Compound nominal and verbal predicate exercises. Test "Predicate and its types" (2 options). Simple verb predicate

Exercises on the topic "Predicate and its main types"
Exercise 1. Highlight the subjects and predicates in these sentences.
1. The lackey is shaking. The slave laughs. The executioner sharpens his axe. The tyrant shreds the capon. The winter moon sparkles. (I. Brodsky) 2. Well, should we turn back, turn back the ships in order to experience the ancient poverty of the earth again? (N. Gumilyov) 3. Someone's heels no longer crush the chipped leaf and gold of grass through the groves. (S. Yesenin) 4. Where the secret always slumbers, there are unearthly fields. (S. Yesenin) 5. All goats have horns in autumn. (P. Bazhov) 6. And suddenly, as happens in a booth, when a painted paper curtain breaks through in a star-like manner, letting in a living, smiling face, a man appeared, out of nowhere, so unexpected and so familiar, a voice spoke, as if he had been sounding under mute and suddenly breaking through the usual haze. (V. Nabokov) Exercise 2.
Write down the sentences, determine their grammatical basis:
1) The train, driven along the branch to a dead end, began to unload. 2) The announcer finished reading the resolution. 3) Fate cannot shower generosity alone. (N Gorbachev.) 4) I will ride on the hills of the dormant Motherland. (N. Rubtsov.) 5) The mother was upset by the call of her son. Exercise 3.
Find the predicates and determine how they are expressed; formulate a rule about the predicate as the main member of the sentence.
1) This region is very modest. 2) Birds are our friends. 3) The first leaves are green. 4) I love the lush nature of wilting. 5) Summer threw off the green caftan. 6) The morning is fresh. Exercise 4.
Find the predicates and highlight them.
Sir, I am a hat and hat craftsman. I make the best hats and caps in the world. I have been working for you all night today, sir, and wept like a child with grief. It's such a tragic, special style. It's an invisibility hat. As soon as you put it on, you will disappear, and the poor master will never know whether it suits you or not. Take it, just don't try it on with me. I won't take it! (E.L. Schwartz) Exercise 5.
From these sentences, you first write out sentences with a simple verbal predicate, then with a compound verbal predicate.
The monkey decided to work. (I.A. Krylov.) The dancers crowded and pushed each other. (A.I. Kuprin.) Let them leave Godunov. (A.S. Pushkin.) Anyone can sing like that. (A.P. Chekhov) Not everyone is able to live alone. The chervonets was dirty and dusty. Two friends were walking in the evening. Heroes by rights decided to sort it out. (I.A. Krylov.) We parted to great friends. (A.S. Pushkin.) Exercise 6.
Find simple and compound verb predicates.
They saw a young nobleman beating a servant with something. The whole appearance of the stranger was remarkable, but the first thing that caught my eye was his huge nose. "What do you allow yourself?" the philosopher asked sternly and heard in response: “I want to listen to the lectures of the great Gassendi, and this whip has spread out on my way. But I swear on my nose, I will listen to this smartest person, even if I have to pierce this fool or someone else with a sword! Gassendi's voice warmed noticeably: “Well, perhaps I can help you. What is your name, young man?" - "Savignon de Cyrano de Bergerac, poet," the guest answered proudly. (A.L. Tsukanov) Exercise 7.
Find compound verb predicates.
How I want to breathe into the poem This whole world that changes its appearance ... I'm afraid that it's too late I began to dream of happiness. I won't sleep New Year's Eve, I'll start a new notebook today. I wrote down a long address on a piece of paper, I still couldn't say goodbye and held the sheet in my hand. The light spread over the paving stones. Wet snow began to fall on eyelashes, and on fur, And on gray gloves. (A.A. Tarkovsky) Exercise 8.
Find compound verb predicates in these sentences.
1. I want to caress someone like a kangaroo caressed me. (N. Gumilyov) 2. The fisherman heard the cry from the river, the old man decided to play a joke. (S. Yesenin) 3. He did not want to live without a smile and a rose - he wanted to die with a smile and a rose. (D. Samoilov) 4. Here is someone who is unable to resist inertia3. (L. Rubinshtein) 5. You should get up to get drunk, you should get up, but you are too lazy to get up. (A. Bashlachev) Exercise 9.
Find compound nominal predicates.
Favorite hobby Vaska Pechenkina - kite-flying. From this peaceful occupation, he made himself a robbery. When his kite is released, Vaska feels like the only master of the sky, and before him our poor snakes are like sparrows before a kite. The Pechenkin Serpent is powerful and huge. (K.I. Chukovsky) Exercise 10.
Determine how many stems are in each sentence, highlight the stems, determine the types of predicates.
1. Murka, don’t go, there is an owl embroidered on the pillow, Murka is gray, don’t purr, grandfather will hear. (A. Akhmatova)
2. It is necessary to sing and cry forever to these strings, ringing strings, the mad bow must always beat, twist. (N. Gumilev)
3. I will not curse you, I am sad with the sadness of separation, but now I want to kiss your withdrawing hands. (N. Gumilev)
4. I haven't thought about it for fifteen years. And you will think - you will not want to live. (S. Dovlatov 5. Look, look where you should not look. (I. Brodsky)
6. I thought to ask about health, but I realized the tactlessness of these words. (I. Brodsky)
7. We lay down by the broken spruce, waiting for the light to begin. (Yu. Drunina)
8. Please sit down, drink tea. (N. Zabolotsky)
9. And you can go forward and backward, rise, fall and rise again as a star; but only the ashes of your cigarettes are the ashes of empires, and this can happen to you. (B. Grebenshchikov)
Find in offers short participles and short adjectives. Exercise 11.
Determine the types of predicates of all sentences in A. Akhmatova's poem.
I see, I see the lunar bow Through the foliage of thick willows, I hear, I hear the even thud of bare hooves. What? And you don't want to sleep, In a year you couldn't forget me, You're not used to your bed Are you finding it empty? Am I talking to you In a sharp cry birds of prey Am I looking into your eyes From white, matte pages? Why are you circling like a thief By a quiet dwelling? The moon threw its blade into the stuffy darkness. Another knock. It beats so My warm heart. Exercise 12.
Show that all predicates in these sentences are compound nominal.
1. Spring is not like joy, and the sand is not yellow from the sun. (S. Yesenin) 2. Kolya appeared hungry and wet under the first spring rain. (L. Chukovskaya) 3. Travelers stood saddened. (A.Volkov) 4. The eyes are the brain turned inside out. (M. Gorky) 5. This song is not a cry of despair. (I. Brodsky) 6. All the hospital nurses seemed pretty. (S. Dovlatov) 7. In ordinary days, life in the Kornevs' house proceeded monotonously and monotonously. (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky) 8. The navel is an integral part of my body. (Vikt. Erofeev) 9. Fiction is not deceit. The idea is not the end. (B. Okudzhava) Exercise 13.
In which sentences was the word was a linking verb in a compound nominal predicate, and in which it is a simple verbal predicate?
1. There was a large and elegant tobacco shop on the corner of Khreshchatyk and Nikolaevskaya street. (M. Bulgakov) 2. It was a great relief when the game ended and Irma could be taken away. (V.Nabokov) 3. A guard of honor was lined up on the platform on a cold December morning at Chir station. (M. Sholokhov) Exercise 14.
Determine the types of predicates in these sentences.
1. I will be an affectionate novice, and you will be a dissolute wife. (S. Yesenin)
2. Buran will not be revenge for a month. (B.Pasternak)
3. We will fight together, until we lose consciousness, on the steep thresholds of delight and torment. (V. Ilyina)
4. Even when the very last trace is erased, Ursa Major will shed its harsh light. (A. Schukin)
5. If suddenly it will rain and sleet in the yard, we, while preparing our lessons, do not want to cry. (I. Brodsky)
6. The nightingale will sing to us in the green thicket. We won't think about death more often than a crow thinks garden scarecrows. (I. Brodsky) Exercise 15.
Text analysis. Find compound nominal predicates with zero connectives in sentences. Determine how the nominal parts in these predicates are expressed.
He has a small snake head. The ears are small and immobile. The chest muscles are developed to the limit. The legs are thin, strong, the pasterns are impeccable, the hooves are turned like a river pebble. The rear is slightly hanging, the tail is mochalist. He is a blood donation. Not only that: he is of very high blood, there is not a drop of foreign mixture in his veins, and the breed is visible in everything. His nickname is Malbrook. (M. Sholokhov) Exercise 16.
Show that the predicates in these sentences consist of three or more components.
1. Can you learn how to make people happy? (M. Gorky) 2. How I want to thank the candle, make its beloved light public and give epithets to the vigilant caress. (B. Akhmadulina) 3. Do you really have to toil all your life! 4. It is impossible to learn to understand oneself and others! 5. And where the east should be, two clouds learned to swim. 6. Beloved, do not say that we need to say goodbye! (D. Samoilov) 7. This is the best thing that should have been in Russia... (M. Bulgakov) 8. The summer promised to be hot and rich. (B. Pasternak) Exercise 17.
Determine the types of predicates in all sentences.
Chekhov is the flight of our youth... We are the intelligentsia. Chekhov is just like us, only a little better. To understand the Russian intellectual consciousness, our norm, read Chekhov. Chekhov - prophetic everyday life of the Russian mentality. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - all this is extreme. We cannot be Gogol, and we don’t really want to, but we can become Chekhov if we try. (Vikt. Erofeev) Exercise 18. Rewrite the sentences, observing the spelling rules. Indicate how the main terms are expressed in simple and complex sentences. Pay special attention to the main members expressed by various set phrases. Determine the types of predicates.
1. By order of the commander, the soldier was out of action..l. The machine is out of order.
2. Our lake is (not) deep. Lake Ladoga is (not) deep.
3. All of us were asked to sing more. We sang. We started to sing.
4. Our teacher is a kind person. Our teacher is a good athlete.
5. Five minutes later, only the father and son remained on the deserted site. I stayed at home with my little sister. Exercise 19.
Write down, highlight the grammatical foundations in sentences. Determine the ways of expressing the subject and predicate. Specify the types of predicates.
1. And something completely unexpected, unexpected happened to Ivan Ivanovich (Gogol).
2. The sun began to hide behind a snowy ridge (Lermontov).
3. This “if”, which he referred to the past, to the impossible, came true (Turgenev).
4. The plain seemed endless.
5. Neapolitan artists came to the greatest excitement (Paustovsky).
6. It is not easy in my position to remain calm (Kazakevich).
7. Kashtanka rushed forward, then back, once again ran across the road, but the joiner seemed to fall through the ground (Chekhov).
8. Sea air clean and pleasant at any time of the year.
9. The Russian language is rich, figurative and accurate (Paustovsky).
10. My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia (Gogol). Exercise 20.
Highlight the stems in all sentences.
The life of every star, that is, every sun, is periodic. It constitutes the first, relatively small period, lasting several billion years, depending on the size of the star. The larger it is, the more massive, the longer the period of its life. This is what I figured out in my kinetic theory Sveta. I cite only the most probable conclusions from it. Ether particles, when combined, give rise to electrons or other simple matter. Since matter exists from hydrogen and helium, then it must have some kind of source. We only know about the existence of the ether. It is natural to assume that it was formed from the ether. This is similar to how we allow spontaneous generation on our planet. Otherwise, where did the first living matter? Perhaps from the sky, but after all, the sky is the same as the Earth, and there are the same planets and are also illuminated by similar suns. (K. Tsiolkovsky)
Test on the topic "Predicate and its main types"
1. In which sentence is the predicate highlighted incorrectly? 1) let the storm come on stronger! 2) He made a promise to his brother. 3) Why did you stop talking to me seriously? 4) Autumn this year came cold, windy.
2. In which sentence is the predicate highlighted incorrectly?
1) He will teach you all the crafts. 2) Tomorrow evening you will have a rehearsal. 3) The work must be completed by the deadline. 4) An absent-minded person can be talented.
3. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?
1) I will worry a lot. 2) The days were getting longer and longer. 3) Soon I stopped writing poetry. 4) The gardener was a fussy and talkative person.
4. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?
1) The friendly whisper of the river did me a real favor. 2) Speech, verse - the same music, the same singing. 3) Karl Petrovich finally agreed to return. 4) The youngest Maklakov was considered the most lost and worthless person in the city.
5. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?
1) The window was washed to a shine. 2) The sky was in clouds. 3) Daddy, order him to give the ring. 4) They are able to think and reason.
6. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?
1) Winter was waiting, waiting for nature. 2) But was my Eugene happy? 3) Her predicted hour, apparently, was to come later. 4) The first weeks of sailing brought disappointment.
7. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?
1) Fate itself tells you to save me. 2) She will revere him all her life. 3) The traitors have sunk into the water. 4) In the fall, I began to seriously engage in swimming.
8. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?
1) Sheep are the first to approach the water. 2) The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly understands the bear with his foot. 3) Everyone has or will have many cherished roads. 4) He is ready to erect a whole city.
9. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?
1) The same dream began to repeat itself to me. 2) Everything got away with him. 3) But let's figure it out first. 4) Now doubts have been dispelled.
10. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?
1) Oh, like a brother, I would be glad to embrace the storm! 2) I often couldn’t hide my attitude towards you. 3) It was as if my heart had stopped beating. 4) This sadness was vague, vague, like a dream.
11. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?
1) From excitement, she could not start talking for a long time. 2) The commander of the 332nd, Major Barabanov, was the last to leave. 3) I will go and see a new movie. 4) I prefer spectacular cinema.
12. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?
You must be our first playwright. 1) the subject is expressed by the noun in nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb 2) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb 3) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal 4) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
13. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?
After tea, my brother and I invited the guests to walk around the garden. 1) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb 2) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb 3) the subject is expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a simple verb 4) the subject is expressed syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a compound verb
14. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?
After graduating from the institute, Fedor had to return to his hometown. 1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb; 2) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case; the predicate is a compound verb;
According to the site: ANSWERS:
1. - 4)2. - 4)3. - 1)4. - 4)5. - 3)6. - 3)7. - 4)8. - 4)9. - 4)10. - 4)11. - 2)12. - 3)13. - 3)14. - 2)

