Christmas divination - Christmas divination. Fortune telling on a cat. Divination with matches

Who hasn't guessed at least once? Who was not interested in looking into the future, opening the veil of secrets and mysteries? Today we will tell you how to tell fortunes at Christmas and Christmas time.

Having previously googled and asked our grandmothers, we armed ourselves with all sorts of “sacred” gizmos in order to try out the ancient rites of divination.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to guess in January. Starting from Christmas Eve and ending with Epiphany, our ancestors asked the Christmas spirits about their future.

by the most favorable time for fortune-telling, Christmas Eve (before Christmas), Vasilyevsky evening (New Year's Eve, now falls on January 13) and Epiphany evening (from January 18 to 19) were considered.

We chose Christmas Eve to look into our future. It is clear that we did not find a chicken and felt boots for divination, but candles, mirrors, water, basins - any modern girl has these items at hand.

So, we share the most popular ways to predict the future.

Divination first. On wax

It is believed that divination on wax is one of the most faithful and accurate. In this way, not only village girls guessed, but also ladies from high society. The purpose of fortune-telling is to find out your future for a year, to find out the nature of your relationship with your husband, to predict fate.

How to guess

For this divination, you need to prepare a bowl of water and melted wax. We used a paraffin candle.

There are two divination methods. You can light a wax candle over a bowl and simply drip the wax into the water. Or pour already prepared melted wax or paraffin into the water. In the second case, the figure turns out to be more intricate.

The figures can be considered as separate predictions - on the principle that I see what will happen, or you can refer to the decoding of the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat can be found at the bottom of the article.

Fortune telling the second. Subjects for the future husband

Divination by objects is one of the simplest and easiest divination to perform. A variety of items are laid out on the table by which you can find out future profession husband. Bread in the old days meant - a peasant, a book - a priest, coal - a blacksmith, keys - a merchant.

How to guess

Now they use modern things, but among them there must be wedding ring, which means marriage, but who exactly the husband will be will remain a mystery. Symbols of objects can be designated independently.

The girl is blindfolded and she chooses for herself any of the objects lying on the table. Or the second option - the objects are covered with a scarf, and the one who is guessing puts his hand on the closed object.

Item Values

Glass - will drink
Scissors - tailor, fashion designer
Wedding ring - get married
Ash is a worthless person
Tablet - doctor
Keys - with apartment
Candle - electrician, priest
Flash drive - computer scientist
Mirror - dandy (reveler)
Coin - generous, rich

Fortune telling the third. Subjects for the future

Another variation of subject divination. Only now the girl learns not about the fate of her husband, but about her own. Usually, fortunetellers put items in bowls or cups, then make their choice.

Item Values

Beads - to tears
Ring - get married
Threads - to the road
Coin - to wealth
Tablet - hurt
Empty glass - nothing will happen
Pacifier - to the child
Feather - to ease in solving problems
The key is to new housing

Fortune telling the fourth. On the water about a future life with a spouse

It's no secret that water has magical properties, healing and predictive power. Therefore, it is not surprising that water began to be used in predictions, divination, and magical rituals.

One of the most popular and easy divination is divination with glasses of water. This method allows you to find out how a girl will live with her future husband.

How to guess

It is necessary to prepare 4 glasses of water. Put salt in one of the glasses, sugar in another, a wedding ring in the third, leave the fourth glass with fresh water.

If a girl pulls out water with sugar, her relationship with her husband will be harmonious, “sweet”, warm and kind. Salt water means bad marriage, there will be many quarrels, disputes and tears. Water with a ring means a quick marriage. A glass of plain water - can talk about an empty short-term relationship or lack of relationship in the near future.

Fortune telling fifth. On the water about the future life

Most likely, this divination was modernized into more late time, but my grandmother, born in 1911, along with fortune telling with the help of a live chicken, with a felt boot over the gate, already used this method of predicting fate.

How to guess

It is necessary to take a basin, fill it halfway with water, attach pieces of paper with a breakdown of events to the walls in a circle - wedding, pregnancy, theft, death, winning, career advancement, illness, money, etc. After that, half the shell is taken walnut in which a small candle is placed. And such a “boat” sinks into the middle of your pond with predictions. Where the shell floats, then it should be expected next year.

There is another version of such fortune-telling.

Pieces of paper with questions are placed at the bottom of the basin without water, then water is poured, which piece of paper pops up will come true in the near future. At the same time, in order for fortune-telling to have a reliable magical power, you should prepare 13 pieces of paper.

Divination sixth. On threads

Since ancient times, the thread was considered a talisman among the Slavs. Therefore, it is believed that fortune telling with the help of threads is very strong and truthful.

How to guess

Girls should take threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whoever's thread burns out the fastest, he will be the first to marry.

If the thread died out immediately or burned out less than half, it means that the girl will either not get married or will marry very late.

