Riddles about carrots. Riddles about carrots Garden scarecrow, scarecrow


Inseparable circle of friends
Hundreds of hands reach out to the sun.
And in my hands there is a fragrant cargo,
Different beads for different tastes.

Garden scarecrow, scarecrow

Worth Antoshka
On a wooden leg
Hands made of sticks
In the hands of a washcloth.
Wooden body
Clothes are torn,
Doesn't eat, doesn't drink,
He guards the garden.

It's in the garden,
Does not say anything.
He doesn’t take it himself
And he doesn’t give it to the crows.

They flew into a raspberry
They wanted to peck her.
But they saw a freak -
And get out of the garden quickly!
And the freak is sitting on a stick
With a beard made from a washcloth.


Lying in the light
Thrown into the darkness
And there is no peace there either:
How to break out into the light.


Dried out in the hot sun
And bursts out of the pods..?


Head on a leg
There are polka dots in my head.

There is a curl in the garden -
Red shirt,
The heart is not easy.
What it is?

Potatoes, potatoes

Keen eye -
Bogatyr Taras,
He went into the dungeon,
I found 10 brothers.
The brothers came into the world
Gathered for council -
Everyone's big-eyed
Yes, cheeky.

Buried in the ground in May
And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days,
And in the fall they began to dig -
Not just one was found, but ten!
What's its name, kids?

Incomprehensible, lumpy,
And she will come to the table -
The guys will say cheerfully:
“Well, crumbly, delicious!”

What they dug out of the ground,
Fried, boiled?
What we baked in the ashes
Did they praise you?


The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.

I tried all summer -
Dressed, dressed...
And when autumn came,
She gave us some clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put it in a barrel

I was born to glory
The head is white and curly.
Who loves cabbage soup
Look for me.

How I put on a hundred shirts,
It crunched on my teeth.

Seventy clothes
And all without fasteners.

Alena dressed up
In your green sundress,
She curled the frills thickly,
Do you recognize her?..


The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail,
All you need is a red nose.

Red maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

For the curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
To the touch - very smooth,
It tastes like sweet sugar.


Green above, red below,
It has grown into the ground.
There is grass above the ground,
Under the ground there is a scarlet head.


Golden head
Big, heavy.
Golden head
She lay down to rest.
The head is big
Only the neck is thin.

Cucumber, cucumbers

In the summer ~ in the garden,
Fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel,
Strong, salty.

The calves are smooth
Tied to the garden bed.
They lie in rows
Green themselves.

Fall apart in disarray
On your feather bed
One hundred green bear cubs
They lie with nipples in their mouths,
Continuously sucking juice
And they grow, grow, grow.

Lies between the beds -
Green and sweet.

No windows, no doors
The room is full of people.


Growing in the garden
Green branches,
And on them
Red kids.

I grow in the garden.
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato from me,
They put it in cabbage soup
And that's how they eat.


He never and no one
Didn't offend you in the world.
Why are they crying because of him?
Both adults and children?

Kicked off from Yegorushka
Golden feathers -
Egorushka forced
Cry without grief.

I grew up in the garden
My character is smooth:
Wherever I go
I will bring everyone to tears.

Before we ate it,
We had time to cry.

Tightly dressed in ten clothes,
He often comes to us for lunch.
But only you call him to the table,
You won't notice it yourself
How you shed tears.

Come learn shooting with me,
Look for me in the garden.
I can hit the bird accurately,
And more often I end up in cabbage soup.

Grandfather is sitting
Dressed in a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.

Doesn't hit, doesn't scold,
And it makes everyone cry.


The lady came
In a golden sundress,
They began to undress the lady,
They began to cry and sob.


Red mouse
With a white tail
Sitting in a hole
Under a green leaf
Red on the outside
White inside
There is a crest on the head -
Green forest.


Round, not a month,
Yellow, not oil,
With a tail, not a mouse.

You'll throw it into the ground
Little flea
She'll lie down for a while
And look - it's already growing
Samovar-root vegetable.


Small, bitter
Luke's brother.
It grows in the ground
Cleaned up for winter.
The head looks like a bow.
If you just chew
Even a small slice -
It will smell for a very long time.


