In the general systemic features of Fr. Element incoming Signal Event-Fact outgoing Signal- Control structure incoming Signal Concept outgoing Signal. The functioning of the formed system occurs at two levels

Organization theory is based on systems theory.

System– this is 1) a whole created from parts and elements of purposeful activity and possessing new properties that are absent in the elements and parts that form it; 2) the objective part of the universe, including similar and compatible elements that form a special whole that interacts with the external environment. Many other definitions are also acceptable. What they have in common is that the system has some the right combination the most important, essential properties of the object being studied.

The characteristics of a system are the multitude of its constituent elements, the unity of the main goal for all elements, the presence of connections between them, the integrity and unity of the elements, the presence of structure and hierarchy, relative independence and the presence of control over these elements. The term “organization” in one of its lexical meanings also means “system”, but not any system, but to a certain extent ordered, organized.

The system may include a large list of elements and it is advisable to divide it into a number of subsystems.

Subsystem– a set of elements representing an autonomous area within the system (economic, organizational, technical subsystems).

Large systems (LS)– systems represented by a set of subsystems of an ever-decreasing level of complexity down to elementary subsystems that perform basic elementary functions within a given large system.

The system has a number of properties.

Properties of the system - these are the qualities of elements that make it possible to quantitatively describe the system and express it in certain quantities.

The basic properties of the systems are as follows:

  • – the system strives to preserve its structure (this property is based on the objective law of organization - the law of self-preservation);
  • – the system has a need for management (there is a set of needs of a person, an animal, society, a herd of animals and a large society);
  • – a complex dependence is formed in the system on the properties of its constituent elements and subsystems (a system may have properties that are not inherent in its elements, and may not have the properties of its elements). For example, when working collectively, people may come up with an idea that would not have occurred to them when working individually; The collective, created by teacher Makarenko from street children, did not accept the theft, swearing, and disorder characteristic of almost all of its members.

In addition to the listed properties, large systems have the properties of emergence, synergy and multiplicativity.

Emergence property– this is 1) one of the primary fundamental properties of large systems, meaning that the target functions of individual subsystems, as a rule, do not coincide with the target function of the BS itself; 2) the emergence of qualitatively new properties in an organized system that are absent in its elements and are not characteristic of them.

Property of synergy– one of the primary fundamental properties of large systems, meaning the unidirectionality of actions in the system, which leads to strengthening (multiplication) of the final result.

Multiplicativity property– one of the primary fundamental properties of large systems, meaning that effects, both positive and negative, in the BS have the property of multiplication.

Each system has an input effect, a processing system, final results and feedback

Classification of systems can be carried out according to various criteria, but the main one is their grouping in three subsystems: technical, biological and social.

Technical subsystem includes machines, equipment, computers and other operable products that have instructions for the user. The range of decisions in a technical system is limited and the consequences of decisions are usually predetermined. For example, the procedure for turning on and working with a computer, the procedure for driving a car, the method for calculating mast supports for power lines, solving problems in mathematics, etc. Such decisions are formalized in nature and are carried out in a strictly defined order. The professionalism of the specialist making decisions in a technical system determines the quality of the decision made and implemented. For example, a good programmer can effectively use computer resources and create a high-quality software product, while an unskilled one can spoil the computer’s information and technical base.

Biological subsystem includes the flora and fauna of the planet, including relatively closed biological subsystems, for example, an anthill, the human body, etc. This subsystem has a greater variety of functioning than the technical one. The set of solutions in a biological system is also limited due to the slow evolutionary development of the animal and flora. However, the consequences of decisions in biological subsystems are often unpredictable. For example, a doctor’s decisions related to methods and means of treating patients, an agronomist’s decisions on the use of certain chemicals as fertilizers. Solutions in such subsystems involve the development of several alternative options and the selection of the best one based on some criteria. The professionalism of a specialist is determined by his ability to find the best of alternative solutions, i.e. he must correctly answer the question: what will happen if..?

Social (public) subsystem characterized by the presence of a person in a set of interrelated elements. Typical examples of social subsystems include a family, a production team, an informal organization, a driver driving a car, and even one individual (by himself). These subsystems are significantly ahead of biological ones in terms of diversity of functioning. The set of solutions in the social subsystem is characterized by great dynamism, both in quantity and in the means and methods of implementation. This is explained by the high rate of change in a person’s consciousness, as well as the nuances in his reactions to the same situations of the same type.

The listed types of subsystems have different levels of uncertainty (unpredictability) in the results of decision implementation

The relationship between uncertainties in the activities of various subsystems

It is no coincidence that in world practice it is easier to obtain the status of a professional in the technical subsystem, much more difficult in the biological subsystem and extremely difficult in the social one!

One can cite a very large list of outstanding designers, inventors, workers, physicists and other technical specialists; significantly fewer - outstanding doctors, veterinarians, biologists, etc.; you can list on your fingers the outstanding leaders of states, organizations, heads of families, etc.

Among outstanding personalities who worked with the technical subsystem, a worthy place is occupied by: I. Kepler (1571–1630) - German astronomer; I. Newton (1643–1727) – English mathematician, mechanic, astronomer and physicist; M.V. Lomonosov (1711–1765) – Russian naturalist; P.S. Laplace (1749–1827) – French mathematician, astronomer, physicist; A. Einstein (1879–1955) – theoretical physicist, one of the founders modern physics; S.P. Korolev (1906/07–1966) – Soviet designer, etc.

Among the outstanding scientists who worked with the biological subsystem are the following: Hippocrates (c. 460 - c. 370 BC) - ancient Greek doctor, materialist; K. Linnaeus (1707–1778) – Swedish naturalist; Charles Darwin (1809–1882) – English naturalist; IN AND. Vernadsky (1863–1945) – naturalist, geo- and biochemist, etc.

Among the personalities working in the social subsystem, there are no generally recognized leaders. Although, according to a number of characteristics, they are classified as Russian Emperor Peter I, American businessman . Ford and other personalities.

A social system may include biological and technical subsystems, and a biological system may include a technical one.

Social, biological and technical systems can be: artificial and natural, open and closed, fully and partially predictable (deterministic and stochastic), hard and soft. In the future, the classification of systems will be considered using the example of social systems.

Artificial systems are created at the request of a person or any society to implement intended programs or goals. For example, a family, a design bureau, a student union, an election association.

Natural systems created by nature or society. For example, the system of the universe, the cyclical system of land use, the strategy for sustainable development of the world economy.

Open systems characterized by a wide range of connections with the external environment and strong dependence on it. For example, commercial firms, the media, local authorities.

Closed systems characterized mainly by internal connections and created by people or companies to satisfy the needs and interests primarily of their personnel, company or founders. For example, trade unions, political parties, Masonic societies, the family in the East.

Deterministic (predictable) systems operate according to predetermined rules, with a predetermined result. For example, teaching students at an institute, producing standard products.

Stochastic (probabilistic) systems characterized by difficult to predict input influences of the external and (or) internal environment and output results. For example, research units, entrepreneurial companies, playing Russian lotto.

Soft systems are characterized by high sensitivity to external influences, and as a result, poor stability. For example, a quotation system valuable papers, new organizations, people in the absence of firm life goals.

Rigid systems are usually authoritarian, based on the high professionalism of a small group of organizational leaders. Such systems are highly resistant to external influences and react poorly to small impacts. For example, the church, authoritarian government regimes.

In addition, systems can be simple or complex, active or passive.

Each organization must have all the features of the system. The loss of at least one of them inevitably leads the organization to liquidation. Thus, the systemic nature of an organization is a necessary condition for its activities.

1. Integrity and divisibility. A system is, first of all, an integral collection of elements. This means that, on the one hand, the system is an integral formation and, on the other hand, integral objects (elements) can be clearly identified within its composition. It should be borne in mind that elements exist only in the system. Outside the system, these are, at best, objects that have systemically significant properties. When entering the system, the element acquires a system-defined property instead of a system-significant one. For a system, the primary sign of integrity is that it is considered as a single whole, consisting of interacting parts, often of different quality, but at the same time compatible.

2. Availability of stable connections. The presence of significant stable connections (relationships) between elements and/or their properties, exceeding in power (strength) the connections of these elements with elements not included in a given system, is the next attribute of the system. A system exists as some kind of holistic formation when the power (strength) of significant connections between the elements of the system over a time interval that is not equal to zero is greater than the power of connections between these same elements and the external environment. For information connections, an assessment of potential power can be throughput of a given information system, and real power is the actual amount of information flow. However, in the general case, when assessing the power of information connections, it is necessary to take into account the qualitative characteristics of the transmitted information (value, usefulness, reliability, etc.).

3. Organization. This property is characterized by the presence of a certain organization, which is manifested in a decrease in the entropy (degree of uncertainty) of the system H (S) compared to the entropy of the system-forming factors H (F), which determine the possibility of creating a system.

4. Emergence. Emergence presupposes the presence of such qualities (properties) that are inherent in the system as a whole, but not characteristic of any of its elements separately.

The presence of integrated qualities shows that the properties of the system, although they depend on the properties of the elements, are not completely determined by them.

From this we can draw conclusions:

1) the system is not reduced to a simple set of elements;

2) dividing the system into separate parts, studying each of them separately, it is impossible to know all the properties of the system as a whole.

Any object that has all the properties under consideration can be called a system. The same elements (depending on the principle used to combine them into a system) can form systems with different properties. Therefore, the characteristics of the system as a whole are determined not only and not so much by the characteristics of its constituent elements, but by the characteristics of the connections between them. The presence of relationships (interactions) between elements determines special property complex systems - organized complexity. Adding elements to the system not only introduces new connections, but also changes the characteristics of many or all previous relationships, leading to the exclusion of some of them or the emergence of new ones.


1. The purpose of the course “Fundamentals of systems analysis”. Definitions of terms “System analysis, systematicity”. Purpose of system analysis (SA)

There are different points of view on the content of the concept of “system analysis” and the scope of its application. Studying various definitions of system analysis allows us to distinguish four interpretations of it.

The first interpretation considers system analysis as one of the specific methods for selecting the best solution to a problem, identifying it, for example, with analysis based on the cost-effectiveness criterion.

This interpretation of system analysis characterizes attempts to generalize the most reasonable methods of any analysis (for example, military or economic) and to determine the general principles of its implementation.

In the first interpretation, systems analysis is, rather, “analysis of systems”, since the emphasis is on the object of study (the system), and not on systematic consideration (taking into account all the most important factors and relationships that influence the solution of the problem, using a certain logic of searching for the best decisions, etc.)

In a number of works covering certain problems of system analysis, the word “analysis” is used with such adjectives as quantitative, economic, resource, and the term “system analysis” is used much less frequently.

According to the second interpretation, system analysis is a specific method of cognition (the opposite of synthesis).

The third interpretation considers systems analysis as any analysis of any systems (sometimes it is added that analysis is based on systems methodology) without any additional restrictions on the scope of its application and the methods used.

According to the fourth interpretation, system analysis is a very specific theoretical and applied area of ​​research, based on systems methodology and characterized by certain principles, methods and scope. It includes both methods of analysis and methods of synthesis, which we briefly described earlier.