Another divination with a thread. It is necessary to take three steel needles, three threads - red, black and white flowers. Thread the threads into the needles and stick into the pillow so that only the needles stick out. The needles should be stuck in a triangle. Then you should make a wish and pull out the needle. A needle with a red thread means that the wish will come true. With a black thread - it will not come true, with a white thread - it will come true partially, or not this year.

Fortune telling the seventh. On the book

It used to be customary to read the Bible. Exactly at midnight it was necessary to open the Scripture and read the prediction. Now the Bible can be replaced by another book, while guessing a specific page, line or paragraph. An interesting fortune-telling is obtained if you use Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat or any quote book. We had Coelho's The Alchemist in our hands, in which we read: “They don't drink wine in this country,” he replied. Faith does not allow. A little upset.

Divination eighth. With mirrors

Fortune telling on mirrors is considered scary and dangerous. The thing is that a mirror in many cultures is a devilish gift and has the ability to reflect not only the physical world, but also the other world.

How to guess

At midnight, place two mirrors opposite each other and light candles. With the correct arrangement of mirrors, a mirror corridor is formed. A spell should be said: "Narrowed, mummers, come to me dressed up." After that, you need to concentrate and look intently into the corridor. After some time, the figure of the future husband can show in the depths. If you see any scary figures or feel discomfort, you should say “Chur, me!” This will drive the evil spirit back to where it came from.

Angel - a harbinger of change
Car - hit the road
Arch - transition to a new level
Butterfly - big changes
Tower - wedding
Letters - important news
Bull - danger
Question mark - uncertainty
Head - a new position
Mushroom - an unexpected event
Home is a very auspicious sign
Castle - something new awaits you, for example, a new relationship
Star - your wish at this stage will come true
Fireplace - home and home comfort. Emotional warmth
The key is a sign that predicts that everything planned will come true, all goals will be achieved
Book - gaining knowledge
Wheel - this figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins
Ring - engagement, marriage union
Staircase - the circumstances of your life are changing in better side. Possible career advancement
Face or faces - a smile on the face speaks of happiness. Unpleasant face points to enemies or rivals
Medal - your efforts will be rewarded
The man is a visitor. If his hand is set aside, he will bring a gift or a new opportunity.
Knife - very soon disagreements can lead to alienation and severance of relations
Monkey - someone is deceiving you
Window - you should take a different look at the problem or relationship
A horseshoe is an extremely lucky fate!
Bird or birds - good news awaits you
A child is the beginning of a new business or a creative project. Can sometimes indicate the birth of a child
The plane is a journey. If the nose of the aircraft is pointing down, this may indicate disappointment and broken hopes.
Heart - indicates long-term affection and love.
The sun - happiness, creativity, success. Perhaps the birth of a child.
Ear - Listen carefully to what others are saying. You may hear very important information.
Fruit - wealth and good fortune.
Numbers - they indicate the time.
A cup is happiness and a feeling of emotional satisfaction. An inverted cup can mean the end of a relationship.
Apple - these fruits represent health, life itself.

It is recommended to read both the information presented in this article and other articles on this project in order to get an idea of ​​what needs to be done on this day and how to guess correctly.

Fortune telling at Christmas time is it a sin or not

Any divination for the church is considered a sin. Nevertheless, the majority of believers cannot resist this temptation, even if their thoughts have been pure all year, they want to know their fate at Christmas time.

Fortune-telling for Christmas time and for Christmas at home for the betrothed, so that he dreams, at night

Many people know that Christmas fortune telling is the most accurate. From January 6 to January 19, Christmas fortune-telling, these days the souls of the dead come to our world, and devilry is activated. You can not only bewitch, but find out your future, ask an exciting question and get an answer. Decide what to do in a given situation. For unmarried girls I want to know better to see my future husband. You can use several methods.

At night, do not drink water in order to feel thirsty, say: Who is my dear, who is my betrothed, who is my beloved, will bring water, give me a drink.

Make a bridge out of matches, put it under the pillow and say: take me, dear, across the bridge.

Fortune-telling for Christmas time under the pillow papers, notes, sheets, mirror, comb

Before going to bed, combing your hair, put the comb under the pillow, saying: betrothed, mummers, dressed up, come comb my hair.

Taking a mirror in their hands, they go to the crossroads at night, carefully look and call the betrothed, a month should be visible in the mirror. Some say that the face of the future husband appears in the reflection.

Getting ready for bed, do not talk to anyone for three hours, write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, and scatter the ashes in the wind. At this moment, say: Like the sky is dark, like a star in that sky is bright, the moon is strong. So my desire may be strong.

On full moon make a wish, write on paper, burn it, go outside so that there is no one around, dispel it in the wind.

Divination for Christmas time burn paper interpretation

Take a sheet of paper, crumple it in your hands, think to yourself what worries you the most. Turn the saucer over, putting this paper on it. Set it on fire, after it burns out, look at the shadow of the candle. A tree for problems, a bird for a good event, a wolf for a friend, a cat - it’s worth taking a closer look at your loved ones, perhaps among them is an envious person. Ring to imminent marriage or happy marriage if there was a wedding.

