Eel Electricity: Like fish. The magnificent and mysterious electric eel Large electric eels use electricity for lighting

Ecology of life: Fish of the species electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is the only representative of the genus of electric eels (Electrophorus). It is found in a number of tributaries of the middle and lower reaches of the Amazon. The body size of the fish reaches 2.5 meters in length and weight - 20 kg. The electric eel feeds on fish, amphibians, and, if lucky, birds or small mammals.

The fish species electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is the only representative of the genus of electric eels (Electrophorus). It is found in a number of tributaries of the middle and lower reaches of the Amazon. The body size of the fish reaches 2.5 meters in length and weight - 20 kg. The electric eel feeds on fish, amphibians, and, if you're lucky, birds or small mammals. Scientists have been studying the electric eel for tens (if not hundreds) of years, but only now some structural features of its body and a number of organs have begun to become clear.

Moreover, the ability to generate electricity is not the only unusual feature of the electric eel. For example, he breathes atmospheric air. This is possible thanks to the large number special type fabrics oral cavity pierced with blood vessels. To breathe, the eel needs to swim to the surface every 15 minutes. It cannot take oxygen from water, since it lives in very muddy and shallow bodies of water, where there is very little oxygen. But, of course, the main one distinguishing feature electric eel - these are its electrical organs.

Electric eel (Source: youtube)

They play the role of not only a weapon for stunning or killing its victims, on which the eel feeds. The discharge generated by the electrical organs of the fish can be weak, up to 10 V. The eel generates such discharges for electrolocation. The fact is that fish have special “electroreceptors” that make it possible to detect distortions in the electric field caused by it. own body.

Electrolocation helps the eel find its way into muddy water and find hidden victims. The eel can give a strong discharge of electricity, and at this time the hidden fish or amphibian begins to twitch chaotically due to convulsions. The predator easily detects these vibrations and eats the prey. Thus, this fish is both electroreceptive and electrogenic.

Interestingly, the eel generates discharges of varying strengths using three types of electrical organs. They occupy approximately 4/5 of the length of the fish. High voltages are produced by the Hunter and Men organs, and small currents for navigation and communication purposes are generated by the Sachs organ. Main body and Hunter's organ are located in the lower part of the eel's body, Sachs' organ is in the tail. Eels “communicate” with each other using electrical signals at a distance of up to seven meters. With a certain series of electrical discharges, they can attract other individuals of their species.

How does an electric eel generate electricity?

Eels of this species, like a number of other “electrified” fish, reproduce electricity in the same way as nerves and muscles in the bodies of other animals, only for this they use electrocytes - specialized cells. The task is performed using the enzyme Na-K-ATPase (by the way, the same enzyme is very important for mollusks of the genus Nautilus (lat. Nautilus)).

Thanks to the enzyme, an ion pump is formed that pumps sodium ions out of the cell and pumps in potassium ions. Potassium is removed from cells thanks to special proteins that make up the membrane. They form a kind of “potassium channel” through which potassium ions are excreted. Positively charged ions accumulate inside the cell, and negatively charged ones accumulate outside. An electrical gradient arises.

The resulting potential difference reaches 70 mV. In the membrane of the same cell of the eel's electrical organ there are also sodium channels through which sodium ions can again enter the cell. IN normal conditions In 1 second, the pump removes about 200 sodium ions from the cell and simultaneously transfers approximately 130 potassium ions into the cell. A square micrometer of membrane can accommodate 100-200 such pumps. Usually these channels are closed, but if necessary they open.

If this happens, the chemical potential gradient causes sodium ions to flow back into the cells. Happening overall change voltage from -70 to +60 mV, and the cell gives a discharge of 130 mV. The process duration is only 1 ms. Electric cells interconnect nerve fibers, the connection is serial. Electrocytes form peculiar columns that are connected in parallel. The total voltage of the generated electrical signal reaches 650 V, the current strength is 1A. According to some reports, the voltage can even reach 1000 V, and the current can reach 2A.

