Mountains east of Altai. Altai Mountains: description, structure. altitude and main ridges

Published: 14.04.2018 Category: Author's essay

The borders of the Russian Federation, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan converge here. Altai Mountains on the map of Russia it is an area of ​​92,903 square meters. km, administratively consisting of the Republic of Gorny Altai (the hills themselves) and the southeast Altai Territory(zones of lakes, hills and Altai foothills). Within our Fatherland, the natural area borders the republics of Tyva and Khakassia, located on the southwestern border Western Siberia. If the Altai Mountains declared themselves a separate state, they would be equal in area to Portugal. When talking about the relief of the Altai Mountains, it is worth pointing out: these are mountain ranges, valleys and basins that cross them. The amazing landscape was praised throughout their lives in their memoirs by local natives - the inventor of the steam engine I. Polzunov, cosmonaut G. Titov, writer V. Shukshin, actor V. Zolotukhin and pop artist M. Evdokimov. The most high point Altai Mountains - Belukha Peak (4509 m), and the lowest is located in the rising areas of the Kulundinskaya Lowland, its position is 250 m above sea level. In local nature reserves, everything is allowed except for fishing and making fires!

The mountain system was finally formed in the Cenozoic. But before that, the history of the Altai Mountains spanned thousands of years. Before the beginning of the Paleozoic there was a sea here. Oddly enough, it once separated the Russian and Siberian platforms. Powerful tectonic movements led to the fact that at the end of the Paleozoic this piece of land began to experience such strong fluctuations that the plains of the current 22nd region first emerged from under the water, and by the Jurassic period (mid-Mesozoic) they again sank into depths of the sea. Only the Altai Mountains themselves remained on the surface. In the Cenozoic, sedimentary rocks leveled out minor depressions, and when, closer to the historical period, the Paleogene Sea retreated, the absolutely flat Kulunda Lowland was “born.” It was mastered by higher hominids much earlier than the Altai mountains. Man appeared in them only in the 74th millennium BC. Cro-Magnon man displaced Denisovan man from mountain caves and basins in the 30th millennium BC. Much later, his descendants mixed with one of the Scythian tribes. This is how the ethnos of the Pazyryk culture appeared (the Tsar’s Mound speaks about it). The Pazyryk people are known to historians as the inventors of the “animal” style - a set of techniques in the art of ornament.

The people had a strong influence on the ancestors of the Turks who lived nearby. Until now, 3 representatives of the Turkic language group live here, small remnants of ancient nationalities - Teleuts, Telengits and Tubalars. They are called "Altaians". For many centuries, various hordes proclaimed the Altai mountains as part of their empires. Until, at the dawn of modern history, they were supplanted by the Mongol-speaking Dzungars. The “occupiers” themselves retreated under the pressure of our ancestors - it was Russian industrialists, for example, who ordered the construction of the Beloyarsk and Bikatun fortresses. We are talking about the first stationary outposts of the Russian Empire. In the 18th century, the Altai Mountains finally established themselves in our Motherland as an important deposit of polymetals.

However, 200 years later, the recreational value was also realized. Together with the Baikal region and Karelia, this landscape is one of the three most environmentally friendly places in the Russian land. Three nature reserves have been organized within its territory.

Climatic zones of the Altai Mountains

Rough terrain, the border of geoplatforms and different zones - all this divides the Altai mountains into several climatic zones, about each of which we will briefly tell you.

Arctic desert and alpine meadows

Researchers included the highlands of the Kosh-Agach and Ulagan districts of the 4th region here. The height of the Altai Mountains caused a climatic phenomenon. At their upper stratum, even at the height of summer, +10°C. In January, the thermometer sometimes drops to -62°C. And the norm here: - 10°C! That is, the frost comes here in gusts. However, this was enough for the local flora and fauna to become impoverished, turning into a kingdom of mosses and lichens, as well as “microscopic” alpine vegetation. The cold peaks of the Chulyshman Highlands are home to endangered winged predators - the white-tailed eagle and the dwarf eagle. And sometimes argali and Snow Leopard. Alpine meadows are a strip connecting the described belt with the taiga. They are distinguished by tall grass and a large number of multi-colored buds - gentian, forget-me-not, poppy, mytria, bright columbine, anemone, pennywort and other types of ephemeris.


A sharply continental climate dominates the border administrative units of the 22nd (Kulundinskaya steppe), as well as the Chemal district of the 4th region. In terms of aridity, the Chui steppe, sandwiched by hills, is close to it (located 150 km to the south). There are also arid high-grass wastelands in the center of the mountain range - in its basins lie the Kurai, Uimon, Katanda and Abai steppes. True, the climate here does not fluctuate so sharply. If in Chemal in summer the above-zero temperature reaches 40 °C, then in any of the indicated natural bowls in July it reaches only 30 °C. In winter, all steppes differ in weather. Chuyskaya is the coldest. So many frosty winds hit here that an absolute minimum of -62°C was once recorded! On average in January it is -10°C. The most common phenomenon in all Altai steppes is snow blizzards and snowstorms, bringing with them a “minus” as in European Russia. In the locations indicated above, jerboas, ground squirrels, marmots, steppe hori, foxes and wolves survive. On the hills between the Kulundinskaya steppe and the foothills, hares (hare and hare) chase. And above all these “pedestrians” there are voracious hawks hovering.


They especially talk about the Altai Mountains in connection with the valleys of mighty rivers. In their channels there is a “ribbon” forest (usually deciduous), interspersed with small glades and single pine trees. Birch, aspen, bird cherry, and dozens of species of shrubs, moss and ferns grow here. The forest-steppe is located in the same valleys as the steppe (inheriting their names). The animal composition is essentially steppe. Differences: more water birds (especially gray cranes and demoiselles), beavers, and wild boars. By the way, when surveying aquatic inhabitants, let’s immediately note the fish. A single composition is characteristic of all natural zones of the large region, which is dubbed the Altai Mountains. We mean perch, ruffe, crucian carp, rudd, lenok, bream, pike, tench, burbot, salmon, gudgeon and Siberian sturgeon.

Mixed forest

The most optimal cluster of temperate climates is distributed in the foothills of the right bank of the Ob River, as well as in the Biysk-Chumysh Upland. Along with boreal trees, birch and aspen forests are common here, as well as a fairly rich undergrowth. In this type of relict arboretum we will meet chipmunk, flying squirrel, otter, musk deer, elk, deer, roe deer and badger. The predominant birds here are waders, owls, woodpeckers, orioles, crows, finches, wood grouse, and black grouse.


This natural belt covers the Foothill and Priobsky clusters of the 22nd region, as well as the middle “floor” of absolutely all mountain slopes and highlands of the 4th region. It is most pronounced on the terraces formed on the banks of the Biya and Katun rivers. Pine, fir, larch, spruce (occasioned, however, with aspen), as well as Siberian cedar are the predominant inhabitants of this belt. As for birds and mammals, they are the same as in mixed thickets, but there are more formidable land predators - brown bears, wolves and lynxes. Characteristic “Altaians” are the Siberian bustard, the goshawk and the Siberian mountain goat (which often rises above the forest).


