Rules of etiquette of human behavior in society. Good Behavior Rules

The book that you are holding in your hands will tell you about the simplest, but very important rules of conduct generally accepted in our society.

We communicate differently with our friends and with strangers with peers and older people. We use not only different forms of behavior, but even dress differently in different situations. The rules of conduct that every person needs to know and follow are called etiquette. What is etiquette?

There is an interesting version about the origin of this word. According to this version, it arose thanks to the chief gardener of the French king Louis XIV. The gardener once complained about the nobles who trampled down the lawns of the Versailles Park, ignoring the numerous prohibitions, and asked for a decree that “the inscriptions should not be neglected.” At one of his receptions, Louis XIV ordered to distribute cards with rules of conduct to the guests. From the French name for such a card - "labels" - the word "etiquette" came from.

And in the Dictionary of Ethics, the meaning of this word is explained as follows: etiquette(fr. ?tiquette- label, label) - a set of rules of conduct relating to the attitude towards people (treatment with others, forms of address and greetings, behavior in in public places, manners and dress).

For thousands of years people have been looking for forms of communication with each other in which everyone would be comfortable. The established rules of conduct help people understand each other and avoid conflicts. Etiquette is often referred to as good manners. According to the author of the well-known book about Gulliver, Jonathan Swift, "the one who embarrasses the fewest people has good manners."

Many rules of etiquette were not invented by anyone on purpose. They arose as convenient and reasonable forms of communication between people.

In practice, etiquette is expressed in different ways: it has verbal and non-verbal means.

When communicating with other people, we often use special verbal formulas of politeness that are familiar and understandable to everyone. For example: Hello! Goodbye! please! Sorry! Please!

However, good manners can be expressed not only in words, but also in a person’s postures, in his gestures and movements. For example, every well-mannered person knows that it is ugly to turn your back on your interlocutor. Each of us understands what a welcoming handshake at a meeting, a welcoming smile or, conversely, an unfriendly facial expression mean.

Following the rules of etiquette, we often use various objects (for example, we present a bouquet of flowers or respectfully take off our hat).

We strive to ensure that our clothes match the surroundings: we dress differently for school and disco, we choose completely different costumes to participate in the New Year's masquerade or in sports competitions.

By the way you carry yourself, how you eat, what words you say, they judge your level of culture.

Often, the first impression you make on others determines many of your successes or failures.

And in Everyday life almost every day you find yourself in various situations where you just don’t know how to behave. For example, you were invited to the theater or to a birthday party. What should you wear to look smart, but not be among the people of the black sheep? What gifts are not recommended? And if there are various devices unfamiliar to you on the festive table - how to deal with them?

If you are familiar with the rules of etiquette, such puzzles are easy to solve. And if so far such questions cause you bewilderment or misunderstanding, then you definitely need to get acquainted with the rules of conduct.

From our book you will learn how to behave in a variety of situations. Of course, with some rules you have long been familiar. But, when you are going to visit, for a friend's birthday or to the theater, you still find time to look into this book in order to look decent and not make annoying mistakes by which others so often judge us.

Probably, you have already been told a lot about how to behave on the street, at school, in public places, in transport. But to generalize such knowledge, having read about it again, it will not be superfluous for anyone. You're growing up and definitely trying to look like an adult and well-mannered person in the society in which you live. We hope that our book will help you with this.

We wish you success!

Who is let down by bad manners and why you need to know and follow generally accepted rules of conduct

Children preschool age they do not always follow the generally accepted rules of conduct, and they are condescendingly forgiven for this. Because everyone has long known: if the parents of a child are well-mannered people, then you don’t have to worry about the baby, because over time he will learn the rules of behavior in society and will not upset adults.

But when schoolchildren show themselves not from the best side, then those around them are rightly outraged. In fact, it is very unpleasant to look at children screaming and pushing in transport, at unkemptly dressed boys and girls who do not know how to use cutlery, at schoolchildren who are disrespectful to the elderly.

Is it really so difficult to learn the basic rules of behavior in society: treat each other with respect, learn to speak polite words, not shout or push in transport, eat neatly at the table and dress neatly?!

Parents always demand from their children the observance of the rules of decent behavior. But this becomes especially important when guests come to you or when you are alone in public places, without adults. There is no one to tell you how to act correctly in this or that case, there is no one to pull you up if you behave ugly. In such situations, your maturity and independence are manifested.

But there is another important fact: you represent your family. Do you want your family, your parents to be thought badly? But usually, it always happens that when we meet a rude, ill-mannered person, we always think or say out loud something like this: “What kind of parents does this child have? Couldn't they have taught him how to behave decently in society? And even more often people are indignant out loud: “And what do they teach you only at school?”.

To not let down your parents and teachers who teach you good manners, try to be a well-mannered and polite person.

Never dishonor those who bring you up, who is responsible for your upbringing: your family and school!

If you are on the street or in public transport

Every day we go out of the house to the street and use public transport services. Of course, it is very important to observe the rules of the road on the street and, first of all, think about your safety. But we must not forget that there are people next to us. An attentive, precautionary and benevolent attitude towards them is obligatory for a well-mannered person.

Be attentive to the people around you and friendly in dealing with them.

Probably, any of you often had to observe various sad scenes from the everyday life of passengers from the outside.

Here in the subway car sits, lounging and throwing his legs over his legs, the guy in the headphones. His eyes are closed, he listens to music, and he does not care about others. He pretends not to notice the standing elderly woman, and does not pay attention to the fact that, making her way to the exit, the girl touched his leg, and the dusty boot left a mark on her clothes.

Here are two pretty girls talking loudly. They laugh and eat ice cream right in the trolleybus cabin, not at all thinking about the fact that their laughter may be unpleasant for someone, and a tasty treat can stain the seats of the car or the clothes of any of the passengers.

But a schoolboy sneezed loudly in a crowd of passengers, forgetting to cover his mouth with a handkerchief or at least with his palm.

Here the girl enters the metro lobby, forgetting to hold the heavy front door without paying any attention to the person following her.

All these boys and girls are most likely quite good people. But they clearly lack education. But in this case, good breeding is, first of all, the observance of certain rules of behavior on the street and in public transport.

Remember these rules:

Before you go out into the street, look at yourself in the mirror and make sure that everything is in order in your appearance.

Say hello first when you meet people you know on the street. If someone did not answer your greeting, do not be offended - the person could think about something of his own.

If you need to draw the attention of your companion to something or someone, never point a finger - do it with a look or a turn of your head.

If a passer-by slips or falls next to you, help him get up.

If an older person is walking towards you, step aside and let him go ahead.

A car, bus or trolleybus standing at a stop should go around only from behind in order to see in time if there is another car behind it. But bypass the tram only in front. But it's always better to wait until you have a good view of the whole street.

When entering a bus, trolleybus or tram, let your companion, an elderly person or a woman with a small child, pass at the door. But a boy or a man should be the first to get off the bus, trolleybus or tram to give his hand to his companion.

In public transport, always give up your seat to older people and women with small children.

Do not push through the crowd of passengers, helping yourself with your elbows - do not use your hands, but your voice.

Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or hand when you cough or sneeze.

Do not eat or drink anything on public transport. You can accidentally stain the seat of the car or the clothes of the passengers. In addition, the sight of a person chewing, and even more so drinking from the neck, is unattractive.

