US Holidays, oral topic in English with translation. Topic. American holidays American holidays in English with translation

American holidays are strikingly different in origin and show surprising similarities in the manner of their celebration. No matter what the holiday"s origin is, they all seem to be the the same thing. A holiday has simply become, for most Americans, a day off from work, though some (for example, Thanksgiving and Christmas) retain some individuality.

The major holidays in the USA are:

New Year's Day, January, 1st:

People stay awake until after midnight on December 31st to "watch the Old Year out and the New Year in." Many parties are given on this night. Theatres, night clubs, restaurants are crowded. When midnight comes, they greet the New Year: people gather in the streets of big cities, they ring bells, blow whistles and automobile horns, some shoot off guns and firecrackers.

Valentine's Day, February, 14th:

It is not a national holiday. Banks and offices do not close, but it is a happy little festival in honor of St Valentine, patron of sweethearts and lovers. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages by the exchange of "valentines." A "valentine" may mean a special greeting card or a little present. The greeting cards are often colored red, have red trimmings and pictures of hearts.

Washington's Birthday, February, 22d:

In addition to commemorating the birth of the United States" first President, it"s a great day for shoppers. The department stores of Washington, DC, stated a national tradition of sales marked by unusual bargains. It is not a national holiday. Many schools, offices and banks are close for this day, some stay open. The US Congress observes the birthday of George Washington with speeches and readings from his works.

Easter is in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon between March, 22, and April, 25. The 40 days before Easter are called Lent. Just before Easter, schools and colleges are usually close. Students have a week or ten days of spring vacation. Easter is a church holiday, and many churches have an outdoor sunrise service. People give each other presents of eggs which are the symbol of new life. There is a popular belief that wearing three new things on Easter will bring good luck throughout the year.

Memorial Day, May, 30th:

It is a national holiday. Schools, banks and offices close for the day. On that day, Americans honor the servicemen who gave their lives in past wars. Schools, clubs and churches decorate the cemeteries. They put up the flags on the graves of the army, navy and airmen. They hold memorial services in churches, halls, parks and cemeteries. In addition to solemn services Memorial Day is often marked by other, more joyful ceremonies: colorful parades, sports competitions.

Independence Day, July, 4th:

On this day, in 1776, America signed the Declaration of Independence. It is a national public holiday celebrated with fireworks and speeches praising "Americanism, democracy, free enterprise".

Labor Day, the first Monday in September:

It is a holiday of recreation. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Vacation time is over. Resorts, camps and beaches close ... Parents go to summer camps and take their children back home.

Halloween, October, 31st:

Halloween is the day or evening before All Saints" Day. Halloween customs date back to a time when people believed in devils, witches and ghosts. They thought that these evil spirits could do all kinds of damage to property. Some people tried to ward off witches by painting magic signs on their barns. Others tried to scare them away by nailing a piece of iron, such as a horseshoe, over the door. Now most people do not believe in evil spirits. On this day they just have a nice holiday . Children dress up as ghosts and witches and go out into the streets to beg. They go from house to house and say: "Trick of treat!", meaning "Give me a treat or I"ll play a trick on you." People give them candy, cookies and apples. A favorite custom is to make a jack-o"-lantem. Children scrape out a pumpkin and cut the outlines of eyes, nose and mouth in its side. They light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends. This custom refers to a man named Jack who still wanders around the earth lighting his way with a pumpkin lantern.

On this day, the radio and television broadcast services held at the National Cemetery in Arlington. High officials come from Washington to attend these services. They place a wreath of flowers at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. All stand in silence for a few minutes at eleven o"clock to honor the memory of the servicemen killed in the two World Wars.

Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November:

In the USA it is a national holiday. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the Pilgrim Fathers after their first good harvest. Thanksgiving is a family day, for it is customary for all members of the family to gather at the home of their parents. The family eats a large traditional dinner, usually with turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

Christmas Day, December, 25th:

It is usually a one-day official holiday, but it is preceded and followed by festive parties, and marked by special church services, gift-giving and feasting. Christmas is a family holiday. Schools and colleges close between Christmas and New-Year"s Day. People stay at home and spend the time with their families. Everybody tries to come home for Christmas. People send cards or Christmas greetings to family and friends away from home. Every family tries to have a Christmas tree, which is beautifully decorated. Santa Claus comes from the North Pole in his sleigh, dressed in red cap and jacket, entering the house from chimney. He is a merry and fat individual. He has gifts of whatever kind you may wish for - nothing is too fabulous nor too trivial for him to provide.

Holidays in the USA

American holidays are strikingly different in their origins and show surprising similarities in the manner in which they are celebrated. Regardless of the origin of the holiday, they all seem to be the same. For most Americans, the holiday has become simply a day off from work, although some (such as Thanksgiving and Christmas) retain some individuality.

Major holidays in the USA:

People stay up after midnight on December 31st to “watch how it goes away” old year and a new one comes." On this night, many parties are held. Theatres, nightclubs, restaurants are crowded. When midnight comes, everyone celebrates the New Year: people gather on the streets of big cities, bells ring, whistles blow and cars honk, some shoot guns and firecrackers.

This is not a national holiday. Banks and offices are not closed, but it is a happy little holiday in honor of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages by exchanging "Valentines". A “Valentine” can be a special greeting card or a small gift. Greeting cards are often red with red trim and heart designs.

In addition to celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the first President of the United States, it is a day of shopping. The Washington department store established a national sales tradition marked by unusual deals. This is not a national holiday. Many schools, offices and banks close on this day, some remain open. The US Congress celebrates George Washington's birthday with speeches and readings of his works.

The Easter holiday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon between March 22 and April 25. The 40 days before Easter are called Lent. Schools and colleges are usually closed before Easter. Students have a week or 10 days of spring break. Easter is a church holiday and many churches have an open service until sunrise. People give each other eggs, which are a symbol of new life. There is a belief that wearing three new items at Easter will bring good luck throughout the year.

This is a national holiday. Schools, banks and offices are closed on this day. On this day, Americans pay tribute to military personnel who gave their lives in past wars. Schools, clubs and churches decorate cemeteries. They place flags on the graves of soldiers, sailors and airmen. They hold memorial services in churches, halls, parks and cemeteries. In addition to the ceremonial services, other, more joyful ceremonies often take place on Remembrance Day: colorful parades, sports competitions.

On this day in 1776, America signed the Declaration of Independence. The day is a national public holiday celebrated with fireworks and speeches praising "Americanism, democracy, free enterprise."

Labor Day, first Monday in September:

This is a holiday of rest. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Vacation time is over. Resorts, camps and beaches are closing... Parents are going to summer camps and taking their children home.

Halloween is the day or evening before All Saints' Day. Halloween traditions date back to a time when people believed in devils, witches and ghosts. They thought that these evil spirits can cause all types of property damage. Some people tried to ward off witches by drawing magic signs in their barns. Others tried to scare them off by nailing a piece of iron, such as a horseshoe, above the door. Today, most people do not believe in evil spirits. This is a day of simply pleasant relaxation. Children dress up as ghosts and witches and go outside to ask for treats. They go from house to house and say: "Trick or treat!", which means "Give me treats, or I will make fun of you." People give them candy, cookies and apples. A favorite custom is to make a wandering lantern. Children tear apart pumpkins and cut out the outline of eyes, nose and mouth. They light a candle in a pumpkin to scare their friends. This custom refers to a man named Jack, who still roams the earth with a jack-o'-lantern to light his way.

Veterans Day:

On this day, radio and television broadcast services held at Arlington National Cemetery. Senior officials travel from Washington to attend these ceremonies. They lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Everyone stands silently for a few minutes at 11:00 to honor the servicemen who died in the two world wars.

Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday of November:

In the USA it is a national holiday. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the Pilgrim Fathers after the first good harvest. Thanksgiving is a family day, for it is the custom for all family members to gather at their parents' house. The family eats a large traditional dinner, usually turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

There is usually a one-day official holiday, but it is preceded and followed by holiday parties and celebrated with special services, gifts, and food. Christmas is a family holiday. Schools and colleges are closed between Christmas and New Year. People are staying home and spending time with their families. Everyone is trying to get home for Christmas. People send cards or Christmas greetings to family members and friends who are away from home. Every family tries to have a Christmas tree that is beautifully decorated. Santa Claus arrives with North Pole on a sleigh, dressed in a red hat and jacket, and enters the house through the fireplace. He is a cheerful and fat man. He has every gift you could want - nothing is too fabulous or too trivial for him.

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There are a lot of holidays in the USA. Many of them are associated with the history of the nation. The main holidays of the USA are New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.

The New Year's Eve is a time for fun. Most Americans spend this night with friends, at home or in restaurants. Thousands of people gather in New York in Times Square to see the New Year in. The Tournament of Roses takes place in Pasadena, California, on January 1 each year. Prizes are given to the cities with the most unusual floral compositions.

At Easter there is a tradition for people to buy new clothes. After church services many people take walks along the streets of their towns, wearing their new Easter hats and suits. This is usually called the "Easter Parade".

Memorial Day comes on May 30. It is dedicated to the memory of those who died for America in different wars. The national flags are put on the graves of soldiers on this day.

The 4th of July, an Independence Day, is the biggest national holiday of the USA. On this day in 1776 a document, known as the Declaration of Independence, was adopted. During this holiday American cities have parades, people shoot off fire-works in parks and fields.

Thanksgiving Day comes on the fourth Thursday of November. When the first settlers landed in America, their first year was very hard and 50 of 100 people died. But the Indians taught people how to plant corn and wild vegetables and in autumn they got a large harvest. Thanksgiving Day was their holiday, the day of giving thanks to God. It is a family holiday and Americans try to gather all family at home on this day.

There are also some holidays which are not celebrated nation-wide, but only by each state separately.

Text translation: Holidays in the USA - Holidays in the USA (2)

There are many holidays in the USA. Many of them are related to the history of the country. There are also holidays that date back to the old colonial days. The main US holidays are New Year's, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

New Year's Eve is a time of fun. Many Americans spend this night with friends, at home or in restaurants. Thousands of people gather in New York's Times Square to celebrate the New Year. The Tournament of Roses is held annually on January 1st in Pasadena, California. Prizes are awarded to the cities that created the most unusual flower arrangements.

At Easter, people traditionally buy new clothes. After the church service, many stroll through the city streets in their new Easter hats and costumes. This is the so-called “Easter Parade”.

Memorial Day is celebrated on May 30th. It is dedicated to the memory of those who died for America in different wars. On this day, national flags are laid on the graves of soldiers.

July 4th, Independence Day, is the biggest national holiday. On this day in 1776, the document known as the Declaration of Independence was adopted. On this day, parades are held in American cities, people set off fireworks in parks.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. When the first settlers landed in America, they lived the first year on the new land very hard - 50 out of 100 people died. But the Indians taught the people to grow corn and wild vegetables, and they had a large harvest in the fall. Thanksgiving is a day of expressing gratitude to God. It's a family holiday, and Americans try to get together as a family to celebrate it.

There are also holidays that are celebrated not throughout the country, but in individual states.

1. 100 topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Zhidkikh N.) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and those entering universities. Oral exam. Topics. Texts for reading. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

American holidays are distinguished by their scale and characteristic flavor. And it’s clear why. Any American holiday is an important event in the life of every person for whom English is considered their native language. Americans love and honor their holidays very much. And in order to better feel the language environment when learning English, it is very important to plunge into the cultural life of the country of the language being studied, and National holidays- the most suitable occasion for a more detailed acquaintance with the culture, customs and traditions of the English-speaking population of the earth. The more you know about the culture of the country of the language you are learning, the easier it becomes to learn it. Based on this, I invite you, dear readers of the site, to introduce your children to the customs, traditions and holidays of the English-speaking population of the planet.

