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The name Vitaly is of Latin origin. It comes from the Latin personal name Vitalis, which is literally interpreted as "relating to life." We have a common one-word interpretation - "life". Although there are other popular interpretations, such as "viable", "life-giving" and "giving life".

The male name Vitaly is ubiquitous in countries former USSR. In the nineties, it was in such demand that it does not enjoy today. And the secret of demand for it lies not only in the beautiful Russian sound, but also in excellent energy, and in good compatibility ...

Popularity: Today, in the ranking of male names, Vitaly is listed in 51 positions and, according to statistics, accounts for 3-6 boys out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Vitalya, Vitalik

Modern English counterparts: Not available

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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There is an opinion that the meaning of the male name Vitaly promises carriers, first of all, such traits as strength, endurance, assertiveness, determination, leadership, tenderness and vulnerability, indecision, prudence, thoughtfulness, selfishness, kindness and good nature.

It is believed that most Vitalis are endowed with incredible responsiveness and good nature, immense kindness and devotion. But there is a "but" - Vitaliks do not know how to forgive, and this is especially true of betrayal. In response to betrayal, Vitalik can turn into a real monster.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all Vitalys, without exception, lies in their ability to achieve their goals, in their passion, which enhances purposefulness, and in their activity, which generates action and diligence.

Vitaly treats badly people who do not value themselves and do not try to defend their personal opinion in anything. And the bearers of this name also hate selfish people, capable of betrayal or lies in the name of profit.

The name Vitaly is popular not only among the Russian-speaking population, but also abroad. True, derivative variations are used there, such as Vital, Vitali, Vitalien, Vitalian and Vit.

The nature of the name Vitaly

The nature of the name Vitaly is such that it endows the bearers of this name with a whole bunch good performance. Among their huge list there are kindness, honesty, and good nature, and goodwill, and optimism, and cheerfulness, and responsibility, and diligence, and attentiveness, and a good attitude, and much more.

Usually Vitaly is a positive guy, an optimist and just good man. But be that as it may, something is still missing. Usually this factor is humor and open-mindedness, leadership inclinations. Well, there is nothing leadership in him, and in general, his character does not allow him to have leadership ambitions. But the character of Vitaly will allow him to be just a good friend, but only to those people who, in his opinion, will be worthy of it. And in his case, not everyone will be worthy - Vitaly can have too many requirements.

Well, the most important advantage of people who bear this name is that their character will never allow them to betray or substitute even a little-known person. Vitalik will never betray, deceive, take advantage of the weakness of another person for the sake of his own benefit and self-interest, because he is not like that. Yes, and the conscience for the majority of Vitaly is more expensive than everything else.

Early childhood

IN early childhood Vitaliks, without exception, are too kind, vulnerable, sensitive and emotional at the same time. These are children, boys, whom parents are usually proud of, like no one and nothing more. The little bearer of this beautiful rare name is literally an angel in the flesh, calm, kind, benevolent, sensitive, hardworking, soft and charming.

In childhood, the bearer of this name will surely demonstrate maximum kindness towards all people around, parents, ordinary people and acquaintances, friends and not only. His essence and nature will not allow him to stand aside when someone needs help. He will help his mother around the house, and he will definitely try to help his father, and he will help out his friends if necessary, and in general, he will do everything in his power.

The only disadvantage of little Vitalik is that he is not very sociable and will never be the first to make contact. He finds it difficult to make friends, finds it difficult to confide in anyone, and in general, he may try to avoid close ties with peers and anyone else. Parents should pay special attention to this factor, because otherwise communication problems may arise in the future.


A teenager named Vitaliy is a completely unique personality. If parents teach him sociability, sociability, determination and friendliness, then he will become a popular boy in society. Of course, he will not become a leader, because he does not have leadership inclinations, but teenager Vitaly will definitely become a welcome guest.

It cannot be said that the bearer of this name should have everything perfect in studies, but the opposite cannot be said either. Vitalik should not be an excellent student, but he will not become a loser either. At this age, two qualities will fight in him: purposefulness and laziness. On the one hand, he will achieve any set goals, which will help him not to fall into twos in his studies, but on the other hand, he is too lazy, and this can harm him.