So, system analysis is a set of certain scientific methods and practical methods for solving various problems arising in all spheres of purposeful activity of society, based on systematic approach and representation of the research object in the form of a system. A characteristic feature of system analysis is that the search for the best solution to a problem begins with identifying and organizing the goals of the system during the operation of which the problem arose. At the same time, a correspondence is established between these goals, possible ways to solve the problem that has arisen and the resources required for this.

The purpose of system analysis is a complete and comprehensive verification of various options for action in terms of quantitative and qualitative comparison of the resources expended with the resulting effect.

System analysis is intended to solve primarily weakly structured problems, i.e. problems, the composition of elements and relationships of which are only partially established, problems that arise, as a rule, in situations characterized by the presence of an uncertainty factor and containing unformalizable elements that cannot be translated into the language of mathematics.

System analysis helps the person responsible for the decision to more strictly approach the assessment of possible options for action and choose the best one, taking into account additional, non-formalized factors and aspects that may be unknown to the specialists preparing the decision.

2. Causes of SA. Features of a perfect SA

Systems analysis arose in the United States and primarily in the depths of the military-industrial complex. In addition, in the United States, systems analysis has been studied in many government organizations. It was considered the most valuable spin-off in the field of defense and space exploration. In both houses of the US Congress in the 60s. last century, bills were introduced “on the mobilization and use of the country’s scientific and technical forces for the application of systems analysis and systems engineering in order to make the most complete use of human resources to solve national problems.”

System analysis was also used by managers and engineers in large industrial enterprises. The purpose of applying systems analysis methods in industry and in the commercial field is to find ways to obtain high profits.

An example of the use of systems analysis methods in the United States is the program planning system known as “planning-programming-budgeting” (PPB), or “program finance” for short.

In addition to the use of the PPB system, a number of forecasting and planning systems are used in the United States, which are based on systems analysis methods. In particular, the PATTERN information system was used to forecast and plan R&D; the FAIM automated information system was used to manage the Apollo space project at all stages of its development; with the help of the QUEST system, a quantitative relationship was achieved between military tasks and goals and the scientific and technical means necessary for their implementation, for the same purposes in industry, was the SKOR system.

The main methodological feature of these systems was the principle of sequential division of each problem into several tasks of a lower level in order to construct a “tree of goals.”

The systems under consideration made it possible to determine the time frame for solving scientific and technical problems and the mutual usefulness of the work, contributed to improving the quality of decisions made by overcoming a narrow departmental approach to their adoption, rejecting intuitive and strong-willed decisions, as well as work that cannot be completed within the established time frame.

At the same time, management practice in the United States in recent decades shows that the term “systems analysis” is not used as often as it was previously. Many approaches to justifying complex decisions that were associated with it continued to be used and developed quite intensively under new names - “program analysis”, “policy analysis”, “consequence analysis”, etc. At the same time, the “novelty” of these types of analysis lies rather in their names. Their methodological and methodological basis continues to be system analysis, the ideology of the systems approach.

Systems analysis is a scientific, comprehensive approach to decision making. The whole problem is studied as a whole, the development goals of the management object and various ways of their implementation are determined in the light of possible consequences. In this case, there is a need to coordinate the work of various parts of the control object, individual performers, in order to direct them to achieve a common goal.

No science is born overnight, but appears as a result of the coincidence of growing interest in a certain class of problems and the level of development of scientific principles, methods and means with the help of which it is possible to solve these problems. Systems analysis is no exception. Its historical roots are as deep as the roots of civilization. Even primitive man, when choosing a place to build a home, subconsciously thought systematically. But how scientific discipline system analysis took shape during the Second World War, first in relation to military tasks, and after the war - to the tasks of various spheres of civil activity, where it became effective means solving a wide range of practical problems.

It was at this time that the general foundations of systems analysis matured so much that they began to be formalized as an independent branch of knowledge. It can be said with good reason that the development of methods of systems analysis has greatly contributed to the fact that management in all spheres of human activity has risen from the stage of craft or pure art, which largely depended on the ability of individuals and their accumulated experience, to the stage of science.

3. The emergence and development of systemic ideas. Signs of systemicity

In our time, there is an unprecedented progress of knowledge, which, on the one hand, has led to the discovery and accumulation of many new facts and information from various areas of life, and thereby confronted humanity with the need to systematize them, to find the general in the particular, the constant in the changing. On the other hand, the growth of knowledge creates difficulties in its development and reveals the ineffectiveness of a number of methods used in science and practice. In addition, penetration into the depths of the Universe and the subatomic world, which is qualitatively different from the world commensurate with already established concepts and ideas, raised doubts in the minds of some scientists about the universal fundamentality of the laws of existence and development of matter. Finally, the process of cognition itself, which is increasingly taking the form of transformative activity, sharpens the question of the role of man as a subject in the development of nature, about the essence of the interaction between man and nature, and in connection with this, about the development of a new understanding of the laws of development of nature and their action. The fact is that transformative human activity changes the conditions for the development of natural systems, and thereby contributes to the emergence of new laws and trends of movement. In a number of studies in the field of methodology, a special place is occupied by the systems approach and, in general, by the “systems movement”. The systems movement itself was differentiated and divided into various directions: general systems theory, systems approach, systems analysis, philosophical understanding of the systemic nature of the world. There are a number of aspects within the methodology of systems research: ontological (is the world in which we live systemic in its essence?); ontological-gnoseological (is our knowledge systematic and is its systematicity adequate to the systematicity of the world?); epistemological (is the process of cognition systematic and are there limits system cognition peace?); practical (is human transformative activity systematic?)

The term system is understood as an object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a set of interconnected heterogeneous elements working as a single whole, united in the interests of achieving set goals. The systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in their main goals. This whole acquires some property that is absent in the individual elements.

Signs of systematicity are described by three principles.

Signs of systemicity:

· External integrity - isolation or relative isolation of the system in the surrounding world;

· Internal integrity - the properties of a system depend on the properties of its elements and the relationships between them. Violation of these relationships can lead to the system being unable to perform its functions;

· Hierarchy - a system can be distinguished into various subsystems, on the other hand, the system itself is also a subsystem of another larger subsystem;

4. System ideas and practice. Ways to increase labor productivity

We will try to show that consistency is a universal property of matter and human practice. Let's start by considering human practical activity, i.e. its active and purposeful impact on nature. To do this, we will formulate only the most obvious and mandatory signs of systematicity: its integrity and structure, the interconnectedness of its constituent elements and the subordination of the organization of the entire system to a specific goal.

Another name for such a structure of activity is algorithmicity. The concept of an algorithm arose first in mathematics and meant specifying a precisely defined sequence of unambiguously understood operations on numbers or other mathematical objects.

Today it becomes obvious that the role of systemic ideas in practice is constantly increasing, that the very systematic nature of human practice is growing.

The last thesis can be illustrated with many examples; it is instructive to do this using a somewhat schematic example of the problem of increasing labor productivity.

Academician V. M. Glushkov showed that the complexity R of objectively necessary management tasks grows faster than the square of m people engaged in management activities: R >

5. The difference between the possibilities of solving the problem of labor productivity in complex systems and the previous stages. How the use of human intelligence is proposed

One of the most important features of social production is the continuous growth of its efficiency, and above all, the increase in labor productivity. Ensuring the growth of labor productivity is a very complex and multifaceted process, but its result is expressed and embodied in the development of means of labor and methods of its organization.

Academician V. M. Glushkov showed that the complexity R of objectively necessary management tasks grows faster than the square of m people engaged in management activities: R > b m?, where b = Const. It is known that for successful management of an industry where n people are employed and there are m managed objects, the total complexity of management tasks is determined by the relation R = c (n + m)? (usually c = 1). The objective trend of increasing management complexity, which takes place in modern world, also occurs in Russia (where n = 2731, m = 107). This leads to an increase in the necessary costs of living labor, i.e. resources R for management, and the capabilities of the human brain to remember and process information are limited. On average, a person's memory capacity is S = 10 16 bits, and the average computing performance is V = 1/3 106 operations/s.

Consequently, when solving complex information problems only by administrative bodies at the municipal and federal levels, we get R = 1 (2731 + 10000000)? = 10002731? = 100054627458000 operations/year, and for satisfactory management of the country with manual technology, at least N = R/V = 3x100054627458000/1000000 = 3001636882 people are required, i.e. 300 million. This is more than 2 times the country's population. To eliminate the shortage of living labor in governing the country, it is necessary to significantly increase (by N/m = 300 times) the work efficiency of each employee of the country’s governing apparatus. This was not required due to the automation of the information and analytical work of the country's governing bodies using computers.

Here it is very important to understand what to automate, i.e. be completely entrusted to the machine, only those works can be studied in detail, described in detail and fully, in which it is known exactly what, in what order and how to do it in each case, and all possible cases and circumstances in which it may turn out to be known exactly. machine. Only under such conditions can an appropriate machine be constructed, and only under these conditions can it successfully perform the work for which it is intended.

So, automation is a powerful tool for increasing productivity.

Thus, the solution to the problem of labor productivity in complex systems is achieved through automation. The role of human intelligence in this case is to develop automated devices.

6. Cognition processes and systematicity

It is known that a person masters the world in various ways. First of all, he masters it sensually, i.e. directly perceiving it through the senses. The nature of such cognition, which consists in memory and is determined by the emotional state of the subject, appears to us both holistically and fractionally - presenting the picture as a whole or fractionally, highlighting any moments. Based on emotional states, a person develops an idea of ​​the world around him. But sensory perception is also a property of all animals, not just humans. The specificity of man is a higher level of cognition - rational cognition, which allows one to detect and consolidate in memory the laws of motion of matter.

Rational cognition is systemic. It consists of successive mental operations and forms a mental system that is more or less adequate to the system of objective reality. Human practical activity is also systematic, and the level of systematic practice increases with the growth of knowledge and accumulation of experience. The systematicity of various types of reflection and transformation of reality by man is ultimately a manifestation of the universal systematicity of matter and its properties.

Systemic cognition and transformation of the world presupposes: consideration of the object of activity (theoretical and practical) as a system, i.e. as a limited set of interacting elements, determining the composition, structure and organization of elements and parts of the system, identifying the main connections between them, identifying the external connections of the system, identifying the main ones, determining the function of the system and its role among other systems, analyzing the dialectics of the structure and function of the system, detection on this basis of patterns and trends in the development of the system.

Knowledge of the world, and “scientific knowledge” in particular, cannot be carried out chaotically, disorderly; it has a certain system and is subject to certain laws. These laws of cognition are determined by the laws of development and functioning of the objective world.

7. Development of system views

Considering the historical stages of development of systemic concepts, it is important to trace the unity and struggle of two opposing approaches to knowledge, analytical and synthetic. In the early stages of human development, the synthetic approach prevailed. F. Engels noted that in ancient Greece undivided knowledge prevailed: nature is considered in general, as one whole. The universal connection of natural phenomena is not proven in detail: it is the result of direct contemplation.

