Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich chief physician biography. Biography of A.L. Myasnikova: why the doctor does not work abroad. Problem areas: what plastic surgery was done to Myasnikov

In Dr. Myasnikov's clinic, decisions are made not only on the basis of personal experience doctor, no matter how extensive it may be! Our recommendations are based on the collective experience of foreign and most adequate Russian medical communities, and the fact that many of our doctors have medical licenses from Western countries serve as a guarantee that we are responsible for every word we say.

We do not promise miracles, there are times when it is rather difficult to figure it out, but we guarantee that our opinion will be objective and justified! The initial examination will be carried out by a doctor general practice who will then introduce each patient to a senior physician. These doctors are from those who have been working in the same team for more than 10 years. Many with diplomas and medical licenses from the United States and others Western countries. They are hosting a reception not in order to earn even more, they are in solidarity with the idea of ​​​​creating a "consultative center for a second opinion", a place where anyone can receive adequate advice on their problem, a center so far the only one of its kind in our country!!! Today you can buy any equipment, but it is impossible to find a second such team of doctors! As a result, each case will be presented to the chief doctor, who will check the results of the examination and the logic of the decision, and will definitely inform each of you of his opinion.

Services of the clinic of Dr. Myasnikov:

  • Phlebology
  • Gynecology
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostics
  • Cardiology
  • Mammalogy
  • Neurology
  • Nephrology
  • Psychiatry
  • Rheumatology
  • Dentistry
  • Therapeutic reception
  • Urology

Health maintenance books written by Alexander Myasnikov, a well-known cardiologist, TV and radio host, are always popular with readers over 60. Our mothers and fathers value the advice of Dr. Myasnikov for its simplicity, accessibility and optimism. The book of his mother, gerontologist, candidate of medical sciences Olga Myasnikova, will also appeal to older readers - after all, she writes about what is familiar to everyone, using her own life as an example.

You know, in order to stay young longer, you need to ... not have enough time! Yes, that's how I've lived my whole life. She worked three jobs, got so tired that, when she came home, she fell on the bed in her clothes and immediately fell asleep. She was constantly sewing and knitting. I felt that I was always needed and should, so there was no time to whine and get bored.

The habit of always finding things to do and worries formed with me early childhood. Since childhood, I loved to read, read avidly. Reading has become a passion, a necessity. Probably, thanks to this, I graduated from high school with a gold medal. And already when I was studying at the institute, I first of all bought books with a small scholarship of 25 rubles. And now, when I am 88 years old, I constantly read. I re-read my favorite authors - Bunin, Tolstoy. I love journalism. I always buy a lot of different newspapers and magazines. And I read, I read, I read. Because I want to stay up to date with everything that happens in modern life. But I don't want to forget what happened many years ago.

Why is it so important to keep a lively interest in life? Because the aging process begins when the growth and development of the body ends. So, already at the age of 30-35 there is a decrease in the intensity of biological processes. The process of physiological aging does not begin simultaneously in different tissues and organs and proceeds with different intensity.

In the process of aging, sensory functions are among the first to deteriorate. Hearing begins to decline at about age 65. Vision is also reduced - people over 60 rarely see well without glasses. This decrease is usually caused by a decrease in the function of the pupil, lens, retina, and optic nerve. Color perception getting worse.

The functions of perception of smell and taste also decrease. One reason for the deterioration of taste is a decrease in the number taste buds mouth by 36%, the performance of the remaining receptors also decreases. Due to changes in the perception of smell and taste old man easily frustrated about some of the things associated with these features. For example, he will complain that the foods have no taste.

The speech of an elderly person is slower, and the pauses are longer and more frequent, the pronunciation becomes slurred, often due to pathological changes in the brain.

In old age, homeostasis is less effective. Psychological adaptability also decreases with age. Wounds heal more slowly. Breathing and heartbeat become less frequent. Temperature losses are less recoverable. Sleep changes.

