Love horoscope for the year of the lioness woman. Leo in the year of the Rooster: characteristics of men and women in love and business relationships

The events of this year, like a vivid photograph, will forever remain in your memory. The sun will disappear from the sky for a moment (at the end of August), but you will not go astray. Darkness will help you hear the rhythms of the Universe and move forward, relying on your own feelings.

Forecast for Lviv by time of year


New doors open, amazing opportunities appear. This is a period of self-improvement for you. Don't stop there, explore new horizons.


A bright, but very chaotic and fussy period. However, unpredictability is not so bad. It won't hurt you to shake yourself up. The main thing is to remember past experience and not step on the same rake.


You have a lot to rethink and reevaluate, and draw conclusions. The solar eclipse in your sign on August 21 will force you to think and make a number of important decisions.


Gloomy skies and rain will not affect your mood in any way. There will be so many interesting things to do that there will be no time left for it. Take on even those projects that still seem unrealistic to you.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

To be happy, you need to believe that anything is possible. Your thoughts create your future.

✓ Love: magical time

Unusual stiffness will appear. It will be more difficult to get to know each other; you will begin to look for flaws in everyone. Saturn makes you more intelligent and critical when choosing a partner. True, he can push you to take a serious step (if you are already for a long time hesitated and could not make a decision).

In the spring, people from the past will return to your life. The interrupted connection may be resumed. Think twice about whether it is worth entering the same river twice? Are you deceiving yourself? A more successful period for dating is summer. Venus will support your feelings, and Mars will give new impetus.

At this time, unusual acquaintances and surprising coincidences of circumstances are likely. But don’t take everything that happened as a sign from above. Some dating will end as quickly as it began. At the end of the year, even those who tried to sit on the sidelines may be pierced by Cupid's arrow. This is a magical time.

✓ Family: with those you love

Things will not go away, but loved ones may be offended and leave. While you still have the desire and time, communicate with those who are dear to you. Almost all year, relatives will overwhelm you with their requests. And in late autumn they may unexpectedly come for a visit. Think about how they can be useful to you, and use these opportunities without a twinge of conscience.

At the end of the year, a replenishment or expansion of the family is likely. True, get ready for considerable expenses on your family and home. Only in the last days of December will peace come and you will be able to devote time to yourself. New Year's holidays are best celebrated with those closest to you. Don't leave home, gather all those you love.

For almost the entire year (until October 11), Jupiter will be in the symbolic house of friendship. This is a planet of expansion, which means your circle of acquaintances will increase. Relationships with friends will become closer and more soulful.

True, in the spring you may be misled, and this will hurt you deeply. Draw conclusions for the future. Even close friend asks, don’t tell him the whole truth. What you know can ruin your relationship. Issues related to your personal life should be resolved independently. Now the advice of friends will turn out to be not only unnecessary, but also harmful.

Closer to winter, someone will want to offend you and provoke you. Again, draw conclusions, but don’t make excuses. Maintain calm and self-respect.

✓ Health: without fanaticism

No strict diets or daily routines. If you decide to take charge of yourself, then don’t torture yourself. Any health activities this year should be gentle. It would be nice to take the course.

In addition to the planned vacation, you need to rest in December. At this time, you will recover better and faster and gain strength. Also during this period it is advisable to undergo medical examinations, get tested. In general, take care of yourself, but without fanaticism. Your health should not let you down.

✓ Finance/Career

Dignity plus experience. Slowly but surely you are moving forward. The period of stagnation is over. And although you will feel discouraged at times, you will be able to quickly organize yourself and pull yourself together. Become a strategist and think through your actions in advance.

Yes, unexpected disruptions to deadlines and plans are possible. But the work done and preparation will not let you fall, in any situation you will survive.

At the beginning of summer, something will happen at work that you never expected. The main thing at this moment is not to fuss. Step aside, don’t strive to be a leader and don’t defend your opinion. Just wait. As soon as the situation becomes clearer, come out of the shadows and start taking action. Show activity where it is not expected of you, and you will be the first.

