When is the best time to fly to the Dominican Republic? When is the best time to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic? Holiday season in the Dominican Republic. Map of resorts and beaches of the Dominican Republic


Winter, spring, summer and autumn: when is the holiday season in the Dominican Republic by month

Have you decided to spend a week or a little more on the wonderful beaches of the Dominican Republic? Great idea! In the meantime, while you're packing your bags, read on for information that will help you find out when the season is to vacation on the island and what to take with you at any given time. And so, the climate of the Dominican Republic by months and seasons.

Year-round climate in the Dominican Republic

The island is located almost on the equator, so the climate here is warm, and you can relax at any time of the year. But this is in theory. In practice, everything is completely different. There is a rainy season in the Dominican Republic, high season and other moments when you either can or cannot rest.
To avoid the rainy season, and the rains here are such that it is simply impossible to go outside, you should not come to the Republic in the summer, late spring and early autumn. But in winter months on the contrary, dry and sunny - this is the best time for beach holiday at the resorts of the Dominican Republic.

It is also worth considering that the south and east of the island are washed by the Caribbean Sea, and the north of the Dominican Republic by the Atlantic Ocean. Here even a schoolchild will answer you that the Atlantic Ocean is cool, and the Caribbean Sea is much warmer.

Weather table by month

As can be seen from the table, there are no sudden changes in temperature. Even during the rainy season it is warm here. But still, you shouldn’t tempt fate and fly here in the summer. It will be rainy, high humidity and in general, there will definitely not be a beach holiday.
In winter, the sun shines more than 95% of all days. Sometimes it is partly cloudy and sometimes it can rain. As a rule, winter rains fall at night, and during the day nothing will stop you from enjoying your holiday on the beach by the sea.

Winter in the Dominican Republic

When there is snow in Russia and most of Europe, the skating rinks are flooded, and it’s cold during the day, it’s real summer in the Dominican Republic. The winter months are the best for relaxing on the island.
During the day, in the light of the sun, the air warms up to a comfortable +30 degrees. The rainy season is behind us and the humidity has decreased. The wind is weak and does not particularly affect the waves and the sea in general.
The peak tourist season occurs at the end of December and beginning of January, when Christmas and New Year. At this time there are a lot of tourists on the island, and prices rise several times at once. And if you haven’t managed to book a hotel in advance, then it’s unlikely to be possible. And if there is a free room, you will have to pay a decent amount of money for it.

Spring in the Dominican Republic

This is the most controversial time of year in terms of weather. In March there are just as many tourists on the island as in winter. This is understandable, since the weather continues to please with sun and warmth. There is still no rain, and tourists continue to relax on the beaches, go on excursions and admire nature.
But April comes and the weather changes. Of course, not immediately, not on April 1, but still. Sometimes the rains can start almost from the very beginning of the month, sometimes they can start on the last day of April. It depends on your luck and it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to predict in advance when the rainy season will begin.

In May, there are still quite a lot of tourists in the Dominican Republic, although it is already raining a lot. Yes, most of the precipitation falls at night, but the humidity rises, high waves appear on the sea, and it blows quite strong wind. The only thing that pleases tourists is the most low prices for a year's rest. Even five-star hotels offer such discounts that anyone can check into them.

Summer in the Dominican Republic

The beginning of summer in the Dominican Republic is unlikely to please tourists, although there are a sufficient number of them here. It's still warm during the day. Humidity increases. It rains mostly at night, and there are 3-4 completely rainy days per month. You can still rest, but the conditions for rest are completely different.
In July and August, the air temperature on the island reaches its peak. During the day it is not lower than +32 degrees, it rains and the humidity is such that the T-shirts immediately become wet and without rain. But tourists still flock to the island. Some people like heavy showers, some just want to admire the island, while others hope for the leniency of nature and the absence of rain. If so, then it is great luck that you will get luxurious holiday for next to nothing.

