Simple scenario March 8 middle group. Children sing the song “Kind, Dear Mother.” He is my favorite... He is my son

Scenario for the March 8 holiday for children in the middle group of kindergarten

Description of material: Scenario for the March 8 holiday for children middle group(4-5 years). This material will be of interest to music directors of kindergartens.

Target: To evoke joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new vivid impressions.


Educational: To develop in children the ability to emotionally perform songs and dances.

Developmental: Develop an ear for music, plasticity, emotional responsiveness to music.

Educational: Cultivate a friendly attitude towards mother and grandmother, the ability to overcome fear of an audience.

Progress of the holiday.

Children run into the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.


Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday,

The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,

A holiday for all our dear women.

So that you all always smile,

Your children did their best for you.

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch the children's performance.


This is what our mothers are like!

We are always proud of you

Smart and cute

Kind, beautiful.


Why on the eighth of March

Is the sun shining brighter?

Because our mothers

The best in the world.


A song about mom

We'll sing now.

Mom dear

Loves us deeply.

Song “To my beloved mother” music. etc. E. Gomonova


Today we invited you,

To say loudly and amicably:

“Beloved mothers! We congratulate you.

And we want to wish you happiness! “


Without a wonderful dance

The holiday is not bright.

We will give you

Dance as a gift.

Dance: “Dance in couples” Lithuanian people. chalk. processing by T. Popatenko


Why has everything changed?

Why did everything sparkle?

Laughed and sang...

Well, tell me, what's the matter?


It's so easy to understand!

Spring has come to us again!

On this bright spring day

Mothers came to visit us -

Both beautiful and comely,

Both kind and cheerful.


What will you do to please your mother?


We won’t upset her!

Let's get the house in order!

Let's invite friends and acquaintances!

Let's sing a fun song!

In chorus:

Happy Women's Day to mom!

Song: “Song about Mom”


I will kiss my mother deeply,

Mom is my sunshine!

I'll hug her dear one,

I love her very much!


Of course, everyone wants to kiss their mother.

So, why are you standing?

Kiss, hug

And invite me to dance.

Dance: “Dance of the little ducklings” (together with mothers)


Would you like me to tell you a secret? For mom to always be young and beautiful, you need to take care of her and help her in everything! And how they help mothers, they will tell in their poems.


I'll clean up and sweep

Clean and tidy

Mom loves cleanliness

She will be pleased.


I watered the flower

My flower grew up

It bloomed brightly for the holiday

There is no better gift for mom.


Mom, sit down and relax

I washed the floor - look.

I make the bed myself

You won't get tired!


I'll wipe away the dust,

I'll wash the handkerchiefs,

Mom will be happy -

My daughter has grown up!


I am today and always

I help my mom

Having played all the toys

I quickly clean it up.


Yes, your guys are wonderful helpers: dexterous, skillful and caring. And now they can’t sit still, they want to help you, dear mothers!

Competition: “Go shopping”


Now, guys, listen to the riddle.

Who will tell a fairy tale to his granddaughter,

He will sew a new dress,

Will treat you with sweet cookies

And he will sing ditties,

He will play “ladushki” and bake pancakes.

Who is this? Answer!

Well, of course (grandmothers)

Poems about grandmother.


We congratulate you on the holiday

All grandmothers and relatives

And your wonderful dance

We give it to them as a gift.

Dance “Grandma’s Umbrella”.


To our dear grandmothers

We also say hello

We wish them good health

For many, many years!


A song about grandma

We'll sing now.

Most Favorite

Grandma is with us!

Song “Song about Grandma” music by E. Gomonova

Music is playing


Who's singing the song there? Who's coming to our party?

Matroskin enters with cans of milk, on skis, with a backpack

And he sings: ...If only there were no winter... Falls.

Oh guys - so many


Who came to us?

I am a cat, and my last name is Matroskin. Why are you having a holiday here? New Year? So I was going to visit my grandmother on skis, but they weren’t going.


Matroskin, your skis aren’t working because it’s spring outside. And we really have a holiday, just not the New Year, but March 8, the holiday of all mothers and grandmothers.

Yes, I also have a grandmother, I was just going to see her, bringing milk. This is milk from my cow Murka. She's like that delicious milk gives, do you like milk?


1. “Whose mother will give her child milk faster?”

2. “Draw a portrait of Murka the cow”

There's a knock on the door. Postman Pechkin enters.


Hello! Is this kindergarten “Romashka”?



Average group?



And I have a package for you!

Fine! (delighted) I love receiving parcels! (stretches)


But I won't give it to you. You have no documents.

How is it not? Paws, tail, whiskers - these are all my documents!


Documents are always stamped. Do you have a stamp on your tail?