Summer is also time good earnings. True, you will have to work a lot, almost exhaustingly. Place your bets strengths. To do this, analyze yourself and soberly assess the possibilities. Give way to those with whom it is useless to compete. But where you are more experienced, do not leave the distance. Stimulate yourself.

Prognosis for women

The Leo woman is at a crossroads and is looking for her path, because she feels that the time has come for pleasant changes.

Life has been going as usual for a long time, it’s time to change! Don't destroy what you've built, make changes gradually. You know what is the reason for dissatisfaction and your throwing, work on it.

At the end of winter there may be difficulties, but in the spring it will be easier. There is still time, do not escalate the situation and do not try to force events.

In the fall, circumstances will emerge that will clarify a lot; you will see new opportunities. This will be a signal to action. Remember old friends and acquaintances, raise all your connections and don’t wait for the weather by the sea. Only forward!

Born from July 23 to July 31

You may feel like the walls are pressing on you; you will want more air, freedom, movement. Don't contradict your nature! Your number one task is to free yourself as much as possible. From unnecessary worries, things that are familiar... After a total spring cleaning, there will be a lot of space for new events and people who will come into your life.

Born from August 1 to August 11

A restless time. There will be a lot of negotiations, running around and turmoil. The good news is that there will always be people nearby who are ready to help, support and even, if necessary, reassure. Do what is truly important and valuable to you. And in the fall, when most of the planets are in your sign, you will discover a new talent.

Born from August 12 to August 23

In the first half of the year, you will be faced with something unknown to yourself, but exciting. You will have to learn previously unknown skills and experience, you may even have to get additional education(otherwise you won’t be able to understand the issue). There will be doubts, tossing and fears, but by the beginning of autumn you will make up your mind. And only then calm down.

The second half of the year will pass under the sign of family. The main events will unfold here. Mostly pleasant, but you can’t do without exciting moments.

Forecast for men

The Leo man will be able to solve the most important issue for himself and get rid of the main fear in his life.

A tailwind is blowing into the sails of your yacht, but you may feel that you are losing control. It seems like you are doing what you need to do, but it does not bring satisfaction. Listen to yourself! You shouldn't move on if you're not sure. Accept that you will have to give up something. Take responsibility and make one of the most important decisions of your life. Yes, at first it will be difficult and even scary, but fate will lead you. All the time you will begin to feel invisible support, and this will give you strength. Only at the very end of the year will you realize that you did everything right and finally come to your senses. And celebrate the holidays in your usual optimistic, rosy mood.

Born from July 23 to July 31

Be extremely attentive to yourself first. At times it will be stormy and emotions will run high. Hold on! And don’t even think about giving up your place in the sun to anyone. Pluto is supporting you now and keeping you on track. But you will have to decide everything on your own, and only at the end of the year can you count on support.

Born from July 1 to July 11

The first half of the year is a time of hard work and doubt. Solar eclipses will occur not only in the sky, but also in your soul. Don't let the darkness scare you, it's just a harbinger of a new day. Look within yourself for inspiration. This is the only way you will gain true strength. Your finest hour will strike at the end of the year.

Born from August 12 to August 23

Grandiose plans, alas, will not come true. A little later you will realize that you only benefited from this. Many small goals will appear, the implementation of which must be taken up this year. Take small steps, gradually and consistently move towards your dream. Even if something is postponed for a while, don't worry. More to come! The time will come, helpers will appear. The events of this year will change your consciousness and help you reach a new level.

Forecast for Leos born in the year...