Children of preschool and primary school age most often master English language only in an artificially created language environment, and accordingly have the opportunity to listen and actively use English only in class, in communication with teachers, parents or other children. And if you decide to take a serious approach to teaching your child English, then you should pay special attention to the material proposed in this section and create a foreign language language space that will contribute to the launch of the child’s natural speech mechanisms.

Only in young children these mechanisms are still very flexible and plastic, therefore, in the conditions of the correct organization of the language learning environment, the formation of English speech occurs faster and more efficiently, and the child’s speech skills themselves become stronger and more stable. The language environment you create will be of a directly developmental nature; accordingly, the child will not only learn to speak English, pronouncing learned words and expressions, but also learn to live in a different, new cultural space.

AND American holidays best help to create this environment. After all, we all know how much children love holidays, with what impatience they await the approach of the New Year and their birthday. These trembling moments of anticipation of the holiday are familiar only to them - children, so it is important during this age period to introduce the child to the holidays of English-speaking countries, by comparing them with the holidays of their native country. Ask your child to list the holidays that he knows, and then tell him in detail about similar American holidays, conducting a comparative analysis of which of them are celebrated only in our country, which are celebrated only in America, and which are celebrated in both countries.

Holidays familiar to a child

Holidays celebrated in both countries

New Year


Mothers Day

Father's Day


independence Day


Valentine's Day

Thanksgiving Day

St.Patrick 's Day

Presidents Day

Thanks to the comparative analysis and introductory stories, you will allow the child to better understand the culture of the people of English-speaking countries, and create a developmental, cultural and educational language environment, which will undoubtedly improve the child’s perception of the English language and speed up the learning process.

So, meet American holidays:

Valentine's Day St. Valentine's Day Halloween Halloween

Holidays in the US.
Federal holiday in the US is a day when workers have a paid day-off from their jobs.

The first day of January is New Year's Day. People in the US some spend this day watching college football games and parades.
On the third Monday in January, Americans celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday.

February 14th is Saint Valentine's Day. In the US today people send cards called valentines, flowers, chocolates or small gifts to their friends.
Presidents" Day (birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lin is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February. Americans call George Washington "the father of the country." He was elected the first president. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president.

March 17th is St. Patrick's Day. This holiday comes from Ireland be St. Patrick was the Irish saint.

Easter is a Christian holiday that is celebrated on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th.

Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May is a holiday to remember mothers with cards, flowers and presents.

FlagDay on June 14th is the anniversary of the adoption of the American flag in 1777.
The third Sunday in June is Father's Day in the United States. This is a day when people remember their fathers with presents and cards.

The Fourth of July is a very important holiday in the US Americans to celebrate the independence of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain and signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

In August there are no holidays to celebrate. Many families go on vacation or have picnics or go to the beach.

Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday in September honors all working people in the US and Canada.

The 2nd Monday of October is Columbus Day, celebrating the historical trip of Christopher Columbus to the Americas in 1492.October 31st is Halloween.A symbol of Halloween is the jack-o-lantern, which is made of a pumpkin.

Thanksgiving Day is the 4th Thursday in November.On this day, they give thanks for their food, their country, and their families.

December 25th is Christmas. Many people decorate their houses with Christmas trees and lights and give presents to each other.

