Oge in Russian language options. The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation. there are no violations of paragraph articulation of the text in the work

1. First, study the criteria for judging the summary.

Criteria for judging a summary



The examinee accurately conveyed the main content of the listened text, reflecting all the micro-themes that are important for his perception



missed or added 1 microtheme


The examinee conveyed the main content of the listened text,


missed or added more than 1 microtheme



Source Compression

The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them throughout the text


The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 2 text microtopics


The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 1 micro-topic of text


The examinee did not use text compression techniques



Semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation:

- there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not violated;

- there are no violations of paragraph articulation of the text in the work


The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,


1 logical error was made,


there is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work


In the work of the examinee, a communicative intent is visible,


more than 1 logical error was made,


there are 2 cases of violation of paragraph articulation of the text




2. Secondly, remember that the volume of the presentation should not be less than 70 words, and the number of micro topics should correspond to the number of paragraphs (there are always three of them).
3. Third, learn how to compress text.
-Exception: you can exclude details, minor facts, fragments with descriptions, repetitions, synonyms, clarifying constructions, etc.
- Generalization: when generalizing, replace homogeneous members generalizing sentences, etc.
Simplification: when simplifying, one should replace a complex sentence with a simple one, combine several sentences, break a complex sentence into simple ones, replace direct speech with indirect speech.
Each paragraph should use one or more text compression methods.
4. Fourth, read 35 texts from the FIPI website. One of these texts will come across to you on real OGE in 2018.

35 texts for writing a concise presentation.

#1 About friendship

Listen to text

Trials await friendship always. The main one today is a changed way of life, a change in the way and routine of life. With the acceleration of the pace of life, with the desire to quickly realize oneself, an understanding of the significance of time came. Previously, it was impossible to imagine, for example, that the hosts were weary of the guests. Now that time is the price of achieving one's goal, relaxation and hospitality are no longer important. Frequent meetings and leisurely conversations are no longer indispensable companions of friendship. Due to the fact that we live in different rhythms, meetings of friends become rare.

But here is a paradox: before, the circle of contacts was limited, today a person is oppressed by the redundancy of forced communication. This is especially noticeable in cities with high population density. We strive to isolate ourselves, to choose a secluded place in the subway, in a cafe, in the reading room of the library.

#2 About friendship

Listen to text

What is friendship? How do they become friends? You will meet friends most often among people of a common fate, one profession, common thoughts. And yet it is impossible to say with certainty that such a commonality determines friendship, because people of different professions can make friends.

Can two opposite characters be friends? Certainly! Friendship is equality and similarity. But at the same time, friendship is inequality and dissimilarity. Friends always need each other, but friends do not always receive equally from friendship. One is friends and gives his experience, the other in friendship is enriched by experience. One, helping a weak, inexperienced, young friend, learns his strength, maturity. Another, weak, recognizes in a friend his ideal, strength, experience, maturity. So, one in friendship gives, the other rejoices in gifts. Friendship is based on similarities, and manifests itself in differences, contradictions, dissimilarities.

A friend is the one who claims your rightness, talent, merit. A friend is one who lovingly exposes you in your weaknesses, shortcomings and vices.

#3 About friendship

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Friendship is not something external. Friendship lies deep in the heart. You can't force yourself to be someone's friend or force someone to be your friend.

For friendship, a lot is needed, first of all mutual respect. What does it mean to respect your friend? This means reckoning with his opinion and recognizing his positive features. Respect is shown in words and deeds. A respected friend feels that he is valued as a person, respected for his dignity and helped him not only out of a sense of duty. In friendship, trust is important, that is, confidence in the sincerity of a friend, that he will not betray or deceive. Of course, a friend can make mistakes. But we are all imperfect. These are the two main and main conditions for friendship. In addition, for friendship, for example, common moral values ​​are important. People who have different views of what is good and what is evil will find it hard to be friends. The reason is simple: will we be able to show deep respect for a friend and, perhaps, trust, if we see that he does things that are unacceptable, in our opinion, and consider this the norm. Strengthen friendship and common interests or hobbies. However, for a friendship that has existed for a long time and has been tested by time, this is not important.

Friendship does not depend on age. They can be very strong and bring a lot of experiences to a person. But without friendship, life is unthinkable.

No. 4 About friendship

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When I was in school, I thought that my adulthood will take place in some other setting, as if in a different world, and I will be surrounded by other people. But in fact, everything turned out differently. My peers stayed with me. Friends of youth turned out to be the most faithful. The circle of acquaintances has grown unusually. But real friends, old, true friends, are acquired in youth. Youth is a time of rapprochement.

So keep your youth old age. Appreciate all the good things that you acquired in your youth, do not lose friends. Nothing acquired in youth goes unnoticed. Good youth skills make life easier. The bad ones complicate it and make it more difficult. Remember the Russian proverb: "Take care of your honor from a young age"? All the actions committed in youth remain in the memory. The good ones will make you happy. The wicked will not let you sleep.

