Biography of Milana Tulipova. “He raised his hand to me and cheated. I don’t know what all this is for me ”- the first frank interview with Kerzhakova about a divorce from her husband. Biography of Milana Kerzhakova

Model Date of birth August 19 (Leo) 1993 (25) Place of birth St. Petersburg Instagram @milana_kerzhakova

Milana Kerzhakova is famous general public only as the wife of a Russian football player. Nevertheless, the girl is a completely self-sufficient person who develops and succeeds.

Biography of Milana Kerzhakova

The girl was born in 1993 on August 19. St. Petersburg became her hometown. Her father, Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov, was famous politician and statesman. Milana's mother, Natalya Tyulpanova, gave birth in 2006 to the girl's brother Vladislav. Kerzhakova always speaks warmly of her family and recalls her father's exceptional hard work.

Milana Tyulpanova graduated general education school northern capital and entered the State. Academy of Theater Arts. The girl never dreamed of becoming an actress, so she studied at the acting department for only six months. After that, she graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. The girl's next step was to enroll in a master's program at the University of Westminster.

Among Kerzhakova's hobbies is shooting as a model. Milana became the TV presenter of the Time to Help program, charitable activities have always attracted the wife of a famous football player. The girl even became the head of the Stars for Children fund, founded by her husband.

Romantic photos and touching messages: how the stars celebrated Valentine's Day

Milana Tyulpanova about Alexander Kerzhakov: “As soon as you recognize an abuser in your husband, break off these relations”

Milana Tyulpanova about Alexander Kerzhakov: “As soon as you recognize an abuser in your husband, break off these relations”

Milana Tyulpanova about Alexander Kerzhakov: “As soon as you recognize an abuser in your husband, break off these relations”

Milana Tyulpanova about Alexander Kerzhakov: “As soon as you recognize an abuser in your husband, break off these relations”

Milana Tyulpanova about Alexander Kerzhakov: “As soon as you recognize an abuser in your husband, break off these relations”

Personal life of Milana Kerzhakova

Even before the wedding with an athlete, the girl was considered one of the most enviable brides St. Petersburg. That is why a lot of gossip has always swirled around Milan, to which, according to the star, she has long developed immunity.

There were many gentlemen around the rich bride, but none of them passed the strict selection of Milana's mother. Her approval was one of the most important conditions for a girl.

Alexander immediately conquered his future bride so much that the presence of an ex-wife and two children did not stop her. The wedding took place in 2015. Milana easily found contact with her lover's children.

IN free time the beauty loves to play tennis, visit the gym and various sports activities.

Most of the wives and girlfriends of famous football players are devoted fans plastic surgery. A quick glance at Maria Pogrebnyak or Ekaterina Smolnikova is enough to see how much work the experts have done on their appearance.

Milana Kerzhakova, who was once considered one of the most enviable brides in St. Petersburg thanks to her influential father Vadim Tyulpanov, was no exception. Unlike most celebrities, the girl does not hide the fact that her beauty is the result of surgery.

Milana herself speaks favorably of plastic surgery. In one interview, she revealed the reasons that prompted her to resort to the services of aesthetic medicine.

It turned out in young age the girl was dissatisfied with her appearance and dreamed of correcting her in accordance with her ideal. A childhood photograph of a young Tyulpanova with her family proves that the changes were quite serious.

Most of the effort was made to correct the nose, to make it smaller and more elegant. After a series of rhinoplasties, Milana became completely different from herself.

The lower part of the face was also brought to the standard of beauty. In early pictures, bite problems are noticeable, although the shape of the lips did not need to be corrected. The specialists made the girl a beautiful smile, which really benefited her.

But the rest turned out bust. Kerzhakova's lips lost their natural look, began to look puffed up and too voluminous against the background of small features. Periodically, she “pumps” them, which makes her face look stupid.

With a high probability we can talk about blepharoplasty. When comparing photos different periods it becomes obvious that the eyebrow line has shifted, and the look has become more open.