Holidays in the US. Federal holiday in the US is a day when workers have a paid day-off from their jobs. January The first day of January is New Year's Day. People in the US some spend this day watching college football games and parades. On the third Monday in January, Americans celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. February February 14th is Saint Valentine's Day. In the US today people send cards called valentines, flowers, chocolates or small gifts to their friends. Presidents" Day (birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lin is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February. Americans call George Washington "the father of the country". He was elected the first president. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president. March March 17th is St. Patrick's Day. This holiday comes from Ireland be St. Patrick was the Irish saint . April Easter is a Christian holiday that is celebrated on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th. May Mother"s Day on the second Sunday in May is a holiday to remember mothers with cards, flowers and presents. June FlagDay on June 14th is the anniversary of the adoption of the American flag in 1777. The third Sunday in June is Father's Day in the United States. This is a day when people remember their fathers with gifts and cards. July The Fourth of July is a very important holiday in the US Americans celebrate the independence of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain and signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. August In August there are no holidays to celebrate. Many families go on vacation or have picnics or go to the beach. September Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday in September honors all working people in the US and Canada. October The 2nd Monday of October is Columbus Day, celebrating the historical trip of Christopher Columbus to the Americas in 1492.October 31st is Halloween.A symbol of Halloween is the jack-o-lantern, which is made of a pumpkin. November Thanksgiving Day is the 4th Thursday in November.On this day, they give thanks for their food, their country, and their families. December December 25th is Christmas. Many people decorate their houses with Christmas trees and lights and give presents to each other.

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Holidays in the USA. A federal holiday in the USA is a day when employees have a paid day off from work. JanuaryThe first day of January is New Year's Day. People in the USA, some spend this day watching College football games and parades. On the third Monday of January, Americans celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. February February 14th is Valentine's Day. In the United States today, people send cards called Valentine, flowers, chocolates or small gifts to their friends. Presidents Day (the birthday of George Washington and Abraham Lin is celebrated on the third Monday of February. Americans call George Washington “the father of the country.” He was elected the first president. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President. March March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. This holiday comes from Ireland to be St. Patrick was an Irish Saint. April Easter is a Christian holiday that is celebrated on the Sunday of March 22 and April 25. May Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May - is a holiday to remember mothers with cards, flowers and gifts. June FlagDay on June 14 marks the anniversary of the adoption of the American flag in 1777. The third Sunday of June is Father's Day in the United States. It is a day when people remember their fathers with gifts and cards. July is the fourth July is a very important holiday in the United States. Americans celebrate the independence of the 13 American colonies from Great Britain and the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. AugustIn August there are no holidays to celebrate. Many families go on vacation or have picnics or go to the beach. September Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September honoring all working people in the United States and Canada. October The 2nd Monday of October is Columbus Day, celebrating Christopher Columbus's historic voyage to the North and South America in 1492.October 31 is Halloween.A symbol of Halloween is the Jack-o-lantern, which is made from a pumpkin.NovemberThanksgiving is the 4th Thursday in November.On this day, they give thanks for the food of their country and their families.DecemberDecember 25 – Christmas . Many people decorate their houses with Christmas trees and lights and give gifts to each other.

Holidays in the USA.
A federal holiday in the United States on a day on which workers have a paid day off from their jobs.

The first day of January is New Year's Day. People in the US someday spend this day watching college football matches and parades.
On the third Monday of January, Americans celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King.

February 14th is Valentine's Day. In the US today, people send greeting cards called Valentines, flowers, candy or small gifts to their friends.
Presidents Day (the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lin are celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February. Americans call George Washington "the father of the country." He was elected the first president. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president.

March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. This holiday comes from Ireland being Saint Patrick was an Irish saint.

Easter is a Christian holiday celebrated on the Sunday between March 22 and April 25.

Mother's Day, the second Sunday in May, is a holiday to remember mothers with cards, flowers and gifts.

FlagDay June 14th anniversary of the adoption of the American flag in 1777
The third Sunday in June is Father's Day in the United States. This is the day when people remember their fathers with gifts and cards.

The Fourth of July is a very important holiday in the United States. Americans celebrate the independence of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain and the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

There are no holidays to celebrate in August. Many families go on vacation or picnics or go to the beach.

Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September to honor all workers in the United States and Canada.

The 2nd Monday in October is Columbus Day, celebrating the historic voyages of Christopher Columbus to America in 1492. October 31 is Halloween. A symbol of Halloween is the Jack-o-lantern, which is made from a pumpkin.

Thanksgiving Day is the 4th Thursday in November.On this day, they give thanks for their food, their country, and their families.