Fortune telling for Christmas and Christmas on the cards

If you are new to fortune-telling with cards, you can use the easiest way to get three cards. The male king courting you, 6 road. 9-love. Thanks to the combination of certain cards, you can interpret your fate in different ways.

Fortune telling for Christmas time for married girls, children, men

You can use fortune-telling on coffee grounds. This method of finding out fate is suitable at any age, regardless of marital status. After drinking coffee or pouring it out so that the thick remains, after a few minutes look at the pattern left on the thick of the coffee.

Slots to serious events, the deeper the gaps, the more significant event. Asterisks for good luck. Lines symbolize good luck, wealth. Crosses to danger.

Fortune telling at Christmas time whether there will be a child, whether we will be together, whether I am pregnant

Questions that will have unequivocal answers "yes" or "no" can be asked using cards. Having made a wish, mentally think about it, drawing a card, ate the red suit the answer is “yes”, the black one is “no”

Fortune-telling for Christmas time at home on candles, wax

Prepare a container with water, light a candle, drip melted wax into the water. According to the resulting figure, interpret the meaning.

Fortune telling on Christmas time and Christmas on a wish, how to guess by the shadow, how to summon a spirit

By the shadow of burnt paper, you can find out the future, not far away, but literally for the next year. It is customary to summon spirits, this species will suit the most fearless, who will not be frightened and will not run away. It is better to have a company of several people. In the dark, light a candle, write “yes”, “no”, numbers and the alphabet on paper, put a saucer with a drawn arrow. It is worth calling the one you want to hear, in a voice all together say: spirit (name), come. Talk until the saucer starts to spin.

Fortune telling for Christmas time with a ring and a glass, for the future

The most famous and reliable way to find out the gender of the unborn child is to pour a glass of water, take a ring, thread it. Keep a thread with a ring above the glass, if it spins clockwise - a girl, counterclockwise - a boy.

As practice shows, gypsy fortune-telling has interesting features and not always a simple interpretation, so it’s worth understanding the main points that ...

Two weeks of January give everyone the opportunity to look into the future or get an answer to the most secret question. New Year holidays behind and it's time to start an important process for any girl. Fortune-telling for Christmas time can be chosen at your discretion, and the choice is truly great!

If you are no longer attracted to such fortune-telling methods as calling a lover with the help of sweets and throwing a boot over the gate, then this means that you are already ready to take things more seriously. Make sure that you have all the necessary items and materials at hand.

Fortune-telling days - from January 6 to 19. The night before Epiphany is considered the most successful. At this time, it is customary to guess at love.

For money and luck

Who doesn't want to be successful and rich? Some patiently wait for fortune to turn to face them, and we offer to find out in advance whether it is worth counting on an improvement in financial situation in the coming months. This fortune-telling is very popular during Christmas time. You will need:

  • Several copper coins;
  • Fabric bag (can be sewn with your own hands):
  • Chalk or any cereal (rice, millet, buckwheat).

Draw a circle at home on any flat surface (or make it with cereal). The diameter should not be large - about 20 cm. Put 10-15 coppers in a bag and shake, saying the words:

Today I want to know
When wealth is to be expected.
Should I walk in furs today
Or will I be in debt?

Pour coins into the center of the circle at a height of 10-15 cm from the surface. Decryption:

  • All the pennies remained in the circle and lie heads up - good luck will accompany you all year, and the level of income will increase many times over!
  • Half of the coppers are tails, and half are heads - your wealth will exceed your needs.
  • More coins fell on tails - no special changes are expected in 2019.
  • Eagle - get a good salary increase or inheritance.
  • If all the coins roll out of the circle, there will be no significant change.
  • At least one penny is worth an edge - the whole year you will be incredibly lucky and the money will stick to your hands!
  • Half remained in the circle - the year will pass without changes.
  • More rolled away than left inside - you may have to work very hard to get a reward in cash!
  • There are more inside the circle than outside - there will be expensive gifts, but luck will bypass you.
  • If it so happened that all the coins rolled out and fell on tails or heads, expect a real money sea.

By the way, if you're in debt

Fortune telling on husband and marriage

This issue is of particular concern to young girls and divorced women. They look forward to when the long-awaited time begins and it will be possible to find out whether it is worth expecting Cupid's arrows this year. Marriage is of primary interest, and it is also curious to know who will be the chosen one.

You need to guess in the evening or after midnight and always alone. You will need:

  • Candle;
  • Gold ring;
  • Several sheets of paper;
  • Any large container.

Crumple the paper, and wrap the ring in one of the sheets. Throw into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Without looking, lower your hand and pull out the first lump that your hand touches. If you are destined to get married in 2019, then you will find a ring in the paper. In the same way, you can determine the name of your chosen one for Christmas time - write names on pieces of paper and arbitrarily pull out the first one that comes across.