The subsequent stage of the metaphysical way of thinking is characterized by the predominance of analysis: The decomposition of nature into its individual parts, the division of various processes and objects of nature into certain classes, the study of the internal structure of organic bodies according to their anatomical forms - all this was the main condition for the gigantic successes that were achieved in the field knowledge of nature over the past four hundred years.

A new, higher level of systematic cognition is a dialectical way of thinking. Representatives of German classical philosophy made a significant contribution to the development of dialectics: I. Kant, I. Fichte, F. Schelling. Kant most accurately expressed judgments about systematicity: The unity achieved by reason is the unity of the system

The idealistic understanding of the system found its peak in Hegel. And only liberation from idealism led to the modern understanding of systematicity. Much of the philosophical understanding of the system was developed by Marx and Lenin.

M.A. was the first to explicitly raise the question of a scientific approach to managing complex systems such as society. Ampere. When constructing a classification of all kinds of sciences (Experience in the Philosophy of Sciences, or an analytical presentation of the classification of all human knowledge Part 1 1834, Part 2 1843), he identified a special science of government and called it cybernetics. At the same time, he emphasized its systemic features: “The government constantly has to choose from various measures the one that is most suitable for achieving the goal, and only through an in-depth and comparative study of the various elements provided to it for this choice (...) can it formulate general behavior rules.

The next stage of development is associated with the name A.A. Bogdanova (real name Malinovsky). The first volume of his book General Organizational Science (Tektology) was published in 1911, and in 1925 the third volume. Bogdanov's idea was that all objects and processes have a certain level of organization. Tectology should study the general patterns of organizations at all levels. He notes that the higher the level of organization, the more the properties of the whole differ from the simple sum of the properties of its parts.

In fact, the study of systems theory began under the influence of the need to build complex technical systems primarily for military purposes. Sufficient funds have been allocated and significant results have been achieved.

The next stage in the development of systemic concepts is associated with the name of the Austrian biologist L. Bertalanffy. He tried to create a general theory of systems of any nature based on the structural similarity of the laws of various disciplines.

The current state of systems theory is associated with the research of the famous Belgian scientist Ilya Romanovich Prigogine, winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize. While studying the thermodynamics of nonequilibrium physical systems, he realized that the patterns he discovered applied to systems of any nature. Its main results are related to the self-organization of systems. At turning points or bifurcation points, it is fundamentally impossible to predict whether the system will become more or less organized.

8. Models and simulation

Modeling is one of the main methods of cognition, is a form of reflection of reality and consists in finding out or reproducing certain properties of real objects, objects and phenomena with the help of other objects, processes, phenomena, or using an abstract description in the form of an image, plan, map , a set of equations, algorithms and programs.

The possibilities of modeling, that is, transferring the results obtained during the construction and research of the model to the original, are based on the fact that the model in a certain sense displays (reproduces, models, describes, imitates) some features of the object that are of interest to the researcher.

Replacing one object (process or phenomenon) with another, but preserving all the essential properties of the original object (process or phenomenon), is called modeling, and the replacing object itself is called a model of the original object

The following classes of models can be distinguished.

Material models

The common feature shared by these models is that they copy the original object. They are usually made from a completely different, often cheaper, material than the original object. The sizes of models can also differ greatly from the original object in one direction or another.

Information models

A model that represents an object, process or phenomenon with a set of parameters and connections between them is called an information model. Revealing the connections between the parameters of an information model is often perhaps the most difficult part in building a model, occurring after its parameters have been determined. Information models of the same object, intended for different purposes, can be completely different. For example, an information model of a person can be presented in the form of a verbal portrait, photograph, information entered in a medical card or the file of the personnel department at the place of work. The class of information models is wide. These include verbal (verbal) models, databases, diagrams and diagrams, drawings and drawings, mathematical models, etc. An information model in which the parameters and dependencies between them are expressed in mathematical form is called a mathematical model.

For example, the well-known equation S=vt, where S is distance, and v and t are speed and time, respectively, is a model of uniform motion expressed in mathematical form. (Give other examples of mathematical models)

The rapid development of computer technology contributes to the rapid development and improvement of information modeling tools and methods; solving problems based on information models (computer modeling) is one of the most important areas of application of modern computers. The subject of computer modeling can be: the economic activity of a company or bank, industrial enterprise, information and computer network, technological process, any real object or process, for example, the inflation process, and in general - any Complex System.

It is safe to say that most of the models that a person uses to solve life problems represent a certain set of elements and connections between them. Such models are usually called systems, and general methods building system models - a systems approach. The foundations of the systems approach were laid down in his works by L. von Bertalanffy. In systems, the elements that make it up cannot be considered in isolation. Their total contribution to the functioning of the system as a whole is determined by the interaction of the elements with each other.

9. Modeling - components of purposeful activity

One of the problems that is almost always encountered when conducting systems analysis is the problem of experimenting in or on a system. Very rarely this is permitted by moral or security laws, but is often associated with material costs and (or) significant losses of information.

The experience of all human activity teaches that in such situations it is necessary to experiment not on an object, a subject or system that interests us, but on their models. This term does not necessarily mean a physical model, i.e. a copy of an object in a reduced or enlarged form. Physical modeling is very rarely applicable in systems that are in any way connected with people. In particular, in social systems (including economic ones) one has to resort to mathematical modeling.

One more important circumstance must be taken into account during mathematical modeling. The desire for simple, elementary models and the resulting ignorance of a number of factors can make the model inadequate to the real object, or, roughly speaking, make it untruthful. Again, system analysis cannot be done without active interaction with technologists, specialists in the field of laws of functioning of systems of this type.

In economic systems, one has to resort mostly to mathematical modeling, albeit in a specific form - using not only quantitative, but also qualitative, as well as logical indicators.

Models that have worked well in practice include: intersectoral balance; growth; economic planning; prognostic; balance and a number of others.

Concluding the question of modeling when performing system analysis, it is reasonable to raise the question of the correspondence of the models used to reality.

This correspondence or adequacy may be obvious or even experimentally verified for individual elements of the system. But already for subsystems, and even more so for the system as a whole, there is the possibility of a serious methodological error associated with the objective impossibility of assessing the adequacy of the model of a large system at the logical level.

In other words, in real systems, logical justification of element models is quite possible. These models strive to be built as minimally sufficient, as simple as possible without losing the essence of the processes. But humans are no longer able to logically comprehend the interaction of tens or hundreds of elements. And it is here that the corollary from the famous Gödel theorem, known in mathematics, can “work” - in a complex system completely isolated from outside world, there may be truths, positions, conclusions that are completely “acceptable” from the standpoint of the system itself, but have no meaning outside of this system.

That is, it is possible to build a logically flawless model of a real system using element models and analyze such a model. The conclusions of this analysis will be valid for each element, but a system is not a simple sum of elements, and its properties are not just a sum of the properties of elements.

This leads to the conclusion that without taking into account the external environment, conclusions about the behavior of the system obtained on the basis of modeling can be quite justified when viewed from within the system. But it is also possible that these conclusions have nothing to do with the system when viewed from the outside world.

10. Methods of implementing the model. Abstract material models

When a person creates models, he has two types of means at his disposal: the means of consciousness itself and the means of the surrounding material world; Accordingly, models are divided into abstract (ideal) and material (real).

Abstract models.

These include language constructs, i.e. language models. Natural language is a universal means of constructing any abstract models. Universality is ensured by the possibility of introducing new words into the language, as well as the possibility of hierarchical construction of increasingly developed language models. The universality of language is achieved, among other things, by the fact that language models have ambiguity, precision, and vagueness. This manifests itself already at the level of words (ambiguity or uncertainty). Plus the versatility of combining words into phrases. This gives rise to approximateness - an inherent property of language models.

Material models.

In order for some material object to be a model, a replacement for some original, a relationship of similarity must be established between them. There are different ways to do this:

1). Direct likeness obtained as a result of physical interaction in the process of creating a model (photography, scale models of airplanes, ships, buildings, dolls, templates, patterns, etc.). Even for a direct similarity to the model, there is a problem of transferring the simulation results to the original (the result of hydrodynamic tests of the ship model, in which the speed of movement can be scaled according to the characteristics of water (viscosity, density, gravity - cannot be scaled)). There is a theory of similarity that relates to direct similarity models.

2). Indirect similarity is established between the original and the model not as a result of physical interaction, but exists objectively in nature, revealed in the form of a coincidence or proximity of their abstract models. For example, the electromechanical analogy. Some patterns of mechanical and electrical processes are described by the same controls, the only difference is in the different physical interpretation of the variables included in these controls. Therefore, experimenting with a mechanical design can be replaced by experimenting with an electrical circuit, which is simpler and more effective. Doctors' experimental animals are analogues of the human body, an autopilot is an analogue of a pilot, etc.

3) Conditional similarity. The similarity of the model to the original is established as a result of agreement. Examples: an identity card is a model of its owner, a map is a model of terrain, money is a model of value, signals are models of messages. Models of conditional similarity are a way of material embodiment of abstract models, a form in which these abstract models are stored and transmitted from one person to another, while maintaining the possibility of returning to an abstract form. This is achieved by agreement on what state of a real object is associated with a given element of the abstract model.

The specification and deepening of the general scheme of conditional similarity models occurs in two directions: - conditional similarity models in technical devices, where they are used without human intervention; signals - the rules of construction and methods of using signals are called code, encoding, decoding - are studied special disciplines; models of conditional similarity created by man himself - sign systems. The field of knowledge dealing with this is called semiotics.

11. Establishing the similarity of material models

Similarity is a certain relationship between the values ​​of indicators of the properties of various objects, observed and measured by the researcher in the process of cognition. Similarity is understood as such a one-to-one correspondence (relationship) between the properties of objects in which there is a function or rule for bringing the values ​​of indicators of these properties of one object to the values ​​of the same indicators of another object.

Mathematical (formal) descriptions of such objects allow their reduction to an identical form.

In other words, similarity is the relationship of one-to-one correspondence between the values ​​of indicators of homogeneous properties of different objects. Properties that have the same dimension of indicators are called homogeneous.

Several types of object similarity are known.

1. Depending on the completeness of taking into account the parameters, the following are distinguished:

· absolute (theoretical) similarity, which assumes proportional correspondence of the values ​​of all parameters of these objects, i.e.

pj(t) / rj(t) = mj(t), where j=1,n;

· practical similarity - a certain functional one-to-one correspondence of parameters and indicators of a certain subset of properties that are essential for this study;

· practical complete similarity - correspondence of indicators and parameters of the selected properties in time and space;

· practically incomplete similarity - correspondence of parameters and selected properties of indicators only in time, or only in space;

practical approximate similarity - compliance of the selected parameters and indicators with certain assumptions and approximations.

2. According to the adequacy of the nature of objects, they are distinguished:

· physical similarity, which presupposes the adequacy of the physical nature of objects (special cases of physical similarity are mechanical, electrical and chemical similarity of objects);

· mathematical similarity, which assumes the adequacy of the formal description of the properties of objects (special cases of mathematical similarity are statistical, algorithmic, structural and graphic similarity of indicators of the properties of objects).

