Lesson notes: Plants in spring. Primroses. Summary of the open display of educational activities on cognitive development in the preparatory group “Primroses”

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 9


"Spring. Primroses"

GCD for speech development in preparatory group

Made up

Senior teacher Sushchik S.N.

Kiesel 2016

Program content:

Broaden horizons, clarify and consolidate basic ideas about spring, spring flowers, enrich active vocabulary, activate students’ speech, introduce children to the Red Book;

develop coherent speech: the ability to describe natural phenomena based on one’s own observations and knowledge; develop attention, memory, aesthetic perception, imagination, imaginative ideas; promote the development of cognitive abilities;

to cultivate a sense of beauty in the child’s soul, to instill love and careful attitude to nature, to flowers.

GCD move

1. A surprise moment: pictures of spring flowers (narcissus, tulip, forest violet, mouse hyacinth, hyacinth, anemone, spring clear, lumbago).

2. Breathing exercise: “The aroma of flowers.”

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, 3 times.

3. Examination of colors, comparison, drawing up a descriptive story according to plan: (mnemonic table)

What is this?

What colour?

What are the structural features? (Name the parts of the plant).

Where does it grow?

What benefits does it bring?

What is remarkable about this flower?

Sample story: This is a pharmaceutical chamomile. It is white, and its middle is yellow. It has a root, a stem, thin green leaves, white delicate petals, and yellow stamens. Chamomile grows in the meadow. Medicines, soap, and shampoo are made from it. She smells nice.

V. Physical education lesson “Together we walk”

We walk through the forest together (Walking).

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

Here we go out into the meadow, (Walking).

A thousand flowers around! (Stretching, arms to the sides).

Here is chamomile, porridge, clover, (Tilt on each flower).

The carpet is spread out (arms spread to the sides).

Both right and left. (Incline, right hand touch the left foot and vice versa).

Hands stretched to the sky

The spine is stretched (Stretching, arms up).

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again. (Children sit down in their places).

Subject pictures: “Spring flowers”.

Name the flowers - primroses, i.e. those that bloom first.

Name the flowers that are listed in the Red Book. (Tulip, lumbago, mother and stepmother, snowdrop, lungwort, violet, anemone, buttercup, lily of the valley).

Why is this book called Red? (The book is called Red because red is the color of danger). He seems to be saying: “Careful! These representatives of nature may disappear from planet Earth, and our home will be empty! »

What can you and I do to save them? (We should not collect large bouquets, unnecessarily pick flowers, trample them. We just need to admire them).

VI. View on interactive whiteboard slide show “Spring Flowers” ​​with an audio recording of the work: “Snowdrop” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Educator: Did you like the music that was playing now? How did you feel when you listened to this music and looked at the spring flowers? What kind of music is this? (wonderful, magical, beautiful, light,) The author of this music is the great composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, and it is called “Snowdrop” from the work “The Seasons”. Please remember!

Exercise “Make a sentence” - transformation of a deformed phrase.

The trees, the leaves, have blossomed.

High, swallows, above, fly, earth.

Under, sit, birch, hedgehog.

Meadow, dandelions, growing.

Game: “Say the opposite” - use of antonyms.

In winter the sun is dim, but in spring... (bright).

In winter the days are cold, and in the spring... (warm).

In winter the weather is often cloudy, and in spring... (sunny).

The tulip has a thick stem, and the snowdrop has ... (thin).

The daffodil is tall, and the scilla... (low).

Buttercup is poisonous, and coltsfoot... (medicinal).

The hyacinth has a smooth stem, and the forget-me-not has ... (rough).

The forest violet is a wildflower, and the pansy is ... (garden).

Game: “Name the signs” - clarification and consolidation of the vocabulary of adjectives.

Bottom line.

Teacher Oh, what great fellows you are! I really enjoyed playing with you. Did you like our lesson? What did you like most? Draw your mood in the form of a smiley face using colored pencils.

Flowers disappear on the ground.

This is becoming more noticeable every year.

Less joy and beauty

Leaves it to us every summer.

Revelation of meadow flowers

It was hardly clear to us:

We trampled them carelessly

And thoughtlessly, mercilessly tore.

Let's walk slowly through the meadow

And say “hello” to every flower.

I have to bend over the flowers

Not for tearing or cutting,

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1 "Sun" of a combined typeg.o. Zvenigorod

Summary of the open display of GCD

By cognitive development

in the preparatory group


Prepared by: teacher

Safronova Irina Anatolyevna

April 2015

Software tasks: give knowledge about primroses: tulip, daffodil, features of their structure, growth, note features. Tell legends about flowers. Activate your vocabulary using words: daffodil, tulip, flowerbed, primrose flowers. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and a desire to take care of it.

Previous work: children looked at flowers in everyday life.

GCD move

Children sit in a semicircle. There is a vase of flowers on the table.

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming
When does this happen? (spring)

Children, what time of year is it now?
- Guys, what changes in nature occur in the spring?

Breathes, grows, but cannot walk(plant).
- What changes in flora happen in the spring?
- Which plants bloom first?
- What plants bloomed in your flowerbed?

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small(snowdrop).

What plant did I ask you a riddle about?
- How did you guess?
I propose to consider the narcissist.

