Skyrim mod realistic combat. Combat system. Comparison of different fighting styles

All skills in the game are divided into three categories: combat, magic and thieves. This article will focus on combat skills.

The Blacksmithing skill is responsible for creating new items here. The offensive skills are Archery, One-Handed Weapons and Two-Handed Weapons, while the defensive skills are Heavy Armor and Block. Activating the Warrior Stone increases combat skill growth rate by 20%.

hand-to-hand combat

In the game, in addition to various weapons and magic, you can also use your own fists. Damage in hand-to-hand combat is always dealt to the opponent's health, not to their magicka or stamina pool. Hand-to-hand combat is not as effective as other fighting styles, but it can still kill. If you play as a Khajiit and find yourself a pair of heavy gloves, then somewhere up to level 10, the damage dealt by the hands can exceed the damage from the weapons. It is important to note that bare hands can deal critical damage from stealth mode, but poison cannot be applied to hands. The distance of fighting with hands is approximately equal to the distance of fighting with daggers, the speed is average. You can combine hand-to-hand combat with the use of magic or a shield, striking with only one hand. Unfortunately, since hand-to-hand combat is not one of the skills, your development in the early game with heavy use of this style of combat can stall a bit.

Barehanded damage at the start of the game is fixed for each race. All races, with the exception of Argonians and Khajiit, deal damage by default equal to 4 . Argonians and Khajiit have base damage equal to 10 , and the latter also have a passive ability that increases the total damage with hands up to 22 . These values ​​do not change with leveling up and are associated with only one perk - Fists of Steel, which can be found in the Heavy Armor tree.

Increase damage in hand-to-hand combat

The Fists of Steel perk adds melee damage numerically equal to the base armor rating of the gloves worn by the protagonist. Daedric gloves have the maximum base rating, and, accordingly, the damage they add is equal to 18 . Growth of skills or improvement of gloves in the forge does not affect this number.

There is only one item in the game that improves unarmed combat skills. It's called the Fighter's Gloves. You can find him in the Rat Hole, the infamous sewers of Riften, with a friend named Gian the First. This item can be broken on the altar of enchantment and then enchanted with a ring or other gloves to increase damage from punching. There is also a ceiling here and it is equal to 14 .

Thus, the maximum damage you can achieve in the game without the use of alchemy is 10 (base) +12 (Khajiit claws) + 18 (Daedric gloves) + 28 (ring and gloves enchantment) = 68

Weapon fight

In order to use a weapon, you must assign it to the left or right hand. Two-handed weapons and bows require the use of both hands. Shields automatically appear in the left hand when equipped, and cannot be reassigned to the right hand.

If you deal enough damage when attacking to kill an enemy, the game may show a kill animation. If you have activated the Remorseless Strike and Crushing Strike perks in One-Handed Weapon and Two-Handed Weapons, respectively, you will sometimes be able to observe the decapitation of the enemy. Finishing off occurs only in relation to the last enemy in the immediate vicinity at a certain distance.

Two weapons

This fighting style is characterized by speed and pressure. If you assign a weapon to each trigger, you will not be able to block the enemy's attacks, but you will be able to interrupt his attacks with a continuous hail of blows. A double attack takes about one and a half times longer than a one-handed attack, but the damage dealt is much greater.

The double attack speed is determined by the weight of the weapon in your left hand, while the stamina cost is determined by the weight of the weapon in your right hand. Thus, it makes sense to hold a dagger in the left hand so that the double attack is faster. But, most likely, using one type of weapon will be more effective due to the perks used.

The Double Whirlwind perk increases weapon speed not only when hitting with both hands, but also with one if you have a weapon in both hands.

If you assign a spell to the main hand, then you will lose the bonuses of combat with a dual weapon, while assigning spells or a shield to the other hand, the bonuses remain.

