How does the color yellow affect a person? The influence of color on the human psyche White color influence on the psyche

The science

The effect of color on the human psyche has been known since ancient times. Colors can influence a person’s worldview, mood, and even character. It has been scientifically proven that different colors and their combinations can make a person feel happy, sad, anxious or melancholy.

There are a few basic rules you need to learn. The use of light pastel colors helps create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth and visually increase the area of ​​the room. Bright colors energize, uplift and stimulate. Dull, cool shades relax and give a feeling of harmony, while dark shades add rigor and efficiency.

The influence of red color on humans

Allows you to move the needle, get a charge of vigor and activity, can cause excitement, tunes you to activity, increases muscle tone and stimulates appetite.

It is important that red color visually reduces space. Therefore, it cannot be used in small rooms. Also, too much red can lead to irritation and depression. But your living room will benefit if red is the dominant color. If red is skillfully combined with other colors, it will be appropriate in any room.

Blue color and mood

Reduces heart rate, stimulates creative and brain activity, induces relaxation, helps to relax and find peace of mind, improves concentration, inspires confidence, and arouses interest.

You need to use rich blue color in the interior carefully and thoughtfully. It belongs to a cold palette, so it is better not to use it in northern and poorly lit rooms. It is perfect for use in classic and modern interiors, always appropriate in Mediterranean and high-tech style. It has been proven that almost all shades of blue reduce our appetite and therefore those who want to always look slim should consider this color as a possible background for the kitchen and dining room.

Yellow color in the interior

Improves metabolism, gives energy, causes a feeling of warmth and absorbs negative energy. Activates, encourages creativity and inspires optimism.

The best place to use yellow in the home is the kitchen. People are attracted by the warm and sunny atmosphere for cooking and eating.

If you want to boost your family's appetite, yellow cuisine is worth a try.

Green color in the interior

It has a refreshing effect, creates an atmosphere of complete peace, relieves stress and smoothes out conflicts, relieves tension and fatigue.

Light warm shades of green, such as delicate light green and pistachio colors, are perfect for walls in the bedroom and nursery; the rooms will look bright, fresh and positive.

Our lives thrive with colors that inspire and enrich us. Although it may seem counterintuitive, in addition to neutral beiges, grays and whites, you can use bright and rich colors that will create an atmosphere of comfort and happiness in your home.

With the arrival of spring, just add new colors to your interior, and your life will sparkle with new colors!

Many have heard that color greatly influences the human psyche. Some experts claim that color affects the mental state through the skin, that is, even with closed eyes you can feel its effect. Psychologists say that some colors affect a person’s concentration, others affect his calmness, etc.

Colors that affect the human psyche:


Red is a rich shade, so it can help invigorate and increase energy. This color also gives confidence, so this color can help in decision making. Red color is quite passionate and strong. Thanks to it, a person can feel warmth and energy.


Orange color charges you with positive energy, helps you cheer up and set you up for a productive day. This color acts almost the same as red, but only to a slightly lesser extent. This color has a positive effect on the human psyche, bringing him fun and joy.


This color calms and energizes. Yellow is also called the intellectual color. It has a good effect on memory and improves the thinking process. If in excess, this color can cause irritability.


Green is the color of calm and good luck. This color helps to lift your mood, relieve irritability, concentrate, and direct your thoughts in the right direction. This color is also very calming. Also, green color can help a person fully restore strength after a hard day.


This color is suitable for overly impulsive individuals. Blue color calms, balances character, controls excess activity. It's a cool shade so it has a nice calming effect. Blue color is very useful in life. Thanks to it, you can relieve tension and calm the nervous system.


Relieves muscle tension, calms the pulse, lowers body temperature, improves imagination. The color blue is very common in everyday life and also has refreshing properties and promotes mindfulness.


This color gives off a feeling of unnaturalness. The color purple is associated with wealth and luxury. Also, the main properties of purple color are knowledge. This tone helps to cope with deep fears and melancholy. But there should not be too much purple, otherwise you can develop depression, laziness and fatigue.

The influence of color on a person known since ancient times. History shows that color therapy It was actively used during the reign of the beautiful Queen Nefertiti. In Eastern countries, the method was often used to combat somatic diseases and mental disorders, and today even official medicine confirms the healing power of some flowers and their positive effect on the psyche. Correctness plays an important role in everyday life.

Experts in the field of color therapy are confident that with its help people can regulate hormonal levels, fight and overcome diseases, including cancer. They were able to prove that different shades cause certain biochemical reactions in tissues, and this property makes it possible to use them for the benefit of health. Let's consider the effect of different colors on humans.

color and man

Blue and cyan

It is believed that blue color helps to relax the body, clears the mind of unnecessary emotions, helps with insomnia and lowers blood pressure. It is recommended for women during menopause and for menstrual irregularities.

A room dominated by rich blue tones minimizes conflicts between people. And if you find it difficult to concentrate, then you simply can’t think of a better option.