What color are narcissus flowers? (yellow, white)
- Children, do these flowers smell? (I invite everyone to smell it, I bring in a vase of flowers).
- Do you like the smell of these flowers?
- Where are the flowers located, what is it? (pointing to the stem).
- Long stem or short?
Yes, narcissus flowers are located on a long stem.
I invite Sasha and Nastya to point their finger.
- What color is the stem? (green).
- Does this plant have leaves?
- How long or short are they? (long)
- What color are they? I suggest Varya come up and look (green).
- What is the name of this plant? (I pin it).
- Where does the daffodil grow in the garden or flowerbed? (in the flowerbed, secure).
Teacher's story.
IN wildlife(explain), daffodils grow in the southern regions of our country. But since ancient times, daffodils have been grown as ornamental plants, i.e. in the flower beds. In terms of their popularity, these plants are in no way inferior to other flowers. There are many varieties of these plants, which differ in size, shape, color, and flowering time. Daffodils have fragrant large white or yellow flowers, arranged one or several in tassels (there are terry varieties).

Known ancient legend about the origin of the name of this plant.

Narcissus is the name of a young man who, having seen his reflection in the water, was so amazed by his beauty that he could not tear himself away from this reflection. And so he died, bending over the water. And in the place where he died, a snow-white, beautiful flower grew - a narcissus.

Did you like the legend?
- Why was this flower called narcissus?

Tulip display. Who knows what this flower is called?
- How did you guess that it was a tulip? (I suggest you consider it).

What does this plant have?
- What color are tulips? (yellow, red).
- Do these flowers have a smell? (I suggest you smell it).
Yes, there is, but unlike narcissus, it is delicate, subtle, and smells of spring and freshness.
- What is this about a tulip? (stem).

Which stem is long or short? (long).
- What colour is he? (green).
- What kind of leaves, I propose to describe (green, wide, large).
Teacher's story.
The leaves of tulips are wide, some large species have wavy edges. Tulips appeared in Russia a long time ago; modern varieties are distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors. Tulips love sunny places protected from the wind. At the height of spring, all the gardens and squares of the city light up with the bright flames of tulips. Rows of these tall, slender flowers are lined up in a solemn, festive parade. They got their name from the similarity of the flower shape with the headdress of the Turks - turban. In addition to the usual red color, tulips can be white, black, crimson, purple, yellow. In our country, wild tulips grow in whole fields in the south and in the steppes.

Children, tell me, when do tulips and daffodils bloom? (in spring).

These flowers are among the first to bloom, which is why they are called primroses(fasten).

Take care of the primroses,
Spring's first steps,
A little warmed by the early sun
These are the firstborn of spring.
- Where do daffodils and tulips grow? ( in the flowerbed, secure).
- Why do people grow flowers?
- How should you take care of flowers?
3. I suggest listening to the fairy tale “Lida and Flowers” ​​by Barto A.L.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lida. She loved to take care of indoor plants. But now spring break has arrived for the children. Her granddaughter came to visit her neighbor, her name was Mashenka. They became very good friends and played games with her. different games. Lidochka forgot about hers houseplants. Arriving home, she saw that the flowers had begun to fade. She asked them: “My dears, what is happening to you?” And they answered her:
“Lida, Lidochka, Lidok, aren’t you our friend,
You forgot to water us, the soil needs to be loosened.
You forgot to wipe the dusty sheets,
How can we turn green, grow, how can we bloom together?
Lida, Lidochka, Lidok, now you are our friend.
Now you water us and loosen the earth.
Without hurting the roots, we will grow together,
Blooming brightly and cheerfully.”
- Children, what happened to the flowers?
- How do you take care of flowers at home?
- What new or interesting things did you learn in class?

Lesson notes

Topic: Plants in spring. Primroses.

Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about spring and the spring months. To form children’s knowledge about Crimean spring primrose flowers and the need for their protection. Expand your understanding of relationships spring changes V inanimate nature with changes in plant life. Develop logical thinking, memory, cognitive activity. Foster respect for flowers and love for nature

Equipment: reproductions of artists’ paintings about spring, photographs of primroses, multimedia presentation “Primroses”, poems, riddles about primroses, envelopes with cut subject pictures depicting primroses, crossword puzzle, computer.

Progress of the lesson.

Ι. Organizing time

Good afternoon, good hour!

I'm so glad to see you.

They looked at each other

And everyone sat down quietly.

We are not resting now,

We are starting to work.

We listen carefully,

We work diligently!

Guess the riddle.

The beauty walks, touches the ground lightly,

He walks across the field, to the river, and through the snow, and over the flower. (spring)

ΙΙ. Update background knowledge.

Spring is a wonderful and wonderful time of year. Nature wakes up and comes to life after winter sleep. Guess riddles about the spring months and match the answers with the reproductions of paintings located on the board.

1. Blows warm South wind,

The sun is shining brighter,

The snow is thinning, softening, melting,

What month? Who will know? (March)

2. The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up,

A lark trills in the sky,

The month has come to us (April)

3. The distance of the fields is turning green,

The nightingale sings,

IN White color the garden is dressed,

The bees are the first to fly

Thunder rumbles. Guess,

What month is this? (May)

The first month of spring is March. People call it Zimobor. This is not real spring yet, but a pre-spring.

What do you know about the month of March?