For love

The easiest and most effective way to look a little ahead and find out if you are expected this year romantic relationship. Day of great importance doesn’t, you can decide for yourself when to guess at Christmas time, but traditionally such a ritual is held from January 13 to 14. It is important to observe one condition - you must spend the night in your house and there should not be anyone else in bed except you.

Divination for sleep at Christmas time is as follows: take a spool of thread, bread, a comb, a towel and soap. Put it all under your pillow and say the words:

Betrothed-mummers are waiting for you in a dream. Come, show yourself, treat yourself to my bread. I will feed and wash, comb and snuggle, as I will love my own.

In the morning, first of all, do not open your eyes, but carefully analyze your dream. If a young man dreamed, then remember his face. If you see a familiar man, then take a closer look, maybe this is your love? It happens that dreams former lover- then you need to reconsider the reasons for parting. Perhaps this is your destiny.

For the future

Knowing what lies ahead is not only interesting, but also useful. In addition, this is a real mystical adventure, and such an activity excites all the senses. Christmas divination are very diverse and you have a wide choice, but we offer to use the most in an efficient way find out what's in store for you in the coming months. You will need:

  • Candle;
  • A bowl of water;

Do not take for divination at Christmas time church candles. It is important that there is wax, and whether they are consecrated or not, it makes no difference. At midnight, light a candle and tilt it over a container of water. Think about your future and drip wax in one place. Even if he scatters all over the dishes. At least three minutes should pass and a bizarre figure should form.

Let the mass cool and remove from the water. Carefully consider what the candle predicted for you - by the outlines you can understand what to expect. You need to do this only at home and with your own dishes! After that, the figurine should be thrown to a place where no one will definitely pick it up.

Fortune telling

If you are interested in a larger vision of the future, then you will like this method. Unpretentious and quite simple Christmas divination will tell you about what awaits you in the coming years.

On Christmas night, take a mirror, pour water on it and leave it in the cold. In the morning, bring it into the room and literally press your palm against the frozen surface for literally three seconds. You need to decipher according to the thawed places. Usually, at Christmas time, fortune telling is based on the prints of the left hand.

Warm up the place best thumb You will be happy and life will be wonderful.

  • Forefinger - to be the head of the family and have many children.
  • Medium - a great career awaits.
  • Nameless - there will be problems in his personal life.
  • Little finger - the husband will be a real support, but the work will get very fussy and low-paid.
  • The middle of the palm - the house will be a full bowl, and marriage for life.

Christmas time - the time of witchcraft

In addition to fortune-telling, there is also the opportunity to make a strong conspiracy or love spell. But today you will read about the most popular ritual that girls are so interested in. New Year behind, but its unpleasant consequences are yet to be faced. Appetizing salads, chicken and alcohol will remind you of yourself for a long time with extra centimeters at the waist.

Christmas time, like no other time, is suitable for giving strength. You will need:

  • A piece of fat (butter, margarine);
  • Cup;
  • Water;
  • Vinegar (any).

The ritual will not require much effort and time: after midnight, throw the oils into a glass of water and pour a couple of tablespoons of vinegar into it. Stir with a spoon and say the words:

How fat doesn't stick to water
So it does not settle on my body.
Fat leaks, dissolves,
Appears on other sides.

Ideally, the resulting liquid should be poured under the threshold where the animal (cat, dog) lives, but it would be better if it is at the door of your rival or.

Holy week is the days between the birth of Christ and his baptism. Not everyone knows what date Christmas time begins and how many days last. And Christmas time begins on Christmas Eve on Christmas Day on January 6 in the evening after the first star rises in the sky, the final date is Epiphany on January 19. As a result, the holy season lasts 2 weeks, until the Baptism of the Lord.

In 2018, Christmas time also begins with the Nativity of Christ and continues until Epiphany Eve. IN church calendar it's important winter holiday in Rus'. There are many beliefs associated with Christmas days. Holy week in 2018, as in other years, will begin on Christmas Eve on January 6th.

From January 6, from the beginning of Christmas time, the souls of the dead return to our world of the living. From this day on, evil spirits are activated. On holy days, witches arrange a sabbath, rage and have fun with the unclean. But, apart from that, on these important Christmas days, in which a miracle is possible.

Magical rituals can begin when Holy Week begins. Fortune telling and rituals for Christmas time for the betrothed are the most popular these days. Christmas time of Rus' lasts 2 weeks: the holy week from the evening of January 6 to January 13 (Old New Year), as well as January 14 to 19 -a terrible week, right up to the very Epiphany. These days are best suited for divination, rituals, divination, rituals. Christmas divination will help to find out the future, and rituals - to form and attract the desired development of events in the coming year.

What is done on Christmas holidays: traditions

January 6 ends the Christmas Fast. On this day, you can already drink a little alcohol. On the first day, they visit relatives and relatives. They come to visit with congratulations and gifts. It is also customary to thank loved ones for their care and love. Do it sincerely, with all your heart.