As for relationships with parents, everything is simple here - the bearer of this name will never disobey his mother or father, and will fulfill all orders without exception. But relationships with teachers can bring a lot of problems, because teaching is about teaching and teaching, which no bearer of such a name will tolerate from an outsider.

grown man

Adult Vitaly can change beyond recognition. Here, a hardworking, purposeful, diligent, responsible, punctual, obligatory, principled, a little strict and stern man can grow up from a cheerful optimist and a lazy person. There will be nothing to teach like this, and he will not tolerate teachings, but he himself will teach and instruct everyone around, for he will consider himself worthy of this.

He has friends in adult life there may be an incredible number, but it is unlikely that he will dare to call one of them his friend. His main problem will be distrust and the eternal expectation of a dirty trick. And in general, he will be too demanding of potential comrades and friends. And if someone does not meet his requirements and criteria, then that person will definitely not be surrounded by Vitaly.

And it’s also worth mentioning that the majority of Vitaly are careerists, hard workers and hard workers, successful people professionally. Often they become businessmen or follow in the footsteps of their fathers.

The interaction of the character Vitaly with the seasons

Summer - here, usually due to the influence of the value of Summer, a cunning and smart boy, prudent, self-confident and purposeful, is born. These traits together give you the chance to build a great career. True, surrendering professional activity, some forget about loved ones, which leads to loneliness and complete rejection. Material well-being puts above all.

Winter - at this time, by the origin of the soul and nature, an attentive and prudent person is born, stubborn and pedantic, purposeful, like a summer one, but successful in his personal life. He is successful both at work and at home - the only negative is the excessive desire to be a leader, to lead. With a female leader is not on the way, even if he fell in love. He needs a "licker", one that will honor his actions.

Spring - here a witty and cheerful boy is born, who from childhood attracts people with fun and constantly raging optimism in him. A philosopher and just a creative person, he loves to reason and criticize - he criticizes, by the way, in such a way that they listen to him and are not offended. Eloquent and delicate. Needs a muse to protect from the dreams of this world.

Autumn is a period that promises romance and amorousness, isolation and exactingness. He loves people, women, but he is avoided, because they are simply indifferent to him because of his isolation. However, this does not prevent starting short-term and stormy novels. Demanding, also with a complex character - he is always looking for an ideal, a golden mean.

The fate of the name Vitaly

It is difficult to say how the fate of the guy who received the name Vitaly should develop in his personal life, love, and in general in relations with representatives of the opposite sex. But one thing in this particular case can be said with 100% certainty - Vitaly will never be a loner, and will never be deprived female attention. Well, such an interesting, charming and gallant man cannot be uninteresting to women.

With a probability of "50 to 50" the personal life of a teenager Vitalik will be too rich. And with exactly the same probability, a mature bearer of this name will lose interest in frequent "love affairs" and will have an interest in creating a family, planning children, etc.

What more can be said? Well, at least it’s worth saying that Vitaly will certainly treat his women like a true gentleman. He will never allow himself to offend a companion, albeit a short one, offend, or even bring to tears. This is a gentleman, a knight and a gentleman, at least in relations with women.

Love and marriage

Vitaly is a charming and courteous man, always aiming for success. He is able to be very gallant and attentive, but having won the object of his adoration, he deprives the chosen one of further romantic courtship. In his youth, his bright and deep feelings pass quickly, but for him every relationship with a girl is serious. He perceives them as another step towards meeting his soulmate.

The bearer of this name marries already closer to the age of thirty. His chosen one will be a woman with strong character, smart, economic, attractive and, of course, caring, gentle and attentive. In addition, Vitaly appreciates understanding and sincerity in relations with his wife. It is important for him that his beloved could devote herself to the family.

Vitaly sincerely loves and respects his beloved wife, and also supports her in many ways, often helping with the housework. He carefully takes care that an atmosphere of trust, warmth, comfort and peace reigned in their house. Vitalik does not like to spoil his wife often with words of love, but his care, respect, affection and attention speak for him. However, his wife should always remember that in his family he is an unquestioning leader, authority. And when trying to change such a family structure, even the breakup of the family is possible.

He will remain faithful to his wife even if love leaves over time, because he is simply not able to commit meanness against a person he respects.

Vitaly as a Father

Fatherhood, like motherhood, is a very serious and controversial issue. All people are individual, everyone has their own ideas about love and care, about methods of raising children. But some can be judged even by the name and its energy. So, the features promised by the name Vitalik still make it possible to guess what kind of father he will become.