The sun begins to overcome winter. The snow is loosening and the first thawed patches are appearing. But in March, winter reminds itself more than once. Warm weather is often replaced by frosts and snow flies by. That’s why they say that March has a cool character, he smiles and cries, but this is all a temporary phenomenon. March sweeps away winter with a birch broom. With the warmth of March, the trees awaken and sap flow begins. In the ground, roots absorb moisture from thawed soil. Spring juices rise in a mighty stream up the trunk to the branches, fill the buds, and they inflate, swell, just about ready to burst and unfurl the first greenery.

Look: there are buds on the branches,

So they puffed out their cheeks.

I made my girlfriends laugh -

Snow is running away from the field.

He is in a hurry, but they are having fun,

My kidneys burst from laughter.

The second month of spring is April. Aquarius is the popular name for April, the month of high waters and stormy ice drift.

What do you know about the month of April?

It already feels like spring. April is a real spring month. The snow has already melted in the fields everywhere. The flow of water is noisy. The ice turned blue, puffed up, was all cracked - it was about to move and float down the river. Long catkins hung on the hazel and aspen, and the willow branches were covered with silver-white fluffy “bunnies.” The lark's song rang in the blue heights.

The third month of spring is May. People call May the most blooming month.

What do you know about the month of May?

The earth becomes more and more elegant every day, dressed in a colorful attire of fresh herbs and flowers. The air smells of thawed earth, damp tree bark, and spring flowers. Birds are singing everywhere from dawn to dusk. The days are bright, sunny, one more beautiful than the other.

Choose the correct statements about spring:

It became cold;

The snow has melted;

The birds flew away to warmer lands;

The sun rarely shines;

The leaves have blossomed;

It has become warmer;


The birds began to arrive;

The sun shines more often;

The leaves have begun to fall.

In spring, the green kingdom wakes up and presents us with its first gifts. Filled with melt water and warm spring rains, the earth puts on a green dress with speckles of delicate primroses.

ΙΙΙ. Topic message: today in class we will talk about Crimean spring plants - primroses, about the need to protect and preserve them.

ΙV. Main part.

The ringing ice floes broke and floated down the river

And the catkins blossomed on the aspen and alder trees.

The willows are tenderly golden, their trunks have brightened,

Large drops of resin glitter beautifully on the pine tree.

The buds are swelling with juice, soon all the snow will melt

And the young green leaves will decorate the forest.

What else besides young leaves will decorate the forest? (flowers)

When do the first flowers appear in the forest? (As soon as the snow melts and the first thawed patches appear)

All the plants that bloom in early spring, are called primroses. They are also called snowdrops because they are the first to emerge from under the snow. They can be blue, yellow, white and pink. In some snowdrops, flowers appear even earlier than leaves.

They are the first to greet spring sunrises

And they awaken everyone’s thirst for life

Delicate buds - primrose flowers,

When the boring snow leaves the meadows.

Demonstration of photographs depicting primroses. (Appendix 2)

Which of these primroses are you familiar with? (Children's answers).

On the flower carpets of the spring forest, blue woods and golden mother and stepmother coins stand out with their charm, and the lungwort delights with its inconstancy.

Why do you think these plants are the first to bloom so early in the spring?

Plants need food to grow and bloom. Throughout the summer, their leaves produce nutrients. In those plants that bloom in early spring, they accumulate in reserve underground - in rhizomes, tubers or bulbs. That's why in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the plant is ready to release bright flower.

bulb tuber rhizome

But nutrients There are not so many stored in the roots - they are enough for only one flower or several small ones collected together. And then the plant appears large leaves, which again begin to form nutrients. Spring warmth plays a big role. For plants blooming at this time in the forest there is enough warmth, because there are no leaves on the trees yet, and in sunny days rays penetrate freely to plants. Enough moisture. In summer, primroses fade. It seems that the plants have died, but they are sleeping and preparing for a new spring.

Snowstorms are still blowing in full force in Moscow.

But, as if in spite of February,

Here, in Crimea, snowdrops have grown

Already decorate the slopes southern mountains.

Scattered along the beams, slopes,

Surrounded on all sides in winter,

They are in a hurry to tell us about the upcoming

And the sure approach of spring.

The snow crust was pushed aside by the woods,

Look - there is a discreet bouquet in the clearing,

Solar primrose bright glimpses,

Goose onion small sparkles.

Low in the ravine there are coltsfoot mugs,

A brave flower is not afraid of frost,

And through the blades of grass withered fingers

The crocus has broken through, lilac-pink. (Yu. Polyakov)

We have a lot of wonderful primroses growing in Crimea. Now I will introduce you to some of them.

What spring flower is the riddle talking about?

On a thawed patch in the forest

I was the first to welcome spring.

I'm not afraid of frost

I'll be the first to break out of the ground (snowdrop)

First spring Flower in our Crimean forests there is a folded snowdrop; it is one of the first to announce the arrival of spring. It is called so because it begins to grow in February under a blanket of snow.

Thin, green blades of grass,

The flowers are turning white.

These are snowdrops,

There are none cuter!

We just broke out from under the snow

And already in bloom,

That's why people loved it

More than anyone else in the world. (A. Prokofiev)

What does a snowdrop look like? (for small bells)

What color are the petals? (petals are white, elongated on the outside, and shorter in the middle with a green spot)

The British call snowdrops snow drops or snow catkins. Does it really look like it? The Germans are like a snow bell. And in Latin the plant is called galanthus, “milk flower” - the Crimean folded snowdrop is one of the largest varieties of galanthus, the height of the peduncles is 30 cm, and the flowers up to 3 cm in diameter are fragrant with a magnificent aroma. Its blue-green leaves actually have a folded shape.