White, skinny root vegetable
It grows underground.
And although he is very bitter,
It is good for us to eat:
Everyone - from adults to children -
They eat it with jellied meat.


I am rosy Matryoshka
I won’t tear you away from my friends,
I'll wait until Matryoshka
will fall into the grass on its own.

Round, rosy,
Fell from the tree
Lyuba got it in her mouth.

Round, rosy,
I grow on a branch:
Adults love me
And little children.

While I was small,
It didn't fall
But as it grew, it fell.
Isn't it funny?

Just like a fist,
Red barrel.
You touch it with your finger - it's smooth,
And if you take a bite, it’s sweet.


Bright, sweet, poured,
The cover is all gold.
Not from a candy factory -
From distant Africa.


The pot-bellied one is basking in the sun
A tough guy in a striped shirt.
Round, striped,
Taken from the garden,
Sugar and scarlet became -
Eat, please!

IN kindergarten with melons
They brought the balls.
They served the ball for dinner -
It is sweet and like kumach.

My caftan is green,
And the heart is like red,
Tastes like sugar, sweet
And he himself looks like a ball.

It's as big as a soccer ball!
If it’s ripe, everyone is happy!
It tastes so good!
What's this?

I'm red inside
Very sweet,
Well, who will eat me,

Round, round,
Sweet, sweet,
With striped skin smooth,
And if you cut it, look:
Red, red
He's inside.

Among the melons -
Green balls.
The kids flew in -
The balls are nothing but bark.


Little red Matryoshka,
Scarlet heart.
Red beads hang
They are looking at us from the bushes.
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.


In a forest clearing
Tatyanka shows off -
Scarlet sundress,
White specks.

I'm a drop of summer
On a thin leg.
Weave for me
Bodies and baskets.
Who loves me
He is happy to bow.
And she gave the name
My native land.

In the heat of the stumps
Many thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet flame.
Unbend the stems -
Collecting lights.

Like a stitch on a path
I see scarlet earrings.
I bent down for one,
And I came across ten!
I bowed down, I was not lazy -
I filled the mug with the top.


The centipede boasts:
- Am I not beautiful?
And just a bone
Yes, a red blouse!

She was green, small,
Then I became scarlet.
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.
Red, delicious,
There's a bone inside.


A lush bush of black berries -
They taste good!


I'm red, I'm sour
I grew up in a swamp
Ripened under the snow,
Come on, who knows me?

What kind of bead is here?
Hanging from a pole?
If you look, your mouth will water,
And if you bite through it, it’s sour!


Balls hang on the branches -
Turned blue from the heat.
Blue uniform
Warm lining,
And it's sweet in the middle.


Low and prickly
It doesn't smell.
Pick a berry -
You'll rip off your whole hand.


Taste berries are good,
But go ahead and rip it off:
A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog -
So it’s named?..


Under a leaf on every branch
Little children are sitting.
The one who gathers the children
He'll stain his hands and his mouth.

In the forest and in the swamp
You will find grass.
And on it the grapes turn blue -
A handful of sweet and sour berries.


If a person wants to get the strongest possible tan, before going out into the sun, just eat a small carrot. The carotene contained in it will make it possible to get a tan several tones stronger than without it. In addition to this mystery, carrots have quite a few secrets. It is the riddles about carrots that we want to offer in this section.

The orange root hid in the ground,

And the braid is green in the morning dew.
I want to taste it again and again and again
This healthy, tasty one for everyone... (Carrot)

The girl is a beauty

We all really like it.
My son will tell me about her:
“I love carotene!”…(Carrots)

One after another in order

The tails stick out in the garden bed,
And the beautiful girl
sitting in an earthen dungeon... (Carrot)

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose... (Carrot)

Very bright girl
In the summer he hides in the dungeon.
Bunnies and kids love it
Fresh and in cutlets.
This red-haired cheat
It's called...(Carrot)

I'm proud of my long tail,
For hares, there is no one tastier than me.
I take a lot of vitamins
I keep it under my skin.
I’ll put on the vest very cleverly,
Orange! After all, I... (Carrot)

Orange hidden spine
Only the top is visible from above.
And you will pick it up cleverly -
And in my hands... (Carrot)

