Semyon Semin. Alexander Semin, husband Bledans met a new love: latest news Photo of the son of Evelina Bledans

Alexander Semin and Evelina Bledans are one of the most famous Russian couples who have never hidden their personal lives and relationships from their fans. Great attention was riveted to their family and due to the fact that they

Raised a child with Down syndrome. This is a big responsibility that the artists have placed on themselves.

Recently, it became known that Bledans' husband, Alexander Semin, found new love. This came as a huge shock to many fans and fans. Evelina also spoke about the collapsed family, which has been gone for almost a year.

In September 2017, Andrei Malakhov's program was released, dedicated to the life situation of Evelina Bledans. The actress spoke about all her experiences, difficulties and joys. But most of all, the fans were shocked by the information about the separation from her husband. As it turned out, they have not lived together for a whole year, but continue to raise a child. The director has already met new passion. The new love of Alexander Semin, husband of Bledans, remains a secret.

Relations in a couple began to go wrong for a long time. Facilities mass media they also discuss the improvement in the appearance of Alexander Semin. He really got rid of excess weight, having lost weight by almost a few tens of kilograms, he began to look much better. This could be the reason for the breakup, as Alexander made new acquaintances. About the new love of Alexander Semin, husband of Bledans, nothing is known yet. But he very often appears accompanied by young ladies at various parties.

Photo of the son of Evelina Bledans

The program opened my eyes to many family joys and disappointments that for a long time were hiding. It is authentically known that court cases are now underway on the division of property, which also speaks of the dishonesty of Alexander Semin. Most likely, he will even refuse the child, as he will consider him another burden.

In the life of Evelina Bledans, an incredible thing happened a large number of problems that allowed her to temper her character. While she was in a relationship with Alexander Semin, there were people who tried to tarnish their reputation. Articles appeared that talked about how Evelina cashed in on her child by holding various charity events. A video of the girl's revelations about how Alexander Semin beat her appeared on social networks. But in the end it was not confirmed, as the information was false.

Together, Bledans and Semin went through a lot and the separation could not be just let go. Many fans hope that the couple will be able to repair their relationship. It has great importance not only for them, but also for Semyon's joint child. They had incredibly big plans for the future, which at one point collapsed.

Reasons for breaking up

So far, all the secrets of the new love of Alexander Semin, Bledans' husband, have not been revealed, there are not even joint photos. But that doesn't stop him from continuing to enjoy life. He has always been surrounded by the attention of women, as he works as a producer and director, so he has to communicate with a variety of actresses. This was the first reason for the breakup. Alexander spent a lot of time away from home.

The reasons for the breakup can be incredibly diverse, since Evelina Bledans could hide all information about the relationship. How strange, but the actress does not blame her lawful husband for anything, as she considers his actions to be fully justified. Between them, the difference in age is almost 9 years and this also played a big role. For the young and thinner Alexander Semin, family life could become some kind of burden that he could not cope with. But he did not refuse to raise the child, and continues to visit him and spends a lot of time with him.

Despite all the changes in family life, today, for many, the relationship of Evelina Bledans with other men is of great importance. You need to understand that future life cannot go on alone. She needs support from the stronger sex, financial assistance and so on. Thus, many hope that she will be able to restore relations and soon the Semin family will reunite again.

Problems in the life of Bledans

Of course, the actress tried in every possible way to hide her difficulties and experiences, but the media very often got to the very serious topics. Recently, a program was organized on NTV dedicated to health stepsister Evelina Bledans, whose name is Diana. As it turned out, she has a serious disease - cirrhosis of the liver, with which she has been fighting for a long time.

The half-sister categorically refused to undergo treatment and gathered on her own to improve her health. Fans and fans of the actress were amazed by her sympathy and what she is ready for for the sake of family and friends. Charitable events led by Evelina Bledans are held very often, as she organized a fund to support children with Down syndrome. She is an active user of social networks, where you can get acquainted with all the joys in her life.

Evelina was invited to the program "Live" with Andrey Malakhov

The constant care of the child Semyon also takes an incredibly long time. For Bledans, the loss of her husband is a serious blow, as she will need to hire a nanny and look for work. Of course, with her talent and ability to play in the theater, she will immediately become in demand, but the child will be left without attention from both parents. Therefore, Alexander Semin needs to part with his new love and return to his wife for the sake of his child. IN Lately they very often began to spend time together.