Most likely not without contouring. Of course, Milana lost a lot of weight, and her features sharpened by themselves. But the perfect cheekbones betray the work of a good surgeon who helped the girl get closer to modern ideals of beauty.

The bust is also suspicious. The volume clearly does not correspond to the fragile physique. However, Kerzhakova denies mammoplasty, despite a positive attitude towards surgical intervention.

On June 27, 2015, the wedding of Alexander Kerzhakov and Milana Tyulpanova, daughter of Federation Council member Vadim Tyulpanov, took place. Kerzhakov at the time of registration of the marriage was 32 years old, his wife was 21 years old. The relationship of the couple developed during litigation Kerzhakov with his ex-wife Ekaterina Safronova.

On April 10, 2017, Alexandra and Milana's son Artemy was born, this happened 6 days after the sudden death of Milan's father. Vadim Tyulpanov fell in the bath, hit his head and received a fracture of the base of the skull. Death was due to acute heart failure.

According to friends, Alexander persuaded her to go to a psychiatric clinic. And then another one - but already in Germany. However, the treatment did not help: according to family friends, their problems began just after they were discharged from the hospital.

After some time, rumors appeared in the media that Alexander and Milan did not live together, and their marriage was in danger of disintegration. In February 2018, Milana posted a photo of her cheek on Instagram with the caption "Hit a little". A little later, the picture was deleted.

Kerzhakov and Tyulpanova divorced

Once again, the former football player of Zenit and the head coach of the youth national team of Russia Alexander Kerzhakov was at the center of the scandal. The other day, his wife, 24-year-old Milana, left a message on the social network regarding family life: "We have not been together for a long time." And below she wrote:

“This is an absolutely fallen, unworthy person, unfortunately.”

On account of Alexander Kerzhakov - 3 marriages. He has a child in every marriage. The youngest was 1 year old in April.

Milana and her son moved to live with their mother, Kerzhakov lives separately. Last thing joint photo Milana and her husband posted on her Instagram in December last year. And even that was timed to coincide with the anniversary of Kerzhakov - he turned 35 years old.

Where did it all begin?

The first bell rang when, last winter, Milana Kerzhakova posted a selfie on her page on the network, where a bruise was visible under the girl's eye.

“We hit a little,” Milana herself signed the photo.

A few hours later, the photo was deleted. However, another photo appeared with a no less telling caption:

“My father always asked me to leave his last name. I love you dad. You're the one a real man in my life".

None of the friends of the star couple wants to comment on the latest news about a possible divorce.

Former lover Kerzhakov commented on his break with his wife

The other day, his former darling Ekaterina Safronova shared her opinion about what happened with reporters.

“I knew that their lives would end sooner or later. Milana herself told me that everything is not going smoothly for them, ”Ekaterina told the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication. Safronova does not exclude that Kerzhakov could raise his hand to his wife. “She is a normal girl. I just made a mistake when I connected my life with Kerzhakov. After all, she understood what a bad past he had with previous wives. Until recently, no one took my words about a football player seriously, ”recalled Ekaterina.

According to her, conflicts in the Kerzhakov family were a frequent occurrence. Safronova also admitted that the football player's wife tried to help her establish communication with her son. The ex-lover of Alexander added that "everything secret becomes clear", hinting that fans will soon learn a lot about Kerzhakov.

The fallen Kerzhakov was warmed up after breaking up with his beautiful wife

Netizens attacked Russian football star Alexander Kerzhakov. According to fans, the athlete committed an unworthy act.

The girl complained to the subscribers about her difficult share, and they zealously supported the beautiful blonde.

“When the story with Katya began, I understood that Kerzhakov was simply not a man! Real men don't behave like that! While your father was alive (bless his memory), Alexander understood that there is a force in which he is powerless. As soon as his father tragically died, all the rotten insides of Kerzhakov appeared. He didn’t need Milan, but Tyulpanov’s daughter. That's all. This is what Kingisep shit is like😢 (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed.)”, “Kerzhakov is arrogant, narcissistic, cruel Bonvivan. And he loves only HIMSELF! .Yes, everyone makes mistakes. But a person has corrected himself and is trying to live on. And people like K believe that everything and everyone can be bought .... Happiness to you, Milan! You deserve it! - the girl's subscribers were indignant.

