Means of work on the development of speech. Seminar “Sections of work on the development of speech of preschoolers. Causes of poorly developed speech in a child may be

A baby appeared in the family. This has always been great news for family and friends. But with the advent of the crumbs, parents will certainly be faced with the fact that they do not know how to ensure the proper care and development of the child. At 4 months there are significant changes in the child's behavior. In addition, from birth, the baby begins to develop processes that affect his future life. That is why it is important to know what and how to do it right during this period, how to develop a child at 4 months.

Child physiology

At 4 months, a child's educational games are very important. Great pleasure will be delivered to children if you add fun with an unbreakable mirror that can be attached to a crib or developmental rug, playpen. The kid will be able to watch his reflection, smile and movements. By the way, the child can already independently play with himself with his arms and legs. Socks and bracelets with funny little animals and "ringers" are perfect for this. Thus, at 4 months old, educational games serve as both leisure, development, and entertainment for a child. Give them due attention.

Mastering Coups

The development of a child at 4 months of age includes the development of new movements. These include independent coups of the baby on the tummy. If you put the child on his stomach, then he will raise his head and arms. From the outside, it will look like an adult pushing up from the floor. This movement helps develop musculature and understand the world many times better. When the child rolls over on his tummy, he may be frightened. At this moment, it is important to praise, please and encourage the baby so that he is not afraid.

child and objects

There are many opinions on the topic: "A child of 4 months - how to develop?" You can argue and reason endlessly, but each will certainly touch on the topic of the interaction of the baby with objects. At 4 months, the child begins to pull literally everything that comes into his hands into his mouth. What can be done to prevent this behavior? The answer is simple - nothing. This is a completely natural process of learning about the world around us, but there are several rules that you can follow to protect your baby from adverse outcomes. research activities. To begin with, remember that you should not leave small objects near the baby. He, as already mentioned, begins to examine the little thing, after which he drags it into his mouth. In addition, if the child can reach an object on his own, then be sure that it will be in your baby's hands.

Remember, a child can take on for a long time even the simplest, but safe little thing. If you give a rattle, you will notice that your baby is merrily shaking it to make it rattle. You should not keep things with filler near him, which he can tear and taste the contents.

At this time for proper development a child will come in handy for a child. He will definitely help the correct formation of the children's skeleton.

What can a baby at 4 months know?

So we discussed the question of how to develop such young age can do a lot. For example, they learn to roll over on their stomach (we already talked about this earlier). In addition, the baby learns to crawl (first in a plastunsky way), helping himself with his arms and legs. Around this time, some children are already trying to sit up. However, in no case do not force things and be sure to support the back of the crumbs.

Regardless of nationality, a baby at 4 months will already begin to show signs of speech. He must clearly pronounce the syllables "ba", "ma", "pa", from which he will then make up the most primitive, but at the same time his first words. It is these syllables that parents often consider the first words of the baby.

The day of the child is also increasing. Now he can stay awake for more than two hours in a row. For a while, the baby can entertain himself on his own. This allows parents to devote at least a little time to each other and household chores.

During this period, the child is very actively learns the world around him. As we have already said, he tries to pull all the objects that fall into his hands into his mouth. Thus is the knowledge of the world. The behavior of the baby requires constant monitoring and attention. At this time, he can easily choke or injure himself, trying to try something “by the teeth”. It would be nice to start cleaning up all sharp objects in the house and hiding them, because the time is not far off when the baby learns to crawl and walk, which means that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis research activity will increase significantly.

End result

Now you can sum up what a 4 month old baby can do, how to develop it and how to understand that your baby is developing correctly. Do not immediately panic about the fact that your child is lagging behind in development if he does not cope with the tasks that we described in this article. A slightly "delayed reaction" is often observed if the baby was born prematurely.

Do not despair if your child does not know how to do what one or another of his peers can already do. Remember that all children develop differently, you should not compare your baby with someone, compare it only with yourself (what he was a week, a month ago, what he learned, etc.).

The above article is not a canon, which the baby must obey and 100% comply with.

Most importantly, remember that from birth, a baby needs your attention and care.

Only you, the parents, are responsible for his development and health. Pay more attention to your child, raise him in kindness, love and affection. Only in this case, the baby will develop correctly and actively, even if, compared to others, he will be slightly “lagging behind”. Now you know how to develop a baby at 4 months old. Good luck to you and your baby!

