer. Nagiyev refused to comment and only joked about it.

Nagiyev's new wife

According to rumors, today the artist’s heart is occupied again. Rumor has it that he even officially got married and became a father again. Dmitry's chosen one was a girl far from show business named Christina. Although the showman does not make official statements, he fundamentally does not answer questions from journalists, declaring that his “personal life is his intimate territory.”

Dmitry Nagiyev’s wife is a woman who is the envy of a good half of the TV and film star’s fans. IN different time in the biography of Dmitry Nagiyev the names of Alisa Sher, Natalia Kovalenko, Maria Gorban flashed... But is it so easy to be in the shadows famous man and who managed to ring the eternal bachelor Nagiyev?

Dmitry Nagiyev’s wife: does she have a place in the actor’s busy personal life?

Dmitry Nagiyev's wife today is his job. But seriously, the artist is categorical in his statements: I don’t have a wife - period! The halo of one of the most eligible bachelors in Russian show business is one of the main “tricks” scandalous actor and TV presenter. Of course, when you are surrounded by the country's top beauties every day - on the set of the next episode of a popular television series or vocal show - you have no time for marriage. But once upon a time everything was different...

Young, still unmarried Dmitry Nagiyev. Photo from the star's student card

Young Dima Nagiyev proposed to his young friend Alla - and they decided not to part for the rest of their days... Alas, this only happens in fairy tales. After almost 20 years of happy family life, their marriage fell apart, unable to stand the test " copper pipes" Now the showman enjoys the fact that he is credited with novels with young people, and ex-wife All that remains is to bask in the glory of his star ex-husband and sometimes remind himself. For example, by releasing a book about his personal life with Dmitry Nagiyev.

Dmitry Nagiyev with his wife Alisa Sher and son Kirill

Alisa Sher and Dmitry Nagiev: why were they "not a couple"?

Alisa Sher, or Alla Selishcheva, a famous radio presenter, remains the first and only official wife Dmitry Nagiyev. They got married as poor students at a theater school, and together they rose to popularity and all-Russian recognition. Although, the star never advertised his personal life and carefully hid the fact of his marriage from the public. Stately, pretentious, with a signature squint - for such a macho, a stamp in the passport could mean the end of a barely begun have a successful career! And therefore, Alisa Sher and Dmitry Nagiyev lived quietly and modestly, hiding even the birth of their son Cyril! Becoming a father at the age of 21, the actor completely took over the financial support of the young family. They say that Nagiyev did not shy away from any work - he even worked as a doorman and a sandwich seller! However, this did not in any way affect the further more than successful creative biography stars.

Dmitry Nagiyev - radio host

They started talking about Dmitry Nagiyev and Alice Sher as a couple after the start of the successful entertainment show “Radio Roulette” on Radio Modern. After such a successful tryout on the radio field, the actor switches to television. Project “Caution, Modern!”, where Nagiyev plays with his good friend, by Sergey Rost, brings a resounding success. But popularity and fame have not yet turned the head of our hero. He is still an exemplary husband and father, bringing home a salary and paying a lot of attention (to the best of his ability, of course) to his wife and son.

Dmitry Nagiev and Alisa Sher seemed like a happy married couple

By the time the “married” status became public knowledge, Nagiyev, unexpectedly for everyone... was getting divorced! 18 years of marriage and a son - this is the “inheritance” from reckless youth that went to the country’s main macho. Which, by the way, he has no regrets about. And he speaks only with warmth about his ex-wife Alice Sher and son Cyril. With the latter, by the way, the actor is often seen at various social events and parties. The reason for the divorce remains unknown. Perhaps this is a rumor about the constant betrayals of Dmitry Nagiyev? Or his overly busy work schedule, where there is no room left for his personal life? The ex-wife blames everything on the excessive popularity of her famous husband and, as a result, a lot of real and fictional novels by the press. The overly hot-tempered nature of the TV star also played a role.

“Dima called all the adventures friendship. We had a terrible fight. They didn't beat the dishes, but once he put a bowl of porridge on my head. At the table, ketchup was flying at me... He assured me that I had an overly rich imagination and he loved only me, and no one else.”

In memory of the years life together spent with the country’s most famous physical education teacher, Alisa Sher wrote the book “I Was Nagiyev’s Wife,” which became a real sensation.

About my life with a star, ex-wife Dmitry Nagieva spoke frankly in her book

Dmitry Nagiev and Natalya Kovalenko: was there an affair?

Natalya Kovalenko is the star’s administrator, another candidate for the proud title of “Dmitry Nagiyev’s wife.” According to rumors, the seriousness of the actor’s intentions did not raise any doubts among his friends. According to unofficial information, Natalya Kovalenko was introduced to Nagiyev’s friends and colleagues as future wife. But - no one heard about the wedding ceremony itself.

