Electronic presentation for the literature lesson "Russian epics". Presentation on the topic "Russian epics"

From the glorious city of Rostov
How two clear falcons flew out -
Two mighty heroes rode out:
What is the name of Aleshenka Popovich Young
And with young Yakim Ivanovich.
They ride, heroes, shoulder to shoulder,
The stirrup is a heroic stirrup.

By the sea, the blue sea,
According to blue, but Khvalunsky
The Falcon-ship walked and walked
A little - a lot of twelve years.
The Falcon-ship did not stay at anchor,
I didn’t lean on steep banks,
There weren't enough yellow sands.
The Falcon-ship was well decorated:
Nose, stern - like an animal,
And the sides are folded like a snake,
Instead of eyes it was also inserted
Two stones, two yachts,
Moreover, it was on the Falcon on the ship:
Instead of eyebrows it was also hung
Two sables, two greyhounds;
Moreover, it was on the Falcon on the ship:
It was also hanged instead of eyes
Two Mamur martens;
Moreover, it was on the Falcon on the ship:
Three more cathedral churches,
Moreover, it was on the Falcon on the ship:

Dobrynyushka also traveled all over the earth,
Dobrynyushka also traveled all over the country;
And Dobrynyushka was looking for a rider,
And Dobrynya was looking for an opponent:
He couldn't find a rider,
He couldn't find an opponent.
He drove off into an open field in the distance,
He saw where the tent stood in the field.
And the tent stood of dug velvet;
There was a signature on the tent,
And it was signed with a threat:
“And whoever comes to the tent will not be alive,
But he won’t be alive, he won’t get away.”
And there was a barrel of green wine in the tent;
And on the barrel is a silver cup,
And the silver cup is gilded,
Not small, not big, one and a half buckets.

If only heroes lived at the outposts,
Not far from the city - twelve miles away,
If only they had lived here for fifteen years;
If only there were thirty of them with the hero;
We did not see either horse or foot,
They are neither a passer-by nor a passer-by,
Yes, not a gray wolf prowled here,
The falcon never flew clear,
Yes, the non-Russian hero did not pass by.
If only there were thirty heroes with a hero:
The chieftain was the old Cossack Ilya Muromets,
Ilya Muromets and son Ivanovich;
Subatamanem Samson da Kolybanovich,
Yes, Dobrynya Mikitich lived as a clerk,
Yes, Alyosha Popovich lived as a cook,
And Mishka Toropanishko lived as a groom;
Yes, and Vasily son Buslaevich lived here,
And Vasenka Ignatievich lived here,
Yes, and Duke and son Stepanovich lived here,
Yes, and Perm and his son Vasilyevich lived here,
Yes, and Radivon and the High Ones lived,
And Potanyushka Khromenkoy lived here;

At Prince Sergei's
There was a feast, a feast,
On princes, on nobles,
On Russian defenders - heroes
And throughout the entire Russian clearing.
Red sun at the bottom
And the feast goes on with joy;
Everyone at the feast is drunk and merry,
Behind you at the oak table
The hero Bulat Eremeevich is sitting,
Princess Sergei Kyiv
Walking around the dining room
Shakes golden bells
And he says these words:
“Oh, you, Bulat Eremeevich!

How can one say about a poor person and about a white one?
To say something about a daring fellow is a burly fellow.
And he walks around, a daring, good fellow,
The Tsarev goes to a big tavern,
On the circle he walks like a sovereign;
He drinks a lot, kid, green wine,
He doesn’t drink by magic, he doesn’t drink glasses himself,
He will roll away the forty barrels;
The kid gets drunk himself,
Butman-son gets knocked out of his speeches:
“Now I am stronger than the king,
I’m smarter than the Tsar.”
The king's courtiers came in handy,
Like courtiers - governors,
Governors are thick-bellied people;

At the honest widow's and at Nenila's
And she had a child, Vavila.
And Vavilushka went to the field,
After all, he’s yelling at his nivushka,
Sow more white wheat,
He wants to feed his dear mother.
And to that widow and to Nenila
Happy people came to see her,
Cheerful people, not simple,
Not simple people- buffoons:
- Hello, honest widow Nenila!
Where is your child and now Vavila?