The problem of identifying similar objects is the selection of scientifically based similarity criteria and the development of methods for calculating these criteria.

12. Conditions for implementing model properties

According to the logic of system analysis, when an interrelated set of tasks for project implementation has been identified and built (one can say, and this would be quite strict, a system of tasks), the next stage of system design begins - the study of the conditions for implementing the model.

Naturally, any system model can be implemented in practice only if certain conditions are present.

Let's show it using the example of the education system.

Naturally, any model of the educational system can be implemented in practice only if certain conditions are present: personnel, motivational, material and technical, scientific and methodological, financial, organizational, legal, information.

To the credit of policymakers, it should be noted that last years Much more attention began to be paid to the issues of conditions for the implementation of educational reforms and their similarities, just as to the technological preparation for the implementation of educational projects: the creation of the necessary textbooks, methodological developments for the retraining of teachers, etc. In the old days, already six months after the release of the next resolution, it was necessary to report to the CPSU Central Committee that schools, vocational schools, etc. “switched to a new content of education.”

13. Model and original. Differences. Finiteness, simplicity, proximity

The correspondence between model and reality can be expressed by the following principles:

1. Limb.

All real objects, as part of the real world, are infinite in their properties and connections with other objects. However, if we keep in mind our cognitive capabilities, then here we are limited by our own resources - the number of nerve cells in the brain, the number of actions that we can perform per unit of time, the time itself during which we can solve some problem; the external resources that we can involve in the process of our activities are limited, i.e. it is necessary to cognize the infinite world with finite means. All models are finite. Abstract models are finite from the start - they are immediately endowed with a fixed number of properties. Real models are finite in the sense that from the infinite set of their properties, only a few are selected and used, similar to the properties of the original object that interest us. The model is similar to the original in a finite number of relations.

2. Simplification.

The finiteness of models makes their simplification inevitable, but in human practice this simplification is acceptable, because For any purpose, an incomplete, simplified reflection of reality is sufficient. For specific purposes, such simplification is also necessary, because allows you to identify the main effects and properties of the original (physical abstractions - ideal gas, absolute black body, ...).

Forced simplification of the model - the need to operate with it - resource simplification.

Another aspect: of two models that describe a certain object with equal accuracy, the one that is simpler turns out to be closer to the original (to its true nature).

3. Approximation of models.

This term is associated with the quantitative difference between the model and the original (qualitative differences are associated with the terms finitude and simplicity). This quantitative difference always exists and in itself is neither large nor small; its measure is introduced by correlating this difference with the purpose of modeling (a clock is a time model).

4. Adequacy.

The model with the help of which the set goal is successfully achieved is adequate. This is not equivalent to the concept of completeness, accuracy, or correct accuracy of the model. Ptolemy's model is adequate (in the sense of accurately describing the motion of the planets). An adequate but false model (successful healing using spirit spells). Sometimes it is possible to introduce some measure of adequacy. Then we can consider questions about identifying the model (i.e., finding the most adequate one in a given class), about the stability of models, about their adaptation.

14. Similarity between the model and the original. Adequacy of the model. The truth of models. Combination of truth and falsity

The most important concept in economic and mathematical modeling, as in any modeling, is the concept of model adequacy, i.e., the correspondence of the model to the modeled object or process. The adequacy of a model is to some extent a conditional concept, since there cannot be a complete correspondence of a model to a real object, which is also typical for economic and mathematical modeling. When modeling, we mean not just adequacy, but compliance with those properties that are considered essential for the study. Verifying the adequacy of economic and mathematical models is a very serious problem, especially since it is complicated by the difficulty of measuring economic quantities. However, without such verification, the use of modeling results in management decisions may not only be of little use, but also cause significant harm.

Bearing in mind precisely the theoretical considerations and methods underlying the construction of the model, one can raise questions about how accurately this model reflects the object and how completely it reflects it. (In the modeling process, special stages are distinguished - the stage of model verification and assessment of its adequacy). In this case, the thought arises about the comparability of any human-made object with similar natural objects and about the truth of this object. But this only makes sense if such items are created with special purpose depict, copy, reproduce certain features of a natural object.

Thus, we can say that truth is inherent in material models: - due to their connection with certain knowledge; - due to the presence (or absence) of isomorphism of its structure with the structure of the modeled process or phenomenon; due to the relationship of the model to the modeled object, which makes it part of cognitive process and allows you to solve certain cognitive problems.

And in this regard, the material model is epistemologically secondary and acts as an element of epistemological reflection.

15. Dynamics of the model. Modeling process. Reasons for the impossibility of complete algorithmization of the modeling process

At the input and output we have the dependences of the parameters X and Y on time t. The challenge is to define the black box.

Let us assume that a single signal X(t) is applied to the input of the system, which was previously in zero initial conditions. If an exponential signal is observed at the output, then this is a first order system. To describe it, one derivative is sufficient, and the solution to the model will contain one integral. Since one integral “always generates” one exponential, two integrals are two exponentials. To determine whether a curve is exponential, a tangent is drawn at each point until it intersects the steady-state line. At any point T must be a constant value. The value T characterizes the inertia of the system (memory). At a small value of T, the system weakly depends on the previous history and the input instantly causes the output to change. When T is large, the system responds slowly to the input signal, and when T is very large, the system remains unchanged.

The first order link has two parameters:

1) inertia - T

2) gain

Let us introduce the concept of a transfer function as a model of a dynamic system. By definition, the transfer function is the ratio of output to input

The transfer function of the first order link has the form.

Then, using the definition of the transfer function, we have where "p" is the symbol for the derivative ().

Next we get:

In difference form, the equation can be written as (Yi+1 - Yi)*T+Yi*dt = k*Xi*dt. Or expressing the present through the past Yi+1 = A* Xi + B* Yi. Here A and B are weighting coefficients. A indicates the weight of component X, which determines the influence of the external world on the system, B indicates the weight of Y, which determines the memory of the system, the influence of history on its behavior.

In particular, if B=0, then Yi+1 = A* Xi and we are dealing with an inertia-free system that instantly responds to the input signal Y=k*X and increases it by k times. If B = 0.5, then it is easy to obtain that with a constant input signal X, Yi+1 = A* Xi +0.5* Yi = A* Xi +0.5(A* Xi-1 +B* Yi-1) = ... = A*(1+0.5+0.52+...+0.5n)*Хi-n+0.5n+1*Yi-n = 2*A*Xi-n = k*Xi-n or, depicted on a graph, we get a damping exponential. Y tends to the value of the input signal X multiplied by the gain k.

If we further strengthen the influence of the past B=1, then the system will begin to integrate itself (the output is fed to the system input)

Yi+1 = A* Xi + Yi adding the input signal all the time, which corresponds to exponential unlimited growth of the output signal. In essence, this corresponds to positive feedback. When B=-1, we have the model Yi+1 = A* Xi - Yi in meaning corresponding to negative feedback. When defining a model, it is necessary to find the unknown coefficients k and T.

Let's consider the second-order link.

The second order link has three parameters.

Characteristics: smooth exit from zero, inflection point and endless progress towards a steady state.

A model is a material or mentally imagined object that replaces the original object in the process of study and preserves its typical features that are significant for a given study. The process of building a model is called modeling.

The modeling process consists of three stages - formalization (transition from a real object to a model), modeling (research and transformation of the model), interpretation (translation of modeling results into reality).

16. Model model. First definition of the model. Second definition of the model

Model - an object or description of an object, a system for replacing (under certain conditions, proposals, hypotheses) one system (i.e., the original) with another system for studying the original or reproducing any of its properties. A model is the result of mapping one structure onto another.

Models, if we ignore the areas and spheres of their application, are of three types: cognitive, pragmatic and instrumental.

A cognitive model is a form of organization and presentation of knowledge, a means of connecting new and old knowledge. A cognitive model, as a rule, is adjusted to reality and is a theoretical model.

A pragmatic model is a means of organizing practical actions, a working representation of the goals of the system for its management. Reality in them is adjusted to some pragmatic model. These are usually applied models.

An instrumental model is a means of constructing, researching and/or using pragmatic and/or cognitive models.

Cognitive ones reflect existing ones, and pragmatic ones - although not existing ones, but desirable and, possibly, feasible relationships and connections.

According to the level, “depth” of modeling, models are empirical - based on empirical facts, dependencies, theoretical - based on mathematical descriptions, and mixed, semi-empirical - using empirical dependencies and mathematical descriptions.

The mathematical model M describing the system S (x1,x2,...,xn; R) has the form: M=(z1,z2,...,zm; Q), where ziIZ, i=1,2,.. .,n, Q, R - sets of relations over X - the set of input, output signals and states of the system and Z - the set of descriptions, representations of elements and subsets of X, respectively.

Basic requirements for the model: clarity of construction; visibility of its basic properties and relationships; its availability for research or reproduction; ease of research, reproduction; preservation of information contained in the original (with the accuracy of the hypotheses considered when constructing the model) and obtaining new information.

The modeling problem consists of three tasks: building a model (this task is less formalizable and constructive, in the sense that there is no algorithm for building models); model research (this task is more formalizable; there are methods for studying various classes of models); use of the model (constructive and specific task).

Model M is called static if there is no time parameter t among xi. A static model at each moment of time provides only a “photograph” of the system, its slice.

The model is dynamic if among xi there is a time parameter, i.e. it displays the system (processes in the system) over time.

A model is discrete if it describes the behavior of the system only at discrete moments in time.

A model is continuous if it describes the behavior of the system for all points in time from a certain period of time.

A model is a simulation if it is intended for testing or studying, reproducing possible paths of development and behavior of an object by varying some or all parameters xi of the M model.

A model is deterministic if each input set of parameters corresponds to a completely definite and uniquely defined set of output parameters; otherwise, the model is non-deterministic, stochastic (probabilistic).

We can talk about different modes of using models - a simulation mode, a stochastic mode, etc.

The model includes: object O, subject (optional) A, task Z, resources B, modeling environment C: M=.

The properties of any model are:

finiteness: the model reflects the original only in a finite number of its relations and, in addition, modeling resources are finite; simplicity: the model displays only the essential aspects of the object; approximate: reality is represented by the model roughly or approximately; adequacy: the model successfully describes the system being modeled; information content: the model must contain sufficient information about the system - within the framework of the hypotheses adopted when constructing the model.

Life cycle of the simulated system:

· Collecting information about the object, putting forward hypotheses, pre-model analysis;

· Designing the structure and composition of models (submodels);

· Construction of model specifications, development and debugging of individual submodels, assembly of the model as a whole, identification (if necessary) of model parameters;

· Model research - selection of research method and development of a modeling algorithm (program);

· Study of the adequacy, stability, sensitivity of the model;

· Evaluation of modeling tools (expended resources);

· Interpretation, analysis of modeling results and establishment of some cause and effect relationships in the system under study;

· Generation of reports and design (national economic) solutions;

· Refinement, modification of the model if necessary, and return to the system under study with new knowledge obtained through modeling.