Predicate Definition

The predicate is the main member of the sentence, which denotes what is being said about the subject of speech (the subject of speech in the sentence denotes the subject). The predicate usually agrees with the subject and responds to general question: what is said about the subject?(In most cases, more specific questions can be posed to the predicate - what does the subject do? what happens to him? what is he? what is he? who is he? and etc.) To me will be remembered melting snow this bitter and early spring.(what does it say about snowmelt?) . Child goes barefoot on the path bears strawberries in an open basket(What is the child doing?). Like a golden bird trembles fire in the dark(what happens to fire?). AND yellowish And red last quarter moon(what is the moon?). We are an early test of nature(what are we?) . I am a fisherman(Who am i?) , and the nets were carried away to the sea.(A.A. Tarkovsky)

Exercise. Find the predicates and highlight them.

Sir, I am a hat and hat craftsman. I make the best hats and caps in the world. I have been working for you all night today, sir, and wept like a child with grief. It's such a tragic, special style. It's an invisibility hat. As soon as you put it on, you will disappear, and the poor master will never know whether it suits you or not. Take it, just don't try it on with me. I won't take it! (E.L. Schwartz)

Answer. Sir, I am a hat and hat business master. I do the best hats and caps in the world. Tonight I'm up all night have worked on you, sir, and cried like a child, with grief. It's so tragic, special style. This invisible hat. As soon as you put on, and disappear and the poor master forever won't recognize, goes she to you or not. take, only don't try on with me. I am this I can't bear! (E.L. Schwartz)

Lexical and grammatical meaning of the predicate

Each predicate has lexical and grammatical meanings. The lexical meaning of the predicate is the name of the action (On that familiar mountain a hundred times a day I I come. V.A. Zhukovsky), states (Already turns pale day, hiding behind the mountain. V.A. Zhukovsky), quality (Like the sun behind the mountain captivating sunset... Silent And sad dear Svetlana. V.A. Zhukovsky), a generic concept (Love There is sky gift. V.A. Zhukovsky) and etc.
The grammatical meaning of the predicate is tense and mood.
Lexical and grammatical meanings can be expressed in one word, or they can be in two or more words.

Simple verb predicate

A predicate in which lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in one word - a verb in the form of some mood - is called a simple verb. Grasshopper in the meadow chirp in his protective cape.(A.A. Tarkovsky) - exc. inc., present temp. Sergei Sergeyevich, I I'll go And will wait you in the office.(A.S. Griboedov) - rev. incl., bud. temp. (the first verb is in the form future simple, the second - the future composite; both predicates are simple verbs). My father's house is still in the spring of my days left I.(V.A. Zhukovsky) - exc. inc., past time You fellow boys take a horse. (A.S. Pushkin) - pov. incl. I never would not know you, would not know bitter agony...(A.S. Pushkin) - conditional. incl.
A simple verbal predicate can be expressed by a phraseological phrase, which includes a verb in any mood. deceased With went crazy eight times.(A.S. Griboyedov) Hussar Pykhtin visited us; how he was seduced by Tanya, how crumbled like a petty demon! (A.S. Pushkin)

Simple verbs also include predicates that do not have a formal indicator of mood, tense, and grammatical subordination to the subject. These are predicates, expressed

truncated verb forms: push, grab, bam etc. ... Lighter shadows Tatiana jump into other passages, from the porch to the yard...(A.S. Pushkin); And you, madam, a little out of bed jump, with a man! with the young!(A.S. Griboyedov); ... And Prince Gvidon from the shore with a sad soul accompanies their long-distance run; look- over flowing waters white swan swims.(A.S. Pushkin); I hurry here grab, touched the threshold with his foot and stretched out to his full height.(A.S. Griboyedov); But princess in both hands grab- caught.(A.S. Pushkin);

infinitive in the meaning of the indicative mood: And the queen laugh, and shoulders shake, And wink with eyes, and snap fingers, and twirl, akimbo, proudly looking in the mirror.(A.S. Pushkin)

It happens that in simple verbal predicates verbal forms of one mood are used in the meaning of another; then there are additional semantic shades. For example, in a sentence She does not notice him, as he don't fight, though die (A.S. Pushkin) the form of the imperative mood is used in the meaning of the indicative (cf. no matter how he fought), but with the additional meaning of conditional (cf. no matter how he fights).
In a sentence ... Foot in the stirrup and rushing on a greyhound stallion; autumn wind blow either in front or behind(A.S. Griboyedov) imperative mood in the meaning of the indicative, it creates an additional shade of possibility (the wind can blow from anywhere - it will not interfere with anything).

Compound verb predicate

A compound verb predicate consists of an auxiliary verb and a verb in an indefinite form (in the infinitive). The main lexical meaning is expressed by the verb in the infinitive, and the auxiliary verb expresses the general grammatical meanings of mood, tense, person, as well as additional meanings.

In a compound verbal predicate, auxiliary verbs of two types can be used:

phase(indicating the beginning, continuation, or end of an action): to begin, to become, to continue, to finish, to cease, to cease, to quit. Oh my god! What will speak Princess Marya Aleksevdasya, and people can deceive

on the!(A.S. Griboyedov);

I said something - he started laughing. (A.S. Griboyedov);

modal(with the meaning of possibility, desire, etc.): be able, want, wish, prepare, strive, decide, be able and etc. He's nice knows how to laugh everyone. With him not swept away I die uh, you have ask, on you take a look. We, Alexei Stepanych, with you failed to say two words. Ranks by people

to be. Ah, Chatsky! love you are all jokes dress... (A.S. Griboyedov) Chichikov, as we have seen, made up his mind at all don't stand on ceremony... I thought it was for the night guess on the cards after the prayer...(N.V. Gogol) But why with a rhymer to roam across the wide world in defiance of the elements and the mind so I want to and at the poet's hour of death? I have done so little for the future, but I only yearn for the future and don't want to start at first...(A.A. Tarkovsky)

modal value can express not only auxiliary verbs, but also some short adjectives and participles, adverbs (words of the state category), nouns: glad, must, ready, obligated, capable, forced, necessary, possible, impossible, master, able, able etc. Molchalin for others himself ready to forget. She did not give birth, but, according to my calculation, should give birth. And you glorify This glad? After all need to and depend from others. Not a craftswoman I'm a regiment distinguish. (A.S. Griboyedov)
In this case, the grammatical meaning of the mood and tense is expressed by the linking verb be V desired form, so that the predicate consists of 3 words: 1) bundles; 2) an auxiliary component expressed by a short adjective or participle, adverb, noun; 3) a verb in an indefinite form (the absence of a link, as in the examples above, indicates the present tense of the indicative mood; it is more correct to say that in such sentences the link is zero). Entering the hall, Chichikov had for a minute screw up eyes, because the shine from candles, lamps and ladies' dresses was terrible. ... Alcides, closing his eyes and opening his mouth, was ready to sob in the most miserable way, but, feeling that it was easy could have lost dishes, brought his mouth to its former position and began to gnaw a mutton bone with tears. Fetinya, as you can see, was a whipper e feathers. The coachman, noticing that one of them was big hunter become on the heels, whipped him with a whip ...(N.V. Gogol)
The compound verb predicate may have a complicated form; in this case, in addition to the infinitive of the main verb, the infinitive of the auxiliary verb is used: In my summers should not dare your judgment have. (A.S. Griboyedov)


1. Find compound verb predicates.

How I want to breathe into a poem
This whole world changing shape...