Power attacks

A power attack is carried out by holding the corresponding key. It deals twice as much damage as a normal attack, and also gives a chance to stun the enemy. Your stamina decreases according to the following formula:

Power attack stamina cost = (20 + weapon weight) * attack cost multiplier * (1 - perk effect)

The attack cost multiplier is 2 for a power attack with one hand and 3 for an attack from two hands (the protagonist inflicts 3 hits in a row).

Depending on the direction of movement, you can perform various power attacks. So, when performing a forward power attack, you will lunge, which will quickly close the distance between the enemy and you. Power attack while moving backwards can effectively counteract the blows of the enemy. Using the Fan Attack perk allows you to deal damage to all enemies in front of you with power attacks with a two-handed weapon while moving sideways.

The stamina that is spent on an attack does not determine the damage dealt to enemies, so if you began to spend less stamina on an attack, this does not mean that the damage has decreased.

Comparison of different fighting styles

Possible variations of different fighting styles are described below. The consideration does not include hand-to-hand combat, since it was discussed above, and combat with a weapon in one hand, because it is obviously weaker than combat with two-handed weapons.

One-handed weapon and shield

One of the most popular fighting styles, balancing between attack and defense. One of the benefits of this fighting style is the passive bonus to overall armor rating that the shield provides. Leveling the Blocking skill minimizes physical damage received. The Elemental Protection perk in Blocking halves the magic damage from elemental spells.

Unfortunately, to get the full benefit of this fighting style, you need to spend a large number of perks - 25 . Even a more “budget” option with only leveling the left side of the Blocking skill tree and investing in the Strong Arm and Fighting Stance perks in One-Handed Weapons will require about 15 perks. For the same number of perks, you can use two-handed weapons more effectively.

Two-handed weapon

Using this fighting style will make you less protected than using a weapon and a shield, however, the benefits are also great: more damage per second, as well as truly devastating power attacks. In this case, you can still use the block, albeit not as effectively. In order to get the full benefit of this fighting style, you need to spend only 15 perks.

Two weapons

This fighting style is characterized by the least defense among all the others. The in-game tooltip states that a two-handed strike deals twice as much damage at once, but this is not entirely true, because it takes 50% more time. And the total damage per second increases to 133% of the base. The Double Whirlwind perk speeds up attacks with one, two hands, as well as power attacks (if the weapon is in both hands). With two-handed power attacks, you land a total of three hits in a row. The main perks for this combat style are Strong Arm, Fighting Stance, Double Whirlwind and Double Mincer. It will take about 9 perks. The payback for such cheapness is the almost complete lack of protection and increased consumption of stamina, so you should take care of potions to restore health and stamina in advance, and act decisively and quickly in battle. Redguards with Battle Fury can do without stamina potions.

word warrior

Word warriors are skilled at combining a weapon in their main hand (because weapons in that hand are 15% faster) and a spell in the other. Word Warriors can be divided into two categories: some add magic to melee weapon damage, others use support spells. The former concentrate on the school of destruction and weaken the enemy at a long distance and, after the depletion of the magic supply, use the weapon. Others call on Oblivion creatures to help, heal themselves, etc. Since one of your hands can have absolutely any type of spell, from flame jet to illusion spells, it is quite difficult to say how many perks are needed to see the most effective work of the chosen one. style. The most "budget" warrior of the word is obtained after taking the perks Strong arm, Fighting stance and several from the school of Restoration (a full-fledged school of magic). This fighting style is very easy to combine with the two-weapon fighting style described above.

Difficulty levels

The choice of difficulty level affects the damage you deal to others and take yourself. At Novice level, you take half damage from enemies and deal double damage, while at Master level, on the contrary, you take double damage and deal only half. On Legendary difficulty, you take quadruple damage and deal a quarter of your original damage.

Difficulty also affects the cost and duration of the Change spell Balance.

Fall Damage

If you fall from a great height, you will receive a certain amount of damage, which is calculated by the following formula:

Fall damage = ((height - 600) * 0.1)^1.45 * modifiers

The Soft Padding perk in Heavy Armor reduces fall damage by half.