17. Multiplicity of system models. Definition of the concept of “problem”, “goal”, “system”

One of the fundamental principles of modeling complex systems is the principle of multiplicity of models, which consists, on the one hand, in the possibility of representing many different systems and processes using the same model and, on the other hand, in the possibility of representing the same system by many different models. depending on the purposes of the study. Using this principle makes it possible to abandon the approach whereby a separate model is developed for each system under study, and to propose new approach, in which abstract mathematical models of different levels (mainly basic and local) are developed, used to study systems of various classes. In this case, the modeling task comes down to competent parameterization of models and interpretation of the results obtained.

The goal is a complex combination of various conflicting interests. The goal is a system-forming, integrating factor that unites individual objects and processes into integrity, into a system. This unification occurs on the basis that isolated objects cannot always serve as sufficient means to achieve human goals. And in their combined form they acquire a new, systemic, integral quality, which is sufficient to achieve goals.

The system is a means to achieve a goal.

The first definition of the system is complemented by the second, which characterizes its internal structure.

The general definition of a system is formulated as follows: “A system is a set of interacting elements isolated from the environment for a specific purpose.”

A problem is a situation characterized by a difference between the required (desired) output and the existing output. An exit is necessary if its absence poses a threat to the existence or development of the system. The existing output is provided by the existing system. The desired output is provided by the desired system. The problem is the difference between the existing and desired system. The problem may be preventing output from decreasing or increasing output. The problem condition represents the existing system (“known”). The requirement represents the desired system.

18. "Black box". Model, properties, difficulties in building a model. Conditions for the usefulness of the black box model

Building a black box model can be challenging task due to the multiplicity of inputs and outputs of the system (this is due to the fact that any real system interacts with environment unlimited number of ways). When building a model, a finite number must be selected from them. The selection criterion is the purpose of the model, the significance of a particular connection in relation to this goal. Here, of course, errors are possible; those connections not included in the model (which are still valid) may turn out to be important. This is of particular importance when determining the goal, i.e. system outputs. A real system interacts with all objects of the environment, so it is important to take into account all the most essential things. As a result, the main goal is accompanied by the setting of additional goals.

Example: a car must not only carry a certain number of passengers or have the required load capacity, but also not create too much noise when driving, have exhaust gas toxicity that does not exceed the norm, acceptable fuel consumption, ... Fulfilling only one goal is not enough, failure to meet additional goals can make it even harmful to achieve the main goal.

The black box model sometimes turns out to be the only applicable one when studying systems.

Example: a study of the human psyche or the effect of a drug on the body, we act only on the inputs and draw conclusions based on observations of the outputs in the time signal for the user, because Each watch shows the state of its sensor, then their readings gradually diverge. The solution is to synchronize all clocks according to the readings of a certain time standard ("precise time" signals via radio). Should the standard be included in the clock as a system or should each clock be considered as a subsystem in the overall time indicating system?

19. Model of system properties. Element, subsystems, reasons for constructing different models by different experts

A system is a collection of interconnected elements, isolated from the environment and interacting with it as a single whole.

The property that arises from the combination of parts is the main feature, essence, essence of the phenomenon. The concept of a phenomenon is, first of all, an idea of ​​the essence of the phenomenon, of the main feature of the phenomenon, of the property generated in a given system.

For example, televisions and cars are different: small and large, good and not so good, assembled according to different schemes from different parts. But they all have some distinctive properties: a television is a phenomenon that receives television signals and reproduces a television image, and a car is a “cart that drives itself.”

To form a concept about a phenomenon means: to indicate the existence of a phenomenon - to highlight the phenomenon, to distinguish it; show the structure of the phenomenon; prove the relationship of this phenomenon with others, i.e. determine the place of this phenomenon in the hierarchy of phenomena.

The hierarchy and nesting of phenomena arises from the fact that in phenomena-supersystems the properties of phenomena-subsystems generated by their integrity are involved. Every property of a phenomenon is generated at some level of the hierarchy of phenomena, therefore, when studying phenomena, it is necessary to distinguish between properties inherited from the constituent parts and properties generated by the integrity of the phenomenon.

Since each property, each entity is generated at its own level of the hierarchy of phenomena, there is no point in looking for properties at lower levels - they are not there yet. It is also pointless to study properties at higher levels - there properties can be absorbed and included in other phenomena-systems.

In addition to linear, hierarchical ordering, there are other types of it. However, despite this, in order to master any property of a phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the structure of that level of hierarchy at which the properties of the phenomena of interest are generated. This is the essence of a systematic approach to the analysis of phenomena.

The complexity of the phenomena occurring at each level of the hierarchy is limited. Any phenomenon generated at this level of the hierarchy is based on a combination of some of the 7 principles. These are the principles of the methodology of cognition.

A quantitative characteristic of a functional property is called a functional PARAMETER.

For example, the component parts of the phenomenon influence each other along a circuit of connections: in a car, the fuel system supplies the engine with a combustible mixture, and the engine creates a rotating force on the shaft.

The engine is the subsystem of the car that generates the rotating force. The set of engine parts is the carrier of the phenomenon that generates rotational force, and the interaction between the parts is the circuit of connections of the engine parts.

Since the phenomena are independent of their carriers, all parts in an engine can be replaced, and in a car one engine can be replaced with another, which also generates a rotating force on the shaft.

So, the internal structure of a phenomenon, the architecture of a system, is a set of functional properties of its constituent parts and the structure of connections between them.

20. System structure model. Terms of use, definition of “system structure”, “relationship”, “property”. The relationship between the concepts of “relationship” and “properties”. Second definition of the system

The black box model and composition are not enough in many cases. It is necessary to know the connections between elements and subsystems, or relationships. The set of necessary or sufficient relationships between elements to achieve a goal is called the structure of the system. There is a huge (maybe infinite) number of connections between real objects included in the system. When defining a structure model, only a finite number of connections are considered that are significant in relation to the goal in question.

Example: when calculating a mechanism, the force of mutual attraction of the parts to each other is not taken into account, but the weight of the parts is necessarily taken into account.

When we are talking about a connection or relationship, at least two objects are involved. A property is an attribute of one object. But the property is revealed in the process of interaction of the object with other objects, i.e. when establishing some relationship.

Example: the ball is red, but this is detected in the presence of a white source and a light analyzer receiver. A property is a collapsed relation. Hypothesis: This statement is true for all properties.

The second definition of a system: “A system is a set of interconnected elements, isolated from the environment and interacting with it as a whole.”

21. Block diagram of the white box system. Graphs

The second definition of a system: “A system is a set of interconnected elements, isolated from the environment and interacting with it as a whole.” This definition covers black box, composition, and structure models. It is called a system block diagram (white box).

Example: block diagram of a clock.

Abstraction from the content side of structural diagrams leads to a diagram in which only the presence of elements and connections between them is indicated. In mathematics, such an object is called a graph. (graph - diagram, graph, graph). In a graph, there are vertices (the elements correspond to them) and edges (the connections correspond to them). If the connections are not symmetrical, then they are denoted by edges with arrows (arc) and the graph is called oriented, otherwise it is called undirected. You can reflect differences between elements and connections by assigning numerical characteristics to edges (edge ​​weight - weighted graph) or by revealing vertices and edges (colored graph). There are two types of system dynamics:

- functioning - processes occurring in a system that stably realizes a fixed goal (clock, public transport, cinema, TV, ...);

- development - changing the system when its goals change. The existing structure of the system must change (and sometimes its composition) to support the new purpose.

Dynamic models can also be constructed in the form of a black box, a composition model (a list of steps in a sequence of actions), or a block diagram model (for example, in the form of a network diagram when describing some production process). Formalization of the concept dynamic system is carried out by considering the correspondence between the set of possible values ​​of inputs X, outputs Y and an ordered set of moments of time T

T->X; T->Y; Tеt, Tеx, x=x(t), y=y(t).

The black box model is a combination of two processes (x(t)), (y(t)). Even if we assume that y(t)=F(x(t)), then in the black box model the transformation F is unknown.

22. Dynamic models of the system. Operation and development

The object model represents the static structure of the designed system (subsystem). However, knowledge of the static structure is not enough to understand and evaluate the operation of the subsystem.

It is necessary to have means for describing the changes that occur with objects and their connections during the operation of the subsystem. One such tool is a dynamic subsystem model. It is built after the object model of the subsystem has been built and previously agreed upon and debugged. The dynamic model of a subsystem consists of state diagrams of its objects and subsystems.

Dynamic models are used to evaluate developmental phenomena.

A dynamic model of a system consists of state diagrams of its objects and subsystems.

The current state of an object is characterized by a set of current values ​​of its attributes and relationships. During operation of the system, its constituent objects interact with each other, as a result of which their states change. The unit of influence is an event: each event leads to a change in the state of one or more objects in the system, or to the occurrence of new events. The operation of a system is characterized by the sequence of events occurring in it.

The functioning (and development) of the system is possible if the system includes:

1. "Elements" - subsystems;

2. A single “Managing structure” - a system-forming factor;

3. Possibility of exchange with the environment (within and within the system) of matter, energy, and information.

The functioning of the formed system occurs at two levels:

1. Management uses fictions;

2. An element (a subsystem represented as a “whole”) is a phantom and uses “data”.

A given is something that exists without our assistance as a fact.

Fact (from Latin factum - done, accomplished) - 1) event; actual - valid.

2) done, accomplished; the reality in front of us, that which is recognized as really existing.

Thus, experiencing Events-Facts, the Element changes.

The control structure receives a signal that the element has changed.

Thus we have:

The element is

Event-Fact change Signal

The control structure is

Signal receiving a signal determining the characteristics of the signal determining the significance of the signal Concept

In fact, here we are seeing a transition

Event-Fact Signal Concept


The control structure is one reality (Concepts), and the Element (a subsystem presented as a “whole”) is another reality (Event-Fact).

But the Transition between realities is made only by a SIGNAL (from the Latin signum - sign), a sign that carries a message (information) about an event, the state of an object under observation, or transmits control commands, alerts, etc.

Thus, the Functional system is:

- Element incoming Signal Event-Fact outgoing Signal - Control structure incoming Signal Concept outgoing Signal

But since the “Element” is, in turn, also a “System”, the picture of the Functional system is more complicated:

The Control Structure generates an outgoing Signal based on the Concept, and the Element (subsystem) generates an outgoing Signal based on the Event-Fact.

Therefore, for the system to function properly, it needs

- A signal that correctly reflects the Event-Fact;

- The mechanism of correct formation of the Concept.

23. Transformation of a formal model into a meaningful one. Recommendations for achieving model completeness

With all the unimaginable diversity of real systems, there are very few fundamentally different types of system models: a “black box” model, a composition model, a relationship model, as well as their reasonable combinations and, above all, the unification of all three models, i.e. system structure. This applies both to static models that reflect the fixed state of the system and to dynamic models that reflect the nature of temporary processes that occur with the system. We can say that the structure ("white box") is obtained as a result of the "summation" of the "black box" models, composition and relations. All of these types of models are formal, relevant to any system and, therefore, not related to any specific system. To obtain a model of a given system, it is necessary to give the formal model specific content, i.e. decide which aspects of a real system to include as elements of a model of the chosen type, and which not, considering them unimportant. This process is usually informal, since signs of materiality or insignificance in very rare cases can be formalized (such cases include, for example, the possibility of taking as a sign of materiality the frequency of occurrence of a given element in various similar, i.e., equally classified, systems). Equally poorly formalized are the signs of elementaryness and the signs of differentiation between subsystems.

