How to save the rainforests. Report "Disappearance of tropical forests". Fight against forest pollution

Tropical forests make up more than 50% of all green spaces on the planet. Over 80% of animal and bird species live in these forests. To date, the deforestation of the rainforest is happening at a rapid pace. These figures are horrifying: on the territory South America more than 40% of the trees have already been cut down, and in Madagascar and West Africa - 90%. All this is a global ecological catastrophe.

The Importance of the Rainforest

Why is the forest so important? The importance of the rainforest for the planet can be listed endlessly, but let's dwell on the key points:

  • the forest takes a huge part in;
  • trees protect the soil from being washed out and blown away by the wind;
  • the forest purifies the air and produces oxygen;
  • it protects the territory from sudden changes in temperature.

Tropical forests are a resource that regenerates very slowly, but the rate of deforestation is destroying a large number of ecosystems on the planet. Deforestation results in dramatic temperature fluctuations, changes in air speed and rainfall. The fewer trees growing on the planet, the more carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere and. In place of the cut rainforest swamps or semi-deserts and deserts are formed, many species of flora and fauna disappear. In addition, groups of ecological refugees are emerging - people for whom the forest was a source of livelihood, and now they are forced to seek new house and sources of income.

How to save the rainforest

Today, experts offer several ways to save the rainforest. Every person should join this: it's time to switch from paper media to electronic ones, to hand over waste paper. At the state level, it is proposed to create a kind of forest farms, where trees that are in demand will be grown. It is necessary to ban deforestation in protected areas and toughen the punishment for violating this law. It is also possible to increase the state duty on wood when exporting it abroad, in order to make the sale of wood not expedient. These actions will help save the planet's rainforests.

The rainforest is home to many plant and animal species. But since, as before, the process of its destruction is underway, there is a danger that in the 21st century it will disappear from the surface of the Earth.

   rescue action

   In the Amazon, in some parts of Africa, in the territories of Guinea and the Congo, in the Malay Archipelago, from the western mountain ranges of India in the mountainous islands in pacific ocean, in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands.

What needs to be done

   Almost 29 million hectares of tropical forests are being destroyed every year. If this rate of their destruction continues, then in 2035 there will not be even one square meter tropical forests. Earth satellite images showed that almost a tenth of the Amazon forests burned down in 1988. In fact, they burned large areas tropical forests that planes at the airport in La Paz - a city located in the Andes at an altitude of 1500 m - could not take off due to thick smoke. Observers could see a strip of fire several thousand kilometers long. Before this happened, it seemed that it would be impossible for a person to destroy such huge tracts of forest in such a short time.

What we can do
   Rainforests could be saved through agricultural reform, but such fundamental changes should have begun much earlier. On the other hand, forests cannot be made inviolable, because man still needs their riches. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to restore the destroyed territories.
   It is necessary to support the actions of environmentalists based on pressure on the governments of individual states.
   By supporting fast-growing tree planting campaigns, we are saving entire tracts of tropical forests from being cut down.    You can also deliberately boycott hardwood from the rainforest.

   Deforestation will not only lead to the death of thousands of animal species, but also to climate change in the globe which could lead to disaster for all mankind.


   Rainforest covers an area of ​​ten million square kilometers. It forms a multi-tiered living space, a complex collection of animals and plant communities living in the only one in a peculiar climate, which they also influence. Almost all life in the rainforest is concentrated at a height of 30 m above the ground.
   Construction timber: Approximately 4.5 million hectares of forest are cleared annually to meet the demand for mahogany, teak and ebony. Hardwood has been growing for hundreds of years. It is difficult to replace it with others or grow it on plantations.
   Livestock: there is a flexible international market for cheap beef. Most of it comes from South America. Entrepreneurs buy huge areas of tropical forests and burn them, thus obtaining fields for pastures. After a few years, the animals destroy all the vegetation and the livestock breeders move on.
   Mining: open development bauxite in Brazil has destroyed gigantic areas of forests and arable land. By law, these areas must be restored, but most firms ignore these requirements.
   Soil erosion: arable land at the site of uprooting the forest becomes barren after 10 years. Land devoid of trees does not accumulate rainwater and is easily washed away.
   River pollution: cutting down trees in upstream poses a threat to the existence of fish along the entire length of the river.
   Floods and diseases: The climate is changing as a result of deforestation. If the forest does not absorb water, the rains will change the river system and cause floods. But if there is no rain, then droughts will lead to an epidemic of typhus or cholera.

   What processes take place in the rainforest
   1. Leaves retain rainwater. Some plants are able to accumulate it.
   2. Water flows down the stems of trees and soaks into the ground.
   3. A small amount of water flows into streams and rivers, but most of it is absorbed by tree roots.
   4. The roots of trees absorb water, which rises through special vessels even to a height of 65 m.
   5. Water evaporates from the crowns of trees, and as a result, clouds appear in the sky containing up to a billion liters of water.


   Almost all tropical forests are located in third world countries. locals consider the forest as a source of their income. Through the sale of industrial wood, hospitals and schools are financed, and the economic development of countries is also supported. The number of people on our planet is constantly growing. To survive, people need food and cultivated land, and they also need to use wood to build and heat their homes. Around each new settlement, forests are cut down, and land is given over to agricultural fields. As soon as the land ceases to be productive, people move further inland forest areas. 300,000,000 people annually destroy seven million hectares of forest.