New life

Caring for a child with Down syndrome also remained with Bledans and Semin. They spend a lot of time together, and no one refused their direct duties. This testifies to the responsibility of parents who, despite family feuds continue to support each other. That is why the couple did not report their separation on the networks, so as not to upset anyone. Of course now everyone needs to start new life that can truly change the future.

Semin very often appears accompanied by unfamiliar women at various festivals and corporate parties. Fans are actively following his life. So far, there is no news or information about the beloved, as everything is kept secret. Bledans' husband, Alexander Semini, is his new love, they hide the relationship in every possible way. Only Evelina Bledans could not withstand the load that had fallen on her lately. She had to tell everything on the air of the TV show “Andrey Malakhov. Live".

Programs that discuss the life of celebrities very often reveal hidden details. Maybe soon everyone will know the identity of the homeowner of family happiness and well-being of the Semins. Family happiness is incredibly important for any person and in no case should it be destroyed.

Account: semensemin

Occupation: son of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin

Semyon Semin Instagram is filled in by his father Alexander Semin due to his still very young age. The good-natured little face of the boy, flickering on the page, does not carry even the slightest hint of the baby's ill health. Many fans of the couple responded with interest to the appearance on Instagram of Semyon Semin, half of whom joined the ranks of their son's fans. He has a daily photo post that has 4,000 thousand and 200 thousand subscribers.

Account in social network was created to educate other families with children with Down syndrome. Every day on the page appears new photo from the life of little Semyon. Star parents from the very birth of Semyon were engaged in him social development, which is openly shown on his page. Surrounded by children of his age and with charming parents, little Semyon Semin spends his life.

In order to achieve the success they have now, the actress and director needed to make tremendous efforts. Semyon Semin photos from Instagram are full of photos from the pool, from developing activities and walks and relaxing surrounded by family.

Biography of Semyon Semin

The biography of Semyon Semin began with his birth on April 1, 2012, which brought long-awaited joy and happiness to his parents. The child had Down syndrome. Parental care helped to gain strength for the child. With the passage of time, an already active child learned not only to talk and walk, which became a miracle with his health, but also to dance, draw and play the piano. Thanks to his mother, Semyon began to take part in the filming of television programs, first as an assistant, and then as main character. Together with Evelina Bledans, Semyon Semin replenished his biography with filming in the Dacha 360 program, where they planted, looked after, and then harvested, from which they made all kinds of homemade preparations for the winter. At the age of three, Semyon starred in the video for the children's group "Fidgets". active position parents helped the boy become a popular child with Down syndrome, replenishing family budget becoming in demand in the television field.

  • He underwent treatment with dolphin therapy, defectologist and innovative techniques.
  • Defeated early astigmatism.
  • Already at the age of 6 months, he signed the first advertising contract for shooting in an advertisement about diapers and wet wipes.
  • Personal development and active manifestation in social sphere V early age provided the boy with independent financial benefits.

Semyon Semin - the son of a famous Russian actress Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin was born in 2012. Already in the first trimester of pregnancy, Evelina learned that her baby would be a carrier of Down syndrome. To Evelina's credit, it should be noted that she did not abandon the child and gave birth to a boy on April 1, 2012. From birth, Bledans and her husband claimed that they would do everything possible to make Semochka's life as bright and eventful as possible.

The couple keeps their word - photos of Senya regularly appear on networks and on the pages of the media. Evelina manages to combine the busy schedule of the actress and caring mother. Information about every important event in a child's life certainly becomes the property of the media. This position of parents met with a warm response and support from millions of families where children with Down syndrome also grow up.

The kid, for example, celebrated his second birthday in the star company of Mitya Fomin, Sergey Zverev, Natasha Koroleva, Lolita. On this day, Semyon also made his debut as a model. The kid confidently stomped along the runway of Gostiny Dvor, taking part in the Moscow Fashion Week. It is no coincidence that they say that very soon we will be able to see the baby in the cinema.

Semyon Semin on Instagram

Naturally, Evelina Bledans maintains a blog on Instagram on behalf of her son. In 2014, Semyon's account was closed, citing the fact that the boy is still far from coming of age. But at the insistence of the mother and taking into account the special mission for which this epic with Instagram was started, the administration of the resource made an unprecedented decision - Semyon's Instagram account was restored. Now Semin is the only boy in the world to have his own Instagram profile at the age of less than three years.

