Nastasya Samburskaya is a 16 year old boy. Nastasya Samburskaya was exposed by an ignoble lover: Details of the scandal. Spicy details of Nastasya Samburskaya and Nikita Veselkin

28 year old Russian actress Nastasya Samburskaya, known from the TV series “Univer. New Dorm,” started an affair. The young man himself told the media how and when the star and the young womanizer had sex.

The real age of a new acquaintance, Nikita Veselkin, was found out after Samburskaya was detained by traffic police for driving while drunk.

The young lover himself adds fuel to the flaring scandal, who without hesitation spoke about his acquaintance and close relationship with the actress and posted their correspondence for everyone to see.

“Samburskaya wrote to me on July 25, but we met only on August 19, when I arrived. Because when she wrote to me, I was not in Russia. On the fourth or fifth day of our acquaintance, we slept in her old apartment. It’s obvious that she hasn’t had sex for a long time; she herself told me that she hasn’t had sex for six months. Even in a fit of passion she asked: “Hit me.” Otherwise, everything is the same as everyone else. There was sex, and there was. In general, I no longer needed a relationship, I got what I wanted from her, but it seemed to her that we still had a relationship, and she began to demand that I settle the issue with her driver's license. She wasn’t just asking for a favor, she was actually hysterical, as if I owed her something,” said 16-year-old Veselkin.

Nikita turned out to be the son of an ex-city Duma deputy Nizhny Novgorod III convocation of Mikhail Veselkin. At one time, the provincial politician was a member of the commission on budgetary, financial and tax policy, and is now general director charitable foundation St. Barnabas of Gersiman in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

It is he who provides his heir luxurious life a typical representative of the golden youth - expensive cars and vacations in hotels on the Cote d'Azur.

After this scandal, it became known how the star of the series “Univer. The new hostel,” carefully hiding the details of her personal life from her fans, makes new acquaintances. The celebrity gets to know the candidates she is interested in herself - using the Direct function on Instagram.

At the end of July, Nastasya became interested in the account of another young man- selfie of an athletic blond man with brown eyes interspersed with photographs in expensive cars and luxury resorts.

“Hi, I hope you’re not... [a moron],” the 28-year-old star wrote to a handsome stranger in Direct, after which she asked how old he was.

When the guy replied that he was nineteen, the couple continued to communicate and very quickly switched to obscene correspondence on Whats Up. The actress's interlocutor actually turned out to be a 16-year-old student from the capital cadet corps named Nikita.

The correspondence between the young man and Samburskaya lasted several days. Through messages, the actress told the guy about her creative plans and clearly hinted at her sympathy. She herself invited Nikita to “sleep” and suggested that he come to the dacha where he was relaxing with friends.

A friend dropped the actress’s boyfriend off at the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow together in Nastasya’s car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police officers for drunk driving. By that time, Nastasya and the 16-year-old cadet were no longer on friendly terms.

Nikita, with whom 28-year-old actress Nastasya Samburskaya was in a relationship intimate relationships, leads the life of a typical representative of the golden youth: expensive cars and vacations in hotels on Cote d'Azur. The young man, who was barely 16 years old, spoke about meeting the artist and their closeness.


“Samburskaya wrote to me on July 25, but we only met on August 19, when I arrived. Because when she wrote to me, I was not in Russia,” Super quotes Nikita.

According to him, on the fourth or fifth day of their acquaintance they slept together. " It’s obvious that she hasn’t had sex for a long time; she herself told me that she hasn’t had sex for six months. Even in a fit of passion she asked: “Hit me.” Otherwise, everything is the same as everyone else. There was sex and there was,” says yesterday’s schoolboy.

He stated that he got what he wanted from Samburskaya. "A it seemed to her that we were still in a relationship, and she began to demand that I resolve the issue with her driver’s license. She wasn’t just asking for a favor, but she was downright hysterical, as if I owed her something,” 16-year-old Nikita Veselkin opened up.

The fact that Nastasya Samburskaya had an intimate relationship with a 16-year-old boy became known by chance. After all the actress's boyfriend initially stated that he was 19 years old. Age upset Samburskaya, but not enough to stop communicating. The correspondence with the student of the cadet corps lasted several days: the Univer star told him about his creative plans and clearly hinted at his sympathy.

During one of the nightly online dialogues, she invited a guy out of town, where she was relaxing with friends. A friend dropped the young man off at the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow in Nastasya’s car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police for drunk driving. Thanks to this, she found out that her chosen one was only 16 years old. By that time, Samburskaya and the cadet were no longer on friendly terms.

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  • A 16-year-old teenager spoke about sex with the star of the TV series “Univer,” 28-year-old Nastasya Samburskaya

    A new scandal has broken out in Russian showbiz. It all started with the arrest of the popular actress, star of the TV series “Univer” Nastasya Samburskaya for drunk driving on August 23rd.