I'm afraid it's too late
I began to dream of happiness.

I won't sleep on New Year's Eve
I will start a new notebook today.

I wrote down a long address on a piece of paper,
He couldn't say goodbye, and he held the paper in his hand.
The light spread over the cobblestones. On eyelashes, and on fur,
And wet snow began to fall on gray gloves.

(A.A. Tarkovsky)

Answer:I want to breathe in, I began to dream, I could not say goodbye, I began to fall.

Predicate I will not sleep simple verb, because is the future compound tense of the verb. Verb start can be mistaken for a phase auxiliary, but there is no indefinite verb in the sentence, so start- a simple verbal predicate.

2. Find simple and compound verb predicates.

They saw a young nobleman beating a servant with something. The whole appearance of the stranger was remarkable, but the first thing that caught my eye was his huge nose. "What do you allow yourself?" the philosopher asked sternly and heard in response: “I want to listen to the lectures of the great Gassendi, and this whip has spread out on my way. But, I swear by my nose, I will listen to this most intelligent person, even if I have to pierce this fool or someone else with a sword! Gassendi's voice warmed noticeably: “Well, perhaps I can help you. What is your name, young man?" - "Savignon de Cyrano de Bergerac, poet," the guest answered proudly. (A.L. Tsukanov)

Answer: simple verbs - saw, caught the eye(stable expression), allow me, I heard, I spread myself, I will listen, I warmed up, they call me, I answered; compound verbs - want to listen, have to pierce, able to help.

It is important to draw students' attention to the fact that not every combination of a conjugated verb and an infinitive is a compound verb predicate. In a sentence Here began He to yawn And ordered take yourself to your room(N.V. Gogol) the first predicate is a compound verb (the phase verb in the past tense + the main verb in the infinitive), and the second is a simple verb; infinitive action take away, does not refer to the subject, but to some other person, a servant or an innkeeper, so the infinitive take away performs the complementary function here. In a sentence He went look at the river flowing in the middle of the city(N.V. Gogol) infinitive of purpose take a look is a circumstance with a simple verbal predicate expressed by the verb of motion.


One young Athenian went to court. He claimed that his decrepit father had lost his mind and was therefore incapable of managing the family's property. The old man did not make excuses - he only read the just finished tragedy to the judges. After that, the dispute was immediately resolved in his favor, and the son was recognized as an unscrupulous liar. The tragedy was called "Oedipus in Colon", and the old man's name was Sophocles. (O. Levinskaya)

1) went to court- simple verb
2) survived- simple verb
3) unable to manage- compound verb;
4) did not- a simple verb.

Answer: 3.

Compound nominal predicate

In a compound nominal predicate, there is a verb connective that expresses the grammatical meaning, and the main (nominal) component is words or phrases different parts speeches (most often nouns or adjectives), which contain the lexical meaning of the predicate.

As a link in a compound nominal predicate, the verb is most often used be in the form of an inclination. He is in Rome would be Brutus, in Athens - Pericles (A.S. Pushkin) - conditional. incl. In a harsh lot be stubborn, be gloomy,poor And bent... (N.S. Gumilyov) - command. incl. His voice was a song fire and earth...(N.S. Gumilyov) - will express. incl., past temp. destructive will be crushed, overturned broken tiles...(N.S. Gumilyov) - will express. incl., bud. temp.
Present tense verb be usually absent; in other words, the link is zero: Not sinful he is nothing, you are a hundred times more sinful. Liar He, gambler, thief. (A.S. Griboedov) However, there is also a copula in the present tense of the verb be: Daughter of hell, malice There is sodetel countless cruel misfortunes.(V.A. Zhukovsky) Thought spoken there is a lie. (F.I. Tyutchev)
In a compound nominal predicate, other linking verbs can also be used: appear, remain, become, become, become, be considered, be called, appear, turn out, appear and so on.; they differ in meaning. Our estate was called a farm, - farm Kamenka, - main estate our was considered Zadonsk, where my father often and for a long time left, and on the farm there was little, domestic small.
All in all more striking in the city of wax.
Then my childhood life becomes more diverse
. (I.A. Bunin)
have become our generals funny, loose, well-fed, white. Atrocities are large and serious often are called brilliant... Atrocities are small and comic are called shameful... (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) AND Seems at all not difficult, whitening in the thicket of emerald, the road will not say where.(A.A. Akhmatova)

It can be difficult to correctly determine the boundaries of the predicate and its form if the sentence contains a verb be in conjugated form. It is necessary to remind students that this verb can be not only a link in a compound nominal predicate. If it is used in the sense of "to be", "to be", "to occur", then it is a simple verbal predicate in the sentence. Yesterday was ball, and tomorrow will two.(A.S. Griboyedov) Left was gloomy forest, to the right - the Yenisei.(N.A. Nekrasov) Here were relatives of those who have gone to where I myself was in a hurry. (N.A. Nekrasov)
Verb be not used as an auxiliary in a compound verb predicate: will fly, we will remember - this is the compound future tense of the verb and, therefore, in the sentence it is a simple verbal predicate. We we will remember and in the cold of Lethe, that the earth cost us ten heavens.(O.E. Mandelstam)

The nominal part of the compound nominal predicate is usually

short adjectives and participleshouse greenery painted (participle) in the form of a grove. Myself thick (adjective) , its artists skinny (adjective) (A.S. Griboyedov);

nouns in the nominative or instrumental caseDeceased was venerable chamberlain. (A.S. Griboyedov) matrimony us it will be flour. (A.S. Pushkin) lace, stone, be And become a web... (O.E. Mandelstam);

full names adjectives in the nominative or instrumental case -After all crazy your father...(A.S. Griboyedov) Am I real and will death really come? At such moments and air to me it seems kareem... (O.E. Mandelstam) I I won't more young. (S.A. Yesenin);

adjectives in comparative or superlatives Ah, evil tongues scarier pistol. Well, constant taste in husbands most expensive! (A.S. Griboyedov)

In addition, the nominal part of the predicate can be expressed by prepositional-case forms of the nounAnd I'm in front of her V unpaid debt. (A.A. Tarkovsky) Mind with heart out of tune. (A.S. Griboyedov); pronounLike all Moscow, your father such is... my custom such: signed, so off your shoulders.(A.S. Griboyedov); adverbAfter all, I told her a few akin. (A.S. Griboyedov); infinitiveHis joy is in the woods wander behind the animals.(V.A. Zhukovsky); phraseological turnHe out of your mind. Dearest! You not at ease. (A.S. Griboyedov)
The nominal part can be expressed by a phrase, the main lexical meaning of which is contained not in the main, but in the dependent word. All the old ladies people are angry. He conspicuous person... My husband - lovely husband... Ball good thing, bondage is bitter.(A.S. Griboyedov)
The nominal part may include unions as, as if, as if etc., introducing the meaning of comparison into the predicate. Your every verse like a bowl poison, What's up burned by sin.(A.A. Tarkovsky)

Exercise.Find compound nominal predicates.

Vaska Pechenkin's favorite pastime is kite-flying. From this peaceful occupation, he made himself a robbery. When his kite is released, Vaska feels like the only master of the sky, and before him our poor snakes are like sparrows before a kite. The Pechenkin Serpent is powerful and huge. (K.I. Chukovsky)

Answer:letting go, let go, feels like a master, just like sparrows, powerful and huge.

A compound nominal predicate can have a complicated form if the connective is used in the infinitive and is complemented by a conjugated auxiliary verb that adds an additional meaning to the predicate. yes smart person can't be a rogue. (A.S. Griboyedov) Those who think that only those scribblers can be considered worthy citizens koi, mad with fear, sit in holes and tremble.(M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) So don't try to be smart ... (O.E. Mandelstam)
There are predicates in which the lexical meaning is expressed not only by the nominal part, but also by the full-fledged verb used instead of the copula. As a rule, it is a verb of movement or state: He will raise a cloud of dust, rustle with paper foliage and will not return at all - or he will return at all another. (O.E. Mandelstam) In this sentence, it is equally important that he (rhythm or wind) will return (it would be a simple verbal predicate), and that he will become different (compound nominal). And you sat sad (A.S. Pushkin) (sat and was sad). In school textbooks, such predicates are called a kind of compound nominal predicates.


1. Find simple verbal predicates expressed by 1) the verb be in the required form; 2) phraseological turnover; 3) compound nominal predicate with a linking verb be.

The bear cub was quite tall, with intelligent eyes, with a black muzzle, and he lived in a booth in the lyceum yard. It belonged to General Zakharzhevsky, the manager of the Tsarskoye Selo Palace and the palace garden. Every morning, the lyceum students saw how, about to go around, the general patted the bear cub on the head, and he tried to break free from the chain and follow him.
And then one day, before the eyes of the lyceum students, an event occurred that brought the bear cub into the political history of the lyceum.
General Zakharzhevsky, passing by the booth one day, to his horror, found that the booth was empty: the bear cub had broken the chain. They began to look - unsuccessfully: there was no bear cub in the yard or in the garden. The general lost his head: two steps away was the palace garden... (Yu.N. Tynyanov)

Answer: 1) ... neither in the yard nor in the garden of a bear cub did not have; two steps away was palace garden; 2) lost his head; 3) was quite tall, with intelligent eyes, with a black muzzle ....

2. Find 1) compound verb predicates; 2) compound nominal predicate.

Alexander the Great with a sword walked through Persia, subjugated Egypt, reached the shores indian ocean. On the vast territory of the state he formed, he established himself Greek language. On its basis, Latin writing arose in the second century BC. For about a thousand years the Greek language was official language Byzantine Empire.
But in Western Europe it was only in the fourteenth century that the language of the great thinkers of antiquity began to be studied. Only then did he become a sign of learning for the enlightened people of his time.

(According to E. Vartanyan)

Answer:1) was the state language; became a sign 2) began to study.

3. Find the predicate that is highlighted and characterized incorrectly.

He was a thorough hare, he looked out for a daughter from a widow, from a hare, and wanted to marry. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

1) was thorough- compound nominal;
2) looked out- simple verb
3) wanted to marry- compound verb.

Answer: 1.

4. Find a predicate that is highlighted and characterized correctly.

He was an old servant beast, he knew how to build lairs and uproot trees; therefore, to some extent, he knew the art of engineering. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

1) was- simple verb
2) knew how to build- compound verb;
3) uproot- compound nominal;
4) knew art- compound noun.

Answer: 2.