The ability to care, appreciate, respect and love is already saying that he definitely will not become a bad father. Vitaly is looking forward to the appearance of children in the family, because he is no longer a boy and realizes that children are a real miracle, the main guarantee of a happy life. family life. For the sake of children, he is ready to move mountains. From birth, he is actively involved in the lives of kids. Vitalik is interested in the correct methods of development of children from specialists. He can even give his wife advice on caring for the kids. When they get sick, he drops everything and helps his wife in everything. He loves family vacations, and every year he arranges very rich and healthy holidays for his children and his wife.

Vitaly is just a wonderful dad who spends a lot of time with his children with joy and pleasure. He will skillfully participate not only in the upbringing, but also in the process of education of his children. As the head of the family, he does not lose sight of a single issue. It is important for him that the children have everything they need, so that they grow up to be happy, kind, sympathetic and independent people. The location and love of his children are very important to him.

Vitaliy horoscope


Aries is a temperamental boy Vitaly, with whom you can joke, and just talk, and pour out your soul. Resilient, stubborn, reasonable - people respect and revere him. Women like him - they idolize him, adore him, anyone will be happy with him.


Taurus - here, named Vitaly, is a realist, living exclusively in the present day, walking on the plains of reality with his head up. Frivolous, does not make plans for the future, pragmatist, sincere and faithful. His compatibility is only with the patient and romantic, such that he can endure any of his pranks.


Gemini - under the influence of the meaning of this zodiac sign, an original view of being, an interest in everything new is hidden. At the same time, his views on reality rarely fit into the framework of the accepted, but are interesting to everyone around. He will be accepted well in any company, he is eloquent and smart, and has a positive character.


Cancer - and this boy is a visionary and a dreamer by origin, a romantic at heart and a compliant gentleman on the outside. Its goal is harmony with the worlds around it, with people and nature. Prefers loneliness to noisy companies, avoids strong rapprochement and friendship. The chosen one will love until he loses his pulse and be faithful to her.

a lion

Leo - this sign of the zodiac conceals strength, both in spirit and body, ambition, masculinity, self-interest and the desire to get one's own benefit from everything in this world. The wife of Leo named Vitaliy should be a calm and balanced lady, one who will easily give leadership to his bail, will please and cherish.


Virgo is the owner of excessive insight and the ability to think broadly. He is well versed in people - he sees lodges with the naked eye, he is reserved and mysterious. He surrounds himself with only those people who need him. In a relationship, he appreciates the seriousness of intentions, but not romance and passion.


Libra is a cheerful, sympathetic, fair, good-natured and straightforward person. This is a good man from all sides, but an egoist who is never interested in someone else's opinion. With such caution, women are also shown, with whom he has very positive compatibility.


Scorpio is a rather difficult nature, possessing at the same time a bunch of opposites. For example, he can be gentle and rough with a break of a minute, greedy and generous, calm and temperamental. It is hard with him, but he is reliable, strong in spirit, and faithful.


But under the sign of the archer lies the nature of Vitaly, who has such features as sincerity and gullibility. He is kind, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of well-being loved one, but vulnerable and offended by the world. Secretive, sometimes even cunning, especially in case of contact with women.


Capricorn promises temperament and vigor. This is a gentleman with fresh views on life, having his own point of view in everything. Cautious, prudent, prudent, trying to achieve perfection in everything. In women, he appreciates not beauty, but intelligence and the ability to analyze actions.


Aquarius is a calm and balanced person who is accompanied by incredible luck in everything. All his actions are pursued by luck, both in professional activities and in relationships. Everything relies on intuition. Women are interested in him.


Pisces - and this sign promises a guy named Vitaly the desire to idealize everything around. At the same time, he rarely notices the real shortcomings of people, considers them not worthy of attention. Kind and merciful, all the time he tries to be needed by society - with women too, they love him, he is an excellent sucker, no matter how ridiculous it may be.

Compatibility with female names

The ideal combination in terms of feelings, love and passion can only be arranged in a pair with ladies who have such female names like Rose, Stella, Emma, ​​Vera, Dora, Ada and Mirra.

Compatibility with such as Agatha, Zinaida, Lolita, Nelly, Praskovya, Tamara and Tatyana is simply ideal, which is not surprising, because there is the most ideal connection, judging by the astrological outlines.

But with such as Nika, Nora, Flora, Vladislav, there is no connection at all ...

Vitaly is a perky, reliable name, a little soft for a man. It comes from the Roman generic name Vitalis and means "vital", "full of life", "life-giving".

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Sapphire
  • Color: purple
  • Wood: poplar
  • plant: violet
  • Animal: tiger
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

IN early age Vitalik manifests himself as an affectionate, dreamy, a little timid boy. During this period, the authority of his mother is important for him, he is often called "sissy". Her influence is so great that he is a little effeminate and therefore not endowed with courage, courage. He studies well at school and easily copes with the curriculum.

