Game eat candy. All catch candy games online

You will go to a virtual store full of bright seductive gizmos. But just taking possession of them will not work, because the goodies are well hidden. You should work hard to get the desired treat. And for this you need to cope with an exciting puzzle on the computer. Your partner in the hunt for barberries will be a funny freak with purple fur. Moreover, all parts of cool games ask you to feed this glutton who does not get tired of swallowing soufflés, muffins and all kinds of duchesses.

Positive quests for android are instantly addictive, because it's so funny to watch a funny monster. The fearless baby goes to any tricks, just to send another meal into his mouth. The task of the adventure is to catch a candy - fill his tummy to the bone, earning more points for your dexterity and quick wits.

Fun test of mindfulness

The passage of exciting arcades will require remarkable agility. Colorful games will be a fun pastime for girls, and for growing boys - a good workout for the ability to concentrate. You will need to keep a vigilant eye on the game screen, so as not to miss a single marmalade. Refer to the clues - and be sure to collect all the colorful "fugitives". As soon as you see that another dragee has appeared in your field of vision, catch the candy by directing your ward's long arms towards it.

And play with amazing creature you need this: try to guess how to stretch his paws with special Velcro so that he reaches for the food. Unusual limbs are able to cling to the ceiling and various objects. The main thing is to find something that the fluffy can stick to, and catch the candy games will reward you with bonuses and reward points.

There are a lot of levels in flash drives, so you won't be bored. Catch candy games are also designed for the youngest gamers, so the developers have provided very simple steps. Decide which story to download so you don't miss the challenge and enjoy honey adventures.

It is very difficult to be indifferent to sweets. Everyone has a favorite candy, someone has a lollipop, someone has chocolate, fruit or even jelly. First of all, the wrapper always attracts, and then it becomes interesting what is inside it. Such a game of intuition. Close your eyes and enjoy the taste, it's great when expectations are met.

New games Catch the candy

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Catch the candy games are exciting stories about missing items in the confectionery department. We need to find them and return them to their owner. Alas, you won’t be able to eat them, but it doesn’t matter. The passage is so exciting that the lack of the opportunity to enjoy a tasty treat will disappear. Here you will need attentiveness and observation. By the way, in the virtual house where the video game takes place is full of the desired goodies.

In games catch the candy you will interact with a cute fluffy creature purple. He is the main actor appetizing puzzles of the catch candy genre. The appetite of this creature will be envied by any well-fed man. He eats lollipops in unrealistic quantities. And if you stop giving them to him, then he throws a tantrum with loud screams and sobs.

Do you want to comfort the poor fellow? Then provide him with a whole bunch of candy wrappers. The crafty comrade discovered in his house all the existing passages, loopholes and is able to find what he wants by the subtle aroma. Join him and start playing, together you will get even more caramels.

Mindfulness puzzle

Do not assume that the task "catch the candy" is simple. Believe me, all the sweet treats are cleverly hidden. You have to focus to be successful. The playground is a collection of logical puzzles. Look for clues and then you will certainly get to the goal. There are several games in this section, you can choose any of them.

All are equally good for both boys and girls. What they have in common is that a lilac good-natured monster will appear in each storyline. The round weirdo is amazingly savvy and has just grandiose plans for the catch the candy games. Any food that contains sugar attracts it and makes you feel hungry.

His long and tenacious hands with Velcro on the fingers are simply made to grab food. With the help of such a device, you will achieve high results. In this flash, you can even walk on the ceiling, having previously hooked on it. Go to any lengths to replenish your supply of sweets. Often in games up to 15 levels. And they consistently become more complicated, forcing them to come up with new tricks.

The most romantic celebration for the sweet tooth

A pretty couple decided to legitimize their tender relationship. They invited their friends, relatives, the same fans of truffles and marshmallows. So in games catch the candy, we have to provide the upcoming event with the necessary amount of food. A crowd of starving people will gather. So that they do not throw a scandal, it is better to take care of their saturation.

Those who wish to go through all the parts will stumble upon the version where new baby. The son of our newlyweds went to his parents and does not want to lag behind them. Now he was visited by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfix - to get a huge confectionery, which no one has yet been able to find. Catch the candy, alas, it was carefully hidden, so it will not be easy to get to it.

Bright gameplay, a harmless fairy tale for those who want to escape from the gray everyday life and immerse themselves in good world in which there is no aggression. Moreover, the application is suitable for running both on a computer and on mobile devices working on android. And you can download different variations for all devices and then, when there is a minute, solve them one by one.

We hope everyone will enjoy their leisure time in such a company of lovers of all kinds of desserts. Do not worry about gluttons, they are not afraid of caries, therefore, without fear for their teeth, they burst everything that falls into their field of vision. Try and catch a candy for everyone!

Don't be upset. Heard that chocolate is bad? This is true, but it is difficult to refuse the temptation. If you can't resist, in a month you'll sit in a dental chair. Adults guess about it and hide the "temptress", but for now, hold on. Unwind. Look for barberries, but don't eat them. The house is full of them, but not in plain sight. That's more interesting. Toddlers appreciate the honestly obtained treasure, and not the one that fell into their hands without the slightest effort. Catch the Candy is a video game where you have to play with a purple fluffy. He is gluttonous, but his favorite dish, of course, is candy. If he does not receive them, tantrums and loud crying begin. To calm the sweet tooth, he must have a bag of candy wrappers. He explored many loopholes, and more than once walked around the room where he was locked up while his parents left for the concert. With his eyes closed, he can find what he wants even by smell.

And everything is fine, if not for the capital appetite. Not stopping in time, the ball will get sick. To prevent this, having received prey, the guy shares with you. Make up a diet and feed him a measured share of food. Excess will not affect the state of health, and the teeth will not hurt.

