How to understand a sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Complex sentences: homogeneous, sequential and parallel subordination

Polynomial complex sentences (with several subordinate clauses)

Punctuation marks in complex sentences


1. Polynomial NGN with clauses related to one main:

a) homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses;

b) heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

2. Polynomial SPP with sequential subordination.

3. Punctuation marks in NGN.

4. Parsing polynomial SPP.


1. Valgina N.S Syntax of the modern Russian language: [Textbook. for universities on special "Journalism"] / N.S. Valgin. – M.: graduate School, 1991. - 431 p.

2. Beloshapkova V.A. Modern Russian language: Syntax / V.A. Beloshapkova, V.N. Belousov, E.A. Bryzgunov. – M.: Azbukovnik, 2002. – 295 p.

3. Pospelov N.S. Complex sentence and its structural types / N.S. Pospelov // Questions of linguistics. - 1959. - No. 2. – pp. 19-27

Complex sentences may have not one, but several subordinate clauses.

Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses are two main types:

1) all subordinate clauses are attached directly to the main sentence (homogeneous and heterogeneous, that is, parallel subordination);

2) the first subordinate clause is attached to the main clause, the second - to the first subordinate clause, etc. (successive subordination).

I. Clauses that are attached directly to the main clause can be homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Complex sentences with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

With this subordination, all subordinate clauses refer to one word in the main part or to the entire main clause, answer the same question and belong to the same type of subordinate clauses. Homogeneous subordinate clauses can be connected with each other coordinating conjunctions or unionless (only with the help of intonation). The connections of homogeneous clauses with the main clause and between themselves resemble the connections of homogeneous members of the sentence.

For example:

[I came to you with greetings tell What?], (that the sun has risen), (that it trembled with hot light on the sheets). (A. Fet.)

[That , (who lives the real life), (who has been accustomed to poetry since childhood),forever believes in the life-giving, full of reason Russian language]. (N. Zabolotsky.)

[At the end of May, the young bear was drawn to her relatives. places which? ], ( where she was born) And ( where the months of childhood were so memorable).

In a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination, the second subordinate clause may not have a subordinating conjunction.

For example: ( If there is water) And ( there won't be any fish in it), [I don't trust water]. (M. Prishvin.) [ Let's shudder], (if suddenly a bird flies) or ( elk trumpets in the distance). (Yu. Drunina.)

2. Complex sentences with heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses (or with parallel subordination). With such subordination, the subordinate clauses include:

a) to different words of the main sentence, or one part to the whole main, and the other to one of its words;

b) to one word or to the whole main sentence, but they answer different questions and are different types adjunctive proposals.

For example: ( When in my hands A new book ), [I feel], (that something living, speaking, wonderful came into my life). (M. Gorky.)

(If we turn to the best examples prose), [then we will make sure], (that they are full of genuine poetry). (K. Paustovsky.)

[From the world (which is called children's), door leading to space], (where they dine and drink tea) (Chekhov).

II. Complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

This type of complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses includes those in which the clauses form a chain: the first clause refers to the main clause (subordinate clause of the 1st degree), the second clause refers to the clause of the 1st degree (subordinate clause of the 2nd degree) etc.

For example: [ Young Cossacks rode vaguely and held back tears], (because they were afraid of their father), (who was also somewhat embarrassed), (though I tried not to show it). (N. Gogol)

The specificity of the subordinate parts in this case is that each of them is subordinate in relation to the previous one and main in relation to the next one.

For example: Often in autumn I would closely watch falling leaves to catch that imperceptible split second when a leaf separates from a branch and begins to fall to the ground.(Paustovsky).

With sequential subordination, one subordinate clause can be inside another; in this case, there may be two subordinating unions nearby: what and if, what and when, what and since, etc.

For example: [ The water crashed so scary], (What, (when the soldiers ran below), raging streams were already flying after them) (M. Bulgakov).

There are also complex sentences with a combined type of subordination of subordinate clauses.

For example: ( When the chaise left the yard), [he (Chichikov) looked back and saw], (that Sobakevich was still standing on the porch and, as it seemed, was peering, wanting to know), (where the guest will go). (Gogol)

This is a complex sentence with parallel and sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

Connecting sentences using subordinating conjunctions or allied (relative) words. Makar did not even notice before that it seemed to be getting light on the plain (Korolenko).