Autumn in the Dominican Republic

September on the island is the time for hurricanes. They don't happen every year, but strong winds and high waves happen every year. If you can still relax here in the summer, then in early autumn it is better not to risk it.
In October, tourists begin to flood the island, although the likelihood of hurricanes and typhoons is still high. But there is less rain, and the winds are gradually decreasing.
From autumn months November is best for relaxation. At the end of autumn there is very little rain, and there may be none at all. Rest comfortably, humidity decreases. The closer to winter, the higher the prices for hotels and air tickets. So it’s worth taking care of this in advance.

The Dominican Republic is a popular resort country located in the eastern part of Haiti and on the coastal islands of the Caribbean Sea. The Dominican Republic is located in tropical zone, which is characterized by dry and wet seasons. The climate in the country is also influenced by the local topography. Half of the state's territory is occupied by mountain ranges, and the remaining 50% by large valleys. Naturally, the weather affects tourism activity; travelers want to relax in the most favorable conditions.

Rainy season in the Dominican Republic

The rainy season in the Dominican Republic is considered to be from May to October. However, it is important to note that the amount of precipitation here does not increase as significantly as in some other places. famous resorts in tropical and subtropical zones. For example, in Thailand it is much more pronounced. For comparison: in the Dominican Republic peak value precipitation is 188-200 millimeters per month, and in Thai Phuket - 321 millimeters (September).

The rainy season does not mean that it rains for days on end. Its onset signals an increase in the likelihood of precipitation. In this case, there may be no showers at all - or they may rain 6 days a week.

In addition to precipitation, the rainy season has another unpleasant companion - hurricanes. IN Lately there is an increase in their number, which meteorologists associate with global warming. Hurricane season in the Dominican Republic occurs at the end of August and beginning of December. Its peak occurs in September. Hurricane season brings the most intense rainfall, strong winds and high waves. In addition, washed ashore a large number of algae, which may not be removed for several days or even weeks on free beaches.

Important: Despite the established timing of the rainy season, the weather in the Dominican Republic is difficult to predict in advance. But approximate climatic conditions for each month can be estimated from the data collected for last years.

When is the best time to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic?

Perhaps the best time of year to holiday in the Dominican Republic is winter. This period refers to the high tourist season, which affects hotel prices, but the weather the best way Suitable for beach holidays, sunbathing, swimming. Travelers from cold countries have the opportunity to escape the winter cold without having to worry about the unbearable heat.


December. During the day the air temperature does not rise above 30 °C, and at night it stays at 21 degrees. Weather close to ideal according to the majority of vacationers. The water temperature along the entire coast remains at 27-28 °C. Rare rains usually last no more than a few minutes. 5.7 hours of sunshine per day contribute to obtaining an even tropical tan.

January. The coolest month at the resort, but even it cannot be called cold by the standards of most travelers. The average temperature is 27-29 degrees during the day and 19-21 at night. This climate is perfect for a beach holiday. The water temperature rarely drops below 26 °C. Rain in January is very rare, a sunny day lasts about 6 hours, so you need to stock up on sunscreen. For winter holidays In the Dominican Republic, only light summer clothing is useful.

February. The weather in February is practically no different from January. These months are the peak of the high tourist season. Air temperature is about 29-30 °C, water temperature is about 26 °C. There are even more hours of sunshine - 6.3 per day. Also in February the most low humidity per calendar year.


March. The beginning of spring refers to the high tourist season and is different favorable weather. The air temperature rises slightly - up to 31 degrees during the day. The coldest night in the last 20 years in the Dominican Republic was +17.5 °C (accordingly, vacationers will not need warm clothes). The water temperature remains at 26 degrees. Humidity gradually increases, but there are no more than 6 rainy days per month. Quantity sundial per day reaches 7.4, there is a high probability of getting burned.

April. The border month between high and low seasons in the Dominican Republic. April is characterized by an increase in air humidity to 62%. On average, 7 days a month are rainy. Precipitation usually falls in the evening or at night, without interfering with beach holidays. High humidity negatively affects the perception of heat, so the usual 30 °C seems less comfortable than, for example, in January. The weather in April is not windy, so the sea is calm and clean.

May. Usually this is the most rainy month in the Dominican Republic. In the capital of the republic, the amount of precipitation reaches 188 mm - on average It is raining every 3 days. Precipitation is usually expected in the evening (after 20:00) or early in the morning. Despite the increasing frequency of showers, the wind does not increase in May. Therefore, hurricanes this month do not pose a threat. The temperature during the day remains at 30 °C, and at night it rises to 22.