Electrocytes (electric cells) of an eel under a microscope

After the discharge, the ion pump operates again, and the eel's electrical organs are charged. According to some scientists, there are 7 types of ion channels in the membrane of electrocytic cells. The placement of these channels and the alternation of channel types affects the rate of electricity production.

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Electric battery low

According to research by Kenneth Catania from Vanderbilt University (USA), the eel can use three types of discharge from its electrical organ. The first, as mentioned above, is a series of low-voltage pulses that serve for communication and navigation purposes.

The second is a sequence of 2-3 high voltage pulses lasting a few milliseconds. This method is used by eels when hunting hidden and hidden prey. As soon as 2-3 digits are given high voltage, the muscles of the hidden victim begin to contract, and the eel can easily detect potential food.

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The third method is a series of high-voltage, high-frequency discharges. The eel uses the third method when hunting, producing up to 400 pulses per second. This method paralyzes almost any small to medium-sized animal (even humans) at a distance of up to 3 meters.

Who else is capable of generating electric current?

About 250 species of fish are capable of this. For most, electricity is just a means of navigation, as, for example, in the case of the Nile elephant (Gnathonemus petersii).

But few fish are capable of generating an electric discharge of sensitive force. This electric ramps(a number of species), electric catfish and some others.

Electric catfish (

Tell us about electric fish Oh. How much current do they produce?

Electric catfish.

Electric eel.

Electric Stingray.

V. Kumushkin (Petrozavodsk).

Among electric fish, the lead belongs to the electric eel, which lives in the tributaries of the Amazon and other rivers of South America. Adult eels reach two and a half meters. Electrical organs - transformed muscles - are located on the sides of the eel, extending along the spine for 80 percent of the entire length of the fish. This is a kind of battery, the plus of which is in the front of the body, and the minus is in the back. A living battery produces a voltage of about 350, and in the largest individuals - up to 650 volts. With an instantaneous current of up to 1-2 amperes, such a discharge can knock a person off his feet. With the help of electrical discharges, the eel protects itself from enemies and obtains food for itself.

In the rivers Equatorial Africa another fish lives - the electric catfish. Its dimensions are smaller - from 60 to 100 cm. Special glands that generate electricity make up about 25 percent of the total weight of the fish. The electric current reaches a voltage of 360 volts. There are known cases of electric shock in people who swam in the river and accidentally stepped on such a catfish. If an electric catfish is caught on a fishing rod, then the angler can also receive a very noticeable electric shock that passes through the wet fishing line and rod to his hand.

However, skillfully directed electrical discharges can be used in medicinal purposes. It is known that the electric catfish occupied a place of honor in the arsenal traditional medicine from the ancient Egyptians.

Electric stingrays are also capable of generating very significant electrical energy. There are more than 30 species. These sedentary bottom dwellers, ranging in size from 15 to 180 cm, are distributed mainly in the coastal zone of tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. Hiding at the bottom, sometimes half-immersed in sand or silt, they paralyze their prey (other fish) with a discharge of current, the voltage of which is different types Stingrays range from 8 to 220 volts. A stingray can cause a significant electric shock to a person who accidentally comes into contact with it.

In addition to high-power electrical charges, fish are also capable of generating low-voltage, weak current. Thanks to rhythmic discharges of weak current with a frequency of 1 to 2000 pulses per second, they perfectly navigate even in turbid water and signal each other about emerging danger. Such are the mormirus and gymnarchs, who live in the muddy waters of rivers, lakes and swamps in Africa.

In general, as experimental studies have shown, almost all fish, both marine and freshwater, are capable of emitting very weak electrical discharges, which can only be detected with the help of special devices. These ranks play important role in the behavioral reactions of fish, especially those that constantly stay in large schools.

