Sayings about the cunning of Amara Khayyam. Omar Khayyam the wisest parables and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam

One of those who writes the best aphorisms is Omar Khayyam. This Persian mathematician is known throughout the world primarily as a philosopher and poet. Omar Khayyam's quotes are filled to the brim with meaning, which is sometimes so lacking.

If you expect gratitude for kindness -
You don't give good, you sell it.
Omar Khayyam

I enter the mosque. the hour is late and dull.
I am not thirsty for a miracle and not with a prayer:
Once upon a time I pulled a rug from here,
And he was worn out; I would need another one.
Omar Khayyam

Good and evil are at enmity - the world is on fire.
What about the sky? The sky is to the side.
Curses and joyful hymns
They don’t reach the blue heights.
Omar Khayyam

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.
Omar Khayyam

To be beautiful does not mean to be born so,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a man is beautiful in soul -
What appearance can compare with her?
Omar Khayyam

How often, when we make mistakes in life, we lose those we value.
Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors.
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful.
Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology.
Omar Khayyam

You repay good with good - well done
If you respond to evil with good, you are a sage.
Omar Khayyam

Eyes can speak. Scream with happiness or cry.
With your eyes you can encourage, drive you crazy, make you cry.
You can deceive with words, but with your eyes it is impossible.
You can drown in your gaze if you look carelessly...
Omar Khayyam

O fool, I see you have fallen into a trap,
In this fleeting life, equal to a day.
Why are you rushing about, mortal? Why are you fussing?
Give me some wine - and then keep running!
Omar Khayyam

Death is not scary.
Life can be scary
Random, imposed life...
In the dark they handed me an empty one.
And without a fight I will give this life.
Omar Khayyam

We must live, we are told, in fasting and labor.
As you live, so you will rise again!
I am inseparable from my friend and a cup of wine -
So that you can wake up at the Last Judgment.
Omar Khayyam

Lord, I'm tired of my poverty,
Tired of futile hopes and desires.
Give me new life, if you are omnipotent!
Maybe this one will be better than this one.
Omar Khayyam

Life is either sherbet on ice or wine sucks.
Mortal flesh in brocade, or dressed in rags -
Believe me, the sage doesn’t care about all this,
But it is bitter to realize that life is doomed.
Omar Khayyam

If you spend your whole life looking for pleasure:
Drink wine, listen to chang and caress beauties -
You'll have to give it up anyway.
Life is like a dream. But you can’t sleep forever!
Omar Khayyam

Conscientious and smart
Respect and visit -
And away, without looking back
Run away from the ignoramus!
Omar Khayyam

Keep your words safer than coins.
Listen to the end - then give advice.
With two ears you got one tongue.
To listen to two and give one piece of advice.
Omar Khayyam

Of those admitted to heaven and cast into hell
No one ever came back.
Are you sinful or holy, poor or rich -
When you leave, don’t expect to return either.
Omar Khayyam

Don't share your secret with people.
After all, you don’t know which of them is mean.
What do you do with God's creation?
Expect the same from yourself and from people.
Omar Khayyam

While you are alive, do not offend anyone.
Do not burn anyone with the flame of anger.
If you want to taste peace and quiet,
Suffer forever, but do not oppress anyone.
Omar Khayyam

We don’t know if life will last until the morning...
So hurry up and sow the seeds of goodness!
And take care of love in this perishable world for your friends
Every moment is more than gold and silver.
Omar Khayyam

We hope you found the sayings about the life of Omar Khayyam useful.

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is known all over the world. Millions of people know them by heart, endlessly quote and retell them. What was the famous Persian poet's understanding of the most beautiful feeling on earth? His amazing statements about love tell about this. Omar Khayyam masterfully approaches the process of comprehension greatest secret a life that knows no compromises.

Reading his sayings, you begin to better understand the truth that is indicated in them. Best sayings Omar Khayyam's thoughts on life and love will be presented in this article. Maybe they will help some of the readers accept the inevitable and make the right choice.

“Days spent without love are painful for me”

Here the author emphasizes the idea that life cannot be considered complete if a person lacks heartfelt affection. Love is connected to life invisible threads, it invariably complements it, brings its own special meaning and significance. One cannot exist without the other. Life without love has no meaning, because in this case the individual will not be able to truly grow and develop spiritually. Existence seems empty and disappointing. This is what Omar Khayyam talks about. filled with unchanging wisdom and knowledge of the subtle laws of the universe.

When something doesn’t work out, you need to understand the reasons for what is happening, and not immediately reject the proposed benefit. Any problem indicates the need to begin to reconsider your attitude towards it. The more we cling, the more we get stuck in own fears. However, there are no insurmountable difficulties. To overcome the abyss of misunderstanding, sometimes it is enough to start with yourself. Omar Khayyam's best sayings about life and love confirm this idea.