Christmas time begins to be celebrated on January 7th. You can start the meal the day before, on January 6, when the first star rises. At least 12 dishes are placed on the table.

Another tradition is “Christmas tales”, in the evenings the whole family gathered in a close circle, invited guests and told tales. There are whole collections folk stories. Among them you can find original works. The tales were distinguished by mystery, the presence of magic, and miraculous events always took place in them.

In the afternoon on holy days, it was customary for the people to ride down the hills in a sleigh. And after Christmas time, brides and grooms were wooed, the period of matchmaking began.

IN last days holy week preparing for Baptism. They made a hole in the nearest reservoirs. The shape of the hole was special - a cross.

During the entire Christmas period, you should analyze income, draw up a budget, and engage in planning. And it is also customary to conduct various fortune-telling for Christmas and Christmas time.

What Not to Do on Holy Week

Folk wisdom put forward a number of requirements that forbade certain actions on holy days.

  • You can't count money. It is especially forbidden to count small coins. You will attract tears.
  • You can’t sew, embroider, knit in the evening before the holidays, as well as on holy days, otherwise there will be many worries throughout the year, which will be difficult to cope with.
  • It is impossible to buy real estate during holy weeks, start new businesses, open a business. At this time, evil spirits are active, it can ruin all undertakings and bring trouble.
  • You can't do hard work.
  • It is forbidden to baptize children and get married.
  • 7, also on Epiphany on January 19, it is forbidden to guess, so as not to miscalculate happiness.

Christmas time divination, superstition

The best time for divination various predictions and rituals - Christmas time. These days in January, information about the future is open. Every year, young girls and boys used it for Christmas divination, although this was not approved by the church. Information about upcoming events was available, because in the week from Christmas Eve until Epiphany, spirits descend to earth, and through them it was possible to get answers to people's questions.

Fortune telling is a fascinating and extraordinary way to find out your future. To be precise, divination means prediction. Since ancient times, man has wanted to know what lies ahead for him. To this end, he used various improvised means. What drives people in this case? ...

Fortune-telling in Christianity is considered a sin, but during the Christmas time it was possible to guess at the grooms, learn about the future harvest, predict the weather. And then the sins were washed away at Baptism in an ice hole.

Christmas fortune-telling was especially liked by young girls of marriageable age, they really wanted to know if they would get married, what kind of husband they would have. Adults also wondered, they learned about their future. During Christmastide it was allowed to guess in certain places. For this sacred action, baths, a garden, verandas, and crossroads were used. In the house, it was possible to come into contact with evil spirits only at night, and for protection it was necessary to light candles.

Fortune telling at Christmas time at home

If you are attracted to the topic of divination and prediction, then you should try folk popular techniques. Fortune telling during the holy season is carried out at home, for this you should prepare the attributes in advance, study the methodology, choose a place and make sure that no one bothers you.

Fortune telling for Christmas time, prediction on wax

Do you want to know your future? Prepare for Christmas divination white paraffin candles and the remains of wax candles, metal utensils, a deep cup, fire, water.

Put the candles in a bowl, put the container on the fire and wait until the wax and paraffin melt. Pour the melted wax into another white container filled with water. Wait until the figure freezes. On it they look at the future of the one they are guessing at. There are the following interpretations of the poured wax figures.

Interpretation of wax figures

  • House - replenishment, well-being, for a virgin - an early marriage.
  • Ruins - misfortune in life in the coming year.
  • Cave, pit - predicts a serious illness, death.
  • Rock - obstacles on the way, in the work begun.
  • The heart is love, mutual understanding.
  • Tree - if its branches are raised up, then joyful events are expected in the near future, lowered branches promise melancholy, sad news.
  • Flower - joy, success, brilliant prospects.
  • Ring - wedding in the near future.
  • A candle or a dome of a church is a wedding.
  • Damn, which also fell to the bottom - a protracted girlhood, obstacles to marriage.
  • A dog, an animal with an open mouth - impending troubles.
  • Angel - receiving help from above.
  • A dog, a horse's head is a true friend, support for loved ones.
  • Drop - cash replenishment, payments.
  • Star - ambulance Higher powers, all problems in life will be solved by themselves;
  • Ship - changes, travel, changes in the financial, spiritual, personal spheres;
  • A horseshoe is a harbinger of successful transactions.
  • Turtle - slowdowns in business.
  • Rooster - it's time to act.
  • Snake - duality: coiled up - there is a person who is watching you, if the snake is active - aggression towards the one who is guessing.
  • The bear is a strong helper, protector; teddy bear is a caring period.
  • Mouse - empty turmoil, fussiness, fear.
  • Caterpillar - complete collapse, failure.
  • Spider - cunning deceit.
  • A hare is a danger to a man, and a gift to a woman.
  • Pig - correct actions, deferred profit (true).
  • Hedgehog - the intensity of relations with people, a certain person.
  • Waves - quick decisions, unexpected changes.