The adult bearer of the name Vitaly pays great attention to the inner qualities of a person. He is smart, optimistic and dreamy. He has a flexible mind, and he is able to change any trait of his character, as well as get rid of any habit. His type can be described as cheerful, witty, friendly.

The main qualities of Vitaly are self-confidence and experience. Throughout his life, he manifests himself as a vulnerable nature. The secret of the name lies in sensitivity and thriftiness. The owner of this name is often called the "darling of fate", because she is favorable to him and gives him everything he needs. He has high mental capacity. He can show himself as a creative person.

Positive qualities of Vitaly: activity, love of life, gentleness, sociability. He is the owner of good humor, he is adored and respected by friends.

Negative character traits: fantasy, excessive gullibility, lack of strong will.

Winter representative named Vitaly pedant. He always strives for excellence and succeeds. Spring is a light, witty, artistic man. He takes failure long and hard. For summer, the most important thing is a career. He is prone to cunning, which often comes to his aid in achieving his goal. Autumn - amorous nature.

Interests and hobbies

Vitaly loves free time spend playing chess, cards. He is a big fan of music and enjoys attending the concerts of his idols. The center of attraction is his car. He takes it apart with pleasure, assembles it, repairs it, and is also not averse to taking a ride with the breeze. Spends a lot of time on his pet. Basically, he gets himself a thoroughbred dog and trains it, does not miss a single exhibition. Leisure loves to spend with friends, likes to eat well, drink and have fun. Her hobbies are photography and collecting.

Profession and business

In professional activities, Vitaly often misses profitable opportunities, being distracted by various extraneous matters. He lacks focus and consistency. Success can be achieved in professions related to science and in the design field. He is good at mathematics, physics, geometry. He suits the profession of a guide, journalist, salesman, critic, scientist, actor and teacher. If he occupies leadership positions, he manifests himself as a good and gentle boss. In business, his firm often fails to compete. For life, he is satisfied with the average level of prosperity.


Vitalik's childhood good health and excellent immunity. Weaknesses - digestion and kidneys, excretory system. He is predisposed to infectious diseases. It is recommended to monitor nutrition and take vitamins.

Sex and love

The secret of the name Vitaly hides an amorous nature. But in a relationship, he seeks to feel free and independent. Does not tolerate sexual domination of women. In girls, he is attracted to love, female beauty, slim figure, charm and mind. Of particular importance is what style of clothing his chosen one has and what perfume she prefers to use.

The male power of Vitaly attracts the sympathy of the fair sex. He is sexy, but not too bold in dealing with ladies. He is attracted to women-daughters. He does not hide his feelings during sexual foreplay and in the process of getting closer. He loves changing positions and gives the girl the opportunity to open up completely. The main thing for him is to satisfy his partner.

The owner of the name Vitaly is not capable of frequent change of passions. The reason for this is his excessive squeamishness. If love failures happen, he does not become depressed for a long time, but on the contrary, it pushes him to new adventures.

Family and marriage

Vitaly searches for his soulmate for a long time and meticulously, but makes a choice once and for all his life. The wife must be smart, strong, able to take on life and material problems and not requiring extraordinary efforts from him in achieving financial stability. It is important for him that his wife be a friend to him, a good mother for children, and also that there should be sincerity and decency in relationships. Vitaly is a faithful husband, often afraid of losing the love of his wife. He tries to avoid quarrels and conflict situations. In society, he maintains dry communication with his wife, although in fact he is very temperamental and jealous. He is disturbed by the slightest change in sexual potency. He is very attached to children and diligently refers to their upbringing.

The most popular version of the meaning of the name is the Roman version. According to this version, the name Vitaly comes from the Roman nickname Vitalis. Its meaning, and therefore the meaning of the name Vitaly is "vital" or "full of life".

From Roman nicknames came many names popular today. These are, for example, such names as Victor (Victorinus), Camille (Camillus), Maxim (Maximus), Albina (Albinus), Claudia (Claudius), Emilia (Aemilius) and many others.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a child

Little Vitalik is a shy, affectionate and slightly timid child. He is an obedient and well-mannered boy, and his ability to integrate into almost any team is also characteristic of an older age. Vitalik is also characterized by a special connection with his mother, who becomes his true friend. Vitalik is rarely the leader of the company, but if circumstances put him in a leadership position, then he successfully copes with this. It can also be noted that Vitaly is a devoted friend and you can rely on him.

