6 task exam Russian online. Other difficult cases Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives

Task 6 USE in Russian

Word formation

For execution given task good knowledge of theory is required. What do you need to know?

    Case forms of numerals

    The use of collective nouns

    Using BOTH, BOTH

    The use of numerals one and a half, one and a half

    Formation and use of degrees of comparison of adjectives

    Education and use of forms imperative mood some verbs

    Formation and use of nominative and genitive cases plural nouns

Collective declension both, both

Masculine and neuter


both students, backgrounds, letters

both students, books

both students, tables, letters

both students, books

to both students, tables, letters

both students, books

both students, both tables, letters

both students, both books

by both students, tables, letters

both students, books

about both students, tables, letters

about both students, books

Declension of cardinal numbers

In compound quantitative numbers, all the words that form them decline, and nouns denoting countable objects, in all cases, except for the nominative and accusative, agree with the numeral in the case.
For example: a series of manuals with three hundred and sixty-seven drawings.
But: there are three hundred and sixty-seven drawings in the manual (sixty-three drawings).

Declension of numerals
50, 60, 70, 80, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900.
In compound numbers from fifty to eighty and from two hundred to nine hundred, both parts of the word are declined.




two hundred

five hundred



two hundred

five hundred

about fifty

about two hundred

about five hundred

Declension of numbers 40, 90, 100.






about ninety

The word thousand is declined as a noun female on -a; the words million and billion are declined as masculine nouns with a stem in a consonant.

The comparative degree is formed:

1) in a synthetic way; the means of expressing the degree of comparison are the suffixes -ee- (-ee-), -e, -she-;
2) in an analytical way; means of expressing the degree of comparison are additional words more - less;
3) in a suppletive way; means of expressing the degree of comparison is the change of bases: good - better, best; bad - worse, worse; small - less.
The comparative degree of an adjective has two forms: simple and compound.
Simple Comparative Degree formed from the stem of an adjective by adding suffixes:
1) -her (s): round-th - round-her (round-her); beautiful - beautiful - her (beautiful - her); long-th - long-her (long-her); lingering - lingering-her (stretching-her);
2) -e, if:
a) the basis of the adjective ends in g, k, x, d, t, cm, followed by alternation of the consonant of the stem: hot-th - hot-e; dear-oh - dear; quiet-th - quiet-e; young-oh - younger; rich - rich; clean - clean;
b) the adjective has a suffix -k- (-ok-, -ek-) with subsequent truncation of the suffix and alternation of the consonant stem: low-th - lower-e; narrow-th - already; high - higher; close - near;
3) -she, if the stem of the adjective ends in g, k, followed by truncation of these consonants: far-th - far-she; long-th - longer; thin-th - thinner.
Forms of degrees of comparison in -ee (s), -e, -she can be combined with the prefix po-, which adds an additional value of softening the degree of predominance of quality; cf .: more - more; more interesting - more interesting; more fun - more fun; tighter - tighter; heavier - heavier; tastier - tastier.
A number of adjectives have variant forms of the comparative degree: large - more, more; distant - further, further; long - longer, longer; late - later, later; early - earlier, earlier; small - less, less.
Not all quality adjectives form a simple form of the comparative degree:
1) adjectives with the suffix -sk- (-esk-): comic, tragic, friendly, fraternal, hypocritical;
2) some adjectives with the suffix -n-: blood, manual, sick, early, superfluous;
3) adjectives with the suffix -ov- (-ev-): free, business, ordinary, combat, mass;
4) many verbal adjectives with the suffix -l-: lethargic, rotten, tired, hoarse, hoarse;
5) some adjectives with the suffix -k-: unsteady, impudent, brittle, sticky, sluggish, timid, avid, tenacious, chilly;
6) some non-derivative adjectives: dilapidated, proud.
Complex form of the comparative degree is formed in all adjectives that name a feature that can manifest itself in a greater or lesser lesser degree. It is formed by adding additional words more, less to a positive degree; eg: more important, less affectionate.
The superlative degree shows that a given feature of an object is manifested to the greatest or least degree in comparison with a similar feature in another subject, for example: the deepest; the brightest; the narrowest.
Simple superlative form formed from the basis of the positive degree of the adjective by adding suffixes:
1) -eysh-: white-th - white-eysh-th; rich-th - rich-eysh-th; brave-th - brave-eysh-th; miraculous - miraculous;
2) -aysh- to adjectives with a stem on r, k, x and followed by alternation of consonants: high-th - high-aysh-th, deep-th - deep-aysh-th, quiet-th - tish-aysh-th .
There are some features in the formation of superlatives:
- the adjective heavy forms a superlative degree with the alternation of w / / g and k / / h: heavy - the most difficult;
- adjectives close, low form a superlative by adding a suffix with the truncation of the generating stem and the subsequent alternation of consonants s // w: close - the nearest, low - the lowest.
Not all quality adjectives form a simple superlative form:
1) adjectives with the suffix -sk-, -esk-: fraternal friendly, enemy, demonic, hellish, ugly;
2) some adjectives with the suffix -n-: native, efficient, bloody, quarrelsome, redundant;
3) adjectives with the suffix -ov- (-ev-): advanced, business, free, combat, key, frontal, circular, passenger;
4) verbal adjectives with the suffix -l-: burnt, seasoned, moldy, hardy, tired;
5) some adjectives with the suffix -k-: catchy, weighty, avid, sticky, loose, vigilant, tenacious, tart;
6) adjectives with suffixes -ast-, -ist-: big-eyed, browed, fanged, layered, curvy, handy, tongued;
7) some non-derivative adjectives: frequent, proud, young.
Compound superlative form formed in two ways:
1) by adding additional words most, most, least to the positive degree of comparison of the adjective, for example: the most charming, the most sensitive, the most sweet, the most dense, the least wide, the least funny. This method is productive even for those adjectives that do not have a simple superlative form, for example: the most friendly, the most combative, the most curvy, the most efficient, the least friendly, the least catchy;
2) by adding the words of everyone, everything to the simple form of the comparative degree of the adjective, for example: the most important, the nicest of all.