According to World Organization health care, a process called “population aging” is observed all over the world, that is, an increase in the number of elderly and old age. Of course, diseases overtake a person in old age, and many of them cannot be cured, but it is possible to improve the quality of life and its duration. To live long, while maintaining health and creative activity, is the natural dream of every person. Therefore, an elderly person should be active!

Yes, an elderly person gets tired faster, but our research revealed one interesting pattern: as soon as someone starts helping the elderly, they stop doing anything on their own, even the existing low mobility decreases. Therefore, I advise: everything that you can do yourself, do it, do not resort to the help of loved ones!

An elderly person, a woman, should have a hobby, passion, a constant occupation that takes her full attention. Reading, drawing, sewing, knitting. For example, I have been knitting all my life. Napkins, shawls, blouses, tablecloths. Both crochet and knitting. She started knitting when she separated from her first husband. There was no alimony, it was necessary to clothe and feed three - mother, son and myself. When I was still the chief doctor in the village, I was given a German Singer sewing machine. She sewed on it. I could only look once at a picture or at a model in some magazine - and immediately sew it. Any pattern from memory! It took up my time outside of work.

Why is it important for an older person handmade? This is fine motor skills of the hands, which well supports speech, thought processes, imagination, memory, Creative skills. And also on the hands there are biologically active points associated with the work of the brain, therefore, massaging the hands of a child in childhood, we stimulate the work of the brain and all body systems.

Previously, when there was not yet so much technology, older people knitted, embroidered, sewed, etc. a lot. And few of them suffered from senile dementia, sclerosis and other disorders. So fine motor skills hands it is better to continue to develop all your life, then in old age you will have a young mind. You can choose something to your liking: for example, play on musical instruments, collect various small models, do needlework. These activities will bring you not only benefits, but also a positive mood.

It's no secret that we forget a lot as we age. We are scattered. For a long time, it was believed that there was nothing that could be done about memory loss in the elderly. But let's remember cardiologists and neurosurgeons operating before old age, academicians making discoveries in old age. They were spared by the general share? Not at all. The brain is just as trainable as the muscles. Accordingly, if you do not relax, give the brain a load, then the symptoms of memory impairment in older people can be significantly reduced. The process of gaining new knowledge, memorizing unfamiliar words and terms is an excellent training. In order not to memorize meaningless information, it is worth trying to take up the study of foreign languages.

It is also useful to learn poetry or solve crossword puzzles. For example, I really love crossword puzzles, every time I try to check myself: what do you remember? what do you know? And I am very happy when I manage to unravel a lot of words and meanings.

And I'm learning the Quran. Prayers for breakfast, for death, for birth. Very difficult - Arabic. I am Crimean Tatar by origin. I have always loved the history and culture of my people. From childhood, I heard how my mother sang beautiful songs in the Tatar language, saw how she danced. And she repeated everything after her.

But in first grade, she decided to change her name. My parents named me Ulker, which means the North Star. I came to study at a Russian school in Simferopol and called myself by the Russian name Olga - I really liked this name and was a little consonant with my own. And now the teacher calls: “Olya Aliyeva who?”. Everyone is silent, and I am also silent - I forgot that it was me. Then I remembered.

But back to our healthy and beautiful image life in old age. According to many scientists, bird voices have a healing effect on humans. The singing of birds calms, amuses, sets in a romantic mood, heals the soul, balances all the processes occurring in the body. Scientists have noticed that among people living surrounded by birds, there are many centenarians. This is explained by the fact that in this case all biological processes in the human body will be synchronized with the singing of birds.

Therefore, I personally advise you to wake up early, especially in the country, in nature - and listen to the birds. But in the city you can also hear bird trills early in the morning. They create the right mood in the morning. After the bird concert, you won't want to whine and think about the bad!

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov - a famous doctor, TV presenter and author of books on medicine, was born in Moscow on September 15, 1953. In the family of Alexander, three generations were inextricably linked with medicine, and they reached impressive heights in this field - his grandfather was an academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, whose textbooks are still known to all students of medical universities, and his great-grandfather was a zemstvo doctor.

