How to tell fortunes for the future at home. Simple fortune telling: how to tell fortunes yourself at home. Fortune telling with cotton wool

Is it possible to know your future and tell fortunes to yourself correctly, it was enough to have suitable things with you. There are quite different and unusual ways of telling fortunes on cards, books, strangers, and even buses. But the latter is more of a modern fortune-telling. Many methods have changed and adapted to modern reality, but this does not mean that they have stopped working. After all, the principles remained the same as those laid down in the distant past.

And almost every fortune-telling requires asking a certain question, the answer to which you would like to hear. Most often these are positive questions, a desire to know the future or the fate of loved ones. But before asking such a question, several prerequisites must be met:
calm down and get rid of a nervous or excited state;
clearly formulate the question, and sometimes even visualize it (if we're talking about about a loved one);
relax and surrender to the will of fate.
Failure to comply with these conditions can significantly blur the result of fortune telling. Well, if all the warnings have been said, let’s move on to the methods of fortune telling themselves! This article will describe the most effective fortune telling on one's own

Fortune telling on a book at home

Tell yourself You can use an ordinary book, you just need to look in the closet and take out your favorite book! They are always nearby, and if you haven’t found them paper version, use electronic. Many people know about this fortune-telling, and we will not talk about it in detail. Just relax, calm down and formulate your question. Then you need to wish for a page and a line in the book and open it. Next, we read what is written in this line and listen to the voice of fate! Sometimes the meaning of what is written cannot be understood immediately. But try to unfocus your consciousness, and you will see something hidden and coming!

Radio fortune telling

Yes, there is one too unusual way find out the future, which has existed for more than a decade. This method is similar to the previous one. Let's remember three mandatory conditions, which must be observed before fortune telling and let’s get started. How to tell fortunes on the radio?
- turn on the radio;
- agree that, for example, the fourth song that will play will be the answer to the question;
- wait for the song and listen carefully.
The first song from which compositions should be counted should be considered the one that was playing when you turned on the radio.

Fortune telling on the bus

Another way of fortune telling is using the buses that are familiar to everyone. But themselves vehicles are of secondary importance here. Direct fortune telling occurs using advertising or information banners. The principle here is the same as in fortune telling by radio. We ask a question and assert that the second or third (you choose the number yourself) banner will answer it. This method is good because the information on banners is usually short and succinct. She can give a simpler and more understandable answer to a secret question. Asking whether a prize will be issued today and seeing a banner with a goldfish in front of you, you can safely hope for a budget replenishment!

Fortune telling on passersby on the street

This is a very original and simple way to find out the future! And it will suit city dwellers first of all! You ask yourself a question, and then you need to decide that, let’s say, the first random person you meet will be a man. If this is so, then the answer to the question is “Yes,” and if you meet a woman, then the answer will be “No.” Or vice versa, you set the rules here yourself. Knowing how to guess correctly, you can see omens, signs and symbols everywhere. You can even find answers to your questions in a crowd of people. And fate itself, life itself will tell you.

How to tell fortunes for yourself using cards

Frankly speaking, fortune telling yourself with cards It can be very confusing and time consuming. You should not begin such a mysterious ritual without special knowledge. But if you really want, you can get some answers. Of course, use some special cards the uninitiated should not. They can have too strong an influence on fate. But regular playing cards are suitable for everyone.

It is believed that the most accurate answers are given by cards on which a virgin sits before fortune telling. She thereby cleanses them of everything dark and negative influences. The cards should be laid out with respect, and the question should be asked carefully. Think carefully about whether you want to know what the cards tell you. Often, in fortune telling on cards, figures (jack, queen, king, ace) are more important than numbers, but they can also give clues.

The suit of the cards also has great importance. For example, the suit of hearts represents love, care and something bright. Bubnovaya - perseverance, determination and mandatory execution of plans. The cross suit promises troubles, the end of something or simply death. Blame is some kind of machinations of ill-wishers, obstacles on the way or unhappy love.

Now a few words about the meaning of the cards. When fortune telling for love, it is important to remember that the lady personifies a rival or assistant, the jack represents a lover (if a woman is fortune-telling) or a rival (if a man is fortune-telling). The king here acts as a father or patron. And an ace can be a confirmation of failure or achievement of what you want. The numbers will tell you about age, dates and quantity. You can find out the future on an esoteric site and use the service. Finding with real reviews is not so easy.