For these reasons, the process of constructing meaningful models is a creative process. Nevertheless, the intuition of an expert developing a content model is greatly helped by the formal model and recommendations for filling it with specific content. The formal model is a “window” through which the expert looks at the real system, building a meaningful model.

In the process of constructing meaningful models of systems, the need to use dialectics is clearly visible. In this process, the main task is to create a complete model. General recommendations for achieving completeness follow from the basic principles of dialectics:

- it is necessary to strive to take into account all significant factors influencing the phenomenon under consideration; since such materiality is not always obvious, it is better to include an unimportant element in the model than not to include an essential one;

- one of the necessary signs of the completeness of a model is the presence of contradictory elements in it; special attention should be paid to this point: for example, when listing outputs, it is necessary to include in the list not only desirable target outputs (connections, products, etc.), but also undesirable ones (waste, defects, etc.);

No matter how extensive our knowledge about a given phenomenon is, reality is richer than models - there are always unknown factors in it; In order not to lose sight of the possibility of something significant, but still unknown, it is recommended to include implicit “spare”, non-specific elements in the model (such as “everything else”, “something else”) and refer to these elements at various stages of system analysis , as if posing the question: is it time to supplement the model with another explicit element? These recommendations, of course, do not exhaust all possibilities: the arsenal of the art of modeling includes many scientifically based methods and empirical heuristics.

System- is a collection of elements of arbitrary nature located in relationships And connections with each other, which forms a certain integrity. The energy of connections between the elements of the system exceeds the energy of their connections with elements of other systems, thereby forming the system as an integral entity. The category of the system defines the ontological core systematic approach(cm. ). The forms of objectification of this category in different versions of the approach are different and are determined by the theoretical and methodological concepts and means used.

System concept

The exceptional diversity of ideas about the system in human cognition gives rise to the desire to reduce the characteristics of the system to a certain minimum. With all the variety of interpretations, understanding the system in the most general terms traditionally includes the idea of ​​​​the unity and integrity of its interconnected elements, that is, it involves considering the system as an object, first of all, from the point of view the whole. The semantic field of such an understanding includes the terms “element”, “whole”, “unity”, “connection”, “interaction”, as well as “structure” - a diagram of connections between the elements of the system (see). The structure of the system presupposes orderliness, organization, structure, determined by the nature of the relationships between the elements and its relationship with the external environment, in which two opposing properties of the system are manifested: limitation(external property of the system) and integrity(internal property of the system).

The concept of a system has an extremely wide scope of application (almost every object can be considered as a system), therefore a fairly complete understanding of the category of system involves the construction of a family of corresponding definitions - both substantive and formal. Only within the framework of such a family of definitions is it possible to express the main features of systems and the corresponding system principles:

  1. Integrity- a certain independence of the system from external environment and from other systems; a certain dependence of each element, property and relationship of the system on its place, functions, and so on within the whole.
  2. Connectivity- the presence of connections and relationships that allow, through transitions along them from element to element, to connect any two elements of the system;
  3. Structurality- the ability to describe a system through establishing its structure, that is, a diagram of connections and relationships; the conditioning of the behavior of a system not so much by the behavior of its individual elements as by the properties of its structure.
  4. Hierarchy- each component of the system, in turn, can be considered as a system, and the system being studied in this case is one of the components of a broader system.
  5. Function- Availability goals(capabilities), while not being a simple sum of the goals (capabilities) of the elements included in the system; the fundamental irreducibility (degree of irreducibility) of the properties of a system to the sum of the properties of its elements is called emergence.
  6. Multiplicity of descriptions of each system- due to the fundamental complexity of each system, its adequate knowledge requires the construction of many different models, each of which describes only a certain aspect of the system.

According to this approach, general scheme The system components can be represented as follows:

  1. System element. An indivisible part of a system, characterized by specific properties that uniquely define it in a given system. The multitude of elements that make up the unity, their connections and interactions among themselves and between them and the external environment, form the integrity, qualitative certainty and purposefulness inherent in the system. The number of different elements and their relationships that the system includes determines it complexity.
  2. System connections. The set of dependencies of the properties of one element on the properties of other elements of the system: one-sided; bilateral, multilateral. Connections determine the order of exchange between elements of matter, energy, and information, which is important for the system. The simplest connections are serial and parallel connections of elements and positive and negative feedback. In complex systems, information connections are of particular importance, but energy and material connections are no less important. A complex set of connections in such systems forms such a property as hierarchy, which is inherent not only in the structure and morphology of the system, but also in its behavior: individual levels of the system determine certain aspects of its behavior, and the holistic functioning turns out to be the result interactions all its sides and levels.
  3. System structure. The orderliness of the relationships connecting the elements of the system determines the structure of the system as a set of elements that function in accordance with the connections established between the elements of the system. The structure can be represented as a diagram - a static model of a system that characterizes only the structure of the system, without taking into account the many properties and states of its elements. As a rule, when introducing the concept of structure, the system is reflected by dividing it into subsystems, components, elements with relationships that can be of a different nature. The same system can be represented by different structures depending on the stage of cognition of objects or processes, the aspect of their consideration, the purpose of creation, and so on. At the same time, as research progresses or during design, the structure of the system may change. Structures can be represented in matrix form, in the form of set-theoretic descriptions, using the language of topology, algebra and other systems modeling tools. The most common classes of structures are:
    1. Network structure represents a decomposition of the system in time. Such structures can display the order of operation of a technical system (for example, a telephone network, an electrical network, and the like), stages of human activity (for example, in production - a network diagram, in design - a network model, in planning - a network plan, and the like).
    2. Hierarchical structure represents a decomposition of the system in space. All components and connections exist in these structures simultaneously (not separated in time). Such structures may have a greater number of levels of decomposition (structuring). Structures in which each element of a lower level is subordinate to one node of a higher level (and this is true for all levels of the hierarchy) are called tree structures, or hierarchical structures with “strong” connections. Structures in which an element of a lower level can be subordinate to two or more nodes of a higher level are called hierarchical structures with “weak” connections.
    3. Matrix structure is a hierarchical structure with “weak” connections, which is based on the principle of multiple hierarchy. Relations in the form of “weak” connections between two levels are built on a functional principle and are similar to relations in a matrix formed from the components of these two levels.
    4. Multi-level hierarchical structure is a hierarchical structure with “strong” and “weak” connections, which is based on the principle of multiple hierarchy. Thus, in the systems theory of M. Mesarovich, special classes of hierarchical structures were proposed, distinguished by different principles of relationships between elements within a level and different rights of intervention of a higher level in the organization of relationships between elements of the lower level, for the names of which he proposed the following terms: “strata”, “layers” , "echelons".
    5. Mixed hierarchical structure is a structure with vertical and horizontal connections.
    6. Structure with arbitrary connections can have any form, combine the principles of different types of structures and violate them.
  4. System interaction. The process of mutual influence of elements, a system and the external environment on each other, as well as the set of interrelations and relationships between their properties when they acquire the nature of interaction.
  5. External environment of the system. Everything that is not part of the system is united by the concept of “external environment”. In essence, identifying a system is dividing, for certain reasons, a certain area of ​​the material or abstract world into two parts, one of which is considered as a system, and the other as the external environment. This implies that the external environment is a set of objects and other systems existing in space and time that are assumed to act on the system in one way or another. At the same time, there is a certain interdependence between the system and the external environment - the system forms and manifests its properties in the process of interaction with the environment, being an active component of this interaction.

Properties of the system

Among the many properties inherent in systems, the most important ones characterizing their functioning stand out:

  1. State of the system. A set of values ​​for the main parameters of a system that determines the nature of its functioning over a certain time interval. The state of a system can be represented as a set of states of its n elements and connections between them (two-way connections cannot be more than n(n - 1 ) in a system with n elements). The specification of a specific system comes down to the specification of its states throughout its life cycle. A real system cannot be in any state, since there are always known limitations - some internal and external factors. Possible states of a real system form in the space of its states a certain set of admissible states of the system. The state of the system is determined (in the case of systems of a material nature) either through input influences and output signals (results), or through macroparameters, macroproperties of the system.
  2. System behavior. If a system is capable of transitioning from one state to another (for example, s1s2s3→ …), then it is implied that it has behavior. This concept is used when the patterns or rules for the transition of a system from one state to another are unknown. In such cases, they say that the system has some behavior and find out its nature, algorithm and other features.
  3. Equilibrium of the system. The ability of a system in the absence of external disturbing influences (or under constant influences) to maintain its state for an indefinitely long time (or over a given time interval) is called a state of equilibrium.
  4. System stability. Stability is understood as the ability of a system to return to a state of equilibrium after it has been removed from this state under the influence of external (and in systems with active elements - internal) disturbing influences. This ability is relative and is usually inherent in systems only when the deviations do not exceed a certain limit. The state of equilibrium to which the system is capable of returning is called a stable state of equilibrium. The return to this state may be accompanied by an oscillatory process. Accordingly, unstable equilibrium states are possible in complex systems.
  5. System development. Each system in its development goes through a number of main stages:
    1. emergence;
    2. becoming;
    3. transformation.

    The emergence of a system is a complex contradictory process associated with the concept of “new”. This process, in turn, can be divided into two stages:

    1. hidden stage - the emergence of new elements and new connections within the old one;
    2. a clear stage when accumulated new factors lead to a leap - the emergence of a new quality.

    The process of system formation is associated with a further quantitative increase in qualitatively identical sets of its elements and with the emergence of new qualities in the system.

    The contradiction between qualitatively identical elements is one of the sources of system development. The consequence of this contradiction is the tendency of the elements to disperse in space. On the other hand, there are system-forming factors that prevent the system from falling apart. In addition, there is a system boundary, crossing which can be disastrous for the elements of the system and for the system as a whole. In addition, each system is subject to other systems that prevent the expansion of system boundaries. All this defines integrity as a specific property of a mature system.

    The new functional qualities acquired by the system include specific properties acquired by the system in the process of its communication with the external environment. The most promising elements of the system are those whose functions correspond to the needs of the system’s existence in a specific external environment. The system as a whole becomes specialized. It can function successfully only in the environment in which it was formed. Any transition of the system to another environment inevitably causes its transformation.

    A system in the period of maturity is internally contradictory due to the duality of its existence as a system that completes one form of movement and is the bearer of a higher form of movement. Even under favorable external conditions, internal contradictions lead the system to a state of transformation - an inevitable stage of its development.

    External reasons for system transformation:

    1. changes in the external environment;
    2. penetration into the system of alien elements affecting the structure of the system.

    Internal reasons for system transformation:

    1. limited development space and aggravation of contradictions between elements of the system;
    2. accumulation of errors during the development of the system (mutations in living organisms);
    3. cessation of reproduction of the elements that make up the system.