I don't have any stamp on my tail. Yes, we don’t need this package at all. There's only shoe polish there.


Who sent you so much shoe polish?

Yes, my aunt works at a shoe polish factory. She has this shoe polish there... So he sends it to just anyone.


Shoe polish is not shoe polish, and I won’t give you the parcel!


Pechkin, the guys don’t have documents yet, but we can sing and dance. Songs, games, dances are our documents.


Sit down, Pechkin, sit down, watch the guys dance.

Matroskin is carrying a chair. Pechkin boards the parcel.

Dance: “Colorful game”


You dance well, but I still won’t give you the parcel, because there is a stamp on the documents, but you have stamps on your dresses and bows? No!


Pechkin, and in our kindergarten The manager has a seal.

Yes - Yes, I'll bring it now.

He leaves and brings the seal. The presenter has a paper, they put a stamp on it


Now it's a different matter. Pick up the parcel.

Pechkin gives the parcel.

Dance: “Friendship”.

Matroskin and Pechkin say goodbye and leave.


What did they bring us in the package? Yes, here are parcels for our mothers (shows). We will give them to the mothers in the group. Now let's once again congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, and all guests on this wonderful holiday.

Children stand in a semicircle.


Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers!

We are for everything, for all relatives

Let's talk...


Thank you!

Song: “Spring Flowers” ​​music. etc. N. Kulikova

Children go to the group with their mothers.

To the music, children enter the group and sit down

Presenter .

Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday,

The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,

A holiday for all our dear women!

So that you all smile today,

Your children did their best for you.

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch the children's performance!

A song about Carlson plays, Carlson flies in

Leading : What is this, guys?! Who is this rushing towards us?

Carlson: Hello guys! Hello girls! Salute boys! Everyone, good afternoon everyone! Oh Madam! Sorry, but I was forced to make an unscheduled landing. Let me introduce myself (bows and kisses the presenter’s hand)

I am Carlson, the best flyer in the world and, (embarrassed) a man in the prime of his life,
The most cheerful in the world
That's why adults and children like me.
I am the most beautiful, well-mannered,
Smart and moderately well-fed!


Hello, dear Carlson! It's been a while since you visited us.

Carlson : Things to do, you know. How many houses I flew around, how many kids I met! And how many different sweets I ate!

Presenter. Yes, Carlson! You are still the same restless and sweet tooth! But the guys and I are glad to see you! Really, guys?!

Carlson . I came to your party, Awill there be treats?


Dear Carlson, we can’t fix you

Today we have a very kind, gentle holiday.

Guess which one?


Why, why? The sun shines brightly?

Carlson :

Because Carlson is the best in the world.


Why, why do the birds sing?


Because Carlson is invited to visit


Why, why are the kids having fun?

Carlson :

Because children are not afraid of Carlson. I'm right?

Children. Yes!

Carlson. Do you know that I now live on the roof of your kindergarten and, one day. Flying past the window, I saw that the children were preparing for some kind of holiday. Just what kind of holiday?! I didn't understand!
Leading: Guys, what kind of holiday are we celebrating?
Children: March 8!
Carlson: Wow! What is this? March 8?!
Presenter. Children, let's tell Carlson what March 8th is.. And you, Carlson,listen carefully!

Presenter. There is such a day in March

With a number, like a pretzel.

All of us guys know what the number means.

And they will answer us in unison

All. This is a holiday for grandmothers and mothers!

1 child:

There are many mothers in this world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom!

2nd child:

Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate

All mothers on the whole planet.

They say thank you to moms

Both adults and children

3 child

How beautiful mothers are

On this sunny day!

Let them be proud of us

Mom, here I am, your son!

4th child:

Here I am, your daughter,

Look how much you've grown up

And just recently

She was a little baby.

5th child:

Here am I, dear grandmother,

Admire me!

You love me, I know

My precious one!


We are for you relatives, loved ones

Let's sing the best song

We wish happy days,

All . Happy Women's Day!

Song "Our mother is the sun"

Leading: Well, now, Carlson, do you understand what March 8 is?!
Carlson: Yes! I understood why the children sang so loudly every day. They were rehearsing this! So that at the holiday their mothers, grandmothers, and sisters will smile and be happy.

It's good when we're together

Mothers, grandmothers, friends

This means our kindergarten is

Very Friendly family!

I don't like being bored
I invite everyone to dance!
Want to?
Then come out!

Dance "Kindness"


Oh, what great guys! I also want to invite you to play. Want to?

The game “Collect a flower” is being played

The teacher and Carlson lay out colorful petals on the floor. To the music, children collect petals and collect flowers of the same color.

Carlson. What beautiful flowers! Sorry, there are no real flowers.