The damage that other characters receive is calculated using a more "harsh" formula:

Fall damage = ((height - 450) * 0.1)^1.65 * modifiers


  • Two-handed combat improves not two-handed weapons, but one-handed weapons.
  • Unlike the previous two games in the Morrowind and Oblivion series, weapons in Skyrim do not require repair, cannot break, and do not degrade when used.
  • Fighting is one of the points of persuasion. After the victory, the character will give you all the information you need.
  • Swords, axes and maces are combined into one skill, and the required specialization is determined by perks.
  • Using your fists as a weapon will not level you up, as hand-to-hand combat isn't tied to any of the skills.

All skills in the game are divided into three categories: combat, magic and thieves. This article will focus on combat skills.

The Blacksmithing skill is responsible for creating new items here. Offensive skills are Shooting, One-handed weapon And Two-handed weapon, and defensive - Heavy armor and Blocking. Activating the Warrior Stone increases combat skill growth rate by 20%.

hand-to-hand combat

In the game, in addition to various weapons and magic, you can also use your own fists. Damage in hand-to-hand combat is always dealt to the opponent's health, not to their magicka or stamina pool. Hand-to-hand combat is not as effective as other fighting styles, but it can still kill. If you play as a Khajiit and find yourself a pair of heavy gloves, then somewhere up to level 10, the damage dealt by the hands can exceed the damage from the weapons. It is important to note that bare hands can deal critical damage from stealth mode, but poison cannot be applied to hands. The distance of fighting with hands is approximately equal to the distance of fighting with daggers, the speed is average. You can combine hand-to-hand combat with the use of magic or a shield, striking with only one hand. Unfortunately, since hand-to-hand combat is not one of the skills, your development in the early game with heavy use of this style of combat can stall a bit.

Barehanded damage at the start of the game is fixed for each race. All races, with the exception of Argonians and Khajiit, deal damage by default equal to 4 . Argonians and Khajiit have base damage equal to 10 , and the latter also have a passive ability that increases the total damage with hands up to 22 . These values ​​do not change with level and are associated with only one perk - Fists of Steel, which can be found in the branch heavy armor.

Humans and elves

Base unarmed damage: 4

Total Damage: 4


Base unarmed damage: 10

No additional bonuses

Total Damage: 10


Base unarmed damage: 10

Additional Damage: 12

Total Damage: 22

Increase damage in hand-to-hand combat

The Fists of Steel perk adds melee damage numerically equal to the base armor rating of the gloves worn by the protagonist. The maximum base rating is daedric gloves, and, accordingly, the damage added by them is equal to 18 . Growth of skills or improvement of gloves in the forge does not affect this number.

There is only one item in the game that improves unarmed combat skills. It's called Fighter's Gloves. You can find him in the Rat Hole, the infamous sewers of Riften, with a friend named Gian the First. This item can be broken on the altar of enchantment and then enchanted with a ring or other gloves to increase damage from punching. There is also a ceiling here and it is equal to 14 .

Thus, the maximum damage that you can achieve in the game without the use of alchemy is 10 (base) +12 (khajiit claws) + 18 ( daedric gloves) + 28 (ring and glove enchantment) = 68

Weapon fight

In order to use a weapon, you must assign it to the left or right hand. Two-handed weapons and bows require the use of both hands. Shields automatically appear in the left hand when equipped, and cannot be reassigned to the right hand.

If you deal enough damage when attacking to kill an enemy, the game may show a kill animation. If you have activated perks Merciless Strike And Crushing Blow in skills One-handed weapon And Two-handed weapon accordingly, sometimes you will be able to observe the decapitation of the enemy. Finishing off occurs only in relation to the last enemy in the immediate vicinity at a certain distance.

Two weapons

This fighting style is characterized by speed and pressure. If you assign a weapon to each trigger, you will not be able to block the enemy's attacks, but you will be able to interrupt his attacks with a continuous hail of blows. A double attack takes about one and a half times longer than a one-handed attack, but the damage dealt is much greater.