Cars, buses, trolleybuses - all types of urban transport - always diverge on the right side. This is the main rule of traffic in our country, and it must be remembered. If you never want to run into anyone on the streets of the city, keep to the right side and disperse with passers-by only to the right.

Obey the rules of the road. Cross the street only at the green traffic light! Never cross the road in front of a moving vehicle!

If you are invited to a birthday party

When going to friends or relatives for a birthday, of course, you need to think not only about how to dress, but also about how to prepare a gift.

It is customary to take care of the gift in advance. After all, the main thing is that the gift brings joy to the person to whom it is intended. Never give anything you don't need or don't like. Remember what your comrade loves, what thing he would especially like to have. He will be pleased to know that you are so attentive. But in no case should you brag about how hard the gift cost you, or ever remind you that it was you who gave this little thing to your friend.

Do not try to spend a lot of money on a gift. Everyone understands that you yourself do not earn money yet, but you take it from your parents. In addition, an expensive gift always embarrasses the person to whom it is intended. Better try to show fiction, make a pleasant surprise out of your congratulations.

The best gifts are those made with your own hands. If you know how, be sure to make something, sew, knit, bake for your friend. To draw a picture or compose a poem and make a dedication to a friend is always the most precious sign of attention and love.

You can draw a congratulatory newspaper or a postcard, come up with funny texts on your own, draw pictures, use photographs. Or you can make a photo album that tells about the life or achievements of your friend by making interesting captions for photos.

You can also come up with an interesting and fun quiz with funny prizes for guests and the hero of the occasion.

Such congratulations are remembered for a long time and are usually carefully stored. The main thing is to make sure that your congratulations do not cause resentment and disappointment.

A good gift can be not only an audio or video cassette, computer or board game, but also an exhibit in a friend's collection - a coin, a book, a stamp, a pen, soft toy. Any collector will be happy with a gift that will add to his collection.

Be sure to think about how to arrange a gift. It is best to wrap it in special gift paper, put it in a box or in a purse, again made of bright paper or plastic, which are sold in stores.

Flowers and sweets are always appropriate and pleasant gifts for everyone. True, more recently it was customary to give flowers without any packaging. But modern designers are now coming up with such original packaging methods for bouquets that the packaging itself is perceived as a gift.

Gathering for a birthday:

Dress neatly and smartly - this is how you express your attitude to the festive event, about which you were invited.

Do not be late. Forcing yourself to wait is tactless in relation to both the owner and other guests.

Upon entering the room, greet everyone present loudly and distinctly. It is not necessary to greet everyone by the hand.

Before giving a gift, remove the sticker with the price. A cash receipt is attached to a gift only if there is a guarantee for the purchase, and, if necessary, it can be exchanged. When giving a gift, do not forget to say a few kind words. Don't criticize other guests' gifts.

Observe table manners. Do not reach across the table for a tasty treat - ask the neighbors to pass it to you. Be sure to praise the treat and thank the hostess.

Don't sit silent, don't force yourself to be entertained. Take part in the general conversation. Tell me some interesting story. If you can sing or play any musical instrument, do not refuse to do so when asked.

If you are bored at a party, do not show it to the hosts who tried to be hospitable.

Saying goodbye, be sure to thank you for the welcome.

At a party, show your upbringing. Behave in such a way that your arrival is pleasing to the hosts.

Rules of conduct at the table

Already among the ancient Egyptians, cutlery was held in high esteem, and the ability to eat beautifully and silently was considered an important virtue.

In Rus', at the court of Moscow sovereigns and grand dukes, cutlery was served only to honored guests, and the owners themselves took food from the plate with their hands. Only Peter I seriously undertook to teach good manners to Russian nobles. He compiled and published the famous book “An Honest Mirror of Youth”, which outlined the rules of behavior in society and described in detail the rules of behavior at the table.

In our time, every educated person should know these rules:

Never rush to be the first to take a seat at the table.

Help the girl sit down at the table by pulling out the chair for her.

Sitting at the table, do not refuse food. The hostess may be offended by such neglect of her efforts. If you're not hungry, try a little of everything.

You should not go to the other extreme - to absorb everything indiscriminately, not paying attention to your neighbors.

If the dish with the treat that you want to try is far away from you, do not reach for it, but politely ask to be handed it to you.

Put dishes on a plate in small portions, without mixing everything into a shapeless mass.

Do not put a cloth napkin behind the collar and do not tie it around the neck. Unroll it and place it on your knees before the meal is served. Do not wipe your mouth or cutlery with this napkin. Mouth and hands should be wiped with paper towels. After eating, put a paper napkin on a plate, and a cloth one next to the napkin.

When eating, try to be careful. Eat slowly, don't talk with your mouth full. If you are asked about something, then before answering, first chew and swallow the food.

Learn to use cutlery properly. Don't eat with a spoon what you can eat with a fork. Do not eat with a knife: it is not only ugly, but also dangerous - you can cut your mouth. Keep the knife in right hand, and the fork in the left. Do not transfer them from one hand to another until you have eaten all the treats.

If you drop your knife, fork, or spoon, do not pick them up. In such a situation, you need to ask for another device and not try to explain your awkwardness by attracting attention to yourself.

At the table, do not make remarks to the neighbors. If you find an inedible object in your plate that has accidentally fallen into it, get rid of it imperceptibly.

Cut the meat into small pieces on a plate. Eat one piece, cut the next one. The entire portion should not be cut: the meat will cool quickly, and the plate will look sloppy.

Try to eat silently: do not blow on hot food, do not sip, do not champ, do not knock cutlery.

From a common dish, take a piece closest to you, in no case choosing a piece for yourself that seems best to you.

Bird - duck, goose, chicken, turkey - take from a common plate with a fork and cut into small pieces.

Fish bones are removed with a fork or hands.

Garnish - potatoes, pasta, vegetables - collect on a fork, while helping with a knife.

Never lick your fingers; wipe them off with a paper towel.

Don't pick up sauce on your plate with bread, no matter how delicious it is.

Do not spit out the bones from the berries in the compote on a saucer, but take it out of your mouth with a spoon and put it on a saucer.

After eating, put a dirty knife, fork, spoon only on your plate.

Sit straight at the table, do not lean on it with your chest and do not put your elbows on the table.

If you need to leave the table, ask the hostess for permission.

Do not leave a teaspoon in a cup of tea or coffee. After stirring the sugar, put the spoon on the saucer.

Observe the rules of conduct at the table even when you eat alone. This will help turn all your skills into permanent and useful habits for you.

How to use cutlery

Learning how to use cutlery is not difficult at all. The main thing is to learn how to use them for their intended purpose.

Sitting at the table, pay attention to how it is served. A large number of appliances should not make you shy or embarrassed.

If you do not know how to use this or that cutlery, see how others do it.

Remember the basic rules:

Those devices that lie to the right of your plate are held while eating with your right hand, and those that lie to the left are held with your left hand.

Dessert devices, located with handles to the right, are taken with the right hand, and located with handles to the left, with the left hand.

When passing cutlery to any of the guests sitting at the table, hold it by the middle.

When using a knife and fork while eating, hold them horizontally above the plate.

Keep the knife in your right hand until the end of the meal - even in those moments when you use only a fork.