Vitaliy studies averagely, but if he gets carried away with something, then his success will be surprising to everyone. More prone to exact sciences, because it does not have sufficient susceptibility. The boy grows up athletic and achieves certain successes in sports. Usually his successes end with the interest in this hobby, and not with reaching the limit of growth. Has a craving for various martial arts and other "male" sports.

The health of a boy named Vitaly is quite strong. He has good immunity and rarely gets sick. Passion for sports makes his health even better. It is also worth noting its balanced nervous system, which allows him to endure increased nervous stress. Weak point Vitaly usually happens digestive system and he often has to follow a diet.

Abbreviated name Vitaly

Vitalik, Vitalka, Vitas, Vitasya, Vitales, Vitakha.

Diminutive names

Vitalya, Vitalyushka, Vitalechka, Vitalenka, Vitaska.

Patronymic of children

Vitalievich and Vitalievna. There is also a colloquial form of male patronymic - Vitalich.

Name Vitaly for a passport- VITALII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Vitaly into other languages

in Belarusian - Vital
in Spanish - vital
in Italian - Vitale
in Latin - Vitalis
in German - Vitalis
in Polish - Vitalis
in Portuguese - Vitalio
in Romanian - Vitalie
in Serbian - Vitaliy
in Ukrainian - Vitaliy
in French - vital

Church name Vitaly(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Vitaly. Of course, this does not mean that Vitaly cannot choose another baptismal name for himself.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

Adult Vitaly is characterized by all the same features as in childhood. He is kind, flexible and friendly. Many consider Vitaly soft, but this is not entirely true. It's just that for him there are not so many fundamental things as for many others. One can also say about Vitaly that he is often a follower, although this absolutely suits him. Many stroking this, think that Vitaly does not have leadership qualities. This is not true at all. As soon as fate puts Vitaly in the place of the leader, he will successfully cope with this.

Vitaly's professions are usually associated with the exact sciences. He may be an engineer or a builder, but it will definitely be a "male" profession. He achieves some success in any of his undertakings, but when he reaches the average level, he stops. For Vitaly, the success of the work is not a measure of success. It is just a means of making money, but nothing more.

Creating a family changes Vitaly very much. He shows passion and temperament, which were completely invisible. He is ready for a lot to win his chosen one. IN life together he is a diligent family man and a wonderful owner of the house. He wants a certain passion from his wife, and if he does not receive it, then he can look for it on the side. He loves his children very much, and especially treats his daughters warmly.

The secret of the name Vitaly

Vitaly's secret may be many of his positive features. He is a rather phlegmatic person and many of his strengths rarely show up unnecessarily. Vitaly may be erudite, daring, or an excellent speaker, but he has no desire to demonstrate it. Vitaly believes that he does not have to prove anything to anyone.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Tiger.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Sapphire.

Forms of the name Vitaly

Common name variations:Vitaly, Vitalis, Vital, Vitalian, Vitalya. Short form of the name Vitaly. Vitalik, Talya, Vitalya, Vita, Vitya, Vit, Vitas, Vital, Vitali, Vitilian, Vitasya, Vitakha, Vitasha, Vitulya, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityukha, Vityusha, Vito, Talya, Taliy. Brief and diminutive options: Vitalik, Vitalya, Vitya, Talik, Talya, Vitasha, Vityusha. patronymics: Vitalievich, Vitalievna; colloquial form: Vitalich.

Name Vitaly in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in characters): 維塔利 (Wéi tǎ lì). Japanese: ビタリ (Bitari). Arabic: 비탈리 (bitalli). Thai: วิทา (Wi thā). Ukrainian: Vitaliy. Greek: Βιτάλη (Vitali). English: Vitali (Vitali).

origin of the name Vitaly

The name Vitaly, translated from the Latin "vitalis", means "vital", "full of life", "life-giving". The name comes from the cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Vitalis, but in Ancient Rome there was also a related cognomen Vitalianus, meaning literally "Vitaliev, belonging to Vitaly."

The name Vitaly has related names: male names, Vitalian and women's - , Vitalian. Diminutives for Vitaly - Vit and Vita - are also independent names.

Vitaly's character

As a child, Vitaly is a dreamy, affectionate and timid child. Most often, his mother becomes his best friend, so he is a little effeminate and not endowed with a pure masculine qualities like courage, leadership, bravery, selflessness. But he is not without a desire to assert himself. True, because of his “feminine” qualities, it is very difficult for him to do this and this can take some non-standard forms of self-expression.

