Svetlana Permyakova: I have both a winter cold and a desire to warm up! Love failures of Svetlana Permyakova Information about the diagnosis of "AIDS" in the ex-husband of Svetlana Permyakova was confirmed

The star of KVN and the series "Interns" Svetlana Permyakova in 2008 married the art director of one of the Moscow clubs Evgeny Bodrov. The family life of the couple did not work out, after a few months the couple divorced. Even before his marriage, Eugene introduced Svetlana to Maxim Scriabin. The young man was a witness at their wedding. After the divorce, Permyakova and Scriabin, who is almost 20 years younger than her, began an affair. In 2012, Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, Varvara, from Maxim. In 2016, it became known that the lovers broke up.

Permyakova said that she had a new relationship, and with Maxim they remained friends. However, apparently, the former lovers are back together. Svetlana became the heroine of Boris Korchevnikov's program "The Fate of a Man". The actress spoke about her feelings for Scriabin.

“I immediately noticed Max. I realized that he is a very mature and independent person. A man who takes full responsibility for me. He protects me, protects me, ”the artist shared.


Permyakova also made it clear that she and Maxim are together again. “But he never proposed?” Korchevnikov asked. “That's not necessary. We are together - this is the most important thing. There are so many people to whom proposals were made, rings with such stones were presented, and in a month they part with scandals, divorces, tears. We have been living for 10 years, ”said Svetlana.

The actress admitted that she was not ready to marry Maxim, but would like to marry him. “I honestly told him:“ I won’t marry you, but if I get married, then with you. And it’s mutual, ”concluded the star.

Mother of young father daughter famous actress Svetlana Permyakova Marina Skryabina gave candid interview, in which she admitted that she considers the artist a terrible woman and suspects that Permyakova "whispered everything in the apartment to Maxim."


Recently, a large interview was published in which Svetlana Permyakova spoke about the father of her daughter Varvara. She confessed that gave birth to a child by friendship and will never marry the father of her child. The chosen one of the popular actress was her director, 21-year-old Maxim Skryabin. “What, I myself, or something, don’t understand what a 20-year difference is?! Of course, there is nothing normal here,” said Permyakova.

The artist immediately stated that she did not flatter herself with hopes for a happy joint future: “I understand that he will never marry me. But he good friend, real, devoted. Shouldn't friends help each other?" According to Svetlana, Scriabin turned out to be a wonderful father: "For the first month of Varina's life Max proved to be a completely crazy father- caring, loving Yes, and he treats me very warmly. We are happy, calm and comfortable to live together."

Now, Maxim's mother, Marina Scriabina, decided to speak out about this delicate story. In her interview, she leaves no doubt about her attitude towards Permyakova. " This terrible woman separated me from my son. When she moved Maxim to her place, I asked: "Do you want to raise a gigolo from a guy?" "On the contrary, I will give him the opportunity to earn money himself," she replied. But I felt that something was wrong. How many times did Maxim try to warn! What did she use there and how she seduced him ... She could cut through in front of him and with me, the mother of an adult son, in just shorts and a T-shirt ... "- StarHit quotes Marina Skryabina.

Maxim's mother, who is only nine years older than Permyakova, categorically stated: " Now I understand that she just bought it: learned on the rights, gave him a car ... She called me and admitted that she had love, feelings. And what could be my reaction? She is 40, he is 20. The guy has his whole life ahead of him. She asked her son: "Go away before it's too late! Or do you really love her?" And he replied: “Before, I may have had feelings, but now I don’t know anymore ...”

Marina Skryabina found out that she had become a grandmother through the Internet. According to her, she bought her granddaughter a cross, a lot of clothes and came to her new parents. However, the dialogue still failed. “It’s unbearable for me to see how this woman suddenly decided to play family. Permyakova, of course, ties her son to a child. I don’t want my son to live with her. She is a very unpleasant and vulgar person.. At the age of 39, getting tattoos before giving birth - how does this characterize a woman? Now Permyakova's house seems to be in order, but earlier clothes lying everywhere and everywhere, on the shelves - lumpy. She can't wash at all. When I saw how she washing machine throws socks and underpants at the same time, and even his own and Max, I had a shock! .. "- confesses Scriabina.