Your 4-month-old baby can be fed on-demand breast milk or highly adapted formula. No complementary foods, including fruit juices, cereals and purees in such early age it is still impossible to enter, since the baby's intestines are not yet sufficiently developed and there are no enzymes capable of digesting such food! As recommended World Organization Health care, the first one-component vegetable complementary foods are introduced only from 6 months, it doesn’t matter: on breastfeeding baby or artificial. We wrote in detail about the dangers of earlier complementary foods in an article about what a 3-month-old baby can eat.

Apart from breast milk, if it is very small, the mother can give the child a highly adapted milk formula. In this case, first we apply the child to the chest, and only then we supplement it with the mixture. If breast milk decreases day by day, then gradually we transfer the baby completely to artificial feeding, starting with 30 ml of the mixture per day. We continue to give 30 ml for 4-5 days, carefully monitoring the child's condition, his behavior and stool. If everything is fine (there is no profuse regurgitation, diarrhea, diathesis), then we increase the volume of the mixture gradually and turn off lactation in 2-3 weeks.

Before choosing a formula and transferring a 4-month-old baby to willow, be sure to consult with your pediatrician and breastfeeding consultant, perhaps they will give advice on maintaining lactation, because breast milk contains biologically active substances, enzymes, hormones, immunoglobulins.

What formula can a 4 month old baby eat

Highly adapted milk formulas are prepared on the basis of cow's milk or casein, are as close as possible in composition to women's milk and correspond to the characteristics of a child's metabolism, so they fully justify their high cost. Adaptation is carried out by protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral components.

Classification of mixtures:

  • The most adapted dry mixes based on whey: "NAN-1" (Switzerland); Nutrilon-1 (Holland), Pre-HIPP, HIPP-1 (Austria), Enfamil-1 (USA), Humana-1 (Germany), Samper Baby-1 (Sweden) ), "Frisolak".
  • Slightly less adapted mixtures based on casein: "Similak" (USA); Nestle Nestogen (Switzerland).
  • Little adapted: "Malyutka", "Kid" (Russia), "Anta-mil" (Germany). They can be given to a child to eat from 4 months (not earlier) and, preferably, only for a short time.
  • If a child is allergic to cow's milk protein, the pediatrician may recommend goat milk formulas, such as Kabrita, Nanny, or other hypoallergenic ones.

How much should a 4 month old baby eat

For a breastfed baby, breastfeeding continues on demand (about 8 times a day), including at night. Starting from 3 months of regular feeding, there should be milk in the breast “according to the needs of the baby”, no more and no less than he needs. Main criterion successful feeding: weight gain of 150-200 grams per week, calm behavior and sleep.

On artificial feeding, the child eats about 6-7 times a day with a 2-3 hour interval. For one feeding eats 140 - 180 ml of the mixture. Daily rate - 900 - 1000 ml.

In the first months of a baby's life, breast milk or an adapted milk formula completely provides the baby with all essential vitamins and nutrients. However, as the child grows, his needs increase, and the usual food already at 4-6 months is not a sufficient source of energy and minerals. There is a need to expand the diet and introduce additional elements into it that will increase its calorie content.

For many parents, it is important to accustom the baby to eat adult food as soon as possible, but is it possible to start at four months?

What should be the diet at 4 months?

Compliance with a certain daily routine creates the foundation for the harmonious and full development of the child. With the right routine, not only the child will feel comfortable, but it will also become much more convenient for parents to carry out daily care for the little one.

TimeSchedule and sequence of actions
6.30 First feeding.
until 8.00Waking period. Hygiene procedures, gymnastics and games.
8.00-10.00 Morning dream. It is the strongest and most useful after the night.
10.30 Second feeding.
until 12.30Wakefulness, which includes games, communication, massage.
from 12.30Day dream. It is desirable to carry it out during a walk on fresh air. It benefits respiratory system and brain activity of the crumbs.
14.30 Third feeding.
until 16.30Awake.
from 16.30Evening sleep.
18.00-18.30 The fourth feeding at the request of the baby.
From 18.30Awake. During this period, in addition to games, it is recommended to carry out gymnastics with the baby, aimed at strengthening muscles, and bathing.
22.30 Fifth last feeding before bedtime.