December 25th Christmas. Many people decorate their homes with trees and lights and give gifts to each other.

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holiday in the usa. a federal holiday in the usa, it is a day when workers have a paid day off from their jobs. in january, the first day of january, new year. people in us spend this day watching college football games and parades. on the third monday of january, americans celebrate the birthday of martin luther king. in february february 14 is valentine's day. in the usa today people send cards called lovers, flowers, chocolates or small gifts for their friends. presidents' day (the birthday of george washington and abraham lyn is celebrated on the 3rd Monday in February. Americans call George Washington "the father of the country." He was elected the first president. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president. In March, March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. This holiday comes from Ireland. St. Patrick was an Irish saint. In April, Easter is a Christian holiday that is celebrated on the Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May is a holiday to remember mothers with cards, flowers and gifts. June flagday is June 14 - the anniversary of the adoption of the American flag in 1777. The third Sunday in June is Father's Day in the United States. It is the day when people remember their fathers with gifts and cards. In July, the Fourth of July is a very important holiday in the United States, Americans celebrate the independence of the 13 American colonies from Great Britain and the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. in august there are no holidays to celebrate. many families go on vacation or picnics or go to the beach. in september labor day is celebrated on the first monday in september in honor of all working people in the usa and canada. in october the 2nd monday of october is Columbus Day, to celebrate it - toric the trip of Christopher Columbus to America in 1492. October 31st is Halloween. The symbol of Halloween is the jack-o-lantern, which consists of a pumpkin. In November, Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday of November. On this day they are grateful for food, their country, and their families. In December, it is Christmas on December 25. Many people decorate their homes with Christmas trees and lights and give gifts to each other.

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Translate into Russian please 11! (without translator) and got the best answer

Answer from Alex Pupkin[guru]
Holidays in the USA.
In the United States, all working people receive paid days off on public holidays. Even in the USA there are non-public holidays that are also popular and people celebrate them.
The first day of January is "New Year's Day".
Typically, people in the United States spend this day at home watching TV matches of local university football teams and parades. On the third Monday of January, the United States celebrates the birthday of Martin Luther King.
Martin Luther King taught people to change laws through calm demonstrations without resorting to violence.
Many laws were adopted and changed thanks to his work.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Please translate 11 into Russian! (without a translator)

Answer from Lady? Leo? Bright-eyed[guru]
Please transfer 911 (one time?)! (without a translator)
Holidays in the US
Federal holiday in the US is a when workers have a paid day-off from their jobs. There are some holidays that are not federal holidays but are very popular holidays to celebrate.
The first day of January is New Year's Day. People in the US sometimes spend this day watching college football games and parades.
On the third Monday in January, Americans celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. Martin Luther King taught people to use peaceful demonstrations to change laws, instead of violence. Many laws were changed because of his work. Nick can translate for you too.

Answer from Victor Ivantsov[active]
Holidays in the USA
A federal holiday in the United States is when employees have paid time off from work. There are some holidays that are not federal holidays, but are very popular holidays to celebrate.
The first day of January is New Year's Day. People in the US sometimes spend this day watching American football games and parades.
The third Monday of January, Americans celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. Martin Luther King taught people to use peaceful demonstrations to change laws rather than violence. Many laws were changed because of his work

Answer from Lily of the Valley Kalimulina[newbie]
A federal holiday in the United States when workers have a paid day off from work. There are some holidays that are not public holidays, but are very popular holidays to celebrate.
The first day of January is New Year's Day. People in the US sometimes spend this day attending college football games and parades.
On the third Monday of January, Americans celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. Martin Luther King taught people to use peaceful demonstrations to change laws rather than violence. Many laws were changed because of his work
Added 5 years ago
:D that's what I wanted Exclamation point put it in, but it turned out to be 11!
Added 5 years ago
December 25th is Christmas. Many people decorate their houses with Christmas trees and lights and give gifts to each other. Children hang stockings for Santa Claus to fill with gifts.
As you can see our country has many holidays!

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