One of the cutest spring plants - Blue Scilla She is one of the first to appear. Its stem is thin and fragile, and the flower itself evokes tender and touching feelings.

The cold snows are melting

Early spring in the forest

The woods have awakened again

Blue spreading beauty.

How beautiful these flowers are now, under last year’s leaves, fresh, clean, bright blue. According to popular prophecy, this flower arose from pieces of the sky that fell to the ground. Latin name its name is “scylla”, which means sea onion, probably because its color resembles the blue of the sea. Because of the beauty and tenderness of its flowers, the scilla is called the blue star. Each flower has six graceful blue petals. The leaves of the scilla are similar to the leaves of a snowdrop - elongated, bright green. The scilla has been storing nutrients in the bulb since summer, and therefore its flowers open as soon as the snow melts. Scilla decorate the forest; bees feed on their sweet juice-nectar. Two-leafed scilla and Siberian scilla grow in Crimea.

Yellow flowers of goose onion appear in the spring directly from under the snow. On a sunny day, they raise their heads towards the sun and look like radiant stars. In the evening and in cloudy weather, the goose onion folds its petals, lowers its head and the cheerful stars go out. The goose onion will bloom, its stem will lie on the ground and will quietly doze until next spring. Its seeds will spill out onto the ground, a year later in the spring they will germinate, and another beautiful yellow island of goose onions will appear in the forest. Instead of a root, a goose onion has an onion the size of a pea. That's why it's called an onion. And goose - because geese, both wild and domestic, love it. Goose onions decorate the spring forest, feeding the first bees and bumblebees.

How the goslings ran away

Yellow flowers.

Smiled at the kids

Tender lumps.

The goose onion trembles a little,

It sways in the breeze,

Sends you greetings to us,

He is not afraid of getting cold.

When lush corydalis flowers bloom in the forest, it seems as if the earth is covered with a luxurious carpet. The flowers of corydalis are pinkish-violet, pale yellow and white flowers, but there are many of them. They are collected in a lush tassel, which is probably why it was called corydalis. The beauty of the plant is complemented by carved trifoliate leaves. Corydalis blooms in April and May.

On the forest floor

At the end of March under the pine tree

It's like a patch -

The corydalis blossomed.

Corydalis flowers attract bumblebees and bees with their sweet nectar juice. And people love these flowers for their beauty, for the fact that some diseases can be treated with corydalis tubers. In Crimea you can find Marshall's Corydalis and Pachosky's Corydalis.

A curious legend is associated with the name of the corydalis growing in the Crimea. Their flowers resemble curly, tufted forelocks with spurs. And these flowers allegedly appeared on the ground like this: somehow larks were flying high above, but they couldn’t share something among themselves and got into a fight. They fought so hard that they lost their feathery forelocks from their heads and their clawed spurs from their legs. The spurs and forelocks fell to the ground and sprouted corydalis flowers. Corydalis flowers are rich in nectar and have a pleasant smell. Bumblebees and bees fly to the corydalis, collect nectar and pollen, and pollinate flowers. If it's worth warm weather, the corydalis fades quickly and after a few days small greenish fruits are visible instead of flowers, a little later they will open and black shiny seeds will spill out onto the ground. The seeds are carried throughout the forest by ants. Young corydalis bloom only at 4-5 years. Corydalis is one of those plants that remain in the same place all their lives. It has neither rhizomes nor creeping ground shoots that could spread laterally. New specimens of corydalis can only grow from seeds. It takes more than one year from the germination of a seed to the formation of an adult plant capable of flowering. So judge for yourself how carefully you need to treat each flower.

There’s a slight smell of spring, and clusters of pale tadpole stalks appear in the thawed patches; they cuddle together like frightened children. This unusual plant called coltsfoot. First it blooms and then grows leaves. The stalk of the coltsfoot is covered with fluff, like a fur coat. The fluff protects the flower from the hot sun during the day and from the cold at night. The upper side of the leaf of this plant is smooth and cold to the touch, and the lower side, covered with white down, is soft and warm, like velvet. If you place such a leaf with the bottom side to your cheek, it will seem as if your mother’s tender hands have touched your cheek. But if you apply it with the cold side, it will become uncomfortable and cold. And the people called the plant for this property - coltsfoot. It blooms in early spring on the slopes, near forest streams, well warmed by the sun. Little golden lights seem to light up. They rise on slender legs towards the sun higher and higher. This flower is amazing. In the morning it opens with the sun, and in the evening it closes. Only on a clear sunny day can you see these wonderful flowers open; in cloudy weather the flowers close. In terms of flowering duration (38 days), it has no equal among spring primroses.

April's firstborn flowers

There were flowers blooming on the lawns everywhere.

The stems are raised towards the sun

Yellow flowers from the ground.

Petals look like rays

By evening they will clench their fists.

In the morning the sun will rise in the sky,

Little Flower will unclench his fist.

He just raised his head to the sun -

He himself looked like the sun.

Little suns of the Earth

People called it a mother-and-stepmother.