Dominic Statham

Photo ©

Electrophorus electricus) lives in the dark waters of swamps and rivers in the northern part South America. This mysterious predator, possessing complex system electrolocation and capable of moving and hunting in low visibility conditions. By using "electroreceptors" to sense electrical field distortions caused by his own body, he is able to detect potential prey while remaining undetected himself. It immobilizes the victim with a powerful electric shock, strong enough to stun such large mammal like a horse, or even kill a person. With its elongated, rounded body shape, the eel resembles the fish that we usually call the moray eel (order Anguilliformes); however, it belongs to a different order of fish (Gymnotiformes).

Fish that can detect electric fields are called electroreceptive, and those capable of generating a powerful electric field, such as an electric eel, are called electrogenic.

How does an electric eel generate such high electrical voltage?

Electric fish aren't the only ones capable of generating electricity. Virtually all living organisms do this to one degree or another. The muscles in our body, for example, are controlled by the brain using electrical signals. The electrons produced by the bacteria can be used to generate electricity in fuel cells called electrocytes. (see table below). Although each cell carries only a small charge, by stacking thousands of cells in series, like batteries in a flashlight, voltages of up to 650 volts (V) can be generated. If you arrange these rows in parallel, you can produce an electric current of 1 Ampere (A), which gives an electric shock of 650 watts (W; 1 W = 1 V × 1 A).

How does an eel avoid shocking itself?

Photo: CC-BY-SA Steven Walling via Wikipedia

Scientists don't know exactly how to answer this question, but the results of some interesting observations may shed light on this problem. First, the eel's vital organs (such as the brain and heart) are located near the head, away from the electricity-producing organs, and are surrounded by fatty tissue that can act as insulation. Skin also has insulating properties, as acne with damaged skin has been observed to be more susceptible to self-stunning by electrical shock.

Secondly, eels are able to deliver the most powerful electric shocks at the moment of mating, without causing harm to the partner. However, if a blow of the same force is applied to another eel not during mating, it can kill it. This suggests that eels have some kind of defense system that can be turned on and off.

Could the electric eel have evolved?

It is very difficult to imagine how this could happen through minor changes, as required by the process proposed by Darwin. If the shock wave was important from the very beginning, then instead of stunning, it would warn the victim of danger. Moreover, in order to evolve the ability to stun prey, the electric eel would have to simultaneously develop a self-defense system. Every time a mutation arose that increased the power of the electric shock, another mutation must have arisen that improved the eel's electrical insulation. It seems unlikely that a single mutation would be sufficient. For example, in order to move organs closer to the head, a whole series of mutations would be required, which would have to occur simultaneously.

Although few fish are capable of stunning their prey, there are many species that use low-voltage electricity for navigation and communication. Electric eels belong to a group of South American fish known as "knife eels" (family Mormyridae) that also use electrolocation and are thought to have evolved this ability along with their South American cousins. Moreover, evolutionists are forced to declare that electrical organs in fish evolved independently of each other eight times. Considering the complexity of their structure, it is striking that these systems could have developed during evolution at least once, let alone eight.

Knives from South America and chimaeras from Africa use their electrical organs for location and communication, and use a number of different types of electroreceptors. Both groups contain species that produce electric fields of various complex waveforms. Two types of knife blades Brachyhypopomus benetti And Brachyhypopomus walteri are so similar to each other that they could be classified as the same species, but the first of them produces current DC voltage, and the second is the current AC voltage. The evolutionary story becomes even more remarkable when you dig even deeper. To ensure that their electrolocation devices do not interfere with each other and do not create interference, some species use a special system with the help of which each of the fish changes the frequency of the electrical discharge. It is noteworthy that this system works almost the same (using the same computational algorithm) as the glass knife from South America ( Eigenmannia) and African fish aba-aba ( Gymnarchus). Could such a system for eliminating interference have independently evolved in two separate groups of fish living on different continents?

