Where is the best beach holiday in March. Where to go and where to relax in March. Excursion tours in March

March is not the most popular month for holidays. It is at this time of the year, when the body is exhausted by beriberi, and it is still so long before the heat, it's time to pack your bags and go to warmer climes. Where can Russians go to relax at sea in March without a visa in 2020?

Not surprisingly, many prefer visa-free destinations: no need to collect documents, waste time and worry about whether a visa will be refused. The financial issue also plays a role last role: if the average visa costs $40-50, in terms of a family, a decent amount is obtained.

There are countries where a visa is not required or can be obtained upon arrival.

Table: terms, conditions of entry, weather in visa-free countries in March

A country Permitted length of stay Documents for crossing the border Temperature during the day Water temperature
Egypt 30 international passport

Important! Visa costs 25USD

22°C 20°C
UAE 30

International passport

Return ticket

25°C 23°C
Thailand 30 international passport

Migration card

30°C 27°C
Sri Lanka 30 International passport

Migration card

Electronic permission

Hotel room booking confirmation

Return ticket

29°C 28°C
Vietnam 15 Return ticket

international passport

27°C 26°C
Dominican Republic 90 If the period of stay exceeds 60 days, then tourist will need to purchase tourist map for 10 USD 27°C 26°C
Maldives 30 Migration card

international passport

Return ticket

31°C 29°C
Mexico 180 To visit Mexico, you will need to pre-register an electronic permit. 30°C 26°C
Costa Rica 30 · International passport

· Return ticket

28.7°C 29°C

This more detailed table also shows the average cost of holidays in visa-free countries in March.

A country Air temperature Water temperature Need for a visa The average cost of a tour for two per week
India, Goa 31 27–29 online visa from 56 thousand rubles
Thailand 30–33 28–30 need not from 76 thousand rubles
Seychelles 28 29 need not from 120 thousand rubles
Singapore 28 29 need from 114 thousand rubles
Sri Lanka 31–34 28–29 need not from 72 thousand rubles
Bali, Indonesia 29–33 28–29 need not from 90 thousand rubles
Cuba 19–27 26–29 need not from 136 thousand rubles
Vietnam 27–32 23–25 need not from 105 thousand rubles
Dominican Republic 31–35 27–28 need not from 158 thousand rubles
Mexico 28–30 22–28 online visa from 130 thousand rubles
Brazil 30 27 need not from 130 thousand rubles
Philippines 29–31 27–28 need not from 100 thousand rubles
Maldives 27–30 30 need not from 198 thousand rubles
Eilat, Israel 14–20 22 need not from 80 thousand rubles
Canary Islands 14–24 16–22 need not from 92 thousand rubles
China, Hainan island 30 25 need from 103 thousand rubles
UAE 25–29 22–24 need not from 48 thousand rubles
Jordan 13–26 21 need not from 57 thousand
Egypt 23–28 21–23 need not from 90 thousand rubles


The country, which still will not be opened for organized tours, the Russians still cannot forget. Egypt has many fans. Even now, some people prefer to travel by regular flights, but do not change their favorite Red Sea resorts.

Such love is understandable. In the cold season, it really was the most budget holiday. Of course, there were complaints about the service, but all the inconveniences were compensated by the excellent price, all-inclusive meals and a good choice of hotels. The language barrier in Egypt is also quite conditional.

You can get to it faster than to other exotic resorts. Even if there is no vacation, you can go on the weekend, for example, on March 8th. If you fly there on March 5, you will get an excellent mini-vacation at sea.

True, March is not the best time to relax in this region: it is noticeably cool in the evenings, and besides, there are often sandstorms. But the daytime temperature is quite comfortable, you can perfectly swim, sunbathe and enjoy seafood.


This country has long been chosen by thousands of Russian tourists.

The main advantage can be called an acceptable cost: now, among the winter destinations, this is perhaps the most budgetary place.

Only India can be called an affordable alternative, but you cannot get there without first obtaining a visa or at least electronic permission. .

However, apart from the price, Thailand has something to surprise and please tourists:

March is a very good time to visit this country. At this time, the tourist season ends and prices begin to fall, but there are no tropical rains yet. The sea in Thailand is always warm, so this is a great place to relax with children. In addition, in March you can get to the Festival kites which runs throughout the country.


The country is roughly in the same price category as Thailand. Vietnam is preferred by lovers to relax quietly, as well as families with children. Fans of water sports should also fly here, for example, in the resort of Nha Trang - excellent diving.

Even if there is no suitable group tour for the price, it is quite possible to visit the country on your own.

Arriving in this country, you can visit:

  • Ancient architectural structures.
  • Garden of Ho Chi Minh.
  • The old part of Hanoi.
  • Palace of Independence.
  • Resort Dalat.
  • Restaurants, clubs.

There are a number of downsides:

  1. Unsanitary conditions.
  2. Tours are expensive.
  3. Few Russian speakers.
  4. The local cuisine is very spicy.
  5. Poor quality roads.
  6. Long flight.


Lovers of this country, as if descended from the pages oriental tales, after new year holidays a surprise awaited: the authorities canceled visas for Russians. In the spring it is quite comfortable to relax here. The sea may not warm up so much, but there is no exhausting summer heat and you can finally see all the sights.

Beach holidays here are not among the cheapest, after all. But it will not be sky-high either, there are many high-quality 3-star hotels here. It is also a paradise for shopping lovers.

True, it is difficult to find goods for a pittance in the UAE, but high-quality clothes, equipment, jewelry can be bought at very reasonable prices.

When is it better to go on vacation in the UAE at sea in the video.


This country cannot be called budget option rest, but it is worth the money spent. Such a turquoise sea and the palm trees leaning over it from the Bounty advertisement cannot be found anywhere else.

But this is a great place for a romantic getaway, and SPA centers local hotels are considered among the best in the world.

Bali Island (Indonesia)

This exotic place is a real oasis of peace. There is beautiful nature, friendly locals and the endless ocean. Spring is a good time to visit the country, but you need to take into account some of the nuances.


This amazing country is now available for Russian tourists. Previously, it was required for the Russians, and it was very difficult to issue it, which was insisted on by a rich and influential neighbor represented by the United States.

Now, for Russians and Ukrainians, it is enough to fill out a simple questionnaire on the consulate website and receive an electronic entry permit online within 24 hours. It is issued for up to 180 days.