In early spring, bees and bumblebees collect sweet juice, nectar and pollen from coltsfoot flowers. Coltsfoot is a perennial plant. The leaves will wither in the fall, but a very thick and long rhizome with a rich supply of nutrients will remain in the ground. The rhizome is located shallow in the ground. In the spring, as soon as it warms up upper layer soil, flower shoots develop from the flower buds of the rhizome and puff balls appear, like those of a dandelion, only smaller. After the flowers wither, new shoots with large green leaves grow from other buds of the rhizome. Coltsfoot is very valuable medicinal plant, its leaves are dried, brewed as tea, and drunk for coughs and colds. Such a wonderful coltsfoot flower. In early spring he surprises us with his appearance from under the snow, and in summer he takes care of our health.

Before the snow has melted, short stalks of lungwort with beautiful, noticeable flowers appear. This plant is easy to identify among other flowers because it is special.

Lungwort flowers are like a bouquet collected by nature itself. It beautifully combines pink, purple, blue colors. These are flowers of different ages: young - pink, mature - purple and old - blue.

This variegation is important for the lungwort - it attracts pollinating insects: bees, butterflies, bumblebees. The lungwort got its name because its flowers contain a lot of nectar. Lungwort – useful plant. It not only decorates the forest, feeds the first insects, but also heals people.

This nickname is not without reason,

U beautiful flower,

A drop of juicy nectar,

And fragrant and sweet,

cure a cold

Lungwort will help you.

If you go to the forest, don't forget

Bow to the lungwort.

Tender purple flowers violets rise on thin stems and seem to listen to the spring sounds of the forest: the singing of birds, the rustling of young leaves. The middle of the flower, like a tiny eye, peers into the forest beauty. The violet leaves look like small open palms. Violets grow between trees and bushes. People love them very much for the delicate beauty of flowers and their wonderful aroma.

As soon as nature came to life,

Spring is already out of the snow

Gave me purple violets

As a symbol of love and goodness.

The violet is modest and innocent,

Graceful in its beauty,

And the smell is incomparable,

With green lush foliage. (Tsvetova T.)

This primrose is called Lumbago, but people also call it Dream-grass, because the drooping heads give the impression that these flowers are serenely sleeping and seeing sweet dreams. Dream-grass, like a “sleeping beauty”, is in no hurry to wake up, only after enjoying it to its fullest sunlight, in the warmth of spring these large lilac buds open. Long silky hairs generously cover the leaves and stem and even the outer part of the flower. They are the ones who protect flowers from the cold.

Among the spring flowers that decorate the forest, sleep grass is one of the most beautiful. Blue, purple, lilac, white, yellow flowers of dream grass, similar to a small tulip, bring a lot of goodness and beauty to our world.

It can be difficult for spring flowers when frost unexpectedly returns. But they are not scary for Shore, the silvery hairs, like a fur coat, cover him from the cold, and the flower closes and droops. It seems that the flowers are truly falling asleep. In Crimea, sleep grass begins to bloom in April. Blooming flowers, as a rule, lose their fluff, and resemble ancient bells swaying under gusts of wind.

The sun is a little warmer

The meadow is a little joyfully colorful,

Opens towards spring

Its corolla is a purple lumbago.

One to two weeks pass

Fresh breezes blew,

And look, they have already flown around,

Its petals have fallen...

He stands with the top bare,

Like a memory of a happy time,

And instead of a cheerful head

Only gray curls stick out.

It should be remembered that sleep grass contains toxic substances and must be handled with care.

This flower is known throughout the world as primrose. In Russia it is called spring primrose. Blooms in April-May. At this time, the clearings where primroses grow appear golden. Indeed, on a thin velvety stem there are lovely yellow flowers, collected in a bouquet and resembling a bunch of golden miniature keys.

You look at these yellow, cheerful flowers - and it seems that with these very keys spring unlocks the door to warmth and sun. They used to say: the spring primrose has appeared - the keys to summer have appeared.

He smiles tenderly

Illuminated the whole world.

Sends greetings to the whole world

Golden primrose.

Primroses grow in clearings where there is a lot of sun. Butterflies and bumblebees find sweet nectar in its flowers. The plant is famous medicinal effect.

Spring adonis or adonis is one of the first spring flowers, the appearance of which marks the awakening of nature.

Spring adonis is a cold-resistant plant that can withstand strong temperature drops, especially its flowers. In Crimea it grows in steppes and forest-steppes, on the edges of forests, on open slopes, among bushes, and loves the sun. Adonis flowers are beautiful, especially in spring, when almost all of nature is still painted in gray tones. Large yellow flowers burn like golden coals on emerald greenery. The corolla of each flower consists of 15-20 shiny, oblong petals, finely jagged at the ends. At the very beginning of flowering, only one flower blooms on a young plant - at the top of the stem. The stem at this time is low, 10-15 cm. A little time will pass, it will stretch, branch and a flower will also bloom on each branch. Old plants look like fluffy bushes. Adonis blooms for the first time in the ninth to twelfth year of life. The plant reaches full development by the age of 40-50. The life expectancy is supposed to be at least 150 years, while its rhizomes almost do not grow, the entire plant is renewed by seeds. It takes many years for the spring adonis to develop, but it is often destroyed in one minute!

No less beautiful representative of the Crimean flora is crocus or saffron.