Quite deep streams flow from these hills into Western and Central Siberia, each of which will be discussed below. There are also many lakes here. In total, the Altai Mountains have about 20,000 rivers and 7,000 mountain water bowls.


The largest artery. It begins on the southern slope of the high Belukha ridge (Gebler Glacier). Depth up to 30 meters. Length – 688 km, basin – 60,900 square kilometers. Flows into the Ob. Hydronym is a derivative of “kadyn” (“mistress”).


“Starts” in Lake Teletskoye, the mouth is the Ob River. Length 301 km. The pool is 37,000 sq. km. The depth reaches 7 meters. The name is translated from Altai “lord”


The largest branch of the Katun (length 320 km). It originates on the western slopes of the Chikhachev ridge. Swimming pool 11,200 sq. km. Average depth- almost 5 meters. The name means "water".


It flows down from the slopes of the Terektinsky ridge, flowing into the Katun. The distance from the source to the river is 119 kilometers, the basin is 3,710 square meters. km. Shallow. Hydronym – “fluid”.


The beginning is in the west of the Altai Mountains massif (Ust-Kansk). Mouth - Ob. The reservoir flows for 327 km. The depth is insignificant. The name of the formidable stream means “the den of the beast” among the aborigines.


Literally translated – “handsome”. Length 547 km. The stream meanders from the Korgon ridge to the Ob. Also called Charas. The depth is small, but there are many tributaries...


The length of the reservoir is 241 kilometers. It connects lakes Teletskoye and Dzhulukul. Depth 1 m. In most languages, the hydronym is translated as “huge man-river” and so on.

Lake Teletskoye

The second name is Altynkol (“Golden Lake”) - so named because of the color of the water at sunset. This is part of the complex object “Golden Mountains of Altai”. Natural heritage is the picturesque relict landscape around the water bowl, as well as its water itself. Area – 223 sq. km. The coastline is 181 km. The average depth is 174, the greatest is 325 meters. The latitudinally elongated basin is connected to the Chulyshman and Biya rivers.


"Summer". The highest lake in the Russian Federation (located at an altitude of 2200 m). The largest diameter is 10 kilometers, depth is 7 m. It can be found already in the basin of the Shapshalsky ridge.

Lake Aya

Freshwater filling of a mountain basin 10 km away. south of the village of Maima (extreme northwest). 400 by 190 m.

Karakol Lakes

"Black Lakes" The conversation is about a group of water bowls in the northeast of the high-mountainous Chemal region. They are located at a distance of 300-800 m from each other. The landmark on the map is the village of Elekmonar (the nearest lakes are 30 km away). The largest of Karakol's indoor pools, measuring 440 by 350 meters. It lies at an altitude of 1820 m.

Akkem lakes

"White Waters", "Belovodye". Water bowls formed under the northern slope of Belukha and lying at an elevation of 2050 m. They are fed by the glacier of the same name. The largest has a size of 1350 by 610 meters. His coastline– 3800 m, and depth – up to 15 meters.

White Lake

Formed on the Kolyvan ridge, not far from Mount Sinyukha. Size 2.4 by 1.5 km. The average depth is 5.5 m. It is known to fishermen as the home of a now rare fish - the minnow.

Mountains and ridges

The average height of the Altai Mountains is 1900 meters. There are 5 “trodden” mountains. In general, the geological system is a pattern of 18 ridges - of different lengths and heights.


As you already know, this is the highest mountain in the Altai Mountains. Its figure slightly exceeds 4.5 kilometers. For those who have not been beyond the Urals, we will inform you that this is almost the “growth” of Ailama (the upper reaches of the Cherek, Kabardino-Balkaria). Belukha is the “crown” of the Katunsky Range. It has climbing routes of varying difficulty. On their traverses you will see bright Cambrian rocks with cavities that are interesting for speleologists. Seismic level – 8 points. The slopes are prone to mudflows and avalanches. The most beautiful waterfall here is Rossypnoy. The forest belt goes up to the 2,000 mark, then subalpine and alpine. To the east of the mountain there are ridges that have an arctic desert on a similar level. This means that Belukha, decorated with alpine flowers, was a little luckier.


This geological formation is highest area North Chuysky ridge. The height is 4044 meters. The toponym is translated from the Altai language as “white village”. Apparently, they meant the color of the ubiquitous snow caps... The upper stratum is an arctic desert, below which it turns into the tundra. It is no longer trekkers who frolic here, but exclusively climbers (the difficulty of the climb is from 1A to 5B). The most accessible climb is from the gorge of the same name, formed by the river. In a wide part of its valley, a mountaineering camp has been set up (they climb here in jeeps, and from here they move on crampons, with ropes). On the traverse of the climbs coming from here, extreme sports enthusiasts can observe the curious “Maashey” trough (“avenue” laid by the descent of the glacier), as well as a bunch of monuments in honor of the summit conquerors and snowboarders who died here.


The northernmost high-altitude tract of the country with the name “Altai Mountains” lies in the 22nd region (further, near the village of Kolovo, there are already foothills). With a height of only 1008 meters, the “flying squirrel” (this is the name of the ridge) specializes in receiving unprepared tourists. There are convenient trails along the northern and southern slopes. From above, a panorama of the Kulundinskaya steppe opens (which still has barely visible hills).


Or "Black Stone". Height – 3534 meters above sea level. u. m. A well-known object both for nearby trekkers and for visiting climbers (each group chooses a stratum accessible to it). We are talking about the “crown” of the tiny mountain node Bish-Yirdu (North Chuya Range). Climbing it is accessible from the Chuysky tract. There are 3 extreme routes. From some points you can see not only the road, but also the glaciers of Mount Aktur.


The pride of the Tigirek Nature Reserve has a “height” of 1210 meters. This is the highest place of the Kolyvan ridge. The foot is 2 kilometers southwest of Lake Beloye. The upper platform opens up a view of the steppe, the taiga and the town of Zmeinogorsk. By the way, they rise here after first arriving in the named agglomeration. For more than a thousand years, Sinyukha has been an object of pilgrimage for local shamans and Slavic pagans, Old Believers and even Orthodox Christians who want to experience the unusual natural power of this place. After all, along the edges of the mountain there are boulders of stone, which has always made it look like some kind of sanctuary...

The region described is unique natural heritage. The Golden Mountains of Altai (the highest part of the system, located in the southeastern third of the 4th region) are part of a larger geological country. It consists entirely of the following “trunks” and “branches”:

  • Korbu Ridge;
  • Kolyvansky ridge;
  • Delaunay Ridge;
  • Katunsky ridge;
  • North Chuysky ridge;
  • South Chuysky ridge;
  • Altyn-Tu Ridge;
  • Iolgo Ridge;
  • Kuraisky ridge;
  • Mazhigan Ridge;
  • Sailyugem Ridge;
  • Seminsky ridge;
  • Smultinsky ridge;
  • Terektinsky ridge;
  • Chikhachev Ridge;
  • Tigirek ridge;
  • Korgon ridge;
  • Shapshalsky ridge.