Alexander's father studied at the naval school, but then transferred to the medical school for health reasons. The mother was also pushed to medicine by an accident - as a student at the Aviation Institute, she broke her leg and already in the hospital she fell in love with the profession of a doctor, took her documents and entered the medical one.

Alexander Leonidovich himself said that he never had a question of choosing a profession - he absorbed it not even with milk, but with his mother’s blood - having an academician-in-law, she agreed to distribution after graduating from medical, being pregnant with Alexander, in the village of Zaitsevo, where she worked as a local doctor.

Parents of Alexander Myasnikov

With grandfather

In 1976, Alexander graduated from the Second Moscow Medical Institute. N. I. Pirogov, and from 1976 to 1981 he was doing residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after his grandfather, A. L. Myasnikov.

To be taken seriously future profession Alexander Leonidovich is pushed not only by the achievements of his grandfather - in student years, as Alexander recalls, he comes to practice at the hospital where his mother works, who, for an insignificant, in his opinion, mistake, reprimands him so severely that he will remember all his life - in principle, there are no trifles for a doctor.

In 1981, Alexander defended his Ph.D. thesis in cardiology.

After completing his studies as part of the Red Cross mission, he worked for 8 years in African countries - from 1981 to 1989. First he was a doctor accompanying a group of geologists in Mozambique, then he worked in the Zambezi, and later became a senior doctor in a government hospital in Angola.

In Africa, he has to face real danger more than once - after all, the work took place in the conditions of a real war.

The sick, as Alexander Leonidovich says, had to be sorted from the dead.

Upon his return from Africa, Alexander Leonidovich works in cardiology at the All-Union Cardiology Research Center, and since 1993 he has been a doctor at the Russian Embassy in Paris for three years.

Then he is waiting for medical education in the United States. In 1996, he received a diploma in general practice and a job as a doctor in a New York hospital, where he remains until 2000.

Brooklyn 1997

When getting a job in an American clinic, there was a curious incident - with a sufficiently large place for the competition, Alexander was questioned for a long time by the head of the program, dissatisfied with his knowledge of the language. Then Alexander said:

“Do you need a talker or a quick-witted person? Ask the other 10 applicants for this place if they know the code for the lock that the toilet is locked to? But they have long wanted to go there. And I know!” - and calls the order of numbers, peeped a little earlier at the hospital worker.

The head of the program laughed and accepted Alexander out of competition.

In 2000, Alexander Leonidovich received the highest medical category in the USA.

Nevertheless, life in the USA once seemed unpromising to him - and he returned to Russia. Since 2000, he has been the head of the American Medical Center LLC, later the American Clinic.

From 2009 to 2010, Alexander has been working as the head doctor of the Kremlin Hospital, and since 2009 he has appeared on television as the host of the program “Did you call the doctor?”, And since 2013 “About the most important thing”.

He has written more than 10 books on medicine. Alexander writes even in places that are somewhat inappropriate for this - during flights, on the road, and even in lines.

Myasnikov's personal life: wife and children

All his life, Alexander Leonidovich pays special attention to his family - not only devotes a lot of time to her, but also honors her history, the memory of her relatives. However, in public, he is not particularly willing to talk about his personal life.

Alexander has been married to his wife Natalya for over 30 years.

Wife Natalya

With a smile, she says that she "deviated from the norm" - she graduated from the Historical and Archival Institute, instead of also being a doctor.

The couple has a son, Leonid, who from childhood was fond of medical literature and this moment continues the traditions of the family - he is educated as a pharmacist in France.

Photo 1998

Myasnikov also has a daughter, Polina, who is fond of drawing and writing stories. Alexander does not share the details of his personal life and there is no information on the network who her mother is, but it is known that his wife warmly accepts Polina.

The Myasnikov family is very attentive to the hobbies of children, so the collection "Polina's Tales" was published.

The position of Alexander in relation to his relatives, as a doctor, is interesting - in an interview he said:

“A doctor should not treat relatives, because he will feel sorry for them. You need to treat with the brain, not with the heart.”