Dash between subject and predicate in a simple sentence

A dash is often placed between the subject and the compound nominal predicate with a zero connective. The presence or absence of a dash is determined by what parts of speech the main terms are expressed and what words are in the sentence between them.
A dash is placed if the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns in the nominative case: Grushnitsky is a cadet. Nature is a fool, fate is a turkey, A life is a penny! My answertitle this book.(M.Yu. Lermontov) Love- saint keeper b il formidable fighter mental purity. Immortality... quiet bright shore; our path- to him aspiration. (V.A. Zhukovsky) Oh! My God! Am I one of those who target all life - laughter? (A.S. Griboyedov) The predicate can be expressed by a phrase with the main word - a noun in the nominative case: Tamanthe ugliest town from all coastal cities of Russia.(M.Yu. Lermontov)
Before the predicate there can be words this, here, means; a dash is placed before these words: Learning is the plague, learning is the reason why today more than ever, crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.(A.S. Griboyedov)
If there is a linking verb in the predicate, the dash is not put: providence was secret feeder is yours.(V.A. Zhukovsky) Expectation no violent death There is is it real disease? (M.Yu. Lermontov)
A dash is not put if there is between the subject and the predicate

particle (most common negative particle Not) : Sin is not a problem rumor is not good.(A.S. Griboyedov) But bad pun is no consolation for a Russian... Passion nothing but ideas in its first development...(M.Yu. Lermontov);

union (comparative or any other): Bazaar as a field, sown randomly with either rye, or oats, or buckwheat,(O.E. Mandelstam) At least our Kabardians or Chechens although robbers, naked, but desperate heads... (M.Yu. Lermontov);

introductory word: This Human, without a doubt, Jonah.

If the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, but the predicate is in front of the subject, there is no dash between them: What a glorious place this valley is! Terrible beasts, these Asians!(M.Yu. Lermontov) (in these sentences the words valley And Asians are subject, and nice place And terrible beasts- predicates). In the replica of the heroine of the poem, V.A. Zhukovsky Prince of Kyiv is my parent subject parent because she answers the question about herself, not about Kiev prince; hence the dash is not needed.

Exercise. Find among the sentences given with the preservation of the author's punctuation, one in which the punctuation marks comply with the rules.

1. ... And his saber is a real gourd: put it with a blade to your hand, it will dig into the body itself ...
2. Confess, however, that Maxim Maksimych is a man worthy of respect?
3. His arrival in the Caucasus is also a consequence of his romantic fanaticism...
4. My soldier's overcoat is like a seal of rejection.
5. ...Vera's husband, Semyon Vasilievich G...v, is a distant relative of Princess Ligovskaya.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if one of the main members is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, and the other by a verb in an indefinite form (or a phrase with the main word - a verb in an indefinite form): You in the world to live is trouble... untested joy- by them live, for them breathe. Joy us - about the happiness of tears pour! Great, be wise- your definition... (V.A. Zhukovsky) Produce effect is their pleasure. His targetbecome a hero novel.(M.Yu. Lermontov)
It is also necessary to put a dash in the case when both main members of the sentence are expressed by verbs in an indefinite form: scientist learn- only spoil.

A dash is usually not put if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun: I'm pathetic, I'm funny I'm ignorant,I'm a fool. (A.S. Griboyedov)
A dash is placed if both main members are expressed in the nominative case of a quantitative numeral (or turnover with a numeral) or one is in the nominative case of a quantitative numeral, and the other is in the nominative case of a noun: Wheelone of the most ingenious inventions in the history of mankind. thrice three - nine.


1. Find among the sentences given with the preservation of the author's punctuation, those in which the punctuation does not comply with the rules.

1. Alien hordes - food of swords... (V.A. Zhukovsky)
2. Oh my friend! The mind of all joys is the executioner! (V.A. Zhukovsky)
3. Love is self oblivion! (V.A. Zhukovsky)
4. All your troubles are dreams of the imagination... (V.A. Zhukovsky)
5. Dear friend, do you not hear that the crackling noise of life is only a distorted response of triumphant harmonies? (V.S. Solovyov)
6. I am a parrot from the Antilles... (N.S. Gumilyov)
7. She is not a pale wife, but a crowned goddess. (N.S. Gumilyov)
8. All of us, saints and thieves, from the altar and prison, we are all funny actors in the theater of the Lord God. (N.S. Gumilyov)
9. Star beam - like salt on an ax ... (O.E. Mandelstam)

Answer: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9.

2. Find the wrong statement.

A dash is not put between the subject and the predicate, expressed by nouns in the nominative case, if the predicate is preceded by

1) particle;
2) an agreed definition;
3) introductory word;
4) linking verb.

Answer: 2.

3. Find among the sentences given with the preservation of the author's punctuation, one in which the arrangement of punctuation marks corresponds to modern rules.

1. Werner is a wonderful person for many reasons.
2. Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other ...
3. According to local scientists, this failure is nothing but an extinct crater...
4. Perhaps you don't know what an "occasion" is? This is a cover, consisting of half a company of infantry and a cannon, with which carts go through Kabarda from Vladikavkaz to Ekaterinograd.
5. The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more interesting and useful than the history of an entire people, especially when it is the result of observations of a mature mind over itself ...

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Answer: 3.

4. Find among the sentences given with the preservation of the author's punctuation, one in which the placement of punctuation marks does not correspond to modern rules.

1. Yes, only he answered me that a wild Circassian woman should be happy having such a nice husband as he, because in their language he is still her husband, and that Kazbich is a robber who should have been punished.
2. One word is a whole story for us...
3. Ideas are organic creations...
4. Is it really, I thought, my only purpose on earth - to destroy other people's hopes?
5. Mountain rivers, the smallest, are dangerous, especially because their bottom is a perfect kaleidoscope...
6. I am like a person who yawns at a ball, who does not go to bed just because his carriage is not yet there.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Answer: 6.

It is worth drawing the attention of students to the fact that it is necessary to distinguish between sentences with the word This between subject and predicate: Irpin is a memory of people and summer, of freedom, of escape from bondage...(B.L. Pasternak) - and sentences where the pronoun This- the subject and between it and the predicate a dash is not put: This is truly a new miracle, it is, as before, spring again.(B.L. Pasternak)
The teacher should be prepared for the puzzled questions of students who have discovered that the rules for placing a dash between the subject and the predicate are very often violated in printed texts. There are at least two explanations for this. First, not all of the cases detailed in press handbooks are dealt with in schools. For example, reference books indicate that a dash should not be put if there is an adverb between the subject and the predicate: But this calmness is often a sign of great, though hidden strength...(M.Yu. Lermontov) Secondly, most formulations include the words as a rule, usually those. variable punctuation is allowed, the presence or absence of a dash is determined by intonation, the presence or absence of a pause, the need for logical selection. But in the examination papers, students and applicants should not deviate from the rules, copyright marks are considered as errors.


1 Exercises on the topic “Predicate and its main types” Exercise 1. Select the subjects and predicates in these sentences. 1. The lackey is shaking. The slave laughs. The executioner sharpens his axe. The tyrant shreds the capon. The winter moon sparkles. (I. Brodsky) 2. Well, should we turn back, turn back the ships in order to experience the ancient poverty of the earth again? (N. Gumilyov) 3. Someone's heels no longer crush the chipped leaf and gold of grass through the groves. (S. Yesenin) 4. Where the secret always slumbers, there are unearthly fields. (S. Yesenin) 5. All goats have horns in autumn. (P. Bazhov) 6. And suddenly, as happens in a booth, when a painted paper curtain breaks through in a star-like manner, letting in a living, smiling face, a man appeared, out of nowhere, so unexpected and so familiar, a voice spoke, as if he had been sounding under mute and suddenly breaking through the usual haze. (V. Nabokov) Exercise 2. Write down the sentences, determine their grammatical basis: 1) The train, driven along the branch to a dead end, began to unload. 2) The announcer finished reading the resolution. 3) Fate cannot shower generosity alone. (N Gorbachev.) 4) I will ride on the hills of the dormant Motherland. (N. Rubtsov.) 5) The mother was upset by the call of her son. Exercise 3. 1 / 15

2 Find the predicates and determine how they are expressed; formulate a rule about the predicate as the main member of the sentence. 1) This region is very modest. 2) Birds are our friends. 3) The first leaves are green. 4) I love the lush nature of wilting. 5) Summer threw off the green caftan. 6) The morning is fresh. Exercise 4. Find the predicates and highlight them. Sir, I am a hat and hat craftsman. I make the best hats and caps in the world. I have been working for you all night today, sir, and wept like a child with grief. It's such a tragic, special style. It's an invisibility hat. As soon as you put it on, you will disappear, and the poor master will never know whether it suits you or not. Take it, just don't try it on with me. I won't take it! (E.L. Schwartz) Exercise 5. From these sentences, you first write out sentences with a simple verbal predicate, then with a compound verbal predicate. The monkey decided to work. (I.A. Krylov.) The dancers crowded and pushed each other. (A.I. Kuprin.) Let them leave Godunov. (A.S. Pushkin.) Anyone can sing like that. (A.P. Chekhov) Not everyone is able to live alone. The chervonets was dirty and dusty. Two friends were walking in the evening. Heroes by rights decided to sort it out. (I.A. Krylov.) We parted to great friends. (A.S. Pushkin.) 2 / 15

3 Exercise 6. Find simple and compound verb predicates. They saw a young nobleman beating a servant with something. The whole appearance of the stranger was remarkable, but the first thing that caught my eye was his huge nose. "What do you allow yourself?" the philosopher asked sternly and heard in response: “I want to listen to the lectures of the great Gassendi, and this whip has spread out on my way. But, I swear by my nose, I will listen to this most intelligent person, even if I have to pierce this fool or someone else with a sword! Gassendi's voice warmed noticeably: “Well, perhaps I can help you. What is your name, young man?" "Savignon de Cyrano de Bergerac, poet," the guest answered proudly. (A.L. Tsukanov) Exercise 7. Find compound verb predicates. How I want to breathe into the poem This whole world that changes its appearance ... I'm afraid that it's too late I began to dream of happiness. I won't sleep at New Year's Eve, I'll start a new notebook today. I wrote down a long address on a piece of paper, I still could not say goodbye and held the sheet in my hand. The light spread over the cobblestones. Wet snow began to fall on eyelashes, and on fur, And on gray gloves. (A.A. Tarkovsky) Exercise 8. 3 / 15

