Describe nature using vivid imagery examples. “Description of nature in summer” essay. Description of spring - April

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“Oblomov” is a capital thing that has not been for a long time” L.N. Tolstoy

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Purpose and task of the study:

Come to your own understanding of the research being conducted, draw a conclusion. Observing the text of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", to prove that the antipodes Oblomov and Stolz have more in common than it seems at first glance.

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Goncharov believed that the first childhood impressions form the nature of the future person.

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Research hypothesis:

Stolz is close to Oblomov.

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Oblomovka is our direct homeland, its owners are our educators. A significant part of Oblomov sits in each of us. ON THE. Dobrolyubov

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The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more curious than history the whole people. M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

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Questions for the lesson

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1. What did Stoltz like in Oblomov's house and in the princely castle of Verkhlev?

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2. What connected them? Character traits that helped you become close friends?

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3. Personal qualities Stolz and Oblomov. How did they complement each other?

Oblomov kind soft smart honest noble hospitable sensitive sensitive lazy Stolz energetic active smart honest noble prudent prudent rational, more active purposeful strong-willed sharp, firm Physically and spiritually strong frank optimist restrained cold

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4. What did Oblomov and Stolz dream about in childhood and adolescence?

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5. The ideal of life, happiness of Stolz and Oblomov.

Stolz's ideal of happiness is comfort and material well-being, while Oblomov was financially independent. The ideal of Oblomov's life is a calm, measured life, which all Oblomovites strive for. Stoltz believes that “the normal purpose of a person is to live through the four seasons, i.e. four ages, without jumps .. that even and slow burning is better than stormy fires ... "

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6. What role did love play in the life of Stolz and Oblomov?

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    7. How is their family life? Whose dreams did Stoltz fulfill?

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    8. Why did everything that Oblomov dreamed about come true in the life of Stolz?

    What to do? Go ahead or stay?... now or never?

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    9. Why couldn't Stolz save Oblomov?

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    10. What unites these people? What is similar in them?

    Stolz is close to Oblomov’s upbringing. Stolz’s mother saw in him the ideal of a gentleman, the son of a Russian noblewoman (she curled her curls, sewed elegant collars and shirt-fronts; ordered jackets, “taught me to listen to music, sang about flowers, about the poetry of life ..” “Childhood and school - two strong springs, "Russian, kind, fat caresses, abundantly wasted in the Oblomov family on a German boy"

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    In Stolz's soul, Oblomovka and the prince's castle were united with German elements - "with a wide expanse of lordly life." Having well learned the lessons of his father, the life of the Oblomov house and the prince's castle, Stolz learned to comfortably and practically settle in life. His ideal is comfort and material well-being, and Oblomov had it all.

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    Oblomov and Stolz love and respect each other. They are real friends. They are brought together by honesty, kindness, decency. In friendship, Stolz, like Oblomov, is gentle and devoted to a friend. Stolz, like Oblomov, is an egoist, lives only for himself.

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    Both strive for a harmonious lifestyle, but each has its own idea of ​​​​how to achieve it. Dreamed of devoting life useful cause necessary for Russia, but subsequently neither one nor the other has lofty aspirations. Stolz could not save his friend, because. does not bring the matter to the end, like Oblomov.

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    Stolz “stopped at the threshold of a mystery” ..., “waited for the law to appear, and with it the key to it” Stoltz also gives in to difficulties: “... we will not go with Manfreds and Fausts to a daring fight against rebellious issues, we will not accept them challenge, bow our heads and humbly wait out a difficult moment ... "Another version of Oblomovism, and the worst, because Stolz has it stupid and smug.

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    There is tragedy in the fates of both heroes: 1. Oblomov plunges into a terrible quagmire of apathy, loses interest in life and dies. 2. The tragedy of Stolz in his unnaturalness, artificiality Stolz believed that "smooth and slow burning of fire is better than stormy fires, no matter what poetry burned in them," and Oblomov did not want impulsive passion. Both loved the same woman.