Since they are different, then this parallel subordination. From one sentence questions are raised to subordinate clauses or from different ones? Among sentences 712, find a COMPLEX SUBJECT SENTENCE with homogeneous subordinate clauses (7) The artist, who stepped on the stage, becomes a working tool himself. Among sentences 6 7 find a complex sentence with serial communication. Find a SPP with successive subordination of subordinate clauses 1. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that the grain appears and that it falls into favorable conditions.

Complex sentence

NGN is a sentence, the parts of which are connected by subordinating unions. Subordinating unions - what, because, if, although, in order to, how, when, in order to, like many others. NGN with a comma at the junction of 2 unions has a consistent subordination. From the main clause to the subordinate clause, we always give a question. 3. The subordinate clause is always separated from the main one by commas.

Combined submission. Homogeneous clauses, like homogeneous members, have the same meaning, answer the same question and depend on one word in the main clause. It should be borne in mind that with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, it is possible to skip the union or allied in the second (third) clause.

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive). 2. Indicate the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

Complex sentences of a complicated structure

Much more often in the texts there are sentences of three or more parts in which several subordinate clauses are used. The arrows show where exactly we ask the question to the subordinate clause (from the end of the previous part, from the beginning or from the middle). It can be seen from this diagram that the second part breaks the first one, since the question is asked from the middle of the main sentence. In this example, the homogeneity of the parts is established simply: there is a union AND between them, while the union HOW is repeated in both parts. Pay attention to punctuation with homogeneous clauses. In previous sentences, subordinate clauses were joined using the same unions.

And on this day, when the count had already left, Alexander tried to seize a moment to talk with Nadenka alone (A. Goncharov). After saying hello, dad said that he would beat us back in the village, that we had ceased to be small and that it was time for us to study seriously (L.N. Tolstoy).

It consists of three ordinary sentences: the first is the main one, the others are additional clauses. In this sentence there is a combination of subordinating conjunctions at the junction of sentences 2 and 3 (which is in that case). In addition, the coordinating alliance a, which refers to sentence 6, comes before sentence 5, forming a combination of conjunctions with a subordinating conjunction in that case (and in that case). By general rules they must share commas, but then the 2nd part of the double union follows in that case ... What are the rules for punctuation in a complex sentence? What are the conditions for the inevitable dismemberment of a compound union in a complex sentence? Where can I find exercises on the topic "Complex Subordinate Sentences"?

Read the sentence carefully, mark the grammatical foundations in it and indicate the boundaries of the predicative parts ( simple sentences). Establish semantic connections between the parts: to do this, first find the main one, then ask a question (s) from it to the subordinate (s). 2. The sentence consists of five parts, connected by a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 13. Analyze complex polynomial sentences with a subordinate relationship. Trying to instill a love for complex sentences and children. I say that you can give one sentence for analysis and understand how well the student knows Syntax.

First, let's practice drawing up NGN diagrams with one subordinate part. Prefixes in the word "position" already contain an indication of the place of the subordinate clause in the sentence. Let us clarify that complex sentences in the text can have various complications, and if you do not recognize them, you can get confused, so we will explain these complications in each example. If there were more than two subordinate parts with a similar structure, then one of the unions LI would be omitted to avoid repetition. Why? Because, perhaps, these people were close to her, from the same circle as she... And Vorotov felt a terrible gulf between himself and this circle. Four books have already been translated, but Vorotov knows nothing but the word "memoires", and when asked about his scientific work, he waves his hand and, without answering the question, starts talking about the weather.

You will learn about all this in the lesson. Exercises, tests and simulators must be performed not only in order to master the topic, but also as a means of repeating the "Complex sentence" section. We ask a question from the main part: sad to think about what? that youth was given to us in vain. 1st subordinate clause - explanatory. One more question from the main one: what kind of thirst? which burns me - the relative attributive. But we are already asking the question from the subordinate measure and degree. We ask questions: which one? who in his youth did not bind himself with strong ties to an outward and beautiful cause, or at least to an honest and useful labor- adjectival pronoun. The next question: can he consider his youth completely lost no matter what? no matter how fun it was - a subordinate concession.

Lecture 75 Types of subordination of subordinate clauses

This lecture discusses the main types of complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.

Types of subordination of subordinate clauses

This lecture discusses the main types of complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.

Lecture plan

75.1. Consistent subordination of subordinate clauses.

75.2. Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

75.3. Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses.