On the scales of your life there are sorrows and joys, losses
and victories. Add an extra happiness weight to make life more joyful.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Don’t go into someone else’s monastery with your own charter, they will simply turn you out the door. Be more delicate both in love and when communicating with colleagues. Then in the second half of the year you will find what you were even afraid to dream about.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

It is impossible to be on time everywhere, just as it is impossible to have affairs on two fronts at the same time. The secret will become clear, and you will get bored with the parallel game. Choose one thing and be happy.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

No major achievements are expected, but there will be no major defeats either. Good year to improve health and have a relaxing holiday. Mountains, sea, forest... Choose those places that inspire and calm you.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Don't take unnecessary risks. And although there will be many adventurous proposals this year, carefully and carefully avoid rash steps. Now the old rules of the game apply to you; all innovations will be met with hostility.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

You are ready to storm and believe that any fortress will fall at your feet. Maybe it will happen, but you will lose too much in battle. Calm yourself down and resolve all issues peacefully.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Take care of your home and family. This is a time of accumulation of knowledge and funds. If you don't have your own nest yet, it's time to build one. What you create this year will stay with you for a long time, don’t waste your time.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Don’t expect justice and don’t let yourself be offended. Even if everything goes against you, don't give up. Perseverance will help you overcome any obstacles; at the end of the year you will receive a generous reward for your efforts.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Be more active and try to be on time everywhere and everywhere. However, learn to separate the important from the unimportant, otherwise you will spend most of the year on unnecessary things. Now you have the power to change your destiny. Use the situation to your advantage.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

A year of renewal of feelings and sensations. It’s as if you’ll be reborn and feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy. Only in the second half of the year can health cause concern; be vigilant.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Finally, your talents will be appreciated. People around you will admire you. All year long, you, like an actor in the spotlight, will bask in universal admiration and adoration. Don't be arrogant!


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Stubbornness will play into your hands, and you will finally achieve what you set out to achieve. long years. Don't forget to share your successes with those who helped you. And don’t get stuck on what you have achieved, feel free to move on.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Pack your bags and hit the road. This is a time of fantastic impressions and new acquaintances. Don't spare money, travel and dream more. There will be someone who will turn your dreams into reality. And very soon you will notice it.

Children's horoscope

It becomes increasingly difficult to answer his questions. It is worth recognizing that your child is much wiser and deeper than you thought about him. If you leave everything as it is, you will soon lose mutual language. The child now really needs you to recognize his merits and listen to his opinion.

In 2017 Red Fire Rooster. Horoscope and astrological forecast for the sign Leo for 2017.

For those born under the sign of Leo, 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, promises great success, good luck, and achievements in large and small matters.

However, there is one significant “but”: Leos will have to moderate their individualism, give up trying to go against everyone, and somewhere, moderate their leadership ambitions. The numerous advantages that this sign possesses will work best in the year of the Red Fire Rooster and bring the desired result precisely in a team - this applies both to work and to the circle of friends and family.

Leos should not refuse the help of friends and colleagues, neglect their advice and ideas. But as a true leader, Leo should pick up, develop and lead the implementation of these ideas.

But if the year passes under the sign of excessive self-confidence and arrogance, then the Red Fire Rooster will certainly take advantage of this to create insurmountable obstacles for Leo on the path to his goal.

January and February will be turbulent in business terms; Leo must show emotional balance and calm. This is the only way to avoid negative consequences.

With the arrival of spring, the sign will feel a surge of energy and vitality.

The most successful month of the year in all respects will be July. All started business will be successful, all ideas will be realized, and all acquaintances will receive the development you need.

It will also be useful to listen to your intuition - this year it will become one of Leo’s faithful assistants.

Astrological forecast for Leo sign for 2017

Leo: horoscope for 2017 from Vasilisa Volodina

Financial horoscope for the Leo sign for 2017:

At the beginning of the year, the financial position of the sign can be characterized as moderately stable. No major purchases or significant cash receipts are expected. Throughout 2017, you should refrain from visiting large supermarkets - you will not be able to restrain yourself from buying, and the product itself will not live up to the expectations placed on it. Leo needs to overcome himself and start saving. Old unpaid debts will appear on the horizon, and bills will have to be paid. To avoid being branded as a malicious defaulter, remember everyone you owe money to and pay off as quickly as possible. The stars strongly do not recommend acquiring new debts. At moments when it seems that there is no other way out, try to cut expenses, think about what you can do without during a difficult period. At the end of the year, you will receive an offer for a profitable financial investment, you should refuse it. Even if someone you trust says the idea is a win-win, give it a wide berth. The Fire Rooster will teach a serious lesson to Leos who are spendthrifts, but those who learn to keep their desires and finances under control will be able to overcome all adversities.