Fortune telling for Christmas time by shadow

A simple and familiar divination. They take a newspaper sheet, a regular A4 white is also suitable. Crumple in the hands, giving the shape of a ball. It is not necessary to crush tightly. The sheet is crumpled by the one to whom it is predicted. Then put the paper ball on a plate, it should be very flat, you can just turn the usual one over. The plate is placed next to the wall. They set fire to the paper and wait for it to burn out. Place a candle behind the plate. Look at the shadow, and predict the future from it. The shadow is formed by burnt paper. The meaning of the figures coincides with the interpretation of the figures in divination on wax.

Christmas divination for marriage by egg

To predict the future, you need to take a glass on holy days in the evening, pour water (3/4) into it and drive a squirrel into it chicken egg. Hold it in your hands beforehand, mentally formulate a question. A glass of protein should be placed in the oven. Preheat the oven. Wait for the protein to turn white. Take it out of the glass. Now, consider the resulting figure.

If the squirrel figurine looks like:

  • ring - wait for the wedding;
    church dome - get ready for the wedding;
  • a square, a figure with right angles - expect a fatal disease;
  • ship - get ready to move after the wedding to another city.
  • Damn, a flat circle - you will still walk in girls for a long time.

Fortune telling on the narrowed in the mirror

All marriageable girls dream of one thing - to find out what their fiance will be. Christmas fortune-telling will help predict what the husband will be like. Spend them on any day of Christmas. But our grandmothers believed that the most correct fortune-telling was on the night of 14, that is, 13 at midnight. This night is the best suited for divination for the groom.

Christmas divination for the groom is an accurate, effective ritual of prediction, which is carried out at the mirrors. They choose a large room with a balcony for prediction, take two mirrors - one large, the second smaller. Previously, the ritual was carried out secretly in the bath of a girl who wanted to see her betrothed.

Preparation for divination: remove the pectoral cross, tight clothes, put on a loose shirt, a dress without a belt, loose your hair, take off your shoes.

Put the mirrors in the following way: a small mirror is opposite the large one so that a visual mirror “corridor” is created in the large one. It will be endless. For better visibility, place lighted candles on both sides of the mirror.

As soon as you come to the mirror, say: "My betrothed, mummers, show yourself in the mirror."

Sit quietly and peer into the mirror "corridor". Try to focus your eyes. In ten minutes you will see a picture of your future husband. For some, this takes more time, for example, 15-20 minutes. At the moment when the image appears, sharply put a small mirror on the table down with a mirror surface and shout: "Chur, me!". Then cross yourself.

Yuletide fortune-telling for 4 kings for a betrothed

Ritual divination for kings is a great way to find out what your husband will be like. Spend all the girls who have not found their soul mate. To perform this ritual, you will need a deck of cards (regular, playing, new).
The technique for performing fortune-telling for 4 kings and 4 jacks is as follows: Take a deck of cards, select 4 kings and 4 jacks from it, remove the rest. Before going to bed, mix the kings and jacks, put them under the pillow. In doing so, say:

Go to bed, try to remember the dreams that you will have tonight. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, draw one card at random with your hand. If you get:

  • jack - future husband yours will be young;
  • king - means that the groom will be older than you in age.

As for suits, spades means secured, successful man. Baptize - unknown man, a new acquaintance. Worms - the chosen one will be from the circle of closest friends and acquaintances. Tambourines - a narrowed acquaintance of friends who will introduce you.

Divination for the fulfillment of a wish

They perform fortune-telling on holy week, the night from 13 to 14 is best suited for this. There are several techniques for fulfilling desires.

For cereal. Take rice, put it on a plate. Make a wish over the cereal. Formulate clearly without interpretation. Then take a handful of rice and toss them lightly on the table. Count the grains. If their number is even, then Hurray! The wish will come true!

For water: pour into a bowl pure water. Whisper your wish. Take out a cup of water on the porch or on the balcony, on the street, preferably under the open sky. Look in the morning: find a hole in the water - the wish will not come true, if the surface is flat - wait for the fulfillment of your plan.

For chicken bones. Cook the chicken. Eat a paw for dinner. Save the bones. Fold them carefully in a rag, paper napkin Red. And then take it out the gate to the street. Make a wish. The following words are spoken:

Put the bundle behind the gate, go home.

Early in the morning come to this place, check: if there are no bones in place, then the desire will not come true; if the bones are powdered with snow, then it is worth abandoning the plan, and if the bones are intact, then everything that you have planned will come true.

Ways of divination for Christmas time, simple and popular

There are several ways of divination on holy days. In Rus', the following items were used for predictions: cereals, salt, cards, mirrors, water, wax, candles. Often they took coins and engaged in predictions with the help of animals. The most popular in the village were simple ways divination at Christmas time, it was believed that they were the most faithful. And in order for this to be so, you just need to believe! You all probably know the most popular Christmas divination - throwing a boot or felt boots through a gate or window. Where he will show with his toe, from there and wait for the groom.