She orange color.
Helpful greetings from the summer.
Girls and boys gnaw on her,
And even long-eared bunnies... (Carrot)

It always grows deep into the earth
This long root vegetable.
From it we are a woman's nose
They stuck it right in the cold.
And now I'm ready
Drink juice from...(Carrots)

A scythe grows from the ground.
Pull your hair.
It is difficult to remove the wedge from the bed,
Even with a spatula.
I dug up a bunch of roots
Take it home quickly.
Prepare healthy juice
If you grew...(Carrot)

All the kids know her
red, growing in the garden
Masha loves, Vovka loves
this is sweet...(Carrot)

There is a green tail above the ground,
Underground red nose.
The bunny deftly devoured...
What is her name?..(Carrot)

​Riddles about carrots introduce children to vegetables, help them navigate among them and distinguish them from fruits.

Carrots are very healthy vegetable, rich in vitamins. But most of all it contains carotene, which in the body turns into vitamin A. And it has a very beneficial effect on the skin, vision and mood! Carrots are so bright and sweet that most children happily eat them without any tricks.

Carrots as a vegetable did not immediately appear in our gardens. For a long time it was considered at first either a weed or a rare fruit that was delivered to the table of rich people. But very soon it spread everywhere.

By asking riddles about carrots, parents help children develop memory, thinking, and imagination. Such riddles are easy to understand, and children are able to create their own.

I grow in the soil in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet.

There is a green tail above the ground,
Underground red nose.
The bunny deftly devoured...
What is her name? ...

This red-haired girl
Not the beet's sister at all,
Just next to each other in the garden,
Sheltered for order

Very bright girl
In the summer he hides in the dungeon.
Bunnies and kids love it
Fresh and in cutlets.
This red-haired cheat
It's called...

Red maiden
Grew up in a dungeon
People took it in their hands
The braids were torn off.

One after another in order
The tails stick out in the garden bed,
And the beautiful girl
he sits in an earthen prison.

Curly braid
And the dew glistens on it!
Whose braid is lying in the garden bed?
Where are the orange heels?
The cheat hid it in the ground,

Green on top
red below,
has grown into the ground.

Redhead like a fox
But she sits in prison,
The tail is held deftly over the garden bed
It's called...

On the ridge she is the queen
And no one can compare with her,
Cobalt, iodine and carotenes,
A lot of vitamins.
No skill needed
To eat

The Maiden hid in the ground.
A braid sticks out of the ground.
I'll pull it out deftly

Beautiful maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

The orange root hid in the ground,
And the braid is green in the morning dew.
I want to taste it again and again and again
This healthy, delicious...

For the curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
To the touch - very smooth,
Tastes like sweet sugar

Red, rooted in the ground.

It always grows deep into the earth
This long root vegetable.
From it we are a woman's nose
They stuck it right in the cold.
And now I'm ready
Drink juice from...

The red nose has grown into the ground,
And you don't need a green tail,
All you need is a red nose.

In green socks,
Orange handkerchief
Madam is sitting
Silent until autumn.

A lanky man walked
in damp earth stuck

She herself is red, her braid sticks out.
Bunnies love, boys love,
Squirrels love, girls love.
The bunny is fast, the bunny is clever
He loves it very much...

Vegetable garden
In an orange dress
Hidden in the cellar,
Just a braid on a hillock.

A scythe grows from the ground.
Pull your hair.
It is difficult to remove the wedge from the bed,
Even with a spatula.
I dug up a bunch of roots
Take it home quickly.
Prepare healthy juice
If you raised...

Very smooth to the touch
tastes like sugar, sweet!
I've been growing for many days
became redder and sweeter.
I became crispy.
And the green crest
I have, guys,
So that everyone can pull
and pull it out of the garden.

Juicy, long,
Useful, vitamin,
And with a flirty braid,
Enjoying the dew.
Let it sit until autumn,
It will surprise you how it ripens

She is orange.
Helpful greetings from the summer.
Girls and boys gnaw on her,
And even long-eared bunnies.

The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail,
All you need is a red tail.

The tail is green in the yard.
And she sits in the ground.
We will pull it out deftly.
Children like...

Red maidens in the beds
They hide their sleeping faces,
When they ripen, they crunch
Hares will ride on forest teeth.

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