Professional horoscope for the Leo sign for 2017:

The beginning of the year will not please Leo in the professional sphere, but it will not bring grief either. Conscientious work will be paid according to the salary. During this period, the sign needs to be on the alert, luck will be hovering next to you: it will come to mind profitable idea, there will be an investor for the project or a sponsor for the organization large enterprise. This chance cannot be missed.

In the spring, unemployed Leos will have a chance to take the expected position, and those who are employed will get a promotion.

At work, try to focus less on your rapid take-off And great relationship with your boss - the number of envious people and ill-wishers will grow as the lion’s self-esteem increases.

Summer will blossom professional activity Leo in a new field. All things will have a positive ending.

Health horoscope for the sign Leo for 2017:

Leos with chronic diseases of the venous system should begin to take their health more seriously. It is necessary to follow doctors' instructions, do not overload, and move moderately.

In 2017, Leos will be able to pull themselves together and buy a subscription to Gym. A visit to the pool or yoga courses would also be a good idea.

Good physical condition and optimal well-being will help maintain healthy food. For those Leos who intend to lose weight, the stars recommend paying more attention physical activity by following a balanced diet.

At the end of the year, gastrointestinal diseases that were not treated in January may worsen; consult a doctor as soon as possible; the problem can be dealt with quickly and without much financial loss.

Leo: love horoscope for 2017

Love horoscope for the Leo sign for 2017:

In the first half of 2017, the Fire Rooster foreshadows Leo many pleasant acquaintances and a significant expansion of the circle of contacts. If the sign’s heart is still free, you can safely count on a pleasant romantic story, the ending of which depends solely on him.

At the end of spring, a pleasant acquaintance will occur on a trip. This person will become a part of your life for a long time.

In the first half of the year, Leo will face misunderstanding from relatives, possibly parents. Relatives will do their best to guide the child who has not lived up to his hopes in the right (in their opinion) direction, which will hurt his pride. Quarrels cannot be avoided.

The second half of 2017 is dangerous for married couples. All problems and misunderstandings will come to light; strong scandals are possible, leading to temporary separation or divorce. And only strong, time-tested and adversity-tested relationships will survive a difficult period.

By the end of the year, spouses may change their place or country of residence.

Astrological forecast for Leo - men for 2017:

From the first days of the new year, sunny men will be involved in a whirlpool of events. Unfortunately, not all of them will be pleasant. Leo may have the impression that everyone around him is hostile. All endeavors will be unsuccessful already at the inception stage. Confidence should be given by the fact that any black stripe is replaced by a white one.

Already in mid-spring there will be a clear trend towards improvement. Absolute workload in the first months of 2017 can cause discord in relationships with household members. It is recommended to devote most of the free time that appears to them.

By the end of the year, Leos may become the fathers of a long-awaited baby, or at least get a pet.

Astrological forecast for Leo - women for 2017:

For women, the year of the Fire Rooster will be no less eventful than for men. At work and in your personal life you will have to go through many events, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Often these two areas will closely intersect with each other. An office romance is not excluded, which will form the basis for creating a strong family.

Those Lionesses who cope with the intricacies of fate will be adequately rewarded both financially and emotionally, and some will even be able to amuse their pride.

The stars advise planning a vacation for September away from home. When traveling to distant countries, do not forget to leave your phone and laptop at home.

see also: Astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster.

2017 is a good period for such a zodiac sign as Leo. Whatever Leo plans, it will work out as if by magic. The Year of the Rooster will be calm for them, so representatives of this sign can relax.

All business started by Leos will be successful, authority will increase, and influence on friends and acquaintances will increase. But you always need to be on alert! If Leo is too arrogant, then the Universe can take away everything good. Modesty is the main trend for Leo this year.

Self-development and advanced training are very important in the year of the Rooster. You should sign up for seminars, trainings, courses to get a lot useful information. Read new books, study interesting articles on the Internet, it’s all for your benefit.