#5 About friendship

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What really lies in this seemingly familiar concept of friendship? Scientifically speaking, friendship is a disinterested relationship between people based on common sympathies, interests and hobbies. A true friend is always there, whether we feel bad or good. He will never try to take advantage of your weakness for his own purposes and will always come to the rescue when he is needed the most. He will not only help in trouble, but will sincerely rejoice in moments of happiness with you.

But, unfortunately, such relations are gradually fading away. Selfless friendship is slowly becoming a relic of the past. Friends now for us are people who can help in a particular issue, or those with whom you can have a good time. In fact, if one of the supposedly close friends has a crisis, the friends disappear somewhere until this crisis passes. This situation is familiar to almost everyone. In a word, profitable friendship is rapidly crowding out disinterested friendship.

We must remember that many problems that seem grandiose and frightening can be solved without much difficulty if there are reliable friends nearby. Friendship gives confidence in the future. It makes a person bolder, freer and more optimistic, and his life is warmer, more interesting and multifaceted. True friendship spiritually unites people, contributing to the development in them of the desire for creation, and not destruction.

#6 About friendship

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There are values ​​that change, get lost, disappear, becoming the dust of time. But no matter how society changes, all the same, over the course of millennia, eternal values ​​remain that have great importance for people of all generations and cultures. One of these eternal values, of course, is friendship.

People very often use this word in their language, they call certain people their friends, but few people can formulate what friendship is, who is a true friend, what he should be. All definitions of friendship are similar in one thing: friendship is a relationship based on the mutual openness of people, complete trust and constant readiness help each other at any time.

The main thing is that friends have the same life values, similar spiritual landmarks. Then they will be able to be friends, even if their attitudes to certain phenomena of life are different. And then true friendship is not affected by time and distance. People can talk to each other only occasionally, be apart for years, and still be very close friends. Such constancy distinguishing feature real friendship.

#7 About toys

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Each of us once had favorite toys. Perhaps every person has bright and tender memories associated with them, which he carefully keeps in his heart. Favorite toy is the most vivid memory from the childhood of every person.

In the age of computer technology, real toys no longer attract as much attention as virtual ones, but despite all the novelties that appear, such as telephones and computer equipment, the toy still remains unique and irreplaceable in its kind. After all, nothing teaches and develops a child like a toy with which he can communicate, play and even gain life experience.

The toy is the key to consciousness little man. To develop and strengthen in it positive traits, to make him mentally healthy, instill love for others, form a correct understanding of good and evil, you must carefully choose a toy, remembering that it will bring into his world not only its image, but also behavior, attributes, as well as a system of values ​​and worldviews. It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person with the help of toys of a negative orientation.

#8 About books

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When I was about ten years old, someone's caring hand put a volume of Animal Heroes on me. I consider it my "alarm clock". I know from other people that for them the “alarm clock” of the feeling of nature was a month spent in the summer in the countryside, a walk in the forest with a man who “opened his eyes to everything”, the first trip with a backpack. There is no need to enumerate everything that can awaken in human childhood an interest and a reverent attitude towards the great mystery of life.

Growing up, a person should comprehend with his mind how complex everything in the living world is intertwined, interconnected, how this world is strong and at the same time vulnerable, how everything in our life depends on the wealth of the earth, on the health of wildlife. This school must be.

And yet at the beginning of everything is love. Awakened in time, she makes the knowledge of the world interesting and exciting. With it, a person also acquires a certain point of support, an important starting point for all the values ​​of life. Love for everything that turns green, breathes, makes sounds, sparkles with colors - and there is love that brings a person closer to happiness.

#9 About precious books

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No matter how interesting the home and school life child, he does not read precious books - he is deprived. Such losses are irreparable. It is adults who can read the book today or in a year - the difference is small. In childhood, time is counted differently, here every day is a discovery. And the sharpness of perception in the days of childhood is such that early impressions can then influence the whole life.

Childhood impressions are the most vivid and lasting impressions. This is the foundation of the future spiritual life, the golden fund. Seeds sown in childhood. Not everyone will germinate, not everyone will bloom. But the biography of the human soul is the gradual germination of seeds sown in childhood.

The next life is complex and varied. It consists of millions of actions that are determined by many character traits and, in turn, form this character. But if we trace and find the connection between phenomena, it becomes obvious that every feature of the character of an adult person, every quality of his soul and, perhaps, even every act of his were sown in childhood, have since then had their germ, their seed.

#10 About books

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What's happened good book? First, the book should be exciting and interesting. After reading the first pages, there should be no desire to put it on the shelf. We are talking about books that make us think, express emotions. Secondly, the book should be written in rich language. Thirdly, it must carry a deep meaning. Original and unusual ideas also make the book useful.

Do not get carried away by any one genre or type of literature. Thus, a passion only for the fantasy genre can turn young readers into goblins and elves who know the way to Avalon much better than the way home.

If you have not read the books from school curriculum or read them in abbreviated form, you should start with them. Classical literature is a mandatory base for every person. In great works there is disappointment and joy, love and pain, tragedy and comedy. They will teach you to be sensitive, emotional, help you see the beauty of the world, understand yourself and people. Naturally, read non-fiction literature. It will expand your horizons, form knowledge about the world, help you determine your path in life, and provide an opportunity for self-development. We hope that these reasons for reading will make the book your best friend.