Instagram photos of Semyon Semin are updated daily. Evelina is in a hurry to notify subscribers about the baby’s new exploits: here he is mastering painting with paints, in another photo Semyon famously sits behind the wheel of a colorful motorcycle. The photo essay about the first day in kindergarten. Evelina managed to shoot a detailed report on how the baby spent such a significant day for him. Now he will have new friends, and the followers are already looking forward to new stories about the life of Sema.

If you want to know how Semyon Semin lives, Instagram photo - The best way get detailed information about the life of the most popular boy in social networks.

Account: semensemin

Occupation: son of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin

Semyon Semin Instagram is filled in by his father Alexander Semin due to his still very young age. The good-natured little face of the boy, flickering on the page, does not carry even the slightest hint of the baby's ill health. Many fans of the couple responded with interest to the appearance on Instagram of Semyon Semin, half of whom joined the ranks of their son's fans. He has a daily photo post that has 4,000 thousand and 200 thousand subscribers.

The social media account was created to educate other families with children with Down syndrome. Every day a new photo from the life of little Semyon appears on the page. Star parents from the very birth of Semyon were engaged in his social development, which is openly demonstrated on his page. Surrounded by children of his age and with charming parents, little Semyon Semin spends his life.

In order to achieve the success they have now, the actress and director needed to make tremendous efforts. Semyon Semin photos from Instagram are full of photos from the pool, from developing activities and walks and relaxing surrounded by family.

Biography of Semyon Semin

The biography of Semyon Semin began with his birth on April 1, 2012, which brought long-awaited joy and happiness to his parents. The child had Down syndrome. Parental care helped to gain strength for the child. With the passage of time, an already active child learned not only to talk and walk, which became a miracle with his health, but also to dance, draw and play the piano. Thanks to his mother, Semyon began to take part in the filming of television programs, first as an assistant, and then as the main character. Together with Evelina Bledans, Semyon Semin replenished his biography with filming in the Dacha 360 program, where they planted, looked after, and then harvested, from which they made all kinds of homemade preparations for the winter. At the age of three, Semyon starred in the video for the children's group "Fidgets". The active position of the parents helped the boy become a popular child with Down syndrome, replenishing the family budget, becoming in demand in the television field.

  • He underwent treatment with dolphin therapy, defectologist and innovative techniques.
  • Defeated early astigmatism.
  • Already at the age of 6 months, he signed the first advertising contract for shooting in an advertisement about diapers and wet wipes.
  • Personal development and active manifestation in the social sphere at an early age provided the boy with independent financial benefits.

And the producer Alexandra Semina.

Semyon Semin. Biography

Semyon Alexandrovich Semin was born on April 1, 2012 in a family Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, singer, TV presenter Evelina Bledans and Russian director and producer Alexandra Semina. Being in the first trimester of pregnancy, the boy's mother found out that her baby would be a carrier of Down syndrome. However, Evelina did not even think of giving up the child.

From the very birth of Semyon, his parents make the life of their child as bright and eventful as possible: his photos regularly appear on social networks and on the pages of the media.

Semyon's mother combines a busy schedule of an actress and a caring mother, and information about every important event in her son's life becomes the property of the media.

For example, the couple celebrated the second anniversary of the baby by inviting a whole star landing party to the celebration, including Mitya Fomin, Sergey Zverev, Natasha Koroleva, Lolita. At the same time, Semyon made his debut as a model: he confidently walked the catwalk of Gostiny Dvor, taking part in Moscow Fashion Week.

Instagram photo Semyon Semin updated daily. Evelina informs subscribers about her son's new exploits: how he mastered painting with paints, how he tried himself as a driver of a colorful motorcycle, how he spent his first day in kindergarten.

By the way, t What an open position of Semyon's parents met with a warm response and support from millions of families.

At the age of six months, Semyon received his first contract for shooting in an advertisement for diapers. He also has a blog on Twitter, an Instagram account with a huge following. Semyon participates in photo shoots for magazines with his star mom.

Alexander and Evelina help parents of children born with the same feature as their child. Also, the couple, with the help of lawyers, prepared a draft Russian law banning doctors from suggesting mothers refuse children with Down syndrome.

- If earlier I knew that my mission was to entertain people, today my mission is to improve the life of children like my Sema in Russia. To be an example or, so to speak, the head of families in which special children grow up. My husband and I refuse to help anyone, - the artist shared in an interview.

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