She admitted that she even suspects Permyakova of a love spell: “She got into our family, regardless of anyone. I can only hope that my son will come to his senses. I already thought about love spells, although Permyakova prays all the time - she says, she begs God for alms. But it seems to me that in her apartment, everything was "whispered" to Maxim before, that he was there, like in a swamp, - it’s slushy and you can’t get out! .. "

The biography of Maxim Scriabin is little known general public. The young man was recognized thanks to his connection with the KVN star Svetlana Peryamkova. Maxim became the father of her daughter, for a long time he has been a comedian producer and PR manager. In addition to work, he is fond of directing, receives a specialty.

Acquaintance with Svetlana

Svetlana met Maxim Scriabin thanks to her now ex-husband. The guys worked together for some time, lived in the same rented apartment after moving from Kirov to the capital. According to Svetlana, Maxim always tried to be there - he helped with organizing a wedding banquet, bought costumes for a concert program, booked a banquet hall, looked for artists to perform, and was directly involved in decorating the celebration. He surrounded the artist with care and participation, which even then bribed her. Svetlana's married life did not last long, after a divorce from Yevgeny Bodrov, young people continued their communication.

They began to live together in the same apartment. Maxim was brought closer to Svetlana by a common activity - a career as a comedian. Scriabin actively began to engage in PR, organizational issues. Gradually, the relationship developed until rumors about the pregnancy of the 40-year-old artist were leaked to the press. Maxim was immediately dubbed the gigolo, the couple withstood a serious onslaught of gossip and gossip. The public wondered why the child was born in civil marriage Will there be no marriage? Rumors also added fuel to the fire that Maxim's mother was against the relationship of a young man with an older woman, and that she stopped communicating with her son for this reason.

Maxim was not going to marry Permyakova, about which he warned her in advance. During pregnancy, there was no help from the father of the child - he could go to have fun with friends for a few days or on vacation in another country.

Birth of Barbara

For both Svetlana and Maxim, the birth of Barbara was a complete surprise. The artist has already lost faith that someday she will be able to become a mother, although she carefully prepared for this event - she lost weight, began to lead an active lifestyle. After the birth of the girl, Maxim himself changed. He turned out caring father- the girl was surrounded by love and care on his part. He got up to her at night, changed diapers himself, bathed, put to bed and even sang lullabies. The failed mother-in-law changed her anger to mercy - she came to visit her granddaughter.

However, despite this, Permyakova did not build castles in the air regarding her marriage to Maxim. She complied with the terms of the agreement and also understood that young man you should not build a life with her, which is almost like a mother to him. The woman strongly supported the father of her child in his intentions to go abroad to work.

How Maxim Skryabin lives now

Photos of the guy from the official public confirm that he is all right. Currently, the couple is not together, although it is difficult to say when they really were together. Their relationship did not go beyond the formal. After parting, they continue to support each other, even go on vacation together, celebrate their daughter's birthdays together.

Now Maxim Skryabin is fully focused on his studies and plans to move to London.

The main role in this performance was played by the charming Svetlana Permyakova. The actress fell in love with the audience in the role of a pretty donut-nurse in the TV series "Interns". The big-eyed laugher Permyakova creates an image that is dear to millions of viewers, very cozy and homely.

Svetlana Permyakova in the series "Interns".

Svetlana arrived in Tula a little tired and upset - the number of tickets sold for the performance left much to be desired. But the actress looked great - fresh peach skin, a charming smile and a perky, very young look.

— Svetlana, tell us about the project “Non-Flying Weather, or Penguin Mating Season”…

We are very happy that we came to Tula - after Moscow, this is considered a very important city of this kind. Some kind of check. Not that it's insulting, but it's a pity that many people will not come and see the performance. I don't know what's the matter. They say that the quarantine let us down a little, people are afraid to go out into crowded places. But the fact remains: we came here.

The performance is essentially a premiere. Last year we created our own theater agency Everett Production, and this is our first performance.