75.1. Sequential subordination of subordinate clauses

In Lectures 73 and 74 we talked about the complex sentence, about various types of subordinate clauses, but basically paid attention only to sentences with one subordinate clause. Much more often in the texts there are sentences of three or more parts in which several subordinate clauses are used.

Depending on how these subordinate clauses are attached to the main one, complex sentences (CSS) are divided into:

1) NGN with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses;

2) NGN with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses;

3) NGN with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses;

4) SPP with various types subordination of subordinate clauses.

Let's analyze the proposal:

The arrows show where exactly we ask the question to the subordinate clause (from the end of the previous part, from the beginning or from the middle). In this sentence, we ask a question to both subordinate clauses from the end of the previous part.

Consider a few more sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

It can be seen from this diagram that the second part breaks the first one, since the question is asked from the middle of the main sentence.

I want to draw attention to another type of complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. This case is quite complicated, so pay special attention to it.

[I thought] 1 , (that later it will be difficult for me to free myself from his guardianship) 2 , (if I don’t argue with the old man at this decisive moment) 3 .

Now try to draw diagrams of several sentences on your own. To do this, you need to drag and drop various elements from the bottom field into the table.

1) She wrote to him that she had decided to hasten her departure from Dresden, because her aunt's health had completely improved.

2) Mechik could not believe that Levinson was really the way Chizh portrayed him.

3) She looked at him as one looks at a person in whom they saw what they had long expected.

75.2. Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses

About homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, we say if in a complex sentence all subordinate clauses

  • refer to the same word of the main part,
  • are of the same type
  • connected with each other by a non-union or coordinative connection.

Let's look at a few examples.

In other cases, the homogeneous nature of the clauses may not be so obvious:

[She went with him, pleased] 1, (that she pleased him) 2 and (now she can stay on the shore and take a break from nursing the bored Pavlik) 2 .

Between homogeneous clauses there is a connecting union, but in the second clause the allied means (the union WHAT) is omitted, but it can easily be restored:

[For the medieval reader, it is predominantly important], (what the work is dedicated to) and (by whom it was created).

And now try to assemble complex clauses with homogeneous subordination from scattered simple sentences. Pay attention to the meaning of the sentence.

75.3. Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses

Parallel (non-uniform) subordination of subordinate clauses occurs in two cases:

  • if subordinate clauses are attached to one word of the main part, but are different in semantics;
  • subordinate clauses are the same in meaning, but refer to different words of the main part.

Let's look at both cases with examples.

(Because we never kept birds) 1 , [then I understood] 2 , (that this cage belongs to the new tenant) 3 .

In this sentence, the second part is the main one, both subordinate clauses depend on the same word, but at the same time they are different in meaning: 1 part is adventitious reasons, and the 3rd part is an explanatory clause. Let us now represent this proposal schematically.

Please note that the scheme is very similar to the scheme of a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses, but the questions are asked differently.

Now consider a sentence with subordinate clauses that have the same meaning, but refer to different words of the main part.

Both subordinate clauses in this sentence are explanatory, connected by the same conjunctions, but at the same time they depend on different words.

Specify the numbers of complex sentences with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. In case of an incorrect answer, be sure to read the pop-up comment.

Date: 2010-05-22 10:47:52 Views: 25279

NGN with multiple clauses

A table with examples will help determine which types are divided into

complex sentences with three or more predicative parts.

Type of subordination of the subordinate part of the main



[The guys rushed into the river with a run], (the water in which had already warmed up enough), (because last days it was incredibly hot).


(TOwhen the speaker finished speaking), [silence reigned in the hall], (as the audience was shocked by what they heard).


[Anton Pavlovich talked about] (that reinforcements will arrive soon) and (that you just need to be patient a little).

Should be remembered

good helper in the development of SPP with several subordinate clauses - exercises, the implementation of which will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

In this case, it is better to act according to the algorithm:

Select all means of communication, not forgetting about compound or used conjunctions. Establish semantic connections between the parts: to do this, first find the main one, then ask a question (s) from it to the subordinate (s).

Build a diagram, showing on it with arrows the dependence of parts on each other, put punctuation marks in it. Move commas into the written sentence.

Thus, attentiveness in the construction and analysis (including punctuation) of a complex sentence - NGN with several specific clauses - and reliance on the above features of this syntactic construction will ensure the correct execution of the proposed tasks.