4 Find compound verb predicates in these sentences. 1. I want to caress someone like a kangaroo caressed me. (N. Gumilyov) 2. The fisherman heard the cry from the river, the old man decided to play a joke. (S. Yesenin) 3. He did not want to live without a smile and a rose with a smile and a rose he wanted to die. (D. Samoilov) 4. Here is someone who is unable to resist inertia3. (L. Rubinshtein) 5. You should get up to get drunk, you should get up, but you are too lazy to get up. (A. Bashlachev) Exercise 9. Find compound nominal predicates. Vaska Pechenkin's favorite pastime is kite-flying. From this peaceful occupation, he made himself a robbery. When his kite is released, Vaska feels like the only master of the sky, and before him our poor snakes are like sparrows before a kite. The Pechenkin Serpent is powerful and huge. (K.I. Chukovsky) Exercise 10. Determine how many stems are in each sentence, highlight the stems, determine the types of predicates. 1. Murka, don’t go, there is an owl embroidered on the pillow, Murka is gray, don’t purr, grandfather will hear. (A. Akhmatova) 2. One must forever sing and cry to these strings, sonorous strings, a mad bow must always beat, twist. (N. Gumilev) 4 / 15

5 3. I will not curse you, I am sad with the sadness of separation, but now I want to kiss your withdrawing hands. (N. Gumilyov) 4. I haven't thought about it for fifteen years. And you will think you will not want to live. (S. Dovlatov 5. Look, look where you shouldn’t look. (I. Brodsky) 6. I thought about asking about health, but I realized the tactlessness of these words. (I. Brodsky) 7. We lay down by the broken spruce, waiting, when it starts to get lighter.(Yu. Drunina) 8. Please sit down, drink tea.(N.Zabolotsky) 9. And you can go back and forth, rise, fall and rise again as a star, but only the ashes of your cigarettes are the ashes of empires (B. Grebenshchikov) Find short participles and short adjectives in sentences. knock 5 / 15

6 bare hooves. What? And you don't want to sleep, You couldn't forget me in a year, You're not used to finding your bed empty? Am I talking to you In the sharp cry of birds of prey, Am I looking into your eyes From white, matte pages? Why are you circling, like a thief, At a quiet dwelling? Or do you remember the agreement And are you waiting for me alive? I fall asleep. In the stuffy darkness the Moon threw the blade. Knock again. It beats so my warm heart. Exercise 12. Show that all predicates in these sentences are compound nominal. 1. Spring is not like joy, and the sand is not yellow from the sun. (S. Yesenin) 2. Kolya appeared hungry and wet under the first spring rain. (L. Chukovskaya) 3. Travelers stood saddened. (A.Volkov) 4. The eyes are the brain turned inside out. (M. Gorky) 5. This song is not a cry of despair. (I. Brodsky) 6. All the hospital nurses seemed pretty. (S. Dovlatov) 7. In ordinary days, life in the Kornevs' house proceeded monotonously and monotonously. (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky) 8. The navel is an integral part of my body. (Vikt. Erofeev) 9. Fiction is not deceit. The idea is not the end. (B. Okudzhava) Exercise 13. In which sentences was the word was a linking verb in a compound nominal predicate, and in which simple verbal predicate? 6/15

7 1. There was a large and elegant tobacco shop on the corner of Khreshchatyk and Nikolaevskaya street. (M. Bulgakov) 2. It was a great relief when the game ended and Irma could be taken away. (V.Nabokov) 3. A guard of honor was lined up on the platform on a cold December morning at Chir station. (M. Sholokhov) Exercise 14. Determine the types of predicates in these sentences. 1. I will be an affectionate novice, and you are a dissolute wife. (S. Yesenin) 2. Buran will not take revenge for a month. (B. Pasternak) 3. We will fight together, until we lose consciousness, on the steep thresholds of delight and torment. (V. Ilyina) 4. Even when the very last trace is erased, Ursa Major will shed its harsh light. (A. Schukin) 5. If it suddenly rains and sleet in the yard, we, while preparing our lessons, do not want to cry. (I. Brodsky) 6. The nightingale will sing to us in the green thicket. We will not think of death more often than a crow in the mind of scarecrows. (I. Brodsky) Exercise / 15

8 Text analysis. Find compound nominal predicates with zero connectives in sentences. Determine how the nominal parts in these predicates are expressed. He has a small snake head. The ears are small and immobile. The chest muscles are developed to the limit. The legs are thin, strong, the pasterns are impeccable, the hooves are turned like a river pebble. The rear is slightly hanging, the tail is mochalist. He is a blood donation. Not only that: he is of very high blood, there is not a drop of foreign mixture in his veins, and the breed is visible in everything. His nickname is Malbrook. (M. Sholokhov) Exercise 16. Show that the predicates in these sentences consist of three or more components. 1. Can you learn how to make people happy? (M. Gorky) 2. How I want to thank the candle, make its beloved light public and give epithets to the vigilant caress. (B. Akhmadulina) 3. Do you really have to toil all your life! 4. It is impossible to learn to understand oneself and others! 5. And where the east should be, two clouds learned to swim. 6. Beloved, do not say that we need to say goodbye! (D. Samoilov) 7. This is the best thing that should have been in Russia... (M. Bulgakov) 8. The summer promised to be hot and rich. (B. Pasternak) Exercise 17. Determine the types of predicates in all sentences. Chekhov of our youth is the flight ... We are the intelligentsia. Chekhov is just like us, only a little better. To understand the Russian intellectual consciousness, our norm, read Chekhov. Chekhov prophetic everyday life of the Russian mentality. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy are all extreme. We cannot be Gogol, and we don’t really want to, but we can become Chekhov if we try. (Vikt. Erofeev) Exercise / 15

9 Rewrite the sentences following the spelling rules. Indicate how the main members are expressed in simple and complex sentences. Pay special attention to the main members expressed by various set phrases. Determine the types of predicates. 1. By order of the commander, the soldier was out of action..l. The machine is out of order. 2. Our lake is (not) deep. Lake Ladoga is (not) deep. 3. All of us were asked to sing more. We sang. We started to sing. 4. Our teacher is a kind person. Our teacher is a good athlete. 5. Five minutes later, only the father and son remained on the deserted site. I stayed at home with my little sister. Exercise 19. Write down, highlight the grammatical foundations in sentences. Determine the ways of expressing the subject and predicate. Specify the types of predicates. 1. And something completely unexpected, unexpected happened to Ivan Ivanovich (Gogol). 2. The sun began to hide behind a snowy ridge (Lermontov). 9/15

10 3. This “if”, which he referred to the past, to the impossible, came true (Turgenev). 4. The plain seemed endless. 5. Neapolitan artists came to the greatest excitement (Paustovsky). 6. It is not easy in my position to remain calm (Kazakevich). 7. Kashtanka rushed forward, then back, once again ran across the road, but the joiner seemed to fall through the ground (Chekhov). 8. Sea air is clean and pleasant at any time of the year. 9. The Russian language is rich, figurative and accurate (Paustovsky). 10. My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia (Gogol). Exercise 20. Highlight the basics in all sentences. The life of every star, that is, every sun, is periodic. It constitutes the first, relatively small period, lasting several billion years, depending on the size of the star. The larger it is, the more massive, the longer the period of its life. I analyzed this in my kinetic theory of light. I cite from it only the most probable conclusions. 10/15

11 Ether particles, when combined, give rise to electrons or other simple matter. Since matter exists from hydrogen and helium, then it must have some kind of source. We only know about the existence of the ether. It is natural to assume that it was formed from the ether. This is similar to how we allow spontaneous generation on our planet. Otherwise, where did the first living matter come from? Perhaps from the sky, but after all, the sky is the same as the Earth, and there are the same planets and are also illuminated by similar suns. (K. Tsiolkovsky) Test on the topic “Predicate and its main types” 1. In which sentence is the predicate highlighted incorrectly? 1) Let the storm come on! 2) He made a promise to his brother. 3) Why did you stop talking to me seriously? 4) Autumn this year came cold, windy. 2. In which sentence is the predicate highlighted incorrectly? 1) He will teach you all the crafts. 2) Tomorrow evening you will have a rehearsal. 3) The work must be completed by the specified deadline. 4) An absent-minded person can be talented. 3. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate? 1) I will worry a lot. 2) The days were getting longer and longer. 11/15

12 3) Soon I stopped writing poetry. 4) The gardener was a fussy and talkative person. 4. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate? 1) The friendly whisper of the river did me a real favor. 2) Speech, verse, the same music, the same singing. 3) Karl Petrovich finally agreed to return. 4) The youngest Maklakov was considered the most lost and worthless person in the city. 5. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate? 1) The window is washed to a shine. 2) The sky was cloudy. 3) Daddy, order him to give the ring. 4) They are able to think and reason. 6. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate? 1) Winter was waiting, nature was waiting. 2) But was my Eugene happy? 3) Her hidden hour, apparently, was to come later. 4) The first weeks of sailing brought disappointment. 7. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate? 12/15

13 1) Fate itself tells you to save me. 2) She will revere him all her life. 3) The traitors have sunk into the water. 4) In the autumn I started swimming seriously. 8. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate? 1) Sheep are the first to approach the water. 2) The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly bears with his foot. 3) Everyone has or will have many cherished roads. 4) He is ready to erect a whole city. 9. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate? 1) The same dream began to repeat itself to me. 2) He got away with everything. 3) But let's figure it out first. 4) Doubts are now dispelled. 10. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate? 1) Oh, as a brother, I would be glad to embrace the storm! 2) I was often unable to hide my attitude towards you. 3) As if the heart stopped beating. 4) This sadness was indefinite, vague, like a dream. 13/15

14 11. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate? 1) From excitement, she could not begin to speak for a long time. 2) The commander of the 332nd, Major Barabanov, was the last to leave. 3) I will go and see a new movie. 4) I prefer spectacular cinema. 12. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given? You should be our first playwright. 1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb 2) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb 3) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal 4) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb 13. In which case is the correct variant of the characteristics of the main members of the sentence given? After tea, my brother and I invited the guests to walk in the garden. 1) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb 2) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb 3) the subject is expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a simple verb 4) the subject is expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate 14/15

15 compound verb 14. In which case is the correct variant of the characteristics of the main members of the sentence given? After graduating from the institute, Fedor had to return to his hometown. 1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb 2) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb 3) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal 4) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb Answers: 15/15

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8th grade. Control test The main members of the sentence 1 option A 1. Find a sentence in which the subject is expressed by an indivisible phrase: 1. Father and son went to the stadium. 2. Wet rain Not

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How the wolf got his bottom "wait but" whose fox "went" to the ay "l 1 for the chicken. She "went" there "because" she "really wanted" to eat. In au "le fox" stole "la * sa" most big "yu ku" ritsu and would "stro-by" quickly run "la to

One evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and waiting for my mother. She probably lingered at the institute, or at the store, or, perhaps, stood at the bus stop for a long time. Don't know. Only all parents

Happy Mother's Day!!! Our moms are the best in the world! - I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do? God answered: - I will give you an angel who will always be with you. He will explain everything to you. -

MKDOU "Proletarian kindergarten" 2014. To the sounds of the march "Victory Day" by D. Tukhmanov, children enter the hall, sit down. Vedas. Today, guys, our whole country is celebrating the most glorious holiday, Victory Day.