It's really worth a trip to Mexico. The beaches there are gorgeous, it is no coincidence that the country like a magnet attracts tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world. The most famous resort is Cancun. Nearby are smaller tourist towns - Tulum and Playa del Carmen.

The water in this place of the Caribbean is an unreal color, and the sand is fine and white as powdered sugar.

The only, but significant minus for a Russian tourist is high prices. The proximity of the United States makes itself felt, so there is nothing to think about living in Cancun on a budget, unlike, say, from South-East Asia. A double room in a three-star hotel will cost about $100, about the same as dinner in a restaurant.

You can save money only if you stay not in the tourist part of the city, but in the one where the Mexicans themselves live. True, you will have to go to the beach by bus or taxi.

For a more sophisticated getaway, welcome to Mexico's Pacific Coast. The well-known resorts of Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta have long been chosen by bohemians, who treat the motley resort public of Cancun with some disdain. The beaches here are inferior to the Atlantic ones, but it is the atmosphere of this region that attracts many.

Another option for a beach holiday, unknown to Russian tourists, is the Gulf of Mexico. The water in it does not have such an azure color as in Cancun, but it is just as clean, and the sand is no less snow-white. Mexicans themselves rest here, plus a small percentage of informed Europeans.

In the resort town of Progresso, which is located on the bay, there are many inexpensive apartments for rent and beautiful houses of well-to-do Mexicans. It is best to eat in coastal restaurants "palapas" under thatched roofs. Fresh seafood here is three times cheaper than in Cancun.

Of course, it's quite strange to come to Mexico and not visit anywhere but the beach. No matter how good it is at sea, there is still a very colorful Mexico City, unique Mayan and Aztec pyramids, Indian markets where you can buy souvenirs for a penny ... In general, it’s hard to say what Mexico doesn’t have.

Dominican Republic

Flight to the Dominican Republic from Moscow

Cons of rest at this time:

  • The weather is sometimes capricious.
  • Long flight.
  • In the evenings, it is better not to go beyond the boundaries of your recreation area.

E-Visa entry to Sri Lanka and India

There are several countries with warm sea for a beach holiday, where entry permits can be obtained via the Internet. issued in 2-3 days. can be received within 12-48 hours or upon arrival at the country's airport.

The rules for entering India with an e-Visa can be found in this detailed video.

India (Goa)

Goa is most suitable for a beach holiday, because travel is not very pleasant due to humidity. The weather at this time is quite hot, so many people advise to go here in early March, while it is comfortable to be outdoors. .

This resort is known for its beaches, Ayurveda and yoga centers. Here you can visit Hindu temples, waterfalls, try local cuisine rich in spices. - it's two around the world. The first one has a more developed infrastructure for entertainment, the second one is a quieter area for recreation.

Useful video: when is the best time to go to India to Goa - tips from an experienced traveler.

A vacation in March is not a sentence, but a unique opportunity to reconsider the route of your journey to the sea. After all, many are already tired of the Black Sea coast and crowded Turkish beaches, and tourists go there more out of habit than inspiration. But the first month of spring is in no way suitable for a beach holiday at home or in neighboring countries, so travelers have to turn their attention to resorts that resemble heaven on earth and make them return there more than once.

The Canary Islands are perhaps the only place in Europe where you can soak up the beach in March. Usually tourists choose one of 2 resorts: Tenerife or Las Palmas. In the first spring month, the weather here is quite warm, in addition, the acclimatization process is much faster than, for example, in Asian countries. And, of course, tourists call prices the advantage of a March beach holiday in the Canary Islands. The fact is that at the beginning of spring it is not yet the season, so even a family with an average income can afford a ticket.

The gentle sun still does not bake in summer, but the water Atlantic Ocean have warmed up enough. Those who have chosen Tenerife for a beach holiday are advised to stay on the south coast of the island. Here the ocean is much calmer, it rains less often and the air is drier. Near the beaches covered with white sand, there are many cafes and restaurants. Most Tenerife hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis, which is very convenient for families with children.

The northern coast cannot boast of the same warm climate, but there are more sights that exude antiquity and mystery. In addition, accommodation prices are much lower than in the southern part of the island. True, the ocean is almost never calm.

In Tenerife, the tourist will not be bored, in a fairly small area there are many unusual and interesting sights. One of them is the Teide volcano. At its foot is a national park, and on the slopes you can admire unique endemic plants.

The hallmark of the city, built in the style of postmodernism, is the Auditorio de Tenerife. The building, resembling a huge wave, has a chamber and symphony hall with an organ, as well as a port gallery.

If you want to see how the noble Spanish conquistadors and clergy lived, then you are in the ancient city of La Laguna. More than 500 Mudéjar buildings have been preserved here. The Anaga lighthouse is also on the list of interesting places in Tenerife - to get to it, you have to overcome a 30 km long path from the capital. It's like traveling through fairy forest with old trees. And the kids will definitely like the Siam Park water amusement park and the Pueblo Chico miniature park.

  • Weather: air temperature - 19-21 0 C, water - about 20 0 C.
  • The cost of travel: from Moscow to Tenerife and back by plane - from 400 euros per person. Accommodation in a middle-class hotel - from 380 euros for 10 days (without meals).

On Liberty Island, the first month of spring is the peak of the tourist season. Although the weather brings surprises, it is extremely rare. After all, the rainy season is still 2 months away. hallmark Cuban climate is high humidity, and regardless of the time of year. In March, the water off the coast is warm, but the sun may seem too scorching, so experienced tourists are advised to take suntan cosmetics to the beach.

Another advantage of spring holidays in Cuba is a rich cultural program. It is practically an island of carnivals, rum and cigars. And all this fun is concentrated in Havana. But if you prefer outdoor activities, then we advise you to go to Varadero or Cayo Coco. These resorts are famous for the abundance of water activities - diving, surfing, kiteboarding. The advantages of resting on the Island of Freedom also include the fact that you do not have to apply for a visa, and many locals understand the Russian language perfectly.

Travelers call theft and the black market one of the minuses of Cuba. It is better not to leave your things unattended and not to buy questionable goods from street vendors. On many wild beaches sea ​​snakes and hedgehogs are found in the water, so it is better to enter the water in rubber slippers. And fans of spending time on the Internet will be disappointed - the signal here is very weak.