    Transformation of a system can lead to both the death of the system and the emergence of a qualitatively different system, and the degree of organization of the new system may be equal to or higher than the degree of organization of the system being transformed.

    Thus, under certain conditions, an abrupt transition of the system to a new higher (or lower) level of order is possible. Moreover, the transition of a system to various states characteristic of it, as well as the destruction of the system, can be the result of both fairly strong external influences and relatively weak fluctuations that exist for a long time or are amplified due to positive feedback. System transition to new level organization in certain situations is a random process of the system choosing one of the possible paths of evolution. Here again the word “possible” should be emphasized, that is, it is reasonable to talk about creating conditions for the system to transition into one of the possible states inherent to it.

    There are two extreme options for changing the structure of the system, which can be conventionally designated as revolutionary and evolutionary. During a revolutionary transformation, it is assumed that the creation of a new organization of the system, its new structure, must be preceded by a violent breakdown of the structure of the old one. Usually, after such a violent break, the system switches to a more low level orderliness, while the formation of a new structure is delayed for a long, sometimes indefinite, period. During an evolutionary transformation, new relationships are formed within the existing structure, and new trends in the development of the system arise. With the accumulation of quantitative changes, an abrupt, and in this sense revolutionary, transition of the system to a new equilibrium state is possible - to a new structure for which the system is “internally” ready. In this case, the essence of the revolutionary transformation comes down to the destruction of elements that impede the formation of a new structure (for example, in socio-economic systems such elements are governing bodies).

    If we assume that the state of the system can be represented by a set of n parameters, then each state of the system will correspond to a point in n-dimensional state space of the system, and the functioning of the system will manifest itself in the movement of this point along a certain trajectory in the state space. Apparently, achieving the desired state is possible in the general case along several trajectories. The preference of a trajectory is determined by an assessment of the quality of the trajectory and also depends on the restrictions imposed on the system, including the external environment. These restrictions determine the range of permissible trajectories. To determine the preferred trajectory from among the acceptable ones, a criterion for the quality of system functioning is introduced - in the general case [formally] in the form of some target functions (functionals, relations). On the preferred [optimal] trajectory, the objective functions reach extreme values. Purposeful intervention in the behavior of a system, ensuring that the system selects an optimal development trajectory is called management(cm. ).

  6. Movement of the system. The process of sequential changes in the state of the system. Movement can be both forced and spontaneous. Forced movement of a system is a change in its state under the influence of the external environment. Thus, an example of the forced movement of the “organization” system can be the movement of resources according to an order entered into the system from the outside. The proper motion of a system is a change in the state of the system without the influence of the external environment (only under the influence of internal causes). Thus, the proper movement of the “man” system will be his life as a biological (and not social) individual, that is, nutrition, sleep, reproduction, and the like.
  7. System limitations. A set of factors that determine the operating conditions of the system (implementation of the process). Restrictions can be both internal and external. One of the main external constraints is the purpose of the system. An example of internal constraints could be the resources that ensure the implementation of a particular process.
  8. System processes. A set of successive changes in the state of a system to achieve a goal. System processes include:
    1. input process - a set of input influences that change over time;
    2. output process - a set of output impacts on the external environment that change over time and are determined by output quantities (reactions);
    3. transient process - a set of transformations of the initial state and input influences of the system into output quantities that change over time according to certain rules.
  9. System functions. Properties of the system that lead to achieving the goal. The functioning of a system is manifested in its transition from one state to another or in the preservation of a certain state for a certain period. In this sense, the behavior of a system is its functioning over time. Purposeful (goal-oriented) behavior is focused on achieving the system’s preferred goal. In a system consisting of interconnected, interacting subsystems, the optimum for the entire system is not a function (for example, the sum) of the optima of the subsystems included in the system. This position is sometimes called the optimum theorem of the system approach.

Development of system views

The natural systematicity of human thinking, activity and related practices is one of the objective factors in the emergence and development of systemic concepts and theories. The natural growth of the systematic nature of human activity is accompanied by its improvement throughout the history of human development. IN modern society systemic ideas have already reached such a level that thoughts about the usefulness of a systems approach in relation to any activity are familiar and generally accepted.

Having undergone a long historical evolution, the concept of “system” in the 20th century becomes one of the key philosophical, methodological, general scientific and special scientific concepts. In modern scientific(mass media technical(see) knowledge, the development of problems related to the research and design of systems of various kinds is carried out within the framework systematic approach(cm. ), general systems theory(see), various special systems theories, system analysis, V cybernetics, systems engineering(cm. ), synergetics(see) and many other areas.

The first ideas about the system arose in ancient philosophy, which put forward an ontological interpretation of the system as orderliness and integrity being(see), as well as the idea of ​​systematic knowledge (integrity of knowledge, axiomatic construction of logic, geometry). In ancient philosophy and science, the concept of a system is included in the context of philosophical searches for general principles of the organization of thinking and knowledge. To understand the genesis of the concept of a system, the moment of inclusion of mythological ideas about the Cosmos, the World Order, the One and similar categories in the context of philosophical and methodological reasoning is fundamental. For example, the thesis formulated in Antiquity that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts no longer had only a mystical meaning, but also fixed the problem of the organization of thinking. The Pythagoreans and Eleatics solved the problem of not only explaining and understanding the world, but also the ontological justification of the rational procedures they used. Number and Being are principles that not so much explain and describe the world, but rather express the point of view of emerging rational thinking and the requirement to think about the unity of the many. Plato expresses this requirement explicitly: “The existing one is at the same time one and many, both the whole and the parts...” Only the unity of the many, that is, a system, can, according to Plato, be an object of knowledge. The identification of the system with the World Order by the Stoics can only be comprehended taking into account all these factors.

The ideas about the systematic nature of being, adopted from Antiquity, developed both in the systemic-ontological concepts of B. Spinoza and G. V. Leibniz, and in the constructions of scientific taxonomy of the 17th–18th centuries, which strived for a natural (rather than teleological) interpretation of the systematic nature of the world (for example, classification K. Linnaeus). In modern philosophy and science, the concept of a system was used in the study of scientific knowledge; At the same time, the range of proposed solutions was very wide - from the denial of the systemic nature of scientific-theoretical knowledge (E. B. de Condillac) to the first attempts to philosophically substantiate the logical-deductive nature of knowledge systems (I. G. Lambert and others).

The principles of the systemic nature of knowledge were developed in German classical philosophy: according to I. Kant, scientific knowledge is a system in which the whole dominates the parts; F. Schelling and G. W. F. Hegel interpreted the systematic nature of cognition as the most important requirement of theoretical thinking. IN Western philosophy the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries contains productions, and in some cases and solutions to some problems of systemic research: the specifics of theoretical knowledge as a system (neo-Kantianism), the characteristics of the whole (holism, Gestalt psychology), methods for constructing logical and formalized systems (neopositivism). Marxist philosophy, based on the principles of materialist dialectics (the universal connection of phenomena, development, contradictions and others), made a certain contribution to the development of the philosophical and methodological foundations of the study of systems.

For the penetration of the concept of a system into various areas of concrete scientific knowledge, which began in the second half of the 19th century, the creation of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory, the theory of relativity, quantum physics, and later structural linguistics was important. The task arose of constructing a strict definition of the concept of a system and developing operational methods for analyzing systems. Priority in this regard belongs to the concept of universal organizational science developed by A. A. Bogdanov at the beginning of the 20th century - tectology. This theory did not receive worthy recognition in its time, and only in the second half of the 20th century the importance of Bogdanov’s tectology was adequately assessed.

A number of concrete scientific concepts of systems and principles of their analysis were formulated in the 1930–1940s in the works of V. I. Vernadsky, T. Kotarbinsky, L. von Bertalanffy. Bertalanffy's construction program proposed in the late 1940s general systems theory was one of the attempts at a generalized analysis of systemic problems. It is this systemic research program that has gained the greatest fame in the world. scientific community the second half of the 20th century and its development and modification is largely related to the systemic movement that arose at that time in science and technical disciplines. In addition to this program, in the 1950s–1960s, a number of system-wide concepts and definitions of the concept of a system were put forward - within the framework of cybernetics, systems approach, systems analysis, systems engineering, the theory of irreversible processes and other areas of research.

The widespread dissemination of the ideas of systems research and the systems approach is one of characteristic features scientific and technical knowledge of the 20th century. The development of an engineering approach and technology in the 20th century opens the era of artificial and technical development of systems. Now systems are not only researched, but designed and constructed. At the same time, an organizational and managerial setting is being formalized: management objects also begin to be considered as systems. This leads to the identification of more and more new classes of systems: goal-oriented, self-organizing, reflexive and others. The term “system” itself is included in the vocabulary of almost all professional fields. Since the mid-20th century, research on the general theory of systems and developments in the field of systems approach have been widely developed, and an interprofessional and interdisciplinary systems movement has emerged.

Currently, the main task of specialized systems theories is to build specific scientific knowledge about different types and different aspects systems, while the main problems of general systems theory are concentrated around the logical and methodological principles of systems analysis and the construction of a meta-theory of systems research. Within the framework of this issue, the establishment of methodological conditions and restrictions on the use of systemic methods is of particular importance. Such restrictions include, in particular, the so-called system paradoxes, for example the hierarchy paradox (the solution to the problem of describing any given system is possible only if the problem of describing this system as an element of a wider system is solved, and the solution of the latter problem is possible only if the problem of description is solved of this system as a system). The way out of this and similar paradoxes is to use the method of successive approximations, which allows, by operating with incomplete and obviously limited ideas about the system, to gradually achieve more adequate knowledge about the system under study. An analysis of the methodological conditions for the use of system methods shows both the fundamental relativity of any description of a particular system available at a given moment in time, and the need to use the entire arsenal of substantive and formal means of system research when analyzing any system.

At the same time, despite the widespread dissemination of systems research, the categorical and ontological status of the “system as such” remains largely uncertain. This is caused, on the one hand, by fundamental differences in the professional attitudes of supporters of the systems approach, on the other hand, by attempts to extend this concept to an extremely wide range of phenomena, and finally, by procedural limitations traditional concept systems.

In all the variety of interpretations of systems, two approaches continue to be preserved. From the point of view of the first of them (it can be called ontological or, more strictly, naturalistic), systematicity is interpreted as a fundamental property of objects of knowledge. Then the task of systemic research becomes the study of specifically systemic properties of an object: identifying its elements, connections and structures, dependencies between connections and similar categories. Moreover, elements, connections, structures and dependencies are interpreted as “natural”, inherent in the “nature” of the objects themselves and in this sense objective. In this approach, the system is considered as an object that has its own laws of life. Another approach (it can be called epistemological-methodological) is that the system is considered as an epistemological construct that does not have natural nature, and defining a specific way of organizing knowledge and thinking. Then systematicity is determined not by the properties of the objects themselves, but by the purposefulness of activity and the organization of thinking. Differences in goals, means and methods of activity inevitably produce a multiplicity of descriptions of the same object, which in turn gives rise to an attitude towards their synthesis and configuration.