It remains to emphasize that the meridian length of the Altai Mountains on the map is a little more than 500 kilometers. But if you cross this vector along the mountains themselves, the navigator will eventually cover more than a thousand kilometers. The area is so rugged.

Transport and pedestrian passes

It seems possible to safely cross the Altai Mountains at 7 points (they are used). The total number of any depressions on the ridges exceeds 200.

Seminsky pass

The highest point of the Chuisky tract is Mezhgorye Sarlyk and Tiyakhty (southwest of the ridge of the same name). The rise in the south is 11, in the north – 9 kilometers.

Katu-Yaryk pass

Like other mountains of eastern Altai (in particular, in the Ulagansky region), the stone walls bordering the Chulyshman River have the most beautiful and steep passes. The name of this one translates to “hard cleft.” The steep descent into the river valley (Ulagan-Balykcha road) goes for 3.5 kilometers, from 630 meters above sea level.

Ulagansky pass

We are talking about the 26th kilometer of the tract of the same name, which takes the driver down from the plateau that has the same name. This is a multi-kilometer fragment of the Aktash – Ust-Ulagan highway. The highest point lies at 2080 and is a sacred place among the aborigines (there is a gazebo).

Yazulinsky pass

Locals call it Yule or Yulyu - “bear”. Located on the little-known road Ulagan - Yazula (Ulagan district). It ends in front of the bridge over Chulyshman, also being part of the Golden Mountains of Altai recreational area. Length 4 km. Height 1773 meters. Vegetation: taiga and forest-steppe. There is a pagan sanctuary.


"The path to the straight lowland." The next (after Seminsky) transmountain crossing on the “frosty” Chuysky tract is its 659th kilometer. Height 1295 meters above sea level. From here a panorama of the ancient road opens. The place is recognized as a natural monument. It is often mentioned in books and articles about the Altai Mountains. Ascent – ​​6 km, descent – ​​4 km.


“Frog-Stone” is a mountain crossing with a fancy name. It is located at an altitude of 2113 m. This is a point on the Iolgo ridge, lying between the Karakol lakes. The pass is not a saddle, but just an inflection of the peak. But the fact is that it is plateau-shaped, and therefore accessible to experienced mountain travelers. It is crossed by 4 tourist routes at once... Many dwarf trees grow on the plateau, and above that there are violets.


“Black Heart” lifts the wanderer to a height of 3100 m! This is the watershed of the Akkem and Kucherla rivers (Akkem Wall), a section of the trekker route 1A category of difficulty. Passes through the Belukha Mountain National Park. It intersects with the horse trail from Tungur.

Commercial tours

Currently, Altai operators offer tourists several destinations for multi-day active recreation. This includes trekking, climbing and, of course, river rafting. Bus excursions are available (including one-day excursions). More about them at the end of the chapter.

“Teletskoye Lake – Altai taiga”

From Artybash you go to the Korbu waterfall (eastern bank). Then Cape Kyrsai, Chulyshman Valley, Balykcha village. Further, the beds of 3 rivers, Mount Biler and the Tanys pass return travelers to Artybash. For adults. Cost from 17 thousand rubles.

Climbing Belukha

The mountain consists of the Western (4440 m) and Eastern (4506 m) peaks. They are separated by the Belukhinsky saddle. The group, assembled in Gorno-Altaisk and trained at the Kucherla base, goes through the Tomsk sites. The cost of participation is from 50 thousand rubles.

“Valley of Chulyshman – Lake Teletskoye”

5-day trek on quad bikes. Route: Gorno-Altaisk – Lake Teletskoye (via Choya and Verkhniy Biysk) – Chulyshman valley – Chuysky tract (Balykcha, Koo and Bashkous valley) – Gorno-Altaisk. Parking: campsites. For adults. From 34 thousand rubles.

Jeep tour of Eastern Altai

The most interesting mountains of Altai, as you have seen, are located in the east. To get to some mini-passes (with sacred groves), lakes, bright subalpine meadows and fabulous waterfalls, you have to use not only roads, but also off-road terrain. For example, the beds of streams that “fell asleep” until spring. Crossovers do this very well. They will become the transport in the described 8-day trip. Its vector is Gorno-Altaisk - Chuisky tract (Seminsky lane, Chike-Taman lane, the confluence of the Chuya and Katun, called " natural Park Chuy Ozy") – Kuladu cordon (overnight in a bungalow) – Ulagan lakes – Chulyshman valley (via Geyser lake and the Red Gate tract) – Pazyryk mounds – (overnight in Ulagan, where the Pazyryk museum of Scythian history is located) – walking route to the waterfall Uchar (several overnight stays in tents) – Chuisky tract – Gorno-Altaisk. Price from 40 thousand rubles.

Rafting on Katun

Katun is the mistress of the area that we call “Altai Mountains” (her name is translated that way). After all, only she is able to guide you through the heart of a mountainous country, showing its most sublime part. This refers to the point where snow-capped peaks will cover your entire sky... Guests of Barnaul are presented with a unique opportunity to raft in a group on a rafting catamaran. From here they are taken to the village of Tyungur. It is from the confluence of the Katun and Kucherla that the water route(after all, there is a special camp for water and alpine extreme sports enthusiasts). The line goes through the rapids: Akkemsky breakthrough, Igulmen, Kadrinskaya pipe, Shabash, Kayancha, Ayala, Teldekpen, 1st and 2nd Elandinsky. Distance 240 km. overcome in 10 days. The issue price is from 28 thousand rubles. Meals in canteens are usually paid for.

Rafting on Chuya

The water pilgrimage through the Altai Mountains is carried out along the Chuya, a slalom-type water stream (experienced rafters are invited to overcome 5 technically difficult and other rapids). It was on the Chuya “springboards” that the first Russian rafting competition took place. You should get to Gorno-Altaisk, from where water adventurers are taken to the “start” - to the village. Aktash. “Finish” is at the confluence with the Katun. 5 days. The active part (alloy) is 3. You will have to pay from 18 thousand rubles.

"Teletskoye Lake"

1 day. From Gorno-Altaisk, participants are taken to the named reservoir (along the Gorno-Altaisk - Artybash road, better known as the Teletsky tract). Speaking of the tract. The first settlement will be the village. Karasuk, in the museum of which you will find a unique exhibition composed of artifacts of the Karasuk culture. We are talking about the material monuments of the people formed as a result of the mixing of the ancient Altai population with the Andronovo people (Aryans, whose tribe built the famous Arkaim). Traditional “cultural-ecological” program: museum and sacred springs of Artybash, relaxation on the lake, trip by motor boat to the Korbu waterfall, farewell dinner at a local restaurant, return. The cost of a comfort tour is 2000 – 3000 rubles. Such a trip from Barnaul includes an additional payment of 500 rubles (the distance between the cities is 260 km).