You can not first cut the dish with a knife, and then use only a fork.

You should not put food with a knife on a fork, they only slightly correct what you take with a fork.

If several forks are served, start eating the one that is farthest from the plate.

Soup and other liquid dishes are eaten with a spoon and held in the right hand. If a soup or other liquid dish is served in a cup, it is also eaten with a spoon, and only a small amount of unhot broth can be drunk.

After finishing the meal, the spoon, knife and fork are not leaned against the edge of the plate and are not placed on the tablecloth - they are placed on the plate.

How to eat certain foods

Many people often have questions about how to eat certain foods served at the common table. As in most other cases, if you do not know what to do, be careful and learn etiquette from others.

Remember the basic rules:

Sausages are eaten with a knife and fork, cut into pieces.

Vinaigrette, scrambled eggs, vermicelli and pasta are eaten with a fork (you can help yourself with a piece of bread).

Sliced ​​sausages and cheese are placed on a plate with a special fork and eaten, cut into pieces, with a knife and fork.

Rice is eaten with a fork, rice porridge with a spoon.

Vegetables are not cut.

Boiled potatoes are crushed with the edge of a fork. Do not cut it with a knife or stick it on a fork.

Compotes, ice cream, creams and jellies are served in small bowls, put on a pie plate and eaten with a dessert or teaspoon. It is impossible to drink compote from a bowl, as from a cup. After eating, the spoon must be put on a plate, and not left in a bowl.

A slice of watermelon with a peel is taken from a common plate by hand. It is eaten with a knife and fork in small pieces, freeing each cut piece from the seeds.

A slice of melon peeled from seeds with a peel is placed on a plate with the crust down. Cut off the pulp with a knife from the peel and eat with a fork, cutting off a small piece.

A piece sponge cake and biscuit cakes are eaten on their plate with a teaspoon. Sand and puff cakes and pastries are usually eaten with a knife and fork. The hard almond cake is eaten by holding it with the fingers and biting into small pieces.

Cookies and waffles are taken by hand and eaten, breaking off small pieces.

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common etiquette

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General greeting rules: the younger ones greet the elders, men - women, however, whoever enters the room, regardless of age and gender, greets those present first, and the one who leaves is the first to say goodbye to those who remain.

If there are several people in the room, they first greet the mistress of the house, then other women (starting with the older ones), and then in the same order with the men.

A married woman should be the first to shake hands with a man. If she confines herself to a bow, the man does the same.

A man always gets up, greeting a woman and a man. A woman, greeting a man, does not get up (exceptions are very elderly men), while greeting a woman, she necessarily gets up. The mistress of the house, receiving guests, always gets up.

After saying hello to his peer, a man can sit down. If he greets an older man or woman, then he can sit down only after they sit down or with their permission.

If the mistress of the house offers to sit down, but she herself continues to stand, you should not sit down.

It is not customary to greet and say goodbye through the threshold, through the table, through any partition.

And who is the first to say hello? equal conditions"? The French military regulations say that of equal officers, when they meet, the more well-mannered one greets them first. A good solution for civilians.

To not accept the hand that is extended to you is to inflict an insult on the one who extended it.

When greeting, a man should take off his glove, a woman does not take off her glove.

In the West, it is customary to take off your hat when meeting men on the street during a short conversation. If the conversation drags on, the elder offers to cover his head. When meeting and talking with a woman, a man puts on a headdress only at the suggestion of a woman. If she does not offer this, if necessary, you can ask permission to cover your head.

In many countries in the West, the custom of kissing a woman's hand upon meeting is quite widespread. In Russia, this custom is not widespread. However, this does not exclude cases when a particular woman should kiss her hand as a sign of special respect for her. The kiss of the hand should be "symbolic", expressed in a completely light touch of the lips on the hand. In no case should you "smack" - this is considered extremely vulgar. In the West, and in our country, they do not kiss the hands of girls, they do not kiss the hand if the glove is not removed from it. It is not customary to kiss hands when meeting on the street. During receptions, guests kiss the hand only of the mistress of the house.


Knowing the rules of conduct at the table is especially important. This section of etiquette is one of the most difficult, since individual rules differ not only on different continents, but even in countries of the same continent. Therefore, at the appropriate receptions, it is necessary to take a closer look at the behavior of the table neighbors - and everything will fall into place, since the basic rules of table etiquette are generally the same.

You need to sit at the table in such a way that it is convenient for you to eat and drink: do not move close to it, but do not move away from it so much that you have to lean over the dishes. You can not put your elbows on the table, only your hands are held on it. You can not sit "lounging" - leaning back in a chair.

If a woman sits next to you, you should help her sit down by pulling out a chair (lifting it, not moving it on the floor), wait until she sits down (and she can sit down only after the mistress of the house sits down) and all other women, and then sit down with other men.

If you are at a table next to strangers, you can introduce yourself to them if they are women or men older than you

The place of the napkin now varies - in some countries, both men and women continue to put it on their knees, but in our country and in some Western countries, men sometimes tuck it over the side of their jacket. At the end of the meal, when leaving the table, it is placed to the left of the plate, without straightening or folding. Please note that in some countries Western Europe they believe that if a guest neatly folded or folded a napkin, then by this he expressed a desire to be invited to this table again, and this, firstly, can be regarded as indelicacy, and, secondly, you absolutely may not have such desire, and in the case of a second invitation, your refusal will cause offense. It is not customary to wipe the lips with a napkin, it is only lightly applied to them before drinking wine, water, so as not to leave greasy marks on the glass.

It is considered extremely impolite to consider whether plates, glasses, etc., are clean, and it is completely unacceptable to wipe them with a napkin or handkerchief. discontent. This does not deprive you of the opportunity to draw conclusions for the future if you receive an invitation to this house again.

You should also behave stoically if something inedible (a sliver, hair, etc.) comes across in the meal. Move the “find” to the edge of the plate, cover with a side dish and continue the meal as if nothing had happened.

Smoking at the table, both in our country and in the West, was not accepted until recently. But for last years following the American example, cigarettes are served at breakfast and dinner parties, that is, as if general permission is given to smoke at the table. In such cases, if you are a smoker, you can follow the majority

You can leave the table only after the mistress of the house and all the women present have left. As soon as your neighbor got up, move her chair away from the table, let her go out.

You should leave without waiting for the departure of the one who can be considered the most welcome guest by the owners of the house, whom they would like to keep longer than others.


A conversation at the table should be conducted with both neighbors, without giving visible preference to one (one) of them. It is extremely impolite to talk at the table about your tastes - what you like and don't like, about the dietary prescriptions given to you by your doctor, about the effect of certain foods on your health, etc.

Conversations should be made general, but no one should be forced into them. If you notice that there is a danger of talking on a topic that someone does not want, try to give the conversation a different direction. You should not support hard-hitting statements about missing mutual acquaintances. Such attempts should be stopped at the very beginning, better with some kind of joke. And in general, one should make it a rule never to say anything about those who are absent that you cannot say in their presence.

A person's manner of speaking often gives reason to judge his character. You should never interrupt your interlocutor. Let him speak and only then speak for yourself. Try not to speak too fast or too slow, and do not speak loudly. You should refrain from commenting and criticizing the habits of your interlocutors. Also refrain from speaking out about things with which you are poorly or insufficiently familiar. And even if you know the subject of the conversation, do not impose your opinion on the interlocutors.

