Kumzha what kind of fish. Interesting facts about trout - pied fish Trout fish - traveling trout

On the one hand, trout is one of the most common salmon fish. On the other hand, its appearance, size and even habits can be so different in different places that even professional biologists often come to a standstill. This fish is found almost everywhere in northern Europe, there are a lot of it in Karelia and the Baltic, as well as on the Kola Peninsula.

It is interesting that this one can exist both in the marine (anadromous) form and in the freshwater (lake) form. Moreover, it is obvious that many thousands of years ago, during the period of geological cataclysms, the trout lake replaced the sea.

This is a very beautiful and strong fish. However, it is appreciated not only by anglers, but also by gourmets, as its soft orange meat has truly magnificent palatability. Perhaps it is difficult to come up with something more appetizing than a fatty, transparent and literally melting in your mouth slice of lightly salted or lightly smoked trout.

Biological description

Brown trout is one of the most typical and widespread representatives of the salmon family, and among fishermen and in the literature there is often confusion in the names of this fish. The fact is that this salmon is of two types: migratory and freshwater, the latter often being called trout. In addition, quite a few forms of brown trout are found in nature, which differ from each other both externally and in habits. There are five main subspecies, and ichthyologists consider that five anadromous and one lake variety of trout inhabit our territory.

The most curious thing is that the exact taxonomy of brown trout is generally devoid of practical meaning: this fish completely denies Linnaeus's theory and, under certain conditions, one form spontaneously transforms into another. This fact is not a hypothesis, but reliable information, confirmed by the experience of acclimatization and breeding of brown trout in artificial conditions. That is why trout and brown trout are no longer considered separate fish species, and at present the fact of the transformation of anadromous brown trout and freshwater lake trout into each other has been accurately proven.

The color of the brown trout, its size and shape, as well as other biological indicators vary greatly depending on the habitat of the fish. You can also find an almost black specimen, and a very light one, with a short body, and a very elongated one, etc. The sides are most often covered with numerous red and black spots with a light halo. The dimensions depend most of all on the size of the reservoir itself. So, in small rivers, trout, which is often called trout here, rarely grows more than 25 cm, but in large lakes, fish can reach a meter with a weight exceeding 10 kg. Even larger passage forms, the dimensions of which can reach one and a half meters


Kumzha is a very common fish. Only on the territory former USSR the following main types are found:

  • anadromous brown trout and freshwater trout, which live in large numbers in the basins of the rivers of the Baltic, White, Barents and other northern seas;
  • Caspian trout, which, as the name suggests, is found in the Caspian. The fish goes to spawn in the river. Kuru, and part of it remains there, turning into freshwater trout;
  • Black Sea salmon living in the basins of the Black and Azov Seas.

This list is not exhaustive, and many more forms can be added to it, for example, the Eizenam trout living in Dagestan, which lives in the lake of the same name, etc.


Typically, trout are classified as predators, but this is not entirely accurate, and it is more correct to consider it a fish with a wide range nutrition. Any fisherman will tell you that you can find anything in her stomach - from fry to larvae and beetles. Nevertheless, the predilection for hunting as a whole determines its way of life, and all the main time the trout patrols in the water column, mainly preferring the upper layers, where there are many juveniles of smelt, vendace, herring, etc.

However, this behavior is not a dogma and it happens that nutritional versatility leads to a change in shape. An interesting example is Lake Ohrid, which is located on the border of Macedonia and Albania, where two forms of lake trout are found at once. One of them is large and predatory, reaching 10 kilograms in weight, the other is a small silver fish that feeds on crustaceans and plankton. These fish are so different from each other that they are considered as different species. And, nevertheless, it is one and the same breed!

Most often, brown trout is an anadromous fish that lives in salt water, but goes to spawn in rivers, much like Atlantic salmon do. Depending on the specific habitat, spawning occurs from September to February. The female spawns on shallow and rapid sections of the rivers, where there are suitable stones or coarse sand, where orange eggs sometimes burrow. There are few of them, on average from 7 to 12 thousand, but the sizes can reach 6 millimeters in diameter.

Each female spawns from 4 to 11 times in her life, and if she came to the spawning ground, this does not mean that she is ready for spawning, since the state of the caviar may be such that she will spawn it only next year. During spawning, brown trout, unlike some other salmon fish, does not stop feeding. The hatched fry grow in the river where the spawning took place until they are 7-10 years old, after which the matured fry roll back into the sea.