To the Karakol Lakes

Jeep tour. Visit to each of the 7 lakes. I take food with me, the area excludes infrastructure (the nearest village is 30 km away). An equestrian alternative to the hike starts from the Jolly Roger Bay. The car option costs from 5,000 rubles. Horseback (passage through Bagatash lane) – from 6,000 rubles. (child) up to 10,000 (adult). 2-day.

Around Belokurikha

1 day (14-15 hours). Excursion around the park, to the Holy Springs, to the Four Brothers rock and Round Mountain. Cost: adult – 1500-2000 rubles, child – 700-1000 rubles.

"Spring Tale of the Chuysky Tract"

The P-256 route is the longest and most important in the wonderful kingdom called the Altai Mountains. The old route was different (on the passes running “parallel” to the road, sections of the caravan route can still be observed). Travel in a comfortable bus through the sight-filled hills (more than 2/3 of the route) and return to Gorno-Altaisk - all this will take 3 days and 2 nights. From Gorno-Altaisk: Barangol village – Uch-Enmek park – Aktash village – river bank. Chuya - Barangol village. Overnight in villages. Meals are also provided here. Together with it, the cost of the tour will be from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles... Sights - the stele “exit to the Chuysky tract”, the most beautiful “overlooks” of the Terektinsky ridge (ascent to the forest-tundra level), the picturesque confluence of the Chuya and Menka rivers, Lake Karakol. You observe the blooming steppe (tour on the first dates of May).

“Uimon Valley - the path to Belovodye”

An almost 8-day trip to the Altai Mountains from Barnaul. The next point is Biysk (“the oldest city in Altai”). Then – Novopokrovka (a feast awaits you in the “capital” of the Altai Cossacks), Denisova Cave (the 4th of the ancient races of homo sapiens lived here). Then a deer breeding base on the border with the Soloneshtinsky district of the 22nd region, the village of Soloneshnoye (excursion to the local history museum), Ust-Koksa (already the 4th region, the Uimon Valley Old Believers Museum and apiary), a trip to the Katanda Valley with a stop at Upper Uimon (Roerich Museum), Chemal village (Sartakpaya Gate). The finish line is a temple on the island of Patmos (an Orthodox shrine on a site broken off from the high ravine of Katun). In fact, this is almost the entire western Altai Mountains. They are located on the left bank of the Katun River. Tour price from 30 thousand rubles.

“Heart of Altai” (longest)

8 full days in the territory where the Altai Mountains are called Golden! Gorno-Altaisk – Teletskoye Lake – Chulyshman Valley (Uchar Waterfall, Stone Mushrooms) – Chuisky Tract (Karbak-Tash, Karakol Valley with a visit to the nearest lakes), Chemal (together with an overview of the hydroelectric power station). Overnight at camp sites. From 35 thousand rubles.


It is worth listing the protected areas - many popular excursion points among travelers and vacationers are fragments of them. Conversation about the Altaisky reserves (adjacent tracts of the Turochaksky and Ulagansky districts), Katunsky (almost the entire Ust-Koksinsky district) and Tigireksky (lands “at the intersection” of the Krasnoshchekovsky, Zmeinogorsky and Tretyakovsky districts of the 22nd region). There is also a “related” concept “Golden Mountains of Altai”. UNESCO listed under this name the entire Altaisky State Reserve, the “near-reserve” boundaries of Lake Teletskoye, the Belokurikha Mountains and the Ukok Plateau (several state borders pass through it at once). And what are the settlements and zones in these recreations themselves, as well as around them? Here are 6 of the most popular objects.

Teletskoye Lake and Korbu Waterfall

The Golden Mountains of Altai, the Golden Lake - all these are links in one chain, as even the names indicate... We are talking about the most beautiful Altai landscapes, taken under the care not only of our state, but also world organization, fighting for the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. The splendor indicated in the title is located between the Turochak recreational area and the geographical center of the Altaisky State Reserve (the Ulagan lake plateau). Moreover, the adjacent surroundings of Turochak, Lake Teletskoye, Korbu waterfall and Ulagan lakes are the main pearls of this location. This entire territory is covered with shelters, cordons of reserve workers and recreation centers. There are such settlements as Artybash, Yogach, Kebezen, Ust-Pyzha, Yailyu, Bele, Balykcha and Kok-Pash. The most famous recreation centers are here. There is also a health resort - the Altyn-Kel sanatorium. Korbu is a river of the same name, falling into the lake (from a height of 2100 meters). You need to walk up the boardwalk for a few minutes to appreciate the waterfall and the visitor center of the reserve, souvenir shops and a couple of seasonal restaurants.


The named resort is the most Beautiful places at the foot of the Cherginsky ridge, the granite of which gives rise to unimaginable shapes and colors (especially at sunset and sunrise). The center is the town of the same name. Unlike the northeast just described, in the northwest the height of the Altai Mountains is not so impressive. However, this circumstance provides greater opportunities for unprepared trekkers! The recreational area includes the settlement itself (Tserkovka Mountain, equipped with a cable car, the mysterious stone labyrinth Stone Island, the Four Brothers rocks - a 10-meter geological formation similar to a group of men, Round Mountain with the Snake Well, springs mineral waters, a private museum of blacksmithing) and the immediate surroundings: Andreevskaya Sloboda (a tourist location, which is a historical and architectural complex telling about the life of Russian Altaians) and the Siberian Compound (an entertainment and restaurant center of a fashionable level).

"Turquoise Katun"

Not only the Golden Mountains of Altai are of interest to modern Russians. Many of us are content with those that are lower - more accessible for “mattress” trekking (even with scree). We will describe a special tourist and economic zone localized around Red Stone. On the border of the Maiminsky district of the autonomous republic and adjacent territories of the 22nd region. The river flows here between high hills covered with small areas of taiga. Its water is turquoise in color. This is the 477th kilometer of the Chuysky tract. The “town” consists of an artificial thermal lake and several hotel establishments (offering individual log cabins or cottages). There are 3 restaurants, a water park (on the lake), a mountain base, an ice skating rink, an art gallery, the Tavdinsky Caves facility, an entertainment center, an apiary with its own store. 3 paths lead from here to Red Stone, which is memorable to home-grown researchers for the wide panorama of the farm just described.

Seminsky pass

The recreational reserve gives away its location by its name. All the main attractions are along the road. In the Altai Mountains of this area you will come across the ascent to Mount Tiyakhta (from here 2 neighboring ridges are fully visible), as well as the quite fishing Tenginskoye Lake (overgrown with honeysuckle, barberry and larch). There are connections with other routes (already described above). Sometimes the tracks are separated from each other by surmountable buttresses of the mountain slope.