A change of scenery will be very necessary for Leo; you can travel short and long distances. It is also important to meet and communicate with new people, to be interested in various issues, which will only bring good results.

Career for Leo in the Year of the Rooster

The professional sphere of this sign will be marked by tremendous changes, because Leos are very persistent and work hard. Your superiors will treat you favorably and deservedly encourage you. During this period, it would be very appropriate to ask for a salary increase; you should not be afraid or embarrassed.

Colleagues will also lend their shoulder to you at the right time. But don’t be too proud and avoid your colleagues, stay with everyone a good relationship. If you make every effort, the result will not be long in coming. The result will not be lightning fast, but if you try to do everything perfectly, then it will definitely come.

In the second half of the year, Lviv can expect an unexpected business trip. It will certainly be successful, you will complete all the tasks, and there will be time for fun.

Leos will need to be creative, responsible, and attentive at work in order to achieve promotion and respect.

Some will have the chance to change jobs, but before that you need to think carefully and weigh everything, maybe it’s better to have a bird in your hands. If Leo needs to hold an important business meeting, then it is better to postpone it to autumn or winter.

Financial sector for 2017

The financial situation this year for Leo will be stable, the Rooster does not like to spend too much, and special profit It's not waiting for you. Don't throw money away left and right, be thrifty. You especially need to be wary of unnecessary costs in the spring and summer. Men will be able to pay off old bills and pay off debts.

It is better to refrain from taking loans during this period, and if you really need to take them, it is better in the second half of the year. If relatives ask you to borrow money, find a way to refuse them, otherwise you risk losing them. Exercise caution and prudence, do not follow the lead of others, carefully analyze and check everything.

Leo women should not spend money on expensive jewelry; wear beautiful jewelry. Be modest and reserved in the year of the Rooster.

Love predictions for Leo

Leos are very demanding, and in 2017 this may especially manifest itself in relation to their loved ones. Don’t forget to praise your family, give them compliments, rejoice at their successes and don’t judge them harshly for their failures. Men should forget their silence and speak out loud more; secrecy can become a reason for quarrels and conflicts.

Tell your loved ones right away what’s bothering you, don’t be intrusive, solve everything diplomatically. Don’t focus on yourself, forgive, forget grievances. Children in the family will need to be given more freedom, do not put pressure on them.

Leo women will face jealousy from their lover this year. They may be jealous of their work, hobbies, girlfriends, other men, you need to be prepared for this. Pay more attention to your loved ones, do not sit for a long time near the TV or talking on the phone.

Autumn is the most favorable time so that you can make your home feel comfortable. You can do renovations, transform your home, and discover your design talent. Don't be afraid to experiment, the result will definitely be excellent.

Health for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Leo's chronic diseases may worsen. Particular caution should be exercised by people with weak cardiovascular systems.

Don’t take risks, go to the doctor, take preventive measures, the stars are warning you for a reason. It will be useful for men to actively engage in sports, preferably yoga or swimming.

Proper nutrition is the key to your health, don’t forget about it. This year there will be great chances for those who dream of losing weight. Eat little and often, take protein foods, and you will achieve good results.

Women may experience stomach problems. Not worth it new year holidays overload your body, otherwise at the end of spring it may result in illness, and you will spend a lot of money on treatment. Go to dancing, aerobics, fitness, go out into nature more often, take a walk in the park. It will be useful if you walk several stops to work every day.

Horoscope for women

If you are a director or manager of a company, then count on good luck in 2017. Even though you are a Leo woman, you are still the weaker half, you should not solve many things at once, leave some time for yourself. It will be very useful to go to a spa, get a relaxing massage, or visit your favorite hairdresser or stylist. In the summer, be sure to relax at the seaside and breathe in the healthy air. In general, Fortune will give the Lionesses a sea of ​​smiles.

Predictions for men

Leo men this year will have to pay more attention to their behavior; they should try to control their hot-tempered and passionate nature.