  • once, for the purpose of acclimatization, brook trout was brought to the New Zealand rivers. Quite a bit of time passed, and a significant part of the trout that adapted to local conditions rolled down to the lower reaches of the rivers and the sea, after which it turned into anadromous trout;
  • the largest trout is the Caspian trout. There is reliable information about the fish caught, the weight of which was 51 kg. Alas, most likely such monsters already go into the category of legends, and catching a fish over 10 kilograms is considered great luck;
  • the Baltic trout does not belong to large slaves, and its usual size does not exceed half a meter with a mass of 5 kg, although there is evidence of the capture of a specimen that weighed 23.6 kg;
  • there has been a misunderstanding among scientists for a long time. Due to its huge size and external resemblance to salmon, ichthyologists considered the Caspian trout to be its special subspecies. Clarity was introduced only in the 80s of the last century, when chromosomal analysis showed that, on the contrary, salmon is a form of brown trout that has changed greatly in the course of evolution;
  • where there are anadromous and residential forms of trout, they form a single herd that spawns together. The fact is that there are more females in the population of anadromous trout, and in order to compensate for the lack of males, one has to “borrow” them from freshwater species, where there is an obvious excess of them;
  • in 1936-1939 catches of the Caspian trout reached 620 tons, and in 1970 its catch did not exceed 5 tons. The sharp decline in the population is mainly due to the violation of the conditions of natural reproduction as a result of hydro-construction and irrational fishing.

Brown trout is a fish of the salmon family. There are several of its subspecies - lake, passage and stream. Brook and lake trout are called trout. That is, the species of fish that lead a sedentary lifestyle in lakes and streams are trout, and the species that does not want to put up with the monotony of existence is trout. However, trout living in the river may well go on a journey to the sea. In this case, she already becomes a trout.

Trout fish - traveling trout

The variety of natural forms of brown trout depends on the environmental conditions of the habitat. Today, six subspecies of this fish are distinguished, five of them are found on the territory of the CIS.

The difference between trout and trout

In general, this is one kind: trout is called trout, trout - trout. For a long time this issue was very controversial. Previously they were considered different types, and even now they have not completely got rid of this confusion. The fact is that the brown trout living in lakes (that is, leading a sedentary lifestyle) is usually smaller in size than the migratory one. But it happens that fish in these lakes can reach a significant size, and scientists are thinking about isolating a new species.

In addition, as studies on the ground have shown, a sedentary form of fish may well turn into anadromous. An example is the following fact: New Zealand brook trout (i.e., settled) was introduced, but after some time, it successfully acclimatized not only in the rivers and lakes of New Zealand, but also went to the sea, where it still successfully lives and breeds. It turns out that the stream form has become migratory, or the trout has become a brown trout. Therefore, today they are considered one species.


The size of an individual depends on the subspecies. Most often, its length is from thirty to seventy centimeters, and its weight is from one to five kilograms. There are subspecies longer than a meter and weighing up to twenty-five kilograms.

Body shape and coloration also vary greatly. In different localities there are specimens of various colors and shapes. In color, they are both completely light and almost black, and in shape - both narrow and oblong, and short and thick. Most salmon have many small dark spots on the body. Brown trout is no exception, so it is sometimes called: pied fish or pied trout.

For spawning, the female spawns three to four thousand rather large (up to half a centimeter) eggs. They spawn in rivers, after which they return to the sea for permanent residence. This is the only one of all salmon species that can spawn not once, but several times. After all, ordinary salmon, after spawning, as a rule, dies. And although the brown trout is weakened, after a while, it regains strength and can spawn further.

It feeds mainly on small invertebrates or small fish (minnow, smelt, herring).


Found almost all over the world. Today it can be found in the mountain streams of Spain, France, Italy. It is also found in small rivers of the Atlas Mountains (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia). Acclimatized in the New World, as well as in Australia and Oceania. Lives in lakes and rivers of the northern part of Russia, found in the sources of the Euphrates and the Amu Darya.

However, in Russia over the past century, its population has declined so much that at the beginning of the twentieth century the species had to be listed in the Red Book of Russia. The reason for the decline in the population was uncontrolled fishing, as well as the construction of dams and deforestation. And only after acceptance environmental measures the number of individuals began to grow again.

The nutritional value

Fish has many beneficial properties for the human body, so it is actively used in cooking. Some experts believe that the nutritional value of brown trout is higher than that of meat. In addition, it is more easily absorbed by the human body.

Despite the numerous fatty layers in the body, it is not at all fatty, and the taste is not inferior to salmon. Her meat is rich useful vitamins and minerals and one hundred grams of the product accounts for about one hundred calories.