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    Family happiness obscured the entire business life Stolz. They lived "like everyone else, as Oblomov dreamed", they reached the "norm of love", which he spoke about. Guided by true love, Stolz comes to the Oblomov ideal, i.e. any true love leads, according to the author, to a calm, quiet life, no matter how stormy its achievement.

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    Research result.

    Thus, the proposed hypothesis turned out to be correct. Indeed, following Goncharov, we conclude that Stolz is close to Oblomov.

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    Think about whether the professor of Moscow State University V.I. Kuleshov, who wrote:

    “Stolz saves Oblomov from ruin, but Stolz does not take a genuine self-sacrificing part in his affairs. Oblomov peeps in him at every step ... He only invigorates Oblomov, promises to do something - and leaves everything halfway.

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    “Stolz does not shine with his own light: he is bright to the extent that it is thrown at him from Oblomov, a man with makings and soul, but inert. Stolz is a machine that works methodically. Everything for him is a means, not an end ... Stolz works for the sake of labor itself, and he did not have a higher ideal and did not suspect that ideals were needed. He never thought about the purpose of life. He was satisfied with a simple tautology: life is life, labor is the element of life, therefore, one must work; money should bring money, enrich for the sake of wealth. Stolz is a typical bourgeois businessman who knows only the continuous growth of capital. He doesn't look any further... homework

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    Heroes of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" - Ilya Ilyich and Stolz - have different characters and aspirations in life. However, their friendly alliance is strong: at the beginning of the novel, Ilya Ilyich is looking forward to the arrival of Stolz, and Andrei himself, throughout the novel, is trying to return his friend to active life. So why couldn't Stolz convince Oblomov to change his usual way of life?

    One of the factors that influenced the formation of Oblomov's personality was his family. In the chapter of the novel "Oblomov's Dream" the impact on the character of Ilya Ilyich of the lordly upbringing, life and customs is traced. As a child, he was protected in every possible way from duties and work, pampered. The Oblomov family cared only about delicious meals and devoted little time to solving household issues and work.

    “Perhaps his childish mind had long ago decided that one should live in this way, and not otherwise, as adults live around him,” writes I.A. Goncharov. Stoltz, unlike Oblomov, was brought up by a strict father and from childhood showed active qualities of character, a desire to learn. Thus, it was upbringing that played an important role in Ilya Ilyich's unwillingness to change.

    But main character was not an apathetic nature without aspirations and feelings. On the contrary, he was looking for a person with deep thoughts and feelings. Oblomov sincerely considered the official Sudbinsky, the secular man Volkov and the writer Penkin a parody of active and happy people. In his monologue, the hero asks: "And this is life! Where is the person here? What is he crushed and crumbled into?". These thoughts allow us to consider Oblomov a person with extraordinary spiritual needs and requirements. After all, Ilya Ilyich acquired indifference to life precisely after the first day of work as an official. Vanity, the unrestrained pursuit of imaginary values ​​are alien to the inner ideas of the protagonist. However, he is not able to get out of the usual way of life, and rejects Stolz's offer to go on a trip, because he does not see the point in it. The period of an active lifestyle, which he takes after falling in love with Olga Ilyinskaya, has shown by experience the inconsistency of Stolz's plan to "save" the protagonist.

    Thus, Andrey Stolts could not help Ilya Oblomov because of the differences in their views on the world, which stem from the upbringing and attitude of the characters. No matter how much Stoltz wanted to help the main character and no matter how much effort he made for this, he still could not. After all, Oblomov is, as it were, ousted from social life of his era, he does not understand active people and does not see the point in work. However, this is a hero who can sincerely love and deeply empathize. Stolz himself at the end of the work speaks of Oblomov's "honest, faithful heart", which he "carried unscathed through life", and of his "crystal, transparent soul", which distinguished him from the rest.