This also applies to family relationships. Value your woman, your wife, don’t look at others. Lonely Leos will be lucky - small love affairs may arise in the first half of the year. The girls will be attracted to you, but the connections will not last long. But everything will be very stormy, and you will receive a lot of positive emotions.

In this video there are some more forecasts for Leo for 2017.

The coming year of the Rooster will be very successful for people born under the zodiac sign Leo. It is this year that long-standing plans and dreams will be realized. Horoscope for 2017 Leo says what is coming in your life white stripe. Any undertakings will be successful, old problems will be resolved, and a period of prosperity will begin in the family. Difficulties may arise with your personal life family Lviv, but these problems can be solved if you look at things sensibly.

Leo's health in 2017 will be simply enviable. You are not at risk of sudden illnesses and ailments. All year you will be cheerful and full of strength. This will allow you to implement all your plans, good spirits and wellness will help you move any mountains.

However, despite the lion's truly healthy health, you should not test your endurance. By the end of autumn, severe fatigue may occur from continuous active work. At this moment, the stars advise Leos to stop and take a breath. Ideally, you can go to a sanatorium or southern resort. If this is not possible, sign up for massage sessions and take a break from work.

The only warning from astrologers regarding the health of Leos is the advice to be careful with food. Do not eat stale food, you are at risk of poisoning in 2017. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, eat healthy, healthy and balanced.


Family Leos in 2017 Rooster will finally be able to appreciate what it means to have true happiness. There will be only positive changes in the family. You no longer want to quarrel, your loved ones love you, and you reciprocate their feelings. Long-standing grievances and problems will become a thing of the past, family life will acquire new meaning and content.

Also, long-distance relationships will be established in the Leo family family ties. Perhaps you will again find relatives with whom you have lost contact.

Do not interfere with family reunification, in this case completely new opportunities will be presented to you.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo says that a time of family prosperity is coming for you. This means that no storms will destroy your hearth. You don’t have to be afraid for your children, there won’t be any conflicts with them, older relatives will support you, and your spouse will give you a lot of good emotions.


For Leos who have not yet found their life partner, the Year of the Rooster will not be so successful. Both enthusiastic romances and bitter love disappointments await you. Don’t worry about this, let life take its course, it will put everything in its place.

The stars warn that free Leos can make a lot of love mistakes in the coming year. Many will have a desire to succumb to feelings and have an affair with an unfree partner. This relationship will not bring you happiness. You will not be able to break up someone else's family, and you will only be left with pain and disappointment. Therefore, you should think carefully before giving in to this temptation.

Also, stars are more attentive to choosing a partner. The love horoscope says that in 2017 there is a high probability that Leo will meet an insincere and deceitful person who will take advantage of him. In general, in the year of the Rooster, it is as if dishonest lovers are drawn to Leo by a magnet. Be careful, choose worthy people.


Leo's career will skyrocket in 2017. You will realize a lot of ideas, bring them to life interesting projects and enter into long-term contracts.

This year may mark the beginning of your development own business.

Moreover, a non-standard approach and extraordinary solutions will help you start a business without significant investments.

If you work in a team, this year there is a high probability of conflicts with employees or superiors. You should restrain your emotions and statements. In 2017, you may encounter betrayal at work. Remember that you must trust only yourself.

Business trips and various business trips are not advisable in 2017. You should avoid traveling abroad. However, you can find stable partners in your homeland, you just need to trust your intuition.


Regarding finances, Leo may absolutely not chew in the year of the Fire Rooster. The financial situation will be stable, with a clear upward trend. At the beginning of the year, you can invest money in the development of your own business, it will quickly pay off, and the business will begin to bring in a stable and good income.

Leos can take out loans or mortgages without fear in 2017. Your monthly financial income will allow you to pay off your debts ahead of schedule. However, avoid unnecessary and inappropriate spending so as not to frighten off the favor of the Red Rooster.

At the end of 2017, Leos may have significant financial investments in the education or treatment of relatives. At this moment, there is no need to be greedy; all the money spent will be returned with interest in the shortest possible time. Also, don’t forget to give gifts to your family and friends. You can engage in charity, remember that all the funds spent this year for the benefit of other people will return to you many times over.