Milana Kerzhakova (Tulpanova)

Milana Vadimovna Kerzhakova (née Tyulpanova). She was born on August 19, 1993 in St. Petersburg. Russian media person, TV presenter. Gained fame as the wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov.

Father - Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov, a famous Russian politician and statesman. Member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation from executive body state power Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Chairman of the Committee on Regulations and Organization of Parliamentary Activities of the Federation Council. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (2003-2011). Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation (2011-2014). On April 4, 2017, at the age of 52, he suddenly died due to a domestic injury (he slipped in a bathhouse in the Oasis sports and recreation complex, fell and hit his head, the ambulance team who arrived pronounced him dead).

Mother - Natalya Tyulpanova.

It has younger brother Vladislava (born 2006).

About her parents, Milana said that their relationship has always been an example for her: “For me, the relationship of parents is an example. My father works hard, but does not forget about my mother and I. He was never lazy and did not lie on the couch. And my mother is a source harmony, wisdom and compromise. In my family now everything is on the same principle. "

After graduation, she entered the State Academy of Theater Arts at the acting department. However, she only studied there for six months. “It was rather the desire of my family, but, as it turned out, not mine. The humanities have always been close to me, and I chose the faculty of journalism,” she said.

Graduate of the Department of International Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. Then she entered the master's program at the University of Westminster.

Milana is also addicted modeling business and design.

He tries himself as a TV presenter, hosts the program "Time to Help".

Does charity work.

Milana runs the Stars for Children Foundation, which was organized by Alexander Kerzhakov. "Sasha is the ideological inspirer. I began to lead the Foundation almost immediately. We ourselves helped the children before. But it was not always possible to simply transfer money. So, we decided to create something of our own and help more actively. It didn't take long to decide who would lead. Sasha himself, although he wanted to, could not fully fulfill the duties of a leader - there is not so much time. Therefore, I took it, "she said.

Milana is one of the most talked about people in the Russian media space. According to the girl, she managed to develop immunity to the rumors and gossip that spread about her: “I’ve already developed immunity, to be honest. I have my own truth with which I live. And gradually, I just stopped responding to all gossip, rudeness.”

Growth of Milana Kerzhakova: 163 centimeters.

Personal life of Milana Kerzhakova:

Former spouse- famous Russian football player Alexander Kerzhakov, former player of the Russian national team.

Even before meeting with Kerzhakov, Milan was considered one of the most enviable brides in St. Petersburg - in addition to the spectacular appearance of the girl, the position and condition of her father. Over the years of his career, his father provided for his family well, in particular, he bought apartments on Krestovsky Island in St. Petersburg, a residence in the Gulf of Finland, a villa in Spain, etc. and so on.

About how Milana imagined her chosen one, she said: “He must be Russian, preferably over twenty-five years old, because only at this age men are formed and they have a real desire to start a family.”

There has never been a shortage of contenders for her hand and heart. “All my previous gentlemen did not pass the “parental casting” - they did not receive the approval of their mother. And for me it is very important, because who can I trust in this matter, if not my parents?! Marriage is very serious and forever. If I get married, I will arrange a grand celebration - there will definitely not be a second such event in my life, ”Milan shared.

And then Alexander Kerzhakov appeared in her fate, who was able to conquer the girl. She was not afraid to connect her fate with him, even despite the presence of two children from his first marriage to Ekaterina Safronova.

June 27, 2015 Milana and Alexander got married. They bring up the children of a football player, with whom Milan was able to find a common language.

In May 2018, while calling him "a fallen and unworthy person." As it turned out, the football player took his son from Milan.