Spring crocuses bloom in the second ten days of April, releasing leaves in advance, which reach their maximum development after flowering. After the seeds ripen, by mid-June, the leaves die off. By this time, a new corm with a supply of nutrients had already formed underground. There are 4 types of saffrons - crocuses - growing in Crimea. Crimean saffron is distinguished by white, lilac-colored flowers on the outside with darker veins. Blooms from late February to mid-April. Has a subtle pleasant scent. All Crimean crocuses are decorative and declared protected

Spring is showing its tricks again!

On a slightly thawed patch of earth

Through the black soil, in a translucent flock,


They fired arrows. And suddenly they blossomed!

Miniature tulips and lilies

The short stem is also covered by leaves.

Red-pink and blue bonfires are burning,

And in the soft snowy ones, it’s as if the petals are shining!

What flower is this riddle about?

White lanterns on a green leg

I met you on a forest path in the spring. (lily of the valley)

In late spring, when the sun generously sends its warm rays to the earth, and the voices of birds ring in the air, lilies of the valley bloom in the damp, shady corners of the forest.

Among the lush green leaves, flower arrows rise and white fragrant flowers hang on them like porcelain bells. It seems that you just have to touch them and they will ring with a gentle magical ringing. Small white bell lanterns spread their scent throughout the forest. The rhizome of the lily of the valley lives for about 21 years, and it blooms only from 7 to 10-13 years, so you should not pick the lilies of the valley, let them grow in the forest and delight everyone with their beauty.

In the summer, when the flowers fade, the fruits of the lily of the valley ripen - red berries, they are poisonous. Flowers and rhizomes have medicinal properties.

All our Crimean primroses need protection. Let's take care of them!


Our delicate flowers

Petals are released.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals close

Quietly falling asleep

They shake their heads.

In the spring the butterfly woke up,

She smiled and stretched!

Once she washed herself with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully,

Three - swayed and crouched

And she flew to the flowers.

You can talk a lot about our Crimean primroses and

for a long time. Each of them is unique and inimitable.

Which flower did you like best?

What colors would you like to know about? more information?

How many of you have primroses growing in your front gardens? Which?

Now let's play the game and see if you remember well

names of spring flowers.

Didactic game“Collect and name a flower.” (Appendix 3)

In front of you are envelopes with cut-out pictures depicting primroses. Fold the picture and name your flower. If a plant has two names, name both. (task done in pairs)

Exercise “Call me kindly”

Now try to name your plant affectionately, for example:

Snowdrop - snowdrop

Violet - violet

Now let's solve the crossword puzzle about primroses.

1. A snow-white, small one crawled out on a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of snow, he smiles at the sun. (snowdrop)

2. I am famous not for flowers, but for unusual leaves:

Sometimes hard and cold, sometimes soft and warm. (coltsfoot)

3. purple flower and a fluffy stem.

The quiet, gentle chime makes you fall asleep. (lumbago)

4. A golden lantern burned in the dewy grass,

Then it faded, went out and turned into fluff. (dandelion)

5. Yellow, white, blue; empty ones grow on the ground.

Spring has its tricks: blossomed... (crocuses)

6. The bumblebee is very happy with the flower, ah, the honey aroma!

And the flowers are beautiful - pink, blue. (lungwort)

7. Golden flowers, carved leaves,

Blossoms in spring, decorates nature (adonis)

8. They appeared from under the snow, were surprised by the sun and the wind,

It’s like a cloud from heaven, coloring the forest (blue)

9. Here is a lilac flower, like a bird’s crest

And a carved leaf with a thin stem. (crested)

10. It blooms in May, you will find it in the forest shade:

Fragrant flowers hang on a stem like beads in a row. (lily of the valley)

Today in class we got acquainted only with those spring flowers that appear the very first. With every warm sunny day, nature will delight us and new flowers will appear. People are looking forward to the beautiful spring. Looking forward to new encounters with nature. Some people simply admire the beauty, while others take away the brightest thing from it - the first spring flowers. Returning home, some people carry whole armfuls of primroses. Yes, the bouquet is beautiful, but after standing in a vase for several days, the flowers will wilt and die, and some will wither even before they are placed in water. Therefore, it is better to admire flowers in natural environment- in a clearing, in the forest. Flowers are a symbol of beauty, but they are so defenseless in front of us that they require protection. Many of them are listed in the Red Book. The Red Book says: “Do not destroy, do not tear, do not trample.” These words sound like a command to people: “Save, let it grow, and you will become richer not only in forests and meadows, but also in soul.”

Environmental challenge

How many would have died flowering plants, if each of you picked 5 pieces? And if not 5, but 10 pieces?

What conclusion can be drawn?

After all, not a trace will remain of the beauty of a forest or field if a group of lovers of “modest bouquets” visits there. Remember, a flower grown in a forest or steppe is at home, it is connected with other inhabitants. Do we have the right to pick a flower just to admire it for a while? Of course not!

It's very easy to destroy living things

After all, snowdrops cannot tell

"Enjoy our beauty,

We just ask you not to tear us up.”

What can we do to help flowers survive?