The double attack speed is based on the weight of the weapon in your left hand, while the stamina cost is based on the weight of the weapon in your right hand. Thus, it makes sense to hold a dagger in the left hand so that the double attack is faster. But, most likely, using one type of weapon will be more effective due to the perks used.

The Double Whirlwind perk increases weapon speed not only when hitting with both hands, but also with one if you have a weapon in both hands.

If you assign a spell to the main hand, then you will lose the bonuses of combat with a dual weapon, while assigning spells or a shield to the other hand, the bonuses remain.

Power attacks

A power attack is carried out by holding the corresponding key. It deals twice as much damage as a normal attack, and also gives a chance to stun the enemy. Your stamina decreases according to the following formula:

Power attack stamina cost = (20 + weapon weight) * attack cost multiplier * (1 - perk effect)

The attack cost multiplier is 2 for a power attack with one hand and 3 for an attack from two hands (the protagonist inflicts 3 hits in a row).

Depending on the direction of movement, you can perform various power attacks. So, when performing a forward power attack, you will lunge, which will quickly close the distance between the enemy and you. Power attack while moving backwards can effectively counteract the blows of the enemy. Using the Fan Attack perk allows you to deal damage to all enemies in front of you with power attacks with a two-handed weapon while moving sideways.

The stamina that is spent on an attack does not determine the damage dealt to enemies, so if you began to spend less stamina on an attack, this does not mean that the damage has decreased.

WITH comparison of different fighting styles

Possible variations of different fighting styles are described below. The consideration does not include hand-to-hand combat, since it was discussed above, and combat with a weapon in one hand, because it is obviously weaker than combat with two-handed weapons.

One-handed weapon and shield

One of the most popular fighting styles, balancing between attack and defense. One of the benefits of this fighting style is the passive bonus to overall armor rating that the shield provides. Leveling the Blocking skill minimizes physical damage received. perk Elemental Protection in Block, reduces magic damage from elemental spells by half.

Unfortunately, to get the full benefit of this fighting style, you need to spend a large number of perks - 25 . Even a more “budget” option with only the left side of the Blocking skill tree and investing in the Strong Arm and Fighting Stance perks in One-handed weapon will require about 15 perks. For the same number of perks, you can use two-handed weapons more effectively.

Two-handed weapon

Using this fighting style will make you less protected than using a weapon and a shield, however, the benefits are also great: more damage per second, as well as truly devastating power attacks. In this case, you can still use the block, albeit not as effectively. In order to get the full benefit of this fighting style, you need to spend only 15 perks.

Two weapons

This fighting style is characterized by the least defense among all the others. The in-game tooltip states that a two-handed strike deals twice as much damage at once, but this is not entirely true, because it takes 50% more time. And the total damage per second increases to 133% of the base. The Double Whirlwind perk speeds up attacks with one, two hands, as well as power attacks (if the weapon is in both hands). With two-handed power attacks, you land a total of three hits in a row. The main perks for this combat style are Strong Arm, Fighting Stance, Double Whirlwind and Double grinder. It will take about 9 perks. The payback for such cheapness is the almost complete lack of protection and increased consumption of stamina, so you should take care of potions to restore health and stamina in advance, and act decisively and quickly in battle. Redguards with Battle Fury can do without stamina potions.

word warrior

Word warriors are skilled at combining a weapon in their main hand (because weapons in that hand are 15% faster) and a spell in the other. Word Warriors can be divided into two categories: some add magic to melee weapon damage, others use support spells. The former concentrate on the school of destruction and weaken the enemy at a long distance and, after the depletion of the magic supply, use the weapon. Others call on Oblivion creatures to help, heal themselves, etc. Since one of your hands can have absolutely any type of spell, from flame jet to illusion spells, it is quite difficult to say how many perks are needed to see the most effective work of the chosen one. style. The most "budget" warrior of the word is obtained after taking the perks Strong arm, Fighting stance and several from the school of Restoration (a full-fledged school of magic). This fighting style is very easy to combine with the above two-weapon fighting style. Master

Difficulty also affects the cost and duration of the Change spell Balance.