As for cultural recreation, it will be very diverse. Only in Varadero there are more than a dozen attractions that give a complete picture of the life of the Cubans. Billionaire Dupont House, Guam Scenic Park, Saint Elvira Church, Roma House, Bellamar Cave, natural Park Varaikakos, dolphinarium and tobacco plantations in Pinar del Rio - almost every day you can visit a new interesting place.

  • Weather: air temperature - 24-27 0 C, water - about 25 0 C.
  • The cost of travel: There are direct flights from Sheremetyevo Airport to Havana. Tour for 2 people on the "all inclusive" system - from 140,000 rubles. for 10 days with a flight.

Dry, sunny and hot - this is how you can characterize the weather in Thailand in March. It is the spring season that is ideal for a vacation by the sea. at this time it is possible at almost any resort. Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin, Krabi, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai - everywhere the daily temperature is above 30 degrees, and precipitation is unlikely.

The advantages of a March holiday on one of the islands of Thailand include the cleanest beaches with blue water, excellent Asian cuisine, an abundance of attractions and architectural monuments, diving opportunities, lush tropical vegetation, low prices and the hospitality of local residents. Of the minuses, only a rather long flight and high humidity can be noted.

The cultural program will bring no less positive than a holiday on the sea coast. Elephant rides, mesmerizing shows with poisonous snakes, crocodile farms, Buddhist temples and ancient ruins, nature reserves - the choice is so wide that it will not be possible to see all the most interesting in one vacation. Each of the islands has an extensive excursion program. For example, you will get about 30 ancient temples, a Sitting Buddha statue, Bang Pae waterfall and a pearl farm. Pattaya will surprise you with the uninhabited macaque island, Nong Nooch Botanical Garden, Sukhawadi Palace, Golden Buddha Mountain.

Hua Hin Resort is famous for Khao Takiab Temple, Night Markets, Elephant Village and Klai Kang Won Palace. And Koh Samui offers to visit the temples of Wat Kunaram and Plai Laem, the Ang Thong National Marine Park and the Buddha Garden, the Insect Museum and the Na Muang waterfalls.

In March, you can have a great rest in the Maldives - this is the penultimate month of the high season, there is no rain, the air and water temperatures are quite comfortable. North Male is especially popular. This is the main atoll, the capital and the airport are located on it. The beaches that make up the main part of North Male are not noisy, although there are slightly more boats here than in other places. Under spreading palm trees, you will be able to wait out the heat, and you can stay not in an expensive hotel, but in small hostels on Villingili Island. The cost of living here is around $ 50 per night - however, you will have to forget about the notorious Maldivian paradise here, as well as about the all-inclusive system.

The Maldives cannot boast of an abundance of attractions, but still you won’t be bored here. You can visit the Palace of Muliage, the tomb of Meduziarai and ancient mosques. Rich undersea world will appear before the traveler on a coral reef near the island of Helengeli. No less interesting for its inhabitants is the Banana Reef.

Naturally, on each island you will be offered a variety of water activities: surfing, yachting, diving, and water skiing. The abundance of tennis courts and sports grounds will make your stay not only pleasant, but also useful. And the variety of tropical fruits and the hospitable attitude of the locals will be the final chord in this amazing journey into a fairy tale. Another plus of the Maldives is that you do not need to open a visa.

  • Weather: air temperature - 28-32 0 C, water - about 26-27 0 C.
  • Cost of living: from 120 000 rub. for an 8-day tour for two (only breakfast included). Rest on the "all inclusive" system will cost 240-270 thousand rubles for 2 people.

In March, Goa is still not as hot as in April or May, but it is dry, there is practically no rain. Ideal for a beach holiday at a comfortable temperature and gentle sun. Another plus of the March vacation is that there are not so many tourists on the beaches, you can find secluded, quiet corners. Due to the small number of travelers, food and entertainment prices are also falling. To have lunch or breakfast in a restaurant or cafe, you do not have to stand in lines for several hours. A small flow of tourists also has a positive effect on the cleanliness of the Arabian Sea, beaches and streets.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that at the end of the month many beach cafes close, there are not so many parties as, say, in February. Also, after the 20th, water activities - snorkeling and scuba diving - stop working. If you want souvenirs, then it is better to buy them immediately on the day of arrival, at the end of the month most of the shops selling knick-knacks will be closed.

But even in March, a tourist will not be bored in Goa. Several festivals, visits to museums, old forts and attractions diversify a beach holiday. At the beginning of the month, the Festival of Colors is held in India, and it is celebrated on a large scale in Goa. People are having fun, throwing colors at each other, singing and dancing. In the first month of spring, the mango season begins - a symbol of this Indian state. You can learn a lot of interesting things by visiting the Naval Aviation Museum, the UNESCO World Heritage Site - Basilica de Bom Jesus, the archaeological museum in Old Goa and the Church of St. Francis of Assisi.

Holidays in the United Arab Emirates are best planned for the second half of March. In the early days, the sea is still cool, it rains from time to time, and the night temperature drops to 16-17 0 С. It gets warmer every day, and at the end of the month the daytime temperature already rises to 28-30 0 С. a small number of tourists - the beaches are semi-desert, the prices are reasonable, and the service is at a high level.

The only thing that can spoil the rest is sandstorms, which just happen in March. Then the cities are covered with a layer of sand, and it is not recommended to go outside without special need.

If the weather fails or you just get tired of lying on the beach, you can always go sightseeing. In March, the UAE hosts several festivals, horse races and a golf championship. Sales are held in all the shopping centers of the Emirates, so you won’t be able to go home without gifts.

Lovers of antiquity should definitely visit the ethnographic "Heritage Village" and the Ajman Museum, located in the ancient fort. Here are exhibits that are over 4000 years old. Also, interesting excursions are organized to the Great Mosque, which is considered the largest in the world.

But this is not all the entertainment awaiting travelers in March. Traditionally, this month is the Festival of Culture and Arts (Abu Dhabi Festival) and one of the most severe rallies - Desert Challenge. According to riders, the difficulty of passing the sand dunes of the Morib desert is much higher than in Dakar.

Tourists are also interested in the Taste of Dubai gastronomic festival, which takes place in March. In the amphitheater of the business center "Dubai Media City" the best restaurants of the city exhibit their dishes and drinks, and visitors become tasters and judges.

  • Weather: air temperature - 25-32 0 C, water - 23-27 0 C.
  • The cost of travel: from 1000 to 1500 dollars for a weekly stay of 1 person (depending on the number of "stars" of the hotel).