Masterpiece of God's creation

The energy unit of the electric eel has eclipsed all human creations with its compactness, flexibility, mobility, environmental safety and self-healing ability. All parts of this device in an ideal way integrated into the sleek body, which gives the eel the ability to swim with great speed and agility. All the details of its structure - from tiny cells that generate electricity to the most complex computing complex that analyzes the distortions of the electric fields produced by the eel - point to the plan of the great Creator.

How does an electric eel generate electricity? (popular science article)

Electric fish generate electricity much like the nerves and muscles in our body. Inside electrocyte cells there are special enzyme proteins called Na-K ATPase pump sodium ions across the cell membrane and absorb potassium ions. (‘Na’ is the chemical symbol for sodium and ‘K’ is the chemical symbol for potassium. ‘ATP’ is adenosine triphosphate, an energy molecule used to operate the pump). An imbalance between potassium ions inside and outside the cell results in a chemical gradient that pushes potassium ions out of the cell again. Likewise, an imbalance between sodium ions creates a chemical gradient that draws sodium ions back into the cell. Other proteins embedded in the membrane act as potassium ion channels, pores that allow potassium ions to leave the cell. As positively charged potassium ions accumulate on the outside of the cell, an electrical gradient builds up around the cell membrane, causing the outside of the cell to be more positively charged than the inside. inner part. Pumps Na-K ATPase (sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase) are designed in such a way that they select only one positively charged ion, otherwise negatively charged ions would also flow in, neutralizing the charge.

Most of the electric eel's body consists of electrical organs. The main organ and the Hunter's organ are responsible for the production and accumulation of electrical charge. Sachs's organ produces a low-voltage electrical field that is used for electrolocation.

The chemical gradient acts to push potassium ions out, while the electrical gradient pulls them back in. At the moment of balance, when chemical and electrical forces cancel each other out, there will be about 70 millivolts more positive charge on the outside of the cell than on the inside. Thus, a negative charge of -70 millivolts appears inside the cell.

However, more proteins embedded in the cell membrane provide sodium ion channels - these are pores that allow sodium ions to re-enter the cell. IN normal condition these pores are closed, but when the electrical organs are activated, the pores open and positively charged sodium ions flow back into the cell under the influence of a chemical potential gradient. In this case, balance is achieved when a positive charge of up to 60 millivolts accumulates inside the cell. There is a total voltage change from -70 to +60 millivolts, and this is 130 mV or 0.13 V. This discharge occurs very quickly, in about one millisecond. And since approximately 5000 electrocytes are collected in a series of cells, up to 650 volts (5000 × 0.13 V = 650) can be generated due to the synchronous discharge of all cells.

Na-K ATPase (sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase) pump. During each cycle, two potassium ions (K+) enter the cell, and three sodium ions (Na+) leave the cell. This process is driven by the energy of ATP molecules.


An atom or molecule that carries an electrical charge due to an unequal number of electrons and protons. An ion will have a negative charge if it contains more electrons than protons, and a positive charge if it contains more protons than electrons. Potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) ions have a positive charge.


A change in any value when moving from one point in space to another. For example, if you move away from the fire, the temperature drops. Thus, the fire generates a temperature gradient that decreases with distance.

Electrical gradient

Gradient of change in the magnitude of electric charge. For example, if there are more positively charged ions outside the cell than inside the cell, an electrical gradient will flow across the cell membrane. Because like charges repel each other, the ions will move in a way that balances the charge inside and outside the cell. The movements of ions due to the electrical gradient occur passively, under the influence of electrical potential energy, and not actively, under the influence of energy coming from an external source, such as an ATP molecule.

Chemical gradient

Chemical concentration gradient. For example, if there are more sodium ions outside the cell than inside the cell, then a chemical gradient of sodium ion will flow across the cell membrane. Because of the random movement of ions and the collisions between them, there is a tendency for sodium ions to move from higher concentrations to lower concentrations until a balance is established, that is, until there are equal numbers of sodium ions on both sides of the membrane. This happens passively, as a result of diffusion. The movements are driven by the kinetic energy of the ions, rather than by energy received from an external source such as an ATP molecule.