Normative shaping of some verbs:
When forming verbs imperfect form V literary language in some cases, there is an alternation of vowels o–a at the base: triple - triple, undermine - undermine, borrow - lend.
At the same time, such an alternation is not typical for the following pairs of species: disturb - disturb, concern - concern, disgrace - disgrace, delay - delay, sum up - sum up, time - time, empower - empower, accelerate - accelerate.
When forming imperfective verbs from the verbs to determine, to concentrate, the forms to determine, to concentrate are permissible, however, the main normative variant remains the form without alternation - to condition, to concentrate.

When forming forms of the 2nd and 3rd person singular and forms of the 1st and 2nd person plural of the present and simple future tense from the verbs of the I conjugation with the stem on g, to, there is an alternation of these consonants with hissing w, h: flow - flow - flow - flow, lie down - lie down - lie down - lie down, cherish - shore - cherish - cherish.
An exception is the verb to weave (weave - weave - weave).
Especially often mistakes are made when conjugating the verb to burn and its derivatives: burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn (wrong: burn, burn, burn).
In the formation of the forms of the 1st person singular of the present and the simple future tense from verbs of the II conjugation, an alternation is observed in-vl, f-fl, b-bl, p-pl, m-ml, st-sch, t-h, d / h-zh, s-sh: catch - catch - catch, shine - shine - shine, twist - twist - twist, weigh - weigh - weigh, see - see - see, carry - drive - carry.
Forms like shine are a gross mistake, and their use in speech indicates a very low culture of the speaker.
The same can be said about the errors in the conjugation of the verbs run, want (and their derivatives). When forming the forms of the present and simple future tenses from the verb to run (and derivatives from it), the stem ends in the consonant g in the forms of the 1st person singular and 3rd person plural: run - run; run away - run away. In other forms, the stem of the verb ends in a hissing: run, run, run, run. Unacceptable forms in the literary language run, run!
The verbs want, want have alternation of consonants only in singular forms: I want - I want - I want - I want, I want - I want. It is unacceptable to use the forms want, want, want, want! It's not only rough grammar mistake, but also an indicator of an extremely low human culture!
Sometimes in the literary language, the coexistence of several equal variants of the forms of the present and future tense is possible, for example: listen - they listen and heed. However, in most cases, the variant forms are opposed in some way.
So, for the verbs to wave, pour, the main options are wave, pour (permissible forms are wave, pour). The use of the forms caplets and drips from the verb drip depends on the meaning: “to fall in drops” - It drips and drips from the roofs; “pouring slowly, drop by drop” - He will drip twenty drops of the medicine for her. In the use of variant forms of the verb to shine, one can also distinguish differences in compatibility: stars shine - people shine.
Errors in the formation of future tense forms from verbs to recover, to weaken, to weaken are very frequent in speech. Verbs in -et indicate the direction of the action on the subject himself and retain the vowel e in the formation of present tense forms: I will recover, I will become weak, I will weaken. The form I will recover is not used at all in the literary language. The form to weaken is the form of the 1st person from the transitive verb with the suffix -i (t) to weaken and expresses the direction of the action on the object (I will weaken the enemy).