We call it for short - "Penguins". The performance was released, we gave birth to it before the New Year, on December 28, and the premiere show took place on February 21. We brought the second premiere show to Tula.

We are very happy for the performance and pleased that it turned out for us. We took a play by the young author Sergei Shcheglov, who, as it turned out, wrote for me for some reason - he conceived a play for me, but did not tell me about it.

True, I do not play the role that he prophesied for me in this performance. But it is much more interesting: the viewer can see me in a different light.

February 27, Tula, DCJ. On stage - Svetlana Permyakova.

This is very modern history. We get it out of time, out of space, or something. And I wanted to make it a story about love, which, as they say, all ages are submissive. Love can rush unexpectedly and anywhere.

Why penguins? Winter?

No, it can be in the summer, and at any time. We have such a leitmotif that penguins are amazing animals: they choose a female or a single male for life. And so we have a dream, like penguins: to find a single soul mate and live with her all our lives.

— You mentioned your agency. Learn more about him.

We created the agency at will, because for a long time we thought about doing something of our own. Or produce performances, or do concerts. We hope that we will be engaged not only in entreprises. Three co-founders: Maxim Skryabin (Svetlana's ex-husband, father of her daughter Vari. - Author's note), me and Evgeny Krivosheev. We all do, it turns out, the most different things. I am responsible for creativity, Maxim and Evgeny are engaged in administrative and financial affairs.

Maxim Skryabin and Svetlana Permyakova.

- You play a lot in the entreprise in modern plays. But in the theater you have played the classics - Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Moliere ...

-... Bulgakov.

- You yourself want to tell the audience about the problems today or educate them on the example of the classics?

The classic is always alive! No matter how you take Ostrovsky, that he doesn’t have a word, then today it’s just a diamond. Unfortunately, the entreprise does not really favor the classics. And we have a dream. We are now thinking about how to make a production of the modern playwright Nikolai Kolyada "Murlen Murlo".

- He was already in your repertoire ...

We want to recreate it, breathe life into it, make a different cast, but with the same director, Valery Petrovich Medvedev. He is from Tobolsk, chief director of the Tobolsk Theatre. Therefore, we invite him to the production. I think that by the autumn we will have a premiere - in a new line-up, but I will play Olga again. On a new one. It turns out Olga in twenty years.

- Interesting. Perhaps with new colors?

I am very worried about this. Then I played Olga, I was 24 years old. Now I'm 44, twenty years have passed ... In general, there is a difference (laughs). But Kolyada himself is very supportive of our idea. He came to our premiere then, in the city of Lysevo, saw our performance and was shocked. Now I re-read the play and realized that it has not lost any of its relevance. People live the same way, dream the same way. That is why we decided: why not do it? And we will.

- Probably, a meeting with a character twenty years ago is the same as a meeting with a loved one whom I have not seen for a long time: nostalgia ...

Maybe ... Therefore, there is a great danger of doing something - not finishing it. And Valery Petrovich and I are still thinking: maybe I will take a different role? There is Inna and there is Olga. So, maybe I'll take the role of Inna, for me it might be more interesting. Well, let's see.

"Interns". One Land Byron, Ivan Okhlobystin and Svetlana Permyakova.

- You are known to a wide audience from television series. “Soldiers”, senior warrant officer Zhanna, “Interns”, head nurse Lyuba ... By the way, she is the favorite character of the whole country - all patients in Russian hospitals dream that your heroine will take the reins of power in their department. Because she is very caring, there is a deep feminine element there.

If that's the case, then I'm very pleased. Of course, I love this role, starred in all series with pleasure. But in this performance, I want to remove these maternal inclinations, this troublesomeness. So that the actress Svetlana Permyakova is seen differently.

- Any new TV projects are expected?

No, while the stage took me all over, which is very joyful. The scene, the family - this is such happiness, moreover, every day.

- Svetlana, you were born on February 17, two days after the Candlemas, when, according to folk beliefs, winter meets spring. What kind of person are you - winter or spring?

I really love that after my birthday, spring comes, literally right away. The next day. There is always a blizzard on my birthday… Today Easter is very late. And usually after my birthday came Maslenitsa week. I remember my mother baked pancakes, then - great post and then spring. So my birthday is such a turning point. And it seems to me that I am by nature the same turning point.