Developer: Russian language teacher MBOU School 63 o. Samara Kurdysh Nina Nikolaevna Subject: Russian Grade: 8th Theme of the lesson: Types of predicates Lesson type: combined Equipment: presentation

Summary of classes on the development of speech. Topic: "Oral folk art. Nursery rhymes "(2nd group early development) Purpose: Introducing younger children preschool age to oral folklore in the classroom

May the sun shine on you, May wrinkles not age you, May children please you, May men love you! Without wasting unnecessary words, I give you a bouquet of flowers. Wish to be beautiful lady Even more beautiful with flowers!

Aleksander Olszewski I rok II stopnia Filologia rosyjska UW kwiecień 2013 To a friend If you knew, Friend, how I want to cry today! And the men are crying too, what is there to hide! Gray days, hateful vile

I want to correct my mistake And improve our relationship, I hope you forgive me And stop being offended, Know that I love you, baby! Snow is spinning outside the window, It's winter outside, Where are you, my beloved person?

SUMMARY of a lesson in Russian in grade 4 Developed by: Kosobokova Natalya Sergeevna Topic: "Generalization of knowledge about adjectives as part of speech." Equipment: reproductions of paintings by landscape painters;

GBOU secondary school 84 Lebedeva S.S. Ways to convey someone else's speech Misha asked: "Vitya, please give me this book for a few days." Misha asked Vitya to give him a book for a few days. And for a long, long time

Ways of expressing the main members of the sentence (task 8) Shmakova O.A., teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU secondary school 5 Task formulation: Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 46. (46) How is it


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Nadezhda Shcherbakova Ralph and Falabella There lived a rabbit in the world. His name was Ralph. But it was an unusual rabbit. The largest in the world. So big and clumsy that he couldn't even run and jump like other rabbits,

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A dash between the subject and the predicate The dash is put 1. The subject and the predicate are expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case (with a zero connective). The next station is Mytishchi; Three times five fifteen;

LESSON 2 Repeat the endings of the accusative case of nouns and adjectives, as well as personal pronouns (textbook "Once upon a time. 12 lessons of the Russian language", pp. 27-28). 1 Open the brackets, put the words

Poetic dialogue with the world in the poetry of S. A. Yesenin Whom to pity? After all, every wanderer in the world Will pass, go in and leave the house again. A hemp plant dreams of all the departed With a wide moon over a blue pond. 1

Scenario of the Victory Concert on May 9 Music sounds, the leading 1st Vedas come out. In the flowering of grasses, another spring Came after the spring sun after the seventieth time beloved country Meets this holiday Victory Day!

MOU Bolshebykovskaya secondary comprehensive school Author: Kosinova Natasha Grade 5 MAY 2010 In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. His name was Verb. He was very strict and did not like

Ali and his camera Ali lives in Istanbul, big city in Turkey. He lives in an old house next to the famous Blue Mosque. After school, Ali returned home and sat by the window. He looked at the boats leaving

2017 One day Petya was returning from kindergarten. That day he learned to count to ten. He reached his house, and his younger sister Valya was already waiting at the gate. And I already know how to count! boasted

One day Petya was returning from kindergarten. That day he learned to count to ten. He reached his house, and his younger sister Valya was already waiting at the gate. And I already know how to count! Petya boasted.

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When you sometimes get bored, And something disturbs you, You remember that there is a heart in the world that loves you! Oh, how insignificant all comparisons are, One thing I know: I always need you - In the sun, in the moon, in the crowd

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MARCH 8 Children stand in a semicircle. Vedas: March good month We like it, Because in March, the Holiday of our mothers! SONG "Oh, what a mother" Vedas: The month of March is outside. In this spring month, a holiday comes to us

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Chapter 1 Dreams I dream of dogs. I dream of their warm soft bodies warming me. I dream of their musky smell, which soothed me through long, terrible nights. I dream of their wet tongues, their sharp teeth, their warm

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They are buying something else. They haven't bought anything yet. We are talking about you. Why do you think? Because we are late. Fairy We saw the Fairy in the shop. Friday class starts at 12:20. Seems like I'm alone or

The work was downloaded from Typical Mark Haer

One day this man was walking along the road and thinking about how unfair fate was to him and how happy people who have children are. Dejected by his grief, he ran into an old man walking towards him. asks

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UDC 821.161.1-1 LBC 84(2Rus=Rus)6-5 H63 Designed by Natalia Yarusova H63 Nikolaev, Igor. Lake of Hope. 100 love songs / Igor Nikolaev. Moscow: Publishing house "E", 2015. 208 p. (Poetry gift).

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The scenario of the holiday on March 8 in kindergarten second junior group. Children enter the hall to the music. Host: Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday Joyful, bright and tender holiday. Holiday

Exercise 1.

Identify the subjects and predicates in these sentences.

1. The lackey is shaking. The slave laughs. The executioner sharpens his axe. The tyrant shreds the capon. The winter moon sparkles. (I. Brodsky) 2. Well, should we turn back, turn back the ships in order to experience the ancient poverty of the earth again? (N. Gumilyov) 3. Someone's heels no longer crush the chipped leaf and gold of grass through the groves. (S. Yesenin) 4. Where the secret always slumbers, there are unearthly fields. (S. Yesenin) 5. All goats have horns in autumn. (P. Bazhov) 6. And suddenly, as happens in a booth, when a painted paper curtain breaks through in a star-like manner, letting in a living, smiling face, a man appeared, out of nowhere, so unexpected and so familiar, a voice spoke, as if he had been sounding under mute and suddenly breaking through the usual haze. (V.Nabokov)

Exercise 2.

Write down the sentences, determine their grammatical basis:

1) The train, driven along the branch to a dead end, began to unload. 2) The announcer finished reading the resolution. 3) Fate cannot shower generosity alone. (N Gorbachev.) 4) I will ride on the hills of the dormant Motherland. (N. Rubtsov.) 5) The mother was upset by the call of her son.

Exercise 3

Find the predicates and determine how they are expressed; formulate a rule about the predicate as the main member of the sentence.

1) This region is very modest.
2) Birds are our friends.
3) The first leaves are green.
4) I love the lush nature of wilting.
5) Summer threw off the green caftan.
6) The morning is fresh.

Exercise 4

Find the predicates and highlight them.

Sir, I am a hat and hat craftsman. I make the best hats and caps in the world. I have been working for you all night today, sir, and wept like a child with grief. It's such a tragic, special style. It's an invisibility hat. As soon as you put it on, you will disappear, and the poor master will never know whether it suits you or not. Take it, just don't try it on with me. I won't take it! (E.L. Schwartz)

Exercise 5

From these sentences, you first write out sentences with a simple verbal predicate, then with a compound verbal predicate.

The monkey decided to work. (I.A. Krylov.) The dancers crowded and pushed each other. (A.I. Kuprin.) Let them leave Godunov. (A.S. Pushkin.) Anyone can sing like that. (A.P. Chekhov) Not everyone is able to live alone. The chervonets was dirty and dusty. Two friends were walking in the evening. Heroes by rights decided to sort it out. (I.A. Krylov.) We parted to great friends. (A.S. Pushkin.)

Exercise 6

Find simple and compound verb predicates.

They saw a young nobleman beating a servant with something. The whole appearance of the stranger was remarkable, but the first thing that caught my eye was his huge nose. "What do you allow yourself?" the philosopher asked sternly and heard in response: “I want to listen to the lectures of the great Gassendi, and this whip has spread out on my way. But, I swear by my nose, I will listen to this most intelligent person, even if I have to pierce this fool or someone else with a sword! Gassendi's voice warmed noticeably: “Well, perhaps I can help you. What is your name, young man?" - "Savignon de Cyrano de Bergerac, poet," the guest answered proudly. (A.L. Tsukanov)

Exercise 7

Find compound verb predicates.

How I want to breathe into a poem
This whole world changing shape...
I'm afraid it's too late
I began to dream of happiness.
I won't sleep on New Year's Eve
I will start a new notebook today.
I wrote down a long address on a piece of paper,
He couldn't say goodbye, and he held the paper in his hand.
The light spread over the cobblestones. On eyelashes, and on fur,
And wet snow began to fall on gray gloves.
(A.A. Tarkovsky)

Exercise 8

Find compound verb predicates in these sentences.

1. I want to caress someone like a kangaroo caressed me. (N. Gumilyov) 2. The fisherman heard the cry from the river, the old man decided to play a joke. (S. Yesenin) 3. He did not want to live without a smile and a rose - he wanted to die with a smile and a rose. (D. Samoilov) 4. Here is someone who is unable to resist inertia3. (L. Rubinshtein) 5. You should get up to get drunk, you should get up, but you are too lazy to get up. (A. Bashlachev)

Exercise 9

Find compound nominal predicates.

Vaska Pechenkin's favorite pastime is kite-flying. From this peaceful occupation, he made himself a robbery. When his kite is released, Vaska feels like the only master of the sky, and before him our poor snakes are like sparrows before a kite. The Pechenkin Serpent is powerful and huge. (K.I. Chukovsky)

Exercise 10

Determine how many stems are in each sentence, highlight the stems, determine the types of predicates.

1. Murka, don’t go, there is an owl embroidered on the pillow, Murka is gray, don’t purr, grandfather will hear. (A. Akhmatova)

2. It is necessary to sing and cry forever to these strings, ringing strings, the mad bow must always beat, twist. (N. Gumilev)

3. I will not curse you, I am sad with the sadness of separation, but now I want to kiss your withdrawing hands. (N. Gumilev)

4. I haven't thought about it for fifteen years. And you will think - you will not want to live. (S. Dovlatov

5. Look, look where you shouldn't look. (I. Brodsky)

6. I thought to ask about health, but I realized the tactlessness of these words. (I. Brodsky)

7. We lay down by the broken spruce, waiting for the light to begin. (Yu. Drunina)

8. Please sit down, drink tea. (N. Zabolotsky)

9. And you can go forward and backward, rise, fall and rise again as a star; but only the ashes of your cigarettes are the ashes of empires, and this can happen to you. (B. Grebenshchikov)

Find short participles and short adjectives in the sentences.

Exercise 11

Determine the types of predicates of all sentences in A. Akhmatova's poem.

I see, I see the moonbow
Through the foliage of thick willows,
I hear, I hear a smooth knock
Unshod hooves.
What? And you don't want to sleep
Couldn't forget me for a year
Not used to my bed
Do you find it empty?
Am I talking to you
In the sharp cry of birds of prey,
I'm not looking into your eyes
From white, matte pages?
Why are you circling like a thief
At a quiet dwelling?
Or do you remember the deal
And are you waiting for me alive?
I fall asleep. Into the stuffy darkness
The moon threw the blade.
Knock again. It beats like this
My heart is warm.