Manzherok (ski pearl)

A network of ski resorts is located near the Turquoise Katun, on the other side. In winter, this is the most popular place at the border of two Altai regions. Shine your skis!


Let us note the unprotected landscapes between the Shorsky and Altai nature reserves - they mainly cover the interfluve of the Biya and Lebed rivers. The center is the village of the same name. It is famous for its excursion objects - the Stone of Love (“the head of a dolphin” rolls into the river), Pisanitsa (petroglyphs of the inhabitants of the Stone Age) and the most beautiful (according to photographers) section of the Biya River (part of the local banks - colored pieces of rocks, hewn to a round state, at the top where lonely pines stand).

Sailyugemsky National Park

This is a land that starts a few kilometers northeast of the foot of Belukha and goes further to the east. It covers part of the ridge of the same name, as well as neighboring basins with different tundra-taiga landscapes. But the south abuts the border with the Mongolian People's Republic. The only paved road here is the Chuysky tract. But it only crosses the northern section of the protected area. So, we are talking about the Kosh-Agach region of the Altai Republic, one of the 2 coldest in the region. Most people live here in Russia wild cats(Manulov). Sights of the NP: Dzhumalinsky springs, Chagan-Uzunsky and Buguzinsky springs, the small Ukok plateau (the south of the territory is precisely the border with Mongolia, and there are also many rock paintings, mounds and stone sculptures of the Pazyryk Scythians). In addition to Scythian megaliths, burials and petroglyphs, protected objects include the museum of the Chui Kazakhs in Zhanaul, a local history exhibition in Dzhazator and an ethnocomplex dedicated to the material culture of the Telengits (one of the Altai peoples) in Kokor.

Now you know where the Altai Mountains are and what they are. Vasily Shukshin wrote in one of his biographical works “...And some kind of enormous power seems to me there, in my homeland, some kind of life-giving force...”. This is true. The area is filled with thousands of varieties of flora and fauna, and inexhaustible, amazingly pure springs. After all, the age of the Altai Mountains is almost two billion years. They managed to become the homeland of thousands of populations... As for natural resources, there will be enough of them for more than one generation of Russians. About the Altai Mountains, it remains to add a discussion about the origin of their name. There are about 10 versions. The most authoritative of them claim: the toponym is translated from the languages ​​of the Turkic and Mongolian groups as “multi-colored” or “golden” mountains. Altai (administratively) there are two - the 4th and 22nd regions. In total, these subjects were visited by 4,250,000 tourists in 2017 - from Russia and other countries.


Posted Fri, 03/27/2015 - 08:50 by Cap

Southern Altai is a mountain range in the south of Altai, the western part of which is located in Kazakhstan, the eastern part of the ridge separates Russia from China. Length about 125 km. Height up to 3871 m. In the foothills up to an altitude of 1400-1500 m there are steppe landscapes, park larch forests reach an altitude of 2100-2200 m; the high mountain zone is dominated by subalpine and alpine meadows. About 180 glaciers (including Adakhinsky - length 5 km, area 19.5 km2). It starts to the west from the Karakoba River, separating it from the Kalbinsky ridge located even further west. Passes from west to east. In the east it ends at the Tavan-Bogdo-Ula massif, which begins the Sailyugem ridges (to the east) and the Mongolian Altai (to the south).

Mongolian Altai is a mountain system in Mongolia and China (on the border). It consists of several ridges separated by valleys, stretching for 1000 km from southeast to northwest. The width varies from 150 km to 300 km, the highest point is Mount Munkh-Khairkhan-Ula (4362 m). The tops of the ridges are plateau-shaped and covered with glaciers, the total area of ​​which is 830 km². Most of them, including the largest Potanin glacier, are located in the Tavan-Bogdo-Ula massif. The ridges are mainly composed of crystalline schists, porphyries, porphyrites and granites. On the moist slopes of the southwestern side there are meadows and forests, on the dry northeastern slopes there are steppes and semi-deserts.

In the north it approaches the highlands of the Altai Republic, in the west and south there are semi-deserts and deserts of Dzungaria and Gobi, and the entire northeastern part of the system borders on the semi-deserts of the Great Lakes Basin. In the east of the Mongolian Altai there is the Alag-Nur depression, which separates it from the lower Gobi Altai (altitude up to 3900 m). At the northwestern extremity of the ridge is Kanas Lake.
On the territory of China, the mountains are located in the Altai District in the Ili-Kazakh Autonomous Region of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China with its capital in Altai.

The Gobi Altai is a mountain system in the south of Mongolia, a southeastern continuation of the Mongolian Altai. The Gobi Altai consists of chains of sublatitudinal ridges and ridges, separated by dry valleys and basins and surrounded by sloping plains (bels). The length of the system is over 500 km, the prevailing heights are from 1500 to 3000 m. The highest point is the peak of Barun-Bogdo-Ula (3957 m) in the Ikh-Bogdo ridge. The vegetation in the lower zone is desert, in the upper zone it is steppe. The mountains are composed of crystalline schists, granites, sandstones and limestones. The Gobi Altai region is highly seismic. In 1957, a catastrophic earthquake of 11-12 magnitude occurred here; noticeable soil vibrations were observed over an area of ​​5 million km². In 1958, another earthquake occurred in the Gobi Altai, with a magnitude of 10, called the Bayan-Tsagan earthquake.

Steppe Altai is part of the Priob Plateau on the territory of the Altai Territory, gradually turning into the foothills of Altai in the south. The average height is 250-260 m. The Priob Plateau rises 50-75 m above the Kulunda Basin, the plateau is dissected by wide and deep (40-100 m) hollows, stretched parallel to each other from northeast to southwest. The bottoms of the hollows are filled with sand, the surface of which, under the influence of the wind, has acquired a hilly-ridge character. Modern rivers laid out their valleys in these hollows. The largest of them are Alei, Kasmala and Barnaulka.
In the hollow of the Kasmalinskaya ribbon there are bitterly salty lakes Bolshoye Gorkoye and Maloe Gorkoye. The climate of the plain is warmer and drier than other zones of the West Siberian Lowland. Average annual temperature on the Priob Plateau is +2.5 °C, the average annual precipitation is 450 mm. Due to the almost flat terrain, it is subject to the influence of strong winds and intrusions of air masses both from the Arctic Ocean and from Central Asia. Soils are formed on loess-like loams. Open steppe spaces on chernozem soils predominate. In some places, birch trees are found, mainly on dark gray forest soils; Ribbon pine forests (under which soddy-podzolic soils are formed), swamps and lakes are confined to the hollows of the ancient runoff. Most of the territory of the Priob Plateau is plowed.

Mount Belukha is located in the Ust-Koksinsky region Gorny Altai. It is the highest point of the Katunsky ridge and the highest point of Siberia. Belukha has two peaks in the form of irregular pyramids - Eastern (4506 m) and Western (4435 m), between which there is a depression - “Belukha Saddle”, 4000 m high. The two peaks of Belukha together with the peaks Delaunay and The crown of Altai forms the Akkem wall, falling almost vertically down towards the Akkem glacier.