June. With the arrival of summer, there is a decline in tourist activity. The weather does not interfere with the inspection, but a beach holiday becomes uncomfortable due to excessive heat and humidity. During the day, thermometers record 33 °C; at night, the temperature is not the coolest 23 degrees. The precipitation level is approximately 162 mm. The rains are less intense, but occur more often.

July. July weather is characterized by humidity and high temperatures, signaling the approach of tropical showers. There can be up to 11 rainy days in a month. Precipitation most often falls immediately after lunch and is accompanied by thunderstorms. The air temperature does not decrease and remains at 33 °C. Combined with high humidity, such heat is difficult to bear. At this time, it is not recommended for tourists with blood pressure problems to go to the Dominican Republic. Pleasant moments include the water temperature - about 28 degrees. This allows you to dive at any time of the day.

August. August marks the beginning of the tropical rain and hurricane season. This month also marks the highest average temperature air. During the day it is 32-33 °C in the shade. The air simply does not have time to cool down overnight, so even in the morning there is no saving coolness at the resort. Nighttime temperatures of 24 degrees feel stiflingly hot in high humidity conditions. It rains in August several times a day and is accompanied by thunderstorms. Most of all, tropical cyclones and the aggressive sun, which can damage the sensitive skin of travelers, scare vacationers away.


September. It is the hottest month of the year. The water temperature on the Dominican coast is set at 29 degrees, further heating the already not cold air at night. In September it is difficult to find relief from the unbearable heat. Even intense rainfall does not help. The number of rainy days reaches 16 in some parts of the republic.

October. This month the weather becomes more favorable compared to previous ones. Tangible improvements are observed by the end of October. Rainfall is still heavy, but mostly short-lived and occurs either at night or late in the evening. Only rare storms remind us of the hurricane season. Temperature remains unsuitable for tourists who cannot stand the heat and have problems with blood pressure.

November. The beginning of the high season in the Dominican Republic. Rain becomes rare, with virtually no rainfall on the south coast this month. Humidity decreases, and with it the air temperature - to 30 °C during the day and 21 °C at night. The water manages to cool by only 1 degree compared to the peak of the rainy season - to 28 °C. In November, the likelihood of hurricanes and tropical storms is close to zero, so you can safely relax at the resort with small children.

Is it worth going to the Dominican Republic during the rainy season?

Despite the fact that the rainy season in the Dominican Republic is considered low for tourism, this does not make the resort unsuitable for recreation. You can visit the republic, but you should adjust your plans accordingly.

Due to precipitation, you need to think in advance about how to diversify your beach holiday - part of the time will have to be spent under the roof, and not on sun loungers. Another option is to pay more attention to diving, because the rains do not interfere with divers at all. In addition, accommodation prices are reduced during the rainy season.

Important: because of extreme heat From May to October, tourists who have problems with blood pressure should not visit the Dominican Republic. It is also recommended to refrain from traveling to the resort in September due to the threat of hurricanes.

Let's sum it up

The rainy season in the Dominican Republic lasts from May to October inclusive. Most often, the greatest amount of precipitation falls in the last month of spring. From late summer to late autumn, the resort can experience tropical storms with hurricanes. Best time for a relaxing beach holiday in the republic - winter and early spring. During the rainy season, hotel prices are lower, but if you do not take into account the precipitation itself, it is much more difficult to endure the heat due to the high humidity.

We'll tell you when is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic to catch the ideal season for a vacation. Let's break it down by month. Read this to avoid the rainy season.

The Dominican Republic has found fans among amateurs different types recreation. On the one hand, it attracts active tourists with a mixture of history, authentic culture and incredible natural beauty. On the other hand, the Dominican Republic is an ideal destination for those who prefer package tours and a stress-free experience. Although this country has a rainy season, you can come to the Dominican Republic all year round. The main rule is to know the climatic features of each month.

Comfortable season in the Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic there is a holiday season that begins at and ends at. It is during these months that rain in the Dominican Republic is rare, and the sun is almost never hidden behind the clouds.