In this video, Alexander Myasnikov talks about his life:

Even at home, the Myasnikovs have several pets - an alabai named Margosha, two St. Bernards and a huge Maine Coon cat Aramis.

Alexander Leonidovich himself is extremely difficult to call a homebody, and his leisure is more suitable for a brutal man than for an intellectual.

The motto of Alexander Myasnikov is “Move, move, move!”.

As he puts it himself: "I hate the sofa." For many years, every day, Alexander devotes himself to sports for several hours a day - training with a barbell, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics. He likes to ride horses and snowmobiles.

Alexander devotes a lot of time to traveling - he was in Siberia, Tibet, China.

in Iceland

In the land of the Hobbits

In Siberia

in Vietnam

At the same time, the trips are also somewhat extreme in nature - leaving for the taiga for two weeks, the participants of the campaign take only guns with them. As Alexander says: “If you want to eat, you will become a hunter.” Several times in the taiga they had to shoot back from aggressive bears that woke up early. He also loves rafting on mountain rivers.

Alexander Leonidovich welcomes healthy eating and agrees with the phrase that "we dig our own grave with a spoon and a fork." The only thing he does not limit himself to is coffee.

From 2011 to the present, Alexander Myasnikov has been the head of Clinic No. 71 in Moscow, continues to work on TV and is a member of the Public Chamber of Moscow.


Hospital event №71

With mom

From generation to generation, not only a set of genes is often passed on, but also the work of a lifetime. Family medical dynasties are not uncommon in our country. One of these is the Myasnikov family. A well-known representative of the family is Alexander Myasnikov, a popular presenter of author's programs on television and radio, a highly qualified specialist in the field of cardiology and general practice, a scientist and writer.


The future luminary of medicine was born into a family of hereditary doctors in Leningrad. Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov, born in 1953, on September 15, the doctor turned 65, although he cannot be given that age, he looks much younger.

The names of the eldest sons - distinguishing feature families. Father Leonid's eldest son bears the name - Alexander, and last son- Lenya. medical dynasty The Myasnikovs originated 2 centuries ago with the great-grandfather Leonid Alexandrovich. The fame of a talented zemstvo doctor spread throughout the Tver province.

Red Hill is the town where the founder of the medical family lived. A hospital for the poor appeared here only thanks to a talented resident. Leonid Alexandrovich opened it on own funds. When the revolution thundered in the country, the first eye clinic in Russia was opened under his leadership.

Grandfather Alexander Leonidovich is an academician and well-known cardiologist, chairman of the All-Russian Society of Therapists. He devoted his life to saving human lives.

Alexander Myasnikov with his grandfather

The Institute of Clinical Cardiology, the oldest and most advanced medical institution, is named after him. He was the attending physician of Stalin himself.

Father Leonid Alexandrovich was also a good specialist, professor of medicine, but his life path not long. He died at 45 years old. Olga Khalilovna's mother is a Crimean Tatar by nationality, too. medical education. She studied the correct way of life and its influence on longevity, became the author of several books. It was the mother who, by her example, taught her son to a healthy lifestyle.

Parents of Alexander Myasnikov

As a child, little Sasha dreamed of traveling. But by the will of fate, his choice was a foregone conclusion. The parents of Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov divorced when the child was barely six years old. The father has a new cell of society, and in it is the half-brother Leonid. He is also an anesthesiologist.

Although the father left the family, he cared for and actively participated in the life of his son. Leonid Alexandrovich insisted on continuing the family medical dynasty. The boy grew up and realized the true purpose.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Moscow Medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogov. Having successfully graduated from it in 1976, he is undergoing residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after his famous grandfather. In 1981 he defended his Ph.D.

Medical career

To the surprise and against the will of his relatives, the young man goes to Africa, to the province of Mozambique, where he goes Civil War. There he stays as part of a geological expedition. After graduation, Alexander does not return home, but remains in the Zambezi, working as a general practitioner. After he becomes the head of a group of doctors in Angola at the Prenda government hospital. For 8 years of life on the African continent in military field conditions, he saves the lives of hundreds of people, while gaining invaluable experience.