Exercise 12

Show that all predicates in these sentences are compound nominal.

1. Spring is not like joy, and the sand is not yellow from the sun. (S. Yesenin) 2. Kolya appeared hungry and wet under the first spring rain. (L. Chukovskaya) 3. Travelers stood saddened. (A.Volkov) 4. The eyes are the brain turned inside out. (M. Gorky) 5. This song is not a cry of despair. (I. Brodsky) 6. All the hospital nurses seemed pretty. (S. Dovlatov) 7. In ordinary days, life in the Kornevs' house proceeded monotonously and monotonously. (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky) 8. The navel is an integral part of my body. (Vikt. Erofeev) 9. Fiction is not deceit. The idea is not the end. (B. Okudzhava)

Exercise 13

In which sentences was the word was a linking verb in a compound nominal predicate, and in which it is a simple verbal predicate?

1. There was a large and elegant tobacco shop on the corner of Khreshchatyk and Nikolaevskaya street. (M. Bulgakov) 2. It was a great relief when the game ended and Irma could be taken away. (V.Nabokov) 3. A guard of honor was lined up on the platform on a cold December morning at Chir station. (M. Sholokhov)

Exercise 14

Determine the types of predicates in these sentences.

1. I will be an affectionate novice, and you will be a dissolute wife. (S. Yesenin)

2. Buran will not be revenge for a month. (B.Pasternak)

3. We will fight together, until we lose consciousness, on the steep thresholds of delight and torment. (V. Ilyina)

4. Even when the very last trace is erased, Ursa Major will shed its harsh light. (A. Schukin)

5. If suddenly it will rain and sleet in the yard, we, while preparing our lessons, do not want to cry. (I. Brodsky)

6. The nightingale will sing to us in the green thicket. We will not think of death more often than a crow in the mind of scarecrows. (I. Brodsky)

Exercise 15

Text analysis. Find compound nominal predicates with zero connectives in sentences. Determine how the nominal parts in these predicates are expressed.

He has a small snake head. The ears are small and immobile. The chest muscles are developed to the limit. The legs are thin, strong, the pasterns are impeccable, the hooves are turned like a river pebble. The rear is slightly hanging, the tail is mochalist. He is a blood donation. Not only that: he is of very high blood, there is not a drop of foreign mixture in his veins, and the breed is visible in everything. His nickname is Malbrook. (M. Sholokhov)

Exercise 16

Show that the predicates in these sentences consist of three or more components.

1. Can you learn how to make people happy? (M. Gorky) 2. How I want to thank the candle, make its beloved light public and give epithets to the vigilant caress. (B. Akhmadulina) 3. Do you really have to toil all your life! 4. It is impossible to learn to understand oneself and others! 5. And where the east should be, two clouds learned to swim. 6. Beloved, do not say that we need to say goodbye! (D. Samoilov) 7. This is the best thing that should have been in Russia... (M. Bulgakov) 8. The summer promised to be hot and rich. (B.Pasternak)

Exercise 17

Determine the types of predicates in all sentences.

Chekhov is the flight of our youth... We are the intelligentsia. Chekhov is just like us, only a little better. To understand the Russian intellectual consciousness, our norm, read Chekhov. Chekhov - prophetic everyday life of the Russian mentality. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - all this is extreme. We cannot be Gogol, and we don’t really want to, but we can become Chekhov if we try. (Vikt. Erofeev)

Exercise 18

Rewrite the sentences following the spelling rules. Indicate how the main members are expressed in simple and complex sentences. Pay special attention to the main members expressed by various set phrases. Determine the types of predicates.

1. By order of the commander, the soldier was out of action..l. The machine is out of order.

2. Our lake is (not) deep. Lake Ladoga is (not) deep.

3. All of us were asked to sing more. We sang. We started to sing.

4. Our teacher is a kind person. Our teacher is a good athlete.

5. Five minutes later, only the father and son remained on the deserted site. I stayed at home with my little sister.

Exercise 19

Write down, highlight the grammatical foundations in sentences. Determine the ways of expressing the subject and predicate. Specify the types of predicates.

1. And something completely unexpected, unexpected happened to Ivan Ivanovich (Gogol).

2. The sun began to hide behind a snowy ridge (Lermontov).

3. This “if”, which he referred to the past, to the impossible, came true (Turgenev).

4. The plain seemed endless.

5. Neapolitan artists came to the greatest excitement (Paustovsky).

6. It is not easy in my position to remain calm (Kazakevich).

7. Kashtanka rushed forward, then back, once again ran across the road, but the joiner seemed to fall through the ground (Chekhov).

8. Sea air is clean and pleasant at any time of the year.

9. The Russian language is rich, figurative and accurate (Paustovsky).

10. My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia (Gogol).

Exercise 20

Highlight the stems in all sentences.

The life of every star, that is, every sun, is periodic. It constitutes the first, relatively small period, lasting several billion years, depending on the size of the star. The larger it is, the more massive, the longer the period of its life. I analyzed this in my kinetic theory of light. I cite from it only the most probable conclusions.
Ether particles, when combined, give rise to electrons or other simple matter. Since matter exists from hydrogen and helium, then it must have some kind of source. We only know about the existence of the ether. It is natural to assume that it was formed from the ether. This is similar to how we allow spontaneous generation on our planet. Otherwise, where did the first living matter come from? Perhaps from the sky, but after all, the sky is the same as the Earth, and there are the same planets and are also illuminated by similar suns. (K. Tsiolkovsky)

Test on the topic "Predicate and its main types"

1. In which sentence is the predicate highlighted incorrectly?

1) Let the storm come on!
2) He made a promise to his brother.
3) Why did you stop talking to me seriously?
4) Autumn this year came cold, windy.

2. In which sentence is the predicate highlighted incorrectly?

1) He will teach you all the crafts.
2) Tomorrow evening you will have a rehearsal.
3) The work must be completed by the specified deadline.
4) An absent-minded person can be talented.

3. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) I will worry a lot.
2) The days were getting longer and longer.
3) Soon I stopped writing poetry.
4) The gardener was a fussy and talkative person.

4. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) The friendly whisper of the river did me a real favor.
2) Speech, verse - the same music, the same singing.
3) Karl Petrovich finally agreed to return.
4) The youngest Maklakov was considered the most lost and worthless person in the city.

5. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) The window is washed to a shine.
2) The sky was cloudy.
3) Daddy, order him to give the ring.
4) They are able to think and reason.

6. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
2) But was my Eugene happy?
3) Her hidden hour, apparently, was to come later.
4) The first weeks of sailing brought disappointment.

7. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Fate itself tells you to save me.
2) She will revere him all her life.
3) The traitors have sunk into the water.
4) In the autumn I started swimming seriously.

8. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Sheep are the first to approach the water.
2) The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly bears with his foot.
3) Everyone has or will have many cherished roads.
4) He is ready to erect a whole city.

9. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) The same dream began to repeat itself to me.
2) He got away with everything.
3) But let's figure it out first.
4) Doubts are now dispelled.

10. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) Oh, as a brother, I would be glad to embrace the storm!
2) I was often unable to hide my attitude towards you.
3) As if the heart stopped beating.
4) This sadness was indefinite, vague, like a dream.

11. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) From excitement, she could not begin to speak for a long time.
2) The commander of the 332nd, Major Barabanov, was the last to leave.
3) I will go and see a new movie.
4) I prefer spectacular cinema.

12. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

You should be our first playwright.
1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb

3) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal
4) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb

13. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

After tea, my brother and I invited the guests to walk in the garden.
1) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
2) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb
3) the subject is expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a simple verb
4) the subject is expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a compound verb

14. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

After graduating from the institute, Fedor had to return to his hometown.
1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
2) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb
3) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal
4) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb

Exercise 1.

Identify the subjects and predicates in these sentences.

1. The lackey is shaking. The slave laughs. The executioner sharpens his axe. The tyrant shreds the capon. The winter moon sparkles. (I. Brodsky) 2. Well, should we turn back, turn back the ships in order to experience the ancient poverty of the earth again? (N. Gumilyov) 3. Someone's heels no longer crush the chipped leaf and gold of grass through the groves. (S. Yesenin) 4. Where the secret always slumbers, there are unearthly fields. (S. Yesenin) 5. All goats have horns in autumn. (P. Bazhov) 6. And suddenly, as happens in a booth, when a painted paper curtain breaks through in a star-like manner, letting in a living, smiling face, a man appeared, out of nowhere, so unexpected and so familiar, a voice spoke, as if he had been sounding under mute and suddenly breaking through the usual haze. (V.Nabokov)

Exercise 2.

Write down the sentences, determine their grammatical basis:

1) The train, driven along the branch to a dead end, began to unload. 2) The announcer finished reading the resolution. 3) Fate cannot shower generosity alone. (N Gorbachev.) 4) I will ride on the hills of the dormant Motherland. (N. Rubtsov.) 5) The mother was upset by the call of her son.

Exercise 3

Find the predicates and determine how they are expressed; formulate a rule about the predicate as the main member of the sentence.

1) This region is very modest.
2) Birds are our friends.
3) The first leaves are green.
4) I love the lush nature of wilting.
5) Summer threw off the green caftan.
6) The morning is fresh.

Exercise 4

Find the predicates and highlight them.

Sir, I am a hat and hat craftsman. I make the best hats and caps in the world. I have been working for you all night today, sir, and wept like a child with grief. It's such a tragic, special style. It's an invisibility hat. As soon as you put it on, you will disappear, and the poor master will never know whether it suits you or not. Take it, just don't try it on with me. I won't take it! (E.L. Schwartz)

Exercise 5

From these sentences, you first write out sentences with a simple verbal predicate, then with a compound verbal predicate.

The monkey decided to work. (I.A. Krylov.) The dancers crowded and pushed each other. (A.I. Kuprin.) Let them leave Godunov. (A.S. Pushkin.) Anyone can sing like that. (A.P. Chekhov) Not everyone is able to live alone. The chervonets was dirty and dusty. Two friends were walking in the evening. Heroes by rights decided to sort it out. (I.A. Krylov.) We parted to great friends. (A.S. Pushkin.)

Exercise 6

Find simple and compound verb predicates.

They saw a young nobleman beating a servant with something. The whole appearance of the stranger was remarkable, but the first thing that caught my eye was his huge nose. "What do you allow yourself?" the philosopher asked sternly and heard in response: “I want to listen to the lectures of the great Gassendi, and this whip has spread out on my way. But, I swear by my nose, I will listen to this most intelligent person, even if I have to pierce this fool or someone else with a sword! Gassendi's voice warmed noticeably: “Well, perhaps I can help you. What is your name, young man?" - "Savignon de Cyrano de Bergerac, poet," the guest answered proudly. (A.L. Tsukanov)

Exercise 7

Find compound verb predicates.