I have and winter cold, and at the same time - the desire to warm, the desire to encourage, fill new life someone. I can’t consider myself either in spring or in winter, I’m just halfway in the middle.

No wonder the sign of Aquarius combines two elements - air and water. And these elements are raging in me.

- What do you want for your birthday?

The more I live, the older, the wiser I become, I understand that the main thing is to wish health first of all. Because, as it turns out, any sore can unsettle you, disrupt all your plans, turn everything around. You can wish yourself wealth, success, as much as you like and anything - from three boxes. But if there is no health, nothing will work.

Therefore, first of all, I wish health to everyone: to myself, and to my relatives and friends, and to my viewers.

From the Myslo dossier

Graduated from Perm state institute culture and art.

Member of the KVN team "Parma".

Host of the program "About the Most Important" on the TV channel "Russia".

Family: Daughter Barbara.

Selected filmography: "Soldiers", "Crazy Angel", "Interns", "Kalachi", "Housekeeper", "Big Rzhaka".

The screen image of the funny head nurse Lyubochka in the popular "Interns" echoes the fate of the actress herself, who so successfully played the odious heroine. They both really want to have a family, both have unsuccessful romances behind them, and both do not lose hope for a better future. And if inetrnovskaya Lyuba eventually “caught up” an intelligent, albeit a little drinking, one-year-old venereologist, then Svetlana real life less fortunate. On her way, not the best male specimens have always met.

Permyakova's first novel

Svetlana Permyakova in her youth (photo)

The first serious and rather long-term relationship happened to Svetlana already in adulthood- she was 25. The chosen one at that time was hopelessly married, and no one still knows his exact name. Perhaps he is married now, so the actress left him in the status of "incognito". Inexperienced in amorous affairs Twenty-five-year-old Sveta naively dreamed that the beloved man would leave his wife for her and go to her. In her dreams, they were to get married and live happily all their lives, raising at least three children.

But all pink dreams dissipated when Permyakova found out about the pregnancy of her lover's "acting" wife. Predictably, the man returned to the family, the baby was long-awaited (his wife long years tried to get pregnant). Svetlana was left with a broken heart and unfulfilled dreams. This incident left a deep imprint on the soul of the actress - now she looked at the male sex with apprehension, and bypassed the "married" by the tenth road.

The first husband of Svetlana Permyakova - Evgeny Bodrov

Svetlana Permyakova and first husband Evgeny Bodrov, wedding photo

Hanging out in the evenings in social networks, Svetlana noticed that a handsome man often visits her page as a “guest”. Somehow, he finally decided to “knock” on friends, and the young people began an interesting and meaningful correspondence. Under the avatar, which had a photograph of a rather imposing man, was the inscription "Eugene Bodrov". Zhenya seemed interesting and erudite to Svetlana. When after two weeks virtual communication, he offered to meet, she did not object. The date went very well, if you do not take into account that the man told many tearful and tearful stories, telling the gullible Svetlana about the death of his sister, about the mother of a business woman and the father of a mafia. This did not seem strange to the actress, and, having learned about the serious financial problems of Eugene, she decided to help him with all her might.

The novel developed rapidly, and a few months after they met, the young people went to the registry office. This was in September 2008. Svetlana put on a snow-white dress, and seemed to be quite happy. But it just seemed...

Disappointment in family life, or gay husband

But it didn’t happen the way she wanted - instead of a family idyll, Svetlana got a gigolo husband and disappointment. Eugene did not work anywhere, often disappeared at night, every day he took a bottle. It turned out that sister Evgenia was alive, and her father and mother - simple people, who were unaware of their "wealth", which their son so colorfully attributed to them. Permyakova did not dream of such a life. Yes and in intimate life everything was not going well for the young - the spouse refused to fulfill his marital duties. Their passionate nights were rare. Svetlana began to suspect that her husband had other sexual preferences, and it was not women who attracted him.