March in Ancient Ceylon is perhaps the most suitable month for a beach holiday. On the one hand, the thermometer does not yet rise to the exhausting 33-34 0 С, on the other hand, the rainy season is ending. Several downpours lasting 15-30 minutes do not displease those who like to soak up the sun and bring the expected coolness. In addition, they take place mainly at night.

Each resort in Sri Lanka has its own characteristics that will have to be taken into account. For example, Nilaveli is more suitable for travelers with children - there are no strong waves and it is rather shallow. Lovers of exploring the underwater world indian ocean we recommend paying attention to Hikkaduwa, which proudly bears the title of "coral reserve". For those who prefer to dive in deserted places, Batticaloa and Trinco are suitable.

In addition to water activities, there is another way to have fun in Sri Lanka. In the residence of King Kassapa on the top of the mountain is one of the first fountains in the world. Remarkably, it still works.

On a small plateau known as Adam's Peak, there is an amazing place that is equally revered by Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims. Thousands of believers and just curious from different countries come here to admire the footprint of Adam, Buddha, Shiva, Jesus (depending on which religion they follow).

It is impossible to visit Sri Lanka and not visit the Yala National Park. Previously, this place was a hunting ground for wealthy British colonists. And today the population of rare Ceylon leopards has become the pride of the park.

The Elephant Orphanage in Pinavella, the Spice Garden and tea plantations near Nuwara Eliya, the cultural center of Kandy, the Royal Botanical Garden in Piradeniya - the list of Ceylon attractions is quite extensive.

The first month of spring in Mexico is characterized by changeable weather. For several days, the heat can rise to 30 degrees, and then a sharp drop in temperature to 17-18 degrees begins. For those who choose a resort on the Caribbean Sea, the water temperature will be 2-3 degrees higher than for vacationers on the Pacific coast.

But this even has its advantages. When the weather is not conducive to a beach holiday, you can go on excursions inland and explore local attractions, and there are quite a few of them in the country.

The ruins of the city of Tulun - one of the monuments reminiscent of the Mayan Indians, is located on the Yucatan Peninsula. And 50 km from the Riviera Maya is the Shel-Ha National Park with stunning views of the Caribbean Sea. You can see the Museum of Underwater Figures in Cancun, and the Island of Dead Dolls in the famous Xochimilco district of Mexico City. An unusual excursion deep into the Coscomate volcano is offered to tourists in Puebla.

Fans of more modern attractions should visit the Tijuana Cultural Center and the Plaza de Toros Arena, where the legendary Mexican bullfights take place, dating back to the time of Hernan Cortes.

But, of course, where all the guests of Mexico aspire to go, it is considered ancient city Maya - Chichen Itza. To visit the Yucatan Peninsula and not see one of the 7 wonders of the world is simply an unforgivable mistake. Many buildings and pyramids have survived to this day, such as the most famous 24-meter temple of Kukulkan. The archaeologists were especially surprised by 7 fields for playing ball. So the Mayans also played football?

If your vacation fell on the first spring month, then the South coast of Vietnam is suitable for a seaside holiday. In the north it is still quite cool for swimming. The most popular with tourists are Mui Ne and Nha Trang. This golden mean between a moderately warm center and sultry Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau and Phan Thiet.

The thousand-year history of the country will not let you get bored, in between vacations on the sea coast you can visit many sights of Vietnam, and the unique flora and fauna and bewitching landscapes will bring a touch of positive. The Mekong River Delta, like a magnet, attracts travelers with its exotic nature. Take a trip on a rented junk and see the houseboats of local residents, go on a tour of Ho Chi Minh City or visit a coconut candy factory - all this will take at least 3 days.

The unusual design and striking architecture of Khai Dinh's tomb in Hue more than compensate for its small size. Here rests the emperor, who gave his life for the independence and prosperity of the state. Cham temple towers on Mount Ku Lao in Nha Trang look quite modern (despite the fact that they have a 1000-year history).

Speaking of holidays in Nha Trang, one cannot help but recall the unique Monkey Island - according to scientists, there are more than 2000 of them. At first, there was a nursery on the island where primates were bred for subsequent sale to other countries. After it closed, the monkeys became the full owners of the island. They are quite friendly and are not even afraid to take a treat from the hands of vacationers.

You can find yourself in a civilized exotic in March in Indonesia. It’s hard to call such a budget vacation, but it’s worth it - the cleanest beaches with black volcanic sand, National parks and majestic palaces, tropical forests and unique landscapes will remain in the memory of the tourist for a long time.

In March, the rainy season just ends, so nothing can stop you from getting an even tan and plenty of swimming. Each of the islands has its own characteristics. For example, Bali is more suitable for surfing and beach holidays, where there are a lot of Russian-speaking people and well-developed infrastructure. For wide beaches and exotic landscapes, they go to Sumatra. For nightlife and partying, head to Kuta and Seminyak. In Borneo, you will be able to get acquainted with the traditions and way of life of the natives; the island of Java attracts with a large number of ancient Buddhist temples, and North Sulawesi is considered a paradise for divers.

The Monkey Forest is located on the island of Bali. Residents treat these animals with great trepidation, so the monkeys feel completely safe and gladly take treats from the hands of tourists. It is believed that they guard a small Hindu temple located deep in the forest. Here, in Bali, you can visit the Bat Cave, and the hot springs of Banyar will give spiritual and bodily cleansing.

You should definitely see the pride of the locals - Jati Luvi Rice Terraces. Indonesians consider culture a gift from the higher powers and continue to cultivate it in the same way as they did 100 years ago, without the use of modern technologies. The palace complex of Tirtagangga is a harmonious combination of water pools and sculptural ensembles, and the three-level palace itself is a symbol of the Universe.

Beach resorts on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand in the Khmer kingdom are not yet as popular among Russians as holidays in Thailand or Vietnam. The tourist infrastructure of Cambodia is only at the beginning of its development. And this has its pros and cons. Undeveloped infrastructure can be attributed to disadvantages, but the seclusion of resorts is an advantage. There are not a huge number of tourists here, those who are tired of the bustle of megacities and are looking for peace and quiet come here. The prices are very affordable as well.

You will be able to relax on the sea in Cambodia in the small town of Kep. It used to be one of the main resorts in the country, but lost out in competition with the more developed Sihanoukville. However, in recent years, Kep began to regain his positions again. If we talk specifically about a beach holiday, this is an ideal place with volcanic black sand and the purest water. But the cultural program let us down. In addition to the crab monument and the embankment, there is nothing to see here.