Fall Damage

If you fall from a great height, you will receive a certain amount of damage, which is calculated by the following formula:

Fall damage = ((height - 600) * 0.1)^1.45 * modifiers

The Soft Padding perk in Heavy Armor reduces fall damage by half.

The damage that other characters receive is calculated using a more "harsh" formula:

Fall damage = ((height - 450) * 0.1)^1.65 * modifiers


  • Two-handed combat improves not two-handed weapons, but one-handed weapons.
  • Unlike the previous two games in the Morrowind and Oblivion series, weapons in Skyrim do not require repair, cannot break, and do not degrade when used.
  • Fighting is one of the points of persuasion. After the victory, the character will give you all the information you need.
  • Swords, axes and maces are combined into one skill, and the required specialization is determined by perks.
  • Using your fists as a weapon will not level you up, as hand-to-hand combat isn't tied to any of the skills.

If the main actions that the player most often has to perform are poorly implemented in the game, then no beautiful graphics, advanced NPC intelligence or a strong storyline will save it. For example, in an RPG like TES V: Skyrim such actions are: sword fighting, archery, and casting spells against the countless hordes of enemies that await your hero in the dungeons. Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of the combat system in Oblivion, Bethesda Studios embarked on the development of a new Skyrim.

"We want more aspects of combat to be up to the player," says Todd Howard. “You know, I sometimes compare battles from our past games to chopsticks: you just swing them in front of you without any system.”

Bethesda offers the player a new dual-wielding weapon system, meaning you will be able to equip a weapon or perform a spell with either free hand. And this gives the player a huge choice of fighting styles: dual-wielding, two-handed weapons, the classic bunch - a shield and a sword, long-range weapons, and even attacking with two different spells. It will now be easy to choose an attack method using the new quick selection menu, which allows you to create a kind of "bookmark" for the player's most preferred spells, cries or weapons.

sword fight

Repetition is the worst enemy of developers. Therefore, players lose interest in battles when they have already chopped up such packs of enemies, and the battles themselves are so familiar and ordinary that all actions take place automatically. IN Skyrim Bethesda decided to fundamentally change the very essence of close combat and started with the pace of battle.

In the early stages of development, the guys from Bethesda watched a lot of videos, watching how people fight in close combat, and noted for themselves that in such battles there are much more pushes and attempts to knock the enemy down than in those that were implemented by Bethesda in previous games in the series. Using the animation system Havok Behavior, the developers were able to get away from the monotonous battles by adding the aforementioned knockdowns and camera shake to create realism. Don't expect fights to be the old fashioned way with frantic one button clapping when the one with the most health wins. Not paying enough attention to protection, you may well lose your balance and fall under a hail of crushing blows that will turn the tide of the battle (and far from in your favor). Knowing when to attack, when to block, and when to just stand back will be the key to gaining an advantage in combat.

“The world that will surround you is very cruel, as is the fact that either your opponent or you will have to die in battle,” Howard notes. “I think you should get used to the fact that your opponents are like dummies: you kill them and go on calmly. And although, in fact, you cut off someone else's life, however, we do not want you to feel it and perceive it that way.

Nothing makes battles more brutal and dynamic than special kill animations. Depending on your weapon, the type of enemy and the conditions of the battle, you can use a special strike to finish off the enemy spectacularly. “During the game, you will have to take someone's life more than once, so we want this process to be dynamic and exciting,” says Howard.

As in Oblivion, the player will have many options for melee combat. You will be able to equip swords, shields, maces, axes and various two-handed weapons. The best option is to become a specialist in some type of weapon in order to be able to improve your attacks with the help of special "perks". For example, the perk for sword specialists increases the chance of landing a critical hit, for ax specialists it adds a bleeding effect to the enemy after each hit, and for mace specialists it allows you to ignore the enemy’s defense to land more powerful blows.