#11 About Literature

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It just seems to us that when something happens to us, it is a unique phenomenon, the only one of its kind. In fact, there is not a single problem that has not already been reflected in world literature. Love, fidelity, jealousy, betrayal, cowardice, the search for the meaning of life - all this has already been experienced by someone, rethought, reasons, answers are found and imprinted on the pages fiction. The case is small: take it and read it and you will find everything in the book.

Literature, opening the world with the help of the word, creates a miracle, doubles, triples our inner experience, infinitely expands our outlook on life, on a person, makes our perception thinner. In childhood, we read fairy tales and adventures in order to experience the excitement of search and intrigue. But there comes an hour when we feel the need to open the book in order to delve into ourselves with its help. This is the hour of growing up. We are looking for an interlocutor in the book who enlightens, ennobles, teaches.

Here we are with the book. What is happening in our soul? With each book we read, which opens up the pantries of thoughts and feelings before us, we become different. With the help of literature, a person becomes a Human. It is no coincidence that the book is called a teacher and a textbook of life.

#12 Reading

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What is the benefit of reading? Is it true that reading is good for you? Why do so many people keep reading? After all, not only to relax or take your free time.

The benefits of reading books are obvious. Books broaden the horizons of a person, enrich him inner world, make smarter. And it is also important to read books because it increases the vocabulary of a person, develops a clear and precise thinking. Everyone can be convinced of this by their own example. One has only to thoughtfully read some classical work, and you will notice how it has become easier to express your own thoughts with the help of speech, to select the right words. A person who reads speaks better. Reading serious works makes us constantly think, it develops logical thinking. Don't believe? And you read something from the classics of the detective genre, for example, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Conan Doyle. After reading, you will think faster, your mind will become sharper and you will understand that reading is useful and profitable.

It is also useful to read books because they have a significant impact on our moral guidelines and on our spiritual development. After reading this or that classical work, people sometimes begin to change for the better.

№13 About education

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We often talk about the difficulties associated with raising a person starting life. And the most a big problem- this is a weakening of family ties, a decrease in the importance of the family in raising a child. And if in early years If the family did not put anything solid in the moral sense into a person, then later society will have a lot of trouble with this citizen.

The other extreme is the overprotection of the child by the parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents have not given their child spiritual warmth and, feeling this guilt, they strive in the future to pay their inner spiritual debt with belated petty care and material benefits.

The world is changing, becoming different. But if the parents could not establish internal contact with the child, shifting the main worries to grandparents or public organizations, then one should not be surprised that some child acquires cynicism and disbelief in selflessness so early, that his life becomes impoverished, becomes flat and dry.

No. 14 About family

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Having a family and children is as necessary and natural as it is necessary and natural to work. The family has long been held together by the moral authority of the father, who was traditionally considered the head. The children respected and obeyed their father. He was engaged in agricultural work, construction, logging and firewood. All the burden of peasant labor was shared with him by adult sons.

The management of the household was in the hands of the wife and mother. She was in charge of everything in the house: she looked after the cattle, took care of food, and clothes. She did not do all these works alone: ​​even children, having barely learned to walk, little by little, along with the game, began to do something useful.

Kindness, tolerance, mutual forgiveness of insults grew into mutual love in a good family. Quarrelsomeness and quarrelsomeness were considered a punishment of fate and aroused pity for their bearers. It was necessary to be able to give in, forget the offense, respond with kindness or remain silent. Love and harmony between relatives gave rise to love outside the home. From a person who does not love and does not respect his relatives, it is difficult to expect respect for other people.

#15 About finding yourself

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Each person is looking for a place in life, trying to assert his self. It `s naturally. But how does he find his place? What are the paths to get to it? What moral values ​​carry weight in his eyes? The question is extremely important.

Many of us cannot admit to ourselves that because of a misunderstood, inflated feeling dignity, because of the unwillingness to seem worse, we sometimes take rash steps, we do not act very correctly: we won’t ask again, we won’t say “I don’t know”, “I can’t” - there are no words. Selfish people cause feelings of condemnation. However, those who exchange their dignity like small coins are no better. In the life of every person, there are probably moments when he is simply obliged to show his pride, to assert his self. And, of course, this is not always easy to do.

The true value of a person is revealed sooner or later anyway. And the higher this price, the more a person loves not so much himself as others. Leo Tolstoy emphasized that each of us, the so-called small ordinary person, is in fact a historical person who is responsible for the fate of the whole world.

No. 16 About sincerity

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Many people think that being sincere means to openly and directly say what you think and do what you say. But here's the problem: a person who immediately voices what first came into his head runs the risk of being branded not only natural, but also ill-mannered, or even stupid. Rather sincere and natural man the one who knows how to be himself: take off the masks, get out of the usual roles and show his true face.

The main problem is that we do not know ourselves well, we are chasing ghostly goals, money, fashion. Few people consider it important and necessary to direct the vector of attention to their inner world. You need to look into your heart, stop and analyze your thoughts, desires and plans in order to understand what is truly mine, and what is imposed, dictated by friends, parents, society. Otherwise, you risk spending your whole life on goals that you don’t really need at all.