Presenter :

Why not! Look here they are!

Carlson. Where?


Our flowers -

These are mother's daughters and sons

Really, guys?

Children. Yes!

The song “We are mother’s flowers” ​​is performed

Presenter. Thank you, Carlson, you made us laugh today. And we have prepared a surprise for you. We know that you have a big sweet tooth, so we give you a jar strawberry jam, a basket of cookies and a bagel.

Carlson. Thank you very much! (Bites a bagel). Oh, how delicious! In honor of such a wonderful holiday, I also prepared a surprise for you. This is the seven-flowered flower, the flower of desires! I'm giving it to you. And now I have to go, I really want to try your jam.

Presenter. Thank you, Carlson, you come, we will be waiting to greet you with a cheerful song!

Carlson flies away to the music.

Presenter. Which beautiful flower!

He makes wishes come true!
Like colored lights
The flower has petals!

The flower is taken out and attached to the stand. The guests and the presenter take turns plucking colored wish petals.

Mom plucks the first petal

That's how nice the songs were sung!
And the children have been sitting too long!
This is not the time to show how mothers need to be helped!


I'll clean up and sweep

Clean and tidy

Mom loves cleanliness

She will be pleased.


I watered the flower

My flower grew up

It bloomed brightly for the holiday

There is no better gift for mom.


Mom, sit down and relax

I washed the floor - look.

I make the bed myself

You won't get tired!


I'll wipe away the dust,

I'll wash the handkerchiefs,

Mom will be happy -

My daughter has grown up!


I am today and always

I help my mom

Having played all the toys

I quickly clean it up.


Yes, your guys are wonderful helpers: dexterous, skillful and caring. And now they can’t sit still, they want to help you, dear mothers!

Dance "Mom's Helpers"

Scene “Washing”

A stool is brought to the middle and a basin with laundry is placed on it. Two girls come out - mother and daughter. After the scene, the basin with laundry is not removed, but is used in the game.


You guys don't interfere with us.
I do laundry with my mom together!

Music is playing, daughter and mother are washing clothes.

To make the dress cleaner
And the scarf was whiter,
I rub without sparing soap,
I work, sparing no effort!
The Panama hat has become clean.
Come on, mom, look!
Mom smiles at me...


Strongly, daughter, not three!
I'm afraid that after washing
There will be holes in my handkerchiefs!


And now, and now
There's one game for you!
Upon command, stand together.
All laundry needs to be hung.
The game begins! Are you ready to play?

Children: Yes!

The game “Hang the handkerchiefs” is played.

Leading. The wind blew as hard as it could. I dried all the handkerchiefs! I just see a cloud, I need to take off my underwear, friends." The game continues... Are you ready to play?

Children: Yes!

The game “Take off the handkerchiefs” is played.


When we grow up a little, we will also be mothers!

We will learn to sew, knit, cook, and wash ourselves.

And while we are growing up, we are playing at being daughters and mothers!

Dance "Sponges in a bow"

Grandmother plucks the second petal

“I love to come to your garden -
It's always full of guys here
Smart, noisy, mischievous
And, like grandchildren, my relatives!
Children play happily
They listen to fairy tales and go for walks.
Early in the morning when they arrive -
They sing songs loudly!
It's good you live here!
Will you sing about your grandmother?”

Presenter. Not only will they sing, but they will also read poetry


To our dear grandmothers

We also say hello

We wish them good health

For many, many years!


A song about grandma

We'll sing now.

Most Favorite

Grandma is with us!

Song "The Most Beautiful"

The third petal is plucked by the presenter

Our grandmother loves to sing songs, our grandmother loves to play with us.

Game with grannies

Presenter. Today the boys also want to make a wish!

The boy plucks the fourth petal

1. Served in the Russian army
Our grandfathers and fathers,
The boys will become big -
There will be great guys too!
2. We want our mothers
And our fathers were proud of us!
To serve the Motherland,
You have to be very strong!

3. My dream is simple:
I wish I could conquer the heights!
I dream of becoming an astronaut
But first I’ll grow up!

4. I would become a captain:
Swim in rivers and seas,
I will protect Russia
On warships!

5. Don't be afraid for me, mom,

If I'm far away.

I will become strong and brave,

I'll become a sailor!

Presenter. Every boy has the desire to be a protector, to be strong and brave! Now we will make sure of this!

Dance "Apple"

The fifth petal is plucked by the presenter

"Don't worry, moms,
Be proud of your sons!
I'm calm for the boys
Everyone will be a brave warrior!
Show your brave prowess again!
Invite the girls to a fun dance!”

Boy 1

Long live girls with and without pigtails!

Let the sun smile on you from the blue skies!