Exercises on the topic " NGN with several clauses "


1. A hero is a person who, at a decisive moment, does what needs to be done in the interests of human society.

2. In order to develop character, one must cultivate will in oneself, since a person without will is a toy in the hands of every rogue.

3. In order not to impoverish one's life, in order to be happy, a person must be able to understand the other.

4. When you see a person whose face is distorted with anger, you just need to smile.

5. In the morning, Repin hurried to the studio and literally tortured himself with creativity, because he was an unparalleled worker and was even ashamed of the passion for work that forced him to give all his strength to the canvases from dawn to dusk.

6. It used to happen that you enter the room, which was located under his workshop, you hear the clatter of his senile feet, because after each stroke he leaves to look at his canvas.

7. It is not known what Prishvin would have done in his life if he had remained an agronomist.

9. From people who have just put down the Prishvin book I read, I heard several times that his books are "real witchcraft."

10. In the silence, it was clearly heard how a man groaned and how hard the crust crunched under the feet of a bear, which was driven out of the forest by an unusual rumble and crackle.

Exercise 2. Determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses in the NGN.

1. In order to imagine Vera's life, he had to travel back a quarter of a century back to the time when he was a student, thin, mobile.
2. When everyone went out to dinner and she was left alone with Ulyasha, Zhenya remembered everything in detail.
3. They were sitting at one of the windows, which were so dusty, prim and huge that they seemed to be some kind of institutions made of bottle glass, where you can’t stay in a hat.
4. And in the morning she began to ask questions about what Motovilikha was and what they did there at night.
5. Before telling about my journey to the “land of fearless birds”, I would like to explain why I decided to go from the center of the mental life of our country to the wilds.
6. When Zhenya later recalled that day on Osinskaya Street, where they then lived, he seemed to her always sad.
7. It was said in the corps that his irresistible ferocity was tamed by the general's quiet, like an angel, whom none of the cadets saw, because she was constantly ill.

8. Pierre, who was fondled and celebrated when he was the best suitor Russian Empire after his marriage, he lost much in the opinion of society.
9. And dad read a note that last night the seismic station of the observatory noted small tremors in our city, a consequence of a distant earthquake, the epicenter of which is located on the Asian coast of the Black Sea in Turkey, where several villages were destroyed.
10. He is glad that he has returned and that he will meet this day with his comrades.
11. Accompanied by a telephonist with a cable reel and two messengers, they ended up at the top when the sun was already approaching the horizon and its first rays were trying to break through the sky covered with clouds and a veil of smoke.
12. Zvyagintsev could not understand where he was, although he knew the area well.
13. He painfully tried to remember what these places looked like before, in order to orient himself.
14. They [the old men] said that when the tunnel was finished, it was necessary to transfer the wagons to Bek-Tash.
15. Artemiev confirmed that the leading surgeon of the medical battalion is still the same as he was under Serpilin.
16. Having reported to the general everything that was needed, he went into his room, in which, having returned a long time ago and waiting for him, Prince Galtsin was sitting.
17. We calculated that if we go along the path, we will go to the Naina River to the Koreans.
18. And, of course, they did not notice that on one of the pages of this newspaper is printed the very poem that Byron mentally recited.

Answers to exercise No. 2 on the topic "Types of subordination of subordinate clauses in the composition of NGN".

1. parallel
2. homogeneous
3. sequential
4. homogeneous
5. parallel
6. sequential
7. sequential
8. sequential
10. homogeneous
11. homogeneous
12. parallel
13. parallel
14. sequential
15. sequential
16. parallel
17. sequential
18. sequential

Test on the topic "Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses"

1. In which complex sentence is there consistent subordination between the main and subordinate clauses?

1) The more a person knows, the more he sees the poetry of the earth where a person with meager knowledge will never find it.

2) Savrasov looked to us from another world, where giant sorcerers live and from where it is impossible to leave with impunity for a long time.

3) It began to slightly press on the whiskey, as it presses on the head when you circle for a long time on a carousel.

4) I was born in a forest farm and spent part of my childhood in dense forests, where bears walk along impassable portages and swamps, and wolves drag in packs.

2. In which complex sentence is there a homogeneous subordination between the main and subordinate clauses?

1) He gently kissed his wife and went into the room where his paints, brushes, canvas were waiting for him - everything without which he could not imagine a single day of life.

2) From the Kremlin wall, on which Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich stands, you can see how rowers are exhausted, struggling with the current.