Vitaly grows up as a diligent and obedient boy. He knows how to adapt well to the situation, easily and quickly changes depending on the situation. Vitaly is quite cunning and prudent, but not in a negative, but in a positive way. He tries to make everything play into his hands.

Having matured, Vitaly will hide his dreaminess from other people, he will try to look like a serious, mature man, but inside he will still remain with his dreams. His daydreaming can serve him well. Vitaly can achieve success in science and engineering and design due to it. Vitaly has a penchant for technical sciences, he is well versed in such exact subjects as mathematics, physics, geometry. The owners of this name make excellent technical workers, he will do an excellent job as a guide. But it is difficult for Vitaly to be a salesman, a journalist, a leader or a doctor.

Vitaly draws attention to the inner qualities of a person. He is smart, optimistic, which helps him make friends. Vitaliy is looking for a life partner meticulously. She must be his good friend and wonderful mother of his children. Vitaly is faithful to his wife and is not prone to conflicts and quarrels. He likes to play chess, cards, listen to music and go to concerts of his favorite artists.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: purple

Radiation: 97%

planets: Mercury

Talisman Stone: sapphire

Plant Vitaly: violet

totemic animal Vitaly: tiger

Main traits character Vitaly: sexuality, intuition.

Sexuality of the name Vitaly

Vitaly experiences a strong sexual attraction, but, indulging in passion, is capable of deep, vivid emotions. This is a very amorous person, but in love he always wants to feel free, independent. He does not tolerate the sexual dominance of a woman, he rather likes the type of woman-daughter.

A certain male force is felt in him, attracting the sympathy of the weaker sex. love failures almost never lead him to despair, but only cause a surge of new emotions and energy. Great importance he attaches external factors, he is especially concerned about the good figure of his partner, and her delicate body is the source of his constant delight. It is important for him how his beloved is dressed, what perfume she is perfumed with.

He does not hide his feelings, pouring them out during love foreplay and in the process of sexual intercourse itself in hot and tender words, describing to his partner what feelings she causes him.

He is squeamish and not inclined to change women often. Vitaly will diversify coital poses, giving a woman the opportunity to fully reveal herself. For him, the main thing is to satisfy the emotional needs of his partner, to keep the relationship exciting. He seeks to prolong the preparatory period as long as possible, indulging in love games and giving her partner complete freedom of action - she helps him, and he gives her the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of the strongest erotic sensations.

Having married, he behaves in the same way with his wife, lovingly preparing her for the final phase. This process gives him great pleasure and is no less, if not more important for him than the intercourse itself - as a way to deliver the highest pleasure to the partner and bring her to orgasm.

Positive traits of the name

Activity, vitality, softness. Vitaly has an amazingly good sense of humor. He likes cheerful people, but not loafers. Vitaly is attached to his mother. He is responsive to love, tenderness. This does not prevent Vitaly from displaying such qualities as courage, courage and responsibility. Vitaly has many friends who appreciate him for the listed qualities.

Negative traits of the name

Idealism, fantasy, excessive credulity. In adolescence, Vitaly, knowing about his natural softness, can deliberately behave rudely. You shouldn't pay attention to it. Over time, Vitaly realizes his mistakes and finds agreement with himself.

Choosing a profession by name

Vitaly lacks purposefulness, consistency. In all areas of activity, he often misses profitable opportunities, being distracted by insignificant matters. Impact of the name on the business: It is difficult for Vitaliy to keep the accumulated funds. He is always full of ideas in which you need to invest money. This negatively affects his budget.

The impact of the name on health

Vitaly is likely to have a weakening of functions. He needs to pay special attention to nutrition.

Name psychology: Vitaly is a reliable friend. You can always turn to him for help. He loves cheerful companies, but even with his idealism, Vitaly is not inclined to fully obey the unspoken laws in these companies. He knows how to maintain his independence. Do not infringe on the dignity of Vitaly, he has enough courage to defend his honor.

Compatibility of the name Vitaly and patronymic

Vitaly Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Kirillovich, Mikhailovich, Nikitich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yuryevich is gentle and calm in character Does not like quarrels, skillfully avoids conflicts. In the family, he is accommodating, most of all appreciates calmness and stability. He likes to relax after work with a book in his hands, you play chess very well. It's not easy for him wealth so he's stingy. All his life he dreams of luxury, exciting travels, but all this remains in his dreams. Passive, does not know how to implement his plans. He experiences passion and attraction in sex, but excessive caution prevents him from doing this. Vitaly is squeamish, which is also the reason for his abstinence. Most often he has one child - a daughter.