Boy 2

I wish you success, good luck, a hundred times - nothing but praise!

So that everyone around you immediately falls in love with you!

The dance “Stomp, my foot” is performed

Dad plucks the sixth petal

Dear women, we congratulate you,

We offer you an interesting fairy tale!

Scene with animals.

Children perform the skit “In the Forest.”

Often, children, you are stubborn.
Everyone knows this themselves.
Your mothers tell you
But you don't hear moms.
Somehow the animals got lost
And we were left without mommy.
They played happily
And they left mommy behind.

Little Bunny comes out, stops, looks around around .


Where are you, mom? Where are you, mom?

I can not find you.

I was jumping right after you,

I didn't go astray.

Unnoticeably suddenly fell behind

And I lost you. (Stands and cries.)

Music sounds, Little Fox runs into the hall .

Little fox.

I'm not afraid of a wolf or a bear!

Come out, I’ll fight anyone!

I can take any unequal battle.

None of you can handle the fox!

Notices the crying Little Bunny.

Bunny. I lost my mother...

Little fox.What is she like, your mother?

Bunny. She... she... she is the most beautiful!

Little fox. But that’s not true! The most beautiful is my mother! Here look!(Spoils hands, looks around, but mom is nowhere No.) Oh, where is she? Am I really lost too? What should I do? Aaaaa... (cries.)

Music is playing.

Bunny. Quiet... Do you hear? Someone's sneaking in here! What if it's a wolf? Hide quickly!

The little hare and little fox are hiding. To the music, Teddy Bear enters the hall.

Little bear.

Where is the affectionate mother?

No, she's not with me...

Like the forest is dark and quiet,

It’s immediately obvious that the forest is alien!

I went with my mother to pick raspberries,

My native forest was familiar to me.

And now I'm lost.

What to do? Oh oh oh!

Looks around, approaches .

Who's hiding here? (Notices Little Fox and Little Hare.) Ah-ah-ah! It's you, little bunny and little fox! What are you doing here?

Bunny.We got lost!

Little fox. We are looking for our mothers!

Together. What are you doing here?

Little bear.I’m also lost and looking for my mother... What are your mothers like?

Bunny. My mom is the most beautiful!

Little fox. And my mother is even more beautiful!

Bunny.No, mine! (Stomps his foot.)

Little fox. No, mine! My! (Stomps his foot.)

Fast music is playing, Little Hare and Little Fox are arguing, trying to figure out whose mother is more beautiful. The little bear looks first at one, then at the other. Finally, he interrupts their argument.

Little bear.

Calm down, calm down!

And please don't quarrel!

Because the most beautiful is my mother!

Bunny. No, mine!

Little fox. My! My!

Little bear. No, mine! No, mine!

Fast music plays again. All three argue loudly, stomping their feet. At this time, Little Squirrel runs into the hall.

Little squirrel. What's that noise? What's all the fuss? Ah, here you are, little bunny, little fox and little bear!

Moms are looking for you!

How should they be? They don't really know!

Hurry up! Hurry up!

Find mom quickly.

There is a road behind the grove,

You only have a short walk!

Animals.Thank you, squirrel!

Little fox.

Our mothers also gathered together.

It's great that they found us!


Of course, it’s more fun to be around your mom!

I want to see my mom soon!

Little bear.

I myself will be the first to obey my mother

And I hope that I will achieve forgiveness!


We are sometimes so stubborn

We often make our mothers angry.

Mothers love us most of all,

And without mothers it’s so difficult for us!

Mom will warm you and me

And he will take away all troubles.

If we cry, he will regret it,

He will forgive everything and understand everything!

Music is playing. The animals run away. The children wave goodbye to them.

Leading. These are the stories that sometimes happen to naughty kids. But I think there are none of you like that! Is it true?

Mom has a lot of worries and troubles.

We know that she is often tired.

And to our beloved mother we give our word...

Children (in unison). That we will obey everywhere and in everything!

The girl plucks the seventh petal

Well, now the time has come

Cheerful, loud, bright!

Now for both grandmothers and mothers

We give gifts!


1. We love and adore moms
We even admire it!
Let you scold a little
We are not offended.

2.And so that it remains in memory
This holiday is bright,
We are happy to give you
Modest gifts


We are a tender flower for mom

They made it with their own hands,

And we want to give it away

Today is the most expensive!

Children give gifts.

Presenter. Oh! What a beautiful box, Carlson left it, let's look into it!

The presenter opens a box of lollipops, on which petals and leaves made of colored paper are glued.

Presenter. Our dear lovely women. Your children sang and danced for you today and entertained you as best they could. Goodbye, good morning, we are waiting for you again on the holiday!