If you look into yourself, you will see a whole world, endless and multifaceted. You will discover your characteristics and talents. You just need to study. And, of course, it will not become easier and easier for you, but it will become more interesting. You will find your life path. The only way to become sincere is to know yourself.

#17 Growing up

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Some believe that a person matures at a certain age, for example, at 18, when he becomes an adult. But there are people who remain children even at an older age. What does it mean to be an adult?

Adulthood means independence, that is, the ability to do without anyone's help, guardianship. A person with this quality does everything himself and does not expect support from others. He understands that he must overcome his difficulties himself. Of course, there are situations when a person cannot cope alone. Then you have to ask for help from friends, relatives and acquaintances. But in general, it is not typical for an independent, adult person to rely on others.

There is an expression: the hand should wait for help only from the shoulder. An independent person knows how to be responsible for himself, his deeds and actions. He plans his own life and evaluates himself, without relying on someone else's opinion. He understands that much in life depends on himself. Being an adult means being responsible for someone else. But for this, you also need to become independent, be able to make decisions. Adulthood does not depend on age, but on life experience, on the desire to live life without nannies.

No. 18 About childhood and growing up

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In childhood, a person is happy, as they say now, by default. By nature, a child is a creature instinctively predisposed to happiness. No matter how difficult and even tragic his life may be, he still rejoices and constantly finds more and more reasons for this. Perhaps because there is nothing to compare life with yet. He still does not suspect that it can be somehow different, but most likely, all the same, because the soul has not yet had time to cover itself with a shell and is more open to goodness and hope than the soul of an adult.

And with age, everything seems to turn inside out. No matter how calmly and prosperously life develops, we will not calm down until we find in it some kind of splinter, awkwardness, malfunction, cling to it and feel deeply unhappy. And we believe in the drama we have invented, we sincerely complain about it to our friends, we waste time, health, and spiritual strength on experiences.

It is only when a really real tragedy happens that we realize how absurd the imagined suffering is and how trifling the reason for it. Then we clutch our heads and say to ourselves: “Lord, what a fool I was when I suffered because of some nonsense. No, to live for your own pleasure and enjoy every minute.

No. 19 Pro choice

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There is simply no and cannot be a universal recipe for how to choose the right, the only true, only path in life intended for you. And the final choice always remains with the individual. We make this choice already in childhood, when we choose friends, learn to build relationships with peers, and play.

But most of the most important decisions that determine the path of life, we still make in our youth. According to scientists, the second half of the second decade of life is the most crucial period. It is at this time that a person, as a rule, chooses the most important thing for the rest of his life: his closest friend, the circle of his main interests, his profession.

It is clear that such a choice is a responsible matter. It cannot be brushed aside, it cannot be postponed until later. You should not hope that the mistake can be corrected later: it will be in time, the whole life is ahead! Something, of course, can be corrected, changed, but not everything. And wrong decisions will not remain without consequences. After all, success comes to those who know what they want, decisively make a choice, believe in themselves and stubbornly achieve their goals.

№20 About a cultured person

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What does it mean to be a cultured person? A cultured person can be considered an educated, well-mannered, responsible person. He respects himself and those around him. A cultured person is also distinguished by creative work, striving for high things, the ability to be grateful, love for nature and the motherland, compassion and sympathy for one's neighbor, goodwill.

A cultured person will never lie. He will maintain self-control and dignity in all life situations. He has a clear goal and achieves it. The main goal of such a person is to increase good in the world, to strive to ensure that all people are happy. The ideal of a cultured person is genuine humanity.

Nowadays, people devote too little time to culture. And many do not even think about it throughout their lives. It is good if a person's process of familiarization with culture occurs from childhood. The child gets acquainted with the traditions that pass from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and his homeland, learns cultural values. As an adult, he can be useful to society.

No. 21 About culture

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The word "culture" is multifaceted. What does true culture carry in the first place? It carries the concept of spirituality, light, knowledge and true beauty. And if people understand this, then our country will become prosperous. And therefore it would be very good if every city and village had its own center of culture, a center of creativity not only for children, but also for people of all ages.

True culture is always aimed at upbringing and education. And such centers should be headed by people who understand well what real culture is, what it consists of, what its significance is.

Such concepts as peace, truth, beauty can become the key note of culture. It would be good if honest and disinterested people, selflessly devoted to their work, respecting each other, were engaged in culture. Culture is a huge ocean of creativity, there is enough space for everyone, there is something for everyone. And if we all together begin to participate in its creation and strengthening, then our entire planet will become more beautiful.

#22 About morality

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One man was told that his acquaintance spoke of him in unflattering terms. "Are you kidding! the man exclaimed. "I didn't do anything good for him..." Here it is, the algorithm of black ingratitude, when good is met with evil. In life, it must be assumed, this person met more than once with people who confused the landmarks on the compass of morality.

Morality is the guide to life. And if you deviate from the road, then you may well wander into a windblown, thorny bush, or even drown. That is, if you behave ungratefully towards others, then people have the right to behave towards you in the same way.