The question about health should be answered briefly, remembering that this question, as a rule, is a protocol courtesy.

You can not interfere in the conversations of third parties without being invited to them. It is also impossible to distract a person who is busy talking with others.

In a conversation, they do not take their eyes off to the side, but they do not look all the time at the interlocutor "at point blank range".


The culture of talking on the phone is very important, especially the official one. It should be short: you need to take into account the fact that every second someone can call you on business. You should not call the home phone (unnecessarily) early in the morning and late in the evening - you risk disturbing the rest of tired people at this time.

When calling, you should first name yourself and only after that say with whom you would like to speak. When they ask the absent person to answer the phone, they answer: “He is not here now. What should I tell him and from whom?”, and not vice versa: “Who asks him?” and, having heard the answer, add: “He is not now. What shall I tell to him?". In the second option, the caller will be sure that you, having found out who is calling, simply did not want to talk to him.

There are several generally accepted rules for telephone conversations:

If the conversation is interrupted, then the one on whose initiative the conversation took place should call back;

It should be as brief and to the point as possible.

You can not speak too loudly into the phone, avoiding at the same time too quiet speech;

If you got the wrong number, you can’t ask “What number is this?”, “Where did I go?” or "Who's talking?" - it is better to ask again "Is this number such and such?";

If you call someone and your call is not answered, do not hang up until you hear 4-6 long beeps - it may take some time for your interlocutor to answer the phone;

Think at least a few times before calling at odd hours - too early in the morning or late in the evening. As a rule, you should not call before 8 am and after 11 pm;

You should not call your partner's home phone number that you have learned, unless he has given you the number and told you that he can call home. Business calls to home numbers should be avoided on weekends and holidays.

It often happens that phone call caught you during an important conversation or meeting. In such cases, it is best to ask the interlocutor to leave his phone number and promise to call him back later. It's best to include a possible time for a call back (but don't forget to keep your promise).

If you have visitors, and you need to call, then you should ask them for forgiveness, and try to make the call as short as possible.

It happens that you are visiting and you need to call. This can be done only by first asking permission from the owners.

Going on a visit or on a business date, if necessary, you can leave your employees or relatives the telephone number of the place where you are going. True, it is necessary to ask the permission of the owners or their business partners in advance. In this case, you should warn that you are waiting for a call. But it's best to avoid such situations.


The main rule of behavior in public places is not to forget that if everyone acted, guided only by concern for their own conveniences and desires, then in many cases this would result in the impossibility of using the theater, cinema, museums, etc.

In the theater and cinema, sit quietly, not leaning either to the left or to the right, especially if you have a lush head of hair or (in the cinema) a high headdress: the one who sits behind you will be forced if he wants to see something on stage or on screen, follow your movements all the time.

At concerts, you do not need to sing along or whistle to the performers or the orchestra, beat the beat with your feet or conduct.

The exchange of impressions with your companions about the performance of the concert numbers should be postponed until the intermission, or at least until the end of the number, until the applause, during which you can do it in a few words.

If your place is in the middle of a row, you need to go to it facing those already sitting in this row.

You should try not to block other visitors with paintings, exhibits.

You can not touch the exhibits with your hands.


In stores, you must follow the same rules as in other public places: do not push, do not violate the general order, do not try to be served out of turn.

It is impossible, especially abroad, to sort out and rearrange the items on display, remove them from the shelves, try the locks of closing products - all this must be demonstrated by the seller. If the item is very interested in you and you decide to buy it, ask permission to do with it yourself, for familiarization, the necessary manipulations, but be careful.

In stores of fabrics and finished products from them, you should not rub the exhibited samples hard with your fingers. In the West, even very polite sellers at the sight of a buyer vigorously rubbing the fabric with their fingers at first cough disapprovingly, and if this process drags on for more than 6-7 seconds, they decisively stop it.

In ready-to-wear stores, there is no need to frustrate sellers with unrealistic demands or requests for your desired combinations of shapes, colors, quality of products, if such goods are not there.

In grocery stores, you can not touch products without packaging.

When visiting stores abroad, in order to avoid misunderstandings, keep the cash receipt until you leave.


Enter the bus, subway car, electric train without pushing, letting the disabled, the elderly, children, women go forward. In the cabin, if they do not have enough space, give up yours.

Sociologists have calculated that big city each person daily passes several thousand people on the street. It is easy to imagine what would happen if the formula of behavior worked: "Every fellow - on his own model." Therefore, the norms of behavior on the street are of great social importance.

With the modern pace of life, people on the street are usually in a hurry. But the fact that everyone has “no time” does not give anyone the right or reason to push, on the contrary, it obliges them to try not to push anyone. If this happens by accident, you should definitely apologize.

You need to bypass oncoming ones from your right side, overtake - the same way.

You should not wave your arms on the go, especially if there is something in them - an umbrella, a briefcase, a cane, etc.

Do not stop a friend on the street if he is not walking alone: ​​it is not known whether the person to whom your friend will be obliged to introduce you will like meeting you, and whether you yourself need this acquaintance. And if you are not alone, but you really need to stop for a short conversation with a friend you met on the street, first ask your companion for permission, and if he agrees, introducing him to a friend, you can talk to him in the presence of your companion. It is very impolite to withdraw acquaintances you have met from their companions (in addition, you may encounter a refusal) or to move away from your companion to talk with an acquaintance you have met.

Enough tricky business, which should be approached very responsibly, is the choice of a gift. First of all, you should not be guided by your own taste, it can be very far from the taste of those to whom you present a gift. They say that unmistakably pleasant gifts are books and flowers. However, when making these gifts, one must observe tact, take into account the gender, age, and profession of the recipient. In the West (and even in our country) a man does not give flowers to a girl, a woman does not give flowers to a man. As for books, give only those whose contents you know.

You should not make very expensive gifts, this puts a person in an awkward position: after all, you need to respond to gifts in approximately the same way, and not everyone has the opportunity to make an expensive gift. As for foreigners, receiving from them and giving them expensive gifts is considered simply an indecent and provocative act. Gifts received by diplomats, as a rule, are handed over to be sent to the center.

From the gifts you bring in all cases, you must first remove the labels indicating the prices.

All gifts are given or sent unopened, with the exception of flowers.

When a gift is given in person, the recipient must open it in the presence of the giver, unless someone (not from family members) is present who did not make the gift.

When receiving any gift, you need to thank for it, showing neither stormy joy or pleasure, nor disappointment or annoyance.

If the gift made to you is an everyday thing, do not miss the opportunity when meeting with the giver to show him that you are using it; by doing this you will give him great pleasure, and this in turn good gift, which does not exempt you, however, from expressing material gratitude.


Behavior is as much a way of showing respect for other people as neat clothes, politeness in conversation, tact.

In the manner of behavior, the role of habits is quite large. They can both emphasize the dignity of a person, and nullify the best qualities.

Being natural is one of the main conditions business man

Gestures and movements are part of the image. Very often, it is a gesture against the will that betrays a person’s mood. Movements should not be sharp and fast.

Greeting, they make a slight bow, not jerkily, but calmly. At the same time, the legs are kept together, not with a compass.

The gait should not be lethargic, but you should not wave your arms or take long steps. Best Option- measured movements, straight posture.