In the formation of past tense forms, in some cases, the suffix -nu- is lost: arise - arose, dry - dried up, disappear - disappeared, die - died, get used to - got used to, get wet - got wet, penetrate - penetrated.
It is impossible to use forms such as arose, penetrated, etc. in the literary language.
Sometimes in literary language coexist as equal variants with and without a suffix: deaf - deaf and deaf, reach - reached and reached, sour - sour and sour, smell - groin and smelled, undergo - subjected and subjected, wither - sluggish and withered.
For a number of verbs, the variant without a suffix is ​​the main one.(extinguish - extinguished, freeze - froze, dry - dry, go out - rotten), but we can also use the variant with the suffix (extinguished, froze, dried up, went out).

When forming the imperative mood, a number of verbs have an alternation of consonants and vowels in the stem: run - run, run; save - take care; take - take; drive - drive; burn - burn; call - call; seek - seek; put - put (!), put (!) etc.
In addition, for some verbs, when forming the imperative mood, the suffix -i is not added. In most cases, the use of these forms in speech does not cause difficulties: attack - attack, command - command, spend the night - spend the night, follow - follow, wash - mine, get up - get up, get dressed - get dressed.

A number of verbs are characterized by the absence or uncommonness of imperative mood forms: weigh, see, move, be able, hate, undergo, happen, hear, mature, cost, flow, see, become obsolete, want, etc.

Normative Formation of Nominative and Genitive Plural Cases of Nouns does not have specific rules(!), i.e. you need to memorize these words.
Mastered the theory? Then it's time to start completing the options for task 6 from the Unified State Examination in the Russian language!

Test options for task 6 from the Unified State Examination in Russian:

Try to solve them yourself and compare with the answers at the end of the page

Example 1:

LIE (on the floor)
Their work
hot soups
SIX HUNDRED students

Example 2:

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

five POTS
over one hundred and seventy KILOMETERS

Example 3:

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

for BOTH students
VECTORS of motion
in 1990
name day

Example 4:

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

famous lecturers
pair of stockings

Example 5:

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

insurance policies
1.5 bets
we don't lie
Northern and SOUTH POLE

Example 6:

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

DRY in the sun
the BELLS are ringing
several pairs of EARRINGS
knew a lot of FABLES

Example 7:

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

in the year two thousand and nine
THEIR watch
planted twenty apple trees
refrain from COMMENTS

Example 8:

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

pair of stockings
the price of NOBILITY
in 2005
five apricots

Example 9:

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

dripping from CANDLES
MOST successfully
SEVENTY helpers
GO straight ahead


    six hundred


For this task you can get 1 point on the exam in 2019

The topic of task 6 of the USE in the Russian language is the formation of word forms in Russian. The question contains several small phrases or phrases, one or more of which is misspelled. Prepare to see phrases like "I did the most DECIDENT" or "BICKED APPLE" on this list - the words to look out for are capitalized, italicized, or otherwise. Your task is to find an erroneous version of the construction of the form of the word and indicate it. Each task contains phrases with "problem" words of all parts of speech, and any of them can be wrong.

Task No. 6 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language is considered one of the most voluminous and complex. What is needed for its successful implementation? You need to know not only general rules, but also typical errors in word formation. To our common good fortune, most morphological norms digested if not in in early childhood, then in primary school, and when preparing for exams, they should not cause difficulties. However, the developers of questions for the exam tried to use words in the tickets, in the use of which even educated adults make mistakes. The way out of the situation is only to remember how complex words are formed and declined.

This task is to test the general literacy of the student, therefore, to prepare for it, you can use not only the online USE tests in the Russian language or the textbooks used in our schools on this subject, but also any dictionaries. In addition, you can notice the correctness of word formation when reading fiction as well as when watching movies and TV shows. The score for this task is added to the rest - previous and subsequent. Alternatively, you can test your knowledge on only one topic by solving task No. 6 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

Task number 6 tests the ability of students to educate various forms words. It is necessary to find a word in it, the form of which is formed with an error, and write it correctly; for this you can get one primary point.

Theory for assignment No. 6 USE in the Russian language

Many graduates have problems with the formation of the plural forms of various words. In order to prevent them, we provide some theoretical information using the words encountered in the exam.

Grammatical norms of nouns

Nominative plural noun endings
Plural endings. case Y/IPlural ending im. case A/Z
Agebill of exchange
report cardAnchor
Plural noun endings genitive

In the genitive plural of words denoting various fruits and vegetables, the ending "-ov" is almost always used:

  • a lot of pineapples, bananas, lemons, tomatoes.

It is important to remember the following exceptions: melons, plums, apples

In the genitive case of the plural of words denoting paired objects, there is often a zero ending:

  • a lot of shoe covers, boots, boots, sneakers, shorts, stockings, shoes.