Natalya Kovalenko with her son

There is another version according to which Natalya Kovalenko, editor-in-chief of Channel One in St. Petersburg, lives in Nagiyev’s mansion with her son, who is very similar to the actor. As evidence, photos from the network of the mysterious Natalia along with the star are given. It is also known that Kovalenko spends a lot of time in Spain, where, according to rumors, the showman also has real estate.

Many people were lucky enough to meet on their way Russian screen star Nagiyev. It can be seen on various adaptations and holidays, in famous TV shows. Unfortunately, the same fanatical popularity did not reach any of the female TV stars.

First wife Alice Sher is a fairly successful radio host. She remained in the shadow of her husband's glory always, almost until the divorce. After the family broke up, on the shelves of stores appeared a large number of colorful works of Alice. In the first two books, she described life with Nagiyev.

Life of Nagiyev

The future showman Dmitry was born in 1967 in the city of St. Petersburg. In his youth, his father played in the theater, and then became an actor. And my mother taught foreign languages.

This family had two children. Dmitry was the eldest son. WITH early years He practiced martial arts, but a career in this direction did not work out at all, and Nagiyev went into art. But here it should be noted that only thanks to the sports championship received in the USSR, the actor became a purposeful person who always goes to the last and achieves his goal.

It was this character trait that helped to enter the top 30 successful people Russian showbiz. But even now, Nagiyev visits the gym every day to keep himself in shape.

After graduation from the institute went to the army, where he retained vivid impressions. After receiving a military ID, life began to show signs of attention to Dmitry.

Personal life

In 1988, the actor starred in famous movie“Purgatory”, and already in 1989 his son was born. Dmitry's wife Alisa came from a very wealthy family. Her father designed oil plants and visited abroad quite often. The daughter never refused anything and was a very promising bride. You might think that Alice was a spoiled child, but that was not the case at all. The girl entered RGISI without any problems and graduated with honors. This is very creative and talented Human. Many believe that most of the projects are the merit of his first wife.

But the happiness did not last long. When the son crossed the threshold of adulthood - a couple decided to get a divorce. And here comes a new peak of her celebrity. As was previously said, books about Alisa’s life with Nagiyev have been written and successfully sold. I began to realize myself in different directions, but I never got married again. He devotes himself entirely to his common son with Dmitry and his career.

But Nagiyev is not wasting his time. The actor's fame and ambition have always attracted beautiful women to him. He is courteous and attentive, he knows how to look after a woman like a queen.

There were an unprecedented number of fans in my entire life, and wives, too, after Alice. But he created for himself strong reputation brutal and frivolous man. Recently the fact came to light that Dmitry lives with several families. In Moscow he lives with Anna Spektor, but in St. Petersburg with Natalia Kovalenko, who has a son (the father’s name is unknown), very similar to the TV star Nagiyev.

Is it true, there are rumors that Dmitry just recently got married. A child was born into the newly-made family. Nagiyev denies any information on this matter and claims that he has only one child, who was born in his first marriage with Alice.

He doesn’t like to talk about his personal life at all and considers it classified information. There is no information about Natalia Kovalenko herself and her connections with the show business star. Hardly ever. But, apparently, she is most likely Nagiyev’s second wife. She often visits Italy. And, as you know, it is in this country that Nagiyev has real estate.

Kovalenko does not advertise his relationship with Dmitry, but accepts Active participation in his life. Very often she was seen accompanied by Dmitry at concerts, but they leave from there separately. Thus, trying to hide their relationship from journalists.

True, well-known media managed capture footage, where a couple in love gets into one car and leaves for the countryside.

They met back in the 90s, backstage at one of the concerts. Natalia at that time was a journalist for an ordinary St. Petersburg newspaper, and Dmitry, already famous at that time, went on tours. That is, the couple have known each other for many years and have maintained a close relationship for quite a long time. Perhaps Nagiyev was not too honest towards Alice. But everyone has their own life and maybe it was love at first sight?

But there is another woman– Anna Spektor, who lives with the TV presenter in St. Petersburg. She lives in his house as a housewife, but for some reason it seems to everyone that everything is much more complicated there. Dmitry’s personal cars are at her free disposal, closed establishments are open to the public. Moreover, they spend time together there and look very happy!

On April 4, the star of the TV series “Kitchen” and “Fizruk” turned 52 years old. Nagiyev is a regular participant in top television projects, a sought-after actor and a favorite of women, who has come to terms with the fact that there are a lot of rumors about him. His habit of making fog attracts fans like a magnet. On numerous filming sessions, social events, film premieres and even in photographs in social networks Nagiyev appears alone. He himself is in no hurry to refute numerous legends, remaining true to his principles of remaining silent about what he does not intend to discuss with outsiders.