Signs that fate shows us

There are situations in life that in themselves can tell a lot about the future or fate. You can, of course, tell your own love fortune using a book or radio. But such methods are prone to bias. There are millions of signs and clues around us. These signs include primarily birds.
Doves are a symbol of something bright and happy. And to find a clean place in a flock of pigeons white bird - good sign. The black raven signifies the radical opposite. A flock of sparrows greeted in the morning is a symbol of a cheerful and carefree conversation that awaits ahead.

Change of weather chance meeting and even a license plate number can suggest the right decision. After asking a question, pay attention to how the weather has changed. Did clouds appear in the sky and what kind of wind blew. The letters on license plates can say more than meets the eye. Among them there are frank “yes” and “no”, but there are also veiled forms. Three letters “t” are a symbol of a dead end and the inability to resolve the situation. But in combination with the number 7 or 8, on the contrary, they indicate an imminent exit from the impasse. In general, look with all your eyes, and life will seem more interesting and simpler to you!

Fortune telling at home is the easiest way to find out the answer to your question. The best time For the ceremony, it is considered night or evening. You can tell fortunes on any day of the week, but it is undesirable to perform rituals on Sundays and days church holidays. The main condition for the fortune telling process is the concentration of the questioner. In order to fully immerse yourself in the process, you need to protect yourself from distracting objects, such as mobile phone, TV and computer. The main thing in fortune telling is faith in the ritual. In its absence, one should not expect a true prediction.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

In most cases, women and girls make fortunes about love, betrothed, relationships, future, desire and fate. A wide variety of household items are used for rituals, such as paper, candles, mirrors, beans, coins and cards.

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      • Fortune telling for your betrothed using two mirrors

        This method of fortune telling is quite dangerous, so only girls who are not timid dare to try it. Its essence is to use two mirrors to see the face of your future chosen one. Before the process, it is necessary that the girl does not talk to anyone. The ritual is performed in complete privacy and silence. The fortuneteller must let down her hair and strip naked.

        Opposite the large mirror, you need to place a smaller mirror and place two lit candles along the edges. This needs to be done so that the small mirror reflects a continuous burning corridor. Next, you should concentrate and peer into a large mirror for a long time. This process will take a lot of time, but sooner or later you can see the appearance of your future husband in the reflection.

        The main thing in this fortune telling is for a long time expectations. Many girls in the mirror saw various figures, shadows, glimpses and many other flashing images. All these visions are mirror entities. The appearance of the future chosen one is also otherworldly entity, which, if looked at for a long time, can remain in the world of people. Therefore, you should not get carried away by looking at the face of your betrothed. It is necessary to send him back to the looking-glass world as quickly as possible, saying: “Screw this place! "After this phrase, the appearance should disappear. If there is a fear that the fortuneteller will get scared and forget to say the right phrase, then it is better not to perform this ritual, as you can put your life in danger.

        Using matches

        This type of fortune telling refers to simple rituals. The only paraphernalia you will need is a candle and matches. Before starting the process, you need to light a candle and look at the burning fire. At this time, you need to mentally think about the person and the relationship with him. Next, you need to install two matches in the gaps from matchbox. In this case, the matches symbolize two people, where one is the fortuneteller, and the second is the person being told fortunes.

        Then you need to light both matches using a candle and carefully observe how they behave when burning. The answer to the question will be given by completely burnt matches. If they take a position leaning towards each other, then everything will work out well in the relationship. If they are turned away from each other, then discord and disagreement are inevitable. If both matches look in the same direction, this means that one in the pair is more drawn to the other, while the latter wants to leave the relationship.

        On the groom using beans

        This type of fortune telling is carried out using three ordinary beans and three small bags. Before fortune telling, you need to prepare the beans: one bean needs to be cleaned completely, the second only half, and the third should be left as is. Before going to bed, each bean must be placed in a separate bag and placed under the pillow.

        The next morning you need to take out the first bag you come across. Peeled beans symbolize a wealthy groom. Half-peeled beans promise a betrothed man with average income. Unpeeled beans predict a guy who is not very rich (with a low income) for a girl.

        Card reading

        Fortune telling with cards is the most traditional method. In order for it to be true, the following conditions must be met:

      1. 1. The deck of cards must be new or they must be playing cards that are used only for fortune telling. It is strictly forbidden to play with such cards.
      2. 2. The same person must use the cards and perform the rituals. Cards tend to get used to the energy of the fortuneteller, and therefore the more often this person guesses, the more truthfully they will give the answer.
      3. 3. The deck must be stored in a secluded place, wrapped in a cloth of red or green shades.