Do not vomit yourself and do not let others vomit;

Plant primroses in the garden and care for them;

We will only sketch and photograph primroses;

Let's not catch insects; they pollinate primroses and contribute to

seed ripening;

Let's not buy bouquets of spring primroses;

We will tell adults and children about the need to protect and

take care of primroses;

We will make bouquets only from flowers grown by humans;

Take care of the primroses,

Spring's first steps,

A little warmed by the early sun

These are the firstborn of spring.

V. Summing up the lesson.

What colors did we talk about today?

When does the snowdrop and blueberry bloom?

When does lily of the valley bloom?

Why is the Dream-grass lumbago interesting?

How should you treat primroses?

Tell your family and friends everything you learned today about


I hope you will be friends of nature after seeing beautiful flowers, Not

you will tear them and trample them, but you will only admire them.

Homework: draw a primrose flower you like and bring it to decorate the “Crimean Primroses” album.

Natalia Butuzova
Summary of an integrated lesson on the topic: “Primroses.” Video

Summary of an integrated lesson on the topic: « Primroses» .

Integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world and speech development in the senior group.

Educators: Butuzova Natalya Viktorovna, Mishina Tatyana Viktorovna, teachers of MBDOU No. 210, Kemerovo

Types of children's activities:

Gaming, communicative, educational and research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction.

Integration educational regions:

"Communication", "Cognition", "Music", "Health", "Socialization", "Safety".

Program tasks:

Educational: give basic ideas about first spring flowers, introduce the snowdrop "Dream-grass", activate speech using adjectives;

Developmental: develop coherent speech, attention, memory, aesthetic perception, imagination of children, their figurative ideas, highlight the main thing, display musical images;

Educational: instill a love of nature, respect for primroses, cultivate self-control, the ability to carefully, without interrupting, comrades, evaluate and supplement answers.

Planned results:

Show curiosity, be able to maintain a conversation, express your point of view, reason and give the necessary explanations; actively participate in musical warm-up; have a basic understanding of primroses; to express positive emotions When listening to musical works, actively and kindly interact with teachers and peers.

Materials and equipment:

Flower hats, spring painting, ottomans, TV, stereo system. Slide show, live flower in a vase, audio recording works: "Snowdrop" P. Tchaikovsky, "Procession of Spring" Vivaldi.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about spring and snowdrops, learning poems, staging a fairy tale « First spring flowers» , listening to music, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations in the book corner, creating a presentation, decorating a stand "Training" in the parent's corner topic« Primroses of Kuzbass» .

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: She comes with affection

And with my fairy tale.

Waves a magic wand -

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.


What kind of sorceress comes to us? (spring)

How did you guess that it was spring?

Do you want to listen to how spring softly walks across the earth?

(To the music of Vivaldi "Procession of Spring" Spring enters dancing.)

Spring: Hello children! You were waiting for me?

Educator: Why did you, Spring, come to us?

Compiling a descriptive story based on the picture.

(The picture shows a blue sky and grass. As we work on the picture add: sun, stream, trees and shrubs, snowdrops.)

Spring hangs a picture:

I came and brought you a picture. Look at the sky in the picture? (blue, clear, cloudless)

-(attaches the sun) The sun is shining! What is it like? (radiant, bright, warm, gentle, playful)

What kind of grass is it? (soft, silky, young, tender, juicy, light green...

On the trees and bushes...the buds burst and...leaves appeared. Which? (small, sticky, defenseless, light green)

The stream is running! Which? (fast, murmuring, ringing, clear, cold)

And, of course, they disbanded first spring flowers! What are they called? (snowdrops) And since they first flowers, then they are also called primroses. Let's pronounce this word correctly. (in unison PIRUMFLOWERS)

Do you love primroses? For what?

Spring: Yes, guys, the snowdrop is a delicate, fragile flower, but at the same time proud and brave, it grows next to the snow, cold winds blow on it, but it is not afraid and stands its ground thin leg. And if you listen carefully, you can hear what they are talking about.

Fairy tale dramatization « First spring flowers» .

(Children in hats come out and sit on ottomans.)


The most wonderful thing, the most first the plant is me, coltsfoot.

Early sunny times

On a thawed patch in spring

Decorate with tubercles

Coltsfoot flowers.

In bright yellow scarves

And green socks.


Just think! And here I am, a lungwort, it bloomed a little later, but how it bloomed!

Lifting up a dry leaf,

IN early May

A flower appears

Nodding to the sun.

Either lilac or blue

He will wink with a light -

This is inviting the bees

Lungwort after honey.


I found something to brag about! I am an anemone - the most tender. Every breeze makes me sway. And I’m not colorful like you, but white like snow. They even call me a snowdrop, probably because I am tender, my stem is thin and thin.

Ha ha ha! They call you a snowdrop because you grow from under the snow, and not because you are so tender. Look at me. I am a cantik. I am strong, healthy, shiny, my leaves have freckles, and the stem ends underground in a strong bulb. Therefore, do not argue, the most wonderful plant is

Don't argue, friends! You, mother and stepmother, are the bravest. You, lungwort, are colorful and honey-bearing. You, anemone, are the most tender, and you, kandyk, are the smartest and strongest. You all - primroses- the most wonderful, the most beautiful, the most desirable. poets write poems about you, artists paint pictures, photographers take amazing pictures, composers compose magical music.

Guys, do you want to go to the clearing with me and be primroses, soak up the spring sun and dance to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky, which is called "Snowdrop"

Fizminutka in form improvised dance.