It is not necessary to lower your eyes for a long time or sit in a relaxed position when talking. You can relax during leisure hours, but in work time smartness is an essential feature of a businessman.

If you are among people who are older than you, it is worth being more collected, more tactful than among people of your age.

Sitting on a chair, you do not need to swing, sit on the edge, it is not recommended to lean on the table. You need to sit down and get up without making noise. The chair is not moved along the floor, but rearranged, holding the back.

The habits of mechanically swinging your leg, fidgeting in a chair, periodically tapping on it with your heel are classified as “uncomfortable”. This can be perceived as unwillingness to continue the conversation, etc.

When talking, it is best to sit straight, without bending over or leaning back.

Raised shoulders or a retracted head mean tension, give the impression of isolation. To position the interlocutor, you need to tilt your head to the side. The tilt of the head gives the impression that the person is listening intently.

It is not customary to sit with one hand resting one's cheek or resting one's head on both hands. It is also not recommended to sit or stand in the Napoleonic pose - "crossing your arms over your chest", as well as resting your palms on your knees.

Most suitable for business woman landing - knees together, feet one near the other.

When a woman gets into a car, she must first sit on the seat and then draw her legs in. When getting out of the car, first you need to lower your legs, and then get up.

While in society, you should not constantly straighten your tie, hairdo, pull clothes, etc.

Standing, they keep their hands either simply lowered, or laid behind their backs, or in front of them with clasped fingers.

In society, at the reception, you should try not to stand with your back to someone.

It is not customary to stand or sit with your hands in your pockets, waving your arms, pulling or fingering something with your fingers, or grasping the buttons of the interlocutor's jacket.

Even people who are well known to you, but not connected with you by great friendship, should not be patted on the shoulder or on the back.

It is important to note that the theoretical assimilation of the rules of civil etiquette must be combined with their practical application. It is the skill that will allow a business person to easily observe etiquette in any situation.


The shape of the table has not only a protocol value, but also a psychological one, as it can largely influence the outcome of your negotiations with a visitor or partner.

Often in offices, tables are placed with the letter T. The higher the position is occupied by the head, the larger this letter. The visitor is often offered to sit at such a table, at the head of which is the owner of this cabinet. In this case, the relationship of dominance immediately manifests itself. This does not mean that you should not have such tables, you just need to have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat such seating means. When dominance needs to be emphasized, then it is fully justified. There are situations in which the owner of the office acts on an equal footing with his interlocutor. In this case, if the area of ​​​​the office allows, you can separately put a table for business conversations. Such a table can also be used for meetings with subordinates, when the leader does not want to impose his opinion, to be “on an equal footing” with them for some time.

A square table can create a competitive atmosphere or evoke defensive reactions. It can be used for short business discussions. People to your right are likely to be more cooperative than those to your left. And those sitting opposite you are the most oppositional.

A rectangular table is most often used in negotiations. The wider the table, the greater not only the physical, but also the psychological distance between the negotiators. And this means that the easier it is to say “no” to the opposite side. Too narrow a table creates discomfort for the negotiators - it seems that the partner "peeps" into your notes.

The round table creates a more relaxed atmosphere. He is good at collaborating on a project. It is no coincidence that the expression "round table talk" exists. The round table removes the status differences between the participants in the negotiations or conversation. As a result, the leader and subordinates are psychologically largely on the same level. It implies equality of participants, as well as often informal conversation, a free exchange of opinions and views. When seating at a round table, it is important to ensure that its space is equally distributed among the participants. The conversation at the coffee table will be even more informal, informal. If at the same time the owner of the office offers the guest a cup of tea or coffee, then by doing so he sets him up for a friendly tone. In such a conversation, business relations can be affected in the very general view. But even if there is only one T-shaped table in the office, and the host does not want to demonstrate dominance over his interlocutor, then he can go out and sit opposite, or in a less formal conversation - obliquely.


Translation can be parallel (synchronous) and sequential. In normal business practice, consecutive interpreting is most often used, when the speaker, after saying a few phrases, stops and allows the interpreter to translate what was said. As a rule, the interpreter sits to the left of the negotiator. In the course of conversations during a break, on the sidelines, at the “a la buffet” reception, the interpreter constantly accompanies the person (usually being behind at a distance of half a step), leading the negotiations and interpreting what the foreigners said to him.

At the end of the negotiations, you should thank the interpreter.

Speaking through an interpreter requires some skills. It is necessary to speak slowly, making pauses for translation every three to five phrases. Do not abuse vernacular, complex terms, long jokes, which often lose a lot in translation. If the translator is unfamiliar to you, then it is advisable to briefly familiarize him with the essence of the matter, the specific vocabulary of the issue under discussion before starting negotiations, this will help to avoid translation errors. A conversation with consecutive interpreting takes twice as long as without interpreting. This must be taken into account when organizing events.

During seated receptions, the interpreter usually sits in close proximity to the host and the main guest.

There are times when there are interpreters on both sides. Then the interpreter of each delegation translates the speech of its representatives.

When speaking to an audience with an interpreter, the normal practice of consecutive interpreting should be followed. In this case, a separate microphone is often placed for the interpreter. If you are speaking according to a pre-prepared text of the speech, then it is advisable to familiarize the interpreter with it first.

Simultaneous translation is mainly used at conferences, congresses and major negotiations. In this case, a soundproof booth is equipped for the interpreter, and special equipment is used. Simultaneous interpreters work by two or three people, changing regularly. This is very hard and stressful work. Even the best simultaneous interpreters, as a rule, cannot ensure that the translation is fully consistent with the original text. Therefore, it is advisable to transfer the pre-prepared text of the speech through the organizers of the conference to the interpreters' booth - this will greatly facilitate their work and will help ensure that your thought reaches the audience undistorted.

Smirnov G.N. Ethics of business, business and public relations. - M.: Publishing house of URAO, 2001. - 136 p. (ISBN 5-204-00278-2)


They are greeted by clothes ...

Psychologists say that it takes only 30 seconds for a person to make a first impression of an interlocutor and 5 years to revise it. So, from what jacket you are wearing, what shoes and how the tie is tied, your career depends no less than on business qualities and skill. If you're not sitting alone on your computer all day talking to virtual clients and writing programs for Bill Gates at home, it's time to forget about jeans and sweaters and clean up your wardrobe according to all the rules of an office dress code.

Main character male "costume drama" is, of course, a jacket. And the main thing in a jacket is an impeccable silhouette. Neither expensive fabric nor antique cufflinks will add respectability if the suit sits snugly, protrudes on the stomach or presses at the shoulders. With seeming monotony, a classic jacket has many variations, which means that the style should be chosen with an eye on the owner's "exterior" - complexion, figure features, habits and even character. The most popular office jacket comes from Foggy Albion. In the 40s of the last century, the “English suit” conquered the world with the light hand (or shoulder?) of the Duke of Windsor, and since then has remained a universal symbol of business elegance. He is recognizable from a distance by a well-fitting cut: he does not correct the figure, but simply sits well. Special signs are a slightly fitted silhouette, rigid shoulders and two symmetrical cuts on the sides.