In glorious great Novegrad
And Buslay lived until he was ninety years old,
Lived with the New City, did not contradict,
With the men of Novgorod
Didn't say a word inappropriately.
The tenacious Buslay has grown old,
He grew old and moved.
After his century long
His life remained
And all the noble estates,
The mother left behind is a widow,
Matera Amelfa Timofevna,
And the dear child remained,
Young son Vasily Buslaevich. Well done to you with this luck
The Nakvasity river will be Volkhov.”

Works are divided into pages

In category Russian epics We bring to your attention classical tales, that is, epics recorded by enthusiasts of the 18th-20th centuries in distant Russian villages and villages. All folk epics already after their first publications they began to attract great attention from the domestic aristocracy. Such people as Pushkin, Dobrolyubov, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky were quite interested in them.

The word “epics” was first voiced by I. Sakharov in the book “Songs of the Russian People.” Text epics could be like brief and deployed. Theme of epics usually talks about heroes heroes and their lives and actions, representing a heroic epic. Most of them are historical and can describe both Kievan Rus and pre-state times.

Fairy tale epic Similarities: 1. Both fairy tales and epics exist in oral form. 2.Both genres have existed since ancient times. Differences: 1. A fairy tale is a prosaic, artistic fantasy story of a magical or everyday nature. 2. The main feature is fiction. 3.Fairy tales were “told.” 1. Description of the exploits of heroes. 2. Captures historical reality in general terms. 3. The epics “told” - they sang or spoke, accompanied by the gusli.

Tonic verse The first stress is on the first syllable from the beginning. The last stress is on the third syllable from the end. How ILYA galloped from a good horse, and he fell to mother damp earth. How the damp earth mother knocks, And under the same as the eastern side.

Construction Beginning, development of action, climax, denouement. Chorus Ending (not related to the content) Height, height in heaven, Ay now to him, and after that Depth, depth - okiyan - sea, And now they sing Sadka and glory Wide expanse throughout the whole earth, Deep are the pools of the Dnieper...

Gouges are a loop in a clamp that fastens the shaft to the arc. Bulatny – made of damask steel, hard, elastic, with a patterned steel surface. Saffiano is a thin and soft goat or sheep leather, specially tanned and dyed in a bright color. Solovy - about the color of horses, yellowish (in combination with a light tail and a light mane).

Collectors of epics He opened for us priceless treasures of the spiritual life of the people. 4 volumes (165 epics) of “Songs collected by Rybnikov” were published. Rybnikov Nikolaevich Pavel

We present to your attention a small experimental illustrated dictionary. It may be very incomplete, but it is your own. Explanations are given to several hundred words and concepts related to iconography to varying degrees. The articles are very short, but still, it is better to know a little about everything than a lot about nothing.Who is the dictionary intended for? This dictionary can be classified as popular, and therefore, it is designed for the widest range of readers.What is included in the dictionary. Dictionary entries cover many topics: technology of icon painting and mural painting, information on iconography and architecture, terms related to worship, historical, biographical, art concepts, some outdated words, etc.How to use a dictionary. The dictionary is built on the principle of a notebook: on the right you see signed labels of pages with dictionary entries; by selecting one of them, you can open a sheet with words starting with the selected letters. Here is a list of dictionary pages:A-B|C-G|D-E|G-Z|I-K|L-M|N-O|P-R|S-T|U-F|H-C|CH-SH|SH- Y|E-Z|0-9, A-Z, abbreviations|spelling, spelling|list of articles|literatureThe titles of articles are in most cases given in singular, for example: “CANON”, not “CANON”. After the title of the article, possible synonyms or spellings are given, separated by commas, for example: “AURPIGMENT, auripigment, auripigment, uripigment... yellow, rauschgelb, razhgil.” Data on accentology may be given in square brackets, the stressed vowel is conventionally shown in red, for example: [apse] A brief etymological reference is given for some terms in parentheses, for example: “ CHLAMYS (lat. chlamidis - cloak)" Dates are given in two styles - “old” (Julian calendar) and “new” (Gregorian), for example: “September 4 (17).” The dictionary's reference system is built on the basis of hyperlinks. Clicking on an article word that is a link takes you to the corresponding dictionary entry, for example: “ eight-pointed halo» Whenever possible, I tried to include illustrations in the articles, but to save space and loading time, the sizes of the pictures are quite small. To view the picture in more detail, simply click on it. Some specific links are indicated by icons: - links to books and texts - to images (icons, monumental paintings, etc.) - to architectural structures - to pages and sites on the InternetIf, after the dictionary entry, you see this icon:, then by clicking on it you can find out more detailed information about a word or concept (in any form). You can also look at the list of all Dictionary articles (there, among other things, you can see the current number of dictionary entries) and the list of words that have not yet been described. There has not yet been a place and time for a page about orthoepy (the correct pronunciation of words). A list of sources used is given on the last page of the dictionary.You can find out about the compilers of the dictionary on the “about the authors” page.Are you interested in its form and content? Maybe you have additions or comments? Please report any errors or inaccuracies you find to NesuSvet.