A good attack must be accompanied by a good defense. To make her less passive, Bethesda added the ability to block time-based attacks with a shield. For example, if you hold down the block key and hold, then your character will make a blow with a shield. If you use a block when someone is trying to strike you, you will push the enemy away, along the way "opening" him for a power attack. You will be able to block enemy attacks with two-handed weapons, however, it will be less effective than blocking attacks with a shield. Warriors who prefer the shield-sword combo will be able to use the shield perk, developing their defensive skills, which will allow them to gain elemental protection from spells.

Besides, Bethesda changed the ability to retreat so that the player could not use the easy hit-and-run tactics that were often used in Oblivion. IN Skyrim you will not be able to give the enemy in the eye, and then deviate, like some medieval Mohammed Ali. Of course, players will be able to dodge slow opponents like frost trolls, but don't think that this will work with all the enemies in a row. To escape from the battlefield, you will need to turn your back on the enemy and activate the fast run key, thereby exposing yourself to the danger of being hit from behind.

Improved spell casting system

Trying to adhere to the philosophy of improvement, Bethesda, making melee combat more tactical, decided to work on spells, inspired by bioshock from Irrational Games. Howard, wandering around the city of Rapture, was truly impressed by how Ken Levine's team ( Ken Levine) realized plasmids. He wanted to do something similar in Skyrim.

"Before, using magic didn't feel like magic at all," says Howard. “You had a separate button for spells that came out of your fist, in which you could easily squeeze the shield mount or the handle of a two-handed weapon.”

IN Oblivion spells could be cast with a single key button that allowed you to use them during swordfights, for example. By forcing the player to have a hand free of weapons and other items to use spells, we lead him to a more serious study of the magical arts. However, the ability to use one spell for the left hand and the second for the right raises the question: can we combine several spells? To which Howard only smiles: “We would not like to talk about it yet, because we are not sure. But we would love to make it happen. It would be just great.”

However, even if we do not have the ability to combine spells, adepts of magic and magic will not lack opportunities, because in Skyrim at their service: more than 85 spells in 5 schools - destruction, restoration, illusion, change and witchcraft. longtime fans TES-series may notice that one magical school (mysticism) has disappeared. This was done on purpose. “I always had the feeling that the school of mysticism was somehow superfluous,” says Howard. Spells from the vanished magic school were disbanded by other schools.

One of the most attractive aspects of the use of magic in Skyrim it will be possible to use spells in various ways. For example, you can send a fireball at an enemy from afar by holding down the emit fire spell key, you can plant a rune on the ground that turns into a trap when an enemy approaches, or you can set a spell for both hands and deal massive damage to an enemy, although this will deplete your supply very quickly magic. All of the above applies to spells of cold and electricity.

With technology Havok Behavior spells will look more spectacular than in previous games in the series. For example, if you cast a frost spell, you will see its effect directly on the enemy's skin. If you use a fire spell by throwing a fireball at an enemy, the area around you will be engulfed in flames, burning everything it touches.

Moreover, thanks to the new magic system, the player will be able to benefit from the constant use of a single attack-type spell: fire will deal more damage, electric will drain magic from the enemy, and frost will reduce the enemy’s vitality and slow them down. This will give the player the ability to choose spells of a certain type against different types of enemies. For example, why use fire against a mage when you can drain his magicka and at the same time lower his health with an electric spell? “It's great that we've come to a point where we haven't been able to do it before,” says Howard.

In a battle with another magician, the best option would be to choose an offensive spell for one hand and a defensive spell for the other. In this way, magical fights become insanely interesting: you will have to choose the right time to use an offensive spell, use reflective spells as a shield during enemy magic attacks and monitor your magic level by increasing it with potions in a timely manner.

Archers and assassins

However, not only magicians and warriors received various advantages in battle. If you prefer to shoot enemies with a bow or stab them in the back, appearing unnoticed behind your back, Bethesda I have prepared something interesting for you too.

Ranged weapons were effective in Oblivion, however, in order to hit the enemy, you had to put more than one arrow into him. Familiarized with the mod for Oblivion, allowing archers to kill opponents with one hit, Bethesda decided to adopt this interesting innovation. Now the shots take longer, but the arrows are more powerful than before.