“Whoever planted a rose of tender love did not live in vain”

Even an unrequited feeling carries great benefits. Someone may wonder: “How?” It is known that unrequited love brings suffering, deprives of all strength and desire to act, to achieve something. Only someone who has experienced such a dramatic event in life can understand the feelings of a rejected person. poets sing, at the same time demonstrating to the world what great suffering it leads to. This is a state of mental torment, falling and at the same time taking off. Nothing illustrates the attitude towards the feeling itself better than statements about love. Omar Khayyam emphasizes the idea that experiencing the state of love in itself brings joy and happiness.

If you experience a strong heartfelt attachment, then life can already be called wonderful. Falling in love fills a person with special meaning, makes you listen to yourself, and discover unknown depths in your soul. All this serves as an additional incentive to constantly rise to new heights, conquering the horizons of the infinite Universe.

“Kisses of your beloved are bread and balm”

There are hardly more convincing examples of capacious and meaningful sayings in literature than about love. Omar Khayyam is a master of words. He formed holistic poetic forms in which deep meaning and significance can be traced. You can read his rubai just like that, enjoying the beauty of the sound.

This saying helps to understand the importance of a loved one for each individual person. In difficult situations, the only thing that saves us is the presence of a kindred spirit nearby, who will always support and understand. If a person did not have the opportunity to fully open himself to another, we would not be able to truly call ourselves happy. His other statements about love are also interesting. Omar Khayyam is a poet whose works touch the most hidden corners of the soul.

"Woe to the heart that is colder than ice"

The inability to experience strong emotional attachment indicates the presence of some psychological problem. Everyone has a need to love. If for some reason it is not satisfied, the person begins to build defense mechanisms. By rejecting close relationships, we become unhappy.

Thus, these statements about love are truly beautiful and amazing. Omar Khayyam helps the reader to realize the enduring truth: it is important to give care and warmth to your neighbor, to open your heart.

Today, May 18, the poet, philosopher and mathematician Omar Khayyam was born. He became known throughout the world thanks to the rubai quatrains he wrote. His statements are striking in their simplicity and wisdom. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most bright quotes great thinker.

  • The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose to where his soul has not grown.
  • A plucked flower must be given as a gift, a poem that has been started must be completed, and the woman you love must be happy, otherwise you shouldn’t have taken on something that is beyond your strength.
  • If a vile person pours medicine for you, pour it out! If a wise man pours poison on you, accept it!
  • Truth and lies are separated by a distance close to the width of a hair.
  • No one can tell what roses smell like. Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey. If you give someone some change, they will remember it forever. You give your life to someone, but he won’t understand.
  • He who is beaten by life will achieve more. He who eats a pound of salt appreciates honey more. He who shed tears laughs sincerely. He who died knows that he lives!
  • How often, when we make mistakes in life, we lose those we value. Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors. We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful. Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology.
  • Don’t envy someone who is strong and rich; sunset always follows the dawn. With this short life, equal to a breath. Treat it as if it was rented to you.
  • To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot. Two important rules Remember for starters: you’d rather starve than eat anything and it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.
  • You like even the shortcomings in a loved one, and even the advantages in an unloved person irritate you.
  • Those who lose heart die before their time.
  • Love can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can.
  • Those who have not sought the way are unlikely to be shown the way. Knock and the doors to destiny will open!
  • The drop began to cry that it had parted with the sea. The sea laughed at the naive grief.
  • In this dark world, consider only spiritual wealth as true, for it will never depreciate.
  • A man's tongue is small, but how many lives has he ruined?
  • There will be no forgiveness for anyone who has not sinned.
  • To grow a shoot of despondency in the soul is a crime.
  • Live today, and yesterday and tomorrow are not so important in the earthly calendar.
  • Don't complain about pain - that's the best medicine.
  • Be happy in this moment. This moment is your life.
  • Don’t forget that you are not alone: ​​even in the most difficult moments, God is next to you.
  • Several apologies are less convincing than one.
  • Don't say the man is a womanizer. If he had been monogamous, it wouldn’t have been your turn.
  • The world was spinning without us, and will continue to spin without us. The universe doesn’t care, and only we are hurt.
  • And there's no end? No, in the end it’s the end.
  • You must be good with both friend and enemy! He who is kind by nature will not find malice in him. If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy; if you hug an enemy, you will gain a friend.
  • Be easier on people. If you want to be wiser, don’t hurt with your wisdom.
  • Only those who are worse than us think badly of us, and those who are better than us... They simply have no time for us.
  • We change rivers, countries, cities. Other doors. New Years. But we can’t escape ourselves anywhere, and if we escape, we will only go nowhere.