On the territory of Russia, beyond the Urals, only in Kamchatka there is a peak higher than Belukha - Klyuchevskaya Sopka. But it’s not so much its height that attracts this mountain. As climbers say: Belukha is not for records, but for the soul. It gives off some special influence that is noticeable even at a distance from its foot. Seeing it for the first time, a person is filled with delight. In the valley of Lake Akkem, at the foot of Belukha, there is generally an atmosphere of openness and brotherhood with everyone nearby, even strangers. What felt when she visited here in August 2008.

Altaians revere Belukha and consider it a sacred mountain. Altai names (peak of Katun), Ak-Suru (majestic), Musdutuu (ice mountain. Belukha is not an easy mountain, it is an antenna that receives information from Space, transforms it, and distributes it to the whole Earth. People are prepared, harmonious, in connection with nature, can “communicate” with Belukha and “read" from her the information that she carries. Belukha has a harmonizing effect on a person, increasing his sensitivity and love for nature.

The famous mystical artist, artist-traveler Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, who visited Belukha in 1926 during his Central Asian expedition, also noted the unusualness of the space around Belukha. He wrote: “We saw Belukha. It was so clean and loud. Straight to Zvenigorod.” The artist felt that there was an energy bridge between Belukha and Everest, like two space antennas. “Altai - the Himalayas, two poles, two magnets” - this is what he wrote in his diaries. Roerich did a large number of sketches in the Belukha area. And after visiting Belukha on the southern side, he painted the painting “Belukha”. In 1942, Nikolai Konstantinovich painted the painting “Victory”. In the foreground is a warrior in ancient Russian armor who slayed a dragon. On the second are the shining peaks of Belukha. In honor of N.K. Roerich and his family members are named

The first records about Belukha appeared more than 200 years ago, when the Russian scientist and traveler P.I. Shangin, in his expedition to Altai, having visited the Uimon Valley, recorded stories about Belukha hunters and miners.

Gebler Friedrich Vilgelmovich, a well-known scientist and researcher in Altai, a doctor at the Kolyvan-Voskresensk factories, managed to reach Belukha for the first time in 1835. In order to collect and study medicinal plants, he traveled a lot throughout Altai and in 1836, striving for the source of the Katun, he approached Belukha from the south and discovered the Katun glacier, which was later named after him and the Berel glacier. Gebler then climbed the southern slope to the border of the non-melting snow and made an attempt to determine the height of Belukha. Later, in his article “Note on the Katun Mountains,” Gebler speaks of Belukha as the highest peak of the “Russian Altai.”

A faithful researcher of Belukha on long years became a Siberian researcher and scientist, professor Tomsk University Vasily Vasilyevich Sapozhnikov, who in the period from 1895 to 1911 was repeatedly in the Belukha area from the northern and southern sides and discovered and described the Belukha glacier massif: the Akkemsky, Iedygemsky glaciers, as well as their tributaries and satellites, the Cherny glacier, Mushtuairy (Tronov Brothers ) and several other glaciers in the upper reaches of Kuchurla. In 1898, after two unsuccessful attempts in previous years, Sapozhnikov and his companions reached the saddle of Belukha and measured the height of its peaks.


Team Nomads

Sights of Gorny Altai.
N. G. Seledtsov, N. E. Shpilekova. "To help tourists." Gorno-Altaisk, 2000
Sapozhnikov V.V. Across Altai. - M.: Geographgiz, 1949. - 579 p.
Galakhov V.P., Mukhametov R.M. Glaciers of Altai. - Novosibirsk: Science, 1999.
Altai Mountains - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia
Altai landscape region in the book: N. A. Gvozdetsky, N. I. Mikhailov. Physical geography of the USSR. M., 1978.
Golden Mountains of Altai on the website of the Natural Heritage Conservation Foundation
Murzaev E. M. Dictionary of folk geographical terms. 1st ed. - M., Mysl, 1984.
Murzaev E. M. Turkic geographical names. - M., Vost. lit., 1996.
Altai // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.


Geological structure and the long history of relief formation reveal a picture of the origin of plains and mountains. In the Archean, Proterozoic and early Paleozoic eras, the territory of Altai was covered by the sea - it was part of a vast geosynclinal area stretching between the Russian and Siberian platforms. In the Paleozoic, powerful tectonic movements occurred, the seabed experienced significant fluctuations in horizontal and vertical directions.

At the end of the Paleozoic, in place of the modern plains of the region, land arose that experienced oscillatory movements. At the beginning of the Mesozoic, the land slowly subsided and troughs formed. One of these troughs is the Kulunda Lowland.

In the middle of the Mesozoic ( Jurassic period) the land sank so much that the sea again covered almost the entire flat part of the region.

In the next Cenozoic era (Paleogene), the subsidence of the base of the Altai plains continued and the sea existed until the Neogene period. Sedimentary rocks of the ancient Paleogene sea leveled out small depressions, and when the sea retreated, the perfectly flat surface of the Kulunda Lowland remained.

The maximum thickness of sedimentary deposits accumulated on the plain over all geological eras reaches 3000 m. The crystalline rocks that form the bases of the plains are located at great depths.

IN quaternary period the plains experience tectonic movements of an eiperogenic nature. The area is slowly sinking. Favorable conditions are created for the accumulation of sediments, mainly due to material brought by rivers. In Quaternary time, the relief of plains is formed.

At the base of the region's plains lies a section of the West Siberian Plate. The West Siberian Plate is part of a young Paleozoic platform, composed of Hercynian and Caledonian folded structures, overlain by a thick sedimentary cover.

Geological history The Altai mountains are more complex than the plains. The base of the Altai Mountains is composed of the same structures of the young Paleozoic platform as the plains, only they are not covered by sedimentary deposits and come to the surface. The Altai Mountains are part of a vast mountainous country that arose in parts of the Paleozoic Sea and occupies an area stretching for thousands of kilometers from Altai south to the Tien Shan, west to the Urals, east to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan.

The beginning of the formation of the Altai Mountains dates back to the Caledonian folding, when the northeastern ridges appeared, located east of the Katun. There was still a sea in the southwest. At the end of the Paleozoic, in the Hercynian era, the bottom of the sea was crushed into folds, internal forces squeezed them upward, forming a mountainous country. Mountain-building movements were accompanied by strong volcanic eruptions that poured lava onto the surface of young folds. A folded mountainous country rose high above the vast plain.

IN Mesozoic era The Altai mountains were gradually destroyed by the sun, wind and other forces of nature. Over millions of years, the former mountainous country turned into a flat, vast, elevated plain with isolated elevated areas protruding as outcrops. There were lakes and swamps everywhere.