How I want to breathe into a poem
This whole world changing shape...
I'm afraid it's too late
I began to dream of happiness.
I won't sleep on New Year's Eve
I will start a new notebook today.
I wrote down a long address on a piece of paper,
He couldn't say goodbye, and he held the paper in his hand.
The light spread over the cobblestones. On eyelashes, and on fur,
And wet snow began to fall on gray gloves.
(A.A. Tarkovsky)

Exercise 8

Find compound verb predicates in these sentences.

1. I want to caress someone like a kangaroo caressed me. (N. Gumilyov) 2. The fisherman heard the cry from the river, the old man decided to play a joke. (S. Yesenin) 3. He did not want to live without a smile and a rose - he wanted to die with a smile and a rose. (D. Samoilov) 4. Here is someone who is unable to resist inertia3. (L. Rubinshtein) 5. You should get up to get drunk, you should get up, but you are too lazy to get up. (A. Bashlachev)

Exercise 9

Find compound nominal predicates.

Vaska Pechenkin's favorite pastime is kite-flying. From this peaceful occupation, he made himself a robbery. When his kite is released, Vaska feels like the only master of the sky, and before him our poor snakes are like sparrows before a kite. The Pechenkin Serpent is powerful and huge. (K.I. Chukovsky)

Exercise 10

Determine how many stems are in each sentence, highlight the stems, determine the types of predicates.

1. Murka, don’t go, there is an owl embroidered on the pillow, Murka is gray, don’t purr, grandfather will hear. (A. Akhmatova)

2. It is necessary to sing and cry forever to these strings, ringing strings, the mad bow must always beat, twist. (N. Gumilev)

3. I will not curse you, I am sad with the sadness of separation, but now I want to kiss your withdrawing hands. (N. Gumilev)

4. I haven't thought about it for fifteen years. And you will think - you will not want to live. (S. Dovlatov

5. Look, look where you shouldn't look. (I. Brodsky)

6. I thought to ask about health, but I realized the tactlessness of these words. (I. Brodsky)

7. We lay down by the broken spruce, waiting for the light to begin. (Yu. Drunina)

8. Please sit down, drink tea. (N. Zabolotsky)

9. And you can go forward and backward, rise, fall and rise again as a star; but only the ashes of your cigarettes are the ashes of empires, and this can happen to you. (B. Grebenshchikov)

Find short participles and short adjectives in the sentences.

Exercise 11

Determine the types of predicates of all sentences in A. Akhmatova's poem.

I see, I see the moonbow
Through the foliage of thick willows,
I hear, I hear a smooth knock
Unshod hooves.
What? And you don't want to sleep
Couldn't forget me for a year
Not used to my bed
Do you find it empty?
Am I talking to you
In the sharp cry of birds of prey,
I'm not looking into your eyes
From white, matte pages?
Why are you circling like a thief
At a quiet dwelling?
Or do you remember the deal
And are you waiting for me alive?
I fall asleep. Into the stuffy darkness
The moon threw the blade.
Knock again. It beats like this
My heart is warm.

Exercise 12

Show that all predicates in these sentences are compound nominal.

1. Spring is not like joy, and the sand is not yellow from the sun. (S. Yesenin) 2. Kolya appeared hungry and wet under the first spring rain. (L. Chukovskaya) 3. Travelers stood saddened. (A.Volkov) 4. The eyes are the brain turned inside out. (M. Gorky) 5. This song is not a cry of despair. (I. Brodsky) 6. All the hospital nurses seemed pretty. (S. Dovlatov) 7. In ordinary days, life in the Kornevs' house proceeded monotonously and monotonously. (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky) 8. The navel is an integral part of my body. (Vikt. Erofeev) 9. Fiction is not deceit. The idea is not the end. (B. Okudzhava)

Exercise 13

In which sentences was the word was a linking verb in a compound nominal predicate, and in which it is a simple verbal predicate?

1. There was a large and elegant tobacco shop on the corner of Khreshchatyk and Nikolaevskaya street. (M. Bulgakov) 2. It was a great relief when the game ended and Irma could be taken away. (V.Nabokov) 3. A guard of honor was lined up on the platform on a cold December morning at Chir station. (M. Sholokhov)

Exercise 14

Determine the types of predicates in these sentences.

1. I will be an affectionate novice, and you will be a dissolute wife. (S. Yesenin)

2. Buran will not be revenge for a month. (B.Pasternak)

3. We will fight together, until we lose consciousness, on the steep thresholds of delight and torment. (V. Ilyina)

4. Even when the very last trace is erased, Ursa Major will shed its harsh light. (A. Schukin)

5. If suddenly it will rain and sleet in the yard, we, while preparing our lessons, do not want to cry. (I. Brodsky)

6. The nightingale will sing to us in the green thicket. We will not think of death more often than a crow in the mind of scarecrows. (I. Brodsky)

Exercise 15

Text analysis. Find compound nominal predicates with zero connectives in sentences. Determine how the nominal parts in these predicates are expressed.

He has a small snake head. The ears are small and immobile. The chest muscles are developed to the limit. The legs are thin, strong, the pasterns are impeccable, the hooves are turned like a river pebble. The rear is slightly hanging, the tail is mochalist. He is a blood donation. Not only that: he is of very high blood, there is not a drop of foreign mixture in his veins, and the breed is visible in everything. His nickname is Malbrook. (M. Sholokhov)

Exercise 16

Show that the predicates in these sentences consist of three or more components.

1. Can you learn how to make people happy? (M. Gorky) 2. How I want to thank the candle, make its beloved light public and give epithets to the vigilant caress. (B. Akhmadulina) 3. Do you really have to toil all your life! 4. It is impossible to learn to understand oneself and others! 5. And where the east should be, two clouds learned to swim. 6. Beloved, do not say that we need to say goodbye! (D. Samoilov) 7. This is the best thing that should have been in Russia... (M. Bulgakov) 8. The summer promised to be hot and rich. (B.Pasternak)

Exercise 17

Determine the types of predicates in all sentences.

Chekhov is the flight of our youth... We are the intelligentsia. Chekhov is just like us, only a little better. To understand the Russian intellectual consciousness, our norm, read Chekhov. Chekhov - prophetic everyday life of the Russian mentality. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - all this is extreme. We cannot be Gogol, and we don’t really want to, but we can become Chekhov if we try. (Vikt. Erofeev)

Exercise 18

Rewrite the sentences following the spelling rules. Indicate how the main members are expressed in simple and complex sentences. Pay special attention to the main members expressed by various set phrases. Determine the types of predicates.

1. By order of the commander, the soldier was out of action..l. The machine is out of order.

2. Our lake is (not) deep. Lake Ladoga is (not) deep.

3. All of us were asked to sing more. We sang. We started to sing.

4. Our teacher is a kind person. Our teacher is a good athlete.

5. Five minutes later, only the father and son remained on the deserted site. I stayed at home with my little sister.

Exercise 19

Write down, highlight the grammatical foundations in sentences. Determine the ways of expressing the subject and predicate. Specify the types of predicates.

1. And something completely unexpected, unexpected happened to Ivan Ivanovich (Gogol).

2. The sun began to hide behind a snowy ridge (Lermontov).

3. This “if”, which he referred to the past, to the impossible, came true (Turgenev).

4. The plain seemed endless.

5. Neapolitan artists came to the greatest excitement (Paustovsky).

6. It is not easy in my position to remain calm (Kazakevich).

7. Kashtanka rushed forward, then back, once again ran across the road, but the joiner seemed to fall through the ground (Chekhov).

8. Sea air is clean and pleasant at any time of the year.

9. The Russian language is rich, figurative and accurate (Paustovsky).

10. My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia (Gogol).

Exercise 20

Highlight the stems in all sentences.

The life of every star, that is, every sun, is periodic. It constitutes the first, relatively small period, lasting several billion years, depending on the size of the star. The larger it is, the more massive, the longer the period of its life. I analyzed this in my kinetic theory of light. I cite from it only the most probable conclusions.
Ether particles, when combined, give rise to electrons or other simple matter. Since matter exists from hydrogen and helium, then it must have some kind of source. We only know about the existence of the ether. It is natural to assume that it was formed from the ether. This is similar to how we allow spontaneous generation on our planet. Otherwise, where did the first living matter come from? Perhaps from the sky, but after all, the sky is the same as the Earth, and there are the same planets and are also illuminated by similar suns. (K. Tsiolkovsky)

Test on the topic "Predicate and its main types"

1. In which sentence is the predicate highlighted incorrectly?

1) Let the storm come on!
2) He made a promise to his brother.
3) Why did you stop talking to me seriously?
4) Autumn this year came cold, windy.

2. In which sentence is the predicate highlighted incorrectly?

1) He will teach you all the crafts.
2) Tomorrow evening you will have a rehearsal.
3) The work must be completed by the specified deadline.
4) An absent-minded person can be talented.

3. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) I will worry a lot.
2) The days were getting longer and longer.
3) Soon I stopped writing poetry.
4) The gardener was a fussy and talkative person.

4. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) The friendly whisper of the river did me a real favor.
2) Speech, verse - the same music, the same singing.
3) Karl Petrovich finally agreed to return.
4) The youngest Maklakov was considered the most lost and worthless person in the city.

5. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) The window is washed to a shine.
2) The sky was cloudy.
3) Daddy, order him to give the ring.
4) They are able to think and reason.

6. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
2) But was my Eugene happy?
3) Her hidden hour, apparently, was to come later.
4) The first weeks of sailing brought disappointment.

7. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Fate itself tells you to save me.
2) She will revere him all her life.
3) The traitors have sunk into the water.
4) In the autumn I started swimming seriously.

8. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Sheep are the first to approach the water.
2) The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly bears with his foot.
3) Everyone has or will have many cherished roads.
4) He is ready to erect a whole city.

9. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) The same dream began to repeat itself to me.
2) He got away with everything.
3) But let's figure it out first.
4) Doubts are now dispelled.

10. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) Oh, as a brother, I would be glad to embrace the storm!
2) I was often unable to hide my attitude towards you.
3) As if the heart stopped beating.
4) This sadness was indefinite, vague, like a dream.

11. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) From excitement, she could not begin to speak for a long time.
2) The commander of the 332nd, Major Barabanov, was the last to leave.
3) I will go and see a new movie.
4) I prefer spectacular cinema.

12. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

You should be our first playwright.
1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb

3) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal
4) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb

13. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

After tea, my brother and I invited the guests to walk in the garden.
1) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
2) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb
3) the subject is expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a simple verb
4) the subject is expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a compound verb

14. In which case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

After graduating from the institute, Fedor had to return to his hometown.
1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
2) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb
3) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal
4) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb

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