December - January

While winter is in full swing in many countries around the world, the dry and sunny season begins in the Dominican Republic. The daytime temperature of +30 °C is conducive to relaxing on the coast, and the nights are pleasantly warm - about +20 °C. Almost nothing reminds you of the last rainy season; there is no strong wind that could ruin your vacation. The water at this time is heated to +27 °C. In December, precipitation in the Dominican Republic is rare, and after a short rain the sun immediately appears. This happens most often on the north coast. So, in Puerto Plata it will be a couple of degrees cooler than in the resort of La Romana.


In April, there are noticeably fewer tourists in the Dominican Republic. This is the last month before the start of the wet season, but there are no showers or strong winds yet. The night temperature is about +18 °C, during the day the thermometer shows +28 °C, and the water is heated to +26 °C. When choosing a resort, it is worth considering that in the north the humidity increases noticeably - it can be stuffy and less comfortable here than in previous months. Rapid weather changes make themselves felt, and there is a high probability of rain. But the precipitation is not so heavy as to ruin your vacation. April - great time to enjoy a beach holiday in the Dominican Republic, diluting it with diving, excursions or exploring wildlife.

Rainy season in the Dominican Republic by month

The beginning of the rainy season does not mean that you will have to give up traveling to the Dominican Republic. You can still swim here, and the prices for vacations are noticeably reduced.


The humidity rises sharply, but a light wind makes it easier to bear. The air temperature fluctuates and depends on the location of the resort. For example, in Puerto Plata it is +19 °C at night and +28 °C during the day. In La Romana the air is heated to +31 °C, and in cities far from the coast - up to + 33 °C. The water is heated to a comfortable +26 °C. As for a beach holiday, it is better to choose resorts in the Caribbean. There are much fewer waves here than in the Atlantic Ocean. Windsurfing enthusiasts should choose resorts near the ocean.


The wind on the Dominican coast becomes gusty, and rain showers occur more often. But not everything is so hopeless, although the weather in June is changeable: rainy days give way to dry ones. On the north coast high humidity, so it is better to choose southern or eastern resorts. The air temperature in most cities is +31 °C, the water is heated to +26 °C. When weather permits, you can go swimming or diving. If the sea is rough, it comes best period for surfers.

July August

These months in the Dominican Republic are not the most ideal time for a beach holiday. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer tourists on the coast due to increased wind, rain and storms. Also in August, hurricane season begins here and will end. The air temperature is little different from what it was in June. But the weather is unpredictable, and tourists better have backup options. On clear days you can spend time on the coast. If the weather turns bad, it will be a good time to explore the Dominican Republic. You can rent a car and travel around the most interesting places this country, visit museums and spend time in traditional restaurants.


In September-November the Dominican Republic is hot and humid. Dry days give way to storms and hurricane winds. On the southern coast the thermometer shows +32 °C, the water is heated to +27 °C. But in the north, which is more exposed to the influence of winds, during the day the air warms up to +28 °C. In the evening the air quickly cools to +19 °C. Yet there are differences between these months. Towards the end, the heat subsides a little - you can not only sunbathe on the beach, but also go on excursions. By the end of November, on the eve of the high season, there are fewer weather surprises in the Dominican Republic.

When to go to the Dominican Republic on vacation

For those who prefer stability, it is better to buy a tour to the Dominican Republic in December-April, when you can enjoy all the benefits of a holiday on the heavenly beaches. If you want to save money and see the sights of Central Dominican Republic, where there is noticeably less rainfall, you can plan your trip during the rainy season. For a beach holiday in the low season, you should choose resorts in the Caribbean, where there are less rainfalls than on the ocean coast.

Located on several islands, among which Beata and Saona are considered the largest. WITH south side she is washing herself Caribbean Sea, and from the north - Atlantic Ocean. Holidays in this country are an excellent opportunity to forget about the drab everyday life and plunge into the world of sun, happiness and fun. The most popular resorts among Russian tourists are Juan Dolio, Punta Cana, Santa Domingo, Boca Chica, La Romana and Puerto Plata. Due to its geographical location and climatic features countries holiday season in the Dominican Republic lasts almost all year round. The air temperature throughout the year is 26-27 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature does not fall below 22 degrees. Here you can not only relaxing holiday on snow-white beaches, but also to do many exciting excursions, go underwater fishing or diving.