As in Oblivion, you will be able to zoom in on the image of the target, and the longer you keep the bowstring taut, the more powerful the shot will be. In addition, arrows will now pierce the opponent's body with a more appropriate sound. However, so that the player does not run around the game world, carelessly shooting from afar all living things, Bethesda made arrows a rarer resource, albeit a very valuable one. Now you can't easily fire 50 Daedric Arrows in a fight without hurting yourself. And although the archer player has a very low level of protection, but if the enemy gets too close, you will always have a chance to shoot at close range, causing the enemy to lose balance in order to run away at this time, increasing the distance to a more acceptable shooting distance.

Stealth mechanics remain the same as in Oblivion, but now enemies will react differently when they detect you. Upon hearing or seeing something suspicious, the NPC will enter an alarm state. The higher the stealth skill of the character, the more chances he has to quietly hide around the corner or find cover in the shadows. This system allows you to eliminate incomprehensible surprise attacks on the player that took place in Oblivion.

Now, sneaking up on an unsuspecting victim from behind, you can stab them with a dagger (of course, if the victim does not detect your presence), which was a virtually useless weapon in previous games TES-series. "Now that you've sneaked up on someone from behind, you can deal 10x damage with your knife," explains Howard. "I'm not sure we'll stick with that multiplier, but that you can deliver the killing blow by sneaking up behind you with a knife in your hand is a fact."

And while knives and daggers are still considered common one-handed weapons, the perks associated with them are in the stealth category.

Dragonborn Benefits

As a Dragonborn, the player will be able to utter the most dangerous dragon cries during combat. These cries may have magical features such as slowing time or summoning a dragon to help, however, in general, they are something other than magic, so that players feel comfortable using the cries regardless of their level of magic skills.

In general, if we add together everything that we learned today, we can see that Bethesda made a huge step forward in the development of the combat system TES.

The original article can be found

A very interesting and extremely useful mod that will significantly change the combat system in the game: from damage to the behavior of artificial intelligence.



  • NPCs will behave more naturally and intelligently. The number of enemies will be adjusted, as well as how they react to you or to each other.
  • NPCs will try to dodge your attack or block it.
  • NPCs will take advantage of your mistakes during combat by attacking you (the same will happen if you are very passive)

Special attacks

  • NPCs will use spec. attacks that are much more powerful than normal ones, they can also stun you.
  • If the NPC has little stamina, they will not be able to conduct a special. attack.
  • Improved NPC attack animations.

Attack resistance

  • If the NPCs will use the same special. attacks one after another - after the 3rd such attack you will receive immunity to stun, the same applies to your attacks.


  • If you block the attack of the NPC in time, you will not lose stamina and life.


  • NPCs will use special. skill when fighting with each other
  • Slow movement speed when attacking with one-handed weapons
  • Blocking will become more effective
  • Blocking uses stamina
  • Reduced range of melee weapons
  • Opponents - people can restore their health


- Updated all added animations.

- Added balance system (?)

- Redesigned AI.
[New Features]

High-level magic enemies have been given the "Great Magic" skill.
When shooting from a bow, the lesson deals different damage to the arms and legs
The player will not be affected by the killmove. Default value: Enabled. (?)
Centurions have received a "reboot" mode during which their strength grows significantly
Giants gained Fury - also increases their characteristics

Changed speed bonus calculation. Now enemy speed will be taken into account.

Reduced NPC movement speed

Increased NPC weapon change speed

Headshots are less powerful

Scripts have become more stable

Time lock has a new effect and sound

Small and floating creatures will not have a bonus to speed and balance

And a bunch of other additions and improvements...


Installation: Place the Data folder in the game folder

- Use with FNIS

The mod works without FNIS, for compatibility, do the following:

1. Download FNIS Behavior V6_3 Add-on 2.1 (tktk1 and Centaur race) and install it
2. Run Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe.
3. Select tktk1's "TK Dodge / Ultimate Combat" in the patch list.
4. Click "Update FNIS Behavior".
5. Play

- Use with PCEA
1. Make a backup of "Meshes\actors\character\behaviors\," before installing the patch.
2. Install the contents of the folder "Option - PCEA patch folder" from the archive with the mod.