Vitaly Alexandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is not in a hurry to marry, he chooses his wife for a long time and carefully. He thinks about a career early, but rarely achieves what he wants. His life is complicated, failures haunt him. Unexpectedly for himself, he begins to engage in social or political activities, but this does not bring him good luck, often in the prime of his life he has to drastically change his profession, which negatively affects his psyche and health. Vitaliy can start drinking, although this did not appeal to him before, and often it all ends rather badly. Vitaly's children are born of different sexes. With children, he is strict, he is engaged in raising them himself, while his affairs are going well. But if they don’t get along, then everything in the family lets things take their course. He needs a wife who can support him in difficult moments, help him get back on his feet after the collapse of his plans.

Vitaly Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is boastful, tends to exaggerate his abilities, likes to make promises, but rarely fulfills them. Under the feigned importance and solidity hides a weak-willed person. There can be several times in marriage, in the family the spouse always leads. Sometimes Vitaly can flare up and try to change something in his relationship with his wife, but as soon as he cools down, everything falls into place again. He is kind, but somewhat stingy. He likes to make profitable acquaintances, strives to take a worthy place in society. However, his aspirations are rarely crowned with success. In eyes influential people he seems funny. However, Vitaly knows how to derive personal benefit from any acquaintance. Let them laugh at him, but he will not miss his own. If necessary, he can be flattering and obsequious. He listens with pleasure to flattery in his address. His daughters are born.

Vitaly Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is freedom-loving and independent, selfish. Sexy, but in a relationship with a woman, he is more attracted by the similarity of intellectual interests. The failures of such Vitaly are not too worried, on the contrary, they become an incentive for his further activities. He takes on a new business with even greater perseverance and energy. Fastidious, does not often change partners. Likes to talk about sex with friends or lover. Marries only after he receives a decent education. Has a daughter. The marriage of this Vitaly may not be too happy, but he will not decide on a divorce. Entertainment on the side calms him down a bit.

Vitaly Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is self-confident, inclined to overestimate his abilities. Cautious with women, he sees a catch in everything. Career by nature. He takes criticism as a personal insult. With old and devoted friends he is good-natured, but with few people he is extremely frank. Sexy, but does not let lovers into his inner world. He is calmer when love relationship are superficial. Marries late, prefers to live with a woman in civil marriage. The children of such Vitaly, as a rule, are long-awaited, most often one girl is born, because Vitaly starts a family already in old age. Illegitimate children are not recognized.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - "life". Little Vitaly- a typical "mama's boy". He is an affectionate and obedient boy, always trying to be closer to his mother. If he is the youngest in the family, then he is wary of older brothers and sisters. In a society younger than himself, he will confidently take on the role of a caring and kind patron. Vitaly is diligent, knows how to get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment. He is smart, purposeful, to some extent stubborn. Vitaly is interested in music, chess, he is indifferent to gambling, but he can keep a company for playing cards. Can get a thoroughbred dog and participate in exhibitions. Among the hobbies may be a car, which will devote a lot of time. It will be a pleasure to be engaged in the repair of the car. In Vitaly, a tendency to technical activities and the exact sciences prevails. He will a good engineer, designer, teacher of mathematics or physics. Succeed in business too. In a woman, Vitaly, first of all, really wants to find a replacement for his mother. She must become his true friend. Love feelings and passionate experiences recede into the background. In public, he does not show any signs of marital affection for his wife, but he is faithful in marriage and cherishes his wife's love.

Additional characteristic of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.

Self-realization(character): 95%

Psyche Vitaly: stubborn, always stands his ground

Health Vitaly: good health, but you need to beware of colds.

Vitaly and pets

Winter and autumn Vitaly is recommended to start a Scotch Terrier, American Staffordshire. Collies born in summer or spring are ideal for Vitalis. Relationships will develop in the best way with pets whose names are: Morgan, Flor, Titus, Harold, Ferra, Burma, Alvin, Alma.