Persons young and prone to easy foppishness (of course, within the framework of office rigor) prefer the Italian style (aka European). A narrowed jacket with sharp shoulders is not for everyone, but if the figure is your special pride, then neglecting Italian-style suits is unforgivable modesty. Not without reason, in the last episodes of the epic about James Bond, agent 007 (by the way, a purebred Englishman) in the person of Pierce Brosnan prefers the jackets of the Italian company Brioni, fitting the torso like a second skin.

But, as you know, that slender - fun, then full - death. And the majority of representatives of the domestic corporate class, alas, cannot boast of harmony. Their ideal choice is the so-called Sack Suit (jacket-bag), the style of well-fed Americans is slim-fitting, with softly sloping shoulders. Light shapelessness hides extra pounds - among the fans of "bag" tailoring are ex-Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl and opera star Luciano Pavarotti - impressive persons in every respect. Despite some asexuality, the Sack Suit looks quite respectable and is also designed for the most unpredictable range of motion. It is no coincidence that in recent years, baggy jackets have also fallen in love with young people, for whom everyday “imprisonment” in an office deuce is a real punishment of the Lord for career success. The American jacket is worn only with flared trousers, otherwise you risk looking like a sort of Gavroche dressed in a suit from his father's shoulder.

Which cut to choose - with two rows of buttons or one - is purely a matter of your taste. But even here there are nuances. A double-breasted suit is tall and lean, it visually expands the figure. In addition, in Europe it is considered an indicator of conservatism, while in Russia it is perceived somewhat warily: one still remembers the time of perestroika, when criminal authorities felt inexplicable cravings for double-breasted suits of tomato shades. According to the immutable rules of etiquette, a double-breasted jacket must be buttoned up. Single-breasted is more democratic, suitable for almost everyone. Plus - it is lighter and can be worn unbuttoned. The bottom button of a single-breasted jacket is always left open - this is considered good tone. And, finally, an example of a strict classical style, an elegant "troika". The vest is an important trump card in creating a respectable image. He makes full ones slimmer, gives athletic forms to slender ones. And in general, it makes a pleasant change in a meager men's wardrobe. In addition, it is not forbidden to take off your jacket and stay in a vest with a shirt, without asking permission from the interlocutors. Once the vest was considered a completely independent element in terms of color and fabric, today it is cut from the same material as the suit, or at least does not differ from it in color.

But fresh design frills in the form of Grandfather Mao's jacket or a safari jacket with shoulder straps, which all men's fashion shows are full of today, will have to be completely abandoned in the office. Men's business "uniform" has remained virtually unchanged since the middle of the last century, which is what distinguishes it from fashionable clothes that live from season to season. A classic suit may wear out, but never grow old. If you judge only by the cut, you can hardly distinguish a jacket sewn on last week, from its counterpart twenty years ago. A flight of fancy is best left for a relaxed club atmosphere.

A shirt is the most intimate thing in a business wardrobe, almost completely hidden from view by the armor of a jacket. But in the comfort of the owner, her role is one of the main ones. In order to feel “in your shirt” all day, you should choose models exclusively from natural cotton, in the most extreme case (a concession for bachelors) - with a minimal addition of synthetics (10–20%) to facilitate washing and ironing. Debate is out of place here - let those who imprudently purchased a shirt made of artificial fibers die. Pay attention to the texture of the fabric - all kinds of transparent and knitwear, as well as turtlenecks, have no place in the corporate dress code. As well as shirts with patch pockets and short sleeves, regardless of the season. There should be a lot of shirts - 4–5. And for every costume. In the classic arsenal of a business person there are discreet light colors. Let's say an unobtrusive pattern - a strip, a cage, or a slightly noticeable "pin" speck (the so-called "Oxford head"). The main thing is that the shades of the shirt, tie and suit as a whole should “wink” with each other and, no less important, be combined with your type of appearance. For example, the owner of a fiery red head of hair will be "killed" by a cold grey colour, but noble gray hair, on the contrary, will give a special aristocracy. Fans of black shirts are strongly advised to reconsider their tastes - it is unlikely that your colleagues are ready to address you as "partygenosse". Once considered universal, kipey-white shirts are gradually losing ground. It is better not to wear them for business negotiations - they look too formal and can alert the interlocutor. Better add to White color some semitone - ivory or pale blue. An important detail that is always on display is the collar. Classic - with sharp hard ends, it looks perfect with a tie and a strict jacket. The so-called American (on buttons) or framed with a border should be left exclusively for an informal setting. Then the shirt question comes down to pure mathematics. According to the business canon, the cuffs of the shirt should protrude from the sleeves of the jacket by 1-2 cm, the collar should protrude from under the collar of the jacket by 1 cm, the tie pin should be located at the level of the third button of the shirt. With a ruler, of course, no one will approach you, but the slightest dissonance is easy to notice even “by eye”.

Unfortunately, trousers in a friendly costume family traditionally play the role of the “weak half”. Compared to a jacket, they are given much less attention. But in vain. Pants are an archival thing that can negate all your stylistic efforts. In order to protect ourselves from errors, we dwell on this detail in detail. Pants must be worn at the waist. If kilograms have “grown” on the torso - it’s not even worth trying to shove yourself into your pants from the prom - the “labor callus” hanging over the belt has not yet adorned anyone. Especially if the jacket has to be unbuttoned. But trousers "in size" can easily disguise all that is superfluous. For this, comfortable folds at the waist were invented. One or three - let your stomach decide (if it has already appeared). But even in the absence of it, it is not recommended to neglect the folds. Tailoring masters tried to abandon them twice - first during World War II (to save fabric), later, young non-formals began to wear pants with darts instead of folds, cut to look like jeans. But in business areas the experiment did not take root: trousers without tucks fit the figure too tightly, it is inconvenient to sit at a table or in a car for a long time - and this, to be honest, is the main pastime of a businessman. It’s another matter to complement trousers with discreet suspenders - this is not at all considered bad form. On the contrary, with suspenders, the trousers fit perfectly. But do not forget that wearing suspenders absolutely excludes not only the belt, but also the belt loops for it. In addition, suspenders should not be fastened with clips, but with buttons - the whole simple “design” will be built for you in the studio in a couple of minutes. If you choose a belt, then only leather and plain. There are also tricks here - ideally, the length of the belt should be 5-7 cm more than the waist, and it is customary to fasten it on the middle hole. The comfort of the trousers is ensured by a thin viscose lining, which not only does not electrify in the vicinity of pure wool fabric, but also preserves it from abrasion in the most unexpected places. Remember that pants wear out much faster than the top. And so that later you are not tormented by the question of what to do with your beloved and almost new jacket, which suddenly lost its “native” pants, just buy a pair for it in reserve. The length of the leg is an indicator of your stylistic eye. Back in the 50s, it had continental differences - in the USA it was considered the norm if the trousers almost covered the shoes, and in Europe, on the contrary, they were worn so short that the socks could be seen a little. Over the past years, fashion has gone exactly halfway between Europe and America: modern suit trousers “rest against the boot” in front, and hang down to the heel in the back. And no folds and accordions!