Returning to Moscow in 1989, Alexander works as a cardiologist at the All-Union Cardiology Center and in the medical department international organization on migration.

Soon he leaves for Paris for 3 years to work in the Russian Embassy, ​​and in 1996 he moves to New York. He has lived in the US for 4 years. During this time, Myasnikov completed his residency at New York University and became a doctor of general practice. He receives the title of "doctor of the highest category." The American College of Physicians and the Medical Association were pleased to welcome him into their ranks.

Returning to his homeland in 2000, Alexander Leonidovich worked as the head physician at the American Medical Center, and then opened his own American clinic.

In his practice, there is experience of working as the chief doctor of the Kremlin hospital in 2009-2010.

And now, for 8 years, he has been working as the chief physician of the 71st hospital in Moscow.

Last year, Alexander Myasnikov received the Badge of Honor "Honored Doctor of the City of Moscow." In addition, he is a member of the Public Chamber.


Alexander Myasnikov began his literary activity spontaneously and reluctantly. At the request of the publishing house, the medical luminary recorded thoughts and conclusions on a dictaphone. The records were deciphered, and they went down on paper, formed into the book "Is there life after 50?".

The publication was a huge success with readers - more than 300 thousand copies were sold. After such success, the author suffered a writer's fever, and then he creates texts on his own. At the moment, Alexander Myasnikov has about two dozen books and many scientific articles and works in his writing account.

His books become bestsellers. For the townsfolk, they act as a guide to the world of a healthy lifestyle and medicine. Writer on plain language explains complex terms and processes in the human body. It conveys to the reader the common truths that health is a gift of God and it is in the hands of everyone. No need to wait until they come up with a panacea for all diseases, but you need to take responsibility for your own life and the state of the body.

In addition, 3 books were published, which Alexander wrote in collaboration with the famous grandfather Alexander Leonidovich.

A television

The television career of the hereditary doctor began in 2012 with the program “Did you call the doctor?” on Channel Three, and then on TVC. Alexander is also invited to lead a medical section on Vesti FM radio, in which he is involved to this day.

This was followed by the TV project "Tell me, doctor." But special fame came to him after the release in 2012 of the program "On the Most Important" on the channel "Russia". Also, the doctor is a frequent guest on the set of the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”.

Program "About the most important"

The TV project brought the physician popularity and wide recognition. His opinion is trusted and listened to.

Myasnikov, acting as a presenter, explains and touches on topics relevant to each person in an accessible language:

  • how to maintain health;
  • structural features of the body and its complex functionality;
  • prevention and treatment of various diseases.

The format of the program provides for open communication with the viewer and invited guests. Everyone can ask a question about the most important and painful.

With his TV project, Alexander Leonidovich explains the need to see a doctor at the slightest deviations and malfunctions in the body. Thus, it increases the percentage of confidence in traditional medicine. The disease is easier to prevent or detect early stage than to treat in an advanced case, blaming doctors and methods of treatment for their failures.

Personal life

Alexander does not like to advertise and expose his personal life to the public. In conversation, he tries to get away from this topic, moving into the usual course of conversation - medicine. Therefore, little is known about the family. Some information can be gleaned from the doctor's Instagram page. There he shares with subscribers the most expensive and important.

Alexander Leonidovich leads an active lifestyle, eats right, regularly visits the gym and takes a steam bath, considering it an important physiotherapy procedure. The medical luminary is an enthusiastic and energetic person, which allows him to look young, despite the age indicated in the passport. He travels a lot with his family, likes to relax with friends, going hunting.

Wife Natalia

Alexander Leonidovich was married twice. Little is known about the first wife of the doctor, their marriage did not last long. The reason for the divorce was a meeting with his second wife at a social event. At that time, both were not free. Alexander was married, and Natalya was engaged to a young man. But this meeting defined them further fate in my own way.