Later, she apologized to Alexander, stated that she had slandered him and: “I want to confess everything! Sasha took the child to his home, because I was in a drug treatment clinic for 4.5 months, the child was with nannies, and I was being treated for drug addiction. I never used drugs, but the death of my father broke me! First there was alcohol, then ... Sasha helped me solve this problem, he really fought against all this. But at that time I didn’t hear or see anything, a veil of grief was before my eyes, probably not one man could stand this ... I turned out to be weak, I lied to everyone that I didn’t use anything, denigrated Sasha that he didn’t give me a child that he is a scoundrel, although he gave and gives even in the situation that exists. I understand now that until I finally recover, it is better for Tema to live with dad. I was looking for support, but I slandered the people who are dear to me and who have always really helped me in my life.

In December 2018 and applied to law enforcement out of fear for their lives and health. It was reported that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is checking the version of the possible involvement of Milana Tyulpanova in preparing the murder of an athlete.

Milana Tyulpanova and Alexander Kerzhakov officially divorced on April 23, 2019. The couple could not decide for a long time with whom their common son Artemy would remain. As a result, the boy stayed with his mother. According to the court order, until Artemy reaches the age of majority, Kerzhakov will be obliged to pay the child a sixth of all his income.

Milana expressed suspicion that the football player married her by calculation - only because she was the daughter of a senator. Such thoughts arose in the girl, based on how Kerzhakov began to treat her after the death of her father. “Probably, for him it was also a tragedy to some extent, but for completely different circumstances, not the same as mine,” Tyulpanova said.

Milana Tyulpanova about marriage and divorce from Alexander Kerzhakov. Live

Milana goes in for sports - she loves tennis, goes to the gym for fitness.

Milana Kerzhakova - co-founder of the Stars for Children Foundation, wife of a famous football player from St. Petersburg football club"Zenith" Alexander Kerzhakov.

The girl was born on August 19, 1993 in the family of politician Vadim Tyulpanov and Natalya Tyulpanova. The girl's father, some time after her birth, became a member of the Federation Council and a senator of the legislative assembly. In 2006, a son was born in the family. For all the years of active work, the head of the family was able to provide the family with a mansion in Spain, an apartment on Krestovsky Island and a residence in the Gulf of Finland.

As a child, Tyulpanova was actively involved in tennis, having received a second adult rank. For several years, the girl was actively engaged in the show ballet "Todes". After graduating from a general education institution, Milana went to study at the State Academy of Theater and Cinema Art, but after the first session she decided to take the documents from the university.

A year later, Tyulpanova entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Journalism. After graduation, the girl entered the University of London, where she began to improve her speaking and writing skills in English. English language. In addition to journalism, the girl showed interest in design and modeling.

After returning to Russia, Milana Tyulpanova got a job working on television. At the very beginning of her career, the girl underwent several operations to change her appearance, and also regularly visited the gym.

In 2014, Milana Tyulpanova met the player of FC Zenit Alexander Kerzhakov. It was at that moment that he experienced a scandalous break with civil wife, in a marriage with which in 2005 the daughter Dasha was born. The acquaintance of the future spouses happened after Kerzhakov, returning from the championship, saw a photo of a girl in one of Russian magazines. Then the athlete found the contact details of the model and wrote to her, offering to meet. Initially, Milan did not believe the player and asked to send her a selfie. At the first meeting, Alexander explained to the girl he liked that he did not live with his previous lover so that she could trust him.

In May 2015, the girl, together with Alexander Kerzhakov, began working on the creation charitable foundation"Stars for Children" The team began to organize all sorts of events that called for helping kids from dysfunctional families, orphans and the disabled. Then Milana Tyulpanova held the post of general director.

In June 2015, Milana Tyulpanova officially registered a relationship with Alexander Kerzhakov. After painting, the girl decided to change her last name. Thus, she became Milana Kerzhakova.

In 2017, Kerzhakova gave birth to her beloved son, whom the couple decided to name Artemy. Unfortunately, the marriage of Milana and Alexander fell apart.

In April 2017, a tragic incident happened in the life of a girl. Her dad, Vadim Tyulpanov, died from a fall on a slippery floor.

Graduated from the State Academy of Theater Arts.

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