Times are approximate and may vary. It is important to feed the child on this schedule so that the intervals between meals are 3-4 hours.

Daily routine and nutrition are important components for the proper development of the child

How much should a child eat?

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In the menu of a child at 4 months, the main component remains breast milk for breastfeeding, an adapted mixture for artificial feeding, or a combination of them for mixed feeding. One meal is usually 150-170 ml, as a result, the daily volume of how much the baby should eat ranges from 900 to 1200 ml.

The diet and its components

With HB at 4 months, complementary foods are not introduced. According to WHO recommendations, for breastfeeding infants, it should be started at six months of age. It is advisable to feed the baby and introduce new foods into the diet at 4 months only if the baby has already been transferred to artificial feeding or is mixed (more in the article:). However, there are limitations in the situation with artificials. You should not expand the menu if the little one has:

  • there is a tendency to allergies;
  • there are diseases of the digestive system;
  • has been vaccinated in the recent past or is about to be vaccinated in the immediate future.

Early feeding at the age of four months refers to children at risk - with insufficient weight gain, functional indigestion, iron deficiency anemia.

Do not introduce complementary foods to a healthy baby who is breastfed

Where to start feeding? Option two - vegetables or cereals. From the first, they begin to feed children prone to constipation or quickly gaining weight. Next, cereals are introduced. Micronutrient-fortified baby cereals are ideal for feeding babies with little weight gain or a high risk of anemia.

The very first vegetables are introduced:

  • vegetable marrow;
  • any varieties of cabbage, except for white cabbage;
  • potato.

These products are the least allergens. After them, you can try to diversify the vegetable menu with carrots, pumpkins or tomatoes.

Modern manufacturers of baby food offer a wide selection of all kinds of vegetable purees. Three types of puree are distinguished depending on the degree of grinding:

  1. Homogenized. Designed for children from 4.5 months.
  2. Puree. Children can eat at 6-9 months.
  3. coarsely ground. For children aged 9-12 months.

Vegetables are the first food to be introduced to a baby.

It is not necessary to buy ready-made puree, it is easy to make it yourself from fresh or frozen vegetables. First, the selected vegetables need to be boiled, and then mash the puree with an ordinary pusher or in a blender. In the finished puree, you can add vegetable or melted butter no more than 3-4 grams.

Simultaneously with vegetables and cereals, oil is introduced into complementary foods as a new product. With vegetable oil, crumbs can be introduced as early as 4.5 months, and with butter not earlier than 5-6 months. The oil provides the baby with nutrients, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and the necessary amount of energy.


When introducing cereals into the diet, you should first choose cereals that do not contain gluten - rice, buckwheat and cornmeal. Gluten is a protein that can cause pain and bloating in babies. Cereals such as millet, rye, barley and oats are gluten-containing.

The principles for introducing cereals are similar to the rules for introducing any new product. First, you need to introduce the baby to one of the types of cereals - on the first day, offer 1 tsp, on the second - 2, on the third 4, etc. (doubling the product). After getting acquainted with several types of cereals, the baby can be offered multi-grain dishes.


As soon as the child begins to feed, water is introduced into his diet (if the crumbs were not previously fed). Standard daily rate water recommended by pediatricians does not exceed 100 ml.

Water, like any product, is introduced gradually, starting with a spoon

As for juices, it is better to postpone their introduction until the moment when the baby has already tried cereals, vegetables, fruits and meat. They contain vitamins and minerals in small quantities, and therefore they do not play the most important role in the growth and development of the baby.

Daily feeding rates at 4 months

The feeding regimen of a child at the age of 4 months has its own characteristics and norms. The table below shows a typical diet for a 4-month-old baby. Let's see what and how much he should eat for 1 feeding:

* Scheme of gradual increase in the volume of the product up to 150 gr. presented below.

You need to feed the child in small portions, gradually increasing them.

The introduction of complementary foods requires compliance with elementary rules that will help to secure the baby's acquaintance with new products:

  1. Any unfamiliar product must be given in the morning.
  2. The first time the product is given in a volume of 1-2 teaspoons before feeding with formula or milk.
  3. In the absence of an allergic reaction or other negative manifestations from the digestive system, the next time you can increase the volume, gradually reaching the daily norm.