After the party, Alexander realized that he fell in love at first sight and there was no point in maintaining the existing marriage. A few months later, he decides to divorce his first wife, and Natalia breaks up with her fiancé. Immediately, the young man proposes to the girl and receives consent.

Their marriage bonds are so strong that love and harmony have reigned in relationships for more than 30 years. The family has gone through many hardships, but they overcome all hardships together, hand in hand. The wife, having nothing to do with medicine, supports her husband in everything, accompanies him on trips.

Natalia received higher education at the Historical and Archival Institute, worked at TASS. But the main and only purpose for her is the family. She devoted her whole life to a talented spouse.

They had such an ordeal as alcohol addiction spouses. Not everyone easily endures life in immigration. So Natalia's life in America was not easy. There was a feeling of uselessness and unfulfillment away from the Motherland against the background of her husband's constant employment. And the way out of depression for her was alcohol. This went on for 10 years, until one day she herself decided to stop. Since then, Natalia has not been drinking. All this time, the husband was nearby, helping to survive and overcome the disease.

Today, the wife provides a reliable rear, creates comfort and is a housewife, supporting the family hearth. 3 dogs and a Maine Coon cat live in the Myasnikovs' house.

Son Leonid

The Myasnikov couple brings up only son. According to family tradition, the boy was named Leonid in honor of his grandfather. From childhood, he showed interest in medicine, read the works of his ancestors and father. For him, Alexander Leonidovich compiled a detailed genealogy so that his son would be proud of belonging to the Myasnikov dynasty.

The star heir is now educated in France. Leonid continues the family dynasty - he is studying to be a pharmacist. It is noteworthy that the son is left-handed, like his father. Only Alexander Leonidovich retrained in due time, but his son did not. It doesn't bother him or make him uncomfortable.

Illegitimate daughter Polina

Alexander Leonidovich has illegitimate daughter. Such frank confession he made one of the broadcasts on the air. Despite the obvious fact of betrayal, wife Natalya withstood this blow with dignity. He did not affect the strength of their union - the couple experienced too much together.

The girl spends a lot of time in the Myasnikov family. She developed a good relationship with Natalia and stepbrother Leney. The doctor admitted that he does not communicate much with the girl's mother, and helps his daughter, spends a lot of time with her. On the pages of the instablog, publications about 12-year-old Polina often appear.

The girl is fond of drawing, and more recently photography, which the doctor proudly shares with his fans on the social network. In addition, the girl writes stories. A collection called "Polina's Tales" was published.

How to get to receive and transmit

How to get an appointment with Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov, many fans of the doctor are interested. The doctor is a media person, but he treats patients like an ordinary specialist. He receives patients where he works, and for the last 8 years he has been in 71 hospitals in Moscow.

It is difficult to get to the head physician due to heavy employment, but it is possible. Also, for professional medical help, they turn directly to the hospital of Dr. Myasnikov - the “Clinic of a Second Opinion”. Admission is by appointment, the necessary contacts are freely available on the website of the institution. You can make an appointment by calling the multi-channel phone or by writing an e-mail to the doctor.

In addition, here on the site, by filling out a questionnaire, it is easy to become a member of the TV show "About the most important thing." After filling out the electronic form, the applicant will be contacted and invited to the TV project. This is another way to receive medical care, the opportunity to ask the information of interest directly from the luminary of medicine.

In a clinic or on a TV show, maximum attention is paid to patients, the causes of the origin of a particular disease are clarified, and treatment is prescribed.

The basis of health and longevity, according to the brilliant doctor, are healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition and physical activity.

Here are the main postulates from Myasnikov:

  • Quitting smoking significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. This also includes the occasional and moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Eat half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits a day to let the heart muscle work smoothly.
  • Limit salt and sugar intake.
  • Give preference to natural and simple food, lean meat and good quality seafood.
  • Refusal of products industrial production containing a large number of harmful components.
  • Be sure to include a clove of garlic, nuts and dark chocolate in your daily diet.
  • Get rid of excess weight because obesity is synonymous with hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.
  • Mandatory physical activity is an easy way to increase life expectancy by an average of 10 years;
  • Maintain emotional health - do not fall into depression and avoid stress.