Famous people named Vitaly

Vitalius of Alexandria ((VII century) Christian saint, revered as a saint)
Vitaly Bianchi (Russian writer, author of many works for children)
Vitaly Abalakov (Soviet climber, Honored Master of Mountaineering (1934), Honored Master of Sports (1940), Honored Trainer of the USSR (1961), design engineer; author of about 100 devices used to objectively assess the process of training athletes)
Vitaly Korotich (Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian poet, prose writer, publicist, journalist, columnist, screenwriter)
Vitaly Ginzburg (Soviet and Russian theoretical physicist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966-1991) and Russian Academy of Sciences (1991-2009), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1942), laureate Nobel Prize in Physics (2003))
Vitaly Solomin (Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. National artist RSFSR (1992), laureate of the Moscow Prize (1998))
Vitali Klitschko (Ukrainian heavyweight boxer weight category, six-time holder of world champion titles according to versions of various kickboxing organizations (four times among professionals and two times among amateurs), three-time champion of Ukraine in boxing among amateurs, world boxing champion among professionals according to WBO (1999-2000) and WBC (2004) -2005, 2008))
Vitaly Dubinin (Russian musician and composer, bass guitarist and backing vocalist of the successful heavy metal band Aria, author of most of its compositions)
Vitaly Davydov (athlete and coach (ice hockey))
Vitaly Lazarenko (circus performer, clown (1890–1939))
Vitaly Goldansky (Soviet physical chemist, academician)
Vitaly Bamburov (Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialist in the field of synthesis and physico-chemical properties of new compounds and rare earth elements in the lowest oxidation state)
Vitaly Margulis (Russian pianist, musicologist and music teacher)
Vitaly Gromadsky ((born 1928) Russian singer (bass))
Vitaly Shafranov (Soviet and Russian physicist. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1997); main directions scientific activity are high-temperature plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion)
Vitaly Lazhentsev (Russian geographer and economist, Doctor of Geography)
Vitaly Atyushov (Russian ice hockey player)
Vitaly Yuferev (Russian actor, poet, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR)

Orthodox name day Vitaly celebrates

Vitaly celebrates Catholic name day

Vitaly name compatibility

Vital name incompatibility

The owner of the name Vitaly, of course, can be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is important for us to know what this or that name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of people who previously had it.

The name Vitaly is borrowed from Latin and goes back to the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Vitalis, in translation - "vital, full of life." Also in ancient Rome there was a related cognomen Vitalianus, literally meaning "Vitaliev belonging to Vitalius".

In the church calendar, this name entered the era of early Christianity. In the 2nd century in Rome, the martyr Vitaly, together with his mother and six brothers, suffered for their faith in Christ. His name day is celebrated on February 7 (January 25, old style). By folk omens, the day of Vitaly of the winter portends the nature of the winter of next year: what the weather was on that day, this is how it will be all winter next year.

In the 7th century, the Monk Vitaly of Alexandria lived, pleasing God with his concern for the conversion of sinners to a righteous life. He commanded us “not to condemn our neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to us; do not condemn before the judgment of God. The church honors his memory day on May 5 (April 22).

This name, which is included in both the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, has become widespread in many European countries, taking the forms Vital and Vio in French, Vitale - in Italian, Vidal - Spanish, Vitalis - in German and Polish. In the Catholic tradition, St. Vitalius of Milan is considered the patron of the city of Thibodeau (Louisiana, USA), and St. Vitalian of Capuan is considered the patron saint of the Italian city of Catanzaro.

This name came to Rus' among other Christian names, most likely in the XII-XIV centuries, but initially only clergymen, monks and other persons close to the church were baptized with it. Until the 19th century, this name existed only in the church environment. In the history of Russian Orthodox Church known Vitaly Grechulevich, master of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, spiritual writer, founder and editor of the magazine "Wanderer"; Vitaly Stepanovich Serebrenikov, professor of psychology at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and others.

However, over time, many names began to be used "in the world", which until then were considered almost exclusively ecclesiastical, for example, Gennady, Leonid, Eugene. Among them was the name Vitaly. So, in the nineteenth century, this is already a completely stable name, although it is widespread mainly among the nobility and urban intelligentsia. It was worn, for example, by Vitaly Nikolaevich Troitsky, adjutant general, participant in the Crimean campaign; as well as the famous historian Vitaly Yakovlevich Shulgin, who taught historical and philological courses at Kiev University. In the 20th century, the name Vitaly began to be used in all social strata, but it was not popular. Most often, Russians called boys by this name in the 60s of the XX century.

Today, this ancient noble name is very popular, and parents willingly name their sons with it.

Sources: Kryukov M.V., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Leontiev N.N., What is in my name for you? Kublitskaya I.V., Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V., Name - through centuries and countries. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

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