How to treat this phenomenon? Be philosophical. Do good and know that it will surely pay off. I assure you that you yourself will enjoy doing good. That means you will be happy. And this is the goal in life - to live it happily. And remember: exalted natures do good.

#23 About youthful love

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Times are changing, new generations are coming, in which, it would seem, everything is not the same as the previous ones: tastes, interests, life goals. But intractable personal questions, meanwhile, somehow remain unchanged. Today's teenagers, like their parents at one time, are worried about the same thing: how to attract the attention of someone you like? How to distinguish infatuation from true love?

A youthful dream of love is, no matter what they say, first of all, a dream of mutual understanding. After all, a teenager definitely needs to realize himself in communication with peers: to show his ability to sympathize, empathize. Yes, and just show their qualities and abilities in front of those who are friendly towards him, who are ready to understand him.

Love is the unconditional and boundless trust of two to each other. Trust, which reveals in everyone all the best that a person is only capable of. Real love certainly includes friendly relations, but is not limited to them. It is always greater than friendship, because only in love do we recognize the other person's full right to everything that makes up our world.

#24 About self-doubt

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Self-doubt is an ancient problem, but it attracted the attention of physicians, teachers and psychologists relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century. It was then that it became clear: ever-increasing self-doubt can cause a lot of trouble - up to serious illnesses, not to mention everyday problems.

What about psychological problems? After all, self-doubt can serve as the basis for constant dependence on the opinions of others. Imagine how uncomfortable it is to feel dependent: other people's assessments seem to him more important and significant than his own. He sees his every act primarily through the eyes of others. And most importantly - he wants approval from everyone: starting with loved ones and ending with passengers on the tram. Such a person becomes indecisive and cannot correctly assess the life situation.

How to overcome self-doubt? Some scientists are looking for an answer to this question, based on physiological processes, others rely on psychology. One thing is clear: self-doubt can be overcome only if a person is able to set goals correctly, correlate them with external circumstances and positively assess their results.

#25 About power

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The essence of the concept of "power" lies in the ability of one person to force another to do what he would not have done of his own free will. The tree, if left undisturbed, grows straight up. But even if it fails to grow evenly, then it, bending under obstacles, tries to get out from under them and again stretch upwards. So is man. Sooner or later he will want to get out of obedience. Submissive people usually suffer, but if once they managed to throw off their "burden", then they often turn into tyrants themselves.

If you command everywhere and everyone, then loneliness awaits a person as the end of life. Such a person will always be alone. After all, he does not know how to communicate on an equal footing. Inside he has a dull, sometimes unconscious anxiety. And he feels calm only when people unquestioningly carry out his orders. The commanders themselves are unfortunate people, and they breed misfortune, even if they achieve good results.

Commanding and managing people are two different things. The one who manages, knows how to take responsibility for actions. This approach preserves the mental health of both the person himself and those around him.

#26 About art

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Is it possible to define what art is with one exhaustive formula? Of course not. Art is charm and witchcraft, it is the revelation of the funny and the tragic, it is morality and immorality, it is the knowledge of the world and man. In art, a person creates his image as something separate, capable of existing outside of himself and remaining after him as his trace in history.

The moment of man's turning to creativity is perhaps the greatest discovery, unparalleled in history. Indeed, through art, each individual person and nation as a whole comprehends his own characteristics, his life, his place in the world. Art allows you to get in touch with individuals, peoples and civilizations that are distant from us in time and space. And not just to get in touch, but to recognize and understand them, because the language of art is universal, and it is it that enables humanity to feel itself as a single whole.

That is why, since ancient times, an attitude to art has been formed not as entertainment or fun, but as a powerful force capable of not only capturing the image of time and man, but also passing it on to descendants.

#27 About art

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IN modern world there is no person who does not come into contact with art. Its importance in our life is great. Books, cinema, television, theatre, music, painting have firmly entered our lives and have a huge impact on it. But literature has a particularly strong effect on a person.

Contact with the world of art gives us joy and disinterested pleasure. But it would be wrong to see in the works of writers, composers, artists only a means of obtaining pleasure. Of course, we often go to the cinema, sit down to watch TV, pick up a book to relax and have fun. And the artists themselves, writers, composers build their works in such a way as to support and develop the interest and curiosity of viewers, readers, listeners. But the meaning of art in our life is much more serious. It helps a person to see and understand better. the world and himself.

Art can save character traits era, to give people the opportunity to communicate with each other through decades and centuries, becoming a kind of memory repository for future generations. It imperceptibly forms the views and feelings, character, tastes of a person, awakens a love for beauty. That is why in difficult moments In life, people often turn to works of art, which become a source of spiritual strength and courage.

Mother's place in our life is special, exceptional. We always bring our joy and pain to her and find understanding. Maternal love inspires, gives strength, inspires to exploits. In difficult life circumstances, we always remember our mother, and we need only her at this moment. A man calls his mother and believes that she, wherever she is, hears him, sympathizes and hurries to help. The word "mother" becomes equivalent to the word life.