HOST. Today is a special day

How many smiles there are in him,

Gifts and bouquets,

And kind “thank you”!


Whose day is it? Answer us.

Well, guess for yourself:

Spring day on the calendar...

Children. Of course, mom's!


Who loves you dearly, children?

Who loves you so tenderly.

Reads books to you,

Does he sing songs?

Who hugs you

Praises and caresses?

Let's say it loudly, let's say it straight.

Everyone knows this...


Song "Mom is sleeping"

1st child.

The snow melts in the sun,

There was a whiff of spring.

Today is a big holiday

Mom's dear!

2nd child.

Let our mothers hear

How we sing a song.

You, our dear mothers,

Happy Women's Day

The song "There is no dearer than mommy" is performed

3rd child.

The streams rustle, sparkle, ring here and there.

The spring holiday has arrived for our dear mothers.

4 child.

Forest snowdrops whisper to us with their leaves:

“We opened up today for our dear mothers.

5 child.

I love my mother so much - I can’t find words,

I'll kiss you tenderly and sit you in a chair.

7 child.

Let mother not know grief and worries,

8th child.

To our mothers on spring day

Spring itself sends greetings.

The sound of streams and birdsong

She gives for the holiday.

The sun shines brighter for us

On the glorious holiday of our mothers!

Leading. Today not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to our holiday. And we have prepared a surprise for them.

Performing the “Wash” dance


Today we were invited to visit

We are our grandmothers and mothers.

We decided to please them

And everyone did something themselves.

Grandma started knitting

colorful socks,

Only suddenly they fell apart

She has balls...

Grandma was upset.

What should she do?

You need socks

Tie it up quickly!

Well guys

We are not averse to helping this grandmother!

Let's collect all the balls

And we'll put it in the basket.

The game "Collect balls" is played. Children are divided into two teams and line up behind each other. The task of each player is to run to the middle of the hall, where the balls are scattered, wrap the thread around the selected ball and take it to the basket, which is located at the other end of the hall. The team whose players complete the task faster is considered the winner.

Song "Do you love me..."


Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

I am Klepa, a glorious clown,

Cheerful and funny!

I was in a hurry to see you, in a hurry,

Almost fell into a ditch.

I flew into a birch tree,

My nose hit two bushes.

And then... fell five times!

Finally got to you!

I'm handsome, smart, smart,

Wonderful and noisy

And, of course, it is known

What's interesting to everyone about me! -

Because I am the most, the most, the most...


KLEPA, calm down, honey?

After all, it’s not nice to boast.

Our miracle babies

Very good too.

Klepa. Oh, sorry, oh, sorry, ( takes out a bouquet of flowers)

Bouquet of spring March flowers

I present it to you today with all my heart.

Let them give you more kind words,

Well, now I invite you to dance!


KLEPA. And now, my kids, I’ll tell you some riddles! You need to listen to them carefully, and then answer them together!

    Who goes to bed later than everyone else and gets up earlier than everyone else?

Spends the day worrying and gets very tired?

    Mom’s ears sparkle and they don’t melt at all

The pieces of ice are turning silver - crumbs in my mother's ears...

    Would you like to try on these balls on a string?

For all your tastes in your mother’s box...

    Its edge is called fields, the top is decorated all over with flowers.

The headdress is a mystery, your mother has it...

On the table are answers to these difficult riddles.

Isn't it time to play? Which one of you guys wants to decorate your mom?


HOST. The boys tried very hard to decorate their mother. After all, every child considers his mother the most beautiful!

KLEPA. You guys are great! Moms were pleased and dressed up for the holiday!

The mothers all smiled, which means your efforts were not in vain!

Song "Mom's Smile"


Let's sing a song for mom!

It rings and flows.

Let mom have fun

Let mom laugh!

Performing "Button"


We sing at the holiday

And we read poetry!

And to make it more fun,

Let's play!

The game “Guess Whose Child” is being played

Dance with moms


Our holiday has come to an end.

What else can I say?

I want you goodbye

We wish everyone good health!

Hug your mothers

Kiss them hard!

Music plays, children invite mothers to join the group for tea.

For the spring holiday - March 8, we hasten to please you by preparing such beautiful script March 8 in kindergarten, the middle group can perform it themselves. Let's congratulate our mothers and grandmothers.

The beginning of the holiday is when children come out in festive outfits with the “Spring has come, brought mother’s holiday” cookie. A teacher dressed as the Spring Fairy comes out with them.

SPRING FAIRY: Dear guests! It is no coincidence that we started our holiday with this cheerful song. After all, it is with spring that the wonderful holiday of March 8 comes to us - the day when women hear the warmest words and wishes addressed to them! Together with the warmth and renewed nature, our hearts are renewed and rejuvenated. Let us wish everyone health, wealth and prosperity to all our guests. Let laughter sound in your home!
Kindergarten sincerely congratulates you
Festive concert today
Everyone is happy to cook!