In the Cenozoic era, tectonic processes of Alpine mountain building reappeared in Altai, proceeding in a special way, due to the fact that the land passed into a platform state. The flat areas, consisting of destroyed folds, could no longer be compressed, since the rocks were very hard, the earth's crust had lost its mobility. Under the influence of tectonic processes, faults arise, separate blocks are formed, which move one onto another, simultaneously rise and split.

Tectonic movements in the Altai Mountains region were accompanied by intense volcanic activity; under their influence, magma rushed into cracks and poured out to the surface. With the vertical movement of layers of the earth's crust, horsts and grabens were formed. The greatest uplifts occurred in the southern part, where a mountainous country formed instead of an elevated plain.

During the Quaternary period, cooling began. In the Altai Mountains, highly elevated flat areas were covered with thick layers of ice. Glaciers slowly slid down the mountain slopes. After the first glaciation, an interglacial period began, during which tectonic movements resumed. The land is subsiding and rising along the lines of old and new faults. The formation of the Lake Teletskoye graben dates back to this time. Melt waters do a great deal of destructive work, forming deep river valleys.

With climate warming, there was a gradual reduction of glaciers, which continues to the present day. When ancient glaciers melted, powerful streams of water formed, which carried huge amounts of gravel and sand to the plains.

Melted glacial waters flowed into the Kulundinskaya lowland area, where extensive lakes arose. Some of the Kulunda lakes are the remnants of these dried up reservoirs. Clays were deposited in glacial lakes. In the area between the Biya and Katun rivers, in the foothills of Altai, loess-like deposits up to 25 m thick were formed. In river valleys, on the slopes of hills, along watersheds, loess-like deposits filled negative surface shapes and gave the relief a smooth character.

The second mountain region is represented by the Salair Ridge. The Salair ridge has a complex complex of crustal layers of different ages. This is explained by the location of the ridge on the border between the moving land areas, where the formation of the Altai mountain system took place, and the giant stable block of the Siberian platform.

The beginning of the formation of Salair dates back to the Caledonian era of folding, its final formation occurred in the Hercynian time. Since then, the rocks of Salair have been weathering. From the slopes of the ridge, destruction products are carried into the Kuznetsk Basin and to the west - into the valleys of Chumysh and Biya. In the central part of the Salair Ridge, ancient layers come to the surface. In low places they are overlain by more recent deposits.

The majestic mountains of Altai - a complex system the highest ridges in Siberia, separated by picturesque river valleys and deep basins. The most beautiful peaks attract travelers and scientists, photographers and pilgrims; many mountains are local shrines.

How mountains were formed

The Altai mountain system was formed over 400 million years ago and recovered from almost complete destruction much later. According to modern theory, the mountain-fold system was formed by the collision of oceanic uplifts with a chain of ancient volcanic islands.

Mountain building continues even now - in 2003, a serious earthquake was observed in Altai (up to 9 points at the epicenter) and subsequent tremors. Southern Mountains Mountain Altai “grows” by almost 2 cm every year. According to geologists, the source of the events is the collision of the Eurasian continent and India; traces of ancient powerful earthquakes were discovered in the south-east of the republic.

Location of Altai mountain ranges

The Altai Mountains are located in the center of Asia and the south of Siberia, their location is a complex system. The powerful complex of Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola (“five divine mountains”) on the border of China, Mongolia and Russia is called the “heart” of Altai. The northern slopes of the mountain cluster are the mountains of Russia, Altai; Knot's peak, 4373 m high, is located in Mongolia.

From the “heart” of the mountainous country, ridges fan out: to the west - Southern Altai, to the southeast - the mighty Mongolian Altai, to the northeast - the low-snow and less high Sailyugem. To the north of the mountain node there are as many as three branches of ridges, separated by the Chuya Basin and the Ukok Plateau, the framework of the republic’s mountain system.

One branch, almost sublatitudinal, includes the South Chuya, Katunsky and Kholzunsky ridges. The second branch runs further north and includes the North Chuisky, Baschelaksky and Terektinsky ridges. The third branch, stretched almost along the meridian, is formed by the Kurai, Aigulak and Sumultinsky ridges. The fan-shaped pattern of the Altai mountains on the map is complicated from the east by the Shapshalsky ridge and the Chulyshman highlands.

The absolute height of the Altai mountain system decreases from southeast to northwest. The highest mountain in Altai, Belukha, crowns the Katunsky Range. The steepness of the northwestern slopes is significant, the southern and southwestern slopes are gentle.

Better than mountains - only mountains

One mention of Altai gives rise to a strong association - amazing views of snow-capped peaks stretching to the horizon. Below, the poet Vysotsky believed, one cannot find even a small fraction of such beauties as in the mountains. “And we descend from the conquered peaks, leaving our hearts in the mountains,” repeat the words from the song of thousands of travelers fearlessly storming the mountains.

“Pearl of Belukha” - the highest mountain in Altai

In the Ust-Koksky region there is the highest point of Altai (4506 m) - the two-headed Belukha Mountain. There are countless legends about the “crown of the Altai king”; the bewitching beauty and mystery of the shining peak is glorified by the philosopher Roerich, writers and artists. From June to mid-September, pilgrims and tourists persistently strive to reach the mountain along the paths of the Uimon Valley; participants of snowmobile tours visit the foot of the shrine even in winter.

The first ascent of the inaccessible mountain in 1914 was made by explorers of the region - the Tronov brothers. The climb is still difficult - the climate here is harsh, cold piercing winds blow, the rocks are covered with thin ice almost all year round. Belukha is surrounded on all sides by glaciers. The most difficult climb is from the north, from the Akkem wall, which is between the eastern and western peaks.

Tourists who have conquered the peak of the Katunsky Ridge experience amazing impressions - “the best revelations in life,” according to happy extreme sports enthusiasts. Geologist Pyotr Chikhachev wrote that at the top he trembled with delight - in the surrounding beauty he saw a living God “with all his power.” Such is the amazing Altai - maximum height the queen of the mountain and the emotions here are as intense as possible.

Mount Altyn-Tuu

The height of the Altai mountain system varies in different regions, there are many others high mountains- Delaunay (4260 m), Aktru (4044 m), Ak-oyuk (3860 m) and others. There are also special sacred mountains that do not differ in height. On Mount Altyn-Tuu, the Altaians believe, the first man on Earth was created by the Supreme Spirits.

The sacred mountain is located near Lake Teletskoye, its height is 2298 m. The steep slopes of the mountain are almost inaccessible in places. The rocks are partially covered with bushes, some are bare and steep.

Tourists make ascents from the southern coast of the lake and from the Big Chile River. The difficult climb is rewarded with amazing panoramas from the top of the Golden Mountain.

“The Permanent Sentinel” - Mount Bobyrgan

Tourists traveling along the Chuya Tract begin their acquaintance with the Altai Mountains by visiting the mountain. The top of the Seminsky ridge (1009 m) with good visibility is already noticeable from Biysk, and on the border of the Altai Republic the head of a warrior-sentinel can be seen in the outline of the mountain. Many legends are associated with the peak; the mountain is revered by the Altai people as sacred.