How many artists, composers, poets have created wonderful works about the mother. "Take care of mothers!" - the famous poet Rasul Gamzatov proclaimed in his poem. Unfortunately, we realize too late that we forgot to say a lot of good and kind words to our mothers. To prevent this from happening, you need to give them joy every day and hour, because grateful children - best gift for them.

№31 About mutual assistance and mutual assistance

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In a society where the idea of ​​individualism is cultivated, many have forgotten about such things as mutual assistance and mutual assistance. And human society has just been formed and continues to exist thanks to a common cause and help to the weak, thanks to the fact that each of us complements each other. And how can we now support the completely opposite point of view, which says that there are no other interests than our own?

And it's not even that it sounds selfish. The fact is that it is in this matter that personal and public interests are intertwined. Do you see how much deeper it is than it seems? After all, individualism destroys society, and, therefore, weakens us. And only mutual support can preserve and strengthen society.

And experience confirms that good feelings should be rooted in childhood. If they are not educated in childhood, you will never educate them, because they are assimilated simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main of which is the value of life, someone else's, one's own, animal and plant life. Humanity, kindness, benevolence are born in unrest, joys and sorrows.

Good feelings, emotional culture are the focus of humanity. Today, when there is already enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind towards each other, towards the surrounding living world and do the most courageous deeds in the name of goodness. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and the only path for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is useful both to a person alone and to society as a whole.

Dreams are needed not only for children, but also for adults. It causes excitement, a source of high feelings. It does not allow us to calm down and always shows new sparkling distances, a different life. It disturbs and makes you long for this life. This is its value.

Only a hypocrite can say that we must rest on our laurels and stop. To fight for the future, you need to be able to dream passionately, deeply and effectively. You need to cultivate in yourself a continuous desire for meaningful and beautiful.

OGE in the Russian language 2017-2018, summary of the OGE in the Russian language 2017-2018, summary of the OGE 2017-2018, texts of the summary of the OGE 2017-2018, texts of the summary with FIPI, audio recordings of the summary of the OGE in Russian, how to write a summary in Russian, ways to compress the text of the OGE, ways to compress the text of the OGE, exclusion of the OGE, generalization of the OGE, simplification of the OGE, replacement of the OGE, merger of the OGE, write a summary of the OGE, check the summary of the OGE, ready-made summary of the OGE in Russian, assessment criteria summary OGE 2017-2018, OGE tests 2017-2018 in Russian, OGE FIPI open job bank, OGE comparison, OGE phraseology, OGE metaphor, OGE personification, OGE epithet, prefixes OGE, prefixes PRE / PRI OGE in Russian, simpletons in Z /S OGE in Russian, suffixes OGE, N / N OGE, neutral synonym for OGE in Russian, phrase OGE in Russian, control OGE, adjoining OGE, agreement OGE, grammatical basis OGE, subject to OGE, predicate OGE, isolated circumstance OGE , isolated definition OGE, OGE application, participle turnover OGE, participial turnover OGE, introductory word OGE, OGE appeal, coordinative connection OGE, subordination OGE, compound sentence OGE, complex sentence OGE, unionless proposal OGE, consecutive subordination of OGE, homogeneous subordination OGE, parallel subordination OGE, solve OGE tests in Russian, OGE form in Russian 2017-2018, OGE essay in Russian 2017-2018, composition of OGE essay in Russian 2017-2018, OGE essay 15.1, OGE essay 15.2, OGE essay 15.3, write OGE essay, check the OGE essay, clichés for writing an OGE essay 2017-2018, how to write an OGE essay in Russian, a cliché for writing an OGE essay in Russian, a cliché for writing arguments in Russian OGE, a cliché for writing an OGE conclusion in Russian, essay assessment criteria 15.1, essay assessment criteria 15.2, essay assessment criteria 15.3, OGE quotes in Russian, examples of writing an essay OGE, finished essays OGE, dictionary of concepts 15.3, essay topics 15.3, essay topics 15.3 from OBZ, essay topics from OBZ, criteria GK OGE in Russian, what is the inner world of a person, what is choice, what is kindness, what are precious books, what are life values, what is love, what is maternal love, what is real art, what is self-doubt, what is moral choice, what is fortitude, who is strong man what is mutual assistance, what is happiness

There is a lively discussion going on in the forums of many educational sites. The topic of discussion is the introduction of the oral part into the exam for ninth-graders already in 2017. The innovation project is ready, but not yet approved. Therefore, while adults make a decision, children should start preparing for the approved form of the exam.

There were no changes to the examination in 2017. The structure, content and evaluation remained the same.

According to the degree of complexity, the tasks are distributed as follows: 14 basic tasks and 1 task high level difficulties.

Now let's deal with the content and structure of the Russian language exam. The control and measuring material of the exam consists of three parts. Each part contains tasks that differ from each other in form, level of complexity and learning activities. 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes) are given to complete all three parts in the Russian language.

Summary. First part.

In the first part, you must complete 1 task with a detailed answer.

For students, the text reproduced in the audio recording is heard. While listening, it is allowed to make notes in drafts. But do not get carried away and try to write everything down. This way you can miss out on a lot of information. write down key points, important details, titles, names. Then 3-4 minutes are given to comprehend the source text and work with your notes in drafts.