On initial stage the baby may refuse a new product. This is normal - all children are addicted to new food runs individually. Continue to offer your baby a new product periodically.

Below are two examples of new product introductions:

Nutrition in the third or fourth month of life.

Normally, a baby in the fourth month eats an amount of food corresponding to about "/6 or 1/7 of his weight. This is about 1 kg. If you divide the indicated amount by 5 feedings, you get 200 g per feeding. When breastfeeding, you should make sure that the baby sucks milk from the breast completely, only in this condition the volume of milk secreted by the mammary gland will increase.At each feed, give the baby only one breast.If the baby has eaten, and there is still milk left, carefully express it.At about 3.5 months you can give your baby yolk chicken egg. Start giving the yolk little by little - as if just to taste it - before breastfeeding. Increase the amount of yolk every day. After 1 week, you should be giving your baby half a yolk a day. At the age of four months, you can give your child cottage cheese, which is one of the main sources of protein and mineral salts. Also start little by little - with 1/2 teaspoon. For 2 weeks, gradually increase the amount of cottage cheese given to the child to 4 teaspoons. A child who is breastfed at 3.5 months should have the following diet:
6.00 - mother's breast milk (if the child is bottle-fed - milk formula);
9.30 - mother's breast milk, 20 ml fruit juice, "/4 part of the yolk;
13.00 - mother's breast milk; 30 g fruit puree;
16.30 - mother's breast milk; 30 ml fruit juice;
20.00 - mother's breast milk; 20 g fruit puree.
(This is if you are not yet giving vegetable purees at 3.5 months)

Time of introduction of complementary foods.

Nowadays, most experts in baby nutrition agree that it is best to start giving complementary foods at the age of a child from 4-5 months. Specifically for your child, you should discuss the timing of the introduction of complementary foods with the local pediatrician. If the child develops well, is always cheerful, cheerful, full of energy, you can start from 3.5 months. If your doctor, assessing the child's condition as satisfactory, prescribes complementary foods, you should introduce it, increasing the dose over 1 to 2 weeks. Otherwise, you can provoke a serious digestive upset in a child. Look closely at the reaction of the child (whether he became lethargic and capricious), to changes in the stool. Complementary foods (egg yolk with milk, vegetable and fruit tore) from the very beginning, give the child with a spoon, although these dishes are semi-liquid. In addition to the fact that it is more convenient to give complementary foods from a spoon, there is also an educational moment in this; the child gradually prepares to receive more dense food. Do not give two or more new foods at once. The child must get used first to one, then to another dish. Only when the child is accustomed to one food, you can offer him the next. If your child is formula-fed, give him all types of complementary foods a little earlier (1-2 weeks) than they are given to a child who is breast-fed. But the sequence of adding new dishes to the diet remains the same. Complementary foods should be subjected, in addition to thermal, to sufficient mechanical processing, i.e., carefully crushed. A child who has received only liquid food so far is unlikely to cope with food that is poorly ground. And even if he swallows, it will be difficult for him to digest it. Possible vomiting. Why is it recommended to give complementary foods before the main meal (before mother's breast milk or adapted formula)?.. The explanation is simple: when a child has already satisfied his hunger with milk or formula, you will not force him to eat a complementary food. Therefore, it will be difficult for the child to get used to new dishes. Practice shows, however, that when you just start giving your baby complementary foods, i.e., more solid food, and do this before you give the breast, the child begins to get angry; he does not yet know that he is given food, he is hungry and waiting for milk. In this case, start feeding with milk (milk adapted formula), and on the following days, give complementary foods in the middle of feeding; and even later - at the beginning of feeding. But in the end, complementary foods are given before the main course - before breast milk. Do not get carried away with sugar, do not necessarily try to sweeten everything in order to attract the child to the complementary food dish. You can only spoil everything with sugar, since the abundance of sugar in a dish reduces appetite. The child must appreciate natural taste product.

Vegetable food.