Some phenomena observed in the mountain area seem anomalous and attract ufologists. The curiosity of tourists increases immensely here, and among the wonders of natural architecture, visitors imagine a ghost town or an ancient fortress. The climb usually lasts about two hours and is not particularly difficult.

The visibility of the summit suggests local residents weather. If the peak is visible clearly, the weather is good; if visibility is hampered by haze or clouds, it could be bad weather.

Another sacred mountain of the Altai Territory, Sinyukha (1210 m), which appears blue due to the dense forest, is also popular with tourists.

Mount Komsomolskaya

The uniqueness of the spur of the Iolgo ridge within Gorno-Altaisk is due to the amazing richness of vegetation. The northern slope of the mountain, facing the city, is occupied by a wonderful birch forest; there are also fir and pine trees, larch and spruce trees.

The bushes are surprising in their diversity: there are elderberry, currant, rowan, bird cherry, acacia and many others. It is difficult to even list the types of herbs found here, including medicinal ones.

"Golden Mountains of Altai"

This name, at the initiative of UNESCO, appeared in 1998 on the list of World Heritage Sites. A section of the Altai Mountains on the territory of the republic is protected by the state; these are the Katunsky and Altai nature reserves, as well as the Ukok plateau.

The uniqueness of the territory is the presence of different zones of alpine vegetation and rare animals. Among them are snow leopards, Siberian mountain goats, and Altai argali.

The World Conservation Union expresses alarm that poaching has not yet been stopped here. The thirst for entertainment and profit turns out to be more expensive for some human beings common sense And careful attitude to nature.

Environmentalists are concerned about plans to build gas pipelines and a high-speed route to China through protected areas.


The tourist attractiveness of the Altai Mountains is due not only to its magnificent mountain peaks. Wild picturesque valleys and mysterious plateaus, spectacular waterfalls on wild rivers and fabulous lakes are the untold riches of the Siberian treasury and at the same time tourist attractions.

"Cradle of the Universe" - Altai has rich history. Countless rock paintings, ancient caves and human sites have long turned the republic into a large museum.

A fascinating journey through the Mountain Region and conquering snow-capped peaks will remain in your memory for a long time. Having visited the mountains once, you will answer their call again!

In the southeast of Western Siberia is the Altai Mountains with the Gornaya Shoria and Kuznetsk Alatau adjoining it from the north. Part of the Altai Mountains extends into the territory of Kazakhstan, and part is located on the territory of Mongolia and China. Altai is a complex system of ridges up to 4500 m high. The highest point of these mountains - the mountain - has two peaks: Eastern (4506 m) and Western (4460 m). The entire massif is composed of durable crystalline schists and gneisses. In ancient times, about 300 million years ago, in Paleozoic era, the first uplift of the Altai mountainous country occurred. Over time, the mountains collapsed and turned almost into a plain. About 25 million years ago, in many places around the globe, the earth's crust began to move again. Many old destroyed mountains began to rise again. Altai has also become younger. During the movement, the earth's crust cracked, some of its sections rose, others sank. This is how the Altai mountain system with its high ridges and deep gorges was formed. The tectonic process continues today. The latest evidence of this was the strongest Chui earthquake in recent decades, with a magnitude of 7.3, which occurred on September 27, 2003. By luck, there were no casualties, but almost 2 thousand residential buildings were destroyed, and serious damage was sustained.
As soon as the mountains rose, snow began to accumulate on their tops. Such snow tops are called squirrels. Huge accumulations of snow in the high ridges of Altai gave rise to glaciers that feed numerous mountain rivers carrying their waters to the very long river Russia - Ob.

Altai is a mountainous country

From an airplane flying over Altai, endless mountains are visible below, reminiscent of a petrified sea. Low and dark from the forests growing on them in the north, to the south they become higher and higher.

The Altai region is cut through by a dense network of rivers and streams. All rivers in the region belong to the Ob basin. The largest of them are Biya, Katun, Argut, Chuya, Chumysh, Alei. Most mountain rivers are unsuitable for navigation due to rapid currents and rapids. Many of them have waterfalls. At the end of October, the rivers freeze and remain frozen until the end of April. There are few fish in them.
There are many lakes in the Altai Mountains, the largest - Teletskoye and Markakol (Kazakhstan) - are located in basins of tectonic origin. Mountain lakes are covered with a layer of ice up to 100 cm thick, which often persists until the end of June.
The Altai valleys are covered with coniferous forests (larch, cedar, pine, fir) with an admixture of deciduous trees. Berry bushes (raspberries, currants, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn) and medicinal plants (golden and maral root) grow in abundance. Rich and varied animal world: here you can find bear, lynx, fox, sable, musk deer, deer and many other animals. There are many species of birds in Altai: wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, nutcracker, etc. The high mountain zone has its own special fauna: the Altai pika, mountain goat, snow leopard, yak and other animals are found here. In the intermountain basins there are high-mountain steppes: Kurai, Chui and others. Various crops are grown and livestock graze on their fertile lands.
The region is not deprived of natural resources either. For example, its hydropower potential is estimated at 80 billion kWh. From mineral resources deposits are especially important polymetallic ores, gold, mercury, antimony, tungsten, manganese, iron, marble, ornamental stones, brown coal. And the picturesque views of the areas of lakes Teletskoye and Markakol and the valley of the Katun River, the beauty of the high-mountain landscapes attract thousands of tourists and climbers to these places. To preserve the nature of Altai, two reserves have been created: Altai and Markakol.


Average height of the Altai Mountains: 2500 m.

Highest peak: Mount Belukha (Eastern peak, 4506 m).

Length mountain range: more than 2000 km.

Climate and weather

The climate of the Altai Mountains is much cooler and wetter than on the neighboring plains of southern Western Siberia; in the highlands it becomes very cold and humid.

In summer, the air temperature in the mountains is from +10ºС to +18ºС, in winter -28ºС.


■ 32 glaciers descend from Mount Belukha alone. They give rise to the Katun River, the source of the great Ob.
■ The first conquest of the Eastern peak of Mount Belukha almost ended in tragedy. In 1914, the Tronov brothers climbed the mountain, but due to carelessness, they fell off on a steep icy slope. Fortunately, both climbers got stuck in the loose snow and survived.
■ Altai glaciers were first studied by Professor V.V. Sapozhnikov, who from 1895 to 1911 made nine trips to the Russian and Mongolian Altai.
■ There are about 1,500 glaciers in the Altai highlands. The glaciation area exceeds 900 km 2 .
■ In the basins of the Altai Mountains, due to air stagnation, very low winter (up to -35ºС) and rather high summer (up to +25ºС) temperatures with little precipitation are observed.

■ In the mountain taiga zone, maral breeding state farms have been created. Deer horns and antlers are used to make medicines.

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