Important to remember: a lot of breeches, golfs, socks

The null ending will also be in the genitive plural of words denoting nationalities:

  • many Bulgarians, Buryats, Georgians, Romanians, Tatars

Important to remember: many Mongols, Tajiks, Croats, Yakuts

Also, the zero ending is used in the words of the genitive plural, denoting some military professions:

  • midshipman, grenadier, hussar, partisan, soldier

Important to remember: many sappers

The genitive plural of various units of measurement also has a zero ending:

  • ampere, arshin, byte, megabyte, volt, watt

But: grams, hectares, kilograms

The genitive plural for words ending in "-tse" is formed with the ending "-ets":

  • many saucers, mirrors, blankets, towels

However: many trees, windows

The ending "-y" will occur in the genitive plural of words ending in "-ya" or "-ye":

  • many nesting places, food, tombstones, necklaces, cookies, coasts, seats, mutilations.

Important to remember: many roots, rags, dresses, apprentices, lands, flakes, rooks, spears, guns

The ending "-ey" will be in the genitive plural of words that are in nominative case end with "and":

  • a lot of weekdays, dumbbells, tablecloths, mangers, palms

Declension of nouns

Declension of numerals also causes difficulties for some people. In the numerals "forty, ninety, one hundred" in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases of the plural, the ending "-a" is added:

  • forty, ninety, one hundred

In the numerals "fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty" both parts of the words change, for example, fifty - fifty. Two parts also change in the words "two hundred, three hundred, four hundred", for example, three hundred - three hundred - three hundred - about three hundred. The words "five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred" are declined according to the following pattern: seven hundred - seven hundred - seven hundred - seven hundred - seven hundred - about seven hundred. In the declension of compound numerals, all parts of the word must be changed: three thousand eight hundred twenty-seven - three thousand eight hundred twenty-seven - three thousand eight hundred twenty-seven - three thousand eight hundred twenty-seven - about three thousand eight hundred twenty-seven.

It is very important to decline ordinal numbers correctly: only the last word before the noun changes in them, for example:

  • two thousand and seventeen - in two thousand and seventeen (you can't say "in two thousand and seventeen"!)

When using the words "both" and "both", you must always agree with the nouns:

  • on both streets (not both); in both houses (not both).

Morphological norms of verbs

You also need to remember the forms of the following imperative words:

lie downlie downlie down
run awayrunrun
pour outrashespour out
putput your luggageput down

Both present and future tenses:

It is important to remember the correct spelling of words and combinations:

  • cut your hair, slip, emphasize, handwriting, mock, get off the bus (do not go), get wet, cold, get stronger, sit down

Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives

The comparative degree of adjectives can be simple and compound: warmer (simple), warmer (compound). Both of these forms cannot be combined: warmer is a grammatical error.

The superlative degree of adjectives can be simple and compound: the warmest (simple), the warmest (compound). Both of these forms cannot be combined: the warmest is a grammatical error.

Task execution algorithm

  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. We read the proposed words and phrases (preferably pronouncing them or using them in a sentence).
  3. We recall the grammatical nomes of the Russian language in the field of word formation (theory).
  4. Looking for the misspelled word.
  5. We write down the correct answer (the correct form of the word).

Analysis of typical options for task No. 6 USE in the Russian language

The sixth task of the demo 2018

  1. experienced TRAINERS
  2. on BOTH sides
  3. sounds less LOUD
  5. no SHOES
Execution algorithm:
  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. Experienced trainers engaged in the preparation of the team. New alarm sounds less loud. Ride forward along the alley. She has no shoes for an evening out.
  3. Experienced trainers trainer. Sounds less loud- the correct form of the comparative degree of the adverb loud. Ride is the correct plural imperative form. H em shoes shoe.
  4. The word BOTH is misspelled. With a feminine noun, the word BOTH should be used - BOTH sides.

Answer: both

The first version of the task

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

  1. Ride straight
  2. white GOLF
  3. the best TRAINERS
  5. folded towels
Execution algorithm:
  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. We read the proposed words and phrases, trying to use them in sentences: Ride straight on the way to. Our team the best coaches. Donate three-fifths all stocks. She packed her bag folded towels and underwear.
  3. Ride straight- correctly formed imperative mood of the verb drive. The best coaches - the correct plural form of the nominative case of a noun trainer. three-fifths- in compound numerals, all parts are declined. Folded towels- with a prefix we use a verb -lie-.
  4. The word GOLF is misspelled. This is one of the "exceptions" to the formation of the plural of words - designations of clothing items.

Answer: golf

The second version of the assignment

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

  1. wave hand
  2. LATER
  3. THREE inspectors
  4. our HOLIDAYS
Execution algorithm:
  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. We read the proposed words and phrases, trying to use them in sentences: I wave my hand mom. later period of the artist's work. Three inspectors came to a unanimous decision. Our holidays have been approved.
  3. I wave my hand- correctly formed 1 person singular of the present tense from the verb wave. later- correctly formed superlative form of the verb late. Three inspectors- correctly educated R.p. plural of verb inspector. Our holidays- plural of noun vacation.
  4. This task illustrates a fairly common mistake in the declension of numerals. As mentioned above, only the word closest to the noun should be declined in them. Correct option: by the year two thousand and fifteen.