In the fourth month, you give your baby vegetable complementary foods. First, give a little - taste. Children generally enjoy variety in their diet. But it happens that the child will push out the first portion with his tongue. And only when he appreciates a new dish, he begins to eat. Vegetable complementary foods are very small at first 4-5 teaspoons before midday breastfeeding. It is more expedient to start with one vegetable product (for example, potatoes or carrots). You give this puree time after time and watch the baby; when you notice that the child is used to this puree, you begin to introduce him to another vegetable. And a little later, when the baby has tried several vegetables, you can prepare mixed purees for him. Moreover, these purees can be dominated by those vegetables that the child liked more than others. So he will be more willing to accept complementary foods. Vegetable purees are especially needed for those children who were born prematurely or have certain manifestations of rickets. As a rule, when you give complementary foods, some of it disappears (especially when you are just starting to give a new dish, and the child, without tasting it, pushes it out with his tongue). This is normal, because the child still does not know how to eat neatly. And you should not regret the lost food. Moreover, you should not collect mashed potatoes from the child’s clothes and again send them into his mouth. Treat these small losses philosophically and do not reproach the baby.

Preparation of mashed potatoes.

You probably have a small enamel saucepan. In it, you prepare dishes designed exclusively for your baby. Boil potatoes in this saucepan. It's best to boil coarsely chopped potatoes so that the nutrients don't escape into the boiling water (you're not boiling soup). Mash the boiled potatoes thoroughly so that there is not a single hard lump. In the process of kneading, add a little hot milk (this is necessary to obtain a semi-liquid consistency of mashed potatoes). Salt can be added very little or not added at all. In a child (remember your childhood taste sensations) taste buds very sensitive, and the child perceives the taste much richer than an adult. Bring the resulting semi-liquid puree to a boil once, and then add vegetable oil to it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 g of puree.

Making carrot puree.

Carrots should be thoroughly washed and then peeled. Then cut into pieces - not very small - so that the nutrients are not extracted into the water during cooking. Pour carrot pieces with a minimum amount of water and simmer over low heat. The lid must be closed, let the water boil away completely - in this case, the carrot pieces are processed with hot steam. When the water has boiled away and the carrots have acquired a soft texture, the pieces are rubbed through a sieve. Hot milk is added at the same time. You can add a little salt, then boil the semi-liquid puree for a few minutes. To conclude, add vegetable oil at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 g of puree.

Mixed vegetable food.

Potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, pumpkins, turnips, beets, herbs, tomatoes, etc. are used to prepare mixed vegetable foods. The vegetables used are washed thoroughly cold water, finely chopped and boiled in a small amount of water; can be in a pressure cooker. Vegetables are cooked until soft. Then the puree is made. Be sure to add hot milk and vegetable oil during cooking. When preparing mixed mashed potatoes, refrain from giving too many potatoes. Some consider potatoes to be the main food and, of course, they are mistaken in this. Potatoes have too much starch and not enough calcium that the baby needs. Let the potatoes be the base of the mash if you want, but you don't want the potatoes to take up more than half of the mash.

Mixed and canned purees

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to prepare fresh fruit or vegetable puree (not the season or you are on a trip), you can use ready-made purees, there are many of them on sale. Never forget to pay attention to the expiration date. As a rule, canned purees are mixtures of different vegetables and fruits (pumpkins, zucchini, green peas, apples, peaches, pears). Mixed purees are good not only for their taste, but also because they contain the widest range of nutrients- mineral salts, vitamins. Try different purees, don't stop at one. Canned purees are available in convenient packages: in hermetically sealed glass jars from 190 to 360 ml.

Vegetable soup

At the fourth month, you can already cook vegetable soup for your baby. It's easy to prepare. Fresh vegetables(potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, parsley, etc.) are thoroughly washed with running water, peeled, finely chopped and boiled in a small enameled saucepan for up to an hour and a half, that is, they are given away almost completely. If there are dense lumps left, they should be thoroughly kneaded. About a third of the broth should evaporate during cooking. In the resulting soup, add a full tablespoon of semolina and a little bit (to taste) in equal amounts of flour and butter. Simmer for another 10 minutes and let the soup settle. You can salt, but only slightly; do not accustom the child to salt. In such a soup, you can add carefully pureed greens. This will not only improve taste qualities dishes, but also add fresh vitamins to it. Over time, the amount of complementary foods should increase and gradually replace breastfeeding.

Periods of loss of appetite

Every child, like every adult, has periods of loss of appetite. Perhaps this is due in babies with the introduction of some new very nutritious food. And you begin to persuade the child and do not leave him and push a spoon into his mouth ... Do not torture the child. He ate as much as he wanted. If you are sure that he is healthy (cheerful and cheerful), do not force him to eat up the prescribed norm. And if it seems to you that the baby is sick, all the more so do not insist that he eat a lot. From an overabundance of food, he may begin to vomit.