Yes, and Sihanoukville is not able to boast of any special sights - after all, it was built in the middle of the last century, so there are no architectural monuments and ancient palaces to be found here. The main entertainment that the main resort of Cambodia can offer tourists is visiting nightclubs and discos. Unlike Kep, the beaches here are dirty, just like the water itself. The only place where you can soak up the clean sand is Sokha Beach, but only Sokha Beach Resort guests are allowed to enter it.

Diving enthusiasts go to Koh Tan Island, and couples in love make romantic trip to the island of Koh Rong, which has a small bay in the shape of a heart and a white sandy beach.

  • Weather: air temperature - 30-34 0 C, water - about 30 0 C.
  • Cost of living: a week tour for two in a 5-star all-inclusive hotel - from 80 thousand rubles.

For a holiday in the Seychelles, the end of the first spring month is more suitable. At this time, the sea is already calmer, and it does not rain so often. Unique place, which there are not so many left on our planet thanks to the active and destructive activity of man, is most suitable for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle and are looking for peace and solitude with nature. Of the 115 Seychelles, only 30 are inhabited, so you won't find them here. noisy crowds vacationers and intrusive locals.

Newlyweds, divers from all over the world and yachting fans aspire to get here. Prices for accommodation in the "paradise", of course, are high, but the sensations from the rest are unforgettable. The only city in the usual sense of the word is the capital of Victoria on the island of Mahe, so in search of sights you should go here. Classic English architecture of cozy streets, a mini-replica of Big Ben and a miniature, toy-like St. Paul's Cathedral are in the center. Hotels with different numbers of stars are located along the coastline, the best ones are on the first line, 2-star hotels are a little further.

Each island of the Seychelles is unique nature reserve with its own flair. For example, on Praslin Island, you can see gigantic endemic coconuts, shaped like a human heart. And on the island of La Digue, the tourist will be struck by the grandeur of the huge mountain Eagle's Nest.

A small state, washed on all sides by the Indian Ocean and part of the Mascarene archipelago, is an ideal place for a March holiday. The air temperature is not yet prohibitive, and tropical showers, although frequent, are short-lived. They are replaced by blue skies and dazzling sun. And this applies to all resorts in Mauritius. But even an increase in temperature to 32 degrees is easily tolerated due to low humidity.

The advantages are the ideal cleanliness of the beaches and comfortable quiet lagoons. Here you can go water skiing on the calm expanse of the Indian Ocean, make an exciting paragliding trip, go down to the depths and get to know their inhabitants.

There are also cultural attractions. Among the most interesting are the Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens, Chamarel Falls, Black River National Park, Mauritius Blue Museum, Phra That Phanom Temple, St. James Cathedral, Juma Mosque and the Shell Museum.

In March, there is little rain in the Dominican Republic and a comfortable temperature for a beach holiday. The main flow of tourists is from Canada and the USA, but you can also meet our compatriots. Secluded beaches under majestic palm trees, the clearest waters of the Caribbean Sea and the rich underwater world attract not only beach lovers, but also divers.

Punta Cana is chosen by families with small children. Well-groomed beach, developed infrastructure of 5-star hotels and famous fish restaurants Dominican Republic can be found right here. Puerto Plato is preferred by windsurfers and outdoor enthusiasts, while the beaches of Boca Chica are preferred by those who come to retire and forget about the crazy rhythm modern life in the metropolis. If you plan to visit the capital often, we advise you to choose Juan Dolio, and if you want to see with your own eyes the resort that Donald Trump had a hand in developing, then you are in Cap Cana.

Cultural holidays in the Dominican Republic are also interesting and varied. If you want to see what the Columbus Lighthouse looks like, come to Santo Domingo, get acquainted with the architecture of Altos de Chavon (city of artists) - in La Romana. Except historical monuments There are also natural attractions. For example, Armando-Bermudez National Park or the city of Jarabacoa waterfalls, salt Lake Lago Enriquillo with huge crocodiles and unique caves "Three Eyes", going deep into the earth at 15 m.


If you want to visit Jordan in March and at the same time swim in the Red Sea, we recommend choosing Aqaba. This is a young resort, where there are both sandy and rocky beaches with coral reefs. The only drawback that tourists note is the sharp changes in night and day temperatures. But this is quite understandable due to the location of Jordan in the middle of the desert. The water in the sea is not fresh milk, but still quite comfortable - about 22 degrees.

March is the last month when diving into sea ​​depths of interest. In early April, plankton blooms begin, and visibility drops to 10-15 meters. The cultural program even in such a small Aqaba is rich and varied. Journey to the Wadi Rum desert, visiting the archaeological museum and marine park, excursions to the rock of the Seven Pillars and the ruins of the ancient city of Islay will leave a lot of positive memories. We advise fans of the underwater kingdom to see the reef of King Abdullah and the sunken ship Cedar Pride. And after spending only 2 hours, the tourist will be able to see the ancient city of Petra, carved into the rock and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The capital of the Nabataean kingdom will probably be the strongest impression left after visiting Jordan.

Summing up

Rest on the sea coast in March is not a dream, but a reality. Thanks to the unique climate of our planet, you can swim in the sea and sunbathe in the sun at any time of the year. True, sometimes this will have to make a long journey.

But if you supplement your vacation with cultural leisure, then the trip will remain in your memory for a lifetime and give only positive impressions to the whole family.

  • Air temperature: 23-28°C.
  • Water temperature: 23°C.
  • Visa: available at the airport upon arrival.
  • Cost of living: from 2,890 rubles per night in a hotel.
  • from 23,228 rubles.

Toward the end of March, the territory of the United Arab Emirates is set to warm weather without the sweltering heat, so you can safely go there for a beach holiday. In principle, it will be comfortable at any resort in the country at this time, but Abu Dhabi should be visited if only because at the end of March a shopping festival begins there. During it, shops and hotels provide tangible discounts, and the event is accompanied by an impressive entertainment program.

  • Air temperature: 29-32°C.
  • Water temperature: 29°C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living: from 294 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 41 320 rubles.


March is the last month of the dry season in Southeast Asia and is also less crowded than winter. So, if you are planning to relax in early spring, feel free to take a ticket to any of famous resorts region. - excellent and budget option.

The warm sea, blooming nature and an abundance of excursion offers await you. For example, you can visit ancient temples (and see the imperishable relics of a Buddhist monk), waterfalls, Ang Thong National Marine Park or go on a safari. You definitely won't be bored.