    Updated: 2018-07-09

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    Stolz's last meeting with Oblomov is the denouement of Goncharov's novel "". In this scene, Ilya Ilyich sums up his life, reflects on the problems of his existence, tries to understand what are the reasons for such a life and, in general, why it went like this.

    Ilya Ilyich, all his long life, was faithful to the traditions and way of life of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers. He never violated the covenants of his family and native Oblomovka. Oblomov remembers his whole life and understands that nothing can be changed or corrected. Ilya Ilyich understands that he has sunk to the very bottom of such a life and there is no turning back. Even such an incentive as love for could not revive him.

    Oblomov is well aware that he is not worthy of Olga. A little earlier, Goncharov showed us how Ilya Ilyich rejoiced at the marriage of Stolz and Ilinskaya, because Olga was worthy of a more decisive person than the main character.

    In this scene, we see the final formation of the image of Oblomov. Now it becomes clear to the reader and even to Ilya Ilyich himself. Here the image of Stolz plays a secondary role, because it serves as a contrast in understanding the image of Oblomov.

    As before, he does not perceive this lifestyle of his friend. He believes that such a lifestyle simply kills Oblomov. At last meeting Stolz does not abandon attempts to save Ilya Ilyich. He is already simply shouting at Oblomov: “Get out of this hole, out of the swamp, into the light, into the open space, where there is a healthy, normal life! Unfortunately, Oblomov is aware of the tragedy of his life, but he no longer has the strength to fight this situation. Stolz is trying to reach out to the conscience of Ilya Ilyich, asking if he is not ashamed of such a thoughtless life. Oblomov says that he is ashamed, but asks not to blame him, because he has become a hostage to circumstances. He asks Stolz not to tell Olga anything about him.

    The only thing that Oblomov asked Andrei Stolz was to raise his son Andryusha. Having named his son after his best friend, Ilya Ilyich hopes that he will not repeat the fate of his father. Oblomov wants Stolz to raise Andryusha as a real person who will live to the fullest and interesting life. If he failed to save his father, then everything should work out with his son.

    Stolz feels guilty for Oblomov's fate. And this is very disappointing for him. To Olga's question about what is happening with Oblomov, he sullenly replies: "Oblomovism."

    After some time, he dies, and the Stoltsev family takes little Andryusha to their upbringing.

    Roman I.A. Goncharov's "Oblomov" permeates the pathos of social criticism. The clash of two heroes (Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz), two opposing lifestyles can be viewed in a broad public context.

    Oblomov in this regard symbolizes the inert feudal nobility, which flourished everywhere in the expanses of Russian land. He spends most of his time on the couch. Any work does not attract him: he cannot even finish reading the book he has begun for years. The author constantly emphasizes softness both in the character of the hero and in

    Everything that surrounds him.

    The image of the sleeping Oblomov symbolizes the ruined mind, inertia and inertia of the Russian nobility. The hero hatches some abstract reform plans, but with his infantilism, these plans are never destined to come true. Oblomov seems to “quietly and gradually fit into the coffin of the rest of his existence, made with his own hands, like desert elders who, turning away from life, dig their own grave.”

    Andrei Stolz (the German origin of the hero testifies to this) is an adherent of the active capitalist mentality that came to us from Europe. active, economic

    The rationalist breaks into the sluggish life of Oblomovka in order to stir up the existing way of life and revive Ilya Ilyich to a different existence. It is no coincidence that Stolz reminds Oblomov of his youthful dreams of going on a trip.

    Andrei introduces Ilya Ilyich to Olga, hoping that love can change a friend. At some point, the heroine was able to awaken sparks of living life in her admirer. However, Oblomov and Olga - different people. And the heroine soon realized this. She exclaims: “I loved the future Oblomov! You are meek, honest, Ilya; you are gentle ... like a dove; you hide your head under your wing - and you want nothing more; you are ready to coo all your life under the roof ... yes, I’m not like that: this is not enough for me, I need something else, but I don’t know what!