Games "Catch the candy" for attentiveness? Attention does not hurt, but duchesses hide very carefully. Your full concentration is important. Check out the playground. Decide logical tasks to find out the tips, and they will lead the partners to the goal. More puzzles. To get started, choose a toy of your choice and start completing levels. In "Catch the candy" you need to hold maximum amount"rascals". They do not burn with the desire to be eaten and clog in all the cracks.

Candy Catch games have common feature- a little blue monster. This kruglyash is ready for a lot, but he does not have enough brains to realize your brilliant plans. To fix this, there is you. Point him in the right direction and give at least a piece of cake baked by a kind mother.

Where there is sugar, this monster lurks. His arms are long, and Velcro at the ends. They capture everything that is nearby. Thanks to these devices, run along the ceiling, clinging to it with unusual limbs, get things standing on the other side of the room and replenish your honey supply.

On average, there are fifteen flash levels. Riddles will help to close them. At first, the Catch the Candy video game sets simple tasks, but the further you go, the more difficult it is to get food. You have several dozen attempts to achieve the result - a well-fed and happy cyanosis.

Honeymoon and wedding Sweet Tooth Boy and Girl decided to get married. But the wedding banquet will require food and, given the gastronomic preferences of the couple, sugar is a must. Catch the candy games allow you to get the most delicious bait. But the main characters of the game are not the aforementioned newlyweds, but their son. He is small and funny. To keep him active, you need to find a huge mega-candy. The ancestors left her in a safe place, they thought so, knowing that the son would eat before lunchtime. And they didn't fail.

Help the boy go through a couple of stages. Management is carried out by the mouse. "Catch the candy" using special ropes. Rock the Fire. He is a child and loves to play. Turn on the flash game and enjoy with your friend. He knows how to enjoy life, and he will teach you. Just take the sugarins under the pillows on the bed, or on the shelves of the closet. Gain strength and continue your responsible work. You will be captivated by the feeling of freedom.

Do you like to eat something tasty and sweet? Then you will definitely like the Catch the Candy games, because in them you will have to constantly absorb these masterpieces of confectionery art, not only in kilograms - in tons. If you think that you will just have to sit, bask in the sun and send toffees to your mouth with a conveyor belt, we hasten to dissuade you - in order to achieve what you want, you will have to run and sweat decently. If you decide to go with us for chocolate delicacies, do not postpone it for later and download the Catch the Candy games immediately.

Excellent appetite welcome

Exactly. To pass the game "Catch the candy" you need to have a super appetite, as you will have to eat just a monstrous amount of food. If you think that you can't cope, that your body's reserves are not designed for such a feat, you have a small weight and height - calm down and look at the main character of this game - a small, round fluffy. Although he is small, he is very daring. Despite its slenderness, the purple miracle is so swallowed that in search of prey it dug kilometer-long holes and passages in its dwelling, since it is there that the largest deposits of yummy are located.

If you are worried about your figure, you are afraid to gain weight, and then it just won’t fit in your favorite jeans, don’t get upset in advance, all the sweets in the Catch the Candy games are absolutely low-calorie, you won’t find a single extra calorie in them. In addition, no caries is expected, bite, gnaw as much as you like - a toothache is not terrible.

All Catch the Candy games to play online

The triumph of gluttony on the screen

A small but nimble blue spider is the main character of games, every second it needs to replenish its energy balance. It increases only from fructose and sucrose, which is found in fruit, vanilla, milk, cream confections. It’s just that it’s not easy to find them, you need dexterity, speed, quick wit and skill, which our swirling comrade is simply not capable of, because he didn’t come out with intelligence and quick wit. So, it is up to you to manage its actions.

On each of the many legs of the miracle-yuda there is a powerful Velcro, with the help of which it easily moves along the most sheer surfaces: walls and ceilings. With them, he picks up any delicacy he likes and sends it directly into his mouth. In pursuit of prey, calculate the most optimal moves where necessary - pounce without looking, and sometimes wait until the right moment.

It should also be noted that your ward also has a worthy competitor - a small but agile toddler in diapers. This handsome man, although a baby, is also not averse to getting to a huge candy on a stick. Parents do not allow him, due to his age, to absorb a large number of delicacies, but such a setting does not suit the little one at all. With all his might, he seeks to take possession of the candy and invents a lot of tricks for this. By playing "Catch the candy" you can help him at the same time. Invite your friends to this section as well, because it is much more interesting and exciting to compete for the coveted prizes together.

Remember your childhood, when your parents did not allow you to eat sweets, scaring you by going to the dentist. Of course, few people were frightened, but still they refused an additional candy. The game "Catch the candy 6" will allow you to avoid children's complexes associated with malnutrition. The essence of the toy is very simple - to find sweets and collect them. All this is easy to do, because the house is in the virtual world. There are twenty rooms in your new house - as you can see, this is a real estate, and it will take a long time to get around it.

Will you play with the baby of blue color and abundant vegetation. This is necessary so that playing "Catch Candy 6" was not boring, because if you work with a small child, any activity becomes more fun, because you open it to him new world. There is one candy hidden somewhere in every room. In the first rooms, it stands in a prominent place, or somewhere nearby, but the further you go, the more difficult it is to win.

As for the lollipops, they are very beautiful - they resemble a flower of multi-colored petals. Catch the Candy 6 requires you not only to look around the room, but also to move books on the shelves, open chests, etc. Do not forget to collect gifts along the way, but pay special attention to the yellow stars. These are bonuses. To get them, run a variety of mechanisms. It will be fun, especially if you invite your friends to play with a couple.

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