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Bylinas are Russian folk epic songs about the exploits of heroes. The basis of the plot of the epic is some heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence the popular name of the epic - “starina”, “old woman”, implying that the action in question took place in the past). Epics are usually written in tonic verse with two to four stresses. The term “epics” was first introduced by Ivan Sakharov in the collection “Songs of the Russian People” in 1839; he proposed it based on the expression “according to epics” in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which meant “according to the facts.”

Historicism At the center of many Russian epics stands a figure Prince of Kyiv Vladimir, who can be identified with Vladimir II Monomakh (prince 1113-1125). Ilya Muromets is mentioned in the 13th century in the Norwegian “Thidrek Saga” and the German poem “Ortnit”, and in 1594 German traveler Erich Lassota saw his tomb in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Alyosha Popovich served with the Rostov princes, then moved to Kyiv and died in the battle on the Kalka River. The Novgorod Chronicle tells how Stavr Godinovich incurred the wrath of Vladimir Monomakh and was drowned for robbing two citizens of Novgorod; another version of the same chronicle says that he was exiled. Danube Ivanovich is often mentioned in the chronicles of the 13th century as one of the servants of Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich, and Sukhman Dolmantyevich (Odikhmantyevich) was identified with the Pskov prince Domant (Dovmont).

For a long time, epics were not written down until famous scientists Pavel Nikolaevich Rybnikov (1832-1885) and Alexander Fedorovich Hilferding (1831-1872) became interested in them. More than 200 epic texts were included in the four-volume “Songs collected by P. N. Rybnikov.” A.F. Hilferding published 318 epics. Hilferding, Alexander Fedorovich

The images of Russian heroes and knights are widely reflected in the works of famous artists, for example, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel - the decorative panel “Bogatyr”, or Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - “Bogatyrs” (a painting that he painted for almost twenty years). Mikhail Vrubel. Bogatyr. 1898.

Victor Vasnetsov. Bogatyrs on horseback. 1896.

Epics are divided into works of the pre-Christian and Christian periods. The pre-Christian cycle includes tales about Svyatogor, Mikita Selyaninovich, Volga, which belong to the so-called “wandering stories” rooted in the commonality of religious and cult elements of pre-Christian Europe. The Baptism of Rus' and the era of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir became the core of an extensive Christian epic cycle, which is based on reliable historical events and personality. Andrey Ryabushkin. A feast of heroes at the affectionate Prince Vladimir. 1888.

The group of heroes associated with Prince Vladimir and the city of Kiev is divided into senior and junior. Victor Vasnetsov. Knight at a crossroads. 1878.

Only Svyatogor, Volga Svyatoslavich and Mikula Selyaninovich are considered senior heroes; adds Samson, Sukhan and then Polkan, Kolyvan Ivanovich, Ivan Kolyvanovich, Samson Ivanovich, Samson Samoilovich and Molofer or Malafey; Don Ivanovich and Danube Ivanovich are also added. Bogatyrs personify various natural phenomena: older heroes - formidable phenomena, hostile to people, occurring during winter; so, for example, in the image of Svyatogor the gigantic clouds that cover the entire sky are personified; younger heroes are also natural phenomena, but beneficial for humans, occurring in the summer; the walking Kaliki are wandering clouds shedding rain; Initially, both of them were represented as deities, but some were their elder generation, titans, destroyers, and others were protectors of people.