Cooking methods

A good housewife will always have several ways of cooking fish in stock, and here in this sense there is a wide scope for culinary inventions. A very popular delicacy salted trout. For salting you will need:

The salting process is simple. The fish must be washed, cleaned and, if possible, large bones removed, then rinsed again in cold water. Grate the fish from the inside with a mixture of salt and sugar two to one. You can also add spices there. Sugar and salt in the same proportion should be sprinkled on the outside and sprinkled lemon juice. After that, the fish is wrapped in a cloth, placed in a dish (non-metallic) and put in the refrigerator. After 2-3 days the dish is ready. It can be used as a main dish, and as an appetizer or addition to salads.

Kumzha can also be cooked on a spit. The recipe is quite easy. The fish is cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and pepper to taste and strung on a skewer. Grilled until tender on coals or in the oven. Can be served with green onions.

There is also a recipe for boiled trout. For cooking you will need:

  • large carcass of fish;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • salt and spices.

The fish is cut into pieces, poured with salted water and put on a small fire. Then vegetables and spices are added to the broth. After half an hour, the dish will be ready. Boiled trout is very tasty. Served with a side dish of potatoes or mushrooms and garnished with herbs.

Types of fishing: float fishing, spinning

Fish type: predatory

Fish: brown trout

Federal District: Northwestern Federal District, Southern Federal District, Siberian Federal District

Lure type: spinners, wobblers, artificial flies

Fishing season: on open water

Pond type: rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, seas

Local: marine, freshwater

Family: salmon

Lure type: wavering

Brown trout is one of the most typical and widespread representatives of the salmon family, and among fishermen and in the literature there is often confusion in the names of this fish. The fact is that this salmon is of two types: migratory and freshwater, the latter often being called trout. In addition, quite a few forms of brown trout are found in nature, which differ from each other both externally and in habits. There are five main subspecies, and ichthyologists consider that five anadromous and one lake variety of trout inhabit our territory.

The most curious thing is that the exact taxonomy of brown trout is generally devoid of practical meaning: this fish completely denies Linnaeus's theory and, under certain conditions, one form spontaneously transforms into another. This fact is not a hypothesis, but reliable information, confirmed by the experience of acclimatization and breeding of brown trout in artificial conditions. That is why trout and brown trout are no longer considered separate fish species, and at present the fact of the transformation of anadromous brown trout and freshwater lake trout into each other has been accurately proven.

The color of the brown trout, its size and shape, as well as other biological indicators vary greatly depending on the habitat of the fish. You can also find an almost black specimen, and a very light one, with a short body, and a very elongated one, etc. The sides are most often covered with numerous red and black spots with a light halo.

Kumzha is a very common fish. The following main species are found only on the territory of the former USSR:

  • anadromous brown trout and freshwater trout, which live in large numbers in the basins of the rivers of the Baltic, White, Barents and other northern seas;
  • Caspian trout, which, as the name suggests, is found in the Caspian. The fish goes to spawn in the river. Kuru, and part of it remains there, turning into freshwater trout;
  • Black Sea salmon living in the basins of the Black and Azov Seas.

This list is not exhaustive, and many more forms can be added to it, for example, the Eizenam trout living in Dagestan, which lives in the lake of the same name, etc.

Thus, there are quite a lot of places for catching trout.

Size and weight

The size of fish varies depending on habitat conditions: in small rivers, residential trout (trout) can be no more than 25 cm, in large lakes - up to 1 m, weighing up to 8-13 kg. The anadromous trout is larger - up to 1.4 m. The Baltic trout usually has a size of 30-70 cm and a weight of 1-5 kg, although there is evidence of the capture of a trout that weighed 23.6 kg. Ciscaucasian trout is much smaller - 1.9-7 kg. The Caspian trout is a giant among salmon, reaching a mass of 51 kg, but now it does not exceed 12-13 kg.

Maximum known age for migratory trout - 19 years, for lake trout - 20 years. checkpoint and freshwater species, widely inhabits rivers northern Eurasia and lakes with cold water. Juveniles feed on small crustaceans and insect larvae and usually spend 3-4 years in the river (sometimes more). Lives in the sea for 2-3 years, but sometimes returns after a year. In the sea it feeds on fish and large crustaceans. Residential forms in lakes (trout) also often switch to predatory image life.


Typically, trout are classified as predators, but this is not entirely accurate, and it is more correct to consider it a fish with a wide range of food. Any fisherman will tell you that you can find anything in her stomach - from fry to larvae and beetles. Nevertheless, the predilection for hunting as a whole determines its way of life, and all the main time the trout patrols in the water column, mainly preferring the upper layers, where there are many juveniles of smelt, vendace, herring, etc.