Dmitry owes his colorful appearance and hot temperament to his multinational roots. My paternal grandfather was from Iran. After the First World War, to escape hunger, his ancestor set off with his family on a dangerous journey from his native country to Turkmenistan. The nine-year-old boy Guram was left alone, the whole family died along the way, and he was assigned to Orphanage, where he received the Azerbaijani surname Nagiyev and Russian name Nikolai. Having become an adult, Nikolai Nagiyev married the grandmother of the future actor, Gertrude - half German, half Latvian with piercing blue eyes.

IN Soviet years moving from one city to another was not considered something unusual. People went to college far away, and then settled far from their native lands. So, the TV presenter’s father literally raved about the theater and dreamed of enrolling in a theater institute. Plucking up courage, the man left for Moscow, but his attempt to become an actor was unsuccessful. He ended up in the Northern capital at the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Plant.

His love for acting will be passed on to his son. However, first Dima will be taken to sports section, where he will have to prepare to overcome future everyday difficulties. Judo and sambo will turn a slender boy into a real man.

There he will have to face humiliation. The coach will consider the boy with the “eternal snot” not promising, and will ask his parents to take him. Dima will remember these words, and, having become the champion of city competitions, and later a master of sports in sambo, will remind the offender of his shameful exclusion.

“You don’t remember me?” he will ask. “You kicked me out because I had snot.” He will answer: “Congratulations that now your snot is no longer flowing.” Nagiyev will not be confused: “They are flowing. Only I learned to wipe my nose.”


Dmitry will pronounce these words upon returning from military service. He will describe the time spent there in one phrase: “I ate 17 meters of boiled herring with pearl barley porridge for the entire army.” The “signature” hump on his nose also comes from this: in fights, his nose and ribs were broken twice.

A huge competition for admission to an acting university will only excite Nagiyev; he will easily beat 155 competitors who, like him, are entering the Leningrad Theater Institute. Cherkasova. His father can rightfully be proud of him - Dmitry will make his dream of becoming an artist come true.
On the way to his diploma, pitfalls will await him: he will almost be kicked out after the first year, and in the last year the student will be diagnosed with facial paralysis. Muscle mobility can be restored only after six months. Now a special squint will be added to the “trademark” hump, due to which the actor will often wear dark glasses.

The young artist is recognized as the best graduate of the year. From this moment it will begin very successful career on the stage and in cinema. TV viewers will recognize Dmitry Nagiyev as an incredibly talented host of numerous shows.


The first (and officially only wife) of the actor will be Alisa Sher (Alla Shchelishcheva). They will live together for 18 years. They say that it was Alisa who came up with the image of Nagiyev as we know him now. With her, he began to pump up his muscles and turned into a brutal sex symbol.

The reason for their divorce was the numerous infidelities of her husband. In the autobiographical book “I Was Nagiyev’s Wife,” Alisa will frankly write about her experiences:

“...At the club where Dima worked, I was very afraid to go into the ladies’ room. Because some fan of his always came there with me. I, constantly keeping the girl in my field of vision, usually quickly locked myself in the booth or turned around 180 degrees. I was haunted by the thought that not today, but tomorrow some crazy woman would definitely throw acid on me or cripple me.”

Later, Nagiyev admits that he was wrong towards his wife, deceived her and made her suffer.

The artist was credited with an affair with the owner of the fitness empire, Olga Slutsker. He even had to go to court to prove the absence of a love affair. There were rumors about Dmitry's novels with Zhanna Friske and Anna Samokhina. In the first case, he did not confess, but in the second he did not deny the relationship: “I loved Anna very much. She was a beautiful woman. We had a warm and affectionate relationship. We even recorded a song together, “Sorry.”

IN last years The veil of secrecy around the personal life of the popular actor has become even thicker. Information has appeared that housewife Anna Spektor and a little girl who resemble Nagiyev live in his house in New Riga. The woman uses a car from Nagiyev’s car park, and one of the cars located near the house is registered in her name.

Meanwhile, Natalia Kovalenko, editor-in-chief of one of the federal channels in the Northern capital, lives in a cottage near St. Petersburg, built by Nagiyev several years ago, and she is raising her son Mark. The boy is also very similar to Dmitry Nagiyev. All free time the woman spends time with the child; they often fly to Spain, where, according to rumors, the TV presenter has real estate. At one of the concerts in St. Petersburg, journalists managed to photograph Dmitry Nagiyev and Natalia Kovalenko getting into a car together and leaving for a country house.

According to the media, both women have nothing to do with show business and lead a non-public lifestyle.

Based on materials:,

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