The most favorable period for rest

Many people want to visit this country, but not everyone knows when it is. best season in the Dominican Republic for good rest. The most favorable period to visit this country is from December to March. During these months, the sun shines more gently and evenly, the water temperature rises to 27 degrees Celsius, the sea is calm, there is practically no rain, and the night temperature does not drop below 24 degrees Celsius. Thanks to the ocean breeze and high humidity, the heat here is quite bearable.

During this period, the Dominican Republic will delight tourists not only with excellent weather. The holiday season is an opportunity to indulge in traditional sea activities, including fishing, snorkeling, and diving. In addition, it is during this period that various enchanting carnivals, numerous holidays and festivals take place. One of the largest is which is celebrated on February 27th. On this day, colorful and vibrant processions take place through the squares and main streets of cities. local residents in exotic festive costumes. No less impressive is the merengue festival, which you can not only watch from the outside, but also become a participant in.

Holidays in April

For those who want to enjoy fresh sea ​​air, but does not tolerate hot weather, it is recommended to go on vacation after the tourist season in the Dominican Republic ends. At this time there is not too much rainfall yet. The sun is not so active, since quite often the sky is overcast. It is not possible to sunbathe every day this month. In April, lovers of spearfishing and diving gather here, because despite the cloudy sky, the sea still remains calm. Plus, prices for stays are already slightly lower compared to the high season.

Holidays in May - July

What to see while on holiday in the Dominican Republic

What else attracts tourists to the Dominican Republic? Rest (reviews from tourists confirm this), in addition to excellent beaches, azure sea and favorable climate, is accompanied by numerous excursions, during which you can see many of the most interesting sights of the country. Thus, the Basilica Higway Cathedral, located in Santo Domingo, has an unusual architecture.

In the same city there is a beautiful Lemon Falls, shrouded in mystery, with which many legends are associated. The Aguas Blancas waterfall, located 10 kilometers south of the city of Constanta, is considered no less fascinating. While vacationing in the Dominican Republic, it is recommended to visit the Cave of Miracles, which is located in the valley of the Kumayas and Soco rivers.

What you need to know about holidays in the Caribbean so as not to miss the whale season and avoid hurricane season
Which dates to choose for vacation is not the easiest question. Yes, we depend on the authorities, who let us go at one time or another, and on many other circumstances. But if you have freedom of maneuver, it is better to arm yourself with knowledge about climatic, tourist and other seasonal features. If you have already decided on the space and chosen a resort in the Dominican Republic, it’s time to decide on the time of rest. Especially for you, we studied the issue: we talked with old-timers of the market - operators of this direction, host companies in the Dominican Republic, guides, compatriots who have been living in this country for a long time and serving guests. We read and visited trustworthy Russian and foreign sites.

Season for a beach holiday

You can swim and sunbathe on the beach in the Dominican Republic all year round. Tourist season Always. This is the main thing. Of course, there are nuances. The chance of rain is high from June to October, dry and sunny from December to May. But even during the rainy season, long, lingering tropical downpours are rare. Rains are short-term, no more than half an hour, usually in the evening, night or morning. Of course, there are also rains in the dry season; in recent years, the weather has often brought surprises, and not only in the subtropics. Average annual temperature air - from 25 to 32 °C, sea ​​water- 26-29 °C. The weather by month is clearly presented in the table:

Average daily temperature (°C) 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 31 30
Average night temperature (°C) 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 22 22 21 20
Number of hours of sunshine (daily) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7
Monthly precipitation (mm) 60 52 61 83 205 173 178 180 195 179 109 71
Sea water t (°C) 27 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 28 27
The current weather forecast for up to 14 days in the cities and resorts of the Dominican Republic can be found on the government website of the Oficina Nacional de Meteorologia.
Velvet season occurs in November. The rains are ending, it's settling in comfortable temperature air and sea water are about 28 ° C, the sea at this time is clean and calm. Comfortable begins beach season.