Answer: two thousand and fifteen.

The third version of the task

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

  1. LESS crisp
  2. aubergine caviar
  3. WAVE
  4. administrative DISTRICTS
  5. FIFTY tasks
Execution algorithm:
  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. We read the proposed words and phrases, trying to use them in sentences: less clear drawing. Eggplant caviar turned out to be a hit. Administrative districts reacted to the statement. Control presented fifty tasks.
  3. less clear- correctly formed comparative degree of the adjective clear. Eggplant caviar– correct plural form of the genitive case of a noun eggplant - REMEMBER. Administrative districts is the correct plural form of the nominative case of the noun okrug. Fifty tasks- in complex numerals, both parts decline .
  4. Here, no error was made in the declension of the numeral, but it can be found in combination at number 3. You need to remember once and for all that the correct option is wave.

reference Information

There are many morphological forms in Russian inflected words. Fortunately, most of them are acquired by children in early childhood and do not cause problems in preparing for the exam. But there are forms in the formation and use of which both children and adults make mistakes. Below is a list of such morphological forms.

Error forms. Remember the list examples.


Plural formation:

Words on Y - I:

engineers, designers, officers, lecturers, trainers, accountants, instructors, editors, locksmiths, drivers;
vectors, winds, reprimands, jumpers, sweaters, contracts, containers, players, policies, spotlights, warehouses;
ages, choices, ports, handwriting, creams, cakes

Words starting with A - Z:

director, doctor, inspector, professor, cook, watchman, paramedic, tenor, coachman;
districts, warrants, bills, boats, vacations, heaps, bells, bodies, domes, districts, passports, cellars, varieties, farms, poplars, stacks, stamps, anchors

Formation of genitive plural forms:

1.Formation and change of forms of compound numbers:

in the year one thousand and five, two sevenths, three fifths, two thousand and eleven,
eighty (eighty), eight hundred (eight hundred), five hundred, three thousand six hundred and fifty seven

2.Declension of complex and compound numbers:

two hundred rubles, five hundred rubles, four hundred rubles, about five hundred kilometers, three hundred pages, no six hundred rubles, about five hundred books

words: forty, ninety, one hundred.

I.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
R.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
D.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
V.p. forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)
etc. forty, ninety, one hundred (in rubles)
P.p. (o) forty, ninety, one hundred (rubles)

fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
R.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
D.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
V.p. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
etc. fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)
P.p. (o) fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty (rubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers: five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred. When declining, both parts change in them:

I.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
R.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
D.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
V.p. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
etc. five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (rubles)
P.p. (about) five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred (roubles)

Pay attention to the declension of numbers one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred, in which errors are often made:

I.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
R.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
D.p. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
V.p. one and a half (hours), one and a half (minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
etc. one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)
P.p. (o) one and a half (hours, minutes), one and a half hundred (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound cardinal numbers: each word changes in them:

I.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
R.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
D.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
V.p. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
etc. two thousand fourteen (rubles)
P.p. (about) two thousand fourteen (rubles)

Pay attention to declination compound ordinal numbers: only changes in them the last word:

I.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
R.p. two thousand and fourteen
D.p. two thousand and fourteen
V.p. two thousand fourteenth (year)
etc. two thousand and fourteen
P.p. (c) two thousand and fourteen (year)

3. The use of collective nouns:

two brothers, three puppies, to both brothers, to both girlfriends, two glasses, two sledges, two of us, three, six of them.

Since the topic causes a lot of problems, remember the cases when it is correct to use collective numbers, in a list:

1. With nouns denoting males: two brothers, three men, four guys.
With nouns children, people: three children, four people.
3. With nouns denoting baby animals: three puppies, seven kids.
4. With nouns that have only plural form. hours: five days.
5. With nouns denoting paired or compound objects: two points, two skis.
6. With pronouns: two of us, five of them.

4. Use of numerals both, both:

numeral both used only with nouns f.r.: both girls, both sides, both books.
With nouns m. and cf. R. the form is used both: both brothers, both friends, both windows.

Wrong: both paths, to both paths, both stars.
Right: both paths, to both paths, both stars.


Form formation:

Wrong: was carried away by her, with her; theirs; in the midst of him (her), among them; how many books, how many students.
Right: was carried away by her - T.p., she has - R.p.; their; in the middle * of him (her), among * them; how many books, how many students

*In the middle, among- suggestions. If you say: from them, from them, say: among them. After prepositions in personal pronouns he she They letter appears in oblique cases n.