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich - the head physician of one of the Moscow clinics, a physician with an impressive work biography. He is known far beyond the capital and even Russia as the author of books written in accessible language about diseases and health, as well as a frequent guest and host of popular television programs.

Doctor Alexander Myasnikov


Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov (younger) was born in 1953, on September 15. He became a representative of the 4th generation of doctors in the family and was named after the famous grandfather. The dynasty originated in the 19th century, the great-grandfather of our hero was a zemstvo doctor in the Tver province, financed the opening of a clinic for the poor. His wife was trained as an ophthalmologist. Academician's grandfather Soviet times stood at the origin domestic cardiology, headed the All-Russian Society of Therapists. Alexander's father also followed in the footsteps of his ancestors, although in his youth he dreamed of serving in navy. He lived only 45 years, died of kidney cancer, but managed to become a professor. His wife, Olga Khalilovna, a Crimean Tatar by nationality, began her studies in aviation, but then transferred to medical school. She specialized in gerontology (questions of longevity, age-related diseases).

Alexander was born into a family of doctors and made a brilliant career

So Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich is the chief doctor of a number of medical institutions became no coincidence, the biography of a person who grew up in such a family was predetermined. Although his parents divorced when Sasha was only 6 years old, his mother and father instilled in him a love and interest in medicine. After graduation, the young man left his native Leningrad for the capital and entered the Pirogov Institute. After studying at a medical school, which ended in 1976, followed by a 5-year residency.

There are few photos of Alexander's family

Attention! The novice physician completed his residency at the Cardiology Research Center named after his grandfather. (He headed the National Medical Research Center for Cardiology for 17 years, until his death in 1965).

Medical career

Having defended his PhD after completing his residency, the young doctor left for Mozambique to provide medical assistance to Soviet geologists. Then he continued to work in Zambezi, Angola. Returning in 1989 from Africa to Russia, he became a cardiologist at the center, where he trained until his departure. After working in Africa, Myasnikov took the problems of migrants to heart, so in parallel he got a job in the medical department of IOM, an organization that deals with these problems.

Alexander Myasnikov in his youth

From 1993 to 2000, the physician again works abroad:

  • in France, a doctor at the Russian embassy;
  • in the USA, where he undergoes residency and improves his qualifications, confirming it at the international level.

Work and study in the States, as well as obtaining membership in a number of American organizations of the corresponding profile influenced Myasnikov's further career. Returning to the capital, he became the chief physician of the American Medical Center, and a few years later he himself created and headed a clinic that meets US standards.

Alexander Myasnikov has extensive experience working abroad

In 2009, he was invited to the position of head physician at the most prestigious healthcare institution in the country - the Kremlin Hospital. And from next year, Myasnikov heads the capital's clinical hospital No. 71. He combines the work of a doctor with social activities occupies one of the leading positions in public council under the Ministry of Health and is a member of the Moscow Public Chamber. About 9 years ago, regular appearances by Dr. Myasnikov on TV began.

A television

Myasnikov hosted a number of TV programs on various channels, his debut was the program “Did you call the doctor?” This is a telecast of the “doctor's appointment in the studio” format, where a specialist gives answers to questions regarding diseases, recommends suitable treatment and warns against mistakes. Also during the program, the problems and prospects of Russian healthcare in general were discussed. Around the same time, Alexander Leonidovich began to appear on the radio in the morning, in joint project Vladimir Solovyov and Anna Shafran. He is a regular host of the medical section of the Full Contact radio show. Solovyov often invites him to his TV program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”.

Alexander Myasnikov in the program "About the most important thing"

Then appeared information project medical orientation "Tell me, doctor!" with the participation of the best doctors in the capital, who live answered questions from viewers. And the most famous TV project of Alexander Myasnikov is the program “On the Most Important Thing”, which airs on the Russia-1 channel. Its slogan is: "The most important thing is your health."