It is important! When grading, entries in drafts will not be taken into account.

Further, the text is reproduced repeatedly. After the second listening, students proceed to summary. It is necessary to write at least 70 words competently, in neat legible handwriting, convey the general content of the source text and the content of each micro-topic. You have 90 minutes to complete the first part of the exam.

It is important! If you have written less than 70 words, then the task will be rated at "0" points.

Short answer questions. Second part.

This part consists of 13 tasks of two types. Open type - the student independently formulates and writes down the answer in a short form. The second type of tasks is a choice answer, here the correct answer is selected from several proposed answers. To complete the task, each student is given a text to read. After familiarization, tasks related to the language analysis of the text are performed.

For each correctly completed task, you get 1 point, if there is no answer or it is incorrect - “0” points.

Composition. The third part

The third part includes 1 alternative task with a detailed answer.

The source material will be the same text used in the second part of the exam. Next, three options for tasks in the text will be offered. You will need to choose one and give a detailed, reasoned answer to it in writing, that is, write an essay-reasoning.

Your essay must be at least 70 words.

It is important! If you simply rewrite or retell the original text, then such an essay will be rated at "0" points.

It is important! When writing the OGE in the Russian language 2017, you can use the spelling dictionary.

Points and grades

The maximum primary score of the OGE in the Russian language in 2017 is 39 points.

For the first part of the examination paper, the maximum primary score is -7, for the second part - 13, for the third - 9. 10 points is a literacy assessment based on checking the presentation and composition, that is, the first and third parts of the exam. In total - 39 points.

For a better orientation and understanding of the principle of scoring, FIPI recommends using the scale for converting primary scores into

marks on a five-point system.

Marks match total points received for completing the exam tasks in general:

  • Two "2", is set in the case when the student scored less than 14 points.
  • Three "3", you get if you score from 15 to 24 points.
  • A student receives a four "4" for the number of points from 25 to 33.
  • Five "5" is given to those who scored from 34 to 39 points.

It is important! To get "5" you need to score at least 6 points for literacy. Otherwise, the mark "4" is set.

In 2017, the grade obtained for the mandatory Russian language exam will affect the overall score of the certificate. A ninth-grader will be able to receive a certificate of completion of the ninth grade only if there is a positive result.


What should I do if, for some reason, a ninth-grader did not pass the exam well and received an unsatisfactory grade? It is possible to retake the exam. According to the rules, a student can retake the exam in only two subjects out of all compulsory and selected subjects. own will until September 1, 2017.

If you need to retake three or four exams, then this is also possible, but after September 1.


Ninth graders, the main state exam is the first serious test for you in your entire time at school. Your further education depends on the grades you earn. Some of you want to go to the 10th grade and continue your studies at school, and some of you can't wait to go to college or technical school and get the profession of your dreams. Either way, you need a good grade.

In 2017, the Russian language exam is mandatory and the main one. Passing it, in fact, is not difficult, because the assignments are based on the materials and topics that you studied. It is clear that you need to be prepared. In preparation for the OGE, all methods are good.

Use aids. Consult with the teacher, he will tell you which ones are better to take and repeat topic after topic.

Be sure to pass demo version KIM in Russian. Such training makes it possible not only to additionally work out the material, but also to understand all the nuances and subtleties of the structure of the parts and tasks of the exam.

On the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) you can now use open bank OGE assignments. Here are collected exercises and assignments for all sections and topics of the subject for the entire period of study. This is a huge help in preparing for the exam.

And, of course, read this article again. Quick Guide to action will guide you through all the steps in the Russian language and remind you of important points.

Good luck!

Video news, demos

The state final certification of 2019 in the Russian language for graduates of the 9th grade of general educational institutions is carried out in order to assess the level of general education of graduates in this discipline. The main content elements tested in testing are:

  1. Information processing of texts various styles and genres. Text as a speech product. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. Selection of language means in the text depending on the topic, purpose, addressee and situation of communication. Creation of texts of various styles and functional and semantic types of speech. Grammar norms(morphological norms). Grammatical norms (syntactic norms). Lexical norms. Punctuation in simple and compound sentences. Spelling.
  2. Text as a speech product. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. Text analysis.
  3. Expressive means of vocabulary and phraseology. Analysis of expressive means.
  4. Spelling prefixes. Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling.
  5. Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -Н-/-НН-). Spelling -H- and -HH- in various parts speech. Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles.
  6. Vocabulary and phraseology. Synonyms. Phraseological turns. Groups of words by origin and use.
  7. Phrase.
  8. Offer. Grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence. Subject and predicate as the main members of the sentence.
  9. Complicated simple sentence.
  10. Punctuation analysis. Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence.
  11. parsing complex sentence.
  12. Punctuation analysis. Punctuation marks in compound and complex sentences.
  13. complex sentences with different types connections between parts.
Date of passing the OGE in the Russian language 2019:
May 28 (Tuesday).
There are no changes in the structure and content of the examination paper in 2019 compared to 2018.
In this section you will find online tests that will help you prepare for passing the OGE(GIA) in Russian. We wish you success!