CHILD 1: You can do a lot in life:
Turn winter into summer,
Oceans and deserts can be bravely overcome
Take the highest mountain by storm,

CHILD 2: You can go through the thicket and bayrak
We just can’t do anything without mom
The most precious thing is behind the words -
Together: In the world everything starts with mom!

The dance and song “Spring has finally come” are performed, then the children sit down in their places.

SPRING FAIRY: Guys, tell me, what gifts have you prepared for your mothers for Women's Day March 8?

BOY: I made a postcard with my own hands and drew a bouquet of flowers on it.

GIRL 1: And I did large bouquet from sweets.

BOY 2: And my dad and I gave our mom the most beautiful gift - we cleaned the apartment together.

SPRING FAIRY: You and dad are great fellows. BUT you need to help your mother not only on March 8, but every day.

BOY 3: But if one day I had a flying carpet, I would fly on it to the skies, straight to the stars. In order to get the brightest star for your mother and give it as a gift for women’s holiday.

GIRL 2: Oh, how beautiful it would be. Fairy of Spring, tell me, do you have a mother?

SPRING FAIRY: Of course, everyone has a mother:
The kittens have a cat mother, the kids have a goat mother, and the calf has a Burenka cow. A little eared hare runs to his mother, even a small six-legged beetle travels the long road to his mother. So, early in the morning, my father, the spring wind, combs my hair, and my mother, the river, washes me with clean water in the morning.

GIRL 2: Does the sun have a mother?

SPRING FAIRY: There certainly is, why does it get up on time every morning, and is always so pure and joyful.

GIRL 3: That's right, Fairy, and the sun has a mother.
A child is the most precious thing for a mother
She will calm you down, she will help you
Without a mother in the world there are empty everyday life,
For mom we will always be little

BOY 1: As soon as I wake up, I smile,
The gentle rays are ringing around
I quickly look at the sun - and I see my mother,
My kind, sweet, radiant one.

The song “My Sunny Mother” sounds
After the song, the phonogram of a flying object is played. Little Brownie Kuzya “flies” into the hall.

KUZYA: So, so, I see that some kind of holiday is being prepared here?

SPRING FAIRY: Hello, young man.
KUZYA: I am Kuzya, the funniest little brownie in the world. I see you are planning a holiday here?

SPRING FAIRY: Indeed, today we have gathered to celebrate the holiday of spring, the holiday of all women - March 8th.

KUZYA: You are extremely lucky! I am the most creative, famous producer and entertainer.

SPRING FAIRY: Dear Kuzya, I would like to give our guests something extraordinary.

KUZYA: This is what you need! I'm starting to film in your city
TV program about talented children, and to participate in
I need real artists! I suggest you
take part in my program and get on TV?
Do you agree?

SPRING FAIRY: I like it, so guys, do you want to get on the TV show?

KUZYA: Then, let's begin! Assistant, TV in the studio!
And you, magical madam, will be our first star
Assistants bring in the frame of a large “TV.” THE SPRING FAIRY takes its place “on TV”

KUZYA: Here, have the script for the program. And I need to go to my
television center, monitor the operation of the cameras.

SPRING FAIRY: Oh, you entrusted me with a responsible task. Well, let's try.
Greetings, dear TV viewers! This holiday
day, our TV channel "Cherry" presents talented,
wonderful, gifted and very beautiful children from the Kalinka secondary group. And the winners begin our concert
"Dancing with the Stars" - meet the stars senior group"Kalinka".

Children perform the "Umbrella Dance"

SPRING FAIRY: And now – our report from the spring forest, namely, from the forest lawn, where the first snowdrops are waking up.

Two children come out - a boy and a girl with microphones. They are “journalists”.

JOURNALIST 1: Studio, we are reporting from the spring forest. I report to the Spring Fairy:
The clear sun shines brightly,
The grass in the forest is turning green,
The fast river runs loudly,
The crystal sounds of drops are heard everywhere

JOURNALIST: Dear mothers, grandmothers, dear Fairy of Spring! Forest dwellers are ready to celebrate the most beautiful spring holiday - March 8th!

The soundtrack of the song “Everyone has a mother” plays. Children dressed as forest animals sing a song.

SPRING FAIRY: Dear TV viewers, now on our
TV channel "Olenka" popular program "Step
to the stars" and its winners among children 5-6 years old in the nomination -
dance. They will dance for us a very beautiful dance with
Dance with wreaths.