3) One could hear the Neva splashing uneasily nearby and a wet flag humming somewhere above the rooftops.

4) When this conversation was going on, in the next room there was a rural miller, whom Ivan Kolymet called to Kurbsky's estate to grind grain.

3. In which complex sentence is there a heterogeneous (parallel) subordination between the main and subordinate clauses?

1) Everything that the company had to do in the dark, Ryumin not only knew consistently, but also saw in that sharpened ray of light that was centered in his mind.

2) Although there is an inscription above the gate that the building is under state protection, no one is guarding it.

3) Ignatius Khvostov told his comrades about who Trajan was and what cruel persecutions he subjected the first Christians to.

4) It is not known whether the yacht was built before Peter's first arrival by Bazhenin, or whether it was presented to the Russian Tsar by Dutch merchants.

4. Explain the placement of a comma and a dash in a complex sentence.

But for the villages to fall,

So that the fields are empty -

We are blessed

The king of heaven gave hardly! (A. K. Tolstoy).

1. A comma separates subordinate clauses of a sentence, and a dash separates two homogeneous clauses from the main clause.

2. A comma separates the subordinate clauses of the sentence, and a dash separates the homogeneous clauses in front of the main part, since when reading between them, a significant pause is made (for the purpose of intonational emphasis on the clauses).

5. With the help of what sign are homogeneous subordinate clauses separated in the structure of a polynomial complex sentence?

There was that hour before the night, when the outlines, lines, colors, distances are erased when else daylight gets confused, inextricably linked, with the night (M. Sholokhov).

1. Comma.

2. Semicolon, since homogeneous clauses are common: there are homogeneous members and a separate turnover.

6. What type of subordination is presented in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses?

I don't know if the grace will touch My painfully sinful soul, Will it succeed in resurrecting and rising. Will spiritual fainting go away? (F. Tyutchev).

1. Homogeneous subordination.

2. Heterogeneous subordination.

7. Do I need a comma at the junction of two subordinating conjunctions in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses? How many commas should be in this sentence?

Fyodor expected that when he saw not a reproduction, but a canvas which the hand of Surikov himself touched, he should deafen him, take his breath, then he should dream at night (V. Tendryakov).

1. A comma is needed; just seven commas.

2. No comma needed; just six commas.

8. Determine the type of subordination in a polynomial complex sentence.

At this time, it is usually indecent for ladies to go, because the Russian people love to express themselves in such harsh expressions, which they probably will not hear even in the theater (N. Gogol).

1. Heterogeneous subordination.

2. Consistent submission.

9. Determine the types of subordinate clauses in a polynomial complex sentence. What type of subordination is presented in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses?

And so that the children would not tease the beggars, he [Nosopyr] pretended to be a cow doctor, carried a canvas bag with a red cross on his side, where he kept a chisel for chopping hooves and dry bunches of St. John's wort grass (V. Belov).

1. Heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses: the subordinate clause of the goal and the subordinate clause are attached to the main part.

2. Heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses: the subordinate clause of the goal and the clause of the place are attached to the main part.

10. How many parts does this complex sentence with several subordinate clauses consist of and what type of subordination is presented in it?

The next day, Sanin was still in bed, like Emil already, in a festive dress, with a cane in his hand and heavily oiled, burst into his room and announced that Herr Klüber would immediately arrive with a carriage, that the weather promised to be amazing, that they everything is ready, but that mother will not go, because her head aches again (I. Turgenev).

1. The proposal contains eight parts; homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses is presented.

2. The proposal contains seven parts; mixed subordination of subordinate clauses is presented.

11. What type of subordination is presented in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses? Explain why only one comma is used in the sentence.

When winter came and the garden and the house were covered with snow, a wolf howl was heard at night (A. N. Tolstoy).

1. A sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

2. A sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

12. Analyze complex sentences. Select simple parts, set their number. Determine the nature of the relationship between them.

At times, Maria was ready to believe that some ancient artist miraculously guessed that the girl Maria would one day appear in the world, and in advance created her a portrait in bas-relief of a mysterious, enchanted palace, which was supposed to remain untouchable underground for centuries (V. Bryusov) .

1. The proposal consists of four parts, connected by mixed subordination.

2. The sentence consists of five parts, connected by a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

13. Analyze complex polynomial sentences with a subordinate relationship. Set the method of connection between the subordinate and main parts, name the type of subordinate.