      For the near future using 9 cards

      It is advisable to carry out this ritual by the end of the current month. You need to thoroughly shuffle the deck and pull out any 9 cards you like (the cards should be face down). The meaning and suit of these cards will tell you what to expect in the near future.

      First of all, you need to pay attention to the dropped suit. If most of them represent peaks, then this foreshadows imminent problems. The suit of hearts promises happiness, joy and success in all endeavors. Clubs indicate the approach of certain problems. Most likely, they are not serious, but they will bring confusion and vanity into the fortuneteller’s life. Diamonds promise unexpected income.

      Also in the process of fortune telling, you need to pay attention to the number of high and low cards. If more low cards are drawn, then negative events are expected in the near future. If there are more high cards in the nine drawn, then pleasant meetings with family and friends are expected soon.

      The number of cards drawn with the same value is also of great importance in this fortune telling. Each value has its own prediction, namely:

      • ace - symbolize a situation that will bring big trouble;
      • king - success in all areas of life;
      • lady - to minor problems;
      • jack - symbolizes need: this card is a kind of warning about being careful when applying for credits and loans;
      • ten - promises quick fulfillment of desires;
      • nine - to joyful events;
      • number eight - symbolizes the onset of ordinary, joyless everyday life;
      • seven - to quarrels and parting with a loved one and dear person;
      • six - speaks of approaching problems and unfortunate moments.

      One card per relationship

      In order to find out what awaits the fortuneteller in a relationship with a loved one, you need to use the cards. They need to be shuffled, and then use the little finger of your left hand to move part of the deck in your direction. These cards must be placed underneath the rest of the deck. The card that is at the very top will tell about the future in the relationship between the fortuneteller and her significant other.

      Prediction by suit:

      • hearts - love and mutual understanding;
      • clubs - it will come difficult period in a relationship;
      • tambourines - happiness and joy;
      • peaks - scandals and misunderstandings.

      Prediction by card value:

      • six - to unexpected news;
      • seven - to joyful events;
      • eight - to disappointment in your partner;
      • nine - for a kiss;
      • ten - the future of the couple is depicted in colorful and rainbow colors;
      • jack - love in a relationship will not fade for a long time;
      • lady - a rival will appear on the horizon;
      • king - symbolizes a person who will help the couple establish balance in the relationship;
      • Ace is a symbol of strong and strong relationships.

      Such fortune telling should be carried out on odd numbers. Also, the prediction will be more accurate if you tell fortunes late in the evening.

      Using coins

      You need to prepare for this fortune telling in advance. For the ritual you will need: two candles, ten coins (of any value) and a photograph of the person for whom fortune telling will be performed. An image of a lover on a phone will not work, since a person’s energy is best conveyed by a photo on paper. The photograph should be placed in the center of the table between two lit candles, and the coins should be held in the left hand. You need to concentrate and peer at the image of your loved one. Next you need to ask: “What has fate prepared for us? “After what has been said, you need to scatter the coins, aiming at the photograph.

      Number of eagles Number of tails The result of fortune telling
      10 0 In order to maintain a relationship with your loved one, you need to reconsider your behavior towards him
      9 1 Not very positive events are expected in the near future, which will have a bad impact on the relationship with your loved one.
      8 2 You can't expect a future with this person.
      7 3 Something will happen soon that will lead to separation from your loved one.
      6 4 To maintain a relationship, you need to devote as much time as possible to each other.
      5 5 The man in the photograph has no feelings towards the fortuneteller
      4 6 Soon a third person will appear in the relationship, and we are not talking about a rival at all
      3 7 A loved one has some difficulties with finances, so now, more than ever, he needs support and understanding
      2 8 On this moment your loved one devotes more time to work, but everything will change soon
      1 9 Endless quarrels will arise in relationships due to lack of love and attention from the fortuneteller. While she herself is surrounded by love and care
      0 10 The relationship is not in danger. Such love is the standard of relationships between two loving people

      Using a candle

      This ritual is usually performed on Christmas Eve. It is carried out in order to find out the fate of relationships with a loved one in the future. You can spend it together with your loved one. To implement it you will need one church candle.

      During dinner, you need to place a candle next to your lover and simply observe the effect of the flame. An even flame symbolizes pure and mutual love. If a candle periodically melts on only one side and burns unevenly, then such a flame symbolizes that the loved one has some secret. If it melts during combustion a large number of wax and the candlestick quickly fills with it - this fortune telling indicates that a difficult fate awaits the loved one. The relationship will also face some not very pleasant trials. Bad sign if black smoke comes from the candle and a crackling sound is heard when burning. This behavior of the candle symbolizes an imminent separation. This also means that the loved one is subject to some negative magical influences.