SPRING FAIRY: Thank you! And now, beloved by all the kids
cartoon pause. Children, do you like cartoons?
look? What are your favorites? Do you know where they film it?
create a lot of these cartoons? They will sing to us about this
our soloists.

Song "We love Disneyland"

SPRING FAIRY: So, we sang songs about mom and danced. But in the lives of our guys there is more important women- these are grandmothers.

KUZYA: Without their help, the guys won’t be able to figure it out. Who should you turn to for advice if not her? The wisest, most intelligent are, of course, our grandmothers. Children, congratulate your grandmothers with beautiful poems and songs.

GIRL 1: When I get up in the morning, lazy
A delicious breakfast is waiting for me,
Grandma caresses me
He will read me a bedtime story.

BOY 1: Grandma will knit gloves for me,
She will tell me about all the good things,
On this holiday let's say together children -
Our grandmothers are the best in the world!

"Song about Grandma."
Competition "Fun Laundry"

KUZYA: And now, I suggest they play “Fun Laundry” - let our guys help their grandmothers with the housework. You will need to wash and hang the handkerchiefs to dry on a line using clothespins.

KUZYA: Great fun! While you play, can I be the star presenter? Thank you. Let's start the fun laundry!

Children are divided into two groups. Each group is given two baskets with colorful scarves and a dozen clothespins. Four adults are selected. Two clotheslines are pulled between them. The children’s task is to hang handkerchiefs on ropes while listening to cheerful music. Whichever team finishes it faster is the winner.

KUZYA: Guys, now you have had the opportunity to try how your grandmothers and mothers had to wash, clean, and hang laundry every day. Let's all thank them with applause for caring about us!

The children applaud. The soundtrack sounds, Nafanya runs into the hall with a beater, runs after Kuzya

NAFANYA: Oh, here you are, come on, get out of this
box, I’ll give you a sweet life!

KUZYA: Now, I remembered about grandmothers! Hey grandma, don't break the TV!

NAFANIA: It was you who stole my jam pies! I’ll ask you this now!

KUZYA: And your milk has run out!

NAFANIA: Oh, my milk! \runs to the exit\ Milk?
I don't have any milk. Decided to make a joke on me?

KUZYA: Well, Nafanya, what are you thinking?
do you allow it on a day like this?

NAFANYA: What “that day” is this, the day when you stole my pies?

KUZYA: Me? Yes, I work as a presenter all day long.
television, right, kids?

NAFANIA: So what are you, an artist?

KUZYA: Well, of course, listen, he speaks
the most talented, attractive and famous, the best pipe player in the world \plays loudly and badly\

NAFANIA: Stop playing here!
KUZYA: I stop here, I start there! \moves to the other side of the hall and plays again\

NAFANIA: (covers ears) My head, it's now
will fall apart!

SPRING FAIRY: Dear Kuzya, don’t make our guest angry. You yourself said that today is a holiday, therefore, everyone needs to do only pleasant deeds.

KUZYA: Okay, let's play then, and
Let's bake some delicious pancakes for Nathanya!

Game "Bake pancakes"

Previously, for this competition throughout the assembly hall, in different places Teachers lay out circles cut out of yellow colored paper - “pancakes”. 5-6 participants are selected from the children and given baskets. The children’s task is to collect as many “pancakes” as possible for Nathanya to the music, so that the competition brings more joy. The children need to try to place the pancakes in the most unexpected places: under their parents’ chairs, on the piano, under the rug, etc.

NAFANYA: Thank you, no one has ever baked such wonderful pancakes for me before

KUZYA: Nafanya, you will be glad if the guys and I also dance for you. Guys, let's teach him how to dance the mega-super popular dance “Pomogator”, from the cartoon “The Fixies”

All children and adults stand up, Karloson conducts a flash mob to a song from the cartoon “Fixies”, that is, he shows everyone dance moves, and all the guests repeat them.

SPRING FAIRY: Our program has ended. To you
Did you like it, kids? What about you, parents?

NAFANYA: Thank you, dear Kuzya and you, Fairy of Spring

KUZYA: And I will be with great pleasure waiting for you all to visit me! We will definitely play new games, Nafanya will bake us delicious pancakes, and the Spring Fairy will sing her new songs.

NAFANIA: Definitely, dear friends, we look forward to meeting you all. Goodbye kids!

SPRING FAIRY: Our holiday ends! Our dear women!
We wish you to live a hundred years,
Let no tears and troubles come.
May happiness and health be with you,
For many years and forever!

In honor of the holiday, you may also need these:

"Music cafe"

ED. Hello, dear guests, dear mothers and grandmothers. Today is an unusual holiday for you.

We invited you to our “Music Cafe”. You can relax here, listen to music, and watch performances by artists.