Rituals on Christmas Days in Holy Week

In the days from Christmas to Epiphany, our ancestors were always looking for signs and clues to predict the future. Rites on Christmas days before Epiphany were held with one goal - to find out about your future. During this period, they were guessing at the future groom, health, fate. To see their future directly, they tried to perform the rite and see prophetic dream.

The ritual of "ordering" a prophetic dream was popular mainly among women. Do you also want to see a dream predicting the future, in which there will be clues and signs of fate? Remember, on holy days all doors are open in thin world, therefore, treat dreams with special attention. Very often in the period from 7 to 19 prophetic dreams are dreamed.

If you deliberately want to see a prophetic dream, then do the following rite. Take a round mirror. Place it under your pillow before bed. Relax before going to sleep and say 3 times special words:

You will definitely see a prophetic dream, just do not forget that you need to go to bed before midnight.

The original way of divination at Christmas time

Among original ways Fortune-telling at Christmas time can be called the following: pulling out a log from a woodpile, to which they approach with their backs and randomly pull out a log with their hand. If the field is even, then the groom is fine, and crooked - the future husband is clumsy, it will be flawed.

Fortune telling at the closet where clothes are stored. This method is also classified as non-trivial. This is not only accurate, but also a fun way to predict. In the company of girls, call a boy, a girl of about 10 years old. Men's and women's things should be in the closet. The child should go with his back to the closet, and then pull out one thing at random. At the same time, the child asks the question: “Whose is this?” Vieingly, all who guess should answer: "Mine." Who is the first - that and the prediction.

If pulled out of the closet:

  • Suspenders - the future husband will have a big belly, a lover of food;
  • tie - rich, wealthy;
  • cowards - a womanizer;
  • scarf - with a weak potency;
  • pants - a funny joker;
  • socks - a man of modest means;
  • skirt - a fashionable person who follows fashion;
  • gloves - "thievish", dishonest;
  • jacket or sweater- a good reliable spouse;
  • hat - a smart person with high intelligence;
  • shirt, shirt

    Holiday winter solstice bears the glory of the most ominous day of the year. The people call it "Karachun", which among the Slavs meant: "death", "death". People were afraid of this holiday, they performed various rituals to help the Sun be born again. They were looking forward to a new sunrise, ...

    The Christmas ritual was performed by those who were lonely and already desperate to find their love. All those who wished to meet their soul mate and tie the knot with her performed the following ritual at midnight during Holy Week. You need to go to the church, go around it 12 times around it clockwise. In this case, one should make an appeal to God for help in finding new love. It is believed that such a ritual destroys loneliness and removes vows.

It is believed that it is during the days of Christmas time that you can find out if you will get married next year, who will be betrothed, whether luck will accompany the whole year. Of course, the night of the old New Year is the best time to find out your future. But if you didn’t manage to tell fortunes at the right time, don’t worry - Christmas Christmas time will continue until Epiphany Eve, and you can perform the sacrament until January 18.

For fortune-telling to be successful, a number of important rules. Before the ritual, you need to loosen your hair and untie the knots on your clothes. It is necessary to remove the belt, bracelets, chains, rings - all these are amulets that close our energy and prevent it from uniting with the energy of spirits. During divination, it is better not to cross your arms and legs. You can tell fortunes alone or in the company of friends, but in the room where the ritual takes place, it should be as quiet as possible. The mood and the right way to look into the future are important. Best time for the performance of the holy sacraments - midnight or the hours before sunrise.

Divination for the betrothed and marriage

Divination by mirrors

The most famous and mystical divination for the betrothed is by mirrors. In a dark room, they put a mirror in front of themselves, and a candle on the side of it, utter the spell “betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me” and peer into the mirror. The appearance of the groom will foreshadow the fluctuation of the candle flame and the misted mirror. As soon as this happens, the glass should be wiped with a towel. The groom should come up from behind and his reflection should appear in the mirror.

Divination with water

You need to bring a piece of ice or a lump of snow from the street, wait until it melts, and look at the rubbish that is in the water. If a hair is found, the betrothed will be rich, a stick or a sliver - with its own housing, a leaf - will be associated with science, a piece of paper - a military man.

Pour heated wax or egg white into a glass of water. If they fall to the bottom and spread like a pancake, then marriage is still a long time to wait. If they take the form of a candle, rings - soon a wedding.

Three candles are lit and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

A transparent glass without edges and patterns is filled two-thirds with water, an engagement ring is carefully lowered into the glass. Three candles are lit and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

Divination with threads

It is necessary to cut the threads of the same length according to the number of fortunetellers and set them on fire at once from one candle. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest is the first. If the thread, without burning down to half, goes out for someone, this means that this girl will never marry.

Divination by matches

In the sides matchbox you need to insert two matches, identified with some guy and girl, and then set them on fire. If the matches turn their heads to each other, it means that this pair will be together.