      On the bulbs

      This fortune telling is quite interesting and funny at the same time. It is intended for girls who have a large number of fans. This fortune telling is usually carried out on the night before Christmas. To carry out the ceremony, you need to take a number of bulbs that will be equal to the number of candidates for the girl’s hand and heart. Each bulb must be signed with the name of one of the grooms. Next, they need to be placed in a container with water and wait for them to germinate.

      After some time, the bulbs will begin to sprout. The one that will have the most green shoots and will indicate the future husband destined by fate.

      For the future with paper

      For this fortune telling you will need a church candle and common leaf paper. You can also use old unwanted newspaper. The paper must be arbitrarily crumpled so that its shape does not initially evoke any associations with objects. Place the crumpled wad of paper on a large flat plate and set it on fire. church candle.

      While burning, you need to bring the plate to the wall and carefully rotate it until a clear shadow pattern appears. The figure that can be seen on the wall will symbolize the future. Namely:

      • tree - to good changes;
      • triangle - to move soon;
      • hare or hare ears - a meeting with a friend is approaching;
      • a ship's sail is an unexpected gift or the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
      • bird - good news;
      • cat - you need to beware of your enemy;
      • dog - to receive help from a close friend;
      • the domes of the church - to the approach of a test that will affect future fate;
      • flower - for love adventures;
      • tiger - a chance to realize oneself in one area or another;
      • devil - the problem is approaching;
      • turtle - to the need to become more mobile and agile.

      Fun fortune telling for the old New Year

      To the old one New Year(on the night of January 13-14) it is customary to gather in noisy, cheerful groups, there are Tasty food, have fun, and also guess with the help of improvised objects for the near future. This fortune telling is just right for a large company. For the ritual you will need: salt, sugar, a key, a scarf, a coin, a ring and six identical glasses. Each item and ingredient must be placed in a separate glass. The fortuneteller is taken out of the room and the glasses are placed in random order. They cover each one with a napkin, and then the fortuneteller enters the room and chooses any glass he likes. The prediction of future changes will depend on the content:

      • coin - to financial well-being;
      • salt - to difficulties;
      • scarf - to grief and sadness;
      • sugar - to an easy and carefree life;
      • ring - for an imminent wedding;
      • the key is to finding a home or moving.

      The best time for fortune-telling is considered to be Christmas and Christmastide; these days are usually called fortune-telling. Most true fortune telling occur on Vasilyev's evening (January 13) and Christmas Eve evening (January 18). This is the time that is recognized as the most powerful and effective for magical rituals.

Fortune telling allows you to shed light on events that will happen in the near and distant future. You can turn to otherworldly forces with questions about the relationship between a guy and a girl: is there sympathy or is it better to break up? There are many options for telling fortunes about your betrothed: on cards, using wax, a flower, a mirror or strangers. Truthful Methods will allow you to find true love and find happiness.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    Love fortune telling on the cards

    Deck playing cards will help to do right choice. This method cannot be called simple, but it is very popular and true. Cards don't lie, so you need to take a playing deck and lay out four jacks. Assign each of them male name. It is recommended to write down the correspondence between suit and name, since they can easily be confused, then fortune telling will not bring the desired result. The jacks should be thoroughly shuffled and placed face down. Then put one random card on each of them. Repeat similar actions with the entire deck. There should be 8 vertical rows. You need to select the resulting pairs of cards. Their meaning will have a special meaning for each jack:

      • Sixes - a young man is looking for a meeting, wants to talk to a girl.
      • Sevens - the guy is very homesick and will come soon.
      • Eights - a serious conversation will take place with the object of adoration.
      • Nines - the feelings are mutual.
      • Tens - shows friendly sympathy for the girl.
      • Ladies - you shouldn’t count on reciprocity; the guy has another lady of his heart.
      • Kings - the chosen one is very jealous and distrustful.
      • Aces - two halves merged into one.

      How to find out the name of your betrothed and see his face?

      To find out the name of your soulmate and see his image, you need to resort to simple fortune telling at home. They can be done using improvised means.

      Before going to bed, you should write a few men's names on separate pieces of paper and put them under the pillow. Go to bed, and in the morning take out one of the pieces of paper. The written name will correspond to the name of the betrothed.