No doubt if you are not sure about the quality of shoes and socks, long pants - last way to salvation. But there is a better way out - to deal with socks and boots. Because the little things are what always catches the eye. Of course, we do not call on the venerable corporate public to turn their feet to the famous London boutique Bealc & Ihman, where the richest persons of all continents buy hosiery - the cost of one pair of "haute couture" socks can undermine the budget of an average Russian family. But certain rules must be followed in this delicate matter. In England they say: "If a man wears short socks, then he is either unsuccessfully married or did not study at a decent college." Conclusion - socks should be long, just above the shin, so that, having crossed legs, not to show the interlocutor an excess of testosterone, flashing hairy limbs. Rule two - socks should be dark, white leggings are only appropriate at a mafia gathering. And the third - socks should be combined in color with shoes. Brown socks with black shoes can only be afforded by a colorblind doctor at the doctor's office!

As for shoes, only low shoes are acceptable for a business person, moreover, with thin soles. After all, shoes are the main (albeit often deceptive) indicator of well-being. The ideal option is derby style shoes with a neat rounded toe, laces and no embellishments. In colors, opt for black, brown, and a hint of ripe cherries (but not grey!). Bright youth "shoes" or crocodile moccasins speak of a certain eccentricity of taste - informal characters are not welcome in serious business. Boots on rubber characterize you as a person who is forced to walk a lot - which does not add credibility. In addition, the heavy gait a la Gromozek, inevitable in such boots, does not fit well with the suit. And it’s probably not worth mentioning clean heels and untroubled backs.


Accessories are the main male weapon in the struggle to somehow stand out against the gray office background. And the first role in this struggle is given, no doubt, to the tie. He is one of the few details of a business suit that is subject to fashion fluctuations. This season, you should give preference to ties in the style of the 70s - medium width, with a noticeable expansion towards the bottom. They can be woven with diagonal stripes or small stamps. A smeared, indistinct cell is also acceptable. Move five steps away from the mirror - if the pattern on the tie has become indistinguishable, then you can safely go to the office or to negotiations in it. A fashionable hit is a plain tie in the color of the shirt. The main thing is that the coloring should not be flashy (“burn through” the suit with a noose of a bright neon color, really, it’s not worth it). It is also better to refuse all kinds of “flowers-trains” on the neck. A solid tie is of impeccable quality. Top class - silk ties self made. To prevent the tie from losing its shape, expensive specimens are put on a thin woolen lining - it helps to adequately hold a heavy knot. Do a simple test - hang a tie on your hand. If the wide end does not twist or gather, half of the test is passed. The second half is to examine the seam with inside. It should not be rigid, but sliding. A small loop of thread inside the narrow end confirms better than any certificates that this tie is handmade. You can’t cut the threads - the tailor’s creation will fall apart. It is strictly forbidden to wash and iron a natural silk tie - after execution, it will lose its presentation and go straight to the trash can. According to tradition, when tied, the tie should end exactly at the level of the belt buckle, thus covering the bottom button of the shirt, which has an insidious habit of unbuttoning.

In some European countries(for example, in the UK, France, Scandinavia) it is customary to seal a successful deal in a very peculiar way - businessmen cut off the ends of each other's ties and exchange them as a keepsake. So it is better to replace a particularly valuable item from his tie collection on the day of the conclusion of an important agreement with foreign partners with something more democratic. As English proverb says, a gentleman, in addition to a tie, is allowed only four jewelry - cufflinks, a watch, a tie pin and wedding ring. So if you want to look like a gentleman, leave your signet ring, heirloom diamonds and sunglasses at home. All accessories should look expensive, but by no means catchy and pretentious - otherwise the partners will have a suspicion that wealth has suddenly fallen on you, and the reputation of the nouveau riche has not helped anyone yet. Special chic - if the belt, shoes and wallet are perfectly combined in color and texture of the skin (reputable companies such as Louis Vuitton, Hermes produce them in whole sets). The same rule applies to the metal from which the belt buckle, watch case, business card holder, pen, cufflinks are made. A shiny gold watch in tandem with a matte platinum tie pin is bad manners.

And do not fill your pockets with all sorts of things! Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming the butt of jokes from the weaker sex, such as: “Do you have a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?” The pockets are designed exclusively for a thin wallet, key holder and glasses case. For the rest, get a briefcase - leather, dark and moderately conservative.

Suit as a whole

Choosing the details is half the battle, the main thing is to “assemble” them into a stylistically complete business image. How to distinguish a suit of excellent quality from a less prestigious one? This is manifested primarily at the level of impression, not analysis. It just feels like an expensive suit deftly fits the figure, and does not put pressure on the wearer. One of the formal indicators of the level of tailoring is the processing of loops on the sleeves: on expensive jackets, buttons can be unbuttoned and fastened, while on cheap ones, the decor is fake.

The highest quality suits are sewn from wool with a thread torsion coefficient from 100 "S to 180" S (the figure shows how many kilometers (!) Of the thread is obtained from 1 kg of yarn). Reputable firms must indicate the torsion coefficient on the label. The advantages of the fabric must also be confirmed by the Woolmark label - a certification mark International Association wool, assigned only to the most worthy materials. Suits are seasonal. If the autumn-winter version is cut from gabardine or cloth, then the spring-summer uniform is made from light tropical wool, silk, linen chamois or cotton poplin. Winter fabric, according to the rules, is approximately twice as dense and heavier than summer fabric. Choose a discreet blue-gray range, add bright colors only to the pattern of a tie or stripes on a shirt. Experts say that this choice also has a psychological lining: subconsciously blue is associated with professionalism and leadership, gray is the color of stability and reliability. But the completely black classic is now almost out of use. There is an opinion (only partly joking) that in a black suit a respectable gentleman can appear in public twice - on the days of his wedding and at his funeral.

The more formal the environment, the stricter the color scheme and the more inconspicuous the pattern. For example, in the United States during the Great Depression, there was an anecdote-mystery: “How to distinguish a New York financier from a Chicago mafia? - According to the color of the stripes on the suit: if the banker has them muted gray, then the mafiosi is defiantly white. Currently, the following are used in corporate everyday life: a) plain fabrics (solid), b) with a stripe tone lighter than the main color (chalk stripes), c) fabric “distorted” with a vertical colored thread (pin stripes), d) muted check (checked ).

And the final touch. When you bring your desired purchase home, do not forget to rip the label off the sleeve of your suit. Its purpose is to help the buyer navigate the assortment of the store, and appear in a decent society as a walking advertisement. fashion brand- right, somehow undignified.


Until recently, business cards in our country were considered the prerogative of diplomats and high officials. But in Lately this useful custom is becoming more and more widespread.

The history of the use of business cards is quite deep, but by now certain generally accepted norms for their use have developed. They are based on a simple understanding that your business card is what your friend, interlocutor, business partner has after meeting with you in person or in absentia. The card should not only contain the information that you would like to leave about yourself, but also help your partner maintain the image that you are striving to create.

In modern practice, business, personal and family business cards are used. There are also cases of combined business cards containing both official and personal data about its owner.

As a rule, a business card is a rectangular piece of white semi-dense cardboard. good quality, on which your last name, first name and (as a rule) patronymic are clearly and beautifully printed along with other information that you want to provide about yourself. There are no hard and fast rules about the size of business cards, but men can usually have slightly larger sizes than women - say 90 x 50mm and 80 x 40mm (in the UK, women's business cards are larger than men's). A business card for a young girl can be even smaller - usually 70 x 35 mm. Business cards of large sizes are gradually going out of practice - with the spread of special albums for their storage. You should consider that your card also has a standard size, and it does not have to be folded or cut.