    As a result, Olga chooses Stolz. This indicates that the future belongs to such active and enterprising people. “He was all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse”, - writes I.A. Goncharov. Stolz's ideal is material wealth, comfort and well-being, which he achieves through his own labor: the hero lives by reason, and his inert friend lives by feelings and dreams.

    Oblomov sees beautiful dreams but from this to his real life nothing changes. Looking at this, Stolz derives his own term for the landowner's idleness and inertia, leading to death - "Oblomovism".

    Why did A. Stolz fail to change Oblomov's lifestyle? The fact is that Ilya Ilyich is not just afraid of change: he also protected himself from the living and diverse world with a special philosophy of life in order to justify his inaction and laziness. Oblomov hovers in the clouds of his own illusions, claiming that he has no empty desires and thoughts. He despises fuss and is proud that he can afford not to engage in trade, not to go to the office with a report or papers - to be above all the base everyday problems. Oblomov is pleased with himself, which is why he does not seek to change. The hero refuses to grow up and understand that no miracle that suddenly descended on him will solve all the urgent problems either in the household or in his personal life.

    However, gradually, a belated insight nevertheless comes to Ilya Ilyich. He confesses to Stolz: “From the first minute, when I became aware of myself, I felt that I was already going out ... Either I didn’t understand this life, or it’s no good, but I didn’t know anything better, didn’t see it, no one pointed it out to me ... ". Although Oblomov did not change, he at least belatedly admitted his mistakes. The trouble is that he did not see the ideal of life in front of him, and he could not become like Stolz according to the nature of his soul.

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    Presentation on the topic: Stolz and Oblomov

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    Key questions: - Why didn't the author depict Oblomov's miraculous transformation? - How can one help a person achieve harmony with life, learn not to hide, but to open to the world all his intellectual and spiritual wealth? What needs to be done to help a person overcome apathy and return to a full life again? - What did Stoltz intend to do in order to save his friend? To what end did he come? - Why such noble spiritual impulses of Stolz did not lead to the expected result.

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    Was the author right in believing that it was precisely such a person as Stolz who was able to save Oblomov? - Could such a person as Stolz awaken Oblomov's soul? - What features did the author endow Andrei Stolz with? Is it possible to consider that the image of Stolz is strictly opposed to the image of Oblomov? Compare the author's description of the way of life of Oblomov and Stolz. 1. How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together?

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    “Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary with rank, has been living without a break for the twelfth year in St. Petersburg” (1, V). “Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was neither a necessity, like a sick person or a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state” (1.1 ). “Stolz is the same age as Oblomov: and he is already over thirty years old ... He is constantly on the move ...” (2, II) “Stolz was only half German, according to his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith; his natural speech was Russian...” (2.1) “He walked firmly, cheerfully; lived on a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble, with every minute, never dormant control of wasted time, labor, strength of soul and heart. It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys like the movement of his hands, like the steps of his feet, or how he dealt with bad and good weather ”(2, II).

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    “He kept getting ready and getting ready to start life, kept drawing in his mind the pattern of his future; but with each year that flashed over his head, he had to change and discard something in this pattern. Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of work and boredom - these were synonyms for him; the other - from peace and peaceful fun "(1, V). “But he himself walked and walked stubbornly along the chosen path. They did not see him ponder over something painfully and painfully; apparently he was not devoured by the pangs of a weary heart; he did not get sick with his soul, he never got lost in difficult, difficult or new circumstances, but approached them as if he were former acquaintances, as if he lived a second time, passed familiar places ”(2, II). 1. Oblomov has been living in the same city for more than 12 years without a break, and his main occupation is lying down; Stolz is "constantly on the move." Oblomov was just getting ready and preparing to start life, Stolz "was walking and walking stubbornly along the chosen road." Oblomov was just creating in your imagination a picture future life; Stolz did everything deliberately and confidently, "as if he lived a second time." 2. Oblomov and Stolz are peers, belong to the same social stratum.