      Another option is fortune telling with the help of passing men. You need to stop the first person you meet and ask him to introduce himself. The chosen one will have the same name.

      Simple methods of telling fortunes about a guy

      There are several options for telling fortunes about your betrothed.

      Fortune telling with chamomile

      You can also tell fortunes about a guy using a daisy. To do this, you need to take a flower and, tearing off the petals, say: “He loves, he doesn’t love, he will come, he will kiss, he will press him to his heart or he will send him to hell.” You should mentally pronounce the name of your lover. The last flower petal will tell about future events and the guy’s feelings.

      Using a mirror

      Such fortune-telling is one of the oldest and most truthful ways of predicting one’s destiny. It needs to be done at night. There should be only one fortune teller at home so as not to disturb the mystery of the event. You will need two identical mirrors and a pair of long candles. They need to be placed opposite each other and candles placed. The image will resemble a long tunnel in which the face of the betrothed will certainly appear. You need to look carefully in the mirror and wait. The chosen one will come sooner or later.

In order to, it is not necessary to go to fortune tellers and psychics. There are fortune telling that can be used at home by any person who does not have magical abilities. So if you have a desire to learn about upcoming events, then there is nothing difficult about it!

Fortune telling at home on cereals

If you want to know how this or that matter will turn out, or simply want to get information about the future, then use fortune telling. For this fortune telling you will need a handful of rice and a handful of buckwheat in approximately equal quantities. Mix the cereal and throw it into a plate of water. Then look carefully to see which grains remain on the surface of the water more.

  • If there is more rice, it means that good luck and happiness await you ahead.
  • If there is more buckwheat, it means that in the future everything will not be so smooth for you.
  • If there are approximately equal amounts of rice and buckwheat on the surface of the water, then everything will depend only on you.
  • Homemade fortune telling by candle

    Fortune telling for the future with a candle is recommended to be done in the evening, after sunset. Light one candle and mentally ask a question that interests you. Without looking away, look at the flame and think about your question. You must be as focused as possible. Look carefully at how the fire behaves.

    • If the flame burns evenly, then your situation will not change.
    • If the fire begins to smoke heavily, then difficulties await you ahead.
    • If the flame crackles, it means that your wish will be realized in your favor.
    • If the flame goes out, expect trouble and disappointment.
    • If the fire begins to sway from side to side, then you will have to make an effort to implement your plan.
    • Fortune telling in the mirror

      Take a glass of water and a medium-sized mirror. Place the mirror in a horizontal position. Mentally think about what you want to learn about and drink more than half of the water in the glass. Pour the rest onto the surface of the mirror with your left hand. As the water spreads, so it will be. Drops can form various figures, as in fortune telling on coffee grounds or on wax. Your task is to decipher these signs. To do this, you will have to use your imagination and associative thinking.

      We hope that these fortune telling at home will help you find out your future. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

For as long as humanity has existed, a person has wanted to be the master of his destiny, and for this it is necessary to have information about the future. Unfortunately, a person does not know what surprises fate will bring him. No wonder the proverb was born: “Man posits, but God disposes.” But the stubborn man never gave up in the face of difficulties and always looked for a way out of the situation. One of these ways out is fortune telling.

Fortune telling is the simplest way to get an answer to almost any question of interest.

IMPORTANT: before you start any fortune-telling, be sure to formulate the question precisely and clearly, since Higher power will be able to answer you “yes” or “no”, but a third option is also possible: “now is not the time, come back to this question later.”

Fortune telling on bread

If you are worried about the future, you are in confusion and doubt, then perform a simple ritual with bread crumbs. Bread is not only an important product on our table, it also has a deep sacred meaning. Therefore, many signs and fortune telling are associated specifically with wheat or ready-made bread.

Prepare a new spruce towel and a handful bread crumbs. Place a towel on the table and throw crumbs onto it without hesitation right hand. Now let's try to interpret fate's answer:

  • The crumbs scattered across the towel in all directions - major changes await you soon,
  • All the crumbs are huddled together - expect trouble, a major quarrel with loved ones, separation from your lover,
  • If you see a circle of crumbs, then soon you will meet the important person in your life, who will change your destiny,
  • A lot of crumbs stick to your hand - you will live in abundance and prosperity.