And he can direct all his attention and energy to the knowledge of the world and communication. Moreover, the latter is becoming more and more important and significant in the life of a little man.

A child at this age, along with food, sleep and care, needs to interact with other people. First of all, with my mother. A four-month-old baby already clearly distinguishes her from the rest of her relatives.

Physical development

Since the baby is not yet very moving and wasting energy, the weight gain is still significant, although less than in previous months. From the moment of birth, the baby gains about three kilos. Growth increases by 2 - 3 centimeters per month.

For a more accurate determination of the weight and height characteristic of harmonious development, pediatricians have special "centile" tables.

What should a child be able to do at 4 months?

Be sure to read the information of the pediatrician, which answers very important question, .

It will also be useful for parents to find out how a two-month-old baby develops and what a two-month-old baby should be able to do.

Find out from a meaningful and informative article by a pediatrician about how it happens.

detailed information from an experienced children's doctor, telling about how and how to deal with him.

  • the baby must definitely hold his head confidently and twist his neck, looking around;
  • rises on the forearms, holding the upper body;
  • determines the source of the sound by turning the head towards it;
  • at 4 months, the baby should roll over from back to side and further on to the stomach. Learn to roll over from stomach to back
  • grabs the rattle and holds it;
  • when pulling on the handles, he tries to sit down.

The fourth month of life is very early time for targeted landings. The spine of the baby is not yet strong for such loads. These skills are best mastered after 5 months, provided that the child himself tries to sit down. This is especially important for girls. Early sitting down can provoke an incorrect formation of the location of the uterus. In the future, this threatens with problems with conception and childbirth. The boy is not so strict;

  • everything goes into the mouth. In this way, the baby learns the world. The task of parents is to secure the space around the baby as much as possible;
  • learning to clap;
  • when feeding, holds the mother's breast or a bottle of formula with her hands.

Make sure that there are no small objects or things near the child from which you can easily break off or bite off a piece. Although there are no teeth yet, a baby's gums are strong enough to bite off a piece of something soft or fragile.

A newborn child has certain reflexes that exist up to a certain age. They are called transitory. Beginning with three months, reflexes begin to fade.

There is a time limit for everyone. 3- month old baby there should no longer be a search, protective, proboscis and Babkin reflex.

Fading away at 4 months the following reflexes:

  • grasping reflex. If you put the fingers of an adult in the arms of a baby, the baby will tightly grasp them. A four-month-old child is already aware of hand movements. His grips are purposeful and controlled by the baby himself;
  • crawling reflex. If the child is laid out on his stomach and his hands are pressed tightly against the soles of his feet, the baby will reflexively push off. This reflex is the basis of the crawling skill. With its stimulation, the baby will begin to develop the crawling skill a little earlier;
  • Moro reflex. The child throws up his arms and makes hugging movements with a sharp sound, bright light, or when exposed to any internal stimuli. It is because of him, throwing up their arms, newborns wake up, forcing even the most ardent opponents of swaddling to wrap the crumbs in swaddling clothes at night.

Reflexes not only fade, but also appear. They are called installations. By 4 months, the upper Landau reflex is formed. It is expressed in the fact that the baby, being on his stomach, raises the upper part of the body and is held in this position, leaning on his hands.

Psycho-emotional development

  1. The “complex of revival” is easily called. At the sight of parents or other familiar people, a 4-month-old baby smiles, rejoices, actively moves his arms and legs, and hums.
  2. He recognizes his mother, distinguishes her from the rest.
  3. Smiling at his own reflection.
  4. Babbling. At times you can hear not only individual sounds, but also the syllable "ma", "pa", "ba". This is still unconscious onomatopoeia, the progenitor of future active speech.
  5. Expresses various emotions. It is no longer just joy and sadness. Anger, resentment, fear are added.
  6. Behavior also becomes more differentiated. If the kid likes the game, he rejoices. When it stops, she starts crying. Among the toys, he singles out his favorite ones, with whom he is ready to engage constantly.
  7. Easily determines the source of the sound by turning your head towards it. The child begins to perceive music. Responds well to rhythmic or melodic song.
  8. Focuses, listens at the sound of his name.
  9. He begins to feel his body in space, gets acquainted with it. It's fun to watch a baby who is staring at his hands or feeling his feet. Such are the children - knowledge through the game.
  10. The vision of a baby is almost at the level of an adult. The baby can already distinguish several colors - red, yellow and blue.