So, sit back and let's get started.

Children run to the music and stand in a circle facing the audience.

DANCE “Holiday of Grandmothers and Mothers”».

(Today is a holiday)

(4 children remain for editing)

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

The sun shines brightly?

Because our mother

The best in the world!

3. Go around the whole world,

Just know in advance -

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother’s.

4.You won’t find brighter eyes,

More affectionately and more strictly,

Mom to each of us

All people are more precious!


After the song, the children sit down.

VED. The food in our cafe is very tasty, because we have wonderful chefs, please meet us.


The cook and cooks run out to the music. The cook has spoons, the cook has a ladle.

COOK.I am the head cook!

COOKS. cook with the team!

I'm the head chef!

And everyone tells us that

We fry deliciously

We bake delicious food!

Delicious pancakes

We give it to the guys. Here!

Dance "The Cook"

FEDORA appears under the music.

FEDORA. Hello friends, your cafe smells so delicious.

ED. Hello. Didn't you guys find out?

Who do we have in the hall now?

Who did they run away from?

All plates, spoons.

And pots and glasses,

Even a cook?

Who is this, tell me in unison!

CHILDREN: This is Aunt Fedora!

FEDORA. You guessed correctly,

And you all recognized me.

I found your cafe.

And I came to you for the holiday,

I'll sit here for a while, stay

Maybe I can find my dishes?

VED. No, the dishes from the lazy woman didn’t come to us in the cafe.

After all, our guys are mom’s helpers and always help mom.

And we clear the dishes, even if suddenly something doesn’t work out,

We'll definitely clean up after ourselves. Listen, Fedora.

A boy and a girl come out.

BOY: Mom will come into the house and gasp...

GIRL: What does our apartment smell like?

BOY.-A lot of things,-we'll tell mom,

Once-burnt pancakes,

Two-spilled perfumes,

Three-clothes in fish oil.

Mom will say...

GIRL.And four-

Smells like laundry and cleaning.

And we know a lot about cleaning.

FEDORA. I'll check now

How hard you work, friends!

We'll play a little

We will amuse our mothers!

The game “Set the Table” is played.

FEDORA. Well, okay, you help mothers, but what about grandmothers?

VED. Of course, tell me, guys.


FEDORA. Well, guys, good

Made me laugh heartily!

Why are mothers still sitting?

And they look so sad?

I know, I know the answer -

They don't have any tools!

Here are some painted rattles for you,

They're all so beautiful!

We need to give them to mothers.

VED. And then let's start playing!


VED. Yes, guys, come out,

Take all the tools!


"Plyasovaya" r.n.p.

FEDORA. Well, what musicians!

There's talent all around!

VED. You see, Fedora, what kind of children we have not only, but also their mothers.

Our mothers can do everything, right, guys?

FEDORA. Now we’ll check if your mothers can do everything.

GAME WITH MOMS “Dress up your mom.”

“Sew on a button” (cardboard shirt with holes for buttons, large cardboard or foam buttons, laces)

VED. And today we have prepared a surprise for our mothers. Guess which one for yourself!

Tell me, what do foreigners usually buy in Russia as souvenirs?

(Parents’ answer. If they don’t name the nesting doll, make a riddle)

She looks alone, big,
But the second sister sits in it,
And you will find the third in the second.
Taking them apart one by one,
You'll get to the smallest one.
Inside them all is a baby, a baby.
All together - a souvenir.. (Matryoshka)

Ved: That's right, Matryoshka! For you, dear mothers, we give this musical souvenir!

Our guests arrived straight from the airport...

Meet! Group "Russian Souvenir".

Dance "Russian nesting dolls".

FEDORA. Yes, apparently the boys love their mothers.

VED. Of course, listen to what they say about mom.

My mother always sings at work,
And I always help her with hunting!
I dream of becoming like my mother.
I am learning to iron and cook, wash,
And I wipe the dust and sweep the floor...

I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. I dream, I dream...
I dream, like a mother, to be able to do everything,
And maybe, like my mother, I’ll learn to sing.

SONG “Seeds”.

CHILDREN: Girls and boys,

Come with us

Let's say thank you to grandma

Let's say thank you to mom

For sweet jam,

For long patience,

For songs and fairy tales,

For troubles and affections,

For delicious cheesecakes,

For new toys...

Children (in chorus). Thank you!!!

FEDORA. I understood a lot from you,

But it’s time for me to go back to the fairy tale.

I would like to wish you guys:

Listen to mom and help her in everything!

Ved. Our festive evening has come to an end. We once again congratulate all mothers and grandmothers on the holiday. And the doors of the Romashka cafe are closing.

To the music, the children leave the hall.

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