Omar Khayyam is a wonderful teacher of the wisdom of life. Even despite the centuries, his rhymed aphoristic quatrains - rubai - have not become less interesting for new generations, have not become outdated by a single word and have not lost their relevance.

Each of the four lines of Omar Khayyam’s poems is written for a person and about a person: about his eternal problems, about earthly sorrows and joys, about the meaning of life and his search.

The meaning of many books written about man and his spiritual experiences could easily fit into any of the poems of Omar Khayyam.

With his skill, he was able to turn each poem into a small philosophical parable, in response to many eternal questions of our earthly existence.

The main message of the entire work of Omar Khayyam is that a person unconditionally has the right to happiness in this mortal world and has the right to be himself throughout his not so long (according to the philosopher himself) life.

The ideal of the Persian sage is free thinking man, with a pure soul, a person who is characterized by wisdom, understanding, love and cheerfulness.

Due to the inherent content of the rubai and the laconicism of the form, they cannot be divided into quotations. Therefore, Khayyam’s quatrains are quoted in full.

We have selected the best poems of Omar Khayyam and invite you to familiarize yourself with them, so that later you will have the opportunity to show off a quote, showing awareness and knowledge of the wise poet’s work.

Of all the poems written by Omar Khayyam, perhaps the most frequently quoted are the following lines:

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Remember two important rules to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

In total, more than 5 thousand quatrains are attributed to Omar Khayyam. True, researchers of his work agree on more modest numbers - from 300 to 500 poems.

Quotes from Omar Khayyam about life - the best rubai of the sage

The sky distributes our roles.
We are dolls, we play against our will.
We played - and the stage was empty,
Everything disappeared - both joy and pain.

All those who are old and those who are young who live today,
In the darkness, one by one they will be taken away.
Life is not given forever. How they left before us,
We'll leave. And they will come and go after us.

What a pity that life has passed in vain,
That life has crushed us in the cup of heaven.
Oh woe! And we didn’t have time to blink -
I had to leave without finishing the job.

If you are happy, you are happy, fool, don’t be foolish.
If you become unhappy, don’t feel sorry for yourself.
Do not throw evil and good at God indiscriminately:
It is a thousand times harder for the poor God!

We change rivers, countries, cities...
Other doors... New Years...
And we can’t escape ourselves anywhere.
And if you go, you’ll only go nowhere.

You say, this life is one moment.
Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.
As you spend it, so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

It is known that everything in the world is just vanity of vanities:
Be cheerful, don't worry, that's the light.
What has happened is past, what will happen is unknown,
So don’t worry about what doesn’t exist today.

We are a source of fun - and a mine of sorrow.
We are a receptacle of filth - and a pure spring.
Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant - and he is immeasurably great!

There will be no us. And at least it means something to the world.
The trace will disappear. And at least it means something to the world.
We were not there, but he was shining and will be!
We will disappear. And at least it means something to the world.

Since your mind has not comprehended the eternal laws -
It's funny to worry about petty intrigues.
Since God in heaven is always great -
Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment.

What fate decided to give you,
It cannot be increased or subtracted.
Don't worry about what you don't own,
And from what is, become free.

Whose hand will open this age-old circle?
Who will find the end and beginning of the circle?
And no one has yet revealed to the human race -
How, where, why our coming and going.

Life melts and goes like a river into the sand,
The end is unknown and the source is unknown.
Heavenly flames turn us to ashes,
You can't even see the smoke - the ruler is cruel.

I came into the world, but the sky was not alarmed.
I died. But the radiance of the luminaries was not multiplied.
And no one told me why I was born
And why was my life destroyed in a hurry?

I'm not afraid of death or dark hell,
I will be more happy with another world.
God has given me a life of support,
I'll return it when the time comes.

Don't be afraid of troubles - their turn is not eternal.
Whatever befalls, everything will pass with life.
Save the present moment with fun,
And not fear of what awaits.

We came clean and became defiled,
We blossomed with joy and were saddened.
Hearts burned with tears, life in vain
They squandered it and disappeared underground.

In this world, love is the adornment of people,
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love
He is a donkey, although he doesn’t wear donkey ears.

Nobility is born from suffering, friend,
Is it possible for every drop to become a pearl?
You can lose everything, just save your soul, -
The cup would be filled again if there was wine.

If you have a nook for living -
In our vile times - and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
You are happy and truly high in spirit.

It is worth noting that Khayyam’s interests were not limited to poetry. He is famous, in particular, as the creator of the astronomical solar calendar, which is still used as an official calendar in Iran and Afghanistan, as the scientist Khayyam contributed to algebra by constructing a classification of cubic equations and solving them using conic sections.

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