However, this behavior is not a dogma and it happens that nutritional versatility leads to a change in shape. An interesting example is Lake Ohrid, which is located on the border of Macedonia and Albania, where two forms of lake trout are found at once. One of them is large and predatory, reaching 10 kilograms in weight, the other is a small silver fish that feeds on crustaceans and plankton. These fish are so different from each other that they are considered as different species. And, nevertheless, it is one and the same breed!

Most often, brown trout is an anadromous fish that lives in salt water, but goes to spawn in rivers, much like Atlantic salmon do. Depending on the specific habitat, spawning occurs from September to February. The female spawns on shallow and rapid sections of the rivers, where there are suitable stones or coarse sand, where orange eggs sometimes burrow. There are few of them, on average from 7 to 12 thousand, but the sizes can reach 6 millimeters in diameter.

Each female spawns from 4 to 11 times in her life, and if she came to the spawning ground, this does not mean that she is ready for spawning, since the state of the caviar may be such that she will spawn it only next year. During spawning, brown trout, unlike some other salmon fish, does not stop feeding. The hatched fry grow in the river where the spawning took place until they are 7-10 years old, after which the matured fry roll back into the sea.

Fishing methods

From right choice location depends on the success of fishing in general. The first thing to do is to carefully examine coastline, marking all headlands and protruding areas. It is in such places that you can most often catch trout, which is quite natural - here it finds the most food.

It is preferable to catch brown trout in the spring, when the fish are actively hunting. At this time, you can use relatively large baits that bite big fish. However, you can catch both in summer and autumn, although the gear should be used in a smaller size. From November to February, it is best to choose baits that rotate intensively with slow reeling. It is worth trying large oscillating baubles, as well as special wobblers for coastal fishing. good effect they give baits with yellow and bright scarlet spots, as well as fluorescent baits. The basis of everything is diversity, it happens that trout just have to be teased.


Brown trout, kemzha, Black Sea salmon are all salmon, with common name trout. Do not confuse it with kunja, which is loach.

If you take Latin names, then brown trout are numerous Salmo. In general, this is a very interesting salmon species, it can be both anadromous and freshwater. Moreover, it may well turn into different forms as needed.

For this reason, there are many varieties of this fish, different in size, appearance and even behavior. Even in one lake you can meet a seasoned predator weighing up to 10 kilograms and small fish living on crustaceans and plankton, and both of them will be called brown trout.

That's why, general description this fish is quite difficult to give.

Lake and brook trout are a freshwater subspecies of brown trout, although it was previously thought that these were two separate species. An interesting metamorphosis that happened in New Zealand. The brook trout brought there went into the lowlands and turned into a migratory form.

There are several subspecies of trout, these are:

  • Aral,
  • Caspian,
  • black sea,
  • pre-Caucasian,
  • Eizenamskaya (living exclusively in Lake Eisenam between Dagestan and Chechnya).

All these salmonids have a characteristic torpedo-shaped body with small scales, a head with a wide mouth and various spots on the body. Unlike salmon, there are spots below the lateral line. Red, black, orange, round or x-shaped, each type of trout has its own. Some spots may be missing.

Since this species is very variable, the “characteristic torpedo-like” is rather relative. The color can vary from almost black to silvery with varying degrees of darkness on the back.

The life expectancy of brown trout is up to 20 years. Anadromous species on average grows up to a meter or even more, and weighs 8-12 kg, brook trout - up to 50 cm and weighs up to 2 kg, lake trout - 70 cm and weighs 6-7 kg. The largest of them is the Caspian subspecies, caught fish weighing 51 kg, now they rarely exceed 13 kg.


The plasticity of the brown trout also explains the rather wide range of its habitat. Generally speaking, this is the northern side of the pool Atlantic Ocean. Plus the basins of the Black, Caspian, mediterranean seas. In Aralsk, she practically ceased to meet.

There are also various high-mountainous Caucasian and Alpine lakes, clear streams and cold rivers. That is, it is Central and Southern Europe, part of Central and almost the entire North-West of the country. Thanks to human efforts, this wonderful fish appeared in North America, Australia, New Zealand.


freshwater form likes cold, clean, oxygen-rich water. Prefers either alpine lakes or mountain streams. Often happens in lowland rivers and streams with springs and springs. The migratory form tries to keep to the mouths of rivers and coasts. He likes rocky and small pebble, as well as sand and pebble bottom.