"Svyatogor". 1942 Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich

"Samson" - the central fountain of the Peterhof palace and park ensemble

Younger heroes Younger heroes are divided into native and visiting; the latter include: Solovey Budimirovich, Churilo Plenkovich, Duke Stepanovich and others. Some scientists divide the heroes into types belonging to the pre-Tatar, Tatar and post-Tatar era, or Moscow: to the first group they include Dobrynya Nikitich, Ivan Danilovich and Alyosha Popovich; to the second: the heroes at the outpost, Idolishche, Ilya Muromets, Vasily Ignatievich and the heroes who “transferred”; to the third: Mikulu Selyaninovich, Khoten Bludovich, Churil Plenkovich, Dyuk Stepanovich, Danil Lovchenin, forty caliks with a calico, Solovy Budimirovich. In addition, the heroes are divided into only Vladimir himself, Dobrynya, as well as Volga Svyatoslavich, Stavr Godinovich, Ivan Danilovich, Churil Plenkovich and partly Ivan Godinovich.

Andrey Ryabushkin. Mikula Selyaninovich. 1895.

Andrey Ryabushkin. Volga Vseslavevich. 1895.

Ivan Bilibin. Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber

Andrey Ryabushkin. Alesha Popovich. 1895.

Victor Vasnetsov. Fight between Dobrynya Nikitich and the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych. 1913-1918

Andrey Ryabushkin. Sadko, a rich Novgorod guest. 1895.

The presentation was prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20 named after A.A. Khmelevsky” in Kursk Olga Nikolaevna Maltseva Thank you!

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We present to your attention a small experimental illustrated dictionary. It may be very incomplete, but it is your own. Explanations are given to several hundred words and concepts related to iconography to varying degrees. The articles are very brief, but still, it is better to know a little about everything than a lot about nothing. Who is the dictionary intended for? This dictionary can be classified as popular, and therefore, it is designed for the widest range of readers. What is included in the dictionary. Dictionary entries cover many topics: technology of icon painting and mural painting, information on iconography and architecture, terms related to worship, historical, biographical, art concepts, some outdated words, etc. How to use a dictionary. The dictionary is built on the principle of a notebook: on the right you see signed labels of pages with dictionary entries; by selecting one of them, you can open a sheet with words starting with the selected letters. Here is a list of dictionary pages: A-B|C-D|D-E|Z-Z|I-K|L-M|N-O|P-R|S-T|U-F|H-C|H -Ш|ШЧ-ы|Э-Я|0-9, A-Z, abbreviations|spelling, spelling|list of articles|literature The titles of articles are in most cases given in the singular, for example: “CANON”, not “CANON”. After the title of the article, possible synonyms or spellings are given, separated by commas, for example: “AURPIGMENT, auripigment, auripigment, uripigment... yellow, rauschgelb, razhgil.” Data on accentology may be given in square brackets, the stressed vowel is conventionally shown in red, for example: [apse] A brief etymological reference is given for some terms in parentheses, for example: “CLAMYS (lat. chlamidis - cloak).” Dates are given in two styles - “old” (Julian calendar) and “new” (Gregorian), for example: “September 4 (17).” The dictionary's reference system is built on the basis of hyperlinks. Clicking on an article word that is a link takes you to the corresponding dictionary entry, for example: "eight-pointed halo" Whenever possible, I tried to include illustrations in the articles, but to save space and loading time, the sizes of the pictures are quite small. To view the picture in more detail, simply click on it. Some specific links are indicated by icons: - links to books and texts - to images (icons, monumental paintings, etc.) - to architectural structures - to pages and sites on the Internet If, after a dictionary entry, you come across this icon: , then by clicking on it, you can find out more detailed information about the word or concept (in any form). You can also look at the list of all Dictionary entries (there, among other things, you can see current number of dictionary entries) and to the list of words that have not yet been described. There has not yet been a place and time for a page about orthoepy (the correct pronunciation of words). A list of sources used is given on the last page of the dictionary. You can find out about the compilers of the dictionary on the “about the authors” page. Are you interested in its form and content? Maybe you have additions or comments? Please report any errors or inaccuracies you find to NesuSvet.

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