The year 2017 for Leo women promises to be eventful. During this period, you will have the opportunity to show everyone your strength and power. You will be able to achieve a lot both at work and in love. Beware of partners who are younger than you. They can bring pain and disappointment into your life.

However, the stars warn, the Leo woman must beware office romances. In the year of the Rooster, personal relationships and work are completely incompatible for you.

Married Lionesses should not think about flirting on the side at all, you can be deceived and betrayed, and the family will already be destroyed.

Relationships in the family will be cloudless if you allow your spouse to make you fall in love with him again. This period may become your second honeymoon, and feelings will flare up between you with renewed vigor.

The rest of the year is quite stable. Financial difficulties are not expected; conflicts may arise, but will be resolved quickly. Children will delight, and older relatives will provide strong support. This year you will be able to achieve many goals.


The stars advise men to quickly move towards their goals in 2017. Don’t be afraid to open a new business, don’t bury interesting ideas. Everything will work out well for you if you gain self-confidence.

Hard work awaits you from the first days of the new year. Fortunately, your health and emotional state will allow you to easily cope with this workload. You will feel the results of your work by spring.

In the Leo family, a man will find peace and prosperity. Your wife will support any of your endeavors and provide reliable support. For your part, it would not hurt to show her more attention and love. Do not succumb to the charms of strangers, this can cause discord in your happy family.

Leos, and especially men, are not indifferent to expensive and flashy things. The stars warn that in 2017, moderate your spending on unnecessary and expensive things. The best investment in the year of the Rooster will be the destinies of other people. Help your relatives or friends, the universe itself will pay you back for this investment. Also excellent option investments can be in the education and health of children. Be sure that in a few years you will understand how correctly you did in the Year of the Rooster and sent your child to a prestigious university.

Despite the fact that Leo, as a representative cat family refers to the enemies of the Rooster, the ruler of the next year shows respect to him. The Rooster, as a true philosopher, prefers to be friends with the enemy and until Leo crosses his path, he will show favor. Do not tease the Fire Rooster, do not show aggression towards people, do good and kind deeds. In this case, you will remain among the Rooster’s friends and get everything you dreamed of. And don't put it on New Year clothes with cat prints, be more modest.

The coming year of the Red Fire Rooster promises to bring changes in the lives of those born under the sign of Leo. First of all, the changes will be associated with a forced expansion of the circle of acquaintances. The priority will be those people with whom you work - useful connections will play a role this year. But besides this, expanding your social circle is possible if you decide to travel more this year. Whatever you plan, be prepared to meet people along the way who will inspire you.

Be also attentive to your health - the most vulnerable months for you are January and February. At this time, it is good to practice disease prevention, cleanse your body or visit a doctor. The year will bring a lot interesting ideas, insights, and promises to be memorable.

There may be a rift in your immediate family circle, and you will have to take sides. Try to unite your family, and in no case allow yourself to be manipulated.

Horoscope for Leo for 2017 by month

The beginning of the year is traditionally the time when you question your relationship the most.

January and February will shift the focus to relationships with a loved one, although conflicts may arise, because everyone tries to persuade them to their point of view. Be reasonable and don't force your partner to give up their independence.

In March, thoughts may return to you about goals that you set for yourself in the past, but were never able to achieve. This good period in order to think and rethink your behavior and, perhaps, return to your previous desires.

In April, be careful - wrong decisions can lead you to a small financial crisis, lasting a month. You should not invest money or invest it in dubious projects at this time.

The beginning of summer will bring you trips that will be associated with relatives. Try to relax at this time, because the second half of the year will be more active and will require serious expenditure of effort. Summer rest will be replaced by an autumn surge of strength.

Starting in September, you will feel ready to expend energy on achieving professional goals, and also ready to take on new creative projects. Whatever goals you have matured by this period, it is important to remember that by working actively this year, you can get good results next year.