August 17, 2016 at 09:31 pm

Physics in the animal world: the electric eel and its “power station”

Electric eel (Source: youtube)

The fish species electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is the only representative of the genus of electric eels (Electrophorus). It is found in a number of tributaries of the middle and lower reaches of the Amazon. The body size of the fish reaches 2.5 meters in length and weight - 20 kg. The electric eel feeds on fish, amphibians, and, if you're lucky, birds or small mammals. Scientists have been studying the electric eel for tens (if not hundreds) of years, but only now some structural features of its body and a number of organs have begun to become clear.

Moreover, the ability to generate electricity is not the only unusual feature of the electric eel. For example, he breathes atmospheric air. This is possible due to the large amount of a special type of tissue in the oral cavity, riddled with blood vessels. To breathe, the eel needs to swim to the surface every 15 minutes. It cannot take oxygen from water, since it lives in very muddy and shallow bodies of water, where there is very little oxygen. But, of course, the main distinguishing feature of the electric eel is its electrical organs.

They play the role of not only a weapon for stunning or killing its victims, on which the eel feeds. The discharge generated by the electrical organs of the fish can be weak, up to 10 V. The eel generates such discharges for electrolocation. The fact is that fish have special “electroreceptors” that allow them to detect distortions in the electric field caused by its own body. Electrolocation helps the eel find its way through murky water and find hidden victims. The eel can give a strong discharge of electricity, and at this time the hidden fish or amphibian begins to twitch chaotically due to convulsions. The predator easily detects these vibrations and eats the prey. Thus, this fish is both electroreceptive and electrogenic.

Interestingly, the eel generates discharges of varying strengths using three types of electrical organs. They occupy approximately 4/5 of the length of the fish. High voltages are produced by the Hunter and Men organs, and small currents for navigation and communication purposes are generated by the Sachs organ. The main organ and Hunter's organ are located in the lower part of the eel's body, and the Sachs' organ is in the tail. Eels “communicate” with each other using electrical signals at a distance of up to seven meters. With a certain series of electrical discharges, they can attract other individuals of their species.

How does an electric eel generate electricity?

Eels of this species, like a number of other “electrified” fish, reproduce electricity in the same way as nerves and muscles in the bodies of other animals, only for this they use electrocytes - specialized cells. The task is performed using the enzyme Na-K-ATPase (by the way, the same enzyme is very important for mollusks of the genus Nautilus (lat. Nautilus)). Thanks to the enzyme, an ion pump is formed that pumps sodium ions out of the cell and pumps in potassium ions. Potassium is removed from cells thanks to special proteins that make up the membrane. They form a kind of “potassium channel” through which potassium ions are excreted. Positively charged ions accumulate inside the cell, and negatively charged ones accumulate outside. An electrical gradient arises.

The resulting potential difference reaches 70 mV. In the membrane of the same cell of the eel's electrical organ there are also sodium channels through which sodium ions can again enter the cell. Under normal conditions, in 1 second the pump removes about 200 sodium ions from the cell and simultaneously transfers approximately 130 potassium ions into the cell. A square micrometer of membrane can accommodate 100-200 such pumps. Usually these channels are closed, but if necessary they open. If this happens, the chemical potential gradient causes sodium ions to flow back into the cells. There is a general voltage change from -70 to +60 mV, and the cell gives a discharge of 130 mV. The process duration is only 1 ms. Electrical cells are connected to each other by nerve fibers, the connection is serial. Electrocytes form peculiar columns that are connected in parallel. The total voltage of the generated electrical signal reaches 650 V, the current strength is 1A. According to some reports, the voltage can even reach 1000 V, and the current can reach 2A.

Electrocytes (electric cells) of an eel under a microscope

After the discharge, the ion pump operates again, and the eel's electrical organs are charged. According to some scientists, there are 7 types of ion channels in the membrane of electrocytic cells. The placement of these channels and the alternation of channel types affects the rate of electricity production.