   Man eats a small number of plants and animals that are found in the tropics. Science is trying to develop new species, and the rainforest gives it a wide genetic material.
   There are many plants growing in tropical forests that a person could consume, in addition, there is a large amount of natural raw materials that a person could use for his own purposes. Thus, a tenth of all medicines used by people are made on the basis of components extracted from tropical forests. However, we still know little about rainforest plants.
   More important fact is that the atmosphere on which we depend, to a certain extent, arises from the exchange of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Such an exchange occurs in tropical plants that process sunlight into energy. Therefore, tropical forests are sometimes also called the "lungs" of the Earth.
   Rainforests in in large numbers absorb energy from the sun. Now that they are being destroyed en masse, the ability of the Earth's surface to reflect the sun's rays is changing. And this leads to a violation of heat exchange and leads to a change in atmospheric conditions and the rhythm of precipitation, which in turn affects climate change around the globe.
   In 1987, 200 thousand km of tropical forest were burned in Brazil. The measurements carried out showed that 500,000,000 tons of ozone and carbon dioxide got into the atmosphere.


Tropical forests are disappearing very quickly. But there is also good news- many people want to save the rainforests. The bad news is that saving rainforests is no easy feat. It will take the efforts of many people working together to ensure the survival of the rainforest and its wildlife for your children to appreciate and enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

Some ways to save rainforests and, more large scale, ecosystems around the world should be focused on "TREES":

  • Teach others the importance environment and how they can help save rainforests.
  • Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cleared.
  • Encourage people to live in a way that does not harm the environment
  • Create natural parks to protect rainforests and wildlife
  • Support companies that use practices that minimize damage to the environment

slide 2

We were looking for answers to the following questions:

  • Why are tropical rainforests disappearing?
  • How to save these forests?
  • slide 3

    Ecology of the tropics

    • Once upon a time, most of the land surface was occupied by forests. However, with the development of civilization, the situation changed dramatically. Now all forests cover about a third of the land surface. Already the first farmers burned vast areas of forests to clear the area for crops. With development Agriculture and industry forests began to disappear very quickly. We needed land for arable land and pastures, wood for construction and heating. As a result, by the 20th century, forests were destroyed in almost all of Europe, in northern Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, southern Russia, and in a number of regions of America.
    • Tropical forests are the lungs of our planet. These forests are one of the wonders of nature. Two thirds of all species of plants, animals, mushrooms that are on Earth live here. The dense, lush vegetation of the jungle releases a particularly large amount of oxygen into the air.
  • slide 4

    Animal world

    These animals are inhabitants of tropical rainforests.

    slide 5

    Tropical forest problems

    • Reasons for the destruction of tropical forests
    • Cutting down for wood
    • Burning and uprooting of trees for agricultural land, road construction
    • The result of rainforest destruction
    • Break in the power chain
    • Decreased oxygen
    • Soil destruction
    • Death of plants and animals
    • Changing of the climate
  • slide 6

  • Slide 7

    How to save tropical forests?

    • About 50% of tropical forests have already been destroyed on our planet.

    To save the jungle you need:

    • Stop cutting and burning forests.
    • Plant new forests in place of cut down forests.
  • Slide 8

    After examining the problem of the destruction of tropical forests, we came to the following conclusion:

    • The disappearance of the jungle is the result economic activity person.
    • People, stop! Tropical forests are one of the wonders of nature!
  • View all slides

    The distribution of vegetation on Earth is directly dependent on climate and has the character climatic zones. Of these zones, perhaps the most surprising are tropical forests that grow in places with the most fertile natural conditions.

    These conditions are facilitated by a special climate - a combination of moderate high temperature air and heavy rainfall. In the tropics, there is a constant intensive turnover - no sooner does a tree die than at the same minute a lot of insects, fungi and bacteria attack it. The thickness of humus in tropical forests is a few millimeters and is extremely poor. This is because dead plants quickly decompose or are taken up by numerous organisms. This process could continue indefinitely, without causing any harm to the ecosystem, if a person did not begin to mercilessly use Natural resources.
    In world markets, the wood of many tropical trees, therefore, woodworking companies are engaged in intensive cutting down of these forests. But if trees disappear in the tropics, then the rays of the hot sun will instantly dry up the unprotected earth and destroy the microorganisms involved in the processing of the organic layer, and a dead desert will quickly appear in this place.

    But not only cutting valuable trees poses a threat to the rainforest, causing huge damage Forest fires.
    They often arise when the transportation of cheap species is too expensive, and lumberjacks burn them on the spot, thereby provoking fires.
    Mineral deposits are often found in the tropics. In this case, the extraction of raw materials begins with the cheapest and most destructive method - huge open pits are dug out.
    On the territory of the Amazon there is a quarry, which is dug over an area of ​​more than one hundred square meters.
    The construction of freeways that run through the tropics, violates the integrity ecological system leads to the death of animals.
    There are a lot of rivers in the tropics, known for their beautiful waterfalls.
    Today, in order to obtain free electricity, builders are building hydroelectric power plants with dam systems due to which forests are flooded.
    The destruction of tropical forests entails the disappearance of many plants and animals. It has been reliably established that 45 percent of all plants on Earth, 95 percent of insects, 46 percent of animals and 35 percent of all birds originally grew in the tropics.
    Climatologists say that if the destruction of tropical forests continues at this rate, then a drought will come on Earth.
    The fate of the tropics worries thousands of plant and animal advocates. Many environmental organizations around the world are calling for a boycott of the tropical timber trade.
    It is recognized that the most the best option the conservation of the tropics is to create a network national parks, Where tropical plants and animals will be under constant protection.

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