  • Air temperature: 27-28°C.
  • Water temperature: 26°C.
  • Visa: american.
  • Cost of living: from 5,419 rubles per night in a hotel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 46,664 rubles.


If you want to get into the Latin American mood, go to Puerto Rico. Like other islands in the Caribbean, it is perfect for a beach holiday. In addition, there is the largest a tropical forest And shopping mall in the region, so that you can pleasantly diversify your trip. An important plus: in March there are also few people on the island, so you can relax in a relaxed atmosphere.

  • Air temperature: 30–32°C.
  • Water temperature: 30°C.
  • Visa: Australian.
  • Cost of living: from 710 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 65 139 rubles.


March - good time to get to know Australia. The weather is warm throughout the country, about 20 ° C. True, for a beach holiday in Sydney or Adelaide it can be chilly. If you want to splash in the waves, go to the main city of northern Australia - Darwin: you can swim there.

Other advantages include tranquility, relative remoteness from civilization and an abundance of national parks.

  • Air temperature: 20-25°C.
  • Water temperature: 15°C.
  • Visa: .
  • Cost of living: from 901 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 15 802 rubles.


This coastal region of Spain is not yet suitable for a beach holiday in March, but the weather in the region is quite warm, so flying there to warm up is a very good idea. The advantage of resting in Andalusia is also that this is one of the most budget places in Europe. In addition, in March, festivities are held there before Easter. Especially magnificent festivities take place in Seville and Malaga.

  • Air temperature: 9-12°C.
  • Visa: Irish.
  • Cost of living: from 902 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 13,613 rubles.


One of the brightest and most interesting events in early spring will be, which Ireland, along with the rest of the world, celebrates on March 17th. Of course, the best place to celebrate is in Dublin.

  • Air temperature: 10-16°C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 1,433 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 23,276 rubles.


From February 27 to March 3, the Elevate festival of contemporary culture will be held in Graz, Austria. The event will bring together the most progressive representatives of the artistic, scientific and public figures. The program includes electronic music, experimental art, audio-light shows, lectures, master classes and film screenings. Remarkably, the main venue of the festival will be the old castle Schlossberg. Information about tickets, program and participants - on the official website.

  • Air temperature: 2-10°C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 2,285 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 12 259 rubles.


From 17 to 23 March, the French ski resort of Avoriaz will host the festival. Admirers of modern design should visit Brussels from 14 to 17 March. At this time, one of the main local fairs and exhibitions dedicated to the design of our time will be held in the city - Every year, on the first weekend of March, the Kaziukas Fair is held in the old one - a holiday dedicated to the beginning of spring and celebrations in honor of St. Casimir. The event brings together craftsmen from the Baltic countries who sell their products. Of course, the fair is accompanied by street performances, concerts, games and parades. Details - on

Tours for April 2020- where to go abroad in April 2020 for a beach holiday, where it is warm and inexpensive? In Europe, April is not the season, so prices are lower than in summer. But swimming in the sea in Europe is still cold, the water warms up only in June. Therefore, for a beach holiday, choose Asian, Atlantic destinations or the Middle East.

Tours in April 2020: how to save

To all readers of our site, a discount on tours abroad 2020 from. Enter the promotional code when booking - the cost will decrease from 300 to 1500 rubles. You can download a convenient application and.

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Where to go on vacation in April: Thailand

Mid-spring is a rather cold, rainy and damp season, but not everywhere. So, in Thailand, where you can go in April 2020, it is very dry, sunny and warm. April is the hottest month and the temperature readings vary by region of the country. The maximum +40 degrees are recorded in Bangkok. But in the popular resorts of Phuket, Phangan or Pattaya, the thermometers show up to +34 degrees.

The two seas that wash this country, namely the Andaman and South China, deservedly carry the status of the warmest in April. Holidays on the coast of each of them has its own characteristics. So, on the Andaman Sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean basin, it is good to rest until the end of April, because in early May, long, heavy rains come to replace the hot sun. The most popular resorts on the Andaman coast, where to go in April for a beach holiday in 2020, include Phuket, Krabi and Khao Lak. IN Gulf of Thailand the popular islands of Koh Samui and Koh Chang, as well as Pattaya. By the sea, the heat is more easily tolerated.

In April, in Thailand, you can enjoy not only a beach holiday, but also visit the annual Songkran holiday - the Thai New Year. For a whole week, Thais light thousands of fires, launch hundreds of fireworks, organize many concerts, colorful shows and other entertainment events. The sight is beautiful and memorable.

The beginning of April in Thailand is associated with the beginning of a hot period. And for those who want to visit the country this month, but can hardly endure the heat, it is recommended not to postpone their visit, because in early April you can still find coolness and enough wet air. Every day the thermometers are inexorably creeping up.

It is impossible not to mention other advantages of relaxing in Thai resorts in April: a huge number of last-minute offers are constantly appearing, prices for hotel accommodation and tours are declining.


Turkey is another destination where you can have a cheap vacation in April 2020 abroad. Beach holidays in Turkey, according to statistics, are the most popular among Russians. In April, Turkey is just getting ready to receive guests, since the tourist season has not yet begun. At this time, they see off the winter here and there are still few sunny days. The water temperature does not reach more than +21 degrees until the end of the month, the sun does not please with its warm rays, it is cold at night. But the prices for tours for April 2020 to Turkey "all inclusive" from 15,000 rubles.

Tourists who can't stand the heat, who want to relax by the pool and see the world-famous sights, a holiday in Turkey is ideal.

Despite the fact that Turkey cannot please its guests with the hot sun during this period, this is one of the most popular places where to go abroad in April 2020 for a beach holiday. In April, there are quite a lot of tourists here. Vacationers are attracted low prices for tours, comfortable air temperature within +20 degrees, budget shopping and a large selection of excursion offers. In addition, most of the hotels have heated pools, and guests are offered a lot of entertainment for which you can have a great time on cold days.

Where to go in April 2020: UAE

April in the United Arab Emirates is a great time. Beach holidays, excursions, good hotels and a lot of entertainment - all that awaits tourists. The air does not warm up more than +32 degrees, and the water temperature in the Gulf of Oman is +21 degrees, in the Persian +24 +27 degrees. This is the best time for excursions, because with the onset of the heat, long trips become too tiring.