Depending on the species, it stands either in pits under riffles, swirls and the boundaries of two jets, or in a shady deep place. Wintering this salmon partly comes from the sea to the rivers, but partly remains in the coastal zone. It all depends on the temperature of the water.


Kemzha, both anadromous and stream breeds in rivers. This fish will be sexually mature at 3-5 years of age. Ozernaya spawns according to its habitat, but often goes into rivers. Anadromous trout does not make long spawning transitions.

In different areas spawns from late September to February. Some subspecies breed in the spring. If the reservoir contains freshwater and marine forms, then they spawn together and create a common flock. Caviar is laid in nests, its average number is 5 thousand eggs, caviar is large. After spawning, anadromous trout goes to fattening in the sea, brook and lake trout go to their usual habitats.

Malek comes out in 2-4 months. At anadromous brown trout, young people live in the river up to 7 years, then go to sea, lake juveniles go back to the lake after 7-11 months. Our salmon species can breed up to 8 times in a lifetime.


Brown trout is a predator, eats different fish, crustaceans, mollusks. It consumes invertebrates, caviar, and will not refuse its own fry. Brook and lake trout, as well as young migratory forms, have great respect for various insects, both aquatic and flying - mayflies, beetles, etc. Eats throughout the year.

Moreover, during spawning, unlike others, it continues to feed, although not so actively.

Industrial and recreational fishing

Brown trout is a valuable commercial species and is widely used in breeding. In general, despite the geographically wide habitat, this species is rather small, and in some areas it completely disappeared in its natural form due to the construction of dams, irrational fishing, water pollution and poaching.

This is especially true for brook trout, which is listed in the Red Book of Russia, and in many areas is prohibited from catching.

It is also prohibited to catch the Black Sea salmon (trout). Minimum size freshwater trout for recreational and sport fishing in different regions is 15-20 cm, lake trout 30-60 cm, sea trout - 30-40 cm.

Fishing methods

Since this salmon species is a predator, therefore, you can catch it with the help of,, summer and.

  • When fishing from baits, poppers, wobblers, oscillating and rotating baubles are suitable.
  • When fishing, floating and sinking flies, nymphs, streamers.
  • When fishing, any bait of animal origin (worms, larvae, beetles, flying insects, etc.) is also live bait. Of the 4 types of summer rods, it is best to use either or rods.
  • When fishing with sheer lure in winter, mormyshkas, baubles, balancers.

Separate conversation about brook trout. This beauty is the most cautious of all, and the fisherman must keep quiet, use disguise and hide. Everything here is the same, and, only rods should be taken in a lighter class. Small spinners and wobblers - spoons, turntables from 0 to 2 and caution, this is the secret of success when fishing for trout during the day.

In the evening and morning dawn, she is not so careful, and often comes to the surface to collect fallen insects. In this case, it is more appropriate to use flies. Often, river trout are also caught in wiring, on a worm, dragonfly, grasshopper or other insect. You can also use fry (live bait).

Kumzha - very strong fighter Therefore, the choice of any rod should be taken with particular seriousness. And the meat, incredibly tender in taste, will satisfy any gourmet.

3.1 Least Concern : Trout

Anadromous brown trout, lake and brook trout easily pass into each other - this is a very ecologically plastic fish. Brook trout transported to New Zealand have run off into the sea and become anadromous trout. It enters the rivers of Europe from the Iberian Peninsula in the south to the Pechora in the north. It is also found in the White, Baltic, Black and Aral Seas. The brook form (trout) is very widespread, found in the mountain streams of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, Portugal, France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, in upstream Euphrates and Amu Darya. In America, brown trout is acclimatized by man.

In many rivers, fish go almost all year round, although there are peaks of the spring, summer or autumn course. One female spawns about 3-4 thousand eggs, which, after fertilization, are buried in the ground. The caviar is quite large, up to 5 mm. The spawning trout continues to feed, although less intensively. And after spawning, migratory forms return to the sea for a day off. Juveniles are very similar to parr salmon and spend in fresh water from 3 to 7 years old. In the sea, brown trout live from one to four years. The food objects are herring, smelt, stickleback, gerbil, trout and various invertebrates do not disdain. valuable commercial fish. Brook and lake trout, as well as anadromous trout, are objects artificial breeding. With abundant feeding, you can get 50 q or more per hectare of pond annually.





  • Animals alphabetically
  • Species out of danger
  • Shrinking views of Russia
  • salmon
  • freshwater fish
  • Animals described in 1758
  • fish of the atlantic ocean

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