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    Oblomov and Stolz: relationship with parents -Compare the nature of the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz with their parents. 1. How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, IX, 1, IX, 2,1) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov almost did not know male education; Stolz's father, on the contrary, strove to make a real man out of his son, he was a supporter of harsh methods of education and did not allow his wife to interfere with his communication with Andrei with pity and excessive care. 2. Both Oblomov and Stolz fondly remember their mothers, unable to hold back their tears. Their mothers - an example of tenderness, caring - cherished their sons, sought to protect them from dangers, could not stop looking at their children.

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    Oblomov and Stolz: attitude to teaching -Compare the information about the attitude to the teaching of Oblomov and Stolz. How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, VI ;2,1) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov studied involuntarily, not understanding why this punishment was prepared for him and why he needed this knowledge in life; parents sought to protect their son from hard teaching. Stolz's education was led by his father, gave him responsible assignments and asked him how he would from an adult. Stolz studied well. And soon he began to teach. 2. Both Oblomov and Stolz were provided with the necessary conditions for teaching. They both received a good education, and long years studied together.

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    Oblomov and Stolz: attitude towards service and society. -Compare the information about the attitude of Oblomov and Stolz to the service and role in society. 1. How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, V; 2, II) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov was alien to the lifestyle that the service demanded from him, as well as the hustle and bustle secular life; he successfully isolated himself from them. Stolz felt confident both in the service and in the world, but he never attached much importance to this. Oblomov does not happen in the world; Stolz, despite his busyness, manages to appear in secular society. 2. Neither Oblomov nor Stolz believed that service or secular society was of particular importance in their lives. Both Oblomov and Stolz are retired.

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    Oblomov and Stolz: understanding of love - Compare the nature of the experiences of Oblomov and Stolz in love - How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (2,X; ,XI; 3,VI; 4,IV; 4,VII). 1. For Oblomov, love is a shock, a disease, it gives him mental and physical suffering. For Stolz, love is the work of the mind and soul. 2. Both Oblomov and Stolz are gifted with the ability to love deeply, sincerely.

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    Conclusion. The author characterizes Stolz as a bright, attractive personality; if Oblomov is lazy, inactive, good-natured, harmless, sensitive, capable of spiritual impulse, indecisive, then Stolz is active, active, kind, benevolent, focused on his goal, immersed in thought, prudent, prudent, quickly makes decisions. The images of Oblomov and Stolz are opposed both in terms of upbringing, and in relation to teaching, and in terms of the perception of love ... However, it cannot be said that a strict opposition lies at the basis of the comparison of these images. The author presented the reader with two bright personalities, inner world which are not limited to mutually exclusive characteristics. He draws the reader's attention to the fact that these characters are brought together by their deep attachment to their mother, memories of childhood and youth, the ability to deeply and sincerely love. Obviously, Stolz is exactly the person who could awaken Oblomov's soul.

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    Maybe Oblomov was afraid to trust Stolz? - What kind of relationship did Oblomov and Stolz have? Write out the words, phrases of the text that the author characterizes the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz. (I, III; 2, II) Oblomov and Stolz were connected not only by common pages of biography. They valued each other, were always glad to meet, knew how to appreciate best qualities and be forgiving of each other's weaknesses. Their relationship is a deep emotional attachment, sincere heartfelt feelings. Oblomov and Stolz needed each other and were grateful to fate for sending them each other. Oblomov trusted Stoltz, believed that he could help him, expected help from him.

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    Maybe Stoltz made a mistake in choosing the means to save his friend? - Did Stoltz choose the right means to realize his plan? Stolz, it would seem, calculated everything correctly. Love is a feeling that causes the strongest shocks. If there are still living feelings in the soul of a person, love will not allow them to doze off. Stolz was sure that Olga would charm Oblomov. - Were Stolz's expectations justified? Oblomov and Olga: the awakening of love

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