1. Education of personal forms:

Verbs win, convince, convince, dissuade, find oneself, feel, outshine, dare, vacuum and some others do not have a form of 1 person singular. h.
It is a mistake: I will win, I will run, I will win, I will convince, I will run away, I will convince, I will find myself, I am a miracle, a stranger, a stranger.
Correct: do not use these verbs in the form of 1 l., singular.

Wrong: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, protect, guard, rinse, wave, want (the wrong inflection model was used, vernacular).
Right: let's try, ride, climb, burn, bake, save, guard, rinse, wave, want.

2. Formation of return forms:

Wrong: met, wanted, said hello, sorry (colloquial).
Right: met, wanted to say hello(after vowels -sya, A -ss), sorry (the use of the reflexive form with this verb is a gross mistake).

3. Formation of imperative mood forms:

Wrong: go, go, go, go, go, ride, ride, wave, disperse, lay down, lay down, lie, lie down, run, climb, buy, lie down (wrong inflection model used, vernacular).
Right: go (with a prefix), wave, drive away, lay down, buy, lie down.

Pay attention to the formation of imperative forms of erroneous verbs, which are often found in KIMs:

Lie down - (you) lie down, (you) lie down
Ride - (you) go, (you) go
Ride - (you) ride, (you) ride
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Put - (you) put, (you) put
Climb - (you) climb, (you) climb
Run - (you) run, (you) run

4. Formation of past tense forms:

Wrong: froze, got stronger, dried out, dried out, got wet, got wet, and others like that.
Right: frozen, strengthened, withered, dried up, dried up, wet, wet.


Participle formation:

Wrong: rinsing, waving, wanting (using the wrong inflection model); doing, writing, taking an interest (present participles are not formed from perfective verbs).
Right: rinsing, waving, wanting; do not try to form present participles from perfective verbs.


Formation of gerunds:

Wrong: looking in my direction, stacking up, driving (incorrect use of formation models: gerunds with the suffix -я- cannot be formed from the verbs CB).
Right: looking in my direction or looking in my direction, folding in a pile(excl.: sustainable combination folded arms), having gone.

In task 6 you are asked to find an example with an error in the formation of the word form. Task 6 might look like this:

Indicate the variant with an error in the formation of the word form.

  • their coats
  • eloquent lecturers
  • the wind shakes the flags
  • both friends have

Below is a short list of rules and topics that you need to know in order to cope with task 6.

Errors in the forms of numerals

1. Declension of numbers. Here are the rules that are tested most often:

When declining numbers from 50 to 80, from 200 to 900 both roots change: seventy, seventy, seventy, seventy, about seventy; five hundred, five hundred, five hundred, five hundred, about five hundred.

When declining ordinal numerals only the last word is changed: in two thousand and fourteenth year (impossible: in two thousand and fourteenth year).

Numerals one and a halfAnda hundred and fifty(150) have oblique forms one and a halfAndone and a half hundred.

In order to learn how to decline numerals with the second root “one hundred” (two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, etc.), you need to use the word “note”: four notes - four hundred, four notes - four hundred, four notes - four hundred, oh four notes - about four hundred. (See. Sluzhevskaya T.L. Lessons of Russian literature. Workshop on the culture of speech. St. Petersburg, 1999)

2. Collective numerals two, three, four, etc. are not used with feminine nouns. You can't say three friends. It is correct to say three girlfriends.

3. Both and both. The feminine form both is used with feminine nouns (both actresses, both palms) and with personal pronouns we, you, they, if these pronouns indicate two females (for example, two ballerinas can be said both of them).

Feminine nouns in oblique cases are combined with indirect cases from the form both, not both. You can’t say from both sides, to both daughters, with both hands, in both bags. Correct forms: on both sides, for both daughters, with both hands, in both bags.

Noun forms

1. Difficult cases of the nominative plural form Plural of nouns

masculine words with zero ending in the nominative plural they have the endings -s, -i (table - tables, computer - computers, translator - translators, ball - balls) or -a, -я (eye - eyes, voice - voices, chair - chairs). Some words have two plural forms (for example, years and years). There are no clear rules that would determine which ending the plural form of a word has.

Words that end in -s, - And(capital letter means percussive sound)

lecturer - lecturers - lecturers

engineer - engineers - engineers

chauffeur - chauffeurs - chauffeurs

accountant - accountants - accountants

inspector - inspectors - inspectors**

instructor – instructors – instructors**

locksmith - locksmiths - locksmiths**

turner - turners - turners **

groom - grooms - grooms

contract — contracts — contracts**

age - ages - ages

cream - creams - creams

soup - soups - soups

hospital - hospitals - hospitals and hospitals (equal options)

** IN colloquial speech(not on the exam) the options are inspector A, instructor A, locksmith, turner, contract A.

Words that end in -A, - I

director - directora - directors

professor - professorA - professorOv

doctor - doctorA - doctorOv

fan - fanA - fanOv

black grouse - black grouseA - black grouse

ham - ham - ham

anchor - anchor - anchor

boat - boats - boats

The word omission in the meaning of "document" forms the plural of omissions, and in the meaning of "something omitted" - the plural - omissions.