No need to bore the child with multi-colored toys. A large number of colors and shades strain the organ of vision and create an increased load on the nervous system.

When breastfeeding in the nutrition of the child, everything remains the same. There are fewer attachments to the breast, a feeding regimen is emerging.

The lactation crisis of the third month is behind, it is developed strictly according to the feeding schedule. Sensations in the form of tingling and bursting upon the arrival of milk are no longer so disturbing for a nursing mother.

If the mother is exclusively breastfeeding, no complementary foods are introduced at this age. It is possible to supplement water with fever, vomiting and in a child and in conditions of heat.

With artificial feeding, the introduction of diluted juices into the diet is allowed. Digestive system the artificial is already quite ready for their digestion.

Be sure to check out the detailed and informative article by a children's doctor, which answers a common parenting question,.

Why you should not rush with feeding juices? The introduction of juices can provoke regurgitation due to acidification internal environment stomach. After sweet juices, the baby may refuse to try vegetables or cereals that are tasteless, in his opinion.

  • baby's interest in adult food;
  • the child holds his head well, sits confidently or with support;
  • when food (not milk or mixture) gets into the mouth, it does not push it out;
  • doubling weight since birth;
  • the baby holds the spoon and seeks to put it in his mouth;
  • appearance of the first teeth.

Sleep and daily routine

The child sleeps most of the day - about 15 hours. Of these, night sleep takes 10. The remaining time is distributed between three daytime.

In most cases, all night long. He wakes up several times to be reinforced with milk or formula.

We bring to your attention an article by a child psychologist, which discusses the main and most popular.

Today this phrase is replicated, fashionable, relevant.

But all the simplest games, communication, explanations and tactile contact - all this can be called developing.

  • massage and gymnastics. Can be used separately or together. Massage is useful to do after waking up and before bathing. Gymnastics consists in passive movements (flexion, extension) of the baby's limbs, flips and stimulating crawling by pressing your fingers on the child's heels. Fitball is also well combined with this process. A set of classes with him is simple, and information is easy to find on the Internet;
  • maximum tactile contact. It is vital for a baby. Carry your baby in your arms, in a sling, breastfeed, do a light stroking massage;
  • toys. The toy park for a 4-month-old baby is much wider than, for example, for a one-month-old baby. Teethers are added to the rattles, because the baby really wants to pull everything into his mouth and gnaw with itchy gums. It will be interesting for the baby to try to touch fabric bags of different textures filled with buckwheat, semolina, peas, and small balls. The developing mat becomes a whole storehouse of sensations. Here are colors, fabrics of different tactile sensations, toys hanging over the head, which must be captured, a mirror in which it is very interesting to look and recognize oneself;
  • verbal communication. Children are great imitators. The more often they hear the sounds of speech, the easier it will be for them to master it;
  • jokes, jokes. Familiar to everyone since childhood "Magpie-Crow", "Horned Goat", "Ladushki" and others. The child also likes the rhythmic sound, accompanied by action - bathing, finger gymnastics, dressing, tickling, stroking;
  • "Coo-coo". At first glance, a simple game for the amusement of a baby. In fact, through the game action, the child is aware that the parent, when he leaves his field of vision, then necessarily returns. On this basis, the baby develops confidence in the world.

When should you worry?

There is a certain mandatory list of what a child can do at 4 months. Parents need to know this. But if the child is 4 months old and has at least one a sign of the following, the first thing to do is to urgently consult a doctor:

  • the baby does not hold his head;
  • lying on the stomach, does not rise on the forearms;
  • the child does not roll over;
  • does not react to sounds, does not look for their source;
  • the baby does not show a “complex of revival” at the sight of the mother;
  • does not hold the rattle and does not even try to try to grab it;
  • demonstrates reflexes that should fade by this age.

In order to avoid unnecessary anxiety or, on the contrary, unwanted peace of mind, find out from the article of an ophthalmologist.

Carefully monitor the development of the baby, but do not compare it with peers. Each baby develops at its own pace.

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