In mid-autumn, from October, household chores and happy events related to family will be relevant for many representatives of the Leo sign. This time is good for improving your home - updating furniture, renovating or moving.

Leo Man: forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Men born under the sign of Leo often feel like they are the best in both work and personal life. They love to surround themselves with people who highlight and against whose background their merits begin to shine even more. However, they cannot be accused of excessive boasting - as a rule, they work hard and work hard so that their talents really flourish.

In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, men born under the sign of Leo will be in a whirlpool of interesting events. They will meet the most interesting representatives their working industry, but these acquaintances will require decisive action and activity, which, however, Leos cannot do. From the point of view of work and profession, things will not always go smoothly, but if you understand that you are in a dead end from which you cannot get out, feel free to sign up for training and improve your skills, or turn to coaches.

Leo Woman: forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Leo women feel like queens, and this is not without reason - among all the signs of the zodiac, they are the ones who know how to present themselves correctly and make sure that an admiring crowd gathers around them. They are generous, although compliments are one of their weakest traits. Anyone who strokes the Lioness and tells her about her differences will definitely receive her favor.

The coming year of the Red Fire Rooster promises such women even more opportunities to demonstrate themselves and their talents. This year you will be able to find an army of those who will show attention to you - including in the romantic sphere. You should be wary of conflicts at work, so be careful how you behave with colleagues - if this conflict is not resolved in time, it can take on larger forms.

Love horoscope for Leo for 2017

What will the new year bring in love? For those born under the sign of Leo, the coming year promises stability in love and relationships. But even those who have already tied the knot and those who are still just waiting for love will be united by similar thoughts - how to find a balance between your desires and the desires of your other half? In the first three months of the coming year, it is recommended to focus specifically on your desires and life goals. Although this does not mean that you need to plunge headlong into selfishness and forget about tenderness and affection. But don’t be shy to ask your partner for understanding, because you want to devote some time only to your own affairs.

The most romantic month in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be the end of August and September. At this time, you will be more attractive to the opposite sex, and this increases the likelihood of dating. The main thing is not to sit at home, take advantage of all the chances that fate gives you.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

If you are planning to change your job this year, then you should not do it in April. This time will not be favorable for such serious decisions, and you may regret your choice in the future.

Use the opportunities of the coming year of the Red Rooster to acquire useful connections in your field, and perhaps receive patronage in the future famous people. But for this you need to demonstrate such character traits as prudence, mercy, kindness and the ability to compromise even in complex problems and discussions. It is possible that in some situations the desired will not be achievable, and you will have to work hard to get at least some result. Be prepared for intense work and collaboration.

Forecast for Leo for 2017 according to the Chinese horoscope

Leo-Tiger: There is a new addition to the ranks of your close friends - very soon a person will appear in your life whom you will begin to trust as yourself, and who will change your views on the world.

Leo-Rabbit: You may be overcome by the desire for change, but it is better to do it at the end of the year - until April you will be busy with other things that require your attention.

Leo-Dragon: A good year to take your personal life seriously and understand what is stopping you from being happy.

Leo-Snake: You yourself are the catalyst for favorable changes this year. If you really believe in yourself, then everything will work out. Remember to back up your faith with action.

Leo-Horse: The year may bring you new financial achievements. You can easily make money, especially if you have been planning to try yourself in a new field for a long time.

Leo-Goat: The coming year will help you focus on your goals, especially if you this moment you don’t understand very well where to strive. Find someone in your circle that you can look up to.

Leo-Monkey: The year promises to be stable, although in the summer it will seem to you that the situation in your personal life is becoming more complicated. Try to trust strangers less.

Leo-Rooster: This year there may be competition in all areas of life. But remember that the main thing is to look out for yourself, not your competitors. Do your job as well as possible, and then there will be no problems.

Leo-Dog: A favorable year for creativity. It will be useful for you to find a new hobby that will help you discover your talents and make new friends.

Leo-Pig: This year you will often be confident in your abilities, although you are not always right. You should be more careful in expressing your opinion, otherwise conflicts with your environment are likely.

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