Ritual with potatoes

It happens that you are very interested in a question that can be answered unambiguously. Then perform a quick ritual with a potato tuber. Take a potato from the bag without looking and cut it in half:

  • When cut, the tuber is even, smooth, white - your wish will come true to your complete satisfaction,
  • The potatoes are rotten inside, black - this is a negative answer to your question,
  • The potato has an uneven cut, brown spots or sprouted eyes are visible here and there - fate cannot give you an answer now, come back to it later. Sometimes this means that you should change your attitude towards the issue, reconsider your life guidelines and values.

DO NOT be upset if today fate answers you: “No”, maybe after a while you will thank her for this.

Ritual for a ripe apple

Take a ripe apple and also cut it in half. From the cut we can conclude:

  • If the knife did not touch the seeds, and the cut is even, smooth, shiny, then your wish will soon come true,
  • If the inside of the apple is rotten or dark, then your wish is unfulfilled,
  • If the seeds are damaged, then the time has not yet come to realize your dream.

Simple fortune telling with matches

All you need is a glass of clean water and two ordinary matches. As you look at the water, think about what you want to know. Then light matches and throw them into a glass of water. Now, by their position in the glass, you can find out the answer of fate:

  • If the matches lie parallel to each other, then very soon you will be satisfied with your life and the state of your own affairs,
  • The matches lay crosswise - there are many obstacles and difficulties on the path to fulfillment of desires,
  • Small pieces have separated from the matches - take a close look at your surroundings, there is a person here who is secretly harming you.

Ritual using nut shells

Take a large round dish and pour water into it. Along the edges of the dish, place small pieces of paper with inscriptions: I will meet my love, I will receive an inheritance, a promotion at work, no change, etc. You can write on pieces of paper everything that interests you at the moment. But fold the leaves so that the inscriptions are not visible.

Take an empty shell walnut, some magicians believe that it is necessary to drop a few drops of wax from a church candle into it, and then let the shell float on the water. Whichever inscription it lands on will predict your near future.

Fortune telling for love

Most often, young people guess when they doubt the feelings of a loved one or when they dream of meeting their soulmate. That's why love fortune telling the most popular, and there are a great many options for their execution.

Fortune telling by candles

First buy two candles: one white(or pink), and the second - red. The white candle symbolizes the girl, and the red one young man. Write their names on the candles with a new, unused needle. Then light the white one first, and then place the lit red one next to it and watch how these candles burn:

  • Candles give an even, bright flame without soot or crackling - your relationship is sincere and tender, you are gifted to each other by fate,
  • If one of the candles burns brighter than the other. The feelings of the partners are not equal: some love more, while others only take advantage of this feeling,
  • If one of the candles points towards the other, then this person has the most serious intentions and strong feelings,
  • Both candles melt strongly and lean towards each other - your feelings are bright and passionate, and the future is the most rosy,
  • One of the candles is leaning in the opposite direction - someone else has intervened in your relationship, capable of separating you.

How to see your future groom

What girl doesn't dream of an ideal lover? And having met a young man who has not tried to understand what kind of future awaits you with him. Therefore, there are a great many fortune telling about the future husband.

This fortune telling should be carried out on the night from Friday to Saturday. On Friday morning, pray when you wake up in the morning, and throughout the day try not to enter into any conflicts or say anything bad about anyone, and most importantly, you should not eat meat and oil all day.

Before going to bed, also pray, put a glass of pure water under the bed and a slice of black bread on it with the words:

“My betrothed is a mummer, come to me dressed up, he’ll sit down with you to have dinner.”

In your dream you will definitely see your future husband.

Another option for telling fortunes about your future groom is carried out either on Christmastide, i.e. during the period from January 7 to 19 or from February 14 to 19. When going to bed, put a sock on your right foot and place the other under your pillow with the words:

“My betrothed-mummer, if you love me and only love me, come and put on my shoes.”

If your boyfriend has the most feelings for you sincere feelings, then you will dream about him and put a second sock on you.

Fortune telling for a lover

With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out the name of your future husband. For this you will need two large sheets paper. Draw on one a big heart, and draw the second into small squares and write a letter from A to F in each.

Mix all the squares, close your eyes and say:

“Heart, tell me a name, show me a destiny,”

Scatter them onto the sheet with the heart. Try to do this so that they all lie in the area of ​​the heart. This is difficult to do on your own, so ask someone to help. Now, without opening your eyes, take four squares at random.

Look at what letters you got, all of them will definitely be contained in the first and last name of your chosen one.

These are the most simple ways fortune telling, with the help of which women from ancient times learned their fate and tried to influence the future. If you find the most optimal methods of fortune telling for yourself, you will very soon become convinced of their veracity and reliability.

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