Most of all, the combat system resembles Oblivion. Battles take place in real time, at short, long and medium distances. There may be several opponents. Like you, they can wield melee weapons, bows, and magic. There are also many monsters. But first things first.

There are no peace and war modes in the game. You can get weapons and unleash a new world war at any time. Also, none of the characters who planned to kill you will wait until you draw your blade - gape, get an arrow in the knee. However, the game will pause if you reach into your inventory for a potion or another weapon, or another game menu. However, you cannot talk to the characters, use many objects of the environment, such as a forge or an alchemy table.
Characters who have treated you well may end the fight if you put away your weapon. At the same time, the guards will try to arrest you, but they will no longer kill you. If you start a fight in the middle of the street, bystanders may try to escape, and the most courageous will come against you. If you are attacked, then the characters you helped may intercede for you. In addition, all characters have family ties, they will only fight on one side. Not all enemies are for one thing - for example, having found a mess of necromancers and marauders in the ruins, you can take your time to attract their attention - they will fight among themselves, just as Dwemer mechanisms are hostile against all animals and people.
Close combat - fighting with weapons, such as swords, axes, hammers. Long-range and medium combat - combat with a bow, or some spells. If you have a melee weapon - you should strive to close the distance to enemies who own magic or a bow. Likewise, enemies with melee weapons will tend to get closer to you. If you are fighting with a bow or magic, it is better to prevent them from doing so, for example by jumping on some stone.
Close combat. Most effective - power attacks. For them, you need to hold down the strike button. Power attacks consume a lot of stamina. Single attacks (a simple click) do little damage, but do not consume stamina - they are the only ones left to hit when it runs out. I draw your attention to the fact that all melee weapons have an attack range. Most of all - in two-handed weapons, less - in daggers. An attack is scored as successful the moment the weapon hits the target - not earlier, not later. Thus, you can start swinging before you get close to the target. It also means that the enemy may have time to jump back at the moment of your swing. And vice versa - you can move away in time and avoid injury. Also, an enemy swing is a signal to raise a shield, and a miss is a signal to strike. Enemies can also use a shield, it can only be pierced with a power attack - otherwise, just substitute in vain.
Luke. There is no auto-aiming at all - the crosshair marks the center of the screen, in this direction the arrow will be sent. To shoot, you need to pull the bowstring by holding the attack button, and you should release it only at full tension, otherwise the arrow will quickly fall to the ground. Arrows fly, though not in a large, and not realistic, but still a parabola, and not in a straight line. And they fly for some time, during which the enemy can have time to retreat somewhere. Also, you may notice that now the enemy archer has released the bowstring and the arrow is flying at you - so it's time to urgently take a step to the side. Enemy archers will move continuously, but will stop for the duration of the shot - this is your chance. Shooting at a moving target is difficult, but interesting, although arrows often fly into milk. What can not be said about the arrows of the enemy - they do not hold accuracy. By the way, fallen arrows can be picked up, and sometimes even pulled out of corpses. And those arrows that you unexpectedly find in your inventory - know that your character pulled them out of himself, you can shoot them. Enemies do the same if your arrows are better than theirs. Circus, and more.
Monsters, on the other hand, can attack you both in close combat, with their claws and fangs, less often in long-range combat, for example - they can spit poison. Please note that most of these effects are calculated as magic, they are affected by resistances. For example - the dragon's flame is the same as the flame spell, it is affected by fire resistance!
And the last. Sometimes you can see spilled oil on the floor. It can be set on fire with a fire spell, or by knocking down a crookedly hanging lamp with an arrow. Also come across man-made traps, activated by a stretched rope or slabs on the floor, and especially advanced levers. All this not only hinders you, but can also help against enemies - lure them into the trap's area of ​​effect and activate it!
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