Divination on the log

In the dark, you need to find a thick stick and carefully examine it. If the tree turns out to be smooth, the husband will be good, with knots - bad, with cracks and crevices - evil.

Divination on the stairs

Make up a set of words that characterize a man. For example: widower - well done - daring - Sagittarius - poor - rich - old - married. Going down the stairs, say a rhyme. What word will fall out on the last step - such will be the husband.

Divination on the boot

The girl needs to go outside, turn to face the house and throw her boot over her shoulder. If he falls with his toe away from home, then this year she will marry and leave her home. If the toe is towards the house, he will remain with his parents for now.

Divination in the name

They go outside at night and ask the first man they meet for their name. What is his name - that will be the name of the betrothed.

Divination for a dream

Dissolve a pinch of salt in water, drink salt water before going to bed and they say: "Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummers - he will give me a drink." The groom will dream and give the bride a drink.

Four card kings are placed under the pillow and they say: “Whoever is my betrothed, he will come in a dream.”

They put a comb under the pillow and say these words: “My betrothed, come and comb me.”

Divination on the ring, bread and hook

They put the named objects under the scarf and turn five times around themselves. After that, without looking, these things are dragged from under the scarf. Got a hook - the husband will be poor, bread - rich, ring - beautiful.

Fortune telling in the snow

At midnight, you need to go outside and walk through the freshly fallen snow. If no one crosses the tracks before dawn, life in marriage will be free, if the tracks are trampled, you will have to live with your husband in quarrels all your life.

At midnight, you need to go outside and throw a handful of snow in the direction opposite to the wind. If the snowflakes fall right on you, this means that the husband will be young and handsome, if the snowflakes scatter to the sides, the husband will be elderly.

Divination by phone

If a man picks up the phone, ask for his name, this will be the name of your betrothed.

Dial an arbitrary phone number. If a man picks up the phone, ask for his name, this will be the name of your betrothed. If a woman picks up the phone, then a rival will stand on the way to personal happiness. And if the child responded, then you will get married, and you will have time to give birth to a baby, and you must look for a betrothed among those whom you already know. If a stranger does not want to tell you his name, this means that you will have many fans and, as a result, you will be able to create a strong relationship, but not so soon.

Divination for family life

Fortune telling on needles

Two needles need to be smeared with melted wax, lowered into water, make a wish and carefully monitor their behavior. If they drowned immediately, the wish will come true, if they are united, marriage is ahead, and if they parted, they will not see their betrothed. For married women dispersed needles promise family problems, for men - problems in business.

Fortune telling on ice

It is necessary to fill a glass with water, lower the ring there and put it outside. By the number of hills on the surface of the ice, the number of sons is judged, and by the number of holes, the number of daughters.

Fortune telling

Divination by wax

At all times, this fortune-telling was one of the most popular. You need to drop wax into the water and carefully examine the resulting figure: if in the form of a wallet or banknote - to wealth, in the form of a house - to change your place of residence or buying a home, in the form of an embryo - to the birth of children, in the form of a heart - to true love.

Divination by shadow

You need to crumple a sheet of paper or newspaper into a loose lump, put it on a plate and set it on fire, and while it burns, pronounce your question aloud. After the paper is completely burned, you need to put a burning candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt paper casts on the wall. The figure that will appear will indicate the answer.

If you look into this corridor for a very long time, you can see the most various events from your own future.

Divination on mirrors

In another divination, two mirrors are taken and placed opposite each other to form a long corridor. Two candles are lit so that they are reflected in the mirrors and illuminate the corridor. If you look into this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or beans

The fortuneteller takes a handful of peas, nuts or beans and begins to put them one by one on the table, saying: "Luck - wealth - love - deceit - poverty - work - chores, worries - child - apartment - military uniforms." The choice of words may depend on what you want to find out about your own future. On which word the grains run out, it is waiting for you next year.

Divination on small objects

A company of young people and girls is gathering. Everyone puts some little thing on the tray: a key, a button, a cufflink, a handkerchief, a coin, a ring, an earring. They cover the tray with a towel, shake it, then, without looking, with their left hand, everyone pulls out what comes first: the key - a new home or car, a scarf - tears, a ring - marriage, an earring - good luck in a career, a coin - wealth, a button - a child , cufflink - travel.

The strip that comes up first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Divination on paper

For this divination, you will need strips of paper of the same size, on which you need to write questions of interest, your desires. All strips are randomly placed in a wide bowl into which water is poured. Strips of paper will first swirl in a whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. The strip that comes up first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Divination by spruce branches

A fresh spruce branch is held over a candle and they say: “Queen spruce, mother of all trees, should I live long or wait for death? Wealth or poverty, betrayal or fidelity? spruce branch put under the pillow. In the morning they take it out and examine it. The needles did not turn yellow and did not crumble - to health, wealth and mutual understanding in the family. Needles crumbled - to illness or quarrels.

You can treat divination and their predictions differently. The main thing is to believe in their veracity - and then you can really clarify your own future for yourself.

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