However, overuse of dark, moody tones can lead to anxiety and bouts of depression.

Blue has a similar relaxing effect - it relieves tension, improves immunity, and alleviates sunburn. It has a hypnotic effect, reduces appetite, prevents the development of glaucoma, cataracts and senile dementia.


This is the color of successful, self-confident people who want and know how to please others. Carries a positive charge, gives strength, energy and good luck. It lifts your mood, creates a feeling of freshness, helps cleanse yourself of toxins and stimulates the activity of the central nervous system.

Excess white can cause irritation and unpleasant associations with the hospital.

Yellow tones improve vision and stimulate appetite, but can sometimes cause excessive tearfulness in young children, since they negatively affect the ability to restrain their emotions.


Peace, harmony, great mood and emotions similar to those we get while being in nature. These are the pleasant associations many people have in connection with this color. It has a weak antimicrobial effect, stabilizes the heart rate, normalizes blood pressure, treats headaches and visual impairment.

Long contemplation of warm shades of green relaxes and has a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Green symbolizes wealth and prosperity and promises financial well-being. However, this is not the best option for decorating a bedroom, since it activates mental activity and puts you in a working mood.

Red and orange

Radiating warmth and causing excitement, red improves metabolism, libido, and hemoglobin levels in the blood. Used to treat chickenpox, measles and scarlet fever, as well as purulent skin diseases. Not recommended for easily excitable people who get irritated by little things. Red gives you self-confidence and allows you to find the right solution in difficult situations.

All shades of orange, in turn, have a similar effect - they are sources of vitality that have a healing effect on the genitourinary, endocrine and digestive systems.

Orange frees you from internal conflicts, helps get rid of complexes and emancipation.

This is a safe universal color that has virtually no contraindications.


Considered heavy and depressing, it can contribute to fear and feelings of loneliness. At the same time it takes strength and gives it away. Black is associated with sadness and mourning.

However, not everything is so bad, because it sets a person up to reduce the likelihood of making mistakes, deep thinking and comprehension of areas inaccessible to others, which is why business people prefer it.

Black suppresses appetite and masks figure flaws, which is why overweight women prefer it.


The color of the earth, symbolizing stability and reliability. If you show up to an interview with an employer wearing a brown suit, it will be easier for you to connect with him.

Brown, used in the interior, gives a feeling of comfort, protection, and creates a friendly atmosphere in the house.

Some overly gloomy tones can cause boredom and even depression.


It has a calming effect, so it is successfully used in the treatment of nervous diseases. Helps cope with fears and attacks of melancholy.

The color violet sharpens intuition and has a beneficial effect on a person’s spiritual development and creative abilities.


Associated with romance, femininity, sensuality and tenderness. It pleases the eyes, relieves headaches, relieves depression, and has a positive effect on the level of calcium in the blood. Gives a feeling of peace and serenity, reduces aggressiveness in unbalanced conflict people.

Perhaps it can be called the ideal shade for a marital bedroom.

This is how, by manipulating the possibilities of the color scheme, you can regulate your emotional state, correct your health and attract the energy you need at this stage into your life.

Human health is influenced not only by color, but also.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Don't self-medicate!

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We all know that orange color is obtained by mixing red and yellow colors; we examined their psychological characteristics in previous articles. But few people know what effect does the color orange have on a person? It is worth noting that this color is symbolized with vivid impressions, joy, and celebration. It conceals within itself a strong energy that generates excitement, thereby it is able to motivate a person to action, remove constraint and complexes from him, and develop a desire for an active and rich life. Fatigue and tension go away when you use the color orange in meditation; it can also relieve depression and apathy.

The color orange not only has a certain effect on a person, but can also tell about his psychological characteristics. So if you are a person who prefers this color, then we can say that you are a passionate and dreamy person, whose fantasies are easily realized. This is because you have good intuition and can sense events that will happen to you in the future. Your remarkable quality is determination, this is what helps you move towards your goal and achieve excellent results. However, risk and excitement are in your blood. Your passion for various competitions can fill your mind so much that you won’t notice how, in a fit of passion for adrenaline, you can offend people close to you. Such a strong risk appetite is good for achieving a goal, but it is important to find internal balance and control your own behavior in such situations. In your personal life, deep recognition and respect awaits you, since you are noble, agile and impressionable, capable of being carried away by love relationships.

In addition to the impact on the human psyche, orange color also has a certain effect on the body. The strongest positive influence of this color is felt by the digestive organs, kidneys and bladder. Orange color treats diseases of the spleen, small intestine, and pancreas. If you want to get rid of harmful substances from the body, then using orange in meditation will come in handy. However, it should be remembered that this color is contraindicated in case of an unstable nervous system.

It should be noted that the color orange recharges the body with psychic energy, and in a room of this color the temperature seems several degrees warmer than in blue-green rooms. If you want to improve your appetite, then use orange to decorate your kitchen.