It rarely rains in April in the UAE, but the country is often plunged into fog. For some, +32 degrees of heat will seem too high, but such heat is tolerated quite easily, given the humidity of the air at around 60%. There are a lot of tourists in the middle of spring in the Emirates. Popular destinations where to go in April for a beach holiday in the UAE are Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah. Most of the tourists go to Dubai.

Where to go abroad in April 2020: Vietnam

If you decide where it is better to go on a beach holiday in April, then be sure to consider Vietnam. It is not much inferior to Thailand, and in some respects, on the contrary, even surpasses it. In April, there are clean beaches, juicy fruits, beautiful sea. Therefore, this month can be safely considered the best time to relax on Vietnamese beaches.

The only negative is a large number of tourists who want to open the swimming season. The weather contributes to this in every possible way: the air temperature is +37 degrees, it is sunny, it rains very rarely, and the water temperature reaches 27 degrees.

Like everywhere else, Vietnam has many regions that have their own characteristics. In Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, the high season continues in April, in Phu Quoc there is an intermediate period between high season and the rainy season. Phu Quoc is still developing for tourists. There is the beauty of nature here - dense semi-jungle, tall spreading palm trees, beautiful waterfalls - all this can be found on the island. But the weather in this place likes to make surprises, though not often. And the locals are very fond of throwing garbage everywhere.

Where to go in April inexpensively without a passport: the Black Sea

Resorts on the Black Sea coast are especially popular among our compatriots. But it's still cold here in April. Even in shallow water, the water does not warm up more than +23 degrees, and in April it never exceeds +11 degrees at all. Therefore, those who wish to swim and get a beautiful tan this month will have to abandon this direction. But our domestic resorts are leading among the places where you can go to the sea for treatment inexpensively in April. The cheapest tours for April 2020 are sold here.

At this time, sanatoriums operate, where wellness procedures are much lower than at the peak of the tourist season. Not the best time to visit the sights, but this does not stop some tourists.

Where to go in April inexpensively without a visa: Cyprus

Choosing a vacation in April at sea abroad, where it is warm and inexpensive, why not consider a European destination? Cyprus is a good option, where at this time it is still cold enough for sunbathing and swimming, but more than comfortable for excursions. In summer, it will become unbearably hot to travel to interesting places. In addition, you can swim in the heated pools on site or in the water park.

Cyprus is European-style clean and beautiful, good service and a wide range of hotels. Officially beach season in Cyprus begins in May, when the water temperature is +23 degrees. In April, the sea is +21 degrees, the air temperature is +21+24 degrees.

Where you can go on vacation in April 2020: Tunisia

Tunisia in April is a cool but beautiful country. The water does not warm up by more than +16 degrees, but guests are offered a varied excursion program. The so-called hotel vacation with the all-inclusive system is also popular here. Prices in April are 1.5-2 times lower than in the season. In addition, at this time of the year, a completely unique festival takes place here - the collection of flowers of citrus plants in the small town of Nabeul.

Tourists are offered to see how the fragrant essence is extracted, they provide it for tasting.

Where you can go abroad in April: Morocco

If you decide where to go on vacation in April to the sea, then at this time the season begins in the resorts of Morocco. The beaches are not yet so densely dotted with tourists, the temperature of the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean reaches +18 degrees, and the air does not warm up by more than +20 degrees. If it is very cold for you, you can go to Marrakesh, during this period there is about +24 degrees.

It rains here often and at night it is still quite cool. Therefore, going to Morocco in April, it is recommended to take warm clothes with you. But in favor of these resorts, it is worth mentioning a huge number of attractions, and therefore passive relaxation on the beach can be combined with studying the history, traditions and culture of the country.

Where to go in April for a beach holiday at sea: Sri Lanka

April on the island of Sri Lanka is considered the end of the beach holiday season. Gradually, this paradise absorbs the southwest monsoon, the sea becomes restless, the waves intensify. After lunch, it is already difficult to catch sunny weather, and the humidity of the air is growing strongly. Nevertheless, this is a good time to relax on the sea, the sun is no longer hot and you can swim in plenty, and not hide under umbrellas or in hotel rooms. The average water temperature is +26 degrees, air up to +30.

Interestingly, the weather on different islands is very different. For example, in the resorts of the northeast and east coasts, winds practically do not blow, since the area is surrounded by mountains. So Sri Lanka is not a bad option where you can go in April for a beach holiday in 2020.

Where to go in April, where it's warm: Philippines

The Philippines is not as popular as Thailand or Sri Lanka for April vacations, but the weather is great in April. The resorts are warm, the air warms up to +33 degrees, and the water is more like fresh milk. Tourists are invited to visit caves, amazingly beautiful reserves and waterfalls. You can see the underwater world in diving and snorkeling classes, even for beginners.

Where to relax in April at sea: India

Air temperature +35, heat, drought and invigorating refreshing breeze - this is India in April. This is the end of the holiday season in the country, the number of tourists is noticeably decreasing. The destination is popular among fans of the heat, as well as those who like to attend all kinds of events that demonstrate the culture and customs of the country in all its glory. In the middle of spring, amazingly beautiful carnivals and holidays are held in Goa.

Despite the off-scale indicators on thermometers, the heat in Goa is tolerated surprisingly well. Water temperature +29 degrees. Air humidity, cool sea breeze make a beach holiday more comfortable, and the country is a good option where you can go in April for a beach holiday.

Where to fly in April for vacation 2020: Bali

Bali, where you can go on vacation in April 2020, attracts tourists with its beautiful landscapes, clean beaches and the sea. Tourists from Russia prefer the country of Indonesia, which belongs to the South Asian region. There are many hotels with an excellent level of service, developed infrastructure, and the weather in every possible way contributes to a comfortable stay.

Did your vacation fall in March? It's great! Even if you do not have a significant amount of money, and it seems to you that the vacation money is only enough for a “one-way ticket”, look at how many interesting offers there are for any wallet at this time. This article will help you decide where to go to rest in March at sea.

How about Egypt?

For many years now Egypt is a popular holiday destination for Russians. Why? Because it is accessible to the general public. In addition, this country is visa-free for Russians. The hotels offer all-inclusive meals, which is a huge plus for vacationers. The minimum price range for a travel package for a week with a flight in March ranges from $200 to $300. It can, of course, be more expensive.