Tourist seasons

The cost of hotel accommodation varies throughout the year, and it is determined by the most significant market for the country - the American market. The "low" season coincides with the summer rainy period, and the "high" season occurs during the dry and sunny winter. Peak hotel occupancy (and highest prices) occur in traditional American holidays, such as Columbus Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, National Freedom Day, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, etc., college holidays, Christmas and New Year.

Hurricane Season

This a natural phenomenon also have to be taken into account when choosing holiday dates. According to the website dr1.com, the official annual hurricane season in the Dominican Republic begins on June 1 and lasts until November 30. According to the results of many years of observations by meteorologists, during this period there are from 10 to 16 so-called “tropical depressions” in the Atlantic, half of which “grow” into the state of a hurricane with wind speeds of up to 200 km/h. That is, on average, the country is hit by five to eight hurricanes per year. different strengths. The last major hurricane, Hurricane George, was in 1998. There hasn't been anything like it in the Caribbean since 1780. Dominicans have long been accustomed to them and perceive them as a natural phenomenon - unpleasant, but not fatal. All resort hotels have dedicated teams that are experienced and qualified to deal with the elements. Tourists receive special instructions that describe the procedure in case of a hurricane and safety measures.

Flora and fauna

About algae. Many tourists discuss in their reviews and in social networks the cleanliness of Dominican beaches, namely the presence or absence of algae. Many people even talk about algae season. Indeed, algae grow everywhere in coastal waters. They are thrown ashore by waves that are formed as a result of strong winds during tropical storms and hurricanes in summer and autumn. But even in winter, during the dry beach season, less algae washes ashore. The amount of algae in a particular location on the coast also depends on local underwater currents, water temperature (affects the rate of plant growth) and the presence of coral reefs, which serve as a natural barrier for plants. Many tourists who vacationed in Bavaro this year note in their reviews the virtual absence of algae and the cleanliness of the local beaches. Nice hotels They value their reputation and regularly clean the beaches. If the presence of algae on the beach is critical for you, carefully study the website of the selected hotel (“the right” hotels have several webcams on the territory, including the beach), read reviews of hotel guests. On the other hand, algae only grows in clean water, treat their abundance as a natural thalasso procedure.

About fruits.

A familiar indicator of a hotel’s level for many tourists is the presence of a large selection of seasonal fruits and freshly squeezed juices on the buffet. Fruit is always in season in the Dominican Republic. Most often in hotels you can find: pineapples, bananas, passion fruit, oranges, tangerines, apples, pears, watermelons, melons, grapes, strawberries, sweet lemons, grapefruits, kiwis, papaya, star fruit, guanabana, granadilla, nispero, mamon. The availability of mangoes and avacados depends on the time of year. Mango season, or rather harvesting season, is from May to October. Then the mango on the table replaces the avocado. Some perishable fruits do not reach hotels, but you can buy them, for example, at the fruit market while visiting Santo Domingo.

About the inhabitants of the sea.

The Bavaro resort in Punta Cana has three large dolphinariums where dolphins live in their own natural environment. You can swim with them and watch a show. In coastal waters protected peninsula You can watch the mating games of humpback whales from the shore in Samana. Whale season is from January 15 to March 15. And the famous blue marlin fishing is available almost all year round, with the likelihood of successful fishing being especially high in August and September. Best places for deep sea fishing - the Boca Chica area on the Caribbean coast and the Atlantic waters in the north of the country.

You can practice water sports in the Dominican Republic all year round. The surfing season is not limited to any particular period; strong winds and “long waves” traditionally attract extreme sports enthusiasts primarily to Atlantic coast islands. But divers care about the transparency of the water, which is established during the absence of rain and wind. By the way, the Dominican Republic ranks second in the world for cave diving opportunities after Mexican cenotes. In the underwater grottoes of Padre Nuestro you can observe a unique optical phenomenon- a halocline that occurs at the boundary of fresh and salt water.

So, all you have to do is choose your holiday season. And remember that “the best is the enemy of the good.” Thinking a lot is harmful, it’s time to decide when it’s better to rest.

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