Electric battery low

According to research by Kenneth Catania from Vanderbilt University (USA), the eel can use three types of discharge from its electrical organ. The first, as mentioned above, is a series of low-voltage pulses that serve for communication and navigation purposes.

The second is a sequence of 2-3 high-voltage pulses lasting several milliseconds. This method is used by eels when hunting hidden and hidden prey. As soon as 2-3 high voltage shocks are given, the muscles of the hidden victim begin to contract, and the eel can easily detect potential food.

The third method is a series of high-voltage, high-frequency discharges. The eel uses the third method when hunting, producing up to 400 pulses per second. This method paralyzes almost any small to medium-sized animal (even humans) at a distance of up to 3 meters.

Who else is capable of generating electric current?

About 250 species of fish are capable of this. For most, electricity is just a means of navigation, as, for example, in the case of the Nile elephant (Gnathonemus petersii).

But few fish are capable of generating an electric discharge of sensitive force. These are electric stingrays (a number of species), electric catfish and some others.

Electric catfish (

Electric eel - the most dangerous fish among all electric fish. In terms of the number of human casualties, it is even ahead of the legendary piranha. This eel (by the way, it has nothing to do with ordinary eels) is capable of emitting a powerful electrical charge. If you take a young eel in your hands, you feel a slight tingling sensation, and this, given the fact that the babies are only a few days old and are only 2-3 cm in size. It is easy to imagine what sensations you will get if you touch a two-meter eel. A person in such close contact receives a shock of 600 V and can die from it. The electric eel sends powerful force waves up to 150 times a day. But the strangest thing is that, despite such weapons, the eel feeds mainly on small fish.

To kill a fish, the electric eel only needs to shudder and release a current. The victim dies instantly. The eel grabs it from the bottom, always from the head, and then, sinking to the bottom, digests the prey for several minutes.

Electric eels live in shallow rivers of South America, in large quantities found in the waters of the Amazon. In those places where the eel lives, there is often a great lack of oxygen. Therefore, the electric eel has developed a behavioral feature. Eels stay under water for about 2 hours, and then swim to the surface and breathe there for 10 minutes, whereas ordinary fish only need to surface for a few seconds.

Electric eels - large fish: The average length of adults is 1-1.5 m, weighing up to 40 kg. The body is elongated, slightly flattened laterally. The skin is bare and not covered with scales. The fins are very developed, with their help the electric eel is able to easily move in all directions. The color of adult electric eels is brown, the underside of the head and throat is bright orange. The coloring of young individuals is paler.

The most interesting thing about the structure of electric eels is its electrical organs, which occupy more than 2/3 of the body length. The positive pole of this “battery” lies in the front of the eel’s body, and the negative pole lies in the back. The highest discharge voltage, according to observations in aquariums, can reach 650 V, but usually it is less, and in fish one meter long it does not exceed 350 V. This power is enough to light 5 light bulbs. The main electrical organs are used by the eel to protect itself from enemies and to paralyze prey. There is another additional electrical organ, but the field produced by it plays the role of a locator: with the help of interference arising within this field, the eel receives information about obstacles on the way or the approach of potential prey. The frequency of these location discharges is very small and practically imperceptible to humans.

The discharge itself, which is produced by electric eels, is not fatal to humans, but it is still very dangerous. If you get an electric shock while underwater, you can easily lose consciousness.

The electric eel is aggressive. Can attack without warning, even if there is no threat to him. If something living comes within the range of its force field, the eel will not hide or swim away. It is better for the person himself to swim to the side if an electric eel appears on the way. You should not swim to this fish at a distance of less than 3 meters; this is precisely the main radius of action of the meter-long eel’s field.

Length: up to 3 meters
Weight: up to 40 kg
Habitat: shallow rivers of South America, found in large numbers in the waters of the Amazon.

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