    The police stopped a car driven by a dark-haired beauty who had previously claimed to be driving healthy image life (does not drink alcohol or illegal drugs), and recorded the celebrity’s offense. Samburskaya was in the car with her friend 16-year-old Nikita.

    The unpleasant incident continued. The artist’s lawyer, Maxim Blinov, is trying with all his might to prove in court that it was Nastasya’s friend who was driving the car that day. According to him, the young man, when meeting Samburskaya, lied about his age: supposedly the 16-year-old boy said that he was 19. Only for this reason, the drunken actress allowed the guy to get behind the wheel of her car and take her home from the suburbs. According to the lawyer, his client’s friend was afraid of punishment for driving without a license and framed Samburskaya for the crime, telling the patrol officers that she was driving.

    If the popular actress is found guilty, she faces deprivation of her driver's license for up to one and a half years.

    Now Nikita himself has decided to talk about his relationship with the star.

    The student of the cadet corps turned out to be the son of ex-deputy of the Nizhny Novgorod Duma Mikhail Veselkin. Yesterday's schoolboy described in detail an intimate relationship with an actress from the TV series “Univer.”

    Nikita, with whom 28-year-old actress Nastasya Samburskaya was in an intimate relationship, leads the life of a typical representative of golden youth: expensive cars and vacations in hotels on the Cote d'Azur.

    “Samburskaya wrote to me on July 25, but we met only on August 19, when I arrived. Because when she wrote to me, I was not in Russia,” Super quotes Nikita.

    According to him, on the fourth or fifth day of their acquaintance they slept together. “It’s obvious that she hasn’t had sex for a long time; she herself told me that she hasn’t had sex for six months. Even in a fit of passion she asked: “Hit me.” Otherwise, everything is the same as everyone else. There was sex and there was,” says yesterday’s schoolboy. He stated that he got what he wanted from Samburskaya.

    “But it seemed to her that we were still in a relationship, and she began to demand that I resolve the issue with her driver’s license. “She wasn’t just asking for a favor, but she was downright hysterical, as if I owed her something,” Nikita Veselkin opened up.

    The fact that Nastasya Samburskaya had an intimate relationship with a 16-year-old boy became known by chance. After all, the actress’s boyfriend initially stated that he was 19 years old. Age upset Samburskaya, but not enough to stop communicating. The correspondence with the student of the cadet corps lasted several days: the Univer star told him about his creative plans and clearly hinted at his sympathy.

    During one of the nightly online dialogues, she invited a guy out of town, where she was relaxing with friends. A friend dropped the young man off at the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow in Nastasya’s car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police for drunk driving. Thanks to this, she found out that her chosen one was only 16 years old.

    By that time, Samburskaya and the cadet were no longer on friendly terms.

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    About the personal life of the star of the sitcom “Univer. New dorm" Nastasya Samburskaya her 2.5 million Instagram followers argue every day. The actress, who happily tells fans on the Internet about everything except matters of the heart, only intrigues readers with messages like: “I don’t understand why everyone thinks I’m lonely? If I haven’t posted a photo with a man for two years, it doesn’t mean that I haven’t had a man for two years.” As it turned out, admirers of the artist’s talent are unlikely to know about Samburskaya’s methods of finding the guy of her dreams. The celebrity gets to know the candidates she is interested in herself - using the Direct function on Instagram, which has replaced Tinder for many.

    At the end of July, Nastasya became interested in the account of another young man - selfies of an athletic blond man with brown eyes were interspersed with photographs in expensive cars and at elite resorts. “Hi, I hope you’re not... [a moron],” the 28-year-old star wrote to the handsome stranger in Direct, after which she asked how old he was. When the guy replied that he was nineteen, the couple continued to communicate and very quickly switched to obscene correspondence on Whats Up. SUPER has received a part virtual communication the actress and her chosen one, who actually turned out to be a 16-year-old student of the capital's cadet corps named Nikita.

    The correspondence between the young man and Samburskaya lasted several days. Through messages, the actress told the guy about her creative plans and clearly hinted at her sympathy.

    I want to sleep with you. Will you come? - Nastasya wrote to Nikita.

    During another night of correspondence, Samburskaya invited the handsome man out of town, where she was relaxing with friends. A friend dropped the actress’s boyfriend off at the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow together in Nastasya’s car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police officers for drunk driving. By the way, thanks to this situation, the TV star found out that her new boyfriend was only 16 years old. During the meeting between the actress and her lawyer with Nikita, the following dialogue took place between them:

    Advocate: And now in Russian, what happened there when you were stopped. Well, it's simple in a nutshell.

    Nikita: They stop and say, we saw you, you moved. They didn’t believe me in any way that I was driving. But I shouldn’t have any rights, to be honest.

    Samburskaya: How old are you?

    Nikita: 16.

    Samburskaya: Seriously?

    Nikita: Yes.

    Samburskaya:..., that's what we don't know about! And I think why are you so stupid?