Alexander Myasnikov practicing physician

Chronology of the work of A. L. Myasnikov on television:

  • 2009 - presenter, expert of the program "Did you call the doctor?";
  • 2012-14 - host of "Tell me, doctor!";
  • from 2013 to the present day - co-host of "On the most important thing."

This morning show airs every weekday at 9:55. The program is based on the idea that if you devote only one hour a day to taking care of your health, you can extend your life by one and a half to two decades. The program just teaches how to properly take care of health. Practitioners with solid experience take part in it and discuss the most different topics: treatment and prevention of diseases, proper nutrition and safe methods of weight control.

Do you watch the program "About the most important thing"?

  • Dr. Myasnikov acts as a cardiologist, specialist in anti-aging therapy, and also covers more common topics like a family doctor. In particular, there were programs devoted to influenza and vaccination, Alzheimer's disease, varicose veins, and joint health.

    Alexander Myasnikov appeared in other TV projects as an expert

    Recordings of various programs with the participation of Myasnikov, as well as video interviews, can be found and viewed on his official website. Many topics that the doctor revealed in the TV program are also covered in the book “About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov”.


    Alexander Leonidovich for a long time believed that he did not have the talent of a writer, but succumbed to the persistent persuasions of the publishing house and put his thoughts into words, creating the book “How to Live Longer than 50 Years”. It was released in March 2013, the circulation of 300 thousand copies was almost completely sold out, and the success of the work forced the doctor to continue what he started. He believes that the level of awareness of the Russian population about issues related to health and disease is catastrophically low. Therefore, educational activities, presentation of information about the causes of diseases, measures for their prevention, and possible complications in a simple, accessible language are extremely important. It is in this language that the books of Alexander Myasnikov are written.

    Preamble to one of Alexander Myasnikov's books

    Interestingly, the doctor did not write his first book, but dictated it while traveling by train. Then his notes were deciphered and recorded. Over time, he mastered computer typing and typed subsequent books himself.

    Alexander at the presentation of the book

    Here are some of them:

    • Two-volume encyclopedia "About the most important", which includes 9 books of the series with a speaking title;
    • "Russian Roulette" is a book that teaches you to fight for your health despite the imperfection of the healthcare system, to consciously approach the choice of medicines and follow the prescriptions of doctors;
    • Vector of fear. How to stop being afraid of cancer and protect yourself from it” – about the basic principles of prevention of various oncological diseases;
    • "How to live longer than 50 years" - a comparison of the principles of treatment in Russia and foreign countries, recommendations on how to avoid serious diseases in old age, taking into account Russian realities;
    • "Rust" - all about cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, causes of pain in the heart, life after a heart attack;
    • "The Esophagus" - about the optimal nutrition system, reducing the risk of obesity and other diseases, a selection of recipes from Dr. Myasnikov;
    • “Ghosts” is about an ailment that occurs “out of the blue” and does not manifest itself with objective symptoms. Analyzes do not reveal deviations, the examination does not allow to establish the causes of such a condition, and performance is significantly reduced. In scientific language, this mysterious ailment is called somatoform disorder;
    • "Infections" ("Friend or foe") - about true reason many dangerous diseases, the functioning of the immune system, methods of preventing infections and fighting them.

    Books by Alexander Myasnikov

    Alexander Leonidovich created 3 more books based on the notes of his grandfather. A special place among Myasnikov's books is occupied by the work “Genealogy. Letters to my son Lena”, illustrated with numerous photos from family archives. Here is a detailed history of the Myasnikov dynasty and other ancestors of the author, as well as his wife. In it, Alexander Myasnikov shares some details own biography and personal life.

    Personal life

    Now Alexander Leonidovich is married with a second marriage, nothing is known about his first wife, except for the very fact of her existence. The second wife, Natalya Aleksandrovna Kolpakchi, is from Lvov. Her father at one time was the secretary of the Sochi City Party Committee, and then he was transferred to the capital, to the Ministry of Food Industry. Here Natalya graduated from the historical archives and met her husband, traveled with him to many countries.

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