The general requirements for business card fonts are that they should be easy to read. The name, as a rule, is highlighted in easy to read bold font slightly bigger size. Complex gothic or decorative fonts are not recommended. Be careful with italic fonts, especially if you have a rare or difficult to pronounce last name or we are talking about the card foreign language.

As a general rule, a business card should have black text on a white background printed across the card without any borders or curls. Recently, printers have been offering a wide range of color cards, cards on plastic or even on leather, but strict etiquette does not recommend going far from black and white. It is preferable to focus on choosing excellent quality paper, which can be lightly tinted, have a satin finish. Try to avoid the glossy surface of the cards. Colored and unusual cards are still the lot of artists, printers, as well as traveling salesmen, service workers and advertising agents. A black border on a business card is allowed as a sign of mourning.

In Russia and in many bilingual countries, double-sided cards are widely used - with text in another language on the back. If you adhere to strict protocol norms, then this is not entirely true. After all flip side designed to be used for recording. If you have the opportunity, try to order separate cards in Russian and foreign languages. But nevertheless, double-sided cards are quite acceptable - the main thing is to follow the rules for writing cards in a foreign language.

A personal business card may contain your first and last name. Your middle name or initial may also be indicated here - depending on your image, age, national and cultural traditions. On a personal business card, you can also give those additional information that you want to provide about yourself (address, telephone (s), pager number, address Email etc.). It is worth considering what minimum information you would like to report about yourself - a phone number can always be attributed by hand. Additional information is usually printed in smaller print in the lower right corner. A personal card may also contain information about your rank or academic degree (professor, doctor, major general, candidate of technical sciences, etc.) - this information is indicated under the name. Do not be surprised if on the personal card of your foreign acquaintance you find not his home address, but the address of his club (it happens that both the club address is indicated in the lower left corner and the home address in the lower right corner). Women usually do not indicate any additional information on their personal business card - only the first name, patronymic and last name. All other data can be entered by hand.

A variation of a personal card is a family business card. It is used when making acquaintances, sending congratulations to family friends, attached to gifts. It must be remembered that the name of the wife is placed before the name of the husband. The address on the family business card may not be indicated.

Business business cards are an essential attribute of modern business communication. The first introduction usually begins with the exchange of business cards. They are of particular importance when dealing with foreigners, people who do not speak your native language. Your first and last name (patronymic), the name of your company or organization and your position, full postal address and other information should be clearly marked on a business business card. It is also quite appropriate to use the logo of your company or organization on it. Government officials, deputies may have an image of the state flag or coat of arms on their business card.

A business card may contain indications of your rank or title, areas of responsibility within your organization, telephone number(s), fax, telex, e-mail. If your phone has changed, then you can carefully enter the new number, crossing out the old one. It is considered bad manners to cross out and write in a new job title - care should be taken to order new business cards as soon as possible.

A business card without an address also does not comply with the norms of etiquette (with the exception of diplomats and the highest government officials). If your address changes and you do not yet know your new phones, it is better to indicate the official address of your organization, the secretariat or office phone number.

If the organization has several branches, then several addresses may be indicated on business business cards of its representatives.

Business business cards of employees of stores, service enterprises, etc., may deviate from strict etiquette standards in their design - in fact, this is not only informational, but also promotional products. On such cards, a small diagram of the neighborhood can be placed on the back; on such a card you can find a photograph of its owner, a colorful symbol, the company's motto.

A variety of business and personal business cards is a combined business card, where, along with the business address (in the lower left corner), the home address (in the lower right corner) is also indicated. Such cards are appropriate for scientific and creative workers who often work at home. Women, as a rule, do not indicate their home address on such cards, limiting themselves to a telephone number.

Business cards are widely used to express good feelings, congratulations, condolences, etc.

It is appropriate to put in an envelope business card along with a greeting card or a small letter. On the card, as a rule, with a simple pencil, you can ascribe a few words, usually in the third person: “Congratulations on your anniversary” or “Wishing you a speedy recovery.”

A business card with a couple of warm words attached to a bouquet of flowers is a highly appreciated gesture of gratitude to an artist, artist or just a good friend on a special day for him.

Widely used standard abbreviations French words. As a rule, such brief inscriptions are made in pencil in the lower left corner of the card.

p. r. (Pour remercier) expression of gratitude

p. f. (Pour felter) congratulations on the occasion of the holiday

p. f.c. (Pour faire connaissance) expression of satisfaction with acquaintance

p. f.N.A. (Pour Feter Nouvel An) Happy New Year

p. p.c. (Pour prendre congre) farewell at the final departure

p. c. (Pour condoleance) expression of condolence

p. p. (Pour presenter) on the occasion of the presentation

First of all, business cards are used for acquaintance - full-time or part-time. At the first personal meeting, after the words of introduction, you can give your business card to your new acquaintance. After receiving your interlocutor's business card, carefully read his name - especially if his pronunciation is difficult.

During a business conversation or negotiations, you can put business cards of your interlocutors in front of you - this helps to avoid mistakes in the pronunciation of their names and positions.

If you did not have a business card with you, be sure to try to send or pass it on to your interlocutor.

Unlike business business cards, the exchange of personal or combined business cards can also take place at the end of an acquaintance. When agreeing on further contacts, it is quite appropriate to exchange cards.

Business business cards of sellers, restaurateurs, printers can be offered to visitors and lie on the desk. In these cases, visitors can take them themselves. In all other cases, the card is handed over - although it is quite appropriate to ask for a business card from the interlocutor you are interested in, having previously offered him your own.

Business cards apply general rules acquaintances and introductions: the younger is the first to give his business card to the elder, the man - to the woman (the woman is not obliged to hand her card in response).

The exchange of business cards in a personal meeting, as a rule, is accompanied by a small conversation. After all, a business card only reinforces the idea. Situations of "distributing" business cards to random interlocutors should be avoided, just as, however, one should not expect a card from an interesting to you, but semi-acquainted person with whom you exchanged only a couple of polite words on the sidelines of a conference or at a general reception.

Business cards play a special role in the presentation in absentia. In this case, sending a business card is equivalent to a visit. It is more correct and highly appreciated to leave business cards for your correspondence acquaintance personally - in this case, one of the left corners of the card or the entire card from the left edge should be folded (cards sent with a messenger are also folded). The norms of etiquette require that a person who has received a card from his correspondence acquaintance send him a return business card within 24 hours. When presenting in absentia, in the lower left corner of the card, you can write the inscription p with a pencil. p.

Diplomats arriving at a new duty station usually send their business card with the inscription p. p. those employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country with whom they will often meet on business issues, as well as their colleagues from other embassies.

This practice of absentee submission is becoming more widespread. It is quite appropriate, after being assigned to a new job, to send your business cards to colleagues from other organizations or firms.

When sending business cards in absentia, it is advisable to accompany them short letter or a note expressing hope for continued acquaintance. You can make a postscript on the business card itself, say: “On the occasion of the appointment to new position».

By sending a personal or family card married woman, you must send it in duplicate. The female diplomatic officer also sends two of her cards to the married couple.

Spouses leaving visiting cards at the home of another married couple leave one spouse's visiting card for the husband and one family card for the wife (two spouse cards and one wife's card are left in England).

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