Permyakova's first husband is bisexual

Later, Eugene himself declared his bisexuality, speaking in an interview about his then already ex-wife very unpleasant. Bodrov denied that he lived at the expense of Permyakova, calling her a real bitch. Exactly one month after the wedding, the newlyweds filed for divorce at the initiative of Svetlana. However, the story did not end there, former spouses periodically arranged public showdowns on the Internet, bringing to the court of the human more and more new details of their short family life. Until in 2014, Eugene suddenly died ..

Information about the diagnosis of "AIDS" in the ex-husband of Svetlana Permyakova was confirmed

Until recently, all information about the ex-husband of the actress was exaggerated at the level of rumors. It was said that the man was not only indifferent to men and alcohol, but also dabbled in drugs, as a result of which he received the status of HIV-positive. But more recently, in Lera Kudryavtseva's program "The Secret to a Million", Permyakova openly spoke about her first and so far the only official unsuccessful marriage.

Svetlana Permyakova's husband had AIDS

She claimed that she was unaware of the special status of her ex-husband, and mentioned that in times of rare intimate relationships they didn't use protection. She also shared with the audience her fears about the possible infection with HIV. Many fans did not appreciate such revelations of the star and bombarded her social network page with dissatisfied comments, indignant that she had published someone else's confidential information about the state of health of a person, even if already deceased. Some followers, on the contrary, began to worry about their pet, advising her to get tested as soon as possible.

The civil husband of Svetlana Permyakova - Maxim Skryabin

At first, Svetlana denied an affair with her assistant Maxim Scriabin, because they have a rather big age difference - as much as 19 years. But, when her pregnancy was already obvious, Sveta admitted that Maxim was the father of the child. In 2012, the couple became the happy parents of a charming baby Barbara. Young people were in no hurry to the registry office, enjoying all the delights of parenthood in a civil marriage. This unusual union causes a lot of controversy and questions to this day. Some argue that Svetlana in this relationship pursued one goal - to give birth to a child, because the years take their toll. Others said that Maxim was covering up his unconventional orientation with this union. Soon the couple broke up, and the reason for their separation remained a mystery to the fans.

Svetlana Permyakova with her daughter and second husband Maxim Scriabin

Vari's parents

Today, Svetlana and Maxim are reunited for a while for the sake of their common daughter Varenka and even go on vacation together. The actress admitted that she is not afraid to be a single mother, in fact, she has been alone all her life. In all respects, it was she who played the role of a locomotive, "taking out" the whole family on her. Therefore, I got used to relying only on myself. The relationship between the current Sveta and Max looks quite normal and even warm, as evidenced by numerous joint family photos on Instagram.

Permyakova and Maxim Skryabin

So what keeps these people together other than common child? Maybe the romance will flare up again, and Varenka will soon have a brother or sister? Svetlana often voiced her desire to give birth again. The future is very unpredictable. Recently, 45-year-old Permyakova posted a photo from a vacation in Europe, where she, Maxim and her little daughter look quite happy and are happy with what they have now, without thinking about the future. But, at the same time, the actress says in an interview that she would not mind if her ex-lover creates another family.

Svetlana Permyakova with her daughter and ex-husband

The opinion of the heroine herself about her personal life

The actress has repeatedly wondered: why is she so unlucky with men? Svetlana admitted that despite her age, she never learned to understand people. Choosing deliberately weak companions, she herself dooms herself to loneliness. Perhaps the reason for this is her frantic desire to have real family, so she so quickly rushes into the pool with her head, hoping that this time will be FOREVER. Men feel this and tritely use her kindness, playing on the feelings of a gullible woman.

And she needs simple female happiness, where everyone loves each other, where the man is the breadwinner and protector, and Svetlana herself is the weak and fragile mother of the family. Just such an example ideal family the actress saw from childhood - her parents dearly loved and supported each other all their lives, having managed to raise four children. But maybe you should just let go of your desire to the Universe, not holding on to it with a stranglehold, and then it will definitely come true? That's what they advise to do. knowledgeable people. But Permyakova has her own recipe for happiness - to enjoy the moment here and now, being in the circle of her unusual, but so beloved family! And it is right!

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