"Pros" of holidays in Egypt

  1. No need to apply for a visa
  2. Comfortable rooms
  3. Meals "ALL INCLUSIVE"
  4. Animation
  5. Children's educators
  6. Children's programs
  7. Swimming pools on site
  8. Excursion program (optional)

March is a great period for visiting excursions in Egypt. The air temperature does not exceed 24°C. Very comfortable for such a hot country. You can travel to Cairo, on the way to visit the famous Egyptian pyramids of Giza, as well as:

  • see the tombs of the pharaohs
  • take a photo in front of the Sphinx statue
  • visit the historical museum and plunge into history

El Gouna- a place where you can relax alone with yourself, as they say, relax your soul in complete harmony with your body. But for lovers of night club life and various parties, cities such as luxurious Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada. You can go cheerful company with friends and relax "to the fullest".

Other beach options

If you are thinking where to relax at sea in March, then you can consider tropical countries where it is always warm, for example:

  • India (Goa)
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • China (Hainan Island)
  • Canary Islands (Spain)
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Israel
  • Maldives or Dominican

By the way, from Israel And Egypt you can go on a trip to Jordan to visit the amazing and breathtaking ancient city of Petra, often referred to as the eighth wonder of the world.

There are still places in the Indian Ocean where our compatriots aspire to. Seychelles and the island of Ceylon, which is now called Sri Lanka. Why are they attractive to tourists? Here is the answer:

  • pristine nature
  • white sandy beaches
  • national parks
  • tropical fauna and flora
  • exotic fruits

On Seychelles you can plunge into serene peace and heavenly pleasure, you can sit on the ocean shore with a glass of exotic drink to the sounds of the national ensemble in the glare of torches.

Sri Lanka is a paradise for windsurfers. The waves of the Indian Ocean beckon fans from all over the world to ride boards. You will hear multilingual speech, get your first windsurfing lessons from a great instructor, and then get on your own wave and there will be no limit to happiness!

Or you can just relax on the sandy shore of the lagoon, arrange a boat trip, visit the national park and ride elephants, feed the huge sea ​​turtles and buy excellent Ceylon tea for yourself and as a gift for friends. Six varieties of tea are grown on plantations in Sri Lanka.

It is best to buy tea in shops at tea factories - it will be cheaper this way. You can export no more than 2 kg of tea.

Sri Lanka

Cuba famous as a resort of international importance Varadero. There are 20 diving centers, many night cabarets and clubs, yacht clubs. You will be offered deep-sea fishing, diving and windsurfing, yacht trips.

Paradise pleasure on a snow-white beach will give you a rest in Dominican Republic on the island Haiti. At a popular resort Punta Cana the impenetrable jungle and unprecedented birds have survived to this day, which can only be seen in this amazing place. You can relax in the Dominican Republic with the whole family, as the service here high level, there are numerous entertainment centers, bars and discos.

Excursion tours in March

It is March that is a wonderful time to visit new places and get acquainted with all kinds of sights. You can choose the most popular routes or make your own plan for visiting the cities and museums that you want. The weather in Europe in March has already “turned to spring”. In addition to architectural beauties, you can enjoy the beauty of blooming Europe.

Excursion routes are developed for visiting in the countries:

  • Czech Republic
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Greece
  • Hungary and Austria

However, the most interesting excursions in Europe attract Italy, Germany, Spain, and the Czech Republic.

Czech starts from Prague. Medieval Prague beckons with its mysticism, legends, history with kings, jewels, ancient castles. Therefore, each, even the most budget tour, includes an excursion "Prague Castle and Hradcany and Old city". Wander along the cobblestone pavement, drink the famous Czech beer, and on a cool day, right on the Old Town Square, warm up with mulled wine to the chime of the Old Town Hall.

Also in the Czech Republic there are many excursions to unusually beautiful medieval castles scattered over forests and mountains. You can visit Dresden and Vienna and drive to the resort on your own Karlovy Vary to drink healing water from the springs, swim in the thermal pool and buy a bottle of the famous Becherovka.

Italy good at any time of the year. Holidays in March in Italy will allow you to combine excursions and shopping in the best shops. In March, you can get to the spring sales and buy branded items very cheaply. Discounts in Italy reach 70%. And we can talk endlessly about excursion programs.

In a country with richest history a week will not be enough to see all the sights. The classic tour includes a visit Florence, Rome, Venice, Vatican and a small republic. For the first acquaintance, this is quite enough.

By the way, prices for sightseeing tours to Italy in early spring are 199 euros, including flights and accommodation. This is your option if you are looking for where to go on vacation in March inexpensively. Seek and find!

Spanish a voyage in the spring will not only save money, but also spend time in a comfortable climate for the benefit of yourself. Prices in March are still "winter season", and therefore attractive. You can stay at a hotel near Barcelona, ​​for example, in the town of Calella and from there make excursions in any direction, even to Andorra for shopping or to Carcassonne in France. Weight interesting information and positive emotions are provided to you.

Hungary, in fact, not a very cheap country and expensive. But in March, you can "grab" a trip at an affordable price, especially if you use the "early booking" promotion. It is necessary to take care of the reservation already in January - February.

Hungary has always been famous for its excellent spa treatment at thermal springs. Spring is the best time for treatment. Resorts on Lake Heviz welcome visitors all year round. Budapest also has hotels with thermal springs and spa treatments. You can combine relaxation with recovery.

Austria and Portugal with their excursion programs "affordable" to fairly wealthy tourists. Countries are interesting for their history, architecture, their national and musical traditions. Holidays in March will be amazing in these European gems if you decide to spend your holidays there. Give your loved one a tour to one of European countries by March 8, and you will not regret your act!

Ski resorts

In March, the ski season is on the decline. But, if you didn’t have time in winter, but really want to visit a mountain resort this year, you can go to Andorra. Andorra's slopes accept skiers in the month of March. There is still enough snow. In addition to excellent trails that differ in color marking depending on the category of difficulty, there are ski schools for children and even kindergartens for young skiers.

So, feel free to take your kids with you, where they will receive their first lessons from professionals. There is a rental of ski equipment and other equipment. The CALDEA thermal complex will also help to relax and unwind. You will be offered a variety of procedures for body care and soul renewal.

If you wish, you can make excursions to Barcelona (Spain) in just 4 hours by bus.

Also, lovers of skiing and snowboarding can go to the slopes in March in:

  • Italy
  • Austria
  • Switzerland
  • France
  • Bulgaria

Vacation is the most pleasant period of the working year, and it depends on you how to spend it in order to gain strength and positive emotions for the whole year.

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