Standard OGE test(GIA-9) of the 2019 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which the answer options by the compilers of real control measuring materials(KIM) are not provided, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (CMM), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (CMM), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2017 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard test of the OGE (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in the Russian language contains three parts. The first part includes one task - a small written work on the listened text. The second part consists of 13 tasks with a short answer. To complete the third part, you must choose one of the three proposed tasks and give a written detailed reasoned answer. Because. that the tasks from the first and third parts are checked by teachers manually and cannot be checked automatically, this test only presents the second part of the exam (13 tasks). According to the current structure of the exam, only a few of these questions offer multiple choice answers. However, for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers for each task. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring the test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The text that will be required when completing tasks will be indicated in each question for your convenience.
When completing tasks A1-A6, choose only one correct option.
When completing tasks B1-B14, several answers are possible.

OPTION 4 OGE - 2017

Part 2.

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) Once set wise parables gathered together, as happens with people, and began to talk. (2) Each told herself, and the rest listened, rejoicing at the wisdom of her sister. (3) Only one of them sat quietly in a corner and smiled sadly. (4) And even when all the parables had spoken, she never uttered a word.

(5) Several neighbors asked her in surprise:

- (6) Why are you silent, as if grieving?

- (7) Didn't you like everything that you heard from us?

-(8) What can you tell everyone?

(9) A sad parable answered:

- (10) Can I ask you something first, my wise friends?

- (11) Of course! Ask! - noisy parables.

- (12) People listened to you. What did they say after that?

- (13) Praised ...

- (14) Admired ...

- (15) Rejoiced ...

- (16) Shaking their heads ...

- (17) Smiled ...

- (18) They said: “True!” ...

(19) For a long time, parables described the reaction of people, and their friend listened attentively. (20) When everyone was silent, she spoke again:

- (21) It's good that they were satisfied. (22) It's also good that they understood you, appreciated your wisdom and truth. (23) But did they begin to behave differently after that? (24) Or did they remain the same as they were?

(25) Her answer was friendly silence.

- (26) So, my sisters and friends, I am a sad parable about this.
(ByAlexander Bellu)

A parable is a short edifying story in an allegorical form, containing moral teaching (wisdom). In terms of content, the parable is close to a fable.

The answers to tasks 2-14 are a number, a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of numbers. Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

2 . Which answer option contains the information needed tojustification answer to the question:“Why was the sad parable silent for a long time?”

    The sad parable did not want to speak.

    She had no words to describe herself.

    She was not as wise as all the other parables.

    She waited for all of her sisters to speak out to sum up.


3 . Point out the sentence in which the means of expression ismetaphor

    It's good that they were satisfied.

    For a long time, the parables described the reactions of people, and their friend listened attentively.

    It is also good that they understood you, appreciated your wisdom and truth.

    They said: "True!"


4 . From sentences No. 1-4, write out the word in which the spelling of the consonant inprefix depends on the deafness - the sonority of the subsequent consonant sound.


5 . From sentences No. 5-11, write out the word in which the spellingsuffix is determined by the rule: “As many N are written in the adverb as in the adjective from which it is formed”.


6 . Replace book word"to tell" from sentence No. 8 stylistically neutralsynonymous . Write this synonym.


7. Replace phrase« wise parables "(Sentence No. 1), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connectioncontrol . Write the resulting phrase.


8 . You writegrammatical basis proposals number 8


9. Among offers No. 1-4, find the offerwith special circumstance . Write the number of this offer.


10 . In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) denoting the comma(s)when applying.

“So, (1) my sisters and friends, (2) I am the sad parable about this.”


11 . Specify Quantitygrammar basics in sentence number 19. Write down the answer in numbers.


12 . In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers, denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connectedwriting connection.

One day, many wise parables gathered together, (1) as it happens with people, (2) and began to talk. Each told herself, (3) and the rest listened, (4) rejoicing in the wisdom of her sister.


13 .Among the sentences, find #1-6compound sentence . Write the number of this offer.


14 . Among the proposals No. 1-4, findcomplicated offerWithsubordinating connection in which the subordinate partlocated inside the main. Write the number of this offer.


Do not forget to transfer all answers to the answer sheet No. 1 in accordance with the instructions for doing the work.

Part 3

Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statementfamous linguist G. Ya. Solganik: “The artist thinks in images, he draws, shows, depicts. This is the specificity of the language of fiction". Justify your answer by giving two examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate sentence numbers or use citations. You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the wordsG. Ya. Solganika

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences from the text: «… When everyone was silent, she spoke again:

- It's good that they were satisfied. It is also good that they understood you, appreciated your wisdom and truth. But did they start behaving differently after that? Or have they remained the same?

Her answer was a friendly silence.

- So, my sisters and friends, I am a sad parable about this. In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.When giving examples, indicate sentence numbers or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the wordWISDOM?? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay on the topic:"Wisdom is..." taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting

Part 2

Checking assignments 2-14

Behindcorrect completing taskspart 2 examination work

The examinee receives one point for each task. Behindincorrect

answer or hisabsence zero points are given.


Correct answer




Parable of Wisdom or Parable of Wisdom

Can you tell

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