Practical guide for:

Colors affect a person's health and psychological state. Flowers can be used to change your mood. Color schemes in clothing are very important, because... in direct contact with the body, they directly act on it.

Color therapy - what is it?

Color therapy is the treatment of a person with color. Each color has its own frequency, which affects the human nervous system. Knowing the properties of flowers, you can significantly improve the condition of any person. It is especially important to know the influence of colors during construction and renovation of premises, as well as when purchasing clothes.

Women are more sensitive to colors than men, so they are more affected by colors.

The influence of color on a person

Color therapy has been known since ancient times. Colors can excite the nervous system or calm it. They can inspire or relax, help you fall asleep faster or, conversely, activate the nervous system.

Each color stimulates different parts of the brain that are responsible for different functions. Colors can turn a pessimist into an optimist and vice versa, if they are constantly present in the appropriate rooms. Thus, you can even influence a person’s character.

The effect of white color

This is a symbol of purity, truth, innocence and Higher Divine powers. It creates solemnity, provides moral support, gives a boost of energy and brings peace. White color helps improve the condition in cloudy weather, maintains skin moisture, and is involved in the functioning of the endocrine system. It helps to cope with emotions, creates sophistication and elegance. This color plays an important role in color therapy.

White helps remove negative energies and tune into pure consciousness. It helps to expand consciousness and purify it. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

At the same time, an excess of white in a room can have a bad effect on work activity, it can give a feeling of disappointment and devastation.

The influence of black

This is an ambiguous color. It symbolizes impurity, death, transition to another world, sadness, secrecy, it is a symbol of mystery. At the same time, it calms and reduces tension. It is a symbol of great potential and strength.

Black color is often loved by people who are irreconcilable with external circumstances, who have a lot of information and hide it.

This color combines calm and storm. When combined with other colors, black reveals different properties.

Black underwear attracts illnesses and problems in life, creates an imbalance (because it does not match their colors).

The influence of red

Red color increases activity and has stimulating properties. This is a warm color that creates a feeling of warmth, activates metabolism, increases blood pressure, and stimulates the brain.

However, an excess of red or its prolonged effect, after activation and excitement, begins to depress, irritate the nervous system and leads to fatigue. This color irritates children especially quickly.

On the one hand, it is the color of life and fire, on the other hand, it is an aspect of pride and selfishness. It is a symbol of courage and victory, struggle and cruelty. This is an animal color. That's why it's red. After all, she is responsible for the animal qualities of a person.

Practical guide for:
brain development, sensitivity to energies, solving health problems, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, relieving psychological problems and mastering methods of changing fate.

Irritable and angry people Not Red color recommended.

Brown effect

This is the color of stability, confidence, and creates a feeling of security. Has a calming effect. It is indicated for nervous and restless people. It is used in the treatment of mental illness.

Too much brown can lead to melancholy, sadness and depression.

The influence of pink color

The color pink symbolizes naivety, tranquility and a happy life. It is a symbol of compassion and selflessness, kindness and romance. This color relieves tension and promotes reconciliation.

Too much pink causes fatigue and dissatisfaction.

Orange effect

This is the color of joy and fun. It creates a good mood, breaks down barriers and gives freedom of action. It has a good effect on. Its qualities are similar to the color red, but without the irritating effects. It is a symbol of courage and adventure and creates a feeling of warmth.

Orange color helps restore broken connections in the body. It is useful to use for diseases of bones, tendons and joints. It has the ability to restore hormonal balance and cause a feeling of euphoria.

If in excess, orange can cause irritation.

The influence of yellow

Yellow color stimulates appetite. , associated with digestion, is also yellow. If you have stomach or digestive problems, eat from yellow dishes.

This color tones the nervous system and activates mental abilities. Well suited for designing student rooms.

Yellow color symbolizes joy and warmth, well-being and prosperity. It helps you get through difficulties and gives you clarity of thought.

Yellow helps in cleansing the body and getting rid of waste and toxins. Promotes renewal and rejuvenation of the body. It stimulates memory and has a beneficial effect on creativity.

The influence of green

It is a symbol of harmony, calm and balance, helping to tune in to nature. Green colour. This color symbolizes love and unity. It is used in healing. At the physical level, it dilates blood vessels, helps lower blood pressure, is used for liver disease, reduces headaches, and has analgesic properties. Green color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps with insomnia, has a good effect on concentration, and gives rest to the mind.

Sometimes dark shades of green can lead to depression.

The influence of blue color

Blue is calm and spiritual. This is peace and quiet, lightness and coolness. This color reduces emotional stress, nervous tension and gives a feeling of freshness.

It calms breathing, helps lower blood pressure and reduce muscle tension.

A large amount of blue creates a feeling of cold.

The influence of blue

This color helps to reach a new level of perception and has a calming effect. It gives access to new worlds. Chakra is blue. This is the chakra of intuition and access to information fields.

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