Since Chekhov had no novels, it seemed obvious that he had nothing to do with Dostoevsky, Turgenev, or Goncharov (M. Gromov).

1. The subordinate part of the cause is attached to the main part by means of a semantic causal union because; the subordinate explanatory clause is attached to the main part through the functional union what; the polynomial presents a heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

2. A sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses; the subordinate part of the cause is attached to the main part with a semantic causal union since; the subordinate explanatory clause joins the main part with the functional conjunction what.

14. How many commas should be put in complex sentence with multiple adjectives? Name the type of subordination of subordinate parts to the main one.

In the middle of the day, a cow was released into the field so that she would walk at will and so that she would feel better (A. Platonov).

1. One comma; homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

2. Two commas; heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

15. Name the type of subordinate clauses, set the method of connection of the subordinate and main parts.

The fog lasted for a long time, until eleven o'clock, until some kind of force was found that lifted it up (V. Rasputin).

1. Offer with mixed submission; the clause of time is attached to the main part with a semantic temporary union until, the attributive clause is attached to the main part with the allied word which.

2. Offer with consistent submission; the clause of time is attached to the main part with a semantic temporary union until, the attributive clause is attached to the main part with the allied word which.

16. Do I need a comma at the junction of two unions - coordinating and subordinating? How many commas should be included in this complex sentence?

That night, Chubarev also did not go to bed, and when he finally escorted everyone out of the office and looked at his watch, he only shrugged his shoulders (P. Proskurin).

1. No comma needed; two commas.

2. A comma is needed; three commas.

3. A comma is needed; five commas.

17. Determine the type of subordination in a polynomial complex sentence. Do I need a comma before the union And?

When burdocks rustle in the ravine

And a bunch of yellow-red rowan droops,

I compose funny poems

About life perishable, perishable and beautiful (A. Akhmatova).

1. Heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses; a comma is needed.

2. Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses; comma is not needed.

Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses (answers)

1. 3)
2. 3)
3. 1)
4. 2)
5. 2)
6. 1)
7. 1)
8. 2)
9. 1)
10. 2)
11. 2)
12. 1)
13. 1)
14. 1)
15. 2)
16. 1)
17. 2)

Among complex sentences with several subordinate clauses in structure, complex sentences are distinguished

  • with consistent submission
  • with uniform subordination
  • with parallel submission.

Subordination is when two or more subordinate clauses are subordinate to one main clause.

  • With uniform submission subordinate parts not only explain the main part, but are also subordinate clauses of the same type.

With homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, commas are placed in the same way as with homogeneous members offers. If homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected by repeating unions, then a comma is placed between them, and is not put if the unions are non-repeating.

  • When in complex sentences different clauses belong to the same member of the main part or in which the same clauses explain different words in the main part, are sentences with parallel submission.

Example: A person, when he is excessively tired, it seems that he will oversleep for who knows how long.

  • Sequential submission- this is a sequence of subordinate parts, in which each subsequent subordinate clause is associated with the previous part, and with main part only the first subordinate clause is connected.

With the successive subordination of subordinate clauses, unions may appear what and if, what and when, etc. A comma is placed between the unions, if there is no further second part of the union, then or so, for example: He warned that if the fire is not put out now, the flame will spread to roof. It is acceptable that there is no subordinating conjunction before the second subordinate clause.

Combined submission- these are various combinations of a subordinate connection in one complex sentence.

Types of subordinate parts in a complex sentence

  • defining

Refers to a noun or to a noun phrase with the demonstrative words that, such. Answers the question what?

  • pronominal-defining

Refers to the pronouns that, each, everyone; everything, such, such. Answers the questions; Who? Which? what?

  • explanatory

Refers to a verb of thought, speech, perception, or a noun in combination with the demonstrative word that. Answers case questions.

  • Connecting

Applies to the entire main body.

  • Concessionary

Relates to the entire main part

Punctuation rules

If there is one allied word in an incomplete subordinate clause, then it is not separated from the main comma, for example: I want to help you, but I don't know how.

If the subordinate clause at the end of a complex sentence is an indirect question, the question mark is not put (unless, of course, the main thing is interrogative), for example: Specify which of the definitions are isolated.

A comma is not put if homogeneous clauses are connected by connecting or separating unions, for example: As someone sentenced to death and confident in the impossibility of pardon.

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