    However, by that time Nastasya and the 16-year-old cadet were no longer on friendly terms. SUPER also had at his disposal phone conversation Nastasya and Nikita after meeting with the lawyer. As it turned out, Samburskaya’s messages with subtext, judging by the conversation, still culminated in a sexual relationship between the actress and her chosen one:

    Samburskaya: Ale.

    Nikita: Ale, listen, one more important question. Does your brother or lawyer know we were sleeping?

    Samburskaya: Yes.

    Nikita: I know?

    Samburskaya: Yes Yes.

    Nikita: In general, everything turns out wrong, we seemed to have some kind of relationship.

    Samburskaya: Everything is turning out very wrong, Nikit. You lied to me.

    Nikita: How did I deceive you?

    Samburskaya: You deceived me from the very beginning by saying that you were 19 years old.

    Nikita: Otherwise nothing would have happened. I also had my own interests.

    Samburskaya: You're basically a child, and I have nothing to talk about with you. You are a child who still... blatantly lies.

    Nikita: I had my own interest, I still wanted... there, with the actress... You understand.

    Samburskaya: Well, are you done? Liked?

    Nikita: And you?

    Samburskaya: Well, that's it, goodbye. I don't really like it.

    Nikita: Why are you lying? We had an hour and a half, you said it yourself!

    Samburskaya: Yes, at least twenty hours, Nikit, goodbye, I have nothing to talk to you about.

    About the personal life of the star of the sitcom “Univer. New dorm" Nastasya Samburskaya her 2.5 million Instagram followers argue every day. The actress, who happily tells fans on the Internet about everything except matters of the heart, only intrigues readers with messages like: “I don’t understand why everyone thinks I’m lonely? If I haven’t posted a photo with a man for two years, it doesn’t mean that I haven’t had a man for two years.” As it turned out, admirers of the artist’s talent are unlikely to know about Samburskaya’s methods of finding the guy of her dreams. The celebrity gets to know the candidates she is interested in herself - using the Direct function on Instagram, which has replaced Tinder for many.

    At the end of July, Nastasya became interested in the account of another young man - selfies of an athletic blond man with brown eyes were interspersed with photographs in expensive cars and at elite resorts. “Hi, I hope you’re not... [a moron],” the 28-year-old star wrote to the handsome stranger in Direct, after which she asked how old he was. When the guy replied that he was nineteen, the couple continued to communicate and very quickly switched to obscene correspondence on Whats Up. SUPER obtained part of the virtual communication between the actress and her chosen one, who actually turned out to be a 16-year-old student of the capital's cadet corps named Nikita.

    The correspondence between the young man and Samburskaya lasted several days. Through messages, the actress told the guy about her creative plans and clearly hinted at her sympathy.

    I want to sleep with you. Will you come? - Nastasya wrote to Nikita.

    During another night of correspondence, Samburskaya invited the handsome man out of town, where she was relaxing with friends. A friend dropped the actress’s boyfriend off at the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow together in Nastasya’s car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police officers for drunk driving. By the way, thanks to this situation, the TV star found out that her new boyfriend was only 16 years old. During the meeting between the actress and her lawyer with Nikita, the following dialogue took place between them:

    Advocate: And now in Russian, what happened there when you were stopped. Well, it's simple in a nutshell.

    Nikita: They stop and say, we saw you, you moved. They didn’t believe me in any way that I was driving. But I shouldn’t have any rights, to be honest.

    Samburskaya: How old are you?

    Nikita: 16.

    Samburskaya: Seriously?

    Nikita: Yes.

    Samburskaya:..., that's what we don't know about! And I think why are you so stupid?

    However, by that time Nastasya and the 16-year-old cadet were no longer on friendly terms. SUPER also obtained a telephone conversation between Nastasya and Nikita after a meeting with a lawyer. As it turned out, Samburskaya’s messages with subtext, judging by the conversation, still culminated in a sexual relationship between the actress and her chosen one:

    Samburskaya: Ale.

    Nikita: Hello, listen, another important question. Does your brother or lawyer know we were sleeping?

    Samburskaya: Yes.

    Nikita: I know?

    Samburskaya: Yes Yes.

    Nikita: In general, everything turns out wrong, we seemed to have some kind of relationship.

    Samburskaya: Everything is turning out very wrong, Nikit. You lied to me.

    Nikita: How did I deceive you?

    Samburskaya: You deceived me from the very beginning by saying that you were 19 years old.

    Nikita: Otherwise nothing would have happened. I also had my own interests.

    Samburskaya: You're basically a child, and I have nothing to talk about with you. You are a child who still... blatantly lies.

    Nikita: I had my own interest, I still wanted... there, with the actress... You understand.

    Samburskaya: Well, are you done? Liked?

    Nikita: And you?

    Samburskaya: Well, that's it, goodbye. I don't really like it.

    Nikita: Why are you lying? We had an hour and a half, you said it yourself!

    Samburskaya: Yes, at least twenty hours, Nikit, goodbye, I have nothing to talk to you about.

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