Choose the row in which all the words are in the form im. case plural. numbers ending -s or -i:

agreement, driver, fan

lecturer, professor, inspector

accountant, engineer, age

director, instructor, doctor

2. Difficult cases of the genitive plural form

Genitive plural nouns

Try to answer the question. How to say correctly: fish have no teeth, fish have no teeth, or fish have no teeth?

There is a lot of truth in this joke: all three normative endings of the gender form are presented here. case pl. numbers:

ov (s): tables, computers, dresses, logs,

her: seas, benches, mice, daughters,

zero: towers, cherries, clouds, gorges, fritters, splashes.

This form is very difficult, because although there are patterns in the choice of endings, there are a lot of them - and they are inconsistent.

So, one of the regularities is that if the ending in initial form noun is non-zero, then in gender. case pl. numbers - zero and vice versa: an aunt and a lot of aunts, a melon - melons, an apple - apples, a window - windows, but a table - tables, an oven - stoves, a mother - mothers. However, this pattern is very often violated, compare: one sock and a pair of socks; but one stocking and a pair of stockings; dress - dresses, sea - seas.

Occasionally, there are variable cases when the norm allows two options for ending:
eggplant and eggplant, sneakers and sneakers, candles and candles, Turkmen and Turkmen, sheets and sheets, weekdays and weekdays, grams and grams.

Zero ending words

shoes and clothes worn on the feet: stockings (a pair of stockings), boots (a pair of boots), boots (a pair of boots), sandals (a pair of sandals), shoes (a pair of shoes); but a pair of socks

military: hussars (no hussars), partisans (many partisans), soldiers (many soldiers)

nationalities: Bashkirs (many Bashkirs), Armenians (Armenians), Bulgarians (Bulgarians), Ossetians (Ossetians), Gypsies (Gypsies)

words in -nya, -la: apple tree (no apple trees), kitchen (no kitchens), cherry (no cherries), waffle (no waffles)

words in -tsa: saucers (saucers), towels (towels), tentacles (tentacles)

other words: shoulder straps (no shoulder straps), pasta (no pasta), apple (no apples), sausage (no sausages, not sausages), Sunday (Sundays), gorge (gorges), fritters (fritters), craft (crafts) , earring (earrings), witch (witches), poker (poker)

Words that endov(orev)

socks (a pair of socks) - as opposed to a pair of stockings, a pair of boots and other things worn on the legs. In colloquial speech, a pair of socks is also possible.

fruits and vegetables: apricots, oranges, bananas, lemons, tangerines, tomatoes

canned food (canned food)


Kazakhs, Croats


Words that endto her

manger (Nursery with emphasis on the first syllable); nostrils (nostrils), claws (claws), (dumplings) dumplings, cases (cases).

Some words do not have the gender form. case pl. numbers (for example, a dream, an ottoman). You can’t say: “She had many different dreams.”

Choose a row in which all words have a gender form. case plural. number of endings:

Mast, dream, mother, claw

Stocking, sock, elephant, jacket

Thief, orange, Croatian, tomato

Craft, fritter, saw, partisan

Choose a row in which all words have a gender form. case plural. numbers zero ending:

Witch, canned food, Armenian, Ossetian

Nostril, manger, tentacle, weekdays

Table, shoulder strap, pasta, hussars

Gypsy, sunday, eye, soldier

3. Several masculine nouns with a zero ending have two endings in the prepositional singular: -е and -у. In this case, the choice of ending depends on the preposition with which the word is used:

in the closet and on the closet, but about the closet

in the port and at the airport, but about the port and about the airport

in the side, but about the side

in the forest, but about the forest

on the bridge, but about the bridge.

Verb forms

1. Difficult verb forms Verbs with alternating stems

Some forms of the present tense with alternations at the base are difficult:

burn - burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn (wrong: burn, burn, burn)

flow - flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow

oven - bake, bake, bake, bake, bake, bake

grind - grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind

want - want, want, want, want, want, want

go - go, go, go, go, go, go (wrong: go)

sway - sway, sway, sway, sway, sway, sway (the variant sway, sway is also possible)

rinse - rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse (it is also possible to rinse, rinse)

climb - climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb (there is also a verb to climb with the forms I climb, climb, climb, etc.)

riddled - riddled, riddled, riddled, riddled, riddled, riddled, communion riddled.

waving - waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving (in colloquial speech, the option is waving, waving)

If there are variants of the literary norm in the language, when completing the USE tasks, only one should be indicated - the main (and not the colloquial) variant.