System classification

An essential aspect of revealing the content of interpretations of systems is the identification of different types of systems, while different types and aspects of systems - the laws of their structure, behavior, functioning, development, and so on - are described in the corresponding specialized theories of systems. To identify classes of systems, various classification criteria can be used. The main ones are: the nature of the system elements, origin, duration of existence, variability of properties, degree of complexity, attitude to the environment, reaction to disturbing influences, nature of behavior and the degree of participation of people in the implementation of control actions. To date, a number of classifications of systems using these bases have been formed.

In the most general terms, systems can be divided according to the nature of their elements into material(real) and perfect(abstract). The division of systems into material and abstract allows us to distinguish between real systems (objects, phenomena, processes) and systems that are certain reflections (models) of real objects or pure abstractions.

Material systems are integral collections of objects from various areas of reality and, in turn, are divided into systems consisting of elements of inorganic nature (physical, geological, chemical and others) and living systems, which include both the simplest biological systems and very complex biological ones objects such as an organism, species, ecosystem. Material systems can be relatively simple and relatively complex. Simpler systems consist of relatively homogeneous directly interacting elements. In more complex systems, elements are grouped into subsystems that enter into relationships as certain wholes. A special class of material living systems is formed by social systems, diverse in types and forms (from the simplest social associations to the socio-economic structure of society).

Ideal (abstract) systems are products of human thinking, the elements of which have no direct analogues in the real world and represent ideal objects - concepts or ideas connected by certain relationships. They are created by mental abstraction from certain aspects, properties and/or connections of objects and are formed as a result of human creative activity. They can also be divided into many different types (special systems are scientific concepts, hypotheses, theories, systems of equations and the like). An abstract system is, for example, a system of concepts of a particular science. Abstract systems also include scientific knowledge about systems of various types, as they are formulated in the general theory of systems, special theories systems and other areas. In modern science, much attention is paid to the study of language as a [semiotic] ​​system; as a result of the generalization of these studies, a general theory of signs emerged - semiotics(cm. ).

Justification tasks mathematicians And logic(see) caused intensive development of the principles of construction formalized logical systems. The results of these studies are widely used in all fields of science and technology. In general, formalized logical systems are divided into three main classes:

  1. static mathematical systems or models that describe an object at any point in time;
  2. dynamic mathematical systems or models reflect the behavior of an object over time;
  3. located in an unstable position between statics and dynamics, which under some influences behave as static, and under other influences as dynamic.

Depending on the origin of the systems, there are natural And artificial systems. Natural systems, being a product of the development of nature, arose without human intervention. Artificial systems are the result of human creative activity, and over time their number is constantly increasing.

Based on the duration of their existence, systems are divided into permanent And temporary. Constant systems usually include natural systems, although from the point of view of dialectics all existing systems are temporary. Artificial systems that, during a given period of operation, retain essential properties determined by the purpose of these systems are also considered permanent.

Depending on the degree of variability of the properties of systems, there are static And dynamic systems. It is characteristic of a static system that its state remains constant over time (for example, a gas in a limited volume is in a state of equilibrium). A dynamic system changes its state over time (for example, a living organism). If knowledge of the values ​​of the system variables at a given point in time allows one to establish the state of the system at any subsequent or any previous point in time, then such a system is uniquely deterministic. For a probabilistic (stochastic) system, knowledge of the values ​​of variables at a given point in time allows one to predict the probability of the distribution of the values ​​of these variables at subsequent points in time. The behavior of these classes of systems is described using differential equations, the problem of constructing which is solved in the mathematical theory of systems.

Based on the nature of the relationship between systems and the external environment, they distinguish closed And open systems.

Closed (isolated) systems are physically isolated from the external environment. All static systems are closed, which, however, does not exclude the presence dynamic processes in closed systems. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the ability of isolated physical systems to maintain a constant exchange of matter and energy weakens over time, as a result of which the system consumes its energy reserve, as a result entropy of such a system tends to its maximum. In such systems, differences are leveled out, and self-organization processes are impossible in them. The second law of thermodynamics predicts a rather pessimistic forecast for a homogeneous future for isolated systems. Isolated and closed systems practically do not exist in nature. If we analyze the example of any of these systems, we can be convinced that there are no absolute “isolating screens” from all forms of matter or energy at once, that any system develops or degrades faster or slower. In eternity, the concepts “fast” and “slow” have no meaning, therefore, strictly speaking, there are only open systems close to equilibrium, conventionally called open equilibrium systems. From this point of view, isolated and closed systems are obviously simplified schemes of open systems, useful for the approximate solution of particular problems.

Open systems are characterized by a constant exchange of matter and energy with the external environment. Thus, in biological organisms, mobile equilibrium predominates with a constant exchange of matter and energy with the environment. Such open systems avoid entropy through metabolism and the constant flow of information from the external environment. All open systems are characterized by self-stabilization and self-regulation. These systems are capable of maintaining the current state as a result of the inclusion of control processes. Negative feedback signals counteract incoming information from the environment, eliminate disturbances and, thus, restore the desired state of the system. In open organic systems, the ability to dynamically self-stabilize the desired state is called homeostasis. Such systems are characterized by a smooth equilibrium, since the absorption of environmental disturbances does not lead to the original state, but to a new equilibrium state. Self-organization and morphogenesis represent the most common processes of systemic change in the evolution of open systems. While self-stabilization is achieved through negative feedback, self-organization is achieved through positive feedback. The development of a system (morphogenesis) involves adaptation of the initial equilibrium state to external disturbances and, accordingly, the achievement of a new stage of development. Environmental disturbances cause an increase in self-stabilization mechanisms.

A new interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics has been proposed. According to Prigogine, entropy is not just a non-stop sliding of a system to a state devoid of any organization. Irreversible processes are the source of order. In highly non-equilibrium conditions, a transition from disorder, chaos to order can occur. New dynamic states of matter may arise, reflecting the interaction of a given system with the environment. Prigogine calls these new structures dissipative, since their stability rests on the dissipation of energy and matter. The theories of nonequilibrium dynamics and synergetics set a new paradigm for the evolution of systems, overcoming the thermodynamic principle of progressive slippage to entropy. From the point of view of this new paradigm, order, balance and stability of systems are achieved by constant dynamic nonequilibrium processes.

Depending on the reaction to disturbing influences, there are active And passive systems. Active systems are able to withstand the influences of the external environment and other systems and can themselves influence them. Passive systems do not have this property.

According to the nature of their behavior, all systems are divided into systems with control And without control. The class of systems with control is formed by systems in which the process of goal setting and goal implementation is realized. An example of systems without control is the Solar system, in which the trajectories of the planets are determined by the laws of gravity operating in the Universe.

In applied sciences, as well as in management theory and practice, classifications of systems are widely used depending on the degree of their complexity and organization. For these reasons, systems are divided into big, simple, complex And organizational. As a rule, when we talk about different types of control systems, this is the general division that is meant first of all.

Organizational systems include social systems - groups, teams, communities of people, society as a whole (see).

Simple systems are called systems consisting of a limited and relatively small number of elements with the same type of single-level connections. Such systems can be described with a sufficient degree of accuracy by known mathematical relationships.

Large systems are called multi-component systems that include a significant number of elements with the same type of multi-level connections. Large systems are spatially distributed systems of a high degree of complexity, in which subsystems (their component parts) also belong to the category of complex ones. Additional signs characterizing a large system are:

  • big sizes;
  • complex hierarchical structure;
  • circulation in the system of large information, energy and material flows;
  • high level of uncertainty in the description of the system.

Complex systems are called structurally and functionally complex multicomponent systems with a large number of interconnected and interacting elements various types and with numerous and heterogeneous connections between them. Complex systems are distinguished by multidimensionality, heterogeneity of structure, diversity of the nature of elements and connections, organizational resistance and sensitivity to influences, asymmetry of the potential for implementing functional and dysfunctional changes. Moreover, each of the elements of such a system can also be represented as a system (subsystem). A complex system is one that has at least one of the following features:

  • the system as a whole has properties that none of its constituent elements possesses;
  • the system can be divided into subsystems and each of them can be studied separately;
  • the system operates under conditions of significant uncertainty and environmental influence on it, which determines the random nature of changes in its indicators;
  • the system makes a purposeful choice of its behavior.

In cybernetics, the measure of complexity is associated with the concept of diversity. In particular, from the principle of diversity it follows that the analysis of systems (processes, situations) with a certain diversity is possible only with the use of control systems capable of generating at least no less diversity.

An important feature of complex systems, especially living, technical and social ones, is the transfer of information, which determines the significant relationships between their properties. Therefore, management processes play a significant role in the functioning of such systems. The most complex types of such systems include goal-directed systems, the behavior of which is subordinated to the achievement of certain goals, and self-organizing systems that are capable of modifying their structure in the process of functioning. At the same time, many complex systems are characterized by the presence of goals of different levels, often inconsistent with each other.

Systems containing active elements (subsystems), that is, elements that have the ability to independently make decisions regarding their state, are called organizational systems (organizations). In organizational systems, both the entire system and its individual elements have the property of purposefulness. In this way, an organization differs from a system called an organism. There is a division of systemic functions between individual elements (organs) of the body, but only the body as a whole can be purposeful.

A system is an integral set of elements, the properties of which are determined by the characteristics of these elements, the connections between them and the environment.

The property of a system is manifested in its general function, which directly or indirectly depends on the characteristics of the functions of individual elements of the system.

Ludwig von Bertalanffy introduced the concept of “system” into the systems approach.

The concept of "system" comes from observing various systems, arose from the need to separate individual parts and the whole. "Whole" is a synonym for system.

Main features of the system:

1.Integrity – irreducibility of the properties of a system to the properties of its constituent elements. It should be borne in mind that elements exist only in the system. Outside the system, these are, at best, objects that have systemically significant properties. When entering the system, the element acquires a system-defined property instead of a system-significant one. For a system, the primary sign of integrity is that it is considered as a single whole, consisting of interacting parts, often of different quality, but at the same time compatible.

2.Elements – the presence of interconnected elements.

3. Interrelation and interdependence of system elements. Actions, changes in one element of the system lead to action, changes in another element of the system.

4. Relationship with the environment.

There are open and closed systems, but only if the system is informational. Information system is an interconnected set of means, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in the interests of achieving a set goal.

Energy interaction with the environment is mandatory, material interaction is only the norm, and information interaction divides systems into open and closed.

5. Hierarchy. Each system consists of subsystems, subsystems, in turn, also consist of subsystems, and so on ad infinitum.

System (below) → subsystem (lower order system) → subsystem of subsystem → ...

Metasystem (higher order system) ← system

6. Emergence is an unexpected event. Systemic effects are unpredictable. Emergence presupposes the presence of such qualities (properties) that are inherent in the system as a whole, but not characteristic of any of its elements separately.


8.Structure. A system is a collection of interconnected elements, and from the point of view of dialectical materialism, these elements are also systems, i.e. elements do not exist as such, there are only subsystems, and we call them elements because in this consideration their structure is not important to us, or at this stage of cognition we simply do not know it.

9. Focus. Every system has a goal.

Based on their origin, systems are divided into natural and artificial:

Natural - alive.

Artificial – systems created by man.

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