Stand up, turn around yourself and turn into snowdrops.

-(After the dance.) Turn around yourself and kindergarten find yourself.


Sit down, Spring, relax, and watch a movie about flowers.

(Submission of new material. Introducing a new snowdrop "Dream-grass". The slides automatically change to soft music. The teacher comments.)

(for preparatory group students)

Stepanova Olga Nikolaevna, MBDOU No. 14, p.g. t. Zelenoborsky

Goals: developing preschoolers’ holistic ideas about the first spring flowers and their diversity; cultivate a love of nature; caring attitude towards her, culture of behavior.

Equipment: 4 watering cans, 4 children's buckets, 6 scoops, waste material, glue, scissors. threads

Walking progress:

Children go for a walk, go to the station ecological trail "Seven-flowered flower" .

Educator: Guys, in early spring, when there is still snow in some places, the first spring insects appear. What kind of insects do you think these are? (Children's answers: butterflies, bumblebees.)

Today we have a very interesting meeting waiting for us in our flower garden, guess with whom:

He flies from flower to flower, buzzing,

Drinks sweet juice. Like the sun is shining,

Not a bee, like caramel, Striped, thick... (Bumblebee)

The warm sun in spring will awaken bumblebees - insects that live in large friendly families. And almost immediately they begin to look for the first spring flowers to refresh themselves.

What are the first spring flowers called? (Children's answers: primroses) That's right, let's repeat it together "primroses" . Why do they appear first? (Children's answers: because these flowers love bright sunlight, and appear when the trees have not yet covered with leaves.)

What flowers appeared on our lawn first? (Children's answers: snowdrops, primroses, forget-me-nots...)

Our flowerbed is a sight for sore eyes!
Admire her!
Cheers up!
To everyone who comes near her.

Guys, let's look at the primroses and remember their names, I name the color, and you name the flowers: red... - tulips, orange... - calendulas, yellow... - swimsuits,

green... - leaves, stems, flower buds, blue... - snowdrops, blue... - forget-me-nots,

purple... - primrose.

Educator: What did you notice? (Children's answers: our lawn looks like a rainbow, like a seven-flowered flower.) Absolutely right.

The teacher pays attention to the bumblebee (adult):

The furry one is flying,
Flying for sweets.
Bumblebee: Hello guys.
I'm buzzing, buzzing, buzzing

I'm circling over the flowers.
I know a lot of proverbs
I’ll play with you, children:
I'll start, you continue.

Together, answer in unison:

The first flower breaks the ice; Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with fruits; Where there is a flower, there is honey; A scarlet flower - catches the eye; On the color - and the bees fly; The flower is good, but it soon fades.

Educator: Guys, why do you think the flower withers quickly? (Children’s answers: if you don’t take care of it: don’t loosen it, don’t water it, don’t tie up thin stems, don’t weed the weeds). Educator: That’s right, children love flowers and care. I invite you to look and think about how we can help flowers now? Do they need watering? Are there weeds? Work on caring for flowers is organized: children are divided into subgroups - one subgroup weeds and loosens (with teacher), the second - waters the flowers, the bumblebee helps, makes sure that the children pour water at the roots of the plants).

The bumblebee thanks the children: Even a moth flies to a good flower. Guys, do you know the meaning of primroses in people’s lives? (Children's answers: pleasing to the eye, decorating nature).

What are flowers for?
It’s clear to everyone - for beauty!

Bumblebee: That’s right, and beekeepers have known for a long time that primroses are excellent honey plants, and May honey is the healthiest. Turn around yourself, quickly turn into bees (held physical education moment) : "A bee is circling over a flower"

Bumblebee: And now friends - guys, Guess the riddles.

All the poems here are about flowers. I know them, but what about you?

The teacher makes riddles about flowers, the children guess.

The bumblebee thanks the children: Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles, says goodbye to the children and flies away:

I'm buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, circling over the flowers.

I’ll collect some honey for tea and invite you all to visit.

Educator: guys, listen to the poem "Flower" V. Viktorova.

Think and tell me where the flower will live longer in a glass or in a flower garden? (Children's answers). How can I check? (Children's answers: conduct an experiment). That's right, you need to choose two tulips. We will cut one flower and put it in water. And we’ll leave the other one on the lawn and see which one will please us longer with its beauty.

Educator: Children, our journey around the station "Flower - seven-flowered" ended. Did you enjoy the trip? What was especially interesting? (Children's answers: today, together with the bumblebee, we worked hard, looked after the flowers, did an experiment, admired the beauty of the primroses).


We won’t pick flowers
And we hasten to tell others:
Let them bring joy to people
Everyone - both the little ones and the big ones!

Think and tell me what can replace fresh flowers? (Children's answers: make from waste material, from paper). I invite you to the workshop "Magic Flower" for making flowers from waste material.

Independent creative activity children.

Outdoor game “One, two, three find a flower” .

Word game with ball « Flower names» , develop dexterity, eye, ability to form words (names, adjectives) from the name of the flowers.

Independent play activities of children. Offer children attributes for role-playing games "Flower shop" (cash register, receipts, flowers (children's products), sets of postcards, books about flowers, vases, packaging material. Enrich children's gaming experience, develop the ability to play the roles of seller and buyer, consultant, and conduct dialogue on their behalf; connect purchases to stories role playing games, organized in parallel.

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