Mark the sentences with errors:

I climb rocks.

The wind shakes the grass.

Imperative mood

The formation of the imperative mood from some verbs can be difficult:

lie down - lie down, lie down

wave - wave

rinse - rinse

put - put (and the word lie does not exist)

put - put (and the word put does not exist)

get out - get out

straighten - straighten and straighten (both options are possible)

The verb to go does not have an imperative form. Wrong: go, go. The verb to ride also does not have an imperative form. Wrong: go. You can form the form of the imperative mood only from another verb - to go: go.

Mark the phrases with errors:

lie down on the grass

wave goodbye

go faster

rinse your mouth regularly

Non-existent verbs

Remember: the verbs climb out, climb in the Russian literary language do not exist! That's right: I'm getting out (not getting out), I'm climbing in.

There is no verb to lay down either! That's right: put (species pair put - put).

Other difficult cases

Some verbs do not have certain forms. In this case, one speaks of a defective paradigm of verbs. For example: the verbs to win, convince, dare, kink do not have the form of the 1st person singular. However, the verb to vacuum has it (vacuum cleaner), although it is rarely used.

The verb to crave forms thirst, crave, crave, etc. In colloquial speech, the option I crave, crave, crave is also possible.

The past tense forms of the verb get wet are wet, wet. Incorrect: wet.

2. Only perfect participles are formed from perfective verbs, and only imperfective participles are formed from imperfective verbs. For example, from the verb of the perfect form to replace it is impossible to form the gerund participle replace ( correct form- replacing), and from the imperfective verb to keep it is impossible to form the gerund of powers (the correct form is holding).

Forms of adjectives and adverbs

1. Ways of forming comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.

The comparative degree of adjectives (and adverbs in -o, -e) can be formed in one of two ways:

using suffixes -ee (s), -e, -she: smarter, quieter, older

using more and less words: smarter, quieter, less loud, older.

These two methods are never used together. You can’t say he is smarter or speak more quietly.

The superlative degree of adjectives (and adverbs in -o, -e) can be formed in one of three ways:

with the help of suffixes -eysh-, -aysh-: smartest, quietest

using the words most, most, and least: smartest, most quiet, least interesting

with the help of the comparative degree of the adjective and the word of all: smarter than everyone, quieter than everyone.

These methods are also never used together. You can not say the smartest student. In addition, comparative and superlative. This is not to say he runs the fastest or the hardest.

2. For adjectives in -ki, the forms of the comparative degree, as a rule, end in -che: louder (and not louder), harder, brighter, bitterer (and bitterer in the meaning of "sorrowful"), louder, hotter, stronger, sharper.

Pronoun forms

1. There is no pronoun theirs in literary Russian. speak correctly their: their cat, their cat, their kittens.

The use of pronouns

Pronounsthem, hisAndher

Belonging to the 3rd person plural. number (that is, to them - parents, friends, colleagues, classmates, neighbors) is expressed by the pronoun their.

This pronoun is immutable. The word to which it refers can be of any gender and can be used in any number and case - in any case, their pronoun will remain unchanged.

their cat, their monkey, their surprise, their children

their cat, their cat, with their cat, about their cat

The pronoun theirs (theirs, theirs, theirs) refers to colloquial vocabulary. It is recommended to use it only for writers when describing scenes from folk life.

The same applies to the pronouns evony and eyny. These are gross colloquial errors, unacceptable either in oral or written speech. It is correct to say him and her.

pronoun declensionshe

The pronoun she in the genitive case has the form of her, and with prepositions - her. The genitive form ney is a colloquial error and should not be used.

Please note that we are talking specifically about the genitive, and not about the instrumental case. In the instrumental case, it is a literary norm. For example, the sentence “We are just friends with her” is fully consistent with the literary norm.

She has a lot of friends. You can’t: “She has many friends.”

In the 19th century, the genitive form was the literary norm, but gradually it acquired a colloquial connotation.

Russia cannot be understood with the mind,
Do not measure with a common yardstick:
She has a special become -
One can only believe in Russia.
(F.I. Tyutchev, 1866)

And here is an example of the use of the word ney (instead of it) in a literary text - the author uses a stylization technique, since he writes on behalf of an “uneducated” character:

And she has a wide nature,
She has an open soul
And she has a great figure
And I don't have a penny in my pocket.
(V. Vysotsky)

Their opinion is of no interest to anyone here.

Nobody cares about her opinion either.

Mark all the sentences that correspond to the modern literary